• Published 17th May 2018
  • 430 Views, 1 Comments

Stick N' Move - HybridSoldier

Nightmare Moon has just bought in a new reign of terror all over Equestria. Now, with most of the Equestrian populace beginning to die out, a lowly theif named Hot Shot finds himself in an unlikely place, a rebellion against Nightmare Moon.

  • ...

All Washed Up

Author's Note:

Mission Scoreboard

The Solar Sun Organization-1/2
The Lunar Empire-1/2

In the forest, a hot pink mare with a red mane and tail was galloping away from something that was chasing her. She galloped between trees, darted past some leaves, and leaped over branches.

However, before she knew it, she tripped on a branch and heard the cause of distress galloping towards her.

"You won't escape from me, whore!" she heard someone yell. "I will find you, and I will get my pleasure out of you, whenever you like it or not!"

She cowered in fear as the hoofsteps got closer.

But finally, she gathered the courage to gallop away. The hoofsteps stopped after a while, and so did she, as she stopped to take a breath.

Then, as she heard the hoofsteps get farther away, her eyes began to get blurry, as she struggled to keep her balance.

Eventually, she passed out.

**Twenty Cheese-knife cuts earlier**

In the Meeting Place, all of the ponies who were in the Solar Sun Organization sans Sun Burst were all seated in the area below the podium. On the podium were a considerable number of ponies, sans Sun Burst, that were seated on the seats that the dome provided.

On the podium itself, Flower Pot was on the microphone, as the teams of Ion Storm and Axel Rose were next to her.

"I'd like to announce that our mission was a faliure." Flower Pot announced.

All around the dome, many ponies groaned as Flower Pot lightly tapped the microphone with her hoof.

"Now, now, that does not mean that the mission was a total faliure." Flower Pot reassured the audience. "We still got a considerable amount of weapons from the armory, enough to go and liberate Ponyville."

The ponies cheered.

"However, what I intended was for us to take all the weapons, without getting caught."

"Hey, she's talking about you again." Zap Burst said to Hot Shot.

"Shut up!" Hot Shot whispered harshly.

"That was why Team C had to do what they did." Flower Pot explained. "However, someone had to ruin it."

Everypony shot a hard glare at Hot Shot.

"Yeah, I'm looking at you, Hot Shit."

"But it wouldn't have happened had that black pegasus not spotted us!"

"Yeah, but you made a fool of yourself by wrestling with him!" Flower Pot yelled. "Instead of taking this in a mature manner, you instead decided to throw caution into the wind and risk your life to look 'cool'!"

"Hey, don't you think that you're greater than me!" Hot Shot yelled. "You still know that you're a mare!"

Flower Pot was seeing red right now, knowing that Hot Shot was deliberately egging her on.

"Yeah, that's right," Hot Shot said. "accept the fact that you're a mare!"

Flower Pot was getting furious, and it showed.

Then, Hot Shot was zapped by Flower Pot's magic.

"Ow, fuck, that hurt!" Hot Shot screamed.

"That's what you get for being sexist, you sexist prick!" Flower Pot responded.

"I was going to let you go on our next mission, but now, I have to leave you out!" Flower Pot continued. "From now on until further notice, you're on cleaning duty. Consider yourself lucky that you wern't kicked off the organization!"

Hot Shot groaned.

"Hot Shit, on cleaning duty?" Zap Burst blurted out.

"Not just that, but he's also on escorting duty. Serves him right." Flower Pot said.

Then, the entire dome burst out in laughter.

Hot Shot felt embarrassed. He had never been humiliated in his whole life, at least until now.

"He's on escorting duty, too?" a pony in the audience asked. "Isn't that the worst job?"

"Depends on how the escortee feels." another pony answers.

"Yeah! I heard that, when Bell Apple was still alive, Flower Pot and Ion Storm both had to escort Merlin Lulamoon. He was yammering on about how great he was, and almost killed both of them with his sorry excuse for magic tricks!"

Both ponies burst out in laughter.

"Both of you, I kindly ask you to please shut up!"Flower Pot said to the two other ponies.

When there was silence, Flower Pot continued.

"But everyone, I need you to take on a huge project of mine." Flower Pot said.

"We need an underground bunker, where we can store the weapons that we recently obtained."

"So, what do we do?" a beige pony with a black mane and tail with a cutie mark of a hammer and sickle with a hard hat asked.

"Good question, Building Block." Flower Pot answered. "We should gather some wood for the stairs to the bunker so some unicorns can strip them of their bark, while a few earth ponies will dig down until they see a stoney ground, then they will mine the ground to the desired place for the bunker surface."

"Who will do this, though?"


"For the earth ponies, it'll be you, Gold Digger, Crystal Ice, Mike Phone, Home Slice, Peppermint Cream, and Hot Shot, while Lab Rat does the math for how deep the hole should be."

