• Published 31st Jul 2018
  • 477 Views, 6 Comments

The Gamer, The A.I. and The Changeling - Corsair49

A new game Unknown to the adults? Only 1 share per download? And you feel the pain? Welcome to the Accelerated World.

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Speed Breaker

"Hey your really good at games. Would you like to play a new one with me?"

That was it how it all began. Of course I'm getting ahead of myself, or am I not far enough ahead? Anyways I guess I should start with everything else. My name I Button Mash. You probably know my closest friends Apple Bloom, Sweetie belle, and Scootaloo. Known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Along with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. It started off as any Monday morning did. A noisy wake up call from the five of my friends to make sure we got to school on time. As always I stayed up too late gaming. So after eating a quick breakfast made by my mom we made our way to the school.

"Hey Scootaloo did you finally beat the record on the Speed Reaction?" Silverspoon inquired.

"You know it! With 3 seconds left to spare I was over by 3200 points from the quick tricks and combos. There's no way anyone will be able to beat my high score now." Scoots explained. Her wings fluttered with pride as she puffed out her chest.

"Button did you take down Rumble, Pip, Snips and Snails yet?"Sweetie asked "I'm getting real sick of their gaudy attitudes claiming they are the best Gamers." Sweetie added more than a little annoyed.

"Sweetie do you even need to ask that?" DT retorted "Obviously we won, Apple Bloom got in a few early spawn kills which set the tide Of course me being the medic I wouldn't let our ace in the whole die while Button was behind enemy lines messing them up. By the by, Silver, good job with the character switch from heavy to the Demoman. Completely through off Snips's pyro play." DT commented.

"Thank you, Diamond but I'm just glad that you were there to cover my flanks Apple bloom." Silver commented.

"Aww shucks, t'was nothing, Button was the real MVP of the match destroying Rumbles mechanic equipment." Apple bloom stated with a mild blush. I merely yawned in response to the praise still trying to wake up.

"After the fight I switched over to Seige for a while. I think Rumble is going to want us to fight in a combat 1v1 game for a match." I explained. Sweetie Belle just sighed. It seemed like something was bothering her.

"So what like, Equine Combat?" Silver Inquired.

"That or Fighterz." I replied.

"So then its simple we 6 just practice against one another using the VR system Silvers' Parents and my daddy bought for our gaming rooms." DT said Haughtily. "I mean its obvious that Rumbles' crew is going to want to play us using that. And Rumble will be having them train against the computer with his set." She added confidently. With that being said we arrived at the school the bell ringing signaling it was the start.

We sat down in our normal spots to the front of the room all next to each other. Ms. Cheerilee however was not in the room yet. It was then that Rumble had thrown a piece of paper at me it hitting my shoulder. Looking back at him he was glaring daggers before he mouthed to read it. DT picked it up before I could though and she dropped it on my desk.

"Ugh. won't he learn?" Scootaloo said obviously annoyed. Rolling my eyes I unfolded the paper and began to read it.

'Hey Loser. You got lucky yesterday but I have an ace in the hole. Wednesday, You, Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara Vs Snails, Pip and Me. VR fight at Sugar Cube Corner Pinkie Pie said she would host it. Get ready for a Public Smackdown'

"So button what does it say?" Sweetie asked.

"Rumble wants to take the match public. A VR fight Scoots Diamond and Myself vs Snails, Pip, and Rumble." I replied. "Wednesday at Sugar Cube Corner."

"Wait a second...isn't Wednesday is the release day of the Newest Game?" Sweetie Belle questioned.

"Now why would Rumble want to do a foolish thing like that, and fight with something no one knows how to play yet?" Apple asked no one in particular.

"Silver Spoon during recess we should check out the data for it so we can set up our team picks." Diamond said. Everyone nodded in response as I just looked at the 5 fillies around me. I couldn't help smiling at it all. 3 Years ago I had just transferred to this school and was a joke because of how much I played video games instead of anything else. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon used to be one of the School's biggest bullies. The biggest being Sunset Shimmer of course. Rumble and I used to be the best of friends. Until I found out he was just taking advantage of the fact that I had some of the rarest games out and he tried to steal one. The Jewel of my collection even, Suikoden 2. It was around this time when Ms. Cheerilee walked in.

