• Published 29th Nov 2018
  • 5,229 Views, 56 Comments

Fluttershy Is Crazy for Me (Unfortunately) - B_25

Spike's dating life, though uneventful, takes a blow after saving Fluttershy's life. Why? Because she's threatening every mare he comes into contact with! The issue is Spike doesn't like her back, and Rarity's becoming concerned.

  • ...

Crazy for Me

Fluttershy Is Crazy for Me (Unfortunately)

Bondage wasn't even my fetish. Yet here I was, my wrists chained and my ankles shackled to the posts of the bed, forcing me to relax into the mattress, inhale sharply, and reflect on the events that led here.

“At least Fluttershy as a nice bed.” I could hear her downstairs too. Hooves clopping and boiling water whistling: an ordinary day for her; an extraordinary day for me. Was there I chance I could break free?

“Oooooh, Spiiiiike!” Her voice was sweet and sinister simultaneously, exciting and scaring me, leaving my mind a muddled mess. “Are you awake? The tea party is almost ready!”

The damn tea party.

That's how all this began.


Distant. Echoing. Familiar. My eyes cracked open to the ceiling fan, twirling slowly, devoid of color besides a dull white. Soreness. Everywhere. Blinking my eyes to a progressively faster spinning world, I shut them tightly, groaning loudly.


I fought the urge to hurl. My eyes could not see, my ears burned something fierce, and every beat of my heart was pronounced, feeling like my last. How did I wound up here? Where exactly was here? Everything was killing me, and I thought I was dying, though I kept breathing.

“Who's... there....”

“Spike! So you are okay!” Softness enveloped my soreness and fluff brushed past my cheek. My eyes opened again, and instead of the white dullness, I saw a wall of yellowness, bright and alive, rising and falling rhythmically. “You had us all so worried! You had me worried... you silly dragon... you... foolish boy!”

Guilt. Hurt worse than the pain. Shy... Fluttershy. My exhale blew across her chest, which conformed around my face. I was cold. It was warm. My heart settled to the beat of her own. Calm settled over me... maybe I would live after all.

“I'm... sorry... Flutter...” I was too weak to finish, feeling my throat clench after each word like thorns coming up. “...what....happened...”

Fluttershy pulled back. Her hooves held me by my cheeks, holding my head up enough so I could see her, so I could see her coat fuzzed up, mane frizzed and disheveled, with a sharp glow to her teal eyes I'd never seen before.

“You saved my life, Spike.” Fluttershy smiled at me in a way that made me lose my breath. “The silly tea party, remember? Escorting me to Zecora's, helping me get all the necessary ingredients?”

Fluttershy took her hooves off my face. She turned from the side of the bed, where she lifted a glass off the desk, turning back and handing me it, which I proceeded to gulp down the water within. It cooled the aching at the back of my throat, flushing the rest of my system with life.

“We... passed through the Everfree.” I lifted the glass to my lips and tilted my head back, draining the rest of it in two gulps. Once done, I handed back to Fluttershy, who took it with a smile and placed it back on the desk. “We were talking about... then the howl... then...”

I shook my head. “What happened to you? Are you cut anywhere? Is your head okay? What did—“

Her soft hoof pressed against my lips, and she gazed down at me, still smiling sweetly. “Worry about yourself for once, silly boy.”

I gazed into her eyes for a second, before nodding my head, and feeling her hoof pull away. I said, “What happened... then? I recall fighting off the timberwolves... and I, ah, oh... I don't recall winning.”

“Because you weren't awake for it.” Fluttershy did something I wasn't expecting: she came over the railing of my bed, her soft limbs draping over my own, unable to even cover them. Laying her body against my stomach and chest, she rested her head below my chin, kissing at my collarbone. “You fought off their alpha so well... if only its poisonous fang didn't breach your scales...”

I wasn't sure what to be more confused about: that I was poisoned, or, that the beautiful and sexy Fluttershy was cool with climbing all over my body, brushing her fur against my scales, allowing her softness to weigh down me.

“How... close was I to kicking the bucket.”

