• Published 2nd Jun 2018
  • 588 Views, 6 Comments

Obsession - Grapefruitvenison

You find yourself at your desk... again

  • ...

Chapter 1

You sat down at your desk, grabbing your mouse and resting your hand on your keyboard as you waited for your computer to power on. After a quick password, you were eye to eye with a smiling Rainbow Dash. You flinched at the bright blue light, as your eyes struggled to adjust to the rapid change. You dragged the cursor to word, and begun your work.

You were a university student, meaning you had a tonne of work to do. You never seemed to catch a break, as whenever you finished one assignment, another would follow. It didn't help that you worked most days too, which is why you were working so late in the evening.
You glanced at the bottom right of your monitor. Maybe evening isn't the right word for it.

Your mind was occupied by the sounds of your fingers typing, the deafening sounds of your mechanical keyboard the only presence to keep you company. But as your body was alone, your mind was in another realm.

"Oh my stars" Rarity squealed, "I need to fix these at once!"

"Rarity, its only a small hole, I'll be fine" you replied, running a finger over the offending gash.

"A gentleman must always look his best" she smiled over at you. "And as a fashionista, I can't have you looking anything other than your absolute best."

"Thanks Rarity, you've really helped me a lot over these last couple of days. Since I came to Ponyville, I've been having a bit of a tough time getting on my feet, and I really appreciate what you've done for me."

"Don't mention it darling, I would do this for any of my friends."

"I'm so glad to have you as a friend, you've helped me in so many ways, I need to make it up to you. I cou—"

You blink at your monitor. Your fingers hammering keys automatically. Twenty eighteen. You couldn't believe it had been eight years since 'Friendship is Magic' came out. Things were a lot better back then, more simple. You had a lot of friends back then.

It's stupid, but ever since you were young, you felt as if some day something would take you to another land, and break the monotony of your life, a call to adventure or maybe some magical mishap, or finding out you are the chosen one and are needed somewhere. You know it's impossible, and it will never happen, yet a small part of you wishes it were true. That small delusional part of you keeps telling you that it will happen, just not yet. Eventually you would see a pony in your room, and they will tell you about Equestria. Say you are needed. Maybe when that happens you will be happy?

Your arms started to tingle, but it didn't stop there. The tingles traveled down your arms towards your heart. You hunch over your desk, and as suddenly as it started, the pain is gone.

You look around you seeing rows and rows of bookshelves. How the hell did you get here?

"Oh no, what have I done?" You turned to face the person who spoke, only to realise it wasn't a person at all.

"Am I dreaming?" you slur. This had to be a dream, there is no way this could be happening.

"Oh, well at least it talks" Twilight said. She extended a hoof towards you and helped you to stand. "I am Twilight Sparkle and... what are you?"

"I'm a human, or at least, that's what we call ourselves where I'm from" you say "speaking of which, how did I get here?"

"That's just it, this shouldn't be possible" she started "this isn't possible."

This is impossible. You had better stop slacking off and continue with your work.

You backspaced the gibberish you had been typing, you must have really zoned out. As you started again on that same paragraph, you couldn't concentrate. Your boredom grew. That's how it always happened in the stories right? A teleportation spell gone wrong, or something like that? How can we know what magic is like, teleportation might be real if an Equestria is real. There is always a chance that it's real. How could you know for sure it isn't?

You had been really lonely the last couple of days, or maybe it was weeks? You were losing track of the time. Uni didn't really help. Sure you saw lots of people, but you didn't really talk to them. Sometime they spoke to you, but it wasn't the same as it used to be. Here they just didn't click like your old friends did, but you don't really see them anymore. You really should though, you've been meaning to do it for awhile, but you keep putting it off, and you are sure thing she are going to be just like they were when you used to hang out.

