• Published 25th Oct 2018
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Chaos Born - Fluttercordia

Fluttershy has been born in the year of the Chaos, will she be chosen? will their be more to fear than the Mythical wizard of whom threatens to take her away from the life she knows.

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Friends are forever, right?

Years Have passed and Fluttershy was beginning to blossom into a Mare, Notably to have easily been one of the most Naturally beautiful of the 13th century. At first her family, although in awe of their daughters transitioning were fearful that this would make her most likely to be chosen. However the Lord of Chaos didn't always choose the prettiest mare, it still made them weary. There were 11 mares born under the year of chaos which is worse odds than dice to be chosen. But as the years favoured Fluttershys growth it also did a few others. All eyes were on her 3 friends, Rainbow Dash, TreeHugger and Starlight Glimmer.

This year the Lord of chaos had chosen a unicorn by the name of sunset shimmer, she had red and yellow hair like fire, a tan coat and blue eyes. Her cutie mark of a yin-yang sun. She had been gifted in magic, but quite nasty when she wanted to be, it was a surprise he chose her, but then again they were sure he had his reasons. In 10 years she will be released. Then it would be the next line of chaos born girls. Fluttershy, Rainbow, Tree Hugger, Starlight, and a handful of other girls they from a few different villages in Equestrias’ valley. They would all be 18 by then.

Only travellers passing through ever complimented Rainbow Dash's parents telling them how beautiful their daughter was or how clever and Loyal. As mentioned The Lord of Chaos didn't take the prettiest but he always took the most special pony, somehow: if there was one who was the smartest, or best dancer or even incredibly kind, he always managed to pick her out, even though he scarcely ever made an appearance or exchange a word with the mares before he made the choice.

Starlight and Tree Hugger didn't have family in Ponyville, and so they lived together on a side of Apple Acres land, Being as young as they are Granny Smith was happy to take care of them, as she had already lost 2 of her Granddaughters to the Everfree. But travellers would compliment them too, Starlight on her Beauty and inventions, Tree Hugger and her skills with plants and medicinal herbs.

Rainbow Dash was a pegasus, had thick whisky hair the colour of the rainbow that could easily be mistaken for a real one when it flew in the wind. Her eyes were a strong Dark Pink and her coat matched the Cyan sky on a perfectly clear day, and a cutie mark of a Rainbow lightning bolt breaking a cloud. She could think of all the best games and was the fastest flier in the land, and she was fearless. Her mother, Windy Whistles would say "she'll have to be brave".

Tree Hugger was an earth pony, which suited her as she was a very earthy mare, her coat the colour of green you would see at the break of spring, bright amber hair which had been formed into delicate and not frayed dreadlocks and eyes of a very faint purple. She was just somehow connected to the earth, much like Fluttershy was connected with animals. Her cutie mark a maple tree in the shape of a heart.

Starlight Glimmer, was smart, a gifted unicorn. Had a coat of lavender, it almost smelt like lavender. Her mane purple with a green mint coloured streak down, on the tail as well. She had a cutie mark of a star, a magical mist the same colour as the streak of her mane, emanating from it, and eyes not much darker than her coat. She had been a bit hesitant to make friends with the others at first, due to fear of losing them one day to the Draconequus. But soon she realised its better to have had friendship and it taken away than to never have had friendship at all.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash lived close to one another, about 3 houses down, they too had to live on the earth instead of Cloudsdale, so as to prepare Rainbow Dash for the day the Lord of Chaos Might take her. Rainbow Dash had a sister Scootaloo who was much younger than she, and she looked up to Rainbow Dash. As hard as it was for everyone else to come to terms that surely the Draconequus could take her, it was even harder for Scootaloo.
Fluttershy didn't have any sisters, only a brother a little younger than her. The four were friends since fillies, being born in the same month, all chaos born, and often went running wild in the woods.

As they all grew older, Fluttershy's parents didn't fear for their daughter very much, she was still a skinny Mare with weak wings that couldn't fly so strongly. Mr and Mrs Shy would have never imagined they'd be so happy that their only daughter had some faults. Though who could blame them? Fluttershy She still had not received her cutie mark like the other. Though she tends to care for woodland animals a great deal and would often tend to them. They felt maybe this was what her special talent would be and she just needed that extra nudge to get her cutie mark. Any day now.
Another gift of Fluttershy's, if you could even call it a gift was that she would always tear or stain anything put on her within the day.