“I'd rather not talk about it, Spike,” she said. “Instead, can you hold me? You've been asleep for such a long time, and I... and I wasn't sure you were going to wake up.” Her voice started to crack on every other word. “What was I going to tell Twilight? What was I going to tell the girls? What was I... going to tell myself.”

I understood at once. Letting my heavy arms raise into the air, I brought them across Fluttershy's back, feeling her wings twitched from my touch, though they were soon soothed into my embrace. I held her like how I wanted to hold her for so long—a mare as beautiful, kind, shy and lovely as her were hard to come by.

“You must have been so scared,” I replied as I held her tighter against me. “I'm sorry I put you through this.”

“I should be the one saying that!” Fluttershy cried, nuzzling her face into my chest. “I'm the one who put you through harm! You don't know how guilty I feel over it!” She flicked her face up, gazing at me through watery eyes. “No one has ever saved my like that before! The way how you picked me up and tried to carry me home...”

“You would have done the same for me,” I said. With my claw already around her, I raised it to her muzzle, wiping away her tears. “We're friends, right?”

“We're more than friends after that.” Direct. Forceful. Adorable. “I owe you my life, Spike. Don't you forget that.” She shook her head. “I... love you, Spike, for everything you've done for me. It's because of that I want to be with you.” She smiled with some bright teeth showing. “I'll take care of you, I'll make sure no mare hurts you, I'll be loyal until the very end.”

I blinked. “That's... great! I'm, uh, really flattered by that.”

Fluttershy's happy expression left when I pulled my arms off her body. She tilted her head. “What's the matter, Spike?”

“I, uh, l-like you, Fluttershy!” I said, feeling and sounding like an idiot. “I really do. You're nice and pretty. Really, you're the perfect mare.” I coughed, scratched the back of my neck. “The thing is, um, R-Rarity and I are going to be, you know, k-kinda seeing each other soon.”

Fluttershy lowered her muzzle, her mane covering her eyes, though I still felt her glare from underneath it all.

“You know, like, romantically?”

That was my first hint something was wrong with Fluttershy.

My recovery went decently.

The girls made a big deal out of it. They shouldn't have. Besides being sore in a few places, missing scales in others, my worst injury was a fracture in my left arm. The poison was what nearly killed me.

Apparently, Fluttershy had sucked it from my blood, and upon getting me here, had the doctors thin my blood and filter it back with an antidote. In the same day I'd waken up, I was back on my feet, dancing, laughing with the girls.

“I'm not sure how to feel about you one bit, mister.” Rarity was next to me while I leaned against the wall, both of us watching our group of friends in the distance. They were at a counter, getting my discharge papers. “Saving Fluttershy was all so very heroic, Spike, but I'm not proud you almost gave your life for it.”

“Trust me, I already tried not being heroic at first.” I chuckled. “Got on my knees and begged for our lives. Didn't seem to do much, though.”

“You're lucky about that fracture,” Rarity said as she gazed up at me, “or else I would be smacking you one. Seriously, Spike! Did you know how worried you had all of us? How heartbroken I was to hear about your condition?”

I dropped a claw on the back of my head. “Not like I had any choice, Rarity.”

“Hence why I'm unsure,” she said. “I'm proud of your nobility to sacrifice your life for another, and at the same time, angered you would ever put yourself in such danger.” She shook her head, velvet mane swaying. “You've got my heart very tied up right now.”

“Really?” I said, staring forward. “I've been trying to do that since the day I met you.” I then chuckled. “Maybe I should start putting myself in danger more often.”

I winced when her hoof slapped against my arm.

“Ow!” I glared at her while rubbing a claw up and down my arm. “What gives! You said you wouldn't hit me!”

Rarity winked. “Stop being so hittable then, darling.”

We talked some more. Harmless flirting. She enjoyed and I enjoyed it. It made my heart race being so close to her, knowing that I stood a chance for once. Tall. Handsome. Strong. Decent points. But nearing losing my life to save a friend? That had to score me some points.

It was frustrating, though, only to flirt. Here I was, finally with a chance, and yet, all this time, I could only stare out the corner of my eyes, watching as Fluttershy watched us. She didn't take my news well—stormed out of my room, smacking my glass onto the ground.

