• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 2,155 Views, 54 Comments

Eddie Riggs goes to Equestria - Geneircnamehere

A time traveling Rodie goes to far into the past

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Just another day

It was a normal day for Eddie, which some would call abnormal but compared to the months before it was as normal as it gets, He had beaten a chump in a race who claimed his car was faster, deliverd beer to a party, and got wasted at said party, took a nap.... Oh and he also slayed some kinky demons. Just another day in the life of Eddie Riggs he thought to him self as he smoked a cigerette, while sitting on top of a decaipitatied demon nun. He was on a hill overlooking Bladehenge, He could see Ophelia talking to one of the Headbangers, he smiled, it was good to see they didn't hold a grudge since she "became all evil and stuff" at first she would try and place herself away from all of the party goers, but "the crew of Ironheade" wanted to make it clear there were no hard feelings. Just outside of Bladehenge was the graveyard, he could see one of the Killmasters boy's hanging around at a grave, drinking a beer. trying to look sad but Eddie knew the truth. Today before he went out for a drive he talked with the same guy in the graveyard.

"One of your friends?" Eddie asked

"Nah dude." The guy replied "I just wanted a couple drinks. I drink them here so it dosen't look like that much of a problem."

He had to admit that was a pretty slick way to get a few beers in that early with no questions asked. His gaze wanderd to the left of the Graveyard, he could see the crouched form of Lita, still mourning the death of Lars. He shook his head, he didn't like to relive the memory of Lars death, He didn't show it, but Lars death really shook him. He was the true leader of Ironheade, not Eddie, when he died Eddie had to take his place, of course no one gave him credit for it all the credit went to Lita. Not that he cared, he wasn't comfortible in the spotlight. He sighed, eventullay he was going to try to cheer her up someway, but he decided to let her mourn, she didn't actually have any time to herself while they were on the road. His gaze wanderd untilt it reached the Razer Feilds, he was remembering fond memories of him and Ophelia untill he heard the sound of a Skull Raker about to throw the werid mace thing it called a head. Eddie quickly turned around to see the head of a Skull Raker about 15 ft away form him but still closing the distance fast. Eddie had just enough time to yell SHIT! before the Raker's head connected with his body, he flew back, everything hurt. He was no stranger to pain though, through the course of his stay, he'd been light on fire, suffered mutiple blade injures and also shrappnel wounds. His car would explode on a daily basis, so he knew he could get back up on his feet but it would take some time before hand. He landed in a weird way, he felt a bone in his back break, imoblizing him, another minor setback. He had freed enough imprissend dragons, so that half of is flesh was that of a demons, so healing fully shoudn't take more than half an hour. To bad he didn't have have an hour to waste. he looked down to fully see the damage done, his left leg and arm were bleeding badly, should take about thrity secounds to heal, right arm sufferd minor cuts, everything else was minor. He could still fight, once his back healed, and it wasn't going to any time soon. Then he noticed his left hand, it was over his belt buckle, the same one that brought him to this totally badass world, come to think of it when has he ever changed clothes, when did anyone change clothes in this werid land. He didn't have time to question it becouse some blood from his hand fell into the mouth of his buckle. It's eye's glowed deep red and a strange red substance came out of its mouth, as if blood were falling from it. The Skull Raker readied itself for another attack, it grabbed its head and with a mighty throw, it tossed it at Eddie still imoblie.

"Ah shit." Eddie said "This is going to hurt isn't it?"

Eddie awoke, the events from yesterday still fresh in his mind. He slowly opened his eye's to see that he was in a forest.

"Thats it?" Eddie asked no one in paticular. "Just a forest? No random scrap metal, or demons worshipping my mother? Or even a giant worm thingy with three toungs? No S&M Demons?"

Thats when the reality of the situation cought up with him, these trees were kind of like the ones back home, in the future. that ment he was back, or so he though when he noticed his axe and guitar on the ground. Huh at least I get to keep my axe's. maybe he was just transported to a different part of the Brutal land. When a percing scream tore through the woods he was in.

"Thinking later saving now!" Eddie yelled as he sprinted towards the scream. It was a short run when he saw it something he rememberd seeing in a book or something it was a long time ago and Eddie didn't have time to fish for the memory right now, but he knew what it was, a manticore. He quickly jumped at an impressive height and came down, slicing off the beast's tail and head.

"Decaipition!" Eddie sang out as the beast's head fell off, the blood coating his face into a crimson red. He turned to see a strange creatrue indeed. A purple unicorn.

"Ya know I have seen a lot of werid creatures in my time but you take the cake."

The purple unicorn seemed suprised, as if it had never seen a human before, it seemed to compose itself and say in a shaky voice. "Hello my name is Twilight sparkle whats yours?"

Eddie had a shocked face and yelled. "AHHH IT TALKS! QUICK KILL IT WITH FIRE!"