> Applejack and Rainbow's Close Cell Comfort > by Nebbie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prolog: The First Trial > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow was bored, but afraid as Neighsay trotted to take the stand to wrap up his lengthy character assassination. Before her were Celestia, Luna, and Shining Armor acting as co-judges. "And so, I conclude my argument that these three are guilty of negligence! I ask that you ensure this will never happen again in our fair and safe land." he said, before taking a bow to hide his smirk. "Oh come on! We can't just not go into the Everfree again! That'd be lame!" Rainbow said, earning a sigh from Applejack. "What she means to say is it was an honest mistake and there's always a risk goin' out and havin' fun." the farmpony said. Celestia pondered a moment. "I understood her, Applejack, and it is a fairly good point. We will be sure to consider it while we make our decision. Now, if nopony has anything else to add, we will convene to make a judgement." Applejack shook her head, Rainbow just slumped in boredom, and Neighsay sat down. "Court is adjourned for one hour." Celestia said before swinging her gavel. The three co-judges then went into the back room quietly. Rainbow immediately flew off to get something to eat, as there were all-you-can-eat free sandwiches for those on trial. When court reconvened, Rainbow trotted in and promptly belched in front of everypony. Applejack giggled while Neighsay scoffed. "Rainbow Dash, I would ask you to refrain from such behavior while we read our judgement." said Luna. "Yeah yeah..." the pegasus replied. Celestia cleared her throat and began reading from a small document. "We the judges find you, Rainbow Dash & Applejack guilty of reckless endangerment. The punishment is 1 week in jail with a simultaneous 30 hours of supervised community service. Additionally, the School of Friendship is to be closed until it passes a safety review, to be overseen by myself and Chancellor Neighsay." She then swung her gavel. Neighsay cackled a bit. "Perfect, I will see to it that no stone is left unturned, and that your precious school will be prim and proper by the time you're done picking up litter!" Rainbow gasped. "You...you big butthead!" Applejack grabbed her around the waist, preventing her from flying at him to give him a taste of her hooves. "Now settle down sugarcube, it ain't that bad. They'll figure out we got nothin' to hide and Twilight'll take care of it." the farmpony said, earning a sigh. Neighsay had his usual look of superiority and confidence as he trotted out. The two were led to their cell with heads low, past a few familiar faces. > Cracked Glass > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow groaned as she thought about what a week in jail meant. "Ugh, I'm gonna miss the race tomorrow!" "It's only for a week, sugarcube, we'll find a way to pass the time." Applejack said as she grabbed a harmonica that had been left under the pillow and began playing a happy melody. Rainbow just laid back on the bed. Suddenly, the wall of the cell was hit by a huge impact, bursting open the entire area to Applejack's side as a massive rhino-like creature came in. Applejack jumped and made a "weagh!" sound as she got onto the bed for safety. Rainbow got ready to fight. Sandbar hopped off the creature and turned to the two with a smirk. "We're here to bust you two out and stop Neighsay!" The creature then turned into Ocelleus, revealing the other 4 close behind. In unison, they shouted "Yeah!" Applejack looked at them worriedly. "Now let's not do anythin' rash, everypony. We just gotta grab Neighsay so he can't persuade Celestia the school has to be shut down." Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Whatever, let's go!" Quite soon after they'd left the center of Canterlot, they found themselves face to face with a large group of royal guards led by Shining Armor, Ember, and Garble, all in quite a bit of armor. Shining spoke up. "Give up! Thorax and Rutherford are waiting ahead; you have nowhere to go!" "Never!" cried Rainbow Dash, as she tackled him. Applejack quickly joined in to buck Garble, while Smolder and Yona together held off Ember. The fight became a chaotic mess, and soon Rainbow found herself and Ocellus split off from the main group. Ocellus took the form of a Hydra and swallowed up two guards. Two others begged for mercy, but Ocellus seemed not herself, apparently due to the extra heads taking over with animal instincts. "Wait, stop!" cried Shining while he and Rainbow were wrestling. "Stop what? Everypony knows Celestia has her own mirror pool; they're just clones!" said the pegasus as the hydra continued to rampage, gobbling up several more guards. Shining suddenly seemed to give up on Rainbow, much to her disappointment, and let her put him in a headlock. "Yeah, but they're given years of training together before they become guards! They're just like everypony else! You've gotta stop her, please!" Rainbow groaned and released him. "Fine! But she's 50 feet tall and not in a listening mood...can you turn her back to normal first?" Shining nodded. "I know a spell if you can keep her in one place, but what happens with them still ins-" "She'll spit 'em out...or poop 'em out! Now get ready to zap her!" Rainbow said as she flew around the hydra, earning an irritated screech. Shining charged up his horn, and soon fired a blast that, after some seconds, made Ocellus return to normal form...with an incredibly bloated belly. Rainbow cheered as she hugged the changeling, trying to squeeze from the top as the guards seemed to be more towards the rear. "Rainbow Dash...it hurts...so much..." was all the poor changeling could say in between groans. As Ocellus farted in desperate constipation, Rainbow giggled like a schoolfilly. "And I thought I overate! Now just relax and push, they'll come out and then we can kick flank the old-fashioned way!!" Ocellus didn't seem convinced, but Rainbow figured a kiss would help, and gave her a smooch. A sudden squelchy explosion, which Rainbow figured must be the guards' exit, threw the two back and momentarily broke the kiss. "I forgive you." Ocellus said with a rather raspy voice. "Had to be done, sorry." replied Rainbow, who noticed Ocellus seemed a bit lighter even than before, but was distracted by a long tongue going fishing. She wasn't the sort to care whether it was still platonic, and took it as a challenge, responding in kind. Once they established a rhythm, Rainbow looked curiously towards the guards, only to notice that there were bits of changeling ichor everywhere...and Ocellus' rear end a ways away. The pegasus' eyes went wide as she began to worry, kissing slower, now more in goodbye than celebration. During all this, Ocellus' mouth and tongue had steadily weakened, and now there was...nothing. The changeling's eyes glazed over, leaving a loving, yet sad expression. Rainbow pulled free of the kiss in horror and froze, dropping to the ground. Rainbow was weak. So very weak. She began to sob in the fetal position, still holding half her student as the guards shackled her hooves. The sound of a cell door slamming behind her brought Rainbow to her senses. She looked