• Published 25th Oct 2018
  • 1,350 Views, 22 Comments

Chaos Born - Fluttercordia

Fluttershy has been born in the year of the Chaos, will she be chosen? will their be more to fear than the Mythical wizard of whom threatens to take her away from the life she knows.

  • ...

Alone no more...

About a week went by, and Fluttershy hadn't seen Discord. This wouldn't normally be odd, as she had tried and well, somewhat, succeeded to avoid him before. This time, however, it was as if he was avoiding her. She had taken him his meals but he was never there. If she hadn't come back to an empty tray every now and then she would think he had left the castle.

She hadn't seen the other mares either, and she missed them. She even found herself missing him. It was quite scary in a castle with seemingly no presence. An odd, ever-changing castle at that.

She made her way to the castle kitchens to bake some goods, to keep herself occupied. She read the animal book provided by Rarity and Twilight now twice, and she considered going back to ask for another but seeing how well that turned out last time she opted against it. Fortunately, more strange notes had been left around the kitchen every day for the past week, each short and sweet, holding different cupcake recipes to try. Always signed P.P.

She smiled as she made her way over to the oven, where one was usually left. She opened it up with so much enthusiasm she could have ripped the iron door from its hinges if she were any stronger. Today, however, she didn't find any notes. She frowned and sat on the floor with a sigh. “This is fine,” She said aloud to nopony, trying to convince herself, “I’ll just....” She looked around for some inspiration but found none.

“OOP! Looks like you beat me to it today!”

Fluttershy jumped and turned around to find a lively pink mare. “Oh! H-Hi!” Fluttershy gushed in delight. She wasn't sure who this was, but her usual shy demeanour was overcome easily at the thought of finally having sompony to speak to let alone see!

“HA-HI to you too! I’m Pinkie Pie! Haven't seen you around here yet and oh my gosh I was getting so sad because I would have loved to have thrown you a welcome to the castle party but I'm not usually allowed to speak to the mares from the village and - GASP - “ Pinkie Pie finally drew in a breath.

Fluttershy awkwardly smiled, as she did so, she had wondered if this mare was ever going to stop and catch a breath, add she had blurted all that out at lightning speed without so much as a pause. Fluttershy was about to say something when the mare, now known as Pinkie Pie, continued.

“Oh my gosh! We aren't supposed to meet you yet, but oh well,” she shrugged, “I don't have the patience for that anyway, especially since I found out you already met Twilight and Rarity, and I don't think that's very fair. Anyway, you must be Fluttershy!” Pinkie bounced over and grasped her hoof and shook it so fast Fluttershy started seeing stars.

Fluttershy shook her head to regain her vision and giggled softly. This one seemed like a bit of a wild card. “Yes, my name is Fluttershy, it's so nice to meet you, you know Rarity and Twilight too?”

“Well Duh! We all live together after all.” Pinkie said with a cheesy smile.

Fluttershy felt a bit saddened by this, but forced a small soft smile, “Why am I only just meeting you? S-sorry to ask, its just... is the castle really this big?” Fluttershy looked around the room they were in, “Wait, did you say something about not being allowed to see me? Twilight said something like that once too, now that I think of it.”

“Oh yeah, it's a long story,” Pinkie tapped her chin and hummed for a second in thought, “You know what? Buck it!” Pinkie exclaimed in delight. Fluttershy blushed from the profanity of her new friend, and she hadn't realised that Pinkie had now grabbed her by the hoof and was pulling her through the castle.

“U-um... Excuse me...Where are you taking me?” Fluttershy stuttered nervously, trying to keep her legs up with the eccentric pink mare, lest she is dragged like a rag doll. She was incredibly fast, after all.

“To meet the others!” Pinkie squealed.


“Yes! You must be so lonely and have nopony to talk to. You being sad would make me sad, which means I won't be able to make anypony un-sad, and then sadness will consume the world and-” Pinkie paused and pressed her face against Fluttershy’s, looking her right in the eyes, “THEN EQUESTRIA WOULD BLOW UP!”

“Blow up?!” Fluttershy squeaked.

Pinkie shrugged, “Well, maybe not blow up, but I'm not going to take that chance.” And just like that Pinkie resumed pulling Fluttershy along at great speed.”

They arrived at the base of a huge tower, Pinkie bounced on the spot as Fluttershy heaved, trying to catch her breath. Not only was it hard keeping up with her new friend, but the changing staircases also didn't make the situation any easier either. “Almost lost ya there!” Pinkie said as she gave the yellow pegasus a few hearty taps on the back to help her out. “Sorry about that...” She said with a frown.

“Its okay,” Fluttershy said as she finally pulled herself up straight and smiled, “You’re almost as fast as my best friend!” Her smile faltered... Rainbow... Oh, how she missed her.

“Well, your friend must be really fast if she can ke-” Pinkie noticed the glint of sadness in Fluttershy's eyes quite easily. “Hey... are you okay Fluttershy?” Pinkie asked in a soft tone of voice, it was almost like it was out of character for her to speak that low.

