• Published 28th Jul 2012
  • 3,423 Views, 69 Comments

Video Game's Mightiest Heroes: War for Equestria - That who is G

Action adventure crossover featuring the best of ponydom and classic video games.

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Chapter 1: Meet the Team

Author's note: Hey guys. As a fair warning, Chapter 1 introduces the protagonists from the video game side of things, so there is a distinct absence of ponies. But don't worry, chapter 2 (possibly 3 depending on the length of 2) will have the Mane 6 side of things. Also I wanted to conclude this introduction in one chapter, but for the sake of putting out a page I decided to have it conclude in the next. I hope this is alright. If there's a certain length you think Chapter's should be, let me know. :P Hope you enjoy!


Ripple Star. A peaceful planet residing in the same solar system as Pop Star; home of the legendary Star Warrior and Pink Puffball, Kirby. The inhabitants of Ripple Star were a race of small fairy creatures. They were a peaceful people, who were utterly harmless.

It was the perfect place to lure the mustached one out, even if he did get the Puffball to help. It would not be enough to stop him. Not this time. Revenge shall be his at last.

“Yes...like a mustard smothering ham! The plumber will come, and fall right into the trap!”

The crazed Beanish madman grinned insidiously. Fawful had come to Ripple Star.

And he did not come alone. He brought a small army of his followers to subdue the hapless populace. Shy Guys, now dubbed Fawful Guys with their distinct masks replaced with ones that resembled the face of their master, had quickly instilled fear in the fairies and were now rounding them up as Fawful had ordered.

Fawful had the planet’s greatest city held captive and now wished to make a ‘public service announcement.’ The Fawful Guys herded the terrified inhabitants into the city square. Fawful overlooked their arrival from his jet-propelled platform hovering in the air above. He snickered to himself as he caught glimpses of their fear-stricken faces. It was time to make the announcement.

“The Great Fawful welcomes pathetic Fairy-folk and appreciates your cooperation!” The crowd turned their eyes upwards at the sound of their oppressor. “Fawful hopes you enjoy yourselves this fine evening. As for the purpose of your being here, Fawful would like to turn your attention to the device below.”

On cue, a pair of Fawful Guys in the center of the city square pulled a tarp away from a large box-like object. Unveiling a strange mechanical device that had many wires and coils protruding from it. On the face of the device was a digital clock.

Counting downwards.

“This...is a bomb.”

The crowd erupted in terrified screams and pleading. Fawful’s already enormous grin widened. It was music to his Beanish ears.

“Yes, Fawful agrees that it is a bit simple for Fawful’s tastes...but Fawful is on a budget.” The madman giggled, savoring the moment. “ Now, now little Fairies. We’ll just have to make do. Let Fawful explain your terms of service...”

“Sorry, but I think I’ll have to decline!”

“What!?” Fawful looked around to find the one who had voiced their resistance. “Who said that!? Fawful demands--” He stopped himself short when he spotted something in the distance.

The intruder was masterfully acrobatic. Leaping from rooftop to rooftop, jumping an unbelievably high distance in the air before landing with unmatched precision only to perform another more impressive feat. Flipping, twisting, and summersaulting into the air as he closed the distance to the city square. The figure was garbed in blue overhauls, big brown boots, white gloves, and a bright red hat with a trademark ‘M’ insignia on the brim. He was incredibly agile, yet short and stout. He had bright, determined blue eyes and a large furry mustache on his face.

The Hero of the Mushroom Kingdom performed one final leap into the air to clear the crowd of Fairies and Fawful Guys and landed a few feet away from the bomb in the center of the square. There was silence as all eyes were on him as he turned his steely gaze up at Fawful.

“Mario.” Fawful intoned with contempt dripping from his lips. “So the plumber has finally arrived. Enjoy the trip?”

Mario smirked, standing tall. “Inter-Dimensional portals Aren’t usually my speed. I prefer a good ol’ warp pipe any day.”

Fawful nodded his head in mock agreement, “Yes, Fawful thinks we both have to thank recent dimensional instability for our travel plans to this fine planet.”