Zap Burst pointed a hoof at Hot Shot as the latter facehoofed.

"Ha!" Zap Burst yelled. "Hot Shot's got dirt duty!"

"Now, Zap Burst, while Hot Shot deserves what he gets, he's still a rookie. He'll mellow out soon, so don't try to damage his confidence." Ion Storm said.

Zap Burst sighed.

"For the unicorns who'll collect wood, they'll be Zap Burst, Blue Zap, Ion Storm, Night Gale, Quick Zip, and Ice Cream. I'll lead them."

"The pegasi will be taking care of other things around the camp, such as cleaning out the buildings in the camp, taking care of the old ponies, spying on other cities to check on their defenses, and the such." Flower Pot said.

"So, is anybody ready to build those bunkers?"

A resounding "yes" sounded around the dome.

Flower Pot, satisfied with the response, stepped down from the podium and beckoned the ponies she chose to follow her.

As the other ponies got up to follow her, Zap Burst pushed Hot Shot with the weight of his body.

"Hey!" Hot Shot yelled.

"Come on, Hot Shit, you haven't felt something like this before?"

"I have, you dick!"

Then, Flower Pot spoke up.

"If you're going to argue like that, do it after you work."

Hot Shot and Zap Burst shut up instantly.

The fifteen ponies trotted into the woods, which was behind the hotel. The woods would normally look good, but right now, they have been devoid of all their leaves, and with the darkness of the night, all of the tree's bark were dark.

Flower Pot signaled to the earth ponies, as they stopped.

Then, Flower Pot began to talk.

"Everypony, pay close attention to me as I explain what you all are supposed to do."

All the earth ponies nodded.

"What you need to do is to dig up the dirt below you and continue until you've reached the surface of the ground. Then, you get the pickaxes that I've supplied you with and mine the ground until Lab Rat tells you to stop. I'll come back and tell you what to do next when you are done."

"Yes, ma'm!" everypony said, except for Hot Shot, but Flower Pot didn't care.

"Now get to digging!" Flower Pot yelled.

Almost instantly, all the earth ponies, except for Lab Rat, who stuck around.

Flower Pot herself left the earth ponies to their own devices.

Flower Pot trotted to a clearing in the forest along with the other unicorns.

"The kind of magic you'll be using is a magic that allows you to skin anything, and that includes the bark of a tree. Then, you'll cut the branches off of a tree, and-well, you'll have to find out for yourself."

Flower Pot began to concetrate her magic on a nearby tree and intensely focused on it. In a second, her magic wrapped around the trees and began to uproot it, pulling it off the ground and levitating it near her.

Then, the tree's bark began to pull itself off by warping around it and turning it into liquid, dripping down on the ground.

Before the unicorns thought it was over, the tree itself began to pull apart. First, it's branches, then it's own main branch. The branch began to break apart into wide rectangles as the rectangles were levitated down into another part of the clearing.

"Okay then, now if you paid attention, 'cause I'll know if you have, you can see that that spell can and will be very useful in the future."

Then, before Flower Pot could speak more, she heard a harsh coughing in where the liquid-bark was.

As the ponies trotted over to the pony, they saw that it was a mare, judging by her volvolptrous (by pony standards) body and feminine look. Her cutie mark was that of a microphone and a pony singing into it.

The pony stood up, and screamed as she fell back down.

"Don't worry," Flower Pot said. "we're not here to harm you."

"Oh, good." the mare said. "For a moment, I thought that you were associated with them!"

"Who?" Flower Pot asked.

"Them!" the mare answered. "The people who are trying to 'take me down a peg'!"

"Wait, slow down, what?" Flower Pot asked.

The mare sighed.

"You'll see what I mean if you could just get me to another place." the mare said.

"Okay then, I'll try." Flower Pot said.

"Thank you very much!" the mare said.

"Ion Storm!" Flower Pot yelled. "Lead those unicorns until I get back!"

"Okay, sis!" Ion Storm yelled.

Then, Flower Pot and the mare galloped to the apartments.

At the apartment lobby, a silver pony with a dark-grey mane and tail with a cutie mark of a yin-yang symbol was arguing with Pen Mark.

"For the last time, we don't even have any rooms left!" Pen Mark yelled.

"Not even one?" the pony said.

"No!" Pen Mark yelled.

The doors in front of the apartments opened, and Pen Mark saw Flower Pot and the pink mare enter the lobby as the doors closed.

Pen Mark gasped.

"Is that....is that......." Pen Mark gasped.

"Come on, Pen, spit it out! Flower Pot said.

"That's Lemon Pie!" Pen Mark yelled.

Flower Pot looked at the hot pink mare.

"You mean her?" Flower Pot asked.

"Yes, it's her!" Pen Mark responded.

"Yes, it's me." Lemon Pie said.

