• Published 14th Apr 2018
  • 494 Views, 9 Comments

How my brother gets rid of bullies - Scarlet_Harmony

"Hi! I'm Scarlet, and this is the story of how my older brother took care of my bully problem.."

  • ...

Water Lily

It was the first day at flight school…

Hello! My name is Scarlet; Scarlet Harmony. I'm a maroon pegasus filly with a hot pink mane and tail! I don't have a cutie mark yet, but I will soon! Hopefully. Now, onto the story of how my older brother, a bat pony by the name of Night Striker, took care of my bully problem.

Night was a year older than me exactly. He was always the one to stick up for me when I couldn't, even though ponies picked on him for being a thestral. Night has a light gray mane and tail with a pitch black coat. He also has bright green eyes like I do.

You're probably wondering how we are related, but that's too long of a story, so I'll sum it up. Mom is a pegasus like me, and my daddy is a thestral.

Now, actually getting to the story… It was my first day at the Canterlot flight school. Oh? You didn't know they had one? Just cause everypony knows Cloudsdale is a pegasus city, they think it has the only flight school in Equestria..

Anyway! First day at flight school. I was put in a class with 10 other ponies, my brother included. There was this little filly named Fluttershy and another prismatic filly named Rainbow Dash. I didn't see them a lot, because I was too busy trying to keep the bullies from having anything to bully me with.

The bully in question was a filly named Water Lily. She was light blue, pink maned, and a very mean pony.

She started by poking me for a few days, giggling when I told her to stop and pushed her hooves away, then she moved to bumping and shoving me when nopony was looking. After a while of me getting small bruises, my mom got concerned but I told her I fell, and she let it go.

After that.. She started hitting me with various things; sticks, clouds.. Hey! They hurt to us, cause we can't pass through them.. Anyway, she hit me with sticks, clouds, lightning, and once even managed to trap me in a tornado. Other fillies and colts watched, but were too scared to help me.. My brother was sick at the time and hadn't been to school for a week.

The day my brother came back, Lily decided that it was a good day for flight practice, something nopony but my brother was capable of doing because he had joined the school last year.

Lily was a mean long, and very commanding; so when she asked me, ASKED, if we could sit at the edge of the cloud and watch the ground below, I should have been skeptical. I wasn't though, and we sat together, watching the ponies below us. I was smiling, she was smiling too, but for a different reason than me.

I felt a shove from behind and fell.

I didn't see her move behind me; I didn't feel her as she placed her hooves on my back with the gentleness that would put the best mother to shame. I didn't know, until I was falling. Screaming. Crying…

In a split second, I saw a black figure jump over the edge of the cloud after me. They caught up and I saw it was my brother.

“H-help me, N-Niiiight!!” I shouted frantically, feeling as if he was gonna let me die. I knew he wouldn't, and I was right when he grabbed me, held me to his chest, and flew us back up with a little strain from my weight.

He set me on a cloud, hugged me, asked if I was okay, and then glared at the mean filly that almost killed me.

She smiled widely and began walking off, only to have her path cut off by my brother.

“Hey! Can't you see I'm walking here?! Don't you know who I am? I'm Water Lily, and I don't take shit from nopony.” She said in a smooth, soothing voice with her head held high.

My brother had a much deeper, ominous, and nightmare-worthy voice that had everypony, including me, shaking from just hearing it.

“Oh, I know who you are… I know everything about you… Your mom. Your dad. Your brother, and your sister. I know where you live, when you eat, sleep, shower; where you go after school, during hoofball games, and many other things. So, I don't need you to tell me who you are, Water Lily. I already know.

“As for ‘not taking shit from nopony,’” He smiled for the first time, but made a show of letting his glistening, razor sharp fangs be seen. “I'm not nopony.”

Lily, for her part, shivered in fright and backed away a step or two, trying and failing to keep us from seeing how scared she was.

“Now, to address the situation at hoof, what you did to my sister,” He nodded in my direction and I smiled slightly, nodding back. “Thing is.. I don't like it when ponies pick on her, hurt her, or do anything to her, really. I knew the bruises and cuts weren't accidents like she said.. You hurt my sister. I don't like ponies who hurt her.

“You’re a bad pony; a very bad pony.. And I don't like bad ponies.” His voice was getting creepier, angrier, and more menacing by each word.

“I take care of things I don't like, and I don't like you. You wanna know what I do to bad ponies? Yeah? Well, you'll find out soon enough.” Somehow, it had become dark enough for him to barely be seen.

“You better watch your back, Lily, cause you never know,” He said quietly, slipping behind her a split second after the last word was said. “When I might be right here, ready to strike.” He said loudly, causing her to jump, scream, cry, and fly away in absolute terror.

Again, somehow, the light returned and everypony saw Lily flying away frantically, trying to get away from Night. After a few seconds of silence, they all started cheering him on for getting rid of the school bully.

I trotted over and hugged him tightly, nuzzling his chest lovingly. “Thank you, Night… So much..”

He smiled and nuzzled back. “You're welcome, Scarlet. I'm sorry I didn't notice what she was doing earlier..” He said in a surprisingly soft voice, getting many students to look at him as if he were a different thestral than before.

“Don't worry about it.. Its over now. She'll leave me alone now.” And that she did. Night chuckled every time he saw her, because she always looked alert and scared, looking behind herself every few seconds. After a week, she just stopped coming to school, choosing to stay at home where she was ‘safe.’ Night told me he wouldn't have actually done anything.

And that was theast time we ever heard from Water Lily. Of course, we saw her around Canterlot, but she never came close or stayed long enough to talk, not that I wanted to.

So, there you have it, the story of how my brother took care of my bully.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed this, somewhat. Please tell me what you think in the comments and leave a like if you liked it. Happy Friday 13!

Comments ( 9 )

A nice little story, even if Night was more stalker material than protector xD

That was actually what I was going for. :rainbowlaugh: I wanted to go deeper into scaring the hell out of her, but I got sidetracked and it turned out like this.

Heh. Thank you. Glad it made it into your All Time Favorites. OwO Such high praise is greatly appreciated.

This was good, I loved this story a lot :)

Thank you. OwO I'm thinking of doing a story involving Rarity and Sweetie Belle around S4. Drama, Zombies, Guns, Cuteness, Comedy, etc. Dunno when I'll actually start it, but it should be soon. I'm tired of having to switch from Gdocs to here so I'll finish it then post it.

The best part is that he Did nothing physical to her. Everything he told her could have been nothing but words. He gave no proof that he really knew everything he said.
“You better watch your back, Lily, cause you never know, -------- “When I might be right here, ready to strike.”
All else is in her own guilty mind. Small input large results.

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