• Published 20th Jun 2019
  • 377 Views, 3 Comments

Pinkie Pie and the brain - eleboy

pinkie is followed by to familiar lab mice

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pinkie pie and the brain

Pinkie Pie hopping across town while hiding in bushes are Pinky and the Brain spying on her. Brain is looking through one side of binoculars, "There she is Pinky, the pink pony. If I can get some of her DNA I can find a way to harness her reality breaking powers and use it to take over the world!"

Pinky looking through the other side, "I'm Pinky and she is Pinkie Pie do you think we're related. Do you think so Brain?"

Brain looks at Pinkie Pie who is wearing vegetables on her face, Brain then looks at Pinky who is doing the same thing.

Pinky raises his hand to his mouth, "So Brain why are we getting her a driver license if theirs no cars in Equestria?"

Brain facepalms, "DNA not DMV! come on Pinky, we just need to get a lock of her hair."

Pinkie corrects Brain, "Wouldn't that be mane being a pony after all."

Brain gives an annoyed-deadpan expression before moving on, "Come on Pinky she moving."

Pinkie gets excited and starts clapping his hands, "How are we going to do it? Ooh do you have some kind of robot" - he starts mimicking a robot - "or a complicated do-dag?" Pinkie starts mimicking shooting a ray-gun
"No, I have a much simpler plan." Brain pulls out a pair of scissors.

Pinkie Pie is hopping down the street when she spots silly mirrors. She runs towards it and starts making faces. Brain holding a pair of scissors attempts to cut Pinkie's tail but she moves causes him to miss. He tries over and over with increasing speed but Pinkie Pie unknowingly dodges every time. Brain stops and is breathing heavily.

"Well, that was fun. Now back to greeting all of Ponyville. La la la." Pinkie Pie hops away.

Pinky is now making faces in the mirror, "blll blah. haha look at me Brain isn't these silly mirrors fun. Narf"

Brain Says, "don't make me hurt you Pinky,"

Pinky says, "Sorry Brain."

Inside Sugarcube Corner Pinkie Pie is at the counter. Pinky and Brain are hiding on a support beam. Brain is waiting for Pinkie, "Pinky is the gum ready?"

Pinky spits out the gum into his hand, "Gum chewed Brain. Narf."

Brain puts the chewed gum on a fish hook then lowers it down to attempt to get it in Pinkie Pie mane. The gum bobs up and down until it latches onto its destination Pinkie Pie's mane, "Huh, what's this?" She starts pulling on the gum. As she does it stretches, in a moment shes covered in bubblegum.

Brain looking on quizzically, "A little excessive but as long as theirs a single strand." Pinkie Pie removes the gum by licking her entire body. Brain stares in a, too tired to question it way. "Well as long as she spits it out."

Pinkie Pie takes out the gum and gives it to Scootaloo, "Here you go Scootaloo chewed gum for your chewed gumball."

Scootaloo adds the chewed gum to a big ball of chewed gum, "Thanks Pinkie." Brain facepalms.

Pinkie Pie continuing hopping across town still oblivious to Brain until she sees him in a full-body pony suit with the Earth as a cutie mark, the tail looks like a mouse tail, and Brain's head sticking out. Pinkie Pie runs up to him, "Hi there. Wow, you have a really really really small head."

Brain says, "Actually I'm a lab mouse in a pony suit."

Pinkie Pie starts giggling, "your funny."

Brain says, "Mind donating some of your hair for charity?"

Pinkie Pie says, "Ooh what kind of charity?"

Brain takes a moment to think, "Uuh. its For making wigs for ponies with very small heads so to make them feel better about themselves."

Pinkie Pie gasps, "Go ahead and cut as much as you need." Brain starts trying to cut her hair but his attempts are like trying to cut bubble gum. The Brain starts growling. Pinkie pie tries looking back towards him, "Is something wrong?"

"No, just wait a moment." Brain then pulls out a chainsaw out of nowhere and tries to cut Pinkie Pie with it but it gets stuck in her mane and starts sinking in. "Have you ever had a hair cut before?"

Pinkie takes a moment to think about it, "No, I did try once but the stylist ran out yelling something about bubblegum." Brain starts banging his head on a wall. Pinkie Pie just shrugs and hops away. "La la la."

Hopping away Pinkie Pie then meets Pinky. "Hi, there I'm Pinky."

"Pinky, I'm Pinkie Pie." Pinkie Pie gasp, "Maybe were related."

Pinky says. "I was thinking the same thing. Narf. Hey, Pinkie Pie my friend Brain needs a strand of your mane, can he have one?"

"Why certainly here you go." Pinkie Pie pulls out a strand of hair and gives it to Pinky.

Brain eye twitches, he then facepalms. Pinky walks to Brain with the hair, "Here you go Brain."

Brain simply sighs, "Thanks Pinky."

Pinky then trips and lets go of the hair, "Woops sorry Brain."

Brains Yells, "Hurry to catch it before we lose it!" The hair blows in the wind. Pinky and Brain are chasing after it, running past pony legs. The hair gets stuck in a vendor stand. "there it is!" Brain looks both ways then runs through the street but a mob of ponies runs through trampling the Brain. Brain dizzily walks the rest of the way then falls over. "Ouch."

The hair blows away the lab mice run after it. The hair lands in a filly's ice cream. Brain points to it, "There it is!"

Pinky says, "Aw the poor filly it's in her ice cream."

Brain says, "Who cares we need to get the hair."

Pinky says, "yeah don't want the filly to accidentally eat it."

Brain says, "I agree I rather not deal with the pink pony again." They go up to the filly. "Excuse me ms. there a hair in your ice cream."

The filly notices them, "Eeh rodents!" she then starts stomping on them. She then notices the hair. "What's this? Ew, a hair!" she then tosses the hair.

Brain says in pain, "Come on Pinky after the hair." The hair lands in the town's fountain. Pinky and Brain climb on. Brain says, "There in the water. finally, a place where we won't get stomped on." Pinkie and Brain Jump in and Brain grabs the hair. Then Pinkie Pie jumps in lands on Brain then jumps out.

In Twilight's lab, Brain is doing science stuff with test tubes strange liquids and stuff. Pinky is holding the hair above a beaker. Brain standing in front of the beakers, "Now to add the hair Pinky." Once Pinky puts it in the hair it explodes into a party.

Pinkie Pie shows up, "Wow a party!" She then brings more ponies in.

Brain gives up and starts leaving, "Come on Pinky lets go home. We need to prepare for tomorrow night."

Pinkie follows, "Why Brain what are we doing tomorrow night?"

Brain says, "The same thing as we do every night. Try to take over the world!"

They're Pinky and the Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain.

Author's Note:

please give constructed criticism

Comments ( 3 )

Aaand that tune is now stuck in my head :derpyderp2:

(slow clap)

Feels a lot like an episode of "Pinky and the Brain"

Brain: Pinky are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Pinky: I think so Brain, but how are we going to get a yak to wear lederhosen?

Brain: (face palm) no Pinky an up vote is in order!

You could have better transition from scene to scene

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