“Yeah, I'm, okay.” Fluttershy’s eyebrows still furrowed, but she found her smile again, “What are we doing here?”

Pinkie may be an expert in all things fun and happy, but she could tell when somepony was upset, but also was able to recognise when they didn't want to talk about it. They would always tell you at the right time. Deciding not to pressure the already exhausted and lonely mare, she let it go. “Oh, I'm just here to introduce you to two others!”

“Two... Twilight and Rarity? I've already met-”

Pinkie knocked on the door.

A mare's voice came out from behind, “Pinkie?”

“Noooooooo! You're supposed to say who's there!!” Pinkie wined.

There was a collective sigh, before another mare's voice rang out behind the door, “Who’s there?”

“ATCH!” Pinkie yelled.

“Atch who?”

“Gesundheit!” Pinkie laughed. Slapping her knees.

A collective loud groan came from the behind the door. “Okay Pinkie come on in.”

Fluttershy giggled, “Oh I get it haha! That's Bless you in Germane!”

Pinkie squealed in delight, “At least somepony appreciates my jokes!” She shouted teasingly, as she pushed the door open.

There, in the room were 3 other mares and a dragon. Twilight, who typically had her head stuck in a book, Rarity, who was threading some expensive looking silks into a design of sorts, and another she hadn't met before, the baby dragon must be the one Discord took so long ago as a messenger and general assistant. Fluttershy had wondered when, if ever, she would run into him, and oh he was just ADORABLE! He was sound asleep and had surprisingly not woken from the noise. She had almost forgotten that there was another mare there, one she hadn't met. They appeared to be glaring at Pinkie, and For a second the whole room was in silence. Fluttershy almost turned tail and made a run for it, as she already felt that maybe, with the expressions they were giving. Pinkie was not supposed to have taken her here.

Rarity was first to break the tension, “Fluttershy!! Darling! It is so good to see you again!” she trotted over to the nervous pegasus and gave her a genuine hug. Rarity had wondered how the poor dear was doing since the incident and tried to check on her to make sure no harm was done. But each time Discord had reassured her that all was fine and demanded her to stay away for a while.

Normally Rarity wasn't one to listen to Discord, she had known him so long she almost considered him a friend. Which is still odd, considering they had known each other for almost 200 years now, and they should be close friends by normal pony standards by now. But alas, they were not normal by any means, and she dared not try to bond too much, as he had never been the one to want a friend anyway. It didn't bother Rarity. But no, it was Twilight who made the extra effort to ensure Rarity stuck to his demands. She had been here a little longer after all and always listened to orders.

Fluttershy felt a lot better, knowing at least Rarity and Pinkie was happy for her to be here. c“Fluttershy, this is Applejack and Spike!” Pinkie introduced, and then whispered in Fluttershy's ear, “Spikes the baby dragon.”

“Well,” Applejack started, “Howdy there Sugar cube.” She nervously chuckled, before turning to Pinkie Pie in a harsh whisper, “What the hay do you think you’re doing Pinkie?!”

“Seconded. I'm wondering that too.” Twilight stated a sense of authority about her.

“Oh Relax! I just thought she needed some friends, she already met more than half of us anyway, I ran into her by accident. I have been leaving her some super duper slamming cupcake recipes, and today she just happened to get there before I did!”

“It's been you?! O-OH OF COURSE! P.P IS PINKIE PIE!” Fluttershy confirmed in delight.

Pinkie beamed from ear to ear “YOU GUESSED IT!”

Twilight sighed and stood up from her book, making her way over to Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. “What has Discord said about us socialising with the village mare?” Twilight asked Pinkie in what could only be described as a condescending tone. Pinkie frowned and opened her mouth to speak, as did Rarity, but something in Fluttershy snapped.

“That's it!” Fluttershy shouted, grabbing everyponies attention in the room, slightly taking them back it would seem, due to their slack jaw expressions. “I have been taken from my friends and family. Used for Celestia knows what! I have done things I've never thought I could do without understanding why. I don't know why you are all here, as I have never heard of there being any other ponies in this castle. Rarity should be dead as far as I know. I don't know what Discord wants with me let alone anypony else. WHY CANT I SEE OR TALK TO ANY OF YOU?! I WANT ANSWERS!” Fluttershy gasped for breath, at her wit's end, and had practically screeched the last part.

It was if time stood still. No one had been around Fluttershy for too long, and heck, one had never even met her before, but they all knew this wasn't and shouldn't be her regular tone and manner. This poor mare. They fell into sympathy and shame. Of course, she'd be afraid and confused, and how have they treated her? By shutting her out. For what they believed good reason. But for once they all silently agreed... she needs to know. She needed some answers. Who were they to deny that?

“Okay,” Twilight said, solemnly.

“We will tell you all that we can.” Applejack finished.

The rest murmured in agreement.

“I suppose I shall start with... how I got here, more specifically, why I'm still here.” Rarity began. “It all started....”