• Published 13th Apr 2018
  • 363 Views, 6 Comments

The Great and Destructive Hearths Warming Eve! - PonyPlays2014

Hearts Warming Eve is the holiday for family and friends but this time an old rival finds her way into Twilight's castle. Can Twilight and her friends stop her before she ruins their evening?

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Something Strange is going on

In the meantime the uninvited visitor Trixie opened the test tube and prepared a mixture she learned from a magic book. She found the book in a forbidden library in the Crystal Empire she sneaked in at night. The name of the book is 'The Powerful Spells of the feared Unicorn Gloomy Witchcraft'.

Gloomy Witchcraft was a very famous and feared Unicorn Mare, who used her magic to defeat, confuse and even hypnotize her enemies. She created many spells herself and even worked on a spell to take over a pony's body forever and increase it's magical power by more than 300 percent. But before she could finish it Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Star Swirl the Bearded imprisoned her and kept her shut until she was no more. Her spell book was given to Princess Cadance later and she locked it away in a forbidden library in her castle so no one could ever use her power or finish what she began long time ago.

“Now the last ingredients...”, Trixie whispers as she uses her magic to pull out all the hairs and carefully drops them into the filled flask.

The liquid is dark green and changes it's color every time a piece of hair dives into it and disappears. First a dark blue, then purple, blood-red, dark red and gray. The last piece of hair is Twilight’s and as it disappears in the magical potion it turns pitch-black and starts to glow in a threatening red light.

“Now I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, only have to say the words and the power will be MINE!”

She closes her eyes and raises the flask until it is right in front of her face before she speaks the magical formula.

“This potion will help me after I said this line
Let me take over their bodies and trap them in mine
They won’t remember the trick that I played
Or what I have said and which trouble I made.
Give me the power and control my mind
So happiness and peace I will finally find!
With this ability I shall complete my trip
And slowly destroy their holiday and friendship...”

Obviously she changed the spell a little bit so it fits her current situation but the magic still works and, as she drinks the liquid, the red light covers her body and raises her into the air. Her mane and tail moves as if a powerful storm is wrapped around her and her usually magical aura changes it's color to blood-red!

“Yes...”, the Unicorn mumbles as she feels the power inside of her and she knows that it actually worked, “YES! The Power is mine!”

She starts laughing as a black streak appears in her mane and her usually purple eyes turn black and a red glow surrounds them. Slowly she goes down again until she reaches the floor and then she just stands there, still laughing.

“Now we will have a real Hearths Warming Eve!”, she shouts and her normal turned echoing and a darker voice follows it that sounds almost Chrysalis but a bit lighter and the stressed syllables are longer.

Rainbow Dash takes one last bite out of her Hay-burger before she puts it on her plate and shoves it slightly away before gulping and giggling.

“I'm full... I think in my current condition even I can't do an amazing flight show... At least I had one of the best meals in my entire life! That was just amazing!”

Fluttershy nods and takes a last sip of her cider before she also praises the quality and the taste of Spike's creations.

“I can only agree. You really did a good job Spike. Especially your salad was delicious. Don't you agree Rarity?”

“Most certainly! Your little snacks tasted like snacks I ate in Canterlot a few weeks ago but your treats were even better. I knew my Spikey-Wikey would prepare the perfect feast for everypony”, the Unicorn Mare agrees and winks at the little Dragon, who instantly blushes.

“What do you say Twilight?”, he asks his seatmate but the Alicorn is distracted by something.

She can't really explain it but a strange feeling overcame her as if a dark power rushed through her castle.

“Twilight?”, Spike repeats but again he gains no reaction.

After looking at the other Mares he decides to poke his friend and wake her up from her current status. It works! She shakes her head slightly, closes her eyes and turns her attention towards the male, who looks at her nervously and a little bit worried.

“What? Sorry... I wasn't listening. I had a strange feeling but”, Twilight explains but stops before she tells everyone what she thinks.

I don't think I should tell them about it. After all it is only a feeling and if I tell them they would be scared or something like that and the evening would be ruined... I should keep it to myself for now, she decides for herself to do it like that.

“I guess I just ate too fast. Nothing to worry about everypony. So... Should we get going and sing some songs in the living room?”

A few loud “Yes” can be heard and the seven characters get up their seats and leave the dinner hall.

On the way to the living room Applejack and Spike explains how her family and how he made all these lovely treats and promise they would do it again with pleasure! But Twilight's thoughts are still all about that feeling.

I never felt it before but... I felt similar sensations when Nightmare Moon returned, Queen Crysalis stood in front of me disguised as Cadance and Discord returned... Could a villain try to ruin our holiday? Or am I just overreacting and I just imagine thinks that aren't there. I guess I must try my best to find out something about it...

“Twilight?”, Fluttershy asks her friend, who looks at her and smiles but the shy Pegasus seems a little bit scared, “Are you really okay? Somethings seems to bother you. Can we help you somehow?”

The other five hears her question and turn their attention towards the Alicorn, who just shakes her head slightly from side to side and explains that she is alright and that the feeling is already gone. They reach the well-decorated room and Fluttershy starts preparing all the lyrics and the music by flying one room further and gathering a few pieces of paper and a magical gramophone and a few plates to play the music. She gives everypony and Spike a few pieces of paper and then asks her friends if they all have the text to sing along.

“Yes! Yes! YES!”, Pinkie Pie shouts and Twilight and Rarity use their magic to start the gramophone.

“The fire of friendship lives in our hearts...”, the seven begin to sing and it sounds very beautiful.

