• Published 26th Mar 2018
  • 3,826 Views, 11 Comments

You Woke Up Next To A Broken Smile. - LittleBitaMagic

You wake up next to Pinkie Pie, only to find out that some hide away the tears with a smile.

  • ...

Would You Love Me, If I Didn't Smile?

The party was crazy and nearing epic status in Ponyville, Pinkie Pie stood on her hind hooves before everypony in the room. Her cute round plot doing a small sway as she wore a lampshade on her head proudly, the music blared loudly as her delicate hooves pointed towards you.

Standing right next to Twilight trapped within a discussion on human science, you took any chance to slip away at the first calling. You gave a chuckle and swiftly climbed up onto the kitchen table with the mare, she flashing you a smile before swaying those flanks sexily while her tail was a blur of colors.

“C’mon handsome dance!” She snorted cutely with a sly wink towards you.

The ponies around you were clapping their hooves excitedly, screaming loudly for you to cut loose and make the most of the night. Smiling you began to grind and thrust side to side, lifting off your shirt and tossing it to a few mares in the back.

The crowd exploded in applause, you could feel a sudden grind onto your backside. Pinkie allowing her round soft butt to massage against your own, wiggling her body sexily side to side. You could only watch the mare in awe, lost in the sway of her body and the sparkle of her dark blue pools.

Never noticing the mare lunging at you wildly, you held out your arms as she landed into your embrace. Holding her tiny frame tightly you screamed, losing what little balance you had and flinging back wildly. With a loud crash echoing for miles, you both slammed down hard allowing the wooden table to explode off into a million pieces.

The music screeching to a halt as all stared to you both in shock, within seconds you would sling up with your bare chest showing to the world and heart racing wildly in your chest. Hair slung up like a madman as you lifted your arms high above your head, showing off a sense of excitement like no other.

“WHOO! We’re ok!” You spun around as dozens of splinters were hanging out of your backside bleeding, suddenly collapsing back to the ground with a loud thud.

The party was over.

You could feel your head banging loudly from the night before, the taste of Spiked punch strong on your tongue, who knew a baby dragon falling into the punch bowl would still be highly drinkable?

You gave a glance to the open window at your side, the light burning your eyes like fire as you let out a loud groan. Looking around you could see that you were in a large pink bed, soft as silk to the touch and the scent of cakes wafting across the air.

“Heehee! You’re awake sleepy head!” Pinkie cantered out of a nearby bathroom, her mane long and wet as she quickly galloped over and pounced onto you.

Her mane shimmering so beautifully in the sunlight as she landed right upon your chest, her dark blue eyes staring deep into your own as you could only chuckle. Wrapping both arms around her, you pulled her into a warm embrace and planted several kisses on her cheek.

“Last night was crazy.” You gave a sigh aloud, backside on fire for some odd reason.

“You are so right about that! But if it’s not crazy, it’s not fun!” Pinkie gave a cute snort aloud as you could feel her tail swishing excitedly.

“So we had lots of fun last night?”

“Mmhmm. Enough to warrant a shower afterwards.” Pinkie gave a soft whisper into your ear, your strong firm hands sliding down over her round plot.

“Well you just bring the wild out of me.” You give a chuckle and smile.


“You are so full of life! I love your laugh, dancing, parties, jokes…” You listed the ways she brought love into your life, hand firmly giving that bubbly plot a large squeeze.

“Oh!” Pinkie gave you a crooked smile, her flat mane hiding away her face.

“Um. Did I say something wrong?” You feel a sudden ache in your chest, watching Pinkie just hop out of the bed and walk over to a vanity in the corner.

“Not at all!” She spoke with a crack in her voice.

Sliding out of the bed in your underwear you gave chase to the mare, walking up behind her as a soft touch slowly petted through her wet mane. Hoping to calm the small pink pony, wishing she might open up to you.

“You know you can tell me anything.” You lean down and whisper into her ear tenderly.

“You just listed happy things about me.” She gave a blank stare deep into the mirror, a long crack going through the middle of her reflection.

“Isn’t that good though?”

“It’s just half of me? Would the whole me scare you away?” She gave a soft sigh and turned to face you, you could feel fear gripping your heart.


“Somedays I just want to sleep in bed, others I look into this reflection to wish I was…”

“Don’t say things like that!” You wrap the mare in a tender embrace, pulling her close as she seems so distant and cold.

“I can’t help it! I feel alone at times when I’m surrounded by friends!” She gave a wince and pulled away from your touch.


“I don’t deserve this false laughter I gain. My sisters out in the grey, everyday parts of them fading away.” Pinkie could feel tears rolling down her cheeks as she, looked deep into the mirror before her.

Seeing only twisted laughter and broken smiles, nopony really seeing what was inside. Each seeing only the good, but never the grey. The pain that twisted a good day, the clouds that hid the sun away.

“Would you love me, if I didn’t smile?” She could feel a weight lift off her shoulders suddenly, hoof lifting and tracing the crack on the mirror in deep thought.

Waiting to hear the door click open, for you to leave and never look back. But instead she could feel her heart skip, you lifting her off the ground and cradling her so tight.

Gazing deep into each others eyes, you began to speak.

“I would love you if you didn’t smile. I’d love you on your best day, I’d love you even within the grey.”

Holding her close you carried her back to bed, both sliding back in with silence. She never did gaze up to you with those beautiful blue eyes again that day, but that's ok you could wait.

At her side.

Ready to pick her up, whenever she fall.

Comments ( 11 )

That was very deep and though provoking. Sometimes we forget that even the cheeriest among us can have sad thoughts.
Remember to give them your love and a hug!

Very good, far too short. It almost felt like you were trying to limit the word count. You're an incredible writer, you just need to take a bit more time and deepen your stories. Even just a few more paragraphs of detail would've made this an absolutely incredible story. As it stands... I have to say it's kind of basic, as far as these types of stories go. It started to feel like a poem at the end too, which is not a bad thing. Overall, just take more time, and add more detail. Why she might be sad, what "You" might do about it. things like that. Really good, and definitely keep at it. You've got a knack for this, just need a bit of practice.

I have limited myself to about 1.5k words.

These are in a way just openers, Each part has a sequel coming. Which will be anywhere from 5k to 10k words, I've done this due to Pony echos art has a bright side or as I see it a opening drawing. Followed by a more darker, longer look of the same drawing. But thank you for the input, but if you are looking for the deeper meaning...wait for part two to each story.

Also check out the art on PE's page, it is awesome!

Love the input, get a blast of energy when people take time to just chat and point stuff out to me.

Ahh, that makes much more sense, glad to hear there's more coming. I'm a bit of an editor myself, so I like to give pointers when I can. Can't wait for more

Yeah twelve stories in all to this series. The tiny openers are kind of a way so that the readers will know which to come back and read, so far my freak story is in last place lol.

Totally enjoyed the pointers, can't get better without knowing where you fail at.

Any chance this story was based on this song? I got serious vibes that reminded me of it.


But I know it will help lots with writing the sequel now.:derpytongue2:

Once again I can feel comfort form a story.

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