She apologized profusely afterward about it. Didn't stop me from being put on edge by her now, especially the way she hid behind her mane, leaving her one eye exposed, solely on me, it bright and alive, a small smile twitch below whenever we made contact.

“She saved your life as well.” Rarity's voice drew me to her face—she was staring at Fluttershy, who resumed talking to the nurse, looking no different from usual. Something about that seamless transition chilled me. “I'm not sure how much I believe the report that was filed about this... but apparently, Fluttershy dispatched those last timberwolves by herself.”

“No joke?”

“No jest to be found here, darling.”

I looked back at Fluttershy, this time, by myself, and she was staring back, and she was smirking.

I must have been going crazy.

It didn't make much sense for me to go crazy. I wasn't a popular guy—for the longest time, ponies didn't even know I was a guy at all! But life changed. Something was different. It had a name, and its, or rather, her name was Fluttershy.

She followed me. I didn't want to believe it at first. It must have been my mind, right? Twilight would send me out, either for food or materials, and wherever I went, there she was, somehow looking more beautiful than the last time I saw her.

“What are you doing here!” Fluttershy exclaimed from the middle of Sugarcube Corner, leaving her place in line to run to me. She wrapped her hooves around my waist, hugging me tightly, nuzzling her muzzle into my stomach, moaning at the feeling of my scales. “It feels like such a long since you've gotten out.”

“It's... only been a few days.”

“Only a few days!” Fluttershy pulled back, with her hooves still around me, to look up at me. “You shouldn't be out of bed! A recovering dragon needs his rest! Why, I'm almost tempted to take you home myself!”

“That's alright, Fluttershy.” Wait, which home was she taking me to? “But thanks.”

“What are you even doing here?” Fluttershy still had her hooves around my waist, and I began to cough, enduring the curious gazes of the ponies in line. They stared at me, some for a moment and others for a minute. “Wait! Don't tell me. Twilight doesn't have you shopping for her, does she?”

“Not exactly shopping...” I must have been an idiot, because I lowered a claw to Fluttershy's head, rubbing her mane almost like I would a dog. She smiled, pushing up into my palm... still not letting go of me. “Twilight's got us hooked on another late night project. This is the first coffee run of the day.”

“That's simply awful!” Fluttershy locked her whole body against me this time, snuggling me in broad daylight—though it wasn't a crime, it felt like we were committing one, somehow. “I thought Twilight may have gotten a little impatient with your recovery, but I never expected something like this!”

“It's no big deal!” I replied, still patting her head, sorta enjoying how her mane rubbed against it. “She's paying for my coffee, after all.”

“I still don't like it.” Fluttershy finally pulled and stepped away from me, and at once, I was both dismayed and relieved. “Twilight shouldn't be overworking you while your arm is still hurt. To think, if she's making you work when you're like this, I wonder what that means for what I thought before...”

I arched an eyebrow. “What did you think before?”

“Oh! It really isn't proper of me to say.” Fluttershy shook her head while her mane swayed into the air, bobbing cutely. “But if nopony else is going to say it, then I will!” Fluttershy stared me down. “Spike, I think that Twilight has been overworking you. She places too much strain on you.”

“But... I'm her assistant!”

“And maybe you'd be better off not being her assistant!” Fluttershy's hooves clamped against her mouth, and in a second, a blush colored her yellow cheeks pink. “Dear Celestia! Whatever did just come over me?” She shook her head and pointed a hoof at her chest. “Oh dear, I didn't mean a word of that, Spike. I'm... sorry you had to hear that.”

I stared at her for a few seconds, her sad gaze earning my praise, and I shook my head, scratching at my neck. “That's alright.”

“Good. That's... good.” Fluttershy had her gaze lost on me, staring at me, seeing me, something about me that I couldn't work out. Was my mind playing tricks again? My ego craving more attention. “Well then! You need to get home, mister, and fast.”

“What about my coffee?”

Fluttershy winked. “You just leave that to me.”

She then turned around, leading the way. I followed behind her, keeping back a few steps than I normally would, though despite the distance, I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She was swaying her hips further than she normally would, flicking her tail over her flanks, making my heart go wild.

