• Published 10th Apr 2018
  • 908 Views, 18 Comments

The Diamond & The Dragon Warrior - AmethystMajesty25

The story of a young man whose life is about to change when he meets a certain girl who has a passion for fashion.

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Chapter 3: Forgive & Forget



9:30 AM

Twilight Sparkle: I don’t think we should use the classroom.

As Twilight and the girls walked through the hallways figuring out their next plan, Twilight accidentally bumped into Flash without even noticing. She blushed and giggled after embarrassing herself in front of Flash’s band, and her friends.

Twilight Sparkle: We really need to stop bumping into each other like this.”

Right behind him was Beryl and his band, leaning idly against the lockers, and Flash issued them as if the girls were invisible.

Flash Sentry: Uh, you guys hear something?

Brawly Beats: Uh-uh.

Ringo: Uh, nope.

Beryl didn’t answer to Flash as my face turned to worry and decided to follow along with the situation that’s happening.

Twilight Sparkle: I said, *raises her voice a little higher* We have to stop—

Flash Sentry: *interrupts her* There it is again! So annoying.

Twilight Sparkle: Why are you acting like this? I thought we were friends.

Flash Sentry: Yeah, and then you decide to come back here just so you can beat me in the Battle of the Bands. I want this, Twilight, and you’re trying to take it from me! Some friend.

Beryl Fury (in thoughts): Why would he say something like that to my new friends.

Twilight Sparkle: That’s not why—

Applejack: *interrupts Twilight by placing her hand on her shoulder* Come on Twilight. We’ve got better things to do right now.

Throughout the conversation, Rarity can tell that Beryl felt worried and he was in a difficult situation as she saw him. Deep down inside of him, he refused to say anything because he’s a good person and worried about the friendship between them.

Rarity (in thoughts): *feels sad* Oh Barry, you poor guy, I wish there’s something I can do to cheer you up. However, my friends needed me first. Please don’t give up on me Barry.” *feels a small, single tear on her face*

After that, Flash saw the girls storming out of the situation, heading towards the band room. He then called out to Twilight.

Flash Sentry: You really think you’re gonna help them? Heh! I bet you have no idea what you’re even doing!

Twilight Sparkle: *starts crying and walks away with her friends after getting struck by Flash’s words*

Beryl Fury: Flash, we need to talk now.

Flash Sentry: Beryl, can we save it until the Battle of the Bands is over? Now’s not the time.

Beryl Fury: Flash, can we just—

Flash Sentry: I SAID NOT NOW!!

Beryl Fury: *sighs* Ugh, fine.

The boys walked away and headed towards the gym to practice.

Beryl Fury (in thoughts): This is wrong, Flash has gone way off the deep end after what I just witnessed. I’m going to have to talk to him again when this competition is over.

3:20 PM

Flash Drive exited out of the gym, feeling angry about the results of the tournament. However, I wasn’t angry about it, I was just satisfied with the results that we didn’t make it to the finals. We went outside of the back entrance of the school to cool off our steam of anger and disappointment.

Beryl Fury: Alright, can we talk now?

Flash Sentry: Sure, what is it?

Beryl Fury: *angrily yells at Flash* What the heck were you thinking Flash?! How could you say that to those girls like that?! They were our friends back there, what’s your deal man?!

Flash Sentry: Oh now where at this again? I thought you heard me clear that they were in our way. We want to win this, Beryl.

Beryl Fury: Really? That’s what this is about? Is this how you treat your friends? Did you forget that they were our friends back there? What did they ever do to you man?! This is not what I signed up for Flash. This is why we are a band for a reason. Music is about bringing people together, not tearing each other apart. And if we win or lose, we’re always going to stick together no matter what. I thought we were friends.

Flash Sentry: Barry... we are friends, but... it’s just—

Beryl Fury: *tears start to form* You know what, screw this. If you can’t see it that way, then... as of now... I’m officially out of the band.

The boys: *gasps*

After what they had just heard from their bandmate, he walked away and headed towards his car.

Flash Sentry: What?

Brawly Beats: Dude, you’re leaving us?

Ringo: Why do you want to do that?