That's why it would be so awesome to go to Equestria. You reckon you would be best friends with all the ponies, and then you wouldn't feel lonely anymore. They would notice when you aren't happy, and Pinkie would be there to cheer you up. She wouldn't stop until you had a smile on your face, she would introduce you to everyone, and you would have so many friends. You would fit in with everyone, even if you were different. They would all see you as something special, and realise how awesome you are.
You really wish you could go to Equestria.

You keep typing, your assignment won't finish itself. You hear a sound under your bed. "If you are a murderer, please get out of my room" you joke to yourself, "or don't, honestly, you'd be doing me a favour."
Hearing a voice is comforting, even if it is your own.
"Hey, Pinkie, if that's you, can you please get me out of here. I won't tell anyone you exist" you say, just in case.
"C'mon, ill keep you guys a secret, I just really wish i could talk to you."
"Please answer me."
"Please, I need you guys."
But you were alone.

Author's Note:

(I would put this in a blog post but I don't even know if the story will get approved, because it might be too meta, but I don't know if this is what they meant.)

This is my first story since I did creative writing years ago, so I hope you enjoyed it. I imagined the ending to have a bit more impact, but I think I lack the writing skill to pull it off.

I'm very shy, even online, so I'm sort of surprised I even wrote this.

Anyway, enough rambling from me, let me know what you think and leave a comment. Critique, advice, improvements, or just opinions, I'm happy to hear them all.

Comments ( 5 )

Nice idea. I think most would agree that it would be wonderful if it were real.

this fiction is realistic, fam. i think this is related to my real life as well, with my keyboard lighting up.

It's almost as if you read my mind, but made a few tweaks to keep the character from being an exact copy of me. I don't think I've ever identified with a character in a fanfic so much!
I also have a hard time accepting that Equestria and its inhabitants don't exist. Even though I know they're fictional, part of my mind just thinks, "They must be real!" I also fantasize about an HiE scenario really happening to me - suddenly getting transported to Equestria, and meeting and befriending the ponies I love. I've also probably wondered if there are ponies in my house if I hear a strange noise or two. What's more, I'm also a university student, and I can't say I really have any friends here.
But, as I implied, there are a few areas in which I don't relate to this guy, and I'm glad they exist, otherwise it would be kind of creepy. I don't have a job, and I've never had one. I also didn't really have a big group of friends at one point, though I certainly had people I regularly conversed with back in high school. I just never hung out with them outside of school.

(I would put this in a blog post but I don't even know if the story will get approved, because it might be too meta, but I don't know if this is what they meant.)

I don't think you need to worry about that. I'm pretty sure what they mean in the rules is that your story can't be about Fimfiction, the site.

I imagined the ending to have a bit more impact, but I think I lack the writing skill to pull it off.

At least you wrote something, and posted it. I myself haven't gotten to that stage, despite my username and it being over a year since I've joined.
Anyway, not bad for a first story! There were a few errors here and there, but otherwise, not bad.

Thanks man.
I feel like a big part of mlp's appeal is escapism, and an imaginary place where everyone gets along and wants to be your friend.
I did play it up a bit, but I feel everyone can relate to a close deadline forcing you to work on a task you don't want to do, or the loneliness of being awake at 3am sitting in front of a computer. So I juxtaposed that to a better reality that we all probably wish were real.
So many people spend their whole lives waiting for something interesting to happen to them, and it's a tradgedy that for nearly everyone, that 'call to adventure' will never come.
Sorry for rambling a bit, I find it interesting to think about and express these concepts.
(This is irrelevant, but one thing I underestimated before writing is how you perceive what you have written. It feels like you have written a landslide of text when really it is a couple of paragraphs.)

I day-dream a lot at work about Equestria and if I ever magically teleported there, I wouldn't have to worry about creatures and ponies judging me, except for the first time meeting them, I would befriend a whole bunch of ponies and go on adventures with the main six, Plus it would be better for my health because I would go outside way more lol. As everyone else would say, Pinkie Pie would always know if you were sad, even on the inside, and she will always be there to help. The only cons: I would miss my family and they would too if I was gone forever....

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