• Published 1st Aug 2018
  • 1,265 Views, 28 Comments

Applejack and Rainbow's Close Cell Comfort - Nebbie

After endangering their students, one thing leads to another, and AJ & RD end up in jail. Their friendship keeps them sane, even as things continue to go wrong.

  • ...

Love, Sisterly and Not

The next day, Rainbow Dash tried to do a tight loop in the cell, but ended up with her head stuck in the toilet.

Twilight pulled her out. "What's gotten into you?"

Rainbow sighed. "The guard said Scootaloo and her friends are coming tomorrow. I need to practice...it's one thing letting her see me all mopey, but out of shape?"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "I think she'll forgive you for not being able to do a sonic rainboom in the cell, Rainbow."

She turned to Rarity and Applejack, who were giggling and nuzzling each other on the bed. "What about you two? You gonna tell your sisters about your newfound love?"

Rarity blushed. "I don't think it's really proper...maybe when we're out of here."

"I just hope Apple Bloom's doin' alright on the farm. That little filly could be in a heap o' trouble." said Applejack.

"I'm sure she's fine, darling. We'll see when the weekend comes. Ooh, and excuse me, I must use the little filly's, erm...area." she said as she broke the embrace to sit on the toilet.

"Rarity, ya gotta stop holdin' everything in for hours then excusin' yourself whenever ya fart or use the toilet, it's gettin' annoyin'. This here's pretty much a bathroom with a bed, it ain't one o' your dress shops."

Rarity tried to form a reply, but her rear interrupted her with a noise like a trumpet. With everypony staring, and some glaring, she just went beet-red as she tried to hide her face in her hooves.

Rainbow snickered.

Rarity looked like she had something to say as she got into bed, but simply nuzzled against Rainbow Dash, symbolically accepting defeat on the matter of manners. "Goodnight."

Rainbow would've replied, but she heard snoring of the daintiest variety. It was soon met with Twilight's grasp on the white pony becoming much more aggressive, a clear sign she was asleep too.

One of the things Rainbow hated the most about her insomnia was when she'd be the last asleep, and so she had to think fast. "Psst, Applejack, you wanna...do it?"

Applejack groaned. "Rainbow, I might've forgiven you for takin' me for a 2-bit butt-showin' dancer in a ranch's 'back' section, but I'm datin' Rarity right now."

"Oh come on, I'm sure she'll understand, and ya don't have to tell her right away. Please? I need something to sleep, and Twi just went out on me." begged Rainbow.

Applejack squirmed atop Rainbow and got snout to snout. "Fine, but you better lick as good as you did in that dream or this is the only time I'm doin' it with ya."

Rainbow gulped and nodded, knowing it would be difficult. It was a good thing Rarity and Twilight were both heavy sleepers.

Shortly after passing out from a sweaty orange and blue escapade, Rainbow found herself in the familiar serene, white therapy room. "Hey Luna, can't you spice this place up a little?"

The princess of the night formed from some black smoke that came out of the floor. "Perhaps, but I use this same room for every pony. Some would not appreciate a little 'spice'. So, have things improved?"

"I guess. You were right about sex helping, and I haven't had a nightmare in a while, but..." Rainbow trailed off, looking away.

"But you still aren't over the loss of your student?" Luna said with an unusual confidence.

Rainbow's gaze was caught back to the princess. "Yeah...how'd you know?"

"My sister is much like you, and I have witnessed her go through many deaths of those she called 'student'. It is never easy; there are some names that bring a pang of sadness to her face when mentioned." Luna herself seemed to look sad, but only for a moment.

"Guess immortality sucks, huh?" asked Rainbow.

"It has its benefits, but it is not for everypony. Now, I'm afraid that's all the time we have, there is another that needs my help." Luna said before looking to a doorway that appeared.

"Oh, okay, well, you do that. You got another dream I can go in?" Rainbow asked slyly.

Luna sighed in annoyed manner. "Applejack told me of what you did...you get one more chance, your portal will lead to Scootaloo's dream." The princess waved a hoof to make one appear. "Goodbye, Rainbow Dash." she said before going into her own portal.

Rainbow realized then that the princess made one mistake: She left both portals open. A smirk came across her face as she decided to peek in on what Luna was doing, and flew straight into the first portal.