Beryl Fury: *stops walking and turns around to see Flash* One more thing, if any of you dare try following me around, I will break you so hard that you will never be able to walk again.

Flash stepped back and gulped nervously about the threat that I just said.

He got in and shut the door to start the engines. The boys watched the engines of his car running and he drove off to head home, leaving his former bandmates behind.

Ringo: Flash, what do we do now?

Flash Sentry: Ugh, just leave him be. He’ll come back someday when he’s ready.

Brawly Beats: I hope so.


Outdoor Amphitheater

9:00 AM

The Rainbooms and Vinyl Scratch were practicing their instruments to perform their next song, while Sunset writes a letter to Princess Twilight Sparkle.

After a few minutes of writing her letter, Sunset closes the book and turns to her friends to perform their next song.

Rainbow Dash: You ready or what?

Sunset Shimmer: *runs upstage quickly and grabbed her guitar to perform their next song* Ready.


After performing their song, the girls got off the stage and packed their stuff up. Before they head home, they heard a car coming by, it was Beryl’s. After he parked his car, he stepped out and walked towards the amphitheater to speak with the girls.

Beryl Fury: Hey there. Look, I'm sorry that my band got angry at you. The reason why I didn't want to say anything bad to you girls back at the hallways yesterday is because I fear that you would give up on being friends with me. It felt like I've been under some sort of spell and it was scary. But whatever it was, it's gone. Once again, I'm sorry.

Beryl Fury: *puts his head down in shame and walks away*

Rarity: *grabs Beryl’s wrist* Wait! Don't go. We understand how you feel and we forgive you. You're our friend darling, we would never say something like that.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah! It was just some freaky Equestrian magic stuff that’s been going on around the musical showcase.

Beryl Fury: I’m sorry, what did you just say?

Pinkie Pie: I said that—

Sunset Shimmer: *covers Pinkie’s mouth* Never mind about that, you’ll understand someday.

Beryl Fury: *shrugs* Hmph... okay. But um... do you mind if I play a song?

Applejack: Why do ya want to do that?

Beryl Fury: Because I want to set things right and I want to make it up to you girls. Besides, you haven't heard me singing solo before.

Rainbow Dash: *thinks first for a few minutes* You do have a point there Barry, but alright. Let's see what you got dude.

Beryl Fury: Excellent, but let me grab my instrument first.

Fluttershy: Okay.

Beryl ran to his car and opened the trunk to grab his instrument, the ukulele. Once I closed the trunk and locked my car, I ran up on stage and grabbed a stool to get myself prepared as I closed his eyes and got into position. The girls took their seats, waiting to see what I can do.

Beryl Fury (in thoughts): Okay Beryl, don't screw this up. Just go with the flow and show them what you got. *takes a deep breath and opens his eyes to perform his song*

The Rainbooms: *smiles at Beryl*

Rarity: Take your time Barry.

Beryl Fury: *nods and gives Vinyl Scratch the signal to start the song for the girls*

*plays song: Over The Rainbow*

Throughout the song, the girls swayed their heads and clapped their hands as they followed the beat of my song. They enjoyed the sound of my singing voice and I never had a hard time choking it up. Every time I smiled and made eye contact at Rarity, she blushed every time as well.

The girls applauded and wooed at me for my performance. I bowed at them to close my performance and got off the stage to meet with the girls.

Rainbow Dash: That. Was. Awesome.

Applejack: Yee’haw! That was good Beryl. *gives him a thumbs up*

Rarity: That was a lovely performance darling, I didn’t know you have such a lovely voice right there.

Beryl Fury: *blushes* Um, thank you girls. I appreciate it.

Sunset Shimmer: Say Barry, do you want to come with us all the mall? I’m sure you’ll be all alone after you gave us a splendid performance there.

Beryl Fury: No, in fact, I’m heading to Flash’s house to... do something.

Flash Sentry: Um... did something happened between you and Flash?

I got worried as well as he looked at the girls’ faces. They had no clue of what he went through yesterday. So I pretended to be happy and smiled at them.

