• Published 23rd Apr 2018
  • 3,829 Views, 53 Comments

Avatar of History - Chemtest

A young boy is caught in a tragedy, and has power forced onto him. All he knows anymore is what happened in the past.

  • ...

Rising Tempest

I give a light pat to Erwin’s head, “We might want to land soon, mate. Take a rest.”

He shakes his head, “Nah, I’m perfectly fine continuing on. Don’t worry, I’ve still got the energy of a cub!”

I smile, “Bloody hell, Manticores must fly a long time then. It’s been upwards of three hours.”

He nods, “Oh yeah, we’re what they call ‘stamina’ hunters. Birds might have us beat in speed, but they don’t have the energy. If I really tried, I could fly all day!”

I look up into the horizon, “Looks like we’ve got a storm approaching us. Don’t worry, I can cover that.”

He looks up at me as I start to move my arms. I reach out to the air, and command it to move aside.

It works, but I can feel something within, “That isn’t a storm.” I see as the smoke screen dissipates, showing a dark zeppelin within. I smile, “Alright, Erwin, go in for a landing on that platform.”

He stops, and hovers for a bit, “What if they’re dangerous? What if they’re pirates!?”

I laugh, “I don’t think we have to worry about sky pirates. If they are, then I’ll knock them out, abandon them in the desert below, and steal their ship.”

He nods, and goes in for a landing, “If you say so.”

We land in the middle of the metal structure, and I dismount from Erwin. I instantly hear the pounding of feet on metal approaching us.

A creature wearing dark armor marked with blue symbols, turns the corner. He carries a two-pronged spear, and a shield, his teal dots glaring at me as he rushes us.

I can see his violent intent clearly, and stop him before he gets to me. I send out a thin line of fire at his feet, tripping him and setting his feet on fire at the same time. He then rushes away, trying to put the fire out.

Another appoches from my other side, and Erwin pounces onto him.

I turn back to my side as one emerges from a door beside me. I clap my hands together, causing a pop of air right inside his ear. He passes out, a tiny bit of blood trickling from his ear.

I flow my arm around, and summon the blood to form a tiny dagger. I send it flying into the knee of one of the other creatures.

I turn around to see how Erwin is doing, to see he is about to be stabbed through with one of those spears. My instincts take control, causing one of my hands to involuntarily snap. With that snap, the spear turns to dust. I use my other hand to gather up the dust, and send it blowing into the eyes of the creatures, blinding them and sending them falling to the ground as they try to get the dust out.

I flip around once more as I hear a different type of steps. A dark purple unicorn with a broken horn, and dark pink hair. She wears a light, black vest with the same symbol on her flank. Eyes best described as sea green reflect off my glasses as we stare at each other.

She looks around her to all the fallen and pained creatures, and she turns back to me. She nods, “You are good at fighting, for a pirate. Never thought the day would come when my guards would be beaten by a bipedal mistake with a wild animal at his side.”

I smile, “Sorry to disappoint, love, but we aren’t pirates. We were simply looking for a job when your mates decided to attack us.”

She shakes her head, “You were looking for a job by attacking a ship? This is Storm King airspace, and you just attacked one of his ships.”

I shrug, “Sorry, love, didn’t know about that. But, how about I propose a mutually benifical plan, yes? I managed to take down your ships guards without killing a single one, you even said it yourself that I was good. Now, I’m sure your Storm King could probably use a warrior, especially one with a previously unheard of magic.”

She leans forward as she hears about magic, before looking uninterested once more, “And what is it you are asking for in return?”

I smile, “A job, a place to live, and someone to serve. Look, love, I just really want to become part of something. If this Storm King chap seems good, then I will definitely join under his banner. Besides, it seems like you need someone to teach strategy to your guards. This showing was... disappointing so to say. To just rush at me is a terrible idea.”

She smirks, “You think you know strategy? We’ve had generals claim so before, and they all failed.”

I laugh, “Love, I got strategies you’ve never heard of. Unless if one of you somehow came up with the Blitzkrieg, then I know a lot more. I promise thag you won’t be disappointed if you allow us to join.”

She takes a second, and finally nods, “If you want to pledge fealty to Storm King, then you will be allowed to. However, you must stay within the waiting room of the ship, and not exit there until we arrive.”

I nod, “Whatever you say, love.”