around, spotting Applejack on the bed, Sandbar peeing into the toilet, and Silver Stream behind him, sitting against the bed. "Where's Ocellus?" Applejack asked. Rainbow couldn't bear to look at her. "She didn't make it." Applejack sighed. "Not sure whether Yona did, she got a nasty gash." Before they could dwell on the matter, Sandbar's rear let out a brassy burst that made blew Silver Stream's mane. He flushed, then turned around, blushing, and went wide-eyed as he noticed her. "...oh, I am so sorry, I forgot you were there!" The hippogriff looked confused. "Sorry?" She realized it after a moment, then shrugged and smiled. "Oh. It's just gas. Besides, it's more interesting on land; in Seaquestria, it's bubbles, which are tickly. Who likes tickly? I want my mane to sway in a breeze!" she giggled a bit as she finished her explanation. Sandbar and Applejack shared a look of disgust, as this was a bit much even for them. "So that's why you do it in class. Guess Seaquestria is...different." said Applejack. Rainbow herself was broken a bit out of her sulking by slight disgust. "Still...in your eye?" Silver Stream sighed and turned her head, revealing her right eye was bandaged. "They said it'll heal, but it got cut deep by Garble's claws." "He would've done a lot worse, but I broke his neck. 'course, Ember got so mad he was dead she cut Yona open...she was bleedin' pretty bad." said Applejack solemnly. Rainbow then heard heavy footsteps approaching the bars. Chancellor Neighsay spoke up. "If all of you are done acting like schoolchildren who just discovered the dietary effects of beans, I am here to inform you that Yona is fine. I was able to save her and stop the Yaks from destroying the city. Unfortunately, Prince Rutherford is now with Garble and Ocellus, and I fear Yak-Pony relations will be at an all-time low..." "But...but...why would you save Yona? Don't you hate non-ponies?" asked a shocked Rainbow. "I do not hate them, I merely think that we should stay in our own countries and not pursue this folly of trying to give them our precious information. I would hope that in the future you avoid causing any more catastrophes...it's a real shame what happened to Ocellus. I will see you at the next trial." he said as he stormed off before anypony could respond. "Maybe we misjudged him a little, sugarcube." Applejack said. Rainbow groaned loudly and nearly smashed her head against the bars. This is the worst day of my life. she thought. This turned out to only be true because she specified day. While Applejack, Sandbar, and Silver Stream together made for quite a good cuddle pile, Rainbow's dreams were much less pleasant. She found herself in Canterlot, time frozen, with only herself and Ocellus. "No, don't do it!" said the dream Ocellus. "I won't! I won't!" cried Rainbow...but then her hooves wrenched forward on their own accord, grabbing onto the changeling's head; within moments, they had ripped it off. Rainbow awoke screaming and thrashing a bit, trying to get away from her own hooves, which woke up Applejack and Sandbar. "You okay, sugarcube?" asked Applejack. "...bad dream...bad, bad dream..." said Rainbow with tears in her eyes. "I'll see if the guard can get you some cider." said the farmpony with a smile. Rainbow found the drink little comfort, despite the guard saying that he was doing them a favor with such a luxury. > Interlude: The Second Trial > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A week had passed, and between being afraid of going to sleep, afraid of facing the trial, and her disdain for having to be treated like a scared little filly, Rainbow was an absolute. By the time the guard dragged them out for the trial, her mane was disheveled and Applejack insisted on acting in her stead for anything official; the bureaucrat assigned to processing their case agreed after a single glance. Finally, they came into the courtroom again. "You sure you're ready, sugarcube? Celestia said she'd give an extension due to your psychowhatsits situation. Ain't exactly usual Luna can't fix a pony's dreams." asked Applejack. "I don't think I'll be any more ready...just get it over with..." replied the pegasus. They sat down, and Celestia promptly got to business. "Rainbow Dash and Applejack, you two are charged with negligent ponicide, inciting a war, and assault on the royal guard. How do you plead?" Applejack spoke for both. "Guilty, your highness." Rainbow nodded. The crowd gasped, and the public defender they had stammered. "W-wait, we should at least hear from Yona about why you should be lenient!" Celestia nodded. "Very well. Bring Yona to the stand." "I object! While I appreciate Yona's opinion on the matter, the prosecution has neglected to bring anypony to plead against leniency!" shouted Neighsay. Celestia put on a look angrier than Rainbow had ever seen from her. "You are not part of this trial, Neighsay. Guards, remove him. He will face contempt of court if he has any further outbursts." Soon, Yona was on the stand, with a large bandage on her right side. "These ponies...are my friends. They only killed Garble because he was going to hurt Silver Stream! And it was us who busted them out...oh I'm so sorry, everypony...we were just scared. Yona won't bust anypony else out of jail." Shining glared. "Many of your own died because of them. They didn't need to do what they did..." Celestia cleared her throat. "We will consider this...now, since the accused do not contest the charges, we will proceed immediately to making a judgment. Court will reconvene in an hour." She swung her gavel. This time, it was Applejack who stuffed herself, while Rainbow could only wallow in her own depression. Applejack was holding Rainbow as the verdict was read. "We the judges find both ponies guilty on all counts. However, in recognition of their service to Equestria, the unusual nature of these events, and the lasting psychological harm to them, we have decided to be quite lenient. Therefore, they will receive concurrent sentences, and face only the minimum of 1 month for negligent ponicide, not counting time served." As the gavel swung, Applejack breathed a sigh of relief, and Rainbow at least felt a small weight lift from knowing that they wouldn't be in jail so long she'd miss the next major race. > Desperate Acts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After going down quite a few flights of stairs on their way to the cell, Rainbow wasn't surprised at all to discover the actual cell had no windows. "Guess there won't be any wall breakouts for us..." "Yep. I heard this place is some old dungeon, not many like 'em left, 's why we have to share a cell." said Applejack. "Uh-huh...not much room to fly..." Rainbow spoke up and turned towards the guard sitting at a desk far opposite the bars. "Hey, We get any exercise?" "You don't get to leave that cell unless it's a medical emergency or the toilet breaks, Celestia's orders." he replied while flipping through his magazine. Rainbow groaned. "Aww man, my wings'll atrophy in here." "It's just a month, sugarcube. Before ya know it, we'll be back out!" Applejack said with a hoof on Rainbow's back. "Yeah yeah...but still." said the pegasus. "I'm more worried about your nightmares. Luna helpin' any?" asked