Beryl Fury: Um... nope. I don’t want to talk about it right now, but this is between me and Flash okay? Nothing to worry about.

Applejack: Beryl, you’re a horrible liar. Ah know you’re lying and I can see that you’re worried right now. So can ya tell us what’s going on between you and Flash please?

Beryl Fury: *sighs* Okay, I’ll tell you everything about what happened yesterday.

The girls and I sat down and discussed about the issue between him and Flash. He explained them why he quit and left his band after the Battle of the Bands tournament at school. They were sad that he and Flash argued and ditched his band, but on the bright side, they were happy that I stood up for them. I felt upset that it was all my fault for quitting Flash’s band and I hoped to take it all back, but I wasn’t sure if Flash will consider it. The girls went to comfort me and talked about my situation.

Sunset Shimmer: It’s okay Barry, everyone deserves a second chance.

Beryl Fury: You sure?

Sunset Shimmer: Yes Beryl, take it from me. I know what it’s like to earn a second chance.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, everyone deserves second chances by putting smiles on their faces!” Pinkie cheered as she smiled.

Beryl Fury: *chuckles* Maybe, but I do need to apologize to Flash so that we can forget about yesterday’s argument and move forward with the band. Besides, I would never give up the friendship between me and Flash. It was just us guys having a small argument, that’s all.

Rarity: Well I’m glad you’re finally understand now darling. So, are you ready to head to the mall now? *stands up*

Beryl Fury: Maybe after I’m done taking care of what I need to do. I’ll let you know when I’m ready. So, thank you girls for comforting my stress. I feel a lot better now.” *stands up*

Rainbow Dash: No problem Beryl, that’s what friends are for.

Fluttershy: And thank you for standing up for us yesterday... without us noticing.

Beryl Fury: No problem girls.

They all get into a group hug and left the amphitheater.

Flash’s house

9:30 AM

Once I arrived at the house and parked my car, I knocked on Flash’s door. Flash immediately opened the door and saw me. Brawly and Ringo were also in his house too.

Beryl Fury: Hi bros, do you mind if I talk with you guys?

Flash Sentry: Yeah, but I do want to apologize about what happened yesterday.

Beryl Fury: And I do want to apologize to you guys too.

Flash Sentry: Well then, come inside and let’s discuss about it.

Beryl Fury: *goes inside and sits down on the couch with his friends*

Flash Sentry: *sits down on the couch*

Beryl Fury: Flash, I’m sorry that I got mad at you and threatened you yesterday. I shouldn’t have said those words and it’s all my fault.

Flash Sentry: I understand bro, and... *sighs* I’m sorry that I got mad at you and the girls, you were right. I should’ve listened to you in the first place.

Beryl Fury: It’s alright Flash, I forgive you.

Flash Sentry: And I forgive you too bro.

They both stood up and gave each other a bro hug and a fist bump.

Ringo: So I guess we’re good here then?

Beryl Fury & Flash Sentry: Yep.

After that, there was another car parked right next to my car.

Beryl Fury: *looks at the window*

The driver stepped out and revealed to be a young man with messy, copper hair. He wore blue jeans, white shoes, and a black hoodie with a white treble clef and music staff with sparkles on it.

Beryl Fury: Um, who’s that?

Flash Sentry: Oh, I forgot to tell you that we’re holding auditions for another band member to increase our ranks. Plus, I already hired Micro Chips as our turntable guy.

Beryl Fury: Hmm, interesting. Are there any more musicians like him to come by?

Flash Sentry: Yeah, they’ll be here shortly.

Beryl Fury: Oh, ok.

Flash Sentry: I’ll meet you guys in the garage, we’ll start the auditions there.

*doorbell rings*

Flash Sentry: *looks through the peephole first and opens the door*

Flash Sentry: Hi there, who are you?

???: My name’s Coppermane, I saw your posters about you guys holding auditions for a new band member. Do you mind if I come in and give it a shot?

Flash Sentry: Sure, come on in.

Coppermane entered and Flash closed the door and led him to his garage to start the auditions. Soon, more musicians arrive at Beryl’s house.

Author's Note:

Coppermane is owned by Nordryd