• Published 13th Apr 2018
  • 364 Views, 6 Comments

The Great and Destructive Hearths Warming Eve! - PonyPlays2014

Hearts Warming Eve is the holiday for family and friends but this time an old rival finds her way into Twilight's castle. Can Twilight and her friends stop her before she ruins their evening?

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The oldest Trick in the Book

“Everything goes the way I planned it”, she says after carefully and slowly creeping out of her hiding spot and takes a quick look out of the door, “Slowly they start to hate each other. Fluttershy tears were pure joy and wasn't it adorable how Spike tried to protect his maiden in distress? Oh the knight in a shining armor! What a laugh...”

A smile appears on her face as she remembers every little moment she just witnessed. It was like a dream coming true but... somepony ruined it!

“Twilight Sparkle!”, the Unicorn mumbles as her horn starts to glow again and her smile transforms itself into a angry but also devilish grin, “You always have to play the hero, don't you? First you showed off and told everypony I'm a fake and a liar and then you took my power away from me! I had to do the dirtiest and most humiliating duties to buy me an apple or a hay-burger while you became an Alicorn and enjoyed your life in this castle... It is just not fair! What makes her so special? Why is she the one who gets all this and not me, the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

Silence. She closes her mouth and starts to think before she raises one hoof into the air and rams it back on the floor with all her might, creating a loud sound before she begins to giggle again.

“Before the sun rises tomorrow... Your friends and you will wish you never met me and never ruined my life! I'll make all of you pay... I'll make you pay, Twilight!”

A red force-field surrounds her and, as she burst out in an almost insane laughter, she disappears, leaving behind a broken floor right underneath her.

Twenty minutes went by and the the Princess already awaits her friends in the main hall, sitting on her throne. Slowly one after the other enters the room and takes her or his place on her or his thrown.

“Okay everypony”, she starts”, I know that the evening isn't going the way we wished for it to go but can we just leave everything behind us and forget it? It doesn't matter what one of us said because she or he is sorry and we know that. What do you say?”

A short period of silence fills the room which Rarity breaks with her agreement.

“You're right. And I just want to apology again for what I said. I also want to forget it.”

The Unicorn smiles at her friends, who smile back and nod.

“Forgive and forget”, Spike suggest and these words really take the biscuit.

He is right and all the Mares agree.

“Okay! What was the next thing on the list again?”, Pinkie Pie asks to open a new topic and to get the next event started.

Twilight thinks for a few seconds and then announces, that the presents are coming up next.

“Everypony gave me a present for each of us and I stored them in my castle's closet so no Pony and no Dragon could open them and peak. Now I will bring them here and give everypony his or her presents."

The pale purple horn begins to sparkle and forty-two colorful boxes fly into the room and six of them land next to each throne.

“I think Rainbow Dash should start. After all she was the first one who gathered all her stuff. Does any Pony disagree?”

Luckily no disagrees and the rainbow-haired Pegasus Mare picks her first present, a red one with a green bow.

“Let me guess... Applejack? This present looks totally like an apple”, she guesses and seems to correct as the orange Mare smiles and nods.

“This is my chance!”, Trixie, who waits outside of the room right next to the door, thinks as she takes a look into the room. She has to be very careful or else she might get caught!

“First I will change the present...” She uses her magic to swap the inside of the box, which is a big jug of RD's favorite cider and replaces it with a bottle filled with nothing at all. Without hesitating the Pegasus opens her present and sees the empty bottle, looking at it confused and a little bit disappointed.

“What is that? Why do you give me a bottle with nothing inside?” But before AJ can answer Trixie uses her power to switch bodies again! The dark dust dives into her chest and the orange glow disappears in the Unicorn's body. Twilight, who feels the strange sensation again notices the fogs and observes the orange one until it leaves the room.

“Isn't it obvious?”, ''Applejack'' answers and a evil grin appears on her face as she says these words, “I gave an empty bottle to symbolize your head. Because, just like the bottle, your head is also empty and your brain most likely very lonely... At least if you have a brain or is It just a pea? Do you even understand what I say or should I speak more slowly? Is it better that way?”

Wow... That is mean! And Rainbow Dash can't believe her ears either. Why would Applejack say something like that? Is it revenge for Fluttershy?

“Oh now you made me angry so you better be prepared to feel my wrath!”

With these words she flies off her seat and targets Applejack. But before she reaches her Trixie uses the chance and reverses the spell. That way a completely clueless AJ gets attacked by one of her friends.

“Girls! Stop it!”, the Alicorn tries her best to stop the fight but they don't listen.

Rainbow Dash is just furious and the Earth Pony tries her best to defend herself and her pride. Luckily every punch and kick misses it's target and, with the help of Rarity's and Twilight's magic, they can separate the two opponents and force them on their thrones before they try again to find a solution.

“What's gotten into you?”, Rarity asks Applejack, who still watches the Pegasus with an anger in her eyes and a fast breath before she answers the Unicorn's question.

“What the hay are you talking about? I just sat here and suddenly this crazy Mare leaped onto me and tried to hit me! She lost her mind!”

“You started with you super-lame and super-insulting gift! You can keep your stupid empty bottle and leave me alone!”

Rainbow seems even angrier than before and tries her best to fight against the magic that prevents her from moving but no chance. The magic of an Alicorn is very powerful after all.

“What? I never gave you a bottle! And certainly not an empty one! Are you going nuts or...”, the orange Mare replies but stops as her sight captures the mentioned object made of glass.

“This...”, she slowly calms down and tries to reach out for the bottle, which the light blue Mare almost smashed on the table in front of her.

Rarity notices the sudden change and, after she looked at her Alicorn friend and gained a nod, released the cowgirl.

“Was this in my box?”, she asks and takes the bottle.

“Yeah duh! Why are you even surprised? You gave it to me after all!”, RD answers but just gains a shaking head as an answer.

“My gift was a jug of apple cider because you like it so much...”

“That must be it! Someone swapped it! And I bet it won't be the last time! Someone tries to ruin our holiday by sabotaging our fun and friendship. Someone tries to destroy our friendship! But we won't let it happen! Our friendship can't be destroyed that easily. Our friendship survived many, many tasks and only grew stronger and stronger. We will always stand together because our friendship is-”, Twilight explains before a somehow familiar but at the same time totally unknown voice interrupts her.