the farmpony. "She said that she'll provide some therapy sessions instead of just the usual help. I think it's a bunch of nonsense..." Rainbow said, and then sighed. "I'll get over it eventually." "I don't know about that, sugarcube; what ya told me almost gave me nightmares. I think I'd need therapy too." Applejack said while grabbing Rainbow for a hug and pulling her onto the bed. Rainbow considered saying something witty, but just closed her eyes and put her muzzle against Applejack's chest. It was at least a little bit comforting, allowing her to get to sleep within a few minutes. Luna's therapy room was, to say the least, boring. Little more than a white void with some chairs. Rainbow sat down, finding the dream chair incredibly comfy, as it seemed to have a cushion made of cloud. "So..." she said. "So." Luna replied. "You uh, gonna ask me about what happened?" Rainbow asked. Luna shook her head. "I find it better to not dwell on such...horrors. You must move on and remember your other friends, Rainbow Dash." "Yeah, about that: When can they visit?" Rainbow asked eagerly. "Soon. Sandbar and Fluttershy have already sent requests in, but there has apparently been some...complications relating to the ongoing conflict with the Yaks. I'm sure my sister will deal with it shortly." Luna replied regally. "Uh-huh. Kickin' Yak butt, right?" Rainbow asked with a smirk. "I'm afraid that things have been far less straightforward. The Yaks have become disorganized after Prince Rutherford's death. There are currently at least 5 different groups trying to destroy everything in sight. In the chaos, a few ponies have died, as have a few dozen Yaks. Towns around Canterlot are being fully guarded." Rainbow grimaced. "Oh, well, if you say Celestia can handle it..." Luna nodded, but then suddenly went wide-eyed and opened two portals, one for each pony. "I must go urgently, Rainbow Dash! I apologize for not being able to get far into the session. As a consolation, the portal for you leads to Applejack's dream, you may enjoy a lucid dream with her." She swooped out before the pegasus could get a word out. "Huh...wonder what that was about. Well...at least it won't be a nightmare..." Rainbow said as she trotted on out her portal, being dumped onto the surface of a giant apple made of rubber. In front of her, Applejack was wrangling with some garden hoses that had come alive. She doesn't know I'm not part of the dream...I could prank her so good! Or...I could take a little advantage, she'd never know. She's no Spitfire or Soarin', but this is the perfect chance to try some things and make my first time awesome! Rainbow put on a sly grin and waved a hoof, making the garden hose snakes went poof. "Need some help?" she asked as she began to inch forward. Applejack smiled. "Rainbow? Boy howdy, thanks for that, but I think I'm fine no-" she was interrupted by a very sudden smooch. Rainbow found that Applejack wasn't exactly into it, but seemed to enjoy it a little and went with things as it slowly escalated. A passionate kiss made way for a very thorough exploration of many things that would be too dangerous or...questionable for real life. Many hours later, with most of the obvious kinks that didn't make Rainbow want to vomit explored, she ended things with an ass slap that, by the power of dreams, actually made Applejack pop like a balloon. "Gah!" Applejack said as she sat up with a bit of sweat on her forehead, breathing heavily. Rainbow yawned next to her, broke her morning wind, and smiled. "Morning, your dreams as good as mine?" She winked. Applejack shuddered a bit, but smiled. "I...s'pose...just glad you didn't have a nightmare, sugarcube." Rainbow chuckled and patted Applejack's butt the same place she'd slapped it. Applejack's smile turned into a glare. "Wait a minute...you little snake! Y-you, ugh, I can't believe you'd do that! Ya should've told me it was really you, I would've at least been willin' to try some of that!" Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Yeah right. And you enjoyed it, so why do you care?" Applejack grumbled. "Cause it was dishonest, Rainbow! And I did not enjoy bein' way off the ground that second time, or when we did it with my siblings, or how big all those buttplugs were! It still feels sore even awake..." "They weren't that big, ya wuss. Just calm down and we'll eat breakfast. ...say, Apple Bloom kissed me really weird and you said something about how you always dreamt of bein' with Big Mac..." replied Rainbow, knowing her prey was on the rocks. Applejack blushed and sighed. "Alright fine...sometimes we practice makin' out...y-you know, just so we know how when we get a special somepony. Neither of 'em know that I started to enjoy it. Don't tell nopony, ya hear?" "My lips are sealed." Rainbow gave her a cheeky little kiss, earning a groan from the orange mare. Applejack glared. "I'll allow that one, but we ain't on kissin' terms right now, sugarcube..." "Whatever..." was all Rainbow could think to say as the lack of a distraction brought back her depression. A few days later, the two were preparing to go to bed, Rainbow already laying down, when commotion could be heard from out in the hallway. A bunch of guards were hauling a scruffy-looking Twilight Sparkle and a flailing and bawling Rarity. "What in the hay are you two doin' here?" Applejack asked as Twilight was tossed in, Rarity following after by pushing the guards off and trotting daintily in. Twilight, who Rainbow now noticed apparently had her horn sawn off, was silent with her face in the floor, but Rarity, also hornless, piped up. "We uh, had a bit of a misadventure with some Yaks and maaay have committed a bit of treason." Rainbow prodded Twilight a bit in her raised rear. "You okay, and why are you two missing horns?" Twilight groaned as she removed her face from the hard stone floor and sat on the toilet. "They used a special technique to remove it, it can be reattached later with ease, Rainbow. We'll be fine without magic for a month." "Well, darling, I uh, think you look good hornless. Just maybe brush your mane a little." Rarity said before staring as Twilight strained. "Hey, it's impolite to stare, Rarity." Applejack said with an angry tone as a plop was heard. A few more followed, and Twilight sighed in relief as she flushed. "Sorry, darling!" Rarity said, and turned her head away. "I just didn't expect a princess to..." "To have to poop, Rarity? It's not like we get privacy in here." Rainbow asked with a chuckle. Rarity seemed abhorred as she sat on the bed near Rainbow's legs. "It's undignified to do it in front of other ponies...what is a mare without her dignity? Nothing but a warm body!" Twilight took a moment to stop being mopey and slapped Rarity across the face, hard. "T-Twilight?!" Rarity asked, stunned, as she rubbed her cheek. "We're in a prison, dignity has been taken away from us by the state. Now I know you need the toilet, so get on it and use it." Rarity's lip wiggled as she got on. She was just about to relax when she ran to the bars and started screaming. "This is incredibly uncouth! I want out! I want some privacyyyyy!" bawled the fashionista. She eventually got it, having waited until the other three were asleep. > Best Friends