• Published 25th Jun 2018
  • 785 Views, 3 Comments

Havoc: Godhood - Histy

The mortals have long worshipped the five Gods and their Creator which had created their world. But what was the life of these Gods and their Creator? What did they do when they weren't surveying the mortal realm? This story answers those questions.

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Chapter 1: Disagreements

“Well, what is it going to be?”

The Pharaoh fidgeted on the throne he sat on in his rather stylish throne room, fear engulfing his body as his hooves shook beneath him, and sweat began to trickle down his form.

Across from him, stood two immortal beings, both possessing the power to disintegrate him of they so choose to. The one which had addressed him looked like a female ape, but the only thing resembling that of fur was its short white mane, while everywhere else was replaced with pale white skin. She wore an extravagant black dress that had stylish orange highlights at its edges. She also wore what looked like a buret on top of her head. And her eyes, which were a sickly orange color, were dangerously narrow as she scowled the Pharaoh down. The large staff which she carried, as well as her killing stare, didn't make him doubt what she wanted to do to him.

The other figure looked far less threatening, but wasn't to be underestimated just because of that. She was quite the large pony, an alicorn yo be more specific, with dark blue fur and radiant blue eyes. Her mane waved with a nonexistent wind, the stars in night sky imbedded within it twinkling as bright as the real thing. Her eyes bore a look of both concern and hopefulness.

The Pharaoh stuttered to answer the question brought about by the ape, “N-No?” It was a brave answer, considering the individual who he had denied.

The ape hummed at the answer. “Very well then,” she stated, as her staff beginning to glow with energy, and she took position to attack him, until the large wing of her alicorn partner stopped her in her tracks.

The ape glared at her partner, “What?” she asked rather harshly.

“You haven't given me a try yet,” the blue alicorn answered sternly, also glaring.

The moment was tense, as the two Gods stared down one another, both yielding no ground. This happened for so long that the Pharaoh theorized that he could escape under their noses and continue what he'd planned.

Unfortunately for him, the blue alicorn turned her attention to his form. Noticing the fear that he still had, she gave him a reassuring smile that in truth only made him far more fearful.

The blue alicorn then spoke. “As you may know, from what Zerstörung had told you rather bluntly, your attempts to declare yourself a living God have not boded well with Lady Faust, and she requests,” she shot an accusing glance at the ape known as Zerstörung, “that you immediately cease your actions, or face the consequences.”

The Pharaoh fidgeted again, but remained silent.

Zerstörung, clearly displeased by the amount of time wasted on this task, and wanting to end this debacle as soon as possible, decided enough was enough. “Your silence tells me that you are ready to deal with the consequences of refusing your Gods, mortal, therefore I shall act accordingly.”

Her large staff glowed again for a second time. Her alicorn partner once more attempted to use one of her wings to try and stop her, but this time Zerstörung ignored the action completely, her patience with this self-proclaimed God having already been drawn thin.

Then, in a swift action, Zerstörung’s staff made a gentle tap on the floor, its echoes around the throne room becoming far louder than the original sound. Not even a second later, the Pharaoh turned into ash, his throne becoming littered with the substance.

The silence after the event was deafening.

After a long moment, Zerstörung spoke again. “There, all done! Now we can-” she stopped herself when she noticed the fiery glare her alicorn partner was giving. She returned the look in kind. “What?”

Instead of starting what would have been a long argument with her fellow immortal, the blue alicorn stormed off with huff, her head held high with dignity. This would later prove to be her undoing, as she humiliatingly tripped over one of the dead corpses of the Pharaoh’s guard. She quickly recovered from the fall, and, after briefly brushing her fur, continued her course as though nothing had happened.

Zerstörung watched the event humorously. A smile crept onto her face as she watched her partner leave the scene.

“Your naivety can be so humorous at times, Selene,” she stated to no one in particular, before following the blue alicorn called Selene in leaving the damned place.

Terra couldn't believe what she was hearing right now.

The normally caring and gentle nature of the timberwolf Goddess of Life had been quickly turned upside-down after Apophis casually told her that Zerstörung had killed the Pharaoh that Faust had ordered her to negotiate with. Now enraged by the fact, Terra scoured the halls of the Pantheon in search of the Havoc Goddess, just about ready to tear her apart limb by limb as she was to scold her.

Terra soon found Zerstörung. The Havoc Goddess looked as though she was in a heated argument with Selene, but Terra didn't care as she charged on, taking a deep breath as she prepared to shout at the top of her lungs.

“Why did you kill him!?” she finally exclaimed.