Mario clenched his hands into tight fists, dropping their ironic exchange. “I don’t know how you came back after you blew yourself to pieces inside Bowser’s gut, but if you have any sense left in that crazy bean of yours you’ll turn that thing off and turn yourself in. Before I stomp you into bean soup.”

Fawful cackled at Mario’s boast. “Ohoho! Is that true? Fawful thinks you will have a hard time with that, seeing as their is only one of you...”

A swarm of Fawful Guys encircled the plumber. More minions then climbed to the surrounding rooftops, while even more flooded the streets leading to the square. “And only one of you.”

“Make that two, bean-brain!”

There was a sudden rush of air as something blitzed down the streets at an insane speed. Something that could only be described as a blur of blue navigated the winding city roads, making its way to the action in mere seconds. Rolled into a spiky ball, it barreled into the Fawful Guys surrounding the plumber--knocking them to the ground like bowling pins. He sped round and round the center of the square until he finally came to a sliding stop besides Mario.

“About time you showed up,” Mario teased with a smile.

Sonic the Hedgehog grinned back at Mario, hands held idly at his hips. “Hey, you got to have your own intro. I thought I’d take time to make mine. Besides, you seem to have a history with this dude. I didn’t want to interrupt.”

“Who...who the heck is this guy!?” Fawful screamed in indignation. His own grin having been replaced with a confused--and angry--grimace.

Sonic shrugged, appearing uninterested in the bewildered Fawful. “Oh you know, some call me the ‘Blue Blur’, the ‘Quickster’, ‘Fastest Thing Alive’...but most just call me Sonic.”

Fawful groaned before calming himself, still believing he had the overwhelming advantage. “Fine. Whatever. Fawful still thinks the two of you are completely outnumb--”

“Hey Mario?” Sonic turned to Mario.

“Yeah, Sonic?”

“The kid with the sword should be showing up about now, right?”

“Any moment now.” Mario answered.

“Kid with the...Sword? What!?” Fawful bellowed, his outrage returning.

A silver spike with chain in tow shot from a rooftop across the square and embedded itself in the wall of a building on the opposing side. The chain retracted rapidly, pulling a figure along with it. A golden-haired boy in a distinct green tunic descended from above and landed alongside the plumber and speedster with a heavy thud. Rising to his feet, the boy--who was a bit taller than Mario, mind you--placed his hookshot back onto his belt. Reaching to his back he pulled a sturdy shield from its strap and drew a brilliant sword from its sheath.

Brandishing the ‘Sword of Evil’s Bane’ Link, Hero of Time and bearer of the Wind Waker, stood poised for combat.

“Simple, yet effective. I like his style” Sonic complimented the Hylian on his entrance.

Link gave a simple smile in turn, never one for much talk.

Fawful ground his teeth, his temper beginning to come to a boil. “Three. Three of you--”

A sudden commotion stopped Fawful mid-rant once again. Fawful Guys who had commandeered one of the buildings adjacent to the city square were shouting in fright as something very large, and very strong climbed to the rooftop. The beast tossed Guys left and right as he swatted them away like insects. The animal leapt to the streets and plowed through any minion stupid enough to get in his way. He winded up a swing with a sinewy arm and knocked at least a half-a-dozen Guys straight into the air with a single blow. Running on his feet and knuckles, the captive crowd parted to let the great ape through.

Donkey Kong of Kong Country beat his fists on his massive chest. “Get ready for a poundin’, pip squeak! Kong style.”

Before Fawful could even muster another response towards his ever increasing opposition, the piercing sound of an explosion caused him to almost fall off his hovering perch. A powerful blast ripped through one of the small shops on the edge of the square. Fawful Guys were blown outwards in a torrent of fire, smoke, and flying mortar. An odd looking man in a blue and white space suit calmly stepped out of the smoking wreckage. The man was casually tossing a lit bomb up and down as if it were a baseball. The crowd of fairies parted once again, wary of the man’s idle toss of the high explosive.

Bomberman joined his compatriots facing Fawful. “I’d give up right about now if I were you. We wouldn’t want to make a mess, now would we?”

“Alright, alright ALRIGHT! Is that all of you?!” Fawful yelled down at the assembled heroes. Nearly reaching his breaking point for tolerating the growing spectacle that was getting out of hand, quickly. His hands, into theirs.