Forever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following day, Rainbow was feeling rather mopey. Rarity and Twilight hardly talked, and Applejack just wanted to know when her family could visit. When the guard offered them some playing cards that night, the pegasus was ecstatic at the opportunity to show everypony her skills. "Aww yeah, how about some high stakes poker, you three are going down!" she said as she flew in a vertical loop. Applejack just got into the bed along with Rarity. "It's about time to hit the hay, sugarcube, and I need time to...deal with some urges if ya know what I mean." She pulled the covers over and put her hooves deep into them. Rarity scoffed and looked away. "Must you announce it?! The whole point of being under the covers is so we don't have to acknowledge it!" "Well at least I gave ya some warning so you'll know why my hoof's movin', sugarcube." replied Applejack. "I'd rather not feel it to begin with...oh the things I do for a good sleep schedule." Rarity remarked. Twilight giggled a little bit. "I'll play with you, Rainbow Dash. So what are the stakes?" Rainbow peeled her eyes away from the uncomfortable fashionista. "Well...how about if I win, you have to...do to me what Applejack's doin' to herself!" Twilight gulped, but then put on a devious glare. "Well, if that's how it's gonna be, if I win, you have to read any book I choose, no matter how technical or boring!" "You're on!" Rainbow replied. After a lot of back and forth with some high blinds, Twilight went all-in with the dried noodles they used as chips, then winked. Rainbow gulped, knowing that with only a pair of 4s, she was gonna be bled dry. However, the guard came up to the bars. "Twilight Sparkle, we've just gotten word that Shining Armor will be visiting in an hour." The purple mare was so surprised and seemingly frightful, she accidentally let Rainbow see her cards as she got up. "Already?! I'm not prepared!" So she's bluffing! Nothing but a pair of 2s! The guard shrugged and returned to his desk, while Rainbow pushed her noodles in. "All in." Twilight turned around and sighed as they showed their hands. "So...how exactly do I uh...?" Rainbow grinned widely. Rainbow was on the verge of sleep on the bed next to Rarity, still in her afterglow while Twilight was vigorously washing her hoof. She kept alternating between scrubbing and rinsing as she went through all of the soap. "Ew ew ew, the books never said anything about ponies that squirt from there! What makes Rainbow Dash's vaginal system so different from mine?" A stallion then cleared his throat from the other side of the bars. "Twily, unless you were elbow deep in your friend, I think your hoof is clean by now; it's...been over 3 minutes." Rainbow immediately did her best to pretend to be asleep, as it would be a bit...awkward to talk to the two after. Twilight shut off the water and rushed to the bars. "Shining! I-I uh...am I..." she seemed to get a little high-pitched, as if she was on the verge of tears. "...still your Little Sister Best Friend Forever?" Shining sighed and put a hoof to her face as he started crying. "Always, Twily, no matter what. I just...I just want to know why you did it." Twilight looked at the floor. "I didn't have a choice. If time travel weren't so dangerous, she'd be here with us right now. I'm so, so sorry." Rainbow took a moment to wonder who she was, but then realized what was odd about this visit: Cadance wasn't here. "I know, I know, you'd come up with something, but I still don't understand why you had to, or why you took the maximum sentence. Twily, I already lost my wife, I don't want to lose my Little Sister Best Friend Forever too." Shining said, wiping tears from his eyes. "I'm afraid some things I'll take to my grave, and that's where I belong. I can't forgive myself for what I did, even if you can, Big Brother Best Friend Forever." replied Twilight. Huh, wonder what the maximum sentence was... Shining put his face between the bars. "I...suppose this is goodbye. I can't bear to see you like this any longer..." he closed his eyes and puckered his lips. "Yeah..." Twilight gently put her head up and locked lips with her brother, giving him a loving smooch. After several seconds, the two moved away in such a synchronized manner that it was clear they knew each other well. Shining then trotted off in a hurry, and neither said a word more. Twilight stood silently for several seconds, before getting into bed and wrapping around the cyan pegasus. "I know you're awake, Rainbow. Enjoy the show?" Rainbow froze up. "I...I...I shouldn't've made you hoof me...I didn't know you were in the same boat, and it's just the only way I can distract myself from thinking abo-" Twilight put a hoof to her lips. "Rainbow, it's okay, I'm happy that I was able to make you feel better, and I'll do anything for my friends. I just wish that I could, even for a moment, forget, like you can. Just return the favor when I ask, okay?" Rainbow nodded. "Sure thing. Thanks, Twilight." "You're welcome." the purple alicorn said as she snuggled in closer before rapidly dozing off. Rainbow was kept awake a few minutes with one question on her mind: Why did Twilight kill Cadance? > Love, Sisterly and Not > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Rainbow Dash tried to do a tight loop in the cell, but ended up with her head stuck in the toilet. Twilight pulled her out. "What's gotten into you?" Rainbow sighed. "The guard said Scootaloo and her friends are coming tomorrow. I need to practice...it's one thing letting her see me all mopey, but out of shape?" Twilight rolled her eyes. "I think she'll forgive you for not being able to do a sonic rainboom in the cell, Rainbow." She turned to Rarity and Applejack, who were giggling and nuzzling each other on the bed. "What about you two? You gonna tell your sisters about your newfound love?" Rarity blushed. "I don't think it's really proper...maybe when we're out of here." "I just hope Apple Bloom's doin' alright on the farm. That little filly could be in a heap o' trouble." said Applejack. "I'm sure she's fine, darling. We'll see when the weekend comes. Ooh, and excuse me, I must use the little filly's, erm...area." she said as she broke the embrace to sit on the toilet. "Rarity, ya gotta stop holdin' everything in for hours then excusin' yourself whenever ya fart or use the toilet, it's gettin' annoyin'. This here's pretty much a bathroom with a bed, it ain't one o' your dress shops." Rarity tried to form a reply, but her rear interrupted her with a noise like a trumpet. With everypony staring, and some glaring, she just went beet-red as she tried to hide her face in her hooves. Rainbow snickered. Rarity looked like she had something to say as she got into bed, but simply nuzzled against Rainbow Dash, symbolically accepting defeat on the matter of manners. "Goodnight." Rainbow would've replied, but she heard snoring of the daintiest variety. It was soon met with Twilight's grasp on the white pony becoming much more aggressive, a clear sign she was asleep too. One of the things Rainbow hated the most about her insomnia was when she'd be the last asleep, and so she had to think fast. "Psst, Applejack, you wanna...do it?" Applejack