• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 2,155 Views, 54 Comments

Eddie Riggs goes to Equestria - Geneircnamehere

A time traveling Rodie goes to far into the past

  • ...

The guardian of metal

A/N I bet you are all wondering where I got the idea for Eddie to be a fourth wall breaker, well I got the idea one day when I was playing Burtal Legend, I came across some "Hidden Metal" and the song was "Master Exploder" by "Tenacious D". And also this chapter was going to be a lot longer, but I forgot to save and my two hours of hard work were lost, and I cried a little bit. And also LONGEST CHAPTER YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eddie grabbed clementine and let out an awsome guitar solo which seemed to move the very planet itself, as if the ground was sending something up from it's depths to reveal. What Eddie took to naming " Hidden Metal" it was a sculpture of a skull on top of two speakers with what looked to be fire in the background(In short it was a totally badass statue). As it rose out of the ground Eddie noticed writing on the sculpture, In giant Golden text it read..


Directly in front of the "Hidden Metal" was what looked to be a modified version of Eddie's "Mouth of Metal". Seeing it Eddie walked forward, curious.

"What is this some kind of upgrade?" Eddie stated outloud, while fiddling with the new contraption.

"Oi! Hello? Can you hear me Eddie?" A familiar voice shouted coming from the new gadget.

"Uh yeah, yeah I can hear ya." Eddie said hesitently

"Ahhh perfect man, you have no idea how long it took me to figure out this old thing."

"Who is this? And how do you know my name!?" Eddie said wondering what the hell was going on.

"Who me? Nah I'm noone important, I'm just the Guardian of Metal."

"Woah! Guardian of Metal, how've you been man?"

"Really? That's the question your going to ask after you left this time and came to a diffrent time, really?"

"Well yeah I.... Wait did you just say diffrent time?"

"Yeah I did ya blockhead!"

"But how?"

"Listen mate, how I know this and how this whole time thing is a pretty big secreat, and it'll take about 5,000 fire tributes for me to spill the beans."

"5,000! Do you realize how many rocket lauchers I could get with those fire trubutes! A lot!"

"Alright alright, we are getting off topic here. After you left the land of Ormagooden...." His statment was intruptted by Eddie.

"The land of Ormagooden? Really that's what that place was called?"

"Well what do you fucking expect? All of the random scrap metal you saw here was his flesh! In fact his skin gives us light here! And for the Metal god's sake don't intrupt me ever! Allright now where was I? Oh yes, after you left Ophelia was really worried so she set out on a mission to find you."

"Oh no" Eddie whisperd

"AHEM! Well as I was saying after I was rudely intrupted agian, Ophelia eventually made her way down here and questioned me about your whereabouts. As I am the Guardian of Metal I had a vage idea of what time you were in. After I assured her that you were safe I told her to get the hell out and that you would be back soon, I grabbed this little contraption and fiddled with for a while and finally you picked it up! And thats all the free information I am giving up."

"Well how did you even get this little walkie talkie anyway?"

"Now that right there is a pricy bit of info"

"How do you even know that I'm traveling through time?"

"Now that I can answer free of charge. I know about the whole time deal because I just had a chat with the future version of me. Apperantly somewhere around your time I am known as Ozzy Osborne.

"No wonder why you both look alike and sound the same."

"Oh really? did you know me? The future me didn't give me to many details or else he might cause a paradox, or something like that." (Eddie acutally really did enjoy Ozzy's music, in fact sometimes he only plays Ozzy's music when he goes for a drive. You could call him a fanboy)

"Oh ummm yeah I kind of knew you."

"Huh, well this little device your holding in your hands is basicly a portible version of your Mouth of Metal."

"Awsome! Metal on the Go!"

"Ah yeah yeah, now we are cutting into my nap time so if I got any new info for ya I'll let you know. And if you want to contact me just press the little blue button. "

"Okay see ya later Guardian of Metal."

"I WANT YOU TO GO FUCKING CRAZY OUT THERE!" The machine made a buzzing noise, then stared playing Eddie's new song. Which Eddie quite enjoyed, but he quickly turned it off seeing as how he was in deep shit with the ponies. He turned around to see 5 very pissed off ponies, and Pinkie staring at him with a loopy grin. Eddie steeled himself, it was going to take a lot of explaing to do to get out of this mess. He took a deep breath, mentally prepared himself and said....

"look I will answer all of your questions, just not right here in the middle of the town square." Eddie was planning on using the time it would take to get to a sucluded location to come up with a good way to explain his situation. Twilight, however knowing this trick smiled and said....

"I have the perfect place." And with a grin she teleported all of her friends with Eddie to Rarity's house.(She didn't want spike to be in the middle of this)

"Fuck" Eddie said seeing that they were now in one of the most ideal spots to explain his story.

"I suggest you start spilling the beans partner." Applejack said "And do not lie, I will know." Yeah that's not creepy at all Eddie thought

"Alright I guess It all sarted a long time ago in a galaxy far away, with a boy named Luke Skywalker..." His statement was cut off by Applejack

"I said don't lie."

"What makes you think I wasn't telling the truth."

"You blinked a lot, and you made to many gestures."

"Shit." Eddie said

"Oh come on!" Rainbow dash shouted "Hurry up already and tell the truth!"

"Okay!" Eddie shouted back "I got some blood on this(Eddie pointed to his belt buckle) and I woke up in the most kickass land there ever was met a hot chick, but then a demon corrupted the hot chick, then we fought. Then I won, then I got some more blood on this!(Eddie once agian pointed towards his belt buckle)"

"Hold up" Twilight said "Say that agian, this time with detail." As soon as her statment was made the door to Rarity's house opened up, in steped three small ponies. One yellow Earth pony, one white unicorn, and what looked to be a orange chicken. Upon entering and seeing Eddie they gasped and shouted....


"I really want to kill something right now" Eddie said under his breath.