• Published 10th Apr 2018
  • 908 Views, 18 Comments

The Diamond & The Dragon Warrior - AmethystMajesty25

The story of a young man whose life is about to change when he meets a certain girl who has a passion for fashion.

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Chapter 5: Chemistry

Throughout the month, we talked and texted each other through our phones and hung out with our friends. Every time we see each other, it feels like my day just keeps getting better and better. I wasn’t nervous around her anymore. I feel more confident than ever. Maybe Flash was right, I am having a crush on her. No, even better. I’m totally in love with her, but... where do I go from there now?



CHS Library

3:40 PM

After a few study sessions with his other friends, I was sitting on the chair playing his game on his phone and right next to him was his Chemistry textbook on the table. I already texted Rarity that I’m holding a free study session for her Chemistry class tomorrow. Few minutes later, Rarity walked in and waved at me as I heard the door opened and the clicks of her boots.

Rarity: Why hello darling.

Beryl Fury: Hi Rarity. *hugs her*

Rarity: *hugs him back*

Beryl Fury: *releases Rarity* So, ready for your first study session with me?

Rarity: Why absolutely darling! Even though I studied with Sunset and my friends all the time, but I do simply want to try studying with you, if that’s okay?

Beryl Fury: *blushes* Uh... sure. I don’t mind at all. In fact, this is my last one for today.

Rarity: Splendid, then we have no time to waste Barry. Let’s get started.

Beryl Fury: Now that's the spirit, Rarity. Ready when you are.

Over the next fifteen minutes, Rarity and I studied together with their study guides about isotope composition, ions, compounds, and names and formulas of ionic compounds. We also used the textbook to fill out any answers in the study guide. Before we wrap things up within the next five minutes, we went to do a quick review by using flashcards.

Beryl Fury: Okay Rarity, ready for a quick review.”p

Rarity: Yes darling, I’m ready.

Beryl Fury: *holds up the first card that reads “What element has 18 electrons, 18 protons, and 22 neutrons?”

Rarity: Argon.

Beryl Fury: Correct.

Beryl Fury: *holds up another flashcard that reads “How many protons, neutrons and electrons does Silver have?*

Rarity: Silver has... 47 protons, 47 electrons & 60 neutrons.

Beryl Fury: Nice job.

Beryl Fury: *holds up another flashcard that reads, “What has 35 protons, 34 electrons and 44 neutrons?”*

Rarity: The answer is Phosphorus, with a 1+ charge.”p

Beryl Fury: Splendid.

Beryl Fury: *holds up another flashcard that says, “KBr.”

Rarity: I’m guessing that this is... Potassium bromide?

Beryl Fury: Are you sure that’s your final answer?

Rarity: Yes Barry, I’m positively sure that is my final answer.

A few seconds have passed before I gave out a response.

Rarity: *begs him* Well? Spit it out darling? Am I right?

Beryl Fury: That is *smiles* correct. You got ‘em all right.

Rarity: *cheers* Yes! Oh thank you so much for helping me with my study guide.

Beryl Fury: You’re welcome Rarity, I’m sure that you’ll ace this test tomorrow, but take your time. I don’t want you to be rushing and always make sure to double check your answers before you turn your test in.

Rarity: Thank you for the lovely advice darling, I’ll be okay, I promise.

Beryl Fury: I know you do.

Beryl Fury: *looks at the clock in the library*

It was 4:00 PM and Beryl’s tutoring session has ended. They both exited the library and walked together to exit the school.

Rarity: Do you mind if you can take me home Barry, please?

Beryl Fury: *quickly smiles at her* Sure.

Rarity: Wonderful.

They both reached the parking lot and Beryl guided her to his car.

Beryl Fury: *opens the passenger side door for Rarity*

Rarity: Thank you darling, you’re such a gentleman right there.

Beryl Fury: You’re welcome, my lady. *playfully bows to her*

Rarity: *giggles and watches as I walked to the driver's side, and lets out a small squeal*

After that, Beryl started the car and drove away from the school to head straight to Rarity’s house to drop her off. Once that’s done, he drove straight home to get some rest.


2:00 PM

Another school day has ended and some students began to leave. I went to grab my stuff from my locker to head home. After I closed my locker, I was exiting the hallways until Rarity stopped me in my tracks and showed me the grade on her Chemistry test. It was an A+!

Beryl Fury: Wow! Congratulations Rarity. I’m very proud of you.” *chuckles*

Rarity: *coos* Aww, thank you Barry, I couldn’t have done this with you.” *gives him a big hug*

Beryl Fury: *returns the hug to Rarity*

Beryl Fury: Have a great day Rarity.

As he walked inches away from the main door, Rarity called my name again to ask me something which made me stop.

Rarity: Wait, Barry... can I ask you something?

Beryl Fury: *turns around* Sure, what is it?

Rarity: *blushes and twiddles her fingers* Well... since you helped me with my studies yesterday, can I uhh... can I simply repay you with something?

Beryl Fury: *chuckles* Relax Rarity, I don’t need money to repay me.

Rarity: No, it’s not that.

Beryl Fury: *raises his eyebrow* Okay... and... what do you propose?

She walked towards me like she's walking a runway of a fashion show with her eyes lidded, giving her hips a little extra swing as she gets closer.

Beryl Fury (in thoughts): *blushes* Uhhh... what’s happening here? The atmosphere has suddenly changed now.

Rarity: Well... do you want to go out on a date with me tomorrow night? *seductively smiles at him*

His eyes went wide as he heard that question from Rarity.

Beryl Fury (in thoughts): Am I hearing things right now? Did Rarity gave me a huge generous offer to go out with me... on a real date? This is something that I haven’t experienced in my life before since moving in to Canterlot City. I’m starting to feel butterflies in my stomach now. Is this really happening?