groaned. "Rainbow, I might've forgiven you for takin' me for a 2-bit butt-showin' dancer in a ranch's 'back' section, but I'm datin' Rarity right now." "Oh come on, I'm sure she'll understand, and ya don't have to tell her right away. Please? I need something to sleep, and Twi just went out on me." begged Rainbow. Applejack squirmed atop Rainbow and got snout to snout. "Fine, but you better lick as good as you did in that dream or this is the only time I'm doin' it with ya." Rainbow gulped and nodded, knowing it would be difficult. It was a good thing Rarity and Twilight were both heavy sleepers. Shortly after passing out from a sweaty orange and blue escapade, Rainbow found herself in the familiar serene, white therapy room. "Hey Luna, can't you spice this place up a little?" The princess of the night formed from some black smoke that came out of the floor. "Perhaps, but I use this same room for every pony. Some would not appreciate a little 'spice'. So, have things improved?" "I guess. You were right about sex helping, and I haven't had a nightmare in a while, but..." Rainbow trailed off, looking away. "But you still aren't over the loss of your student?" Luna said with an unusual confidence. Rainbow's gaze was caught back to the princess. "Yeah...how'd you know?" "My sister is much like you, and I have witnessed her go through many deaths of those she called 'student'. It is never easy; there are some names that bring a pang of sadness to her face when mentioned." Luna herself seemed to look sad, but only for a moment. "Guess immortality sucks, huh?" asked Rainbow. "It has its benefits, but it is not for everypony. Now, I'm afraid that's all the time we have, there is another that needs my help." Luna said before looking to a doorway that appeared. "Oh, okay, well, you do that. You got another dream I can go in?" Rainbow asked slyly. Luna sighed in annoyed manner. "Applejack told me of what you did...you get one more chance, your portal will lead to Scootaloo's dream." The princess waved a hoof to make one appear. "Goodbye, Rainbow Dash." she said before going into her own portal. Rainbow realized then that the princess made one mistake: She left both portals open. A smirk came across her face as she decided to peek in on what Luna was doing, and flew straight into the first portal. Immediately, something felt wrong. The word felt tilted. It was pitch black save one small shape Rainbow thought to be a window. The air smelled charred. A deep sense of regret creeped over the pegasus, but she had no idea what it was about. Rain could be faintly heard from no particular direction. A flash of lightning lit up the room, and brought some sense, at least visually, to everything. It was a fancy tower in Canterlot, and Cadance and Twilight were staring at each other, a table with a lit candle between them. Luna was to the side, seemingly unnoticed by Cadance. "And then what happened?" Twilight looked down at her hooves. Rainbow's vision suddenly distorted, squashing diagonally and losing focus. Cadance spoke, but it seemed eerie and with an unnatural echo. "You have to believe me, she's turned evil, Twilight! We have to do something!" The distortion lessened as Twilight spoke, but her lips didn't move. "No, it can't be! She wouldn't!" Cadance grabbed Twilight, bringing sudden clarity. "Look, whatever you think, you must agree that we have to help the Yaks. We can still save them..." Without warning, the scene dissolved. Rainbow flailed a bit before grabbing onto the roof of a building in Canterlot, near the palace. She looked down on the street to see Twilight, Cadance, Luna, and a group of Yaks fleeing from Celestia and the royal guard. On closer inspection, Canterlot wasn't...solid. It was like a mist that shifted and vibrated. Even the roof she clung to was like a fog that swirled around her hooves. Rainbow really hoped she could fly back through that portal... She tried to see what was going on with all the Yaks, but everypony was standing still. "Well, what happened, Twilight Sparkle?" Luna shouted. Twilight's eyes were closed, tears flowing out the sides. Suddenly, a loud and sad "NO!" in her voice could be heard, and in an instant, Rainbow heard the sound of magic, saw the color of Twilight's magic accompanied by other unusual ones, and felt her skin tingle and heat up. The next moment, it was as if she was hit by one of her own sonic rainbooms, and she almost flopped right out of bed. She woke to find Twilight in her hooves, squirming a bit, but still asleep. Meanwhile, Rarity and Applejack were up against the bars acting like fillies at Christmas waiting for presents. "Oh, I bet Sweetie will bring me the latest in chic fashion trends!" said the white one. "I'd just like one traditional apple-baked treat...this prison food's good, but it ain't like home." said the orange one. Rainbow groaned and drew their attention with a bit of noisy morning gas before unleashing a tirade. "Will you two shut up? They aren't gonna be here until after noon and we just woke up. At least play cards or something, quietly, while I go back to bed" interrupted the sane one, who rolled over and embraced a snoring Twilight as she tried to get back to sleep. Applejack was about to make some retort, but Rarity put a hoof in her mouth. "Of course, darling. Applejack, how about we test out that trading card game?" "The one with the meteors and islands and giant ponies? Sure, but I know more about givin' a crocodile a dental inspection than playin' somethin' like that." replied Applejack. "Good, it'll be a learning experience for us both." said Rarity. Not long later, the two lovebirds seemed lost in concentration as Rainbow woke up and immediately went to use the toilet. Twilight had beaten her by a few seconds, but politely scooted over to make room. Rainbow put a hoof around her as she sat, then spoke while yawning. "Thanks, Twilight. You really make this place more bearable." "You're welcome!" replied the alicorn with a smile that was clearly fake. She then squinted as she forced out a long squeaky sputter from her rear accompanied soon by splashing. Rainbow barely managed to smile back, then relaxed, letting her piss flow out as well. Rarity and Applejack were clearly quite distracted by the noises of morning fluid release, and they stared a bit upon realizing the two were sharing, but after a bit of shuddering from Rarity, they resumed playing. Rarity spoke rather loudly to be heard over the noise. "Ahem, I believe that my Giant Dinosaur's Last Stomp effect should go off now, as I have no cards in hand." said Rarity. Applejack shook her head, and seemed quite relieved the two had finished on the toilet. "But your turn doesn't start until after you draw a card, so you'll have a card in hand." "What?! You're just saying that to prevent me from winning!" Rarity said with an upturning of the nose and a closing of her eyes. "Rarity, can't ya just play the card ya draw to win? You've got like twenty energy whatsits, don't tell me your deck has somethin' more expensive than one o' your dresses durin' a fashion show." said the more reasonable of the two. "Should we...?" asked Twilight. Rainbow quickly put a hoof to her mouth. "Shhh, trust me, it's better we stay out of