There was no trick of my ego after, and in a second's thought, I then wished it was.

“Excuse me, ma'am, but could I bother you for a second?” I stopped behind Fluttershy, who had stopped behind another mare—the one at the front of the line. She turned with an eyebrow raised. “I'm not sure if you heard, but there was an accident near the Everfree recently.”

“Um. Yeah?” The mare tilted her head slightly. “If I'm not mistaken, wasn't it... you two?”

Fluttershy nodded. “This kind dragon here saved my life! I'll always love him for that.” She stepped back a step, taking me by surprise, wrapping a leg around my right thigh. “We're on a date right now! But... I'm afraid Princess Twilight is already demanding him back home to work. Look at him!”

I felt the mare's gaze on me.

Please don't sweat, Spike, please don't sweat!

“Isn't his scales just pale!” Fluttershy nuzzled her head along my side, leaning herself onto me. “I'm afraid of sending him back to Twilight to work all day without getting a little caffeine in his system. I know it's a bit rude to ask, but may we cut in front of you?”

The mare didn't say anything at first. She looked at me like she was expecting something, and I only shrugged, having nothing for her. There were a few ponies behind her giving us a dirty look, but Shy, while the mare was focused on me, stared down those ponies in such a way that actually made them step backward.

“I guess I don't see an issue with it.” The mare glanced behind her and, seeing no glares, assumed nothing of the other waiting ponies. “And nopony else has raised her voice.” She looked back at us, smiling with her eyes closed. “Go on ahead! And a happy recovery to you.”

I blinked without saying thanks. Fluttershy took to the front of the line, ordered my drinks, which, somehow, she knew exactly what I was going to order. She said she knew us long enough to know what we'd want, but something about the way she said it put me on edge.

And the walk home wasn't like I expected, because I had expected to walk home alone. But Fluttershy joined me, walked with me, talked with me, and that was that. She walked closer to my side, almost to the point she was leaning on me.

When we got to the castle, I made it like I was going to leave her outside, but instead, Fluttershy held the door open for me then quickly following after me.

“Twilight!” I exclaimed, going down the hall, pausing by the study room. “I'm home and, uh, Fluttershy's with me too!”

“Fluttershy?” Shuffling sounds came from inside the door. A second later, Twilight came out, smiling but with an eyebrow raised, staring down Fluttershy. “It's, erm, so good to see you! What brings you to the castle?”

Fluttershy smiled. “Oh, I stumbled across Spike by accident.” Her eyes drifted to the door. “Do you have a second to talk? Alone, if that's okay with you.”

“I don't see anything wrong with that?” Twilight glanced at me, and once again, all I could do was shrug. “You can come inside the study.” Fluttershy wasted no time in entering the room, and Twilight turned to follow, but not without glancing at me. “Spike, you can... eat a taco or something.”

The door then closed, leaving me alone.


I spent the afternoon eating tacos.

Not taco. Tacos. Like more than one. Like I had nothing to do but keep making tacos. Things had gone silent in the library. The girls locked themselves in that room for almost an hour. It wasn't until my eight tacos when hoofsteps clopped into the kitchen.

I was excited, that was, until I saw it was Fluttershy.

She beamed when she saw me. Coming to my side, without words or warnings, she kissed my cheek, her moist plush lips impressing against my scales, leaving a little saliva once they were done. My face flushed at once.

“Enjoy your rest.” Fluttershy giggled, trotting away. She flicked her tail against my neck. “You're always free to take it at my cottage, should you need it, Spikey.”

What. The. H—


Even internally, I wasn't allowed to sweat. “Twilight?”

I turned around and there she was. Twilight stood at archway of the kitchen, but for whatever reason, didn't step further. She just stood there, one foreleg overlapping the other, her eyes set on the ground. “Can I... may I speak with you?”

“Of course you can,” I replied. “You never have to ask something like that. In fact, you've never had to ask something like that before.”

“I know,” Twilight said, “but I just...” She sighed. “...wanted to make sure you were okay, you know, before I put anything on you.”

I shook my head. “Oh, come on! Did Fluttershy get to you?”

