• Published 27th Jul 2012
  • 850 Views, 5 Comments

The Epic Journey - JerryTheHouseGhost

Twilight receives a mysterious letter that sparks an epic journey.

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Rainbows and Butterflies

Twilight walked down the main road in Ponyville. It led straight to the center of the town. She decided to start with Pinkie Pie, as she would probably be the most willing to go on an adventure. The party-loving pony was usually found in Sugarcube Corner when she wasn't prancing around Ponyville talking with everypony. Twilight made her way to the bakery/sweet shop/whatever else they make there, I don't know. Twilight approached the door and began to open it when suddenly a pink streak flew out of it, knocking Twilight over.

"Pinkie!!" yelled Twilight in the direction the pink blur went, "I need to talk to you!!" But it was no use, Pinkie Pie did not hear her, and thus did not stop. It appeared as though she was on some sort of important errand, as she would have stopped to talk with everypony if there was nothing important to be done. Twilight sighed. I guess I'll just have to talk with somepony else first, Twilight thought to herself, I wonder what Pinkie is up to? The purple unicorn decided that it was no use to wonder, because it could be absolutely anything with Pinkie Pie. Twilight began to walk towards Carousel Boutique, the residence of her friend Rarity.

She knocked on the door.... After several seconds without any noise from inside, Twilight became a little upset. "Am I not even going to be able to get anypony to even be here? How in Equestria can I have an adventure with all of my friends when some of them aren't even here? I suppose Pinkie Pie is here, but if I can't even get her attention, how is that any different?"

"Twilight, are you talking to yourself again?" Twilight instantly recognized this voice as the speed-demon pegasus pony, Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, hello Rainbow Dash. I have a question I'd like to ask you." Twilight was relieved to see that at least one of her friends was actually here and not running away so fast as to cause the naked eye to see only a blur of color. That's pretty darn fast, if you ask me.

"If it's anything like the last question you asked me, I'm out!" Rainbow Dash did not enjoy the last question Twilight had asked her. It was just the other day. At the end of a nice training session, Rainbow Dash had performed another one of her signature sonic rainbooms. After she had landed, Twilight asked her how sonic rainbooms were physically possible. This question caused Rainbow Dash to get a very bad headache. She didn't like to think about that question.

"Don't worry, I'm sure this question will require minimum brain power to answer; just how you like."

"Well that's good- wait a minute... What are you saying?" Rainbow Dash caught on to what Twilight was implying.

"Never-mind that, just let me ask the question! Do you want to go on an adventure with me? It'll be like the good-old days!" Twilight always hated the good-old days. Not because of the adventures, but because of why the adventures were happening. It was always like a job: Save Equestria, save Fluttershy, save Applebloom, save yourself from this gigantic underground cavern filled with crystals and then save Canterlot. At least this adventure was brought upon her by herself, which made it a little more bearable.

"An adventure you say? Could it possibly end with me getting noticed by the Wonderbolts?" Rainbow Dash really wanted to be part of the Wonderbolts. They never seemed to notice her; even after she saved Equestria three times and saved them from falling to their deaths on one occasion.

"It might." Twilight had no idea what this adventure had in store for any of them.

"I'm in. Let's do this!" Rainbow Dash started to punch and buck the air out of excitement.

"Don't get too excited yet," said Twilight, "we still have to get the rest of our friends to come along with us.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Rarity's house is just down the street! Let's go!"

"I already tried. Rarity's not home. She hadn't told anybody she was leaving Ponyville, so she can't be too far away. Maybe she's out putting her cat down or something,"

"Her cat was perfectly healthy the last time I saw it." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Well that rules out the vet, then. Let's go see if Fluttershy is home; she might even know where Rarity is." Twilight sure hoped that somepony, if not Fluttershy, knew where Rarity was. She couldn't bear to think about an adventure without all of her friends. The best adventures always include all of your best friends. Trust me.

And so the two ponies were off in the direction of Fluttershy's cottage. They had just reached the pathway that led up to Fluttershy's cottage when something caught Twilight's eye. "Hey, what's that over there?" She could have sworn she saw something yellow and pink heading into Everfree forest. "Unless I'm seeing very strange things, Fluttershy was headed into the forest. Lets go after her and see what she's up to."

"You sure this is a good idea, Twilight? The last time you saw something yellow and pink heading into the forest, it turned out to be a very gross carnie who tried to have us pay him to do a back-flip." Rainbow Dash had several nightmares after that incident.

"I'm sure it was Fluttershy this time. Come on, we can't know for sure until we follow it in." Twilight seemed to be pretty pretty confidant about this. Rainbow Dash glared at her.

"That's what you said last time." They headed into the forest. Not too long into their travel, they found a clearing. Sure enough, Fluttershy was there.

"Ha! I knew I saw Fluttershy! You owe me 20 bits!" Twilight was very happy that she had just become 20 bits richer. She could now afford that one book that she wanted, titled "How to do Some Spells and Stuff."

"You just got lucky this time." Rainbow Dash was not happy that she just lost 20 bits. She was saving up for the next "Daring Do" book. Now she'll have to work for 10 minutes a day! She could almost taste the wasted time. Time that could be spent laying on a cloud.

"Oh, um, hey girls. I was just following a cute little duck when I realized I was lost." Fluttershy got lost a lot.

"Are you serious?" Twilight said, "you hardly walked thirty steps. You can even see your cottage right there."

"Oh..." Fluttershy blushed. She was terribly embarrassed.

"It's okay. Oh yeah, I wanted to know if you would like to go on an adventure with us?" Twilight asked.

"An adventure? That sounds kind of dangerous. Well, um, I guess I could if everypony else is going. I'd feel much safer."

"Perfect," said Twilight, "two down, three to go."