Immediately, something felt wrong. The word felt tilted. It was pitch black save one small shape Rainbow thought to be a window. The air smelled charred. A deep sense of regret creeped over the pegasus, but she had no idea what it was about. Rain could be faintly heard from no particular direction.

A flash of lightning lit up the room, and brought some sense, at least visually, to everything. It was a fancy tower in Canterlot, and Cadance and Twilight were staring at each other, a table with a lit candle between them. Luna was to the side, seemingly unnoticed by Cadance. "And then what happened?"

Twilight looked down at her hooves. Rainbow's vision suddenly distorted, squashing diagonally and losing focus.

Cadance spoke, but it seemed eerie and with an unnatural echo. "You have to believe me, she's turned evil, Twilight! We have to do something!"

The distortion lessened as Twilight spoke, but her lips didn't move. "No, it can't be! She wouldn't!"

Cadance grabbed Twilight, bringing sudden clarity. "Look, whatever you think, you must agree that we have to help the Yaks. We can still save them..."

Without warning, the scene dissolved. Rainbow flailed a bit before grabbing onto the roof of a building in Canterlot, near the palace. She looked down on the street to see Twilight, Cadance, Luna, and a group of Yaks fleeing from Celestia and the royal guard.

On closer inspection, Canterlot wasn't...solid. It was like a mist that shifted and vibrated. Even the roof she clung to was like a fog that swirled around her hooves. Rainbow really hoped she could fly back through that portal...

She tried to see what was going on with all the Yaks, but everypony was standing still. "Well, what happened, Twilight Sparkle?" Luna shouted.

Twilight's eyes were closed, tears flowing out the sides. Suddenly, a loud and sad "NO!" in her voice could be heard, and in an instant, Rainbow heard the sound of magic, saw the color of Twilight's magic accompanied by other unusual ones, and felt her skin tingle and heat up. The next moment, it was as if she was hit by one of her own sonic rainbooms, and she almost flopped right out of bed.

She woke to find Twilight in her hooves, squirming a bit, but still asleep. Meanwhile, Rarity and Applejack were up against the bars acting like fillies at Christmas waiting for presents.

"Oh, I bet Sweetie will bring me the latest in chic fashion trends!" said the white one.

"I'd just like one traditional apple-baked treat...this prison food's good, but it ain't like home." said the orange one.

Rainbow groaned and drew their attention with a bit of noisy morning gas before unleashing a tirade. "Will you two shut up? They aren't gonna be here until after noon and we just woke up. At least play cards or something, quietly, while I go back to bed" interrupted the sane one, who rolled over and embraced a snoring Twilight as she tried to get back to sleep.

Applejack was about to make some retort, but Rarity put a hoof in her mouth. "Of course, darling. Applejack, how about we test out that trading card game?"

"The one with the meteors and islands and giant ponies? Sure, but I know more about givin' a crocodile a dental inspection than playin' somethin' like that." replied Applejack.

"Good, it'll be a learning experience for us both." said Rarity.

Not long later, the two lovebirds seemed lost in concentration as Rainbow woke up and immediately went to use the toilet. Twilight had beaten her by a few seconds, but politely scooted over to make room. Rainbow put a hoof around her as she sat, then spoke while yawning. "Thanks, Twilight. You really make this place more bearable."

"You're welcome!" replied the alicorn with a smile that was clearly fake. She then squinted as she forced out a long squeaky sputter from her rear accompanied soon by splashing.

Rainbow barely managed to smile back, then relaxed, letting her piss flow out as well.

Rarity and Applejack were clearly quite distracted by the noises of morning fluid release, and they stared a bit upon realizing the two were sharing, but after a bit of shuddering from Rarity, they resumed playing.

Rarity spoke rather loudly to be heard over the noise. "Ahem, I believe that my Giant Dinosaur's Last Stomp effect should go off now, as I have no cards in hand." said Rarity.

Applejack shook her head, and seemed quite relieved the two had finished on the toilet. "But your turn doesn't start until after you draw a card, so you'll have a card in hand."

"What?! You're just saying that to prevent me from winning!" Rarity said with an upturning of the nose and a closing of her eyes.

"Rarity, can't ya just play the card ya draw to win? You've got like twenty energy whatsits, don't tell me your deck has somethin' more expensive than one o' your dresses durin' a fashion show." said the more reasonable of the two.

