• Published 1st Aug 2018
  • 516 Views, 0 Comments

Just Fishing - DrRockso

Going on a fishing trip with Applejack turns out to be better than i thought

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Lines in the Water

The soft sound of treading water could be heard across the lake as a small aluminum boat with two oars made its way from the shallow bank, out to the middle of the lake. The occasional call of a songbird or crow would echo out across the lake, adding to the serenity and peace of the great outdoors.

“Hey thanks for inviting me out here Applejack, this has to be one of the most peaceful places I’ve ever seen” I said setting the oars in the boat.

“Yer welcome sugarcube...yah know sometimes ah like tah come out here when I feel stressed” Applejack said smiling as she put a worm on her hook.

“So how did you find out about this place” I asked casting my line into the water.

“Ah found out about this place from Granny Smith, she’s used to come here as a teenager years ago” Applejack said before casting her line out a few yards from mine.

For a while now you and Applejack have been the best of friends and whenever she needed a hand around the farm you were always there to help her out even when you had more important things to do. You always helped her out no matter how difficult the circumstances and eventually you loved being around her and helping her out. Even people at school could have sworn that you and Applejack were a couple. One day I woke up and realized that I loved Applejack and there was no way around it, however confessing my love for her was very hard for me, I didn’t want to jeopardize my friendship with her and I wasn’t the greatest person when it came to sharing emotions, in some ways it made me seem cold. Pretending to be her best friend was slowly killing me inside. If I don’t tell her how I feel I swear I’m going to explode.

“An now we wait” Applejack said leaning back and lowering her Stetson over her face.

“Looks like you won’t have to wait long” I said looking at her bobber which was already starting to shake on top of the water.

Applejack tipped her hat up and grabbed her fishing pole. “Come on….come on…..” she said whispering as she waited for the bobber to go under. With the eyes of an eagle, Applejack kept her watch on the bobber just waiting for it to go under.

No sooner had she spoken the bobber darted underwater. Applejack yanked the fishing pole back as hard as she could and started to reel the line in.

Within seconds Applejack had the fish in the boat flopping around. Unhooking the fish from the hook she held the small crappie up with a smile on her face. “That’s one partner” she joked before throwing it back.

“It’s still early…..besides I’m the fishing master” I said confidently with a smile.

“Alright Rainbow Dash” she chuckled.

A few minutes passed when I noticed that something was nibbling on my line. Soon enough the bobber went underwater. Jerking the pole back I hooked what I thought was a monster fish. As I went to reel it in I discovered in disappointment that it was only a turtle.

“That’s some kind of fish” Applejack joked smiling brightly.

I felt my face starting to turn red….so far my fishing skills were not the best and usually I was a pretty good fisherman.

“Well it’s better than nothing” I said as I fished a pair of pliers out of my tackle box. After cutting the line, I threw the small reptile back into the water and watched it swim away.

“So I take it the scores is 1 to 1” I said with a smile as I turned back to Applejack.

“Nice try sugarcube, but turtles don’t exactly count” Applejack said with a smirk.

For the next few hours I caught a few fish, but Applejack on the other hand was slaying fish. I had no idea how she did it, she probably knew the location better than I did and what rigs to use. By now the summer sun was starting to beat down on us. “Ah don’t know about you but I’m getting hungry” she said as she opened the cooler.

“Yeah I could go for lunch” I said as I rowed the boat to a shadier spot along the shoreline. After tying the boat to a sturdy oak tree, we opened up the cooler and began to eat our meal.

Lunch consisted of turkey sandwiches, a bag of chips and some Mountain Dew. “Man….Granny Smith makes a mean sandwich” I said after taking a bite. Applejack laughed as she herself enjoyed a ham sandwich.

“Yeah you’ll be surprised what she can whip up” she said leaning back against the bow.

“So how’s the family been, I’ve been busy this summer so I haven’t really been able to work with ya’ll much” I asked her after taking a sip of Mountain Dew.

“They all doing good, Granny’s still feisty as ever, Mac’s still courtin Sugarbelle and Applebloom’s still trying to find her purpose in life.

“I see….the usual then huh”? I asked.

“Basically” she said cheerfully as she took a bite of apple.

“So what have you been up to lately” I asked her.

“Yah know I was just about tah ask yah the same thing” she replied.

“You first”

“Well I have this big responsibility being the element of honesty an all, it seems like every other day we’re saving the world from some kind of crazy Equestrian magic”.

