• Published 1st May 2018
  • 440 Views, 22 Comments

Love Hurts (OLD) - WhateverTheHeck

Hearts and Hooves Day has finally arrived, and everypony has got their special ones ready for the Hearts and Hooves Day Dance. Well, all except for one, Fullmoon.

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Hopes for Love (OLD)

The bright winter sun rose over the snow-covered hills, bringing light to the otherwise quiet town of Ponyville. As the light reached out to the homes, residents of this relatively small town opened their windows and trotted out their doors, wearing snow caps and scarves, going out with their very special somepony. Today was Hearts and Hooves Day, a time of love and romance.

For most of the stallions and mares, this was the time to take a break from their everyday lives and spend their whole day with their special partner; however for the fillies and colts, it was usually just another day of going to school, hanging out with friends and drifting off to sleep at end of the day.

Today was a different day for them though, since today was the day of the Hearts and Hooves Day Dance. It was one of those rare days when they finally had something special or new to do. A day that comes around once every couple of years, unlike most holidays.

Chaos filled the school as the final bell rang, screams echoing through the halls as everypony rushed through to get out the door; all except a group of ponies, four fillies and a colt to be exact.

“So… are we all going to the Hearts and Hooves Day Dance?” Sweetie Belle asked, trotting out the door right next to her friends. “I’ve got a date for the dance as well, and I’m sure you all know who.” She turned her head over to the swings, watching a brown colt wearing a rainbow fan hat with a game console for a Cutie Mark, Button Mash. She giggled at the sight of him.

“Ah now Ah’m goin’, already got a date fer it too,” Apple Bloom replied, smiling brightly as she turned her head over to a colt on the swing next to Button Mash, named Tender Taps. A slight pink blush formed on her cheeks as she stared at him.

“So am I. I got a date for it too, surprisingly,” Scootaloo added, turning to see her own date for the dance, Rumble. She smiled with glee as Rumble trotted over to her.

“Are you ready for the dance, my princess?” Rumble asked, kneeling down like a knight for his beautiful princess. Scootaloo blushed, holding his hoof in response.

“Of course I am, my knight,” ,he replied, nuzzling his cheek as they unknowingly walked off with each other. Apple Bloom gagged.

“Ugh, who knew Scootaloo could get so...sappy.” Apple Bloom revolted, holding back the urge to gag again.

“Well, at least we know we all got dates to the--” Sweetie Belle said, before getting cut off.

“I don’t have one,” Fullmoon interrupted, shying away a little bit in shame.

“Wait, you don’t have one!?” both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom shouted, getting some strange looks from the other fillies and colts around them.

“Uhh… is that a bad thing?” he asked, a tiny bit shaky.

“Of course it is! It means you won’t have fun at the dance if you go!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, shaking him rapidly like he was insane.

“Sweetie Belle, stop!” Apple Bloom said, pulling her off of him and almost tumbling over in the process. “Stop being overly dramatic about it, just because he doesn’t have a special somepony doesn’t mean he can’t have fun, it’s just that he can’t dance.”

“So… should I just stay home?” he asked, shying away a little as his red hair covered his left eye. “I-I don’t want to ruin it for anypony…”

Sweetie Belle patted him on the shoulder. “No no, you can come to the dance. I was just trying to say that coming to the dance without a special somepony is kind of… to put it nicely, not normal.”

“I am literally the definition of not normal,” his eyes flashed to a wolfish form for a split second, “by my standards it’d be normal for me to go without a date.” He sighed.

“Hey, don’t be like that, sugarcube.” Apple Bloom trotted up to him and embraced him in a hug. “It doesn’t mean you don’t have to go.” She let go of him, then went wide-eyed as she got, what she thought was, a good idea. “Hey! How about we find him a date?”

“Apple Bloom, are you sure that’s a good idea? Remember when we tried to get Big Mac and Cheerilee together?” Sweetie Belle replied. The vivid memory of what happened on that Hearts and Hooves Day two years ago swam through their minds, the disaster that was their ‘Love Poison’ which they mistook for a ‘Love Potion’. They definitely didn’t want a repeat of that situation. Just the thought of it gives Apple Bloom shivers down her spine.

“It’ll be fine, Sweetie Belle! Besides, we don’t have to use a Love Potion fer this, we just need to find a filly that’ll be willing to go with Fullmoon and doesn’t have anypony yet,” Apple Bloom explained, pulling out a notepad and pencil from her bag, writing it down on one of the last sheets of paper attached to the red colored notepad. Although she had a little trouble writing it down with her mouth, she eventually got it down perfectly fine.

“But what i-if this doesn’t work?” Fullmoon asked, staring at the other ponies with their very special somepony, “It seems like everypony is taken.” His ears drooped, a slight whimper emanating from him.

“Moon, trust us; we will get you that very special somepony if it’s the last thing we do!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, embracing him in a tight but warm hug. “I’m sure Apple Bloom will say the same thing, right Apple Bloom?”

“Of course! We care fer ya Moon, and we want ya to have a good time.” Apple Bloom replied. “Now, operation ‘Get Fullmoon a Date’ is a go then?” All three of them nodded, and raised one of their hooves up, all shouting out their well known cheer,

“Go Crusaders!”

Author's Note:

Hello Everypony! Yes I know it's not Valentine's Day/Hearts and Hooves Day but this story was something birthed out of sudden inspiration and so far I really like it. Thank you so much for the 1-3 people that still look at my profile thinking that I'm not dead :rainbowkiss:

Anyway, I hope that I'm able to update this story in particular regularly, even if it's the crappiest thing ever made. Thanks for reading the first chapter, and I hope you're excited for more! Have a great 9 month early Hearts and Hooves Day!