"Should we...?" asked Twilight. Rainbow quickly put a hoof to her mouth. "Shhh, trust me, it's better we stay out of this. Besides, breakfast is ready and they're not gonna get first dibs." the pegasus then shook out some last drops and used Twilight's leg to wipe.

Twilight didn't look amused, but didn't press matters. "I guess...I call dibs on the omelette!" she said as she flushed.

Rainbow scarfed down some waffles and did her best to not pay any attention to the nerdy argument as the hours ticked by.

After Rarity had given up due to Twilight's inevitable thorough analysis of the rulebook's wording, a four-way poker match was started. Rainbow had gotten very good, but Twilight was still queen, and won by grinding her out of chips.

"Okay, what do you want from us, Twilight?" she asked.

"Just for you all to read an educational book or two. I'll get a list from the guard later. Right now...I think I need to work off some things." the purple alicorn replied before getting in to bed to quietly get to know her hoof.

All three groaned in slightly different ways, but then a guard interrupted, tapping the bars with his keychain. "The visitors are here. Do you want them in the cell with you?"

Dash nodded immediately, while the other two simply shrugged.

"Very well." he said before opening up the cell door, and gesturing as three excited fillies came from around the corner.

As the cell door closed behind them, Applejack was the first to hug her sister. "Apple Bloom! Ya bring anything?"

Rarity meanwhile gave Sweetie two cheek kisses in rapid succession.

"Yep, one apple fritter, comin' right up!" she said as she got it out of her bag.

"Aw thanks, sugarcube. The farm goin' well?" Applejack said before scarfing down the treat.

Apple Bloom nodded.

"And what about you, Sweetie Belle? I'm eager for news on the boutique!" asked Rarity.

"Uh, well...not really much has happened. It hasn't been all that long, Rarity." replied Sweetie.

"Oh...right." Rarity said with an embarrassed smile.

Scootaloo smiled awkwardly at Rainbow Dash, who didn't reciprocate. "Um..hi squirt."

"Hi Rainbow Dash! How's jail?" the filly asked excitedly.

Rainbow sighed. "Not exactly awesome, but it has some perks. Never thought I'd see that egghead touch herself." she gestured toward Twilight, whose derped face, while the only part of her not under the covers, made it easy to guess what was happening.

"Ew" Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said in unison.

Applejack spoke up. "Well, anyways, it's good to see ya'll again, and how about ya skedaddle before Twilight finishes? Nopony should have to see that, least of all a filly. She's less proper than that time Aunt Orange accidentally drank our special cider and took Apple Bloom into the outhouse..." The yellow filly shuddered slightly.

Before they could respond, Twilight screamed. "OH SPIKE!"

Everypony was speechless for a while as Twilight regained her composure. "Uh...please don't tell anypony."

Sweetie begged to be let out of the cell while Rarity put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "Your secret is safe with me, dear."

"Yeah, I really need to get back to the farm. Big Mac can't do it on his own. See ya when ya get out o' here, Applejack." Apple Bloom said before giving her bigger sister a kiss on the lips. Applejack kept the kiss within the realm of acceptability herself, but Rainbow could tell the filly was slipping in tongue.

Not to be outdone at being a loving sister, Rarity grabbed Sweetie and gave her a classy, yet slightly sloppy, short spit-swapping smooch.

Twilight went "awww" at the sight.

Scootaloo nearly threw up. "Does everypony around here have to be so gross?"

Rainbow shrugged. "Not much else to keep us sane, now scram before I show you why I'm the best kisser in the cell! It'll be so lovey-dovey, Rarity'll try to make me her prince!"

Rarity glared a little as she made sure Sweetie's hair was perfect. The threat seemed to really put the fear in the orange filly, and she headed to the door as the guard began to open it. The Apples broke their kiss next, with Applejack giving Apple Bloom an encouraging smile and a butt pat to get going. The three fillies waved back as they trotted out.

"Well, that could've gone better." remarked Twilight.

Rainbow facehooved. "Ya think? Next time just wait until we're going to bed and I'll lick ya, okay?"

"Right, good idea." replied the purple pony.

Author's Note:

This was originally going to have Sandbar and Fluttershy's visits involved, but it ended up quite long as-is, so it's ultimately pretty similar to the analogous chapter in the original fic.