"But if you're the sexiest and most entertaining icon of this current decade, then why were you in the woods?" Pen Mark asked.

"Well, can I even trust you to hear my story without getting shunned?" Lemon Pie asked.

"Don't worry, the Solar Sun Organization has got your back." Flower Pot said.

Lemon Pie sighed. "Okay, thanks."

"I first got a taste of stardom about seventeen years ago. The regular singer was out sick because he had to have his appendix removed after it ruptured the day before. When I entered the nightclub in Canterlot, there were a lot of ponies who were beginning to riot due to the absence of the singer. Then, I stepped up to the microphone and began to sing. The moment I said my first words on the mic, everypony stopped to hear me belt out an entire song. From that night forward, I was the toast of the town. Everypony loved me so much, that the previous singer was replaced by me."

"Then what happened?" Flower Pot and Pen Mark asked.

"For two decades, I was popular. I had never looked any older than thirty. In fact, I kept looking even better as the decades flew by."

"Anywho, I was popular for sixteen years. Then, all of that changed last year."

"What happened last year?" Flower Pot asked.

"Well, there was this pony named Knight Shield. Apparently, he was a real womanizer, and the stories I heard about him before implies that he was a rapist. That should've bought on my first red alarm, but I ignored the rumors."

"Okay, then, so what happened. Did you approach him, or the other way around?" Flower Pot asked.

"It was the other way around, and he started to talk to me, and asked if he can kiss me."

"Okay, then..." Pen Mark said, while jotting down notes on her notepad.

"Naturally, since I was married, I said 'no'."

"And then what did he do in response?" Pen Mark asked.

"While I was walking away, he forced himself on me. He said that if I didn't kiss him, then he will ruin my life." Lemon Pie said.

"So, what happened next?" Flower Pot asked.

"He kissed me on the muzzle, and the worst part of all of this, was that my husband was watching, and after that happened and once Knight Shield left, he came over and yelled at me. Asked me why I was flirting with this womanizer, and then he slapped me and trotted away."

"Were there any divorce papers involved?" Pen Mark asked.

"Yes, he divorced me and everything." Lemon Pie said. "The papers were finalized by Christmas, and I reverted to my maiden name: Lemon Pie."

"What was your ex-husband's name?" Pen Mark said.

"He was named Scabbard Apple." Lemon Pie said.

"Scabbard Apple?" Flower Pot asked. "You mean the guy who was killed last week?"

"He was killed?" a horrified Lemon Pie asked.

"Unfortunately. He sacrificed himself to save me from an assassian." Flower Pot said.

"So, he was good until the end?" Lemon Pie asked.

"Yes, he was. He taught Peppermint Cream and me the art of a certain technique named the 'Top to Bottom Buck' and was the one responsible for introducing me to Peppermint Cream. He also-"

"I KNOW! I KNOW!" Pen Mark screeched. "CAN WE JUST MOVE ON?"

"Okay, fine." Flower Pot said.

"So, from that moment on, I began to spiral into depression. I dabbled in cocaine, I tried to find ways to escape from Equestira. But the worst part was seeing....those."

"What do you mean by 'those'?"

"Those as in, the grafitti on the outside walls of my mansion. At first, they were just messages like 'shouldn't have kissed him' and 'told you so', but then they evolved into things like 'slut' and 'whore'." Lemon Pie said.

"And how did you get here?" Flower Pot asked.

"Well, the vandalism started to get worse. Windows were being broken, my eye-screen was stolen, a robbery happened at my house, and I gained a stalker, ready to take advantage of me, now that I was considered a 'free prostitute'."

"And how did you end up in the forest?" Flower Pot asked.

"I eventually ran away from my mansion, giving full ownership of it to my butler. In the forst, my stalker returned and tried to rape me several times. Eventually, I passed out, and that's how I ended up here." Lemon Pie said.

"So, are you safe anywhere else?" Flower Pot asked.

"The only place that I'm safe is Manehattan, where I grew up. It would be nice of you to escort me all the way there." Lemon Pie suggested.

Flower Pot thought for a moment, and said.

"Sorry, can't do it. We're busy with a project to expand the camp's boundaries and recruit more ponies for our cause." Flower Pot said.

"Then what about this pony?" Lemon Pie asked, pointing to the silver pony, who, until now, was listening to what Lemon Pie had to say.

"What?" the silver pony asked. "But I haven't gotten my room yet!"

"For the last time, youngster, we don't have a room! Pen Mark yelled.

"Okay then, fine, so, what does she want?" the silver pony asked.

"To be escorted to Manehattan." Lemon Pie said.

"Okay then, fine. I've got my swords, so as long as I have my weapons, I'll be fine." the silver pony said.

"Wait, you have a sword?" Pen Mark asked.

The silver pony sighed. "Yes, I have a sword. My name's Silver Sword, how are you?"

"My name's Lemon Pie, how are you?" Lemon Pie answered.