The two turned towards the timberwolf Goddess. Upon seeing her, Zerstörung groaned loudly, clearly unhappy with the arrival of Terra, but the Goddess of Life didn't care as she stopped in front of the human Goddess, just about ready to set off on her.

“Faust ordered you to negotiate with him, and then you just go off and kill him!”

Selene looked to Terra with worry. Concerned by how the argument could turn out, the Moon Goddess tried to calm down her fellow immortal in an attempt to defuse the brewing conflict. “You shouldn't worry, Terra. I've already told Zerstörung that her actions-”

“I don't give a damn if you told her anything!” Terra interrupted, giving a brief but harsh glare to Selene, making the blue alicorn flinch.

Whether Selene liked it or not, Terra was going to give that bitch Zerstörung a piece of her mind.

Returning her enraged attention to Zerstörung, Terra continued to pester the Havoc Goddess. “I know you are a God who thrives on death and destruction, but you are not one who disobeys Faust's orders! It's an offense to her being!”

“Really now?” Zerstörung asked rhetorically, looking as though she ignored everything that Terra said up until that moment. “And having so many forbidden relationships with so many demigods, like the whore you are, is not?” the human gave a cheeky smirk after the latter statement.

Terra growled loudly, her wooden timberwolf teeth beginning to reveal themselves.

“Oh, have I struck a nerve?” Zerstörung continued to push onwards. She spoke in manner that one would use on a child. “Aww… I'm so sorry. I'll take back what I said if it makes you feel better.”

By this point, Terra was tired of this bitch. Why did Faust keep someone like her around? Her purpose is completely useless! This universe was created so that life could thrive, not be destroyed! It sometimes amazed Terra how foolish her own Creator was when it came to what the Gods were necessary for.

“What's going on here?”

All eyes turned down the large hallway, to see another immortal alicorn. This one was all white, and looked far more male. All of his mane, tail, and beard were harmless flames, which flowed as if they were true flames, along with matching dark red eyes.

Zerstörung smiled at the new arrival, greeting him politely, “Ah, Sol. Perfect timing.”

Sol stared at Zerstörung with a confused expression. “Perfect timing for what?”

“Terra and I are having a bit of a… disagreement here, and now with you here, I was wondering if you can help us come to some sort of a resolution.” The Havoc Goddess explained.

“Oh, alright then,” Sol said in realisation. “What would be this “disagreement” then?”

“She killed the Pharaoh when Faust specifically ordered her not to!” Terra shouted instantly.

“Actually, she allowed me to do it only if it was necessary,” Zerstörung responded. “And since he continuously denied our requests, I deemed it necessary to kill him.”

Sol looked over to Selene. “Is this true?”

“Well… yes, Faust did say that,” Selene answered. “I just didn't approve of Zerstörung’s actions because she hadn't given me much of a chance to convince the Pharaoh to change his mind.”

“I see,” the Sun God hummed. He thought for a moment, before coming to a solution.

“Terra, while I am sympathetic to your position, I'm afraid Zerstörung is in the right here.”

“WHAT!?” Terra exclaimed in full rage, her voice far louder than normal. “You can't be serious!”

“Let me explain.” Sol said calmly.

“Both Zerstörung and Selene have admitted that Faust had not ordered her to spare the Pharaoh, and allowed killing only if necessary,” the Sun God clarified. “And since Zerstörung saw it was necessary to kill him, she did.” Sol then sighed in defeat. “Although I completely agree with Selene that Zerstörung should have given her much more chances at changing the Pharaoh's mind.”

Not wanting to hear any more of this nonsense, Terra stormed off with an angry growl.

The three other Gods watched as the Goddess of Life left the scene, before Zerstörung returned her attention back to Sol, a winning smile on her face. “I knew you'd take my side,” she said appreciably. “Now if you excuse me, I have other business to attend to.” the Havoc Goddess calmly walked off, not without a dark chuckle, though.

“That girl is so mysterious,” Selene said as she watched the human walk away.

“Yes, she certainly is,” Sol concurred. “Out of all of us, she's the only one who still hasn't revealed anything about her mortal life. Except for her mortal name, that is.”

“But we don't even know if that's really her mortal name, though.”

“No, we don't. But enough of that.”

Sol returned his attention to the Moon Goddess, and the two stared into each other's eyes.

The Sun God smiled. “Now that you're back, we can spend some more time together.”

Selene smiled back at him. “I'd like that.”

Comments ( 3 )

Havoc is still "incomplete"

Yes, and I'm going to finish it. This chapter is going to be the only one in this story until Havoc is finished.

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