"Alright Class. Sorry I'm a little late I was talking with Principal Celestia and I have some extremely exciting news~." Ms. Cheerilee seemed almost too peppy. Like she was nervous but the reason for that was soon shown. "We have a new student. Now he used to be Home schooled but his mother felt he was more than ready for us. So please be nice." She warned us her face never faltering from her smile but her eyes stern. Ms. Cheerilee kinda scares me when she does that. The door opened and in walked a boy who looked no older than Any of the other kids in the class. He wore a red plaid button up that had a collar button that he left open. Grey dress pants and black shoes. His hair was Almost as black as the night. In fact the only thing darker than his hair was his eyes. When I looked at him I didn't see the Eyes of a kid like me or Sweetie Belle or even Diamond Tiara. I saw the eyes of some Powerful Final Boss Villain.

"Everyone this is-" Ms. Cheerilee Stopped as the new student Smiled and looked at her after shaking his head.

"Hello everyone. It's a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Midnight Requiem. To tell you some things about myself I am a hard core gamer. While not a completionist, If i play casually its only when I'm playing the Clover Project with one of my close friends or if I'm playing the story mode. I don't care for Sand box games like Minecraft. I do hope you make this class interesting for me. Because there is nothing more I hate then being bored. With that being said I'm willing to answer any questions if Ms. Cheerilee would permit." The tanned boy looked up at the teacher in question. For some reason it seemed almost like Ms. Cheerilee was almost afraid of him with the way she flinched when he turned his head before she nodded her head vigorously. The other students began to talk among themselves silently. What they said I don't know. For some reason I couldn't get my attention off him.

"Excellent Idea Midnight. This will also be good for you to learn the names of your class mates. So when anyone wants to ask a question if its your first one then be sure say to your name." She said before she sat down. "Midnight your desk will be-" She paused as she looked around the room. Then pointed in my direction. "There behind Button Mash. Button Raise your hand so he knows." Doing as I was told I raised it his eyes then locked with mine. As I slowly put my hand down I noticed he smiled but barely. A slight twitch on the sides of his lips.

"So without further a-do Let the questioning begin." He said. All at once a bunch of questions were being shouted at him like an unstoppable bombardment from TF2's Heavy. Yet he only seemed to laugh.

"Settle down 1 at a time please, I only have 2 ears." It was then when the room went silent after a single voice asked a single question.

"So you're a gamer, would you like to join my Team?" Rumbles voice resonated. The look on his face changed from childlike happiness to shock and then interest all in a matter of moments.

"I'm sorry I don't think I understand the gravity of the question. Can someone explain to me the situation?" His voice was calm and cold. His eyes seemed to have cut through everyone they looked at. I could honestly say at this point this boy, scared me. This much became near public as my hands started to shake. Both Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara saw this and began to whisper into my ears calming words before another Boy stood up this one with a camera around his neck.

"Featherweight of the Canterlot School press, Mr. Requiem. Allow me to explain as it seems you are not from this area. In our little town there are 2 primary gamer group teams for kids our age that stand against a lot of the older people. Both teams are in our very class.

"The first team,Known as Game Crashers is lead by Rumble, the one who asked you, seconded by Pip."- The shorter brown haired boy stood up at the mention of his name, allowing Midnight to put a face to the name. -" Followed by the dynamic disaster duo Snips and Snails." The two followed in suit as Featherweight had gestured to them. Rumbles' team then sat down.

"And their Rivals?" Midnight almost demanded. While curiosity filled his voice there was something off for those last few moments I felt as if he was staring at me. It was then that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stood up.

"Their rivals are none other than the Shining Crusaders." Diamond Tiara said proudly.

"Our undefeated team Consists of a total of six of us. Being Diamond Tiara our proud Support player, Apple Bloom our range game player, Sweetie Belle the Sand Box Princess, Scootaloo our daredevil speedster, Myself, being Silver Spoon as our Tactical shot caller and our Team Captain Button Mash." Each one at the mention of their names gave a subtle Nod or a confident grin and wave. All except for me.