"Good. So anyway, I need to escort this 'Lemon Pie' to her destination, right?" Silver Sword asked.

"Right." Flower Pot said. "And, oh yeah, there's a Manehattan branch of our organization in the basement of an abandoned building, so if we can just get past the guards, we can move into the city and go to that building. For this, I'm giving you a map of Equestria for you to find your way there."

Then, Flower Pot went to a stand near the wall to her right, but before she can go to give the map to her, she turned her head in Silver Sword's direction and sternly said:

"Do not, under any circumstances, lose this map. If you do, you'll lose your way and, trust me, you would hate it if you were to be lost under any circumstances."

Then, Flower Pot trotted back to where Silver Sword was and handed him the map.

"Now, good luck, and I hope you make-"

Flower Pot stopped, and then a smile creeped up her face.

'Maybe this can benifit from one more member. Maybe two.' Flower Pot thought.

"Hey, what's your name?" Lemon Pie asked.

"Oh, my name?" Flower Pot asked.

"Well, my full name is Floweria Pot-Pie, but you can call me Flower Pot."

Then, Lemon Pie got an idea.

"Do you know a 'Bell Apple'?"

"Yes, he was my father, why do you ask?" Flower Pot answered.

"So that means....that since Scabbard and Bell are brothers, that means that I was your aunt!"

Flower Pot was surprised. Never in her life had Bell Apple or Scabbard Apple mentioned that they were brothers, nor the fact that she was a niece of a famous preformer!

"I am the niece of you?" a gobsmacked Flower Pot said.

"Of course you are!" Lemon Pie said. "I didn't even know about you until now!"

"You didn't?" Flower Pot asked.

"Yeah! How was I supposed to know that you were in the Apple family tree?" Lemon Pie asked.

"Because you're not my aunt anymore now that you've divorced?" Flower Pot asked.

"Yeah, yeah, that too." Lemon Pie answered.

"Hey, can we go now?" Silver Sword asked.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, good luck and all that." Pen Mark said.

Then, the trio trotted away from the apartments.

In the woods, the earth ponies have already moved on to mining the ground and the unicorns have already begun to dig the dirt up for the stairs.

Hot Shot was digging as well, and was not too happy about it.

"Why do I have to mine this ground?" Hot Shot asked.

"So we can give our new weapons a place to be stored so we can defend ourselves, duh!" Crystal Ice, a white mare with a transparent mane and tail with a cutie mark of a snowflake.

"No one asked you." Hot Shot said.

In response, Crystal Ice put her muzzle up in the air.

Then, Hot Shot was disoriented by a large burst from out of nowhere. Before he could react, the burst faded away, leaving Flower Pot, a silver stallion unicorn, and a hot pink earth pony mare in front of him.

"New assignment, Hot Shit!" Flower Pot yelled. "Escort this mare to Manehattan. There's a branch of the Solar Sun Organization there, and she can visit her family once she gets there."

Hot Shot sighed. 'An escorting mission already?'

"But you should wait here, I'm going to get someone to come with you three." Flower Pot said.

Then, she went towards Zap Burst.

Zap Burst was beginning to put the planks of wood down. He couldn't wait to be done with all this so he can taunt Hot Shot some more.

When he was about to put another plank down, he saw Flower Pot.

"Flower Pot!" Zap Burst called. "You're back! As you can see, I master-"

"Yeah, yeah, 'mastered the magic of my spell', stop all that because you've been assigned to escort a mare named Lemon Pie, she used to be famous, now she's a wreck, escort her."

Zap Burst, excited at the prospect of scoring a mare's rump, jumped at the opportunity.

"All right! I finally get to score some rump! Now who with, though, cause it better not be Hot Sh-"

"It is."

Zap Burst's smile faltered.

"But you have to come!" Flower Pot pleaded. "She'll only be safe with three ponies by her side!"

"Who's the third pony?" Zap Burst asked.

"He's a skilled sword-wielder called Silver Sword." Flower Pot said.

"Who's he?" Zap Burst asked.

"He's someone who just became of age to participate in more dangerous missions. He has been teaching himself that since he learned how to walk."

"Damn, that's dangerous." Zap Burst said.

"But it also can be advantageous." Flower Pot said.

"Okay then, I'll go." Zap Burst said.

"Good!" Flower Pot said.

Then, she teleported over to Hot Shot, Lemon Pie, and Silver Sword.

"Okay then, we're ready to go!" Flower Pot said.

"Thank you!" Hot Shot said.

Then, they went up the incomplete stairs and up above ground, and they began to trot, except for Flower Pot, who stayed behind.

"Good luck!" Flower Pot said.

"You too!" Silver Sword said.

Then, they went into the woods.

Then, Flower Pot caught something by her side.

It was the map.

"Oh no, they're gonna be lost." Flower Pot said.