this. Besides, breakfast is ready and they're not gonna get first dibs." the pegasus then shook out some last drops and used Twilight's leg to wipe. Twilight didn't look amused, but didn't press matters. "I guess...I call dibs on the omelette!" she said as she flushed. Rainbow scarfed down some waffles and did her best to not pay any attention to the nerdy argument as the hours ticked by. After Rarity had given up due to Twilight's inevitable thorough analysis of the rulebook's wording, a four-way poker match was started. Rainbow had gotten very good, but Twilight was still queen, and won by grinding her out of chips. "Okay, what do you want from us, Twilight?" she asked. "Just for you all to read an educational book or two. I'll get a list from the guard later. Right now...I think I need to work off some things." the purple alicorn replied before getting in to bed to quietly get to know her hoof. All three groaned in slightly different ways, but then a guard interrupted, tapping the bars with his keychain. "The visitors are here. Do you want them in the cell with you?" Dash nodded immediately, while the other two simply shrugged. "Very well." he said before opening up the cell door, and gesturing as three excited fillies came from around the corner. As the cell door closed behind them, Applejack was the first to hug her sister. "Apple Bloom! Ya bring anything?" Rarity meanwhile gave Sweetie two cheek kisses in rapid succession. "Yep, one apple fritter, comin' right up!" she said as she got it out of her bag. "Aw thanks, sugarcube. The farm goin' well?" Applejack said before scarfing down the treat. Apple Bloom nodded. "And what about you, Sweetie Belle? I'm eager for news on the boutique!" asked Rarity. "Uh, well...not really much has happened. It hasn't been all that long, Rarity." replied Sweetie. "Oh...right." Rarity said with an embarrassed smile. Scootaloo smiled awkwardly at Rainbow Dash, who didn't reciprocate. "Um..hi squirt." "Hi Rainbow Dash! How's jail?" the filly asked excitedly. Rainbow sighed. "Not exactly awesome, but it has some perks. Never thought I'd see that egghead touch herself." she gestured toward Twilight, whose derped face, while the only part of her not under the covers, made it easy to guess what was happening. "Ew" Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said in unison. Applejack spoke up. "Well, anyways, it's good to see ya'll again, and how about ya skedaddle before Twilight finishes? Nopony should have to see that, least of all a filly. She's less proper than that time Aunt Orange accidentally drank our special cider and took Apple Bloom into the outhouse..." The yellow filly shuddered slightly. Before they could respond, Twilight screamed. "OH SPIKE!" Everypony was speechless for a while as Twilight regained her composure. "Uh...please don't tell anypony." Sweetie begged to be let out of the cell while Rarity put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "Your secret is safe with me, dear." "Yeah, I really need to get back to the farm. Big Mac can't do it on his own. See ya when ya get out o' here, Applejack." Apple Bloom said before giving her bigger sister a kiss on the lips. Applejack kept the kiss within the realm of acceptability herself, but Rainbow could tell the filly was slipping in tongue. Not to be outdone at being a loving sister, Rarity grabbed Sweetie and gave her a classy, yet slightly sloppy, short spit-swapping smooch. Twilight went "awww" at the sight. Scootaloo nearly threw up. "Does everypony around here have to be so gross?" Rainbow shrugged. "Not much else to keep us sane, now scram before I show you why I'm the best kisser in the cell! It'll be so lovey-dovey, Rarity'll try to make me her prince!" Rarity glared a little as she made sure Sweetie's hair was perfect. The threat seemed to really put the fear in the orange filly, and she headed to the door as the guard began to open it. The Apples broke their kiss next, with Applejack giving Apple Bloom an encouraging smile and a butt pat to get going. The three fillies waved back as they trotted out. "Well, that could've gone better." remarked Twilight. Rainbow facehooved. "Ya think? Next time just wait until we're going to bed and I'll lick ya, okay?" "Right, good idea." replied the purple pony. > Shattered Glass > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of the month went by with monotony as Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Sandbar all had their visits put off without explanation and there was little to do once you'd played thirty games of poker and tried every board game ponies had come up with. Rainbow was huddled up against Twilight as they read a book when the guard announced what would happen tomorrow. "Ahem, Twilight Sparkle, what would you like as your last meal?" The question brought down Rainbow's spirits, which had been returning to normal. Rarity and Applejack, meanwhile, stopped their card game and stared at Twilight. Twilight sighed. "Nothing too fancy. Pancakes, apple juice, maybe a sandwich or two. Don't add anything too cheesy." She then turned to her friends with an expression of dread. "I guess we should've talked about my imminent death before..." "It's alright, sugarcube, nothin' special to say." Applejack then looked to the guard. "Do we get to uh...watch?" He nodded, making her smile. "I think I'd rather not, myself. Sorry, but I just never could stomach seeing a pony...die. Least of all if the, erm, method is bloody." said Rarity with a cringing face. The guard then spoke. "You don't get a choice in the matter, from what I've heard, attendance is mandatory for all of you, as well as Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, and nopony else is invited. Twilight will be executed by guillotine." Twilight's family not being invited seemed odd to Rainbow, but she wasn't one to question it. After a few moments of silence, Rarity fainted, making Rainbow giggle, but only for a moment before snapping back to reality. "Twilight, I've gotten...a lot closer to you than I expected. I'll really miss you when you're gone." She snuggled against Twilight a bit, but got little response except comforting pats from the morose bookworm. They all got very little sleep that night. The 4 cellmates weren't given their usual in-cell breakfast in the morning, instead forced to relieve themselves quickly and hurry into a dining room for breakfast. At the center of the table was a feast of pancakes, sandwiches, apple juice, and various side dishes for Twilight, while the other three had little plates of waffles. Rainbow, for a moment, forget what was going on as she began to dig into the pancakes. The guards nearly tore her away, but Twilight spoke up. "Please allow me to share with my friends." Rainbow was barely listening as she gorged herself in between bouts of flying around the rather large room. Once her belly was finally full, she burped loudly and noticed Twilight putting a wing around her. "Hey Rainbow...you got the energy for...one last romp?" Rainbow looked to Twilight in disbelief. "Here? In front of all the guards? Twilight, I know you're about to get your head chopped off, but are you sure you're feeling alright?" Twilight giggled. "I know it's not like me, but I also