“She... might have had a few choice words about my recent behavior.”

“There's something up with her,” I said, sitting up in my chair. “I'm telling you Twilight, I don't know what happened after I saved her, but Fluttershy hasn't been the same for it. Ever since I turned her down, she seems to be popping up everywhere!”

Twilight was silent and looking down.

“Are you even listening to me, Twi?”

She finally looked up, her eyes nearly closed. “Spike, do you maybe, I don't know, feel like I overwork you at times?”

“What? No!” I blinked, looking away. “I mean, sometimes you get caught up in your work. Maybe then you'll make me work a little harder without realizing.” I shook my head. “But that's because you're under the same stress as well.”

“And do I... treat you fair?”

“Well, of course you do.”

Twilight glared at me. “Answer honestly, Spike.”

“I...” I exhaled heavily, crossing my arms. “What do you want me to say, Twilight? Sometimes, you can get so caught up in things that you, ya know, forget about me at times.” I waved my claws in front of me like they were a verbal shield. “Which doesn't make you a bad pony! And you don't mean to do it.”

Slowly, I let my claws drop. “But remember how we first read about the Nightmare Moon? How you took the book straight out my claw, and I smacked against the floor?” I sighed. “I don't blame you for it. You were just really excited. Just... would have been nice if you said something after the fact.”

Twilight swallowed. “You mean I didn't?”

I shook my head. “Only because you were so busy beating Nightmare Moon! Plus you'd made so many friends! So some things are bound to slip your mind, you know?”

Twilight stood there, and by the looks of it, she didn't buy my words. “Spike, do you enjoy working for me?”

“Always, Twilight,” I said. “That's something I can never lie to you about.”

“I was worried you were going to say that?”

“Why's that?” I shook my head. “Look! It's Fluttershy in your head again! You weren't thinking about any of this before she came in.” I got up from my seat and went to approach her. Twilight only stepped back, causing me to stop. “What did she say to you? C'mon, tell me!”

“Everything that I should have thought for myself.” Twilight stepped further back, disappearing into the shadows of the hall. “And right now, I'm thinking you should take a break from working.” She smiled a fragile smile. “It was wrong of me to get you moving so soon.”

“That's silly and you know it!” I gestured to my body with my good arm. “There's nothing wrong with me besides a few missing scales. They'll grow back! My arm is only sometimes a pain.” I shook my head. “Fluttershy's in your head, Twilight. Tell me what she said!”

Twilight stepped back further. “That you should have the next few days off.” She turned around. “And I agree.” Without another word, she galloped into the darkness of the hall, the clopping of distant hooves followed by the slamming of a door.

I was at a loss to do, and so, like all the other times I was at a loss to do, went back to the table, sat down, and continued to eat tacos. I thought about my life and my newfound freedom for the next few days. I thought about the crazy mare that seemed to be everywhere that I went. I thought about my best friend who seemed to be rethinking her life.

And most importantly of all, I thought about Rarity. I thought about Rarity a lot. Perfect body. Perfect personality. Whatever happened with Twilight had happened. But right now, if I played my cards right, started looking prim and proper, then maybe I could score a date with Rarity in my off time.

But I had to keep on the lookout for Fluttershy. She'd gone crazy at that rejection, even more so whenever I caught her looking at Rarity. What would she think when we got together? Was Flutteshy simply being kind in her own strange way, or rather, was these incidents some kind of game to her?

And sighed, throwing another taco into my mouth.

There was a part of me that I hated. Why? Because it wanted these games to continue. Never before did I think I could win Fluttershy's heart, and now, I held it, but didn't quite want it. Having a mare be so crazy from me was a respite from how hopelessly I had chased after Rarity when I was younger.

“She's crazy, Spike,” I said to myself, holding the tenth taco to my mouth. “Go with the mare that makes you go crazy.” I tossed it inside my mouth. “Not the other way around.”

I spent the rest of that night eating tacos.

Comments ( 56 )

Wanted to release this fic fully but ran low on sleep.

That being said, the next—and final—chapter will be out tomorrow.

Keep well, boys.