“So that would explain all the strange events happening around the school….something seemed off” I said scratching my long brown hair as it all made sense now.

Ever since I had started going to CHS, I had been noticing strange occurrences around the school. During Freshman year a friend showed me a video of Sunset turning into a demon and then proceed to make the entire school her personal zombie army. Later that year I heard from the same friend about how Applejack and her friends prevented three evil siren like girls from enslaving everyone at the school. I was personally there during the friendship games when a giant tentacle vine nearly killed Rainbow Dash and if that wasn’t enough I heard about the whole magical battle with some girl name Gloriosa Daisy at Camp Everfree. I wondered within the dark recesses of my mind if the Equestrian government knew about the strange magic coming from another dimension. It was enough to send shutters up my spine if they knew what was going on.

“Heck last week me an tha gals were dealing with this character called Vignette Valencia, apparently she’s was some type of “Social Media” sensation” Applejack said air quoting social media.

“Huh…never hear of her” I said stuffing the bag of chips back into the side pocket of the cooler.

“I’ve never been much of a social media person, I really don’t care for apps nor trends….shoot I prefer a call over text” I said honestly.

Applejack sighed happily “Finally someone who feels the same way” she said breaking into a grin.

“Say how about we get back to fishing” I suggested grabbing my fishing pole.

“You ready to get whooped again Andrew” Applejack said winking before punching me lightly on the arm.

“Whatever A.J” I said sarcastically, as I cast the bobber into the water once again.

Pretty soon 30 minutes passed before I spoke again “I think I’ll get another Mountain Dew” I said standing up. During that moment I forgot that I was in an aluminum rowboat and when I went to step forward the entire boat shifted sideways. To prevent us from capsizing I tried to step backwards but soon found myself falling. Applejack jumped up and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt to keep me from falling out of the boat. The weight proved to be too much and I pulled her over into the bottom of the boat. When I opened my eyes I felt Applejack’s nose against mine as I stared into her beautiful emerald green eyes. She was completely on top of me and her face was redder than a tomato. I instantly felt my cheeks get red hot along with other places on my body. There was a pause before Applejack climbed off of me chuckling nervously as she helped me up.

“Uh…heh heh….sorry about that partner” she said as she played with her ponytail in the cutest manner I had ever seen.

“Uh yeah…..it’s ok….just an accident” I said smiling goofily as I fought desperately to stop blushing.

“Y…yeah….an accident” she said sighing softly.

There was a long pause as we continued fishing in silence; however Applejack soon broke the silence between us.

“Uh Sugarcube”?

“Yes Applejack” I said looking back up to her as I opened my 2nd Mountain Dew.

“I’ve been meanin tah ask yah something for some time” she said smiling, a small blush forming on her cheeks.

Wait is she…..blushing?

“Uh….what do you want to know” I said sitting the drink down in the cup holder and readjusting my hat.

“When you first starting working for my family, was it for the money or not…..and don’t lie” she asked innocently.

“Well yes and no…….I mean the money was one reason but it wasn’t the main one” I said honestly as I started to blush uncontrollably.

“What was the main reason” she pushed.

“Well……I just wanted to spend more time with you….your such a great person to be around and over time I guess I found myself falling for you” I said simply.

Wow that was much easier than I thought it was.

Applejack is now blushing harder than ever and it is super cute.

“You mean you spent all those years working cause you wanted to be around me……yer too sweet sugarcube” she said.

“Yeah” I said as I was now redder than the sunburn on my neck as I scratched the back of my head. “I just always loved being around you and spending time with you because I…..I…” I stuttered.

A finger to the lips shut me up as I looked up to Applejack who’s eyes were half lidded.

“I know” she said flipping the hat off my head and leaning in to kiss me. Within no time I was lip locked with the girl who I loved more than anything else in the world. Her lips tasted of cinnamon and apples (no surprise). All those years of hard work and sacrifice was definitely worth it as I played tonsil hockey with Applejack. Wrapping my arms around her I brought her in closer to me as we continued to make out. Finally we parted as we gasped for breath.

“Hey…..your…..a pretty good….kisser” I said gaining my breath.

“You too darling” she said before kissing me on the cheek.

“So now what” I said looking around.

“How does round two sound” she said in a sexy tone that nearly made me die.

“Yes Ma’am” I said as we went back to kissing.


Thank you for reading my fic, romance is typically something I’m not good at, as a reward here is a random song that I like……enjoy.

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