For whatever Reason I felt Paralyzed as if I was hit with a Thunderwave from one of the electric type monsters. Sweetie Belle smiled and put her hand on my shoulder as Diamond Tiara held a nervous smile eyes shifting from him to myself constantly. Slowly I stood up my eyes looking low until I was fully standing. Hesitantly I looked up and met his eyes with mine. I swore I saw a monster worse than Sunset shimmer during the Fall formal and Worse than Twilight Sparkle during the Friendship games. This wasn't some pony based apparition, and boy did it make me flinch. When he saw that he frowned.

"H-hello, I am Button Mash, I hope we can play together." Slowly I put out my hand and he looked at it before smiling softly. I didn't notice it at the time but Rumble and Featherweight had apparently made there way to the front of the class.

"Hello, Button Mash." He went to reach for my hand to shake it when Rumble intercepted it.

"Sorry to cut in but the rivalry is mixed with a few bad attitudes. So if you shake his hand I'll have to take back my invitation." Rumble's voice was that aggravating coy and nonchalant.

"Hey Rumble. Did you ever think maybe he doesn't want to join you're team?" My words came out with more venom than I intended to the point Rumble and Featherweight turned to look at me. Featherweight with his camera at the ready.

"I'm sorry what was that? I don't think I heard you over that fearful look in your eyes." Rumble said his eyes narrowing and his face turning into a snarl. I knew Rumble was trying to bait me. He's been trying to bait me for a long time. So I don't know why now of all times I took it.

"Oh I'm sure you must have a lot of trouble hearing people since your head is always up in the clouds Rumble." I Moved forward to stand up to him. The tensions rose in the room. Out of the corner of my Eye I saw featherweight lift his Camera to see if we turned into a brawl.

"Ah so there it is.... okay then gentlemen. You're both civilized gamers, why don't we settle it this way. Whomever can beat me in any game that you both agree on." Midnight Quickly stated.

"Sure we can do it this Wednesday after I teach this poser his lesson. Do you know where Sugar Cube Corner is?" Rumble said as he turned his head away from me to look at the Midnight.

"I believe that is a confectionery shop in the suburbs correct?" Midnight asked with a slightly strained look as he tried to recall it.

"That's Right. If you need a Ride let me know, I can get my big brother to take us." Rumble said proudly.

"That or he can show up in style in a Limo." Diamond Tiara stated. "I mean after all it does seem like he's going to be our referee."

"Can I assume its for the new game? If so I have no issue with that. I Beta tested it. But I'll find my own way as my mother wouldn't like me to be picking sides so early. " The moment Midnight finished talking the bell rang signalling for Recess for us to begin.

"Midnight, I do believe that is enough for now. You may want to go see Professor Discord, now for your next class. Make sure you're mother is aware In case of something coming up." Ms. Cheerilee stated. "The rest of you hurry on and go have fun." she finished Midnight nodding left after taking out his phone and texting someone. The rest of the class was all rushing to go out and have fun. DT and Silver both began to talk strategy with Scootaloo as Applebloom and Sweetie bell took out their Joyboy's. That was Until a moment later Scoots' Joyboy started to buzz. Grabbing it quickly to see what was up we all watched as her eyes grew wide in disbelief.

"B-but that's Impossible... No one should've been able to beat my highscore..." Her eyes grew frantic as she looked at us before laughing. She showed us what was going on.

"It's a joke Right?" She asked wanting us to lie to make her feel better. "That's MY game, no one has ever received that many points." As Sweetie belle gave it to me Scootaloo continued to rant in disbelief. The leader board scores where shown.

1. MROL 99987612
2. SCTS 79513211
3. SNAL 79510011

"Button... It's a lie Right?" She begged with tears in her eyes. I'll be honest... at that time I wanted it to be a joke. I wanted to tell her that yeah it was just some hacker. But after seeing the tag of who made that score. For some reason I knew exactly who it was. All I could do was pull Scootaloo into a deep hug which was joined by the other crusaders as she cried. Her joyboy buzzed again. But none of us paid any attention to it. We should have because of the message that was left.