But Trixie already waited for this moment and instantly her horn begins to glow in it's dangerous color again as she hides behind a couch and waits for the right moment to use her magic.

“Okay... Now!”, she whispers and a dark read light spreads from her eyes and a black mist makes it way towards Rarity, which buries itself in her chest and causes her eyes to also glow red and turn black. Trixie took over her bod while Rarity is stuck in her body! Now it is her chance to pick a fight between the friends as she starts to sing the wrong lyrics on purpose.

“The dresses I make will never fit my friends because it would get to tightly on the flanks! Anyway it would be a waste of time because even with them their looks are a crime!”, Rarity's voice sings and leads the others so stop and look at her.

“Rarity! What does that mean?”, Pinkie Pie asks and seems a little bit angry and so does Rainbow Dash.

“What is your problem? What have we done to you? Why would you say something like that?”

While her friends complain “Rarity” closes her eyes one time and the black fog leaves her body and returns to Trixie's while a white fog returns to it's real owner.

“What... What? What happened?”, she asks but this reaction only makes Pinkie even more angry!

“Oh no”, she says while poking her nose with her very own one, “You can't act like nothing happened! We heard it!”

But Rarity is even more confused right now and tries to figure out what happened but she can't remember anything after they started singing.

“Pinkie”, the Unicorn tries to calm her pink friend down, “Tell me what happened... Please.”

But instead of the Earth Pony Twilight explains everything.

“You suddenly insulted everyone of us for now reason at all. You were like a totally different Unicorn!”

Sadly, even though everypony try their best to explain it to Rarity, she just can't remember it but she excuses for her behavior and the others accept it. Pinkie and RD are still a little bit mad at her but a friendship as strong as their friendship isn't over because of that.

“Let us just sing a different song”, the pink-haired Pegasus Mare suggests and selects a second song, ''Let it Snow''.

Again the Unicorn and Alicorn use their magic to start the music.

“Oh, the weather outside is frightful. But the fire is so delightful!”

Again their beautiful voices fill the room and turn the already calm and gentle atmosphere even better! But, of course, The Great and Powerful Trixie has another trick up her sleeve and again she uses her spell to switch bodies with one of the mane six. This time it is Rainbow Dash! The same action takes place and again the dark fog disappears inside of RD's chest and a light blue smoke returns to Trixie. After the blue Pegasus hawks one time she starts singing again but her song is more aggressive and way faster.

“Fluttershy can't you see how much you annoy me? And every time is see you fly I try my best not to cry! When you fly fast and when your trust your luck... you're not even faster than a slug, than a slug, than a slug!”

“Rainbow! Stop right there!”, the farmer Mare now starts the fight with her best friend to protect the other Pegasus, who already started to cry, “I know you are a little bit angry but why are you so mean to Fluttershy? She is always kind and you know exactly that she doesn't like flying fast like you do! So leave her alone!”

Again the fogs switch places after the victim blinked once more and, just like Rarity, Rainbow Dash can't remember anything. In the meantime Fluttershy just sits there and stares at the floor while tears leave her sparking eyes.

“Huh? What happened to Fluttershy? What did you guys do?”

“What did we do! Are you serious?”, Applejack answers even more angry than before and she makes one step closer to her friend, who has a furious expression on her face, “You were the one who said these horrible things to her! And don't believe you can lie to us like Rarity did! We know what we heard.”

“Excuse me? I never lied to you ever!”, the white Unicorn tries to protect herself but only provokes Pinkie Pie that way who joins the dispute.

“As if! Miss Perfect is always right and correct isn't she? She would never do such things!”, the pink pony imitates her friend, who becomes even more angry and a little bit sad.

Spike, who watched them and heard the awful things about Rarity, protects her and fights for her.

“How dare you! How dare you say such things about Rarity! She is one of the most generous and kind Mares I have ever met and you just spread lies! How dare you!”

It feels like not only the effected ponies became a little bit bitter but also everypony and Dragon else! Twilight, who tries to separate her friends, suddenly feels the strange sensation again and it became even worse!

There... is that feeling again! Something is going on here and it is tearing our friendship apart! I have to stop it.

The Alicorn moves between her friends and her horn begins to sparkle and glow in the usual color but suddenly a bright shine fills the room and everypony and Spike see their favorite moments they had with their friends and all the good memories return. As the light slowly disappears the room is silent except for Twilight's gasping because this spell takes a lot of concentration and strength. Each of them looks at each other and even Fluttershy stopped crying but there are still some tears and wet stripes underneath her eyes. Slowly Rarity moves her glimpse towards the floor before she excuses herself.

“I'm sorry for saying such terrible things... I'm sure it wasn't my intention to hurt your feelings... Can you forgive me?”

Pinkie Pie answers with a hug and a nod.

“I'm sorry too Fluttershy”, the Element of Loyalty takes her turn and walks towards her yellow friend, who watches her, “I don't know what came over me. Of course I don't feel this way and I know you don't like flying fast... I hope you can forgive me one day.”

“How about today?”, she answers as she wipes her tears of and gives her a hug, which she gladly accepts and returns.

Spike and Applejack also excuse for overreacting a little bit but a new song isn't what they want right now. “Maybe we should take a break to calm down and take a few breathes? I think it would be the best for all of us”, the Princess suggests and everyone agrees.

“We will meet in our main hall for the presents in twenty minutes... Does everypony agree?”

Again everyone nods and split up to get some time alone. Before Twilight also leaves the room she creates the roll of paper again and uses a magical feather to cross out the activity 'Sing Hearths Warming Eve carols'. After that both objects disappear again and the Alicorn walks through the door leaving Trixie all by herself.