• Published 26th Nov 2018
  • 1,652 Views, 9 Comments

True Betrayal - MarblePieLover

After Tempest sings her song about not trusting anypony. a creature of ink hears this and comes to speak the truth and set them all free.

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Chapter 2 An agreement.

Tempest shadow woke up hearing muffled voices and feeling wooden floorboards “Capper understand please. Mabye she can help us!” she reconised the voice. It was the voice of Twilight sparkle. “Alright. But if she attacks ya its not my falt.” said a second voice. Tempest then heared a click of a lock and the opening of a door. There at the door was twilight sparkle. “What happened?” said Tempest. Twilight looked at Tempest with a kind grin “my freinds found you and me. Apprently we landed in the middle of a abandoned airship. My freinds and I were able to get it up and running.” Twilight said.

“and this includes me how?” Tempest asked Twilight then responed “We need to defeat that thing. That ink demon” suddenly everything came back to her. She rembered the ink demon defeating her. Attacking grubber. And stealing her airship. Rage filled every inch of her mind. “And you want my help right?” said Tempest. Twilight nodded. Tempest then thought for a moment then sighed deeply. “Alright” said tempest “Im in.”

Suddenly a loud noise that sounded like a cannon came from the back “Yay she said yes!!!” exclamed the Pink pony know as Pinkie pie. Tempest was confused as to how she heared them Twilight asured her it was “pinkie being pinkie” and not to question. Tempest then went to the deck to look for the ink demon.

Meanwhile the ink demon Bendy was makeing himself at home in the ship. Mostly by splatering ink everywhere and build a throne made of pipes and wood. Bendy then yelled “Grubber! Wheres my bacon soup!?” Grubber then ran to Bendy with a bowl of soup “I got your soup Mr Ben- woah!” Grubber then trip spilling the soup all over Bendy. As bendy was yelling at him the only thing grubber could think is.

“please. Save me Commander Tempest.”