"you'll have to Marry a tailor my little Fluttershy" her father chuckled as Fluttershy ran to him and threw her hooves around his neck, she had been playing near the wood again, never too close and was now muddy. He swung her up regardless and kissed her on her little forehead, Mrs Shy sighed in happiness, she would never be one to complain about a few faults in a Chaos born daughter.

They lingered out late in the woods together, praying that they could slow down time. Fluttershy entered her room after sundown and lay down in the dark. Mrs Shy came in and stroked her daughter's delicate face to free it of fresh tears and sang her a soft lullaby to ease the pain. She would always leave a plate of food by her bed for when Fluttershy woke up hungry in the night. Mrs Shy didn't comfort her too much though. none of her family did. Fluttershy knew why, She knew that no matter how much herself and her family loved Rainbow, Rainbows family, Tree Hugger and Starlight, she couldn't help but be happy- not MY daughter, not my only one would be taken. And Fluttershy couldn't blame her family for feeling that way, and wouldn't really have wanted them to feel any other way either.

It was just the four of them, together forever, even though they were only 8 years old Rainbows mother had told her daughter to stay away from young colts and stallions as she was growing up and started receiving attention. Just silly colt crushes of course. "its best you don't see much of them, for you and them" she had said. Rainbow never minded that, she had no interest in relationships herself. None of them did actually. But the group of them had clung to each other, and their families knew better than to pry them loose.

One day at the beginning of Autumn close to all their birthdays Fluttershy and Tree Hugger found a meadow, and of course pulled Rainbow and Starlight glimmer from the cottage and into their new discovery, they started a little fire giggling all the while and looking up at the beautiful Autumn struck chestnut trees.

Rainbow had always stood up for Fluttershy when she was viciously bullied at school for her poor flying she was there for her. 'Another reason that without a doubt shed probably be the one taken' Fluttershy thought to herself after all Rainbow WAS the bravest and most loyal pony shed ever met.

Tree Hugger could be taken too, she always calmed her and shared with her passion for nature as well, always had some kind of advice to give and would help Fluttershy aid her animals with her natural skill with herbal medications.

Starlight Glimmer had a strong chance as well. She had a natural gift for magic, and often helped teach the younger unicorns in the village, and could solve almost every small problem in the village. She was smart. She had discovered that a pony could create a fabric that was more durable than cotton with hemp plants. Tree Hugger had a lot of those plants in her little houses backfield for some reason.

They all had reasons to be chosen, she had none, but she was not happy about that either, she knew there weren't many mares that fit this takings criterion, and it would more than likely be one of her friends.

"I'd like to be a tree", said Fluttershy as her eyes reflected the beautiful leaves above her, trying to break the silence and take her mind of the sad thoughts that had plagued her head. The three of them stifled a small laugh, knowing well of her friends passion for nature and its animals.

"It would be nice to be a Wonder Bolt" Rainbow eventually stated herself. Lying back with her eyes closed. The Wonder Bolts were the fastest and most fierce Ariel Knights in Equestria, they had come through town that morning to get some food for the road to the Crystal Empire.
"To go all over Equestria and fight for the Princess."
She continued thoughtfully, it sounded not like that of a fillyish dream but as if she were really considering running away forever. But of course you can never run from the Lord of Chaos, some had tried to avoid it, but they always somehow ended back in the village on the day of the taking.

"I want to be one of Celestia's advisors" Starlight chirped in herself, more than happy to share her dreams she might never fulfil.

"And I .... could go for something to eat" Tree Hugger added, sitting up from the small circle they had made in the grassy meadow and plucking a few chestnuts from the tree. She closed her eyes and put a hoof up on the trunk of the tree of which she had taken from "much gratitude for the chestnuts, have a chill sleep in winter, bliss outttt."

Fluttershy smiled at Huggers sweet antics. Rainbow was about to burst out laughing from the scene but was quickly halted by Starlights scowl, she had known it was coming. Rainbow just grinned sheepishly and Starlight then had to fight back her own little giggles at Rainbows expression.

Fluttershy thought of when one of her friends might be released, and the very well known fact that it could be the case she one of her friends would be like all the mares before and never return to Ponyville again. Fluttershy took everypony’s hoof swiftly, jolting them all a little, and looked at all of them with pleading eyes. "And you'd come here every Hearths Warming," she said, "and tell us all of your adventures." And they held each other tight, they all looked back at her, with eyes that said they would never leave her behind.

Fluttershy HATED the Lord at that moment, he was going to take one of her friends away, so she hated him, and had hated him. They ate their fill of roasted chestnuts and Celestia lowered the sun, but they lingered in the meadow as long as they could.