know that you get awfully horny in the morning and this is my last chance to help you out. Something to remember me by, I suppose." Rainbow could only give a dopey smile back. "That's...really sweet. Let's do it!" The two wasted no time getting under the table for the romp of their lives. A few hours later, Twilight and Rainbow finally ran out of energy, having devoured the meal in between rounds. Rarity slowly took a hoof from her eyes. "Is it...over?" "Yeah, sugarcube, they're as tuckered out as Big Mac after found out what a brothel was, and I know that face from Rainbow." replied Applejack. "Tell me you're going to stop entertaining her...urges towards you once we're free. It's disgusting." said Rarity. Applejack nodded, making Rainbow a bit sad. "You know, I only realized it recently, but I kinda fell in love with you, Twilight. It's gonna be hard with you gone, even if I could forget you, I won't have a special somepony..." Twilight held her close. "Shhh. The time we had was special. Cherish it." Applejack came over to join the hug. "I'm sorry, Rainbow, but I've gotta be exclusive to Rarity." "I know, I know." replied Rainbow. Celestia came in. "If I'm not interrupting anything, I believe that it's time for the execution. Please come in, and do not resist." Rainbow began to cry a little as everypony wordlessly trotted out. Her sad thoughts were interrupted, however, as the guards put blindfolds and gags on everypony, then tied them up. It was a terrifying minute as they were led without being able to tell where they were going. She couldn't figure out why they'd do this to everypony, and not just Twilight. When Rainbow felt herself being put in a guillotine, she took only a few moments to realize what was going on, and began to struggle. She could hear some other ponies struggling as well, but the latching told her that none were successful. She began to hyperventilate. "Now now, calm down, everypony. Guards, leave us." said Celestia. The blindfolds all came off, revealing that all six of the friends were in guillotines facing each other in a circle, the blades ready to come down at the flip of a lever each. Rainbow definitely did not calm down, especially once she saw Fluttershy crying out of the corner of her eye. The gag was removed from Twilight, who immediately began questioning the monarch. "Princess! Why are you going to execute us all? Were our sentences changed? What are Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie charged with? Please, let my friends go, just kill me! They don't deserve this!" Celestia put a hoof to her mouth to silence her. "Oh, Twilight, I'm afraid your friend Cadance was right about me...tell me, what's my name?" Celestia turned away from Twilight as she awaited an answer, and looked directly into Rainbow's eyes...as hers flashed green. Rainbow was so scared now she wet herself, although nopony noticed. Twilight looked to her friend's reaction, and her eyes went wide with realization. "...Chrysalis! You're Queen Chrysalis! I...oh, Celestia! When Cadance tried to kill you, I reflected the spell back to save Celestia, but it was you!" she practically babbled as tears started to form. "...what have you done with Celestia?" "Celestia" began cackling as she turned around and undisguised while everypony struggled and squeaked. "Correct. I'm Queen Chrysalis, and all of you are going to die. Oh, and I'm afraid she's a little...indisposed. So, since you're all going to die anyway, let's make this fun...I've heard that the four of you I imprisoned got quite romantic with each other. So, who's your special somepony, that you'd like to die kissing, Twilight?" Twilight gulped as tears ran down her face, and struggled to speak, her voice breaking. "I...it's Rainbow." "As I thought. She must've worn you down with her disgusting and forceful behavior. The smart ones are often so weak-willed." Chrysalis said before removing Rainbow's gag and rolling the guillotines close together. Rainbow immediately began raging at Chrysalis. "You overgrown mosquito! When we get out of this, we'll make you pay for putting us in jail! And for Ocellus!" Applejack and Pinkie gave sounds of approval, but Chrysalis just chuckled while Twilight shook her head. The purple alicorn then began talking with a defeated tone "Rainbow, it's over. Unless Luna figured it out just from what Cadance knew and busts through the doors in the next few minutes, our heads are coming off, and we can't change that. Please, give me a kiss before we go." Normally, Rainbow would've gave a rousing, but awkward, speech in response, but hearing that from the pony she loved broke her inside yet again, and it sounded like the others had calmed down as well, except a sobbing Fluttershy. She put her lips into a pucker, shaking a bit. Chrysalis got them a tad closer, and put a small table under their chins. The two began to kiss, at first awkwardly due to fear, but soon more sloppily. As the tongues danced, Chrysalis smirked and put a hoof on the lever to chop Twilight and very slowly pulled it down. The purple pony noticed, and splashing and sputtering could be heard as fear finally won the war against control of her waste functions. Time seemed to move slowly as Rainbow watched the blade going down. When it reached the neck, she could see Twilight's look of fear turn into one of pain and intense panic, accompanied by a jolt from the bookworm's tongue and a more intense sputter from her rear. Fluttershy shrieked despite her gag, likely having a better view of the blood pouring out. Chrysalis cackled again as Twilight continued to move her tongue, but jerkily, eyes still wide with fear as she stared into Rainbow's. "How romantic, to continue to kiss in your final moments just like Rainbow and Ocellus. Perhaps I should help you lovebirds even more." Rainbow wondered just what the sadistic changeling queen meant, but soon saw her push away Twilight's body and put her lips to the bit of neck still attached to the head. Soon, Rainbow felt a third, much more active, tongue intertwine with hers and Twilight's, sickening her. Twilight's expression didn't look pleased about it either. Rainbow began to consider pulling out of the kiss before her special somepony went unconscious, but her train of thought was ruined as she spotted the door burst open in the corner of her vision. Chrysalis retracted her tongue and chuckled as she reached for Rainbow's lever. "Impressive that Twilight is still alive, I had heard alicorn heads were tough. But I only have so much time, and I'd like this kiss to end before I grow bored of it." Before she could pull it, a magical blast hit her side. Luna and Shining armor came forward, battling Chrysalis. Rainbow was too focused on Twilight's slow loss of activity to know exactly what was going on, but she know Chrysalis was losing. Soon, the changeling queen, apparently given a final monologue as a pity, took the opportunity to pull Rainbow's lever mid-sentence before the two could stop her. A blast from an enraged Luna's horn made her rapidly inflate, her last look being one of wide-eyed regret as she exploded into green goo. Rainbow knew that it would hurt, but she didn't expect it to hurt that much as it sliced through her neck and left her unable