89 111 117 32 99 97 110 32 100 111 32 105 116

Comment posted by DAMN HAMSTER deleted Nov 29th, 2018
B_25 #4 · Nov 29th, 2018 · · 1 ·


your a good drake for doing that

Ok it was good, I'm worried

Wait, somebody actually shut Hamster down? Without turning it into some sort of cluster****?


OH man this is fun, Yandere Flutter. I can't believe I never thought of that till now but it is so fitting with her lol.

87 104 121 32 116 104 101 32 99 111 109 112 108 105 99 97 116 105 111 110 63

Oh hell yeah, I'm always down to see more yandere stories


inside joke, fret not


:moustache:Pop Corn?

I can’t say I’m suprised by this, Fluttershy has all the necessary components for a good yandere:
-cute and adorable on the outside
-quiet and shy personality
-prone to violent outbursts
-secretly a raging psychopath
-pink hair

yandere fluttershy
yes, pink hair is a must in all crazy lovers.

Where the fuck is my porn of this, you anal bag?

Damn good my dude. Here's hoping for a fantastic finishing chapter.

and I shook my own heard

my own head

she kissed my keeps


Prefect personalty

Perfect personality

Great story. Loved it.

Can you please finish the "Five Trials" story. :moustache::pinkiesmile:

Yandere and Oversexed FlutterShy - bad combination.

Thanks for the saves.

7/10 Not enough tacos.

In all seriousness, I find myself intrigued by this. It's not as over-the-top as I expected, but I'm interested in reading more.

This has an oddly high amount of dislikes. I enjoy the premise and your stories are always well-written, so I wonder what is miffing people.

Anyway, can't wait to see where this goes!

Why do I get the feeling that something happened to the two of them when Spike went unconscious in the forest? Like Poison Joke or something?

Either way, this is interesting. Time to see what happens! :trollestia:

I'm surprised this one did unwell. I've enjoyed it more than the others. It feels like a better story too.

Ah well.

Perfectly Insane

Unwell? Dude, you got it featured. I've been trying to get a story featured for a while now. And also, 91 stories? That's crazy! How long have you been writing?

Only been seriously writing for the last two years. This story had gotten feature after I made that comment. Now I have to finish the damn tale.

The dislikes were probably from you BTFOing Hamster so hard (apparently he has fans?). Nothing you need to worry about.

Ah, understandable. Thanks.

Okay, Spike, it's not that complicated. You've been lusting after a pretty pony without much hope of requital. Well, Fluttershy is a former supermodel, you could do worse. When a former supermodel is feeling especially grateful to you for saving her life and wants you to ride the pony, you mount up, say thank you, and ride till she's ready to stop.

Loving the story so far. Well done! :pinkiehappy:
Eagerly looking forward to the next chapter.

It's been a while since I've perused this site, so I guess there's no harm in having a look and...

Yandere Flutters?

Hmm... one moment.

Not a bad start, not a bad start at all.

Keep going, I'll be back :)

So Yandere Flutters doesn't kill Twilight, she just makes her feel bad about her current choices in life. I was hesitant at first, but now I'm in. Hoppin' on the crazy train!

Haven't read the story yet, but you got me voting for Fluttershy before I even read because of that sexy as hell picture....

Ho boy.

Glad I could please.

Great start! It definitely has my interest hooked.

Did Yandere Fluttershy Stare at Twilight?

Definitely going to keep up with this. When's the next chapter?

In a week.

One week later...

Ho boah. Sorry. The chapter's turning out longer than I expected it to be.

I can't wait for the final chapter of this. I really like how you've captured spike in your stories, it's not a common thing. This story kind of has an echo of flutterpriest's fluttershy from his magnum Opus Fluttershy wants in your Pants. Thank you.

Any idea when you can get back to this?

I want to ask for more but first, is everything okay with you?

Oh sh!t haha I just ask people how they are doing

I'll say this once and only once...I'm reading this because I'm hoping Spike ends up with Fluttershy, I hate Spike/Rarity with a passion and always, ALWAYS will but I'm really enjoying this story, keep it up please.

Incomplete huh?

B_25 #50 · Jan 26th, 2020 · · 1 ·

I don't like you

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