• Published 23rd Apr 2018
  • 3,828 Views, 53 Comments

Avatar of History - Chemtest

A young boy is caught in a tragedy, and has power forced onto him. All he knows anymore is what happened in the past.

  • ...

New World

I seem to fall into reality, in a way of describing it. I find myself on my knees, and I look up to see a very odd sight. Six colorful ponies with necklaces on. Pegasi and Unicorns as well, creatures of myth. Not to say that everything I’ve seen today is normal by any standard. This still takes second place.

The orange one starts to speak, “Uh, Twilight, what’s that?”

One of the unicorns answer, “I have no idea.” It starts to slowly approach me, “Hello? Can you speak?”

I shoot to my feet, and start to back away, holding out a single hand, “Stay back! Don’t come any closer!”

She stops, “Okay, I won’t. What’s your name? Do you know your name?”

I don’t put my hand down, “Aus- Avatar! Just stay the fuck back!”

She doesn’t move, as I requested, “Please just put down your hand. I think your bleeding, we can heal you.”

I reach up to the side of my head, and feel dried blood on my hair. The wound below is closed, though, “Where am I?!”

She smiles, “Ponyville. Equestria, if that is what you meant.”

One of the Pegasi step forward, a yellow one, “Twilight, maybe I could talk to him?”

The unicorn nods, and trades places with the pegasus.

She calmly smiles at me, “Mister Avatar, I’m sure we can fill you in on everything back in the library. I know my friend, Rarity over here would love to wash your clothes for you.”

I step back, “Oh yeah, I’m sure you just want to talk, don’t you! Huh, with your little friend over there with her wings spread out!”

The pegasus looks at her fellow, “Rainbow, really? Put your wings down.”

I take this time to shout out a question, “I don’t know where the hell I am, so let me ask you a simple question! How far away is America? United States, if you prefer!”

She looks back at me with confusion evident, “A-mare-ica? I’m sorry, but I’ve never heard of it.”

I back away further as she takes a step forward, “What date is it then?!”

She stops, and thinks it over, “Oh, well, I didn’t exactly check the calendar this morning, sorry. Twilight, do you know?”

Twilight nods, “It is the eleventh of Discord’s Feast, One thousand and One C.R.”

I nod, “Okay, okay, fantasy timescale yet still the same day.” She takes another step forward, and I rush backwards a few steps, “Stay the fuck back!”

The orange pony slowly takes out a lasso, “He’s in hysterics, Fluttershy. There ain’t no way o’ gettin through to him. We should just restrain him until he gets back to workin’ order.”

I take quite a few steps once more, “Fuck you!”

The pegasus looks at me, and shakes her head, “You might be right. I don’t like harming him, but it may be for the best if we let him cool down. I’m sorry, Mister Avatar, but you might hurt yourself if you continue denying help. Applejack, please, try not to hurt him.”

She steps forward, rope in mouth, “Don’t worry a bit, sugercube, only a scrape at most.”

She throws the lasso at me, with the intent to tie me up, like a damned animal.

My flight or fight response activates, and brings something new with it. It is with some instinctual knowledge that I summon up a previously unknown power.

My hand moves up to her rope, intent on catching it. Instead, a burst of flame comes out. The fire consumes the rope, turning it into ash quickly. She drops her rope, “What in tarnation? Magic, huh? Guess a lasso won’t be enough. Rainbow, come on!”

Rainbow flies into the air, and tries to come down on me in a dive-bomb manuver. My second hand makes a swaying motion, and she starts to lose control in midair. The air seems to be controlled by me, ruffling all her feathers mid flight. With a final swat, the wind becomes an almost visible wall that shoves her out of the air, and into the ground.

My other hand moves only my fingers pointed in the other’s direction. Jerky motions, yet fluid, as if someone was holding a puppet show underwater. Her body seems to lose control of itself, with muscles bending this way and that. I cause her to trip with a very sudden motion.

They get up again, forcing me to face them once more.

I stomp on the ground, commanding it to listen. A rock flies up from the ground, which I push forward with a strong gust of air. In nails her on the forehead, sending her crashing to the group with a big bruise.

I direct careful flames towards the other, only aiming for her hat. I hit it, and distract her by doing it. I raise a wall of earth right next to her, and command her to slam her head into it. I also make sure to put her hat out with a breeze afterwards.

I then raise a wall of stone between me and the group, and run into a nearby forest.


I stop, and rest against a tree after a good hour of walking and running. I raise my hand, and see a flame appear when I hold it out and summon it forth. I sigh, and lean my head back against the tree.

My mind seems to recover given so much time to react. This is not Earth, so much is apparent. This world is dangerous, unknown, untrustworthy. I can’t risk showing any weakness to these people. I need to find a way home... no, home is gone. If the World Trade Centers can collapse, then the entire nation will collapse soon. This world may be unknown, but at least it is better than the certain death should I go back. Maybe they hit everything else as well? Capitol, White House, Washington Monument, Disney World, hell, maybe even the Lincoln Memorial?

No, I must stay in this world, and I need to become something else. Austin exists no more, he showed weakness with fear and anger. He was a child, one crushed underneath the boot of history. Now... now I am Avatar. Always seemingly carefree or just blunt. Always strong, using the knowledge I have collected to succeed. All that reading will pay off now... now that I have the power to use it. Voice has to go to. Floridian accent is weak. Britain, my ancestors were from there. British accent, yes, that seems like the way to go.


I jump a tiny bit in shock, and turn to face the voice. A manticore. A bloody manticore out of myth. I laugh a bit, “Bloody hell there, mate, you scared me near to death!”

The giant cat smiles, “Oh, you understand me? Cool! Hey, what’s your name?”

I smile, “Name’s Avatar, mate, what’s yours?”

It shuffles it’s paws, “Oh, well, I don’t have a name.”

I nod, “Well, I need something to refer to you by. How about, say, Erwin?”

“Erwin?” He takes a second to listen to it, “I love it! Oh, thank you so much!”

He scampers all around, and I hold up a hand to calm him down, “So, what’s a manticore like you doing out here? Where’s your mates?”

He stops, and sulks, “They left me behind, kicked me out the pack. Said I acted to much like a cub for my age.”

I smile, and calmly pat his head, “Hey, don’t look so down there, mate. Your a lion with wings, I don’t think you should worry about acting your own age. After all, optimism and innocence are very important.”

He smiles, “Thank you. What about you? I’ve never seen one of you before. Do your travel in packs too?”

I shake my head, “Nah, more like the ponies than manticores apparently. We socialize in cities and towns, not packs. You aren’t going to see another like me. Safe to say I’m far away from home. I was just traveling south in search of work.”

Erwin tilts his head, “But you were going west when you came in?”

I shrug, “Forest is very confusing. I don’t exactly have wings to fly my way out of here, so I just had to keep on walking.”

He smiles, “Oh, oh, I have wings!”

I nod, “Yes, yes you do. Say, Erwin, how would you like to come with me? I’m sure wherever there’s work for me, there’s work for you. You do need something to do now anyway, and traveling with mates is better than traveling alone.”

He nods, and jumps around, “Yes! Oh, this will be so much fun! An adventure, woohoo!” He then stops, and lays down, “Climb on, Avatar, we’re flying!”