It was at that point something expected finally did happen. A bright yellow star soared into the city and zipped above the inter-dimensional saviors and villain. The star flew back and forth, up and down and around again in what almost looked like a dangerously out of control spiral. The Warp Star corrected itself and came in low over the City Square.

The oddly shaped craft seemed to have simply passed overhead, until a small pink ball began its terribly slow and ponderous descent. The over-inflated puffball flapped its tiny arms as it deflated itself to lose buoyancy.

Kirby of the Stars landed with a soft plop before turning to face the onlooking crowd of Ripple Star Fairies.


A cheer went up for this galaxy’s native hero.

“Heh, that’s our Kirby.” Bomberman chuckled fondly as he shook his head.

“GET THEM. MASH THEM. JUST DO ANYTHING TO STOP THEM FROM GETTING TO THE BOMB!!!” Fawful screamed at a terrific volume. Shaking with palpable rage.

“Shall we, bros?” Mario turned to the others, grinning under his mustache.

Sonic and DK gave him a thumbs-up, Bomberman and Link nodded and readied bomb and blade. Kirby...


Kirby was Kirby.

“Here we go!”

Comments ( 32 )

Wait... Where's Samus!?

998723 Most likely not here.

You Don't Say?
But seriously, Samus would wipe the floor with Fawful.

I wanted to have the video game cast to have the same thematic flavor as the Mane Six so that they could play off each other's character traits. This will come across later when the two teams meet and we see who's like who, who gets alone better with who, and how they generally work together. I also wanted them to visually be similar in a classic cartoonish way. Characters like Samus who are distinctly Human and realistic would be hard to place in the story I want to tell. Plus Samus spends a lot of time blasting freakish aliens. That might be a biiiit out of place. :P

Alright, the cartoonish visuals I can't argue with, but Samus has the same themes (mostly) as Luna: dark action girls who have faced corrupting eldritch abominations and are somewhat distant figures to all but a select few. As for the problem with the freakish aliens? It's not that out of place. Remember the changelings? A mildly humanoid version of those wouldn't be out of place in a Metroid game at all. Discord looks like a failed Space Pirate experiment, and Ridley is a damn dragon. And to be fair, Samus worked fine alongside Kirby in Dream Land 3.

Now thats just unfair.

Kirby could probably handle this all by himself, he did beat 0² who will hopefully not be showing up in this story. Really most of the major Kirby villains are downright scary in terms of power.

999024 Alls fair in love and war. :rainbowdetermined2:

999248 And this is definatly war! :eeyup:

Also thumbs up if you're reading Sonic's lines in his new voice. :pinkiehappy: (the one that says "No copyright law in the universe is going to stop me!)

999648 Actually, the old one was the one in mind here. :trollestia:

999706 The one from 4 Kids or the one from Sonic Adventure - Sonic Heros? :applejackconfused:

999715 Arent they the same guy? :unsuresweetie:

For sonic's voice actors in the beginning there was Jaheel White and during the adventure series there was Ryan Drummond and then in the 4kids era Jason Griffith and finally in the Modern era Roger Craig Smith

THIS IS SO EPIC!!!!!!!:rainbowwild::rainbowwild::rainbowwild:

Pretty good start! I almost flipped out when you used Wind Waker Link! He is by far the best incarnation of Link there is! :yay: Wait...
WHERE THE F*CK IS PIT?!?! :twilightangry2:
CATISTROPHIC... :pinkiecrazy:

Kirby was Kirby 'nuff said

i would have liked more violent heros. but cool anyways

I love it. but if you can, try to give mario an italian accent.

Keep it up!:yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

Where is Nathan Drake! Where is Commander Shepard! Where THE FUCK is Master Chief!

4891550 What this guy said. Also where are Megaman, Pac-man, Samus, Snake, FUCKING CAPTAIN FALCON!!!!!!:twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2: (all my rage)

4892645 We forgot DOOM guy.

4894160 How could I have forgotin about the DOOM guy!!!! Also Duke Nukem... The old Duke.

4895801 I have never played DOOM or Duke Nukem.

4895827 I've played a little bit of them. THEY WHERE FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!

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