Beryl Fury: Just the two of us alone?

Rarity: *nods* Mmhmm.

His nerves are starting to shake like an earthquake within him. Does he really want to do this? Does he really have feelings for her? So, he thought about it really hard for half a minute. After that, he took a deep breath and answered her question.

Beryl Fury: *blushes* Rarity... it umm... it would be an honor to go out with you on your date tomorrow.

Rarity: *gasps and hugs him in joy* Oh thank you so much! I can’t wait for tomorrow night.

Beryl Fury: *smiles and returns the embrace* What time do you want me to pick you up?

Rarity: Evening dear. I already picked a restaurant to eat for our date tomorrow night.

Beryl Fury: Really?

Rarity: *nods* Mmhmm.

Beryl Fury: That sounds great! I’ll be there.

Rarity: Wonderful! *leans forward and gives Beryl a kiss on the cheek*After that, she leaned forward and gave me a kiss on

Rarity: See you tomorrow Barry. Au revoir.” *winks at him and exits the school with her hips swaying back and forth*

Beryl Fury (in thoughts): Wow. Am I dreaming or something. She just gave me a kiss on the cheek. I’m never washing that cheek ever again.

Five minutes later, he snapped out of my trance and ran straight to his car to head home.

Beryl’s House

10:00 PM

Beryl was now laying on his bed trying to get sone sleep, but he couldn’t stop thinking about what happened earlier today.

Beryl Fury (in thoughts): I couldn’t believe it. She asked me out on a date. I lifted my hand to feel my left cheek. The very same cheek that was touched by Rarity’s sweet lips. It still felt warm. Her lips were so tender and soft. And the way she winked and smiled at me after she kissed him... it was very surprising. I can feel a small burning, fiery feeling inside of me.

His mind was racing with every possible scenario of his date with Rarity tomorrow. It’s mostly conjured up with bad scenarios, making him sweat.

Beryl Fury (in thoughts): What if she didn’t even want to go out with me? What if she decides to stood up for me? What if I just bored her with how lame or stupid he is? What am I going to do? *bits his lip*

Rarity was different from most girls, she was something more than just a pretty face. She was flawless, special and deserved nothing less than perfection. He wanted to give just that to her, but what if he couldn’t?

*phone vibrates*

He nearly jumped out of his skin when his phone vibrated next to him.

Beryl Fury: What the? Who could be calling me in the middle of my sleep? *picks up his phone*

He turned it on and the it was a text message from... Sunset Shimmer?

Beryl Fury ==> Sunset Shimmer, 10:03 PM

Sunset Shimmer ==> Beryl Fury, 10:05 PM
S’up Beryl, sorry that I called you so late,
But um... did Rarity asked you out?

Beryl Fury ==> Sunset Shimmer, 10:07 PM
Um, yeah, she did. Is there a problem?
I apologize for saying that 😐

Sunset Shimmer ==> Beryl Fury, 10:10 PM
No need dude. I think it’s nice for you
to treat our friend like a princess. You excited?

Beryl Fury ==> Sunset Shimmer, 10:14 PM
Yes, I’m excited Sunset. What else would you
expect from a guy like me? However, I am pretty
nervous though.

Sunset Shimmer ==> Beryl Fury, 10:17 PM
Why would you be nervous about your first date?
You’re not trying to give up aren’t ya?

Beryl Fury ==> Sunset Shimmer, 10:20 PM
Of course not Sunset, I’m not giving up and I’m not
going to back down on this moment.

Sunset Shimmer ==> Beryl Fury, 10:22 PM
That’s the spirit that I want to see Barry.

Beryl Fury ==> Sunset Shimmer, 10:25 PM
Thank you Sunset. However, I’m just worried
about tomorrow night. What if someone tries to
sabotage our date, what if she thinks I’m boring,
what if I do something that will damage our friendship,
and what am I going to say to her if my confess my feelings
to her? How is she going to react? Does she love me back?

Sunset Shimmer ==> Beryl Fury, 10:30 PM
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Slow your role dude! Don’t ever think
about those things, it will only make your date
worse. So, le

Beryl Fury ==> Sunset Shimmer, 10:33 PM
Really, that’s awesome. Do you mind if I bring my
boys there too? And... is Rarity going to know
what we’re up to tomorrow?

Sunset Shimmer ==> Beryl Fury, 10:36 PM
Sure, we don’t mind. On the other hand, Rarity won’t
even notice what we’re doing tomorrow. I’ll tell Pinkie
Pie about it as well.

Beryl Fury ==> Sunset Shimmer, 10:38 PM
Why do you need to tell her about it?

Sunset Shimmer ==> Beryl Fury, 10:39 PM
She has a way of keeping secrets.

Beryl Fury ==> Sunset Shimmer, 10:40 PM

Sunset Shimmer ==> Beryl Fury, 10:42 PM
Don’t worry Barry, this dating class will only take
a while to help you learn how to handle a simple date.

Beryl Fury ==> Sunset Shimmer, 10:44 PM
Alright, that sounds fair.

Sunset Shimmer ==> Beryl Fury, 10:45 PM
Excellent! Good night Barry. 😴

Beryl Fury ==> Sunset Shimmer, 10:46 PM
Good night Sunset. 😴

Beryl turned off his phone and went back to sleep, hoping that he won’t choke up on his date tomorrow night.

Comments ( 5 )

cool oh and
Beryl Fury: Aww, that sounds so sweet. And I’m surprised that your aunt works at the jewelry store. I always go there to look around and buy some jewelry for my fashion work.”
you need to fix that

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