• Published 17th May 2018
  • 430 Views, 1 Comments

Stick N' Move - HybridSoldier

Nightmare Moon has just bought in a new reign of terror all over Equestria. Now, with most of the Equestrian populace beginning to die out, a lowly theif named Hot Shot finds himself in an unlikely place, a rebellion against Nightmare Moon.

  • ...

A Freedom Fighter

In the train, there was chaos afoot.

Many ponies were panicking by the appearance of a single pony, who took another one with him, and rushed out, a brash action that would've certainly would've killed him had the stallion not been so strong. During all this chaos, the conductor did his best to contain the chaos, but it was no use, as everyone began breaking down doors and pouring out of the train.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" yelled the conductor.

Suddenly, all eyes turned on him as the conductor stood in silence.

Then, a stallion's voice rose from the constant murmuring.

"YOU CAN'T TELL US WHAT TO DO!" yelled the voice.


After the conductor said that, the crowd began to shift, then, as if a spark had gone off in their minds, they turned on him, moving swiftly and jumping on him from every side.

And then, the conductor screamed as the ponies began to crack every bone they can find.

Then, eventually, an audible crack was heard from within the crowd and almost instanly, the conductor screamed no more.

Hot Shot was feeling many emotions right now: Confused, furious, and most importantly, afraid. Afraid that the stallion who took him would do the same to him as the two muscleheads back at the train were going to do.

As if if the stallion had read his mind, he said: "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. You're in good hands."

Although Hot Shot was not going to believe it for a second, he knew that, even when his reputation was limited to the deserts of Equestria, he still couldn't trust anyone else, and thus, he had to trust the mysterious stallion.

"Hey you, what's your name, and why did you take me from the train? Do you pity me or something?" Hot Shot asked.

"Well, that was rude."

Hot Shot was getting annoyed. Why is the stallion being so vauge about this? He should know why, and yet, the stallion had to act like he was the expert on manners!

"Hey, since when were you the expert on rude?"

"Since when were you the expert on being so ungrateful?" the stallion snapped.

"Damn." Hot Shot thought. He really got him there.

"Okay then, so what is your name?" Hot Shot asked, more politely this time.

"That's more like it." the stallion sighed in relief. "Okay then, my name is Sun Burst, and I am part of an organization called 'The Solar Sun Organization'"

Hot Shot was confused. "The Solar Sun Organization?" Hot Shot thought as he winced from the pain. He had put up with it at first, but now it was becoming annoying.

"Hey, can you put me down? I'm really feeling the pain right there!" asked Hot Shot.

"As long as you don't try anything."

Then, Sun Burst put Hot Shot down.

"You're lucky I'm an earth pony, because otherwise, I would kill you with a single blast!" Hot Shot said.

"You're a fiesty one, aren't you?." said Sun Burst.

A few hours seemed to pass before both ponies reached their supposed destination: a whole forest that the trail seemed to disappear to.

Then, they went in.

Contrary to popular belief, Ponyville only expanded slightly to the north, as all other sides have been either illegible to expand to, or, in the case of the southern border, was next to the Everfree Forest.

That didn't stop Ponyville from being a semi-high priority to Queen Nightmare Moon, which was why the news of the chaos had traveled so fast in such a frightening amount of seconds.

Fortunately, the royal guards had all been present at Ponyville for a census check, and before the rioters could do anything else, they were subdued through tranquilizers and guns and as of now, were being presented to Nightmare Moon in the Castle of the Two Sisters, which was where the queen lived.

"My Queen," the royal guard said. "what do you want to do to them?"

Queen Nightmare Moon looked at the rounded-up prisoners. They had all looked like they could do something dangerous at any moment.

"Release them into the Everfree Forest. Perhaps a month or two with the wild animals in the forest could whip them into shape." Nightmare Moon decided.

Then, a black pegasus with a black mane and tail with a mask and a cutie mark of the moon trotted into the throne room.

"Ah, my good 'ol spy Moon Jet. I see that you have been spying on the fighters."

"Of course I have my queen! What do you take me as, a slacker?" Both Nightmare Moon and Night Jet laughed.

Then, Night Jet got serious.

"Those freedom fighters never give up, do they?"

"Of course not."

Night Jet sighed.

"Yesterday, when I was spying on the Solar Sun Organization, I found out that they were planning to steal some guns from the Ponyville armory. What should you do about it?"

Nightmare Moon pondered for a moment, then she said:

"Tighten the security around this place! They will not get to the armory!"

"Yes, my Queen."

Hot Shot walked around the forest as he tried hard to look for the Solar Sun base. Sun Burst had just left Hot Shot to go check out the aftermath of the chaos, and now Hot Shot was all alone. Not only that, but he was an earth pony, with no way to defend himself in case he got attacked. Sure, he had his speed, but even it had already failed him earlier today, so he wouldn't bank on it.

Then, he heard a rustle.

Then, another one.

And finally, a bear leaped out of the bushes, ready to kill it's prey.