to feel her body. Her mind was flooded with fear as she felt her vision begin to fade. She thought that, at least, her and Twilight might pass out at the same time as her vision went black. She could still feel a twitch of tongue, and then, strangely, being lifted off the table and with their mouths and tongues separating. As Rainbow lost consciousness, she had a dream of being in an endless black ocean, with the sound of very muffled voices. All Rainbow could make out, and she couldn't place who said it, was a loud cheer of "I've done it, they'll survive!" > Epilog: Glued Glass > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow weakly opened her eyes to see white. Hospital ceiling white. In her half-awake daze, she let out a "fweet" from her rear without thinking. It was greeted by giggling coming from between her legs, in a familiar voice. Twilight's voice...but sounding a bit off, like it was mixed with Snails'. "See Rarity, she always farts when she wakes up! I win the be-et! 5 bits, 5 bits, 5 bits!" Rainbow sat up to look, seeing first a stallion doctor to her left, then Princess Luna, then Twilight between Rainbow's legs on the edge of the bed, then her four friends and Spike to the right. Rarity scoffed. "I never agr-" she began to say in outrage, but Applejack put a hoof in her mouth. "I'll give Spike the 5 bits to cover Rarity, Twi." Applejack replied. As Twilight cheered and fell over, Rainbow felt her neck with a hoof. There was definitely a scar there. "So, you saved us...but what happened to Twilight?" Luna stepped forward. "We had to save you first, and it took some time. Alicorn brains are special, they stay alive with magic long after oxygen is cut off, and they prioritize losing less...important brain cells." she began to trail off towards the end, staring at Twilight doing an uncoordinated potty dance and talking of having to pee. Pinkie was joining her, while Rarity and Fluttershy seemed rather put off. Spike made a snarky reply gruff voice. "I don't think she had all the ones she needed to begin with, but...I'm glad she's alive. Worst month of my life." The doctor cleared his throat. "Her rate of cognition, bodily control, and impulse control were all damaged. Your friend will need quite a bit of help to live a normal life in her current state. I'll make sure to do regular checkups on her. I'd also like to give you one such checkup, to determine if you've lost anything from your brief time unconscious." Rainbow nodded and stared as Rarity led Twilight with Spike riding her out to the bathroom, followed by the doctor. She looked to Luna. "Has this happened before?" Luna nodded. "A few times. If Twilight is like Celestia, she'll be back to normal in a few years, 4 at most." Pinkie cartwheeled over to Rainbow's left side, then leaned on the bed with a hoof. "So, where is Celestia? Is she dead? Did she miraculously escape some deep cave underneath Canterlot that's never been seen before or since?" Luna sighed. "I'm afraid my sister was forcefully drained of all useful information and emotion by Chrysalis. While she can move the sun, her memories are in tatters and her personality is barely there. She does at least recognize me, but it could be decades before she's back to normal, at least one before she can rule on her own." "That's awful!" said Fluttershy. Luna just nodded. "I will be there for her, as well as ruling Equestria." Pinkie then did her best to ruin the drama of the moment. "So Rainbow, you gonna have fun with Twilight like you did before our execution later? I've got a biiig 'welcome-back-from-being-decapitated' part planned!" Fluttershy and Luna obviously weren't prepared to answer, their faces showing discomfort. "Uh, Pinkie, it wouldn't be right to take advantage of her like that. I don't know if she still understands what sex is." Rainbow replied. Applejack trotted over to the bed. "Sugarcube, she might be dumb, but, honestly...and no offense, she ain't that much dumber than you. I'd say, if anything, the relationship's actually more equal on intelligence than before." "Wow, that was harsh, Applejack! Somepony should call the fire department, cause this pony just got burned!" said Pinkie, finishing with a rise in pitch from excitement before giggling. Rainbow was trying to process it when Luna spoke up. "My little ponies, it is on all of you to help Twilight Sparkle recover, and if you limit her due to her lower intelligence, you will only stifle her instead of help her. She deserves the same chance at love as everypony else, and I do not believe she'd support treating her like that, especially since she made the decision before to date Rainbow, as Applejack pointed out. I therefore recommend to you, Rainbow Dash, that you continue your relationship with her, perhaps just somewhat more carefully. With that, I must depart." Luna trotted out, leaving everypony momentarily speechless. Rainbow still wasn't sure. "Well..." "Sugarcube, listen to the goshdarn princess. And don't do what ya did to me to Twilight, or I swear you'll find apples where the sun don't shine." said Applejack, while Fluttershy nodded. Rainbow nervously giggled, it was going to be an interesting few years. A year later, Rainbow was returning from a long day practicing flying with the Wonderbolts. She found Twilight in their room reading a book on taxes, seeming a bit frustrated. "Gah, you know, I never really understood how you felt about this stuff until now, Rainbow." Rainbow smirked. "Well, it's good to see you've almost caught up with me. I almost want to say you should stop now, so I don't have to become the dumb one again." she said with a giggle before kissing Twilight's cheek. "Aww, Rainbow, you don't have to be smart to be special to me." replied Twilight. Rainbow hugged her. "I know. I guess I just miss the way you looked up to me as you came to me for help organizing your own library. Especially when you had trouble even reaching the toilet in time." "Didn't you find that annoying after a while?" asked Twilight, smugly. "Well...okay, yeah, but in hindsight, I miss it! And Spike was the one who had to use the mop, not me." replied Rainbow. Twilight giggled. "Just don't chop my head off to make me dumb again. I think Spike would kill himself." she said jokingly. Rainbow giggled. "Okay, but you're doing the taxes, since you seem to know them better already." "My knowledge never left me...I just couldn't really wrap my head around it anymore. I still struggle with a lot of it. Oh, and don't call me 'egghead', okay?" said Twilight. "Fine, fine. I'll just find a new and better word to tease you with!" replied Rainbow with a smirk. Twilight rolled her eyes. "Suuuure, and I'll just find a new theoretical basis for teleportation spells." "You know, at least you got a better sense of humor from all this." said Rainbow. "I don't know about better...a lot of ponies think I'm a little immature now." replied Twilight. Rainbow dismissed the notion by blowing a raspberry. "If putting fast-acting laxatives in Celestia's cake at an event about how she's able to function now is immature, I don't want to be mature. So what Luna put you under house arrest for a month?" The two giggled, and got into bed, hoping their relationship would never end.