Hot Shot, at first, tried to seem brave and bold, but eventually, that façade broke down and eventually, he was reduced to yelling "HELP!" over and over again.

But as the bear was about to eat him, it was blasted off by a flash of magic.

The source was unmistakable. It was a unicorn.

Particluary, a dark purple mare with a pink mane with a white swirl and a pink tail with the same white streak, as well as a cutie mark of a flower in a pot.

However, Hot Shot wasn't about to let a mare steal his thunder.

Keeping up his bravado, Hot Shot said: "Thanks, but I don't really need saving. I could do just fine without a mare like you."

Hot Shot was sure that he could hear an audible groan from the mare.

"What's that, huh? Too scared to admit that you only saved my flank because I only had half of my strength?"

"I don't even think you had any strength at all!" the purple mare snapped.

"Well, I do, and I refuse to share it with a mare!" Hot Shot snapped back.

"Seriously?! This is the kind of words a foal would say, not a stallion!"

"Says the mare!"

"Geez, shut up, will you? Some of us are trying to sleep!"

Hot Shot and the mare looked at the source of the voice, who was a mint-green stallion with a build that was less stickier than Sun Burst, but was bigger than Hot Shot.

He had a green mane and tail and his cutie mark was of a mint-green ice cream in a cone.

"Oh hey, Peppermint Cream." said the mare.

"Geez, I didn't know that you were having a date with someone, Flower Pot, so why didn't you tell me?" asked Peppermint Cream.

"Because he isn't my stallionfriend!" yelled Flower Pot.

For the second time today, Hot Shot was rather confused by the argument. Both seemed like they had been best friends for years, judging by how they knew each other.

"So, who are you guys, again?" asked Hot Shot.

"Us?" replied Flower Pot.

"Yes, you!"

"Well, my name is Flower Pot and the stallion next to me is named Peppermint Cream, and we have been best friends for years." Flower Pot gestured to herself and Peppermint Cream.

"Childhood friends, actually. But you're pretty close." said Peppermint Cream.

"So, are you a part of this 'Solar Sun' thing?" asked Hot Shot.

"A part of this organization?" Flower Pot was almost bewildered at what Hot Shot had asked her. "No, no, you're not even close to what I represent in this project!"

"So, what are you then?"

"My father was the one who founded this place when he was just 16 years old. Unfortunately, he died when a bunch of Nightmare Moon's troops raided the camp about a week ago, so I'm just getting to being the leader. It's sad, because he never lived to be fourty-four."

"What do you mean 'fourty-four?'" Hot Shot asked.

"What I mean is that he was fourty-three at the time. Rather long time for being part of a race with a lower life expectancy." Flower Pot explained.

"Hey, in case you didn't know, it's getting kinda late, can we go back to camp now?" Peppermint Cream asked.

"Okay then, let's go." Flower Pot said, gesturing to Peppermint Cream. "And you."

"Name's Hot Shot, thank you very much."

"Oh right." Flower Pot mentally facehoofed at the fact that she had forgotten to ask about his name.

"Do you want to stay?" Flower Pot asked.

Hot Shot was confused. What did she mean if he wanted to stay or not? He still wasn't even sure if they trusted him or not! For all he knew, they might be an extension of Nightmare Moon's guard, trying to rat him out to the queen.

But then again, they did seem sincere in their talks about fighting against the regime that they had hated so much, but he couldn't just bring himself to trust them.

"Okay, if you're not going to decide, then I'll decide for you." Flower Pot was really getting tired of waiting, and it showed. "You're going to stay. I don't want you to freeze up. Hell, Peppermint Cream already left, now it's your turn to make the decision."

As much as Hot Shot wanted to argue, there was something in the very back of his mind that told him that the Solar Sun Organization meant no harm.

"Fine, I'll go." Hot Shot said.

"Okay then, I'll see if there's enough space for a bed. Follow me." said Flower Pot.

Then, a bush rustled once more, this time from behind. As Hot Shot tried to keep up his bravado, Flower Pot began to aim her horn at the source of the sound.

However, it was not another bear, but rather Sun Burst.

"So, how did the scoutout go?" asked Flower Pot.

Sun Burst began to stammer.

"What? Cat got your tounge?" asked Flower Pot.

"Oh right," said Sun Burst, as he finally began to speak coherently. "When I scouted out the area for our place to raid, I found out that there were no guards at the armory, so why not choose the time to steal those guns right now and distribute them to the earth ponies and pegasi?"

"That's a great idea, Sun Burst, but we have to do it tomorrow." Flower Pot said. "I'm tired from all the infromation-collecting and infiltration that I had to do all day, or rather, all night."

Flower Pot yawned, then gestured to Hot Shot and Sun Burst. "Come on. With this kind of wintery weather, we're most likely to die in a second."

"You heard what she said. Follow her." Sun Burst said, as if he thought that Hot Shot would go the other way.

And so, they ventured off into the camp.