• Published 17th Mar 2018
  • 478 Views, 5 Comments

The Wanderer's Guide to Equestria and Beyond - Skylas

After suffering the loss of family, Serenade Silver sets off to explore the world. Coming across many ponies and creatures alike, her knack for solving problems makes a name for herself, not that she'd realize it.

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3 - Rocks and Diamonds

I don't think I could have been more wrong.

Where should I start? Well, I figured I'd be perfectly fine traveling off road since I had a cart to my name and a decent amount of supplies. I shouldn't have assumed it'd be a cake walk, considering I was going to travel through a bit of a desert, albeit only a very small patch of it. Unfortunately, I was sorely mistaken, the heat was truly unbearable and I don't think I could feel my hooves after a few hours of walking on that unbelievably hot sand. I think I might have died if I didn't have my cart! Well not died, but I would have had much worse off hooves since it gave me a place to rest them.

Of course at this point, I completely forgot to wonder why in Celestia there would be farm down south in the hotter climates of Equestria. Doesn't make much sense does it? Well that's because it's a ROCK farm, I have never heard of such a bizarre thing in my entire life. Ugh, I am getting way ahead of myself... Perhaps I should start at the beginning, it'll help me get over this ridiculously strange day.

It all began when I realized there wasn't any direct roads to where I wanted to travel, of course since I already decided that I was heading south to visit the supposed farmland I thought it'd be fine if I simply attempted to follow a few landmarks to reach the farm. I could have simply gone back towards Ponyville, then down south but it would have added a few DAYS to my trip! Of course I felt the only logical option was to stock up on water and head through the small patch of desert! What's the worst that could happen I said! Horrible mistake...

Pretty soon after I had left, and entered the desert I realized I may have gotten myself into quite the heated situation. I certainly misjudged what "small" was, the map I bought didn't appear to be much of a help determining distance. Luckily enough it was at least somewhat accurate geographically, I probably wouldn't have found the mountain pass I was looking for... Or even know I was looking for a mountain pass. Goodness I'm utterly scatterbrained at the moment.

I had at first judged the desert to take only one or two hours to traverse, the mountain pass appeared to be the brunt of the journey on the map. I eventually learned however that the map had a massive issue with it's north and south distances. It was easy to realize after I spent almost five hours even getting the second mountain in sight! At this point I decided it would be best to take a rest and rethink my route. I couldn't trust the map anymore for anything other than names at this point.

After getting a quick rest, I decided I would still follow my route, it seemed like it was simply extended rather than completely invalid to make my trip to the farms. Of course a few hours later I finally made it to the mountain pass, all the more angry at the fact I had majorly misjudged the distance of the farm... I should have looked for a better map, or not been a complete dolt by walking blindly into a desert. To make matters worse, it took me a mere thirty minutes to make it through the pass to my destination.

However, it wasn't the luscious farm I had imagined in my head, far from it in fact... Practically the exact opposite of what I imagined myself coming to rest at. It was utterly peppered in small rocks, all of them seemed deliberately placed. I almost felt cursed as I looked up at the gloomy sky covering the whole farm, it looked like it was constantly at risk of raining. I slowly turned my gaze downward, meeting eyes with a gray mare who had managed to get quite close before I noticed her.

"Oh! Hello there, I'm Serenade Silver. I was wondering if you would happen to know where the nearest farm is." I asked her... I was met with a resounding silence, awkwardly shuffling my hooves in the dirt when I heard another voice from behind the gray mare.

"Marble!" A voice shouted from who I assumed was Marble, who practically jumped out of her skin and turned rapidly. I peered around her and saw another gray mare, however she had perfectly lime colored eyes. "Did ya finish- Huh?" She seemed to lose interest in Marble for the moment, trotting close and peering at me closely. "Who's this?"

Marble gave a simple hum that sounded quite similar to, "I don't know." She seemed to saunter off slowly, keeping her on me but starting to make some seemingly much needed distance.

I began to speak before holes burned into my eyes from the mare's rough stare. "Ahem, I'm Serenade Silver, I was simply wondering if you could point me to the nearest farm." I asked, but I certainly wasn't prepared for the answer I was given.

"You're standing on it." She replied.

"Ah I- Huh? Wait this..." I peered past her at the rocks, their meticulous organization suddenly made much more sense. "This is a farm? A farm for what, rocks?!" I chuckled before I received the most insane answer I've probably ever heard in my life.

"Mhm. Now, are you going to stand there and gawk all day or do I have to ask you to leave?" She snorted impatiently, "I've got work missy, so answer quick."

"Ah uh... I-I was erh... A-Are there any other farms in the area?" I gulped, questioning the mare nervously.

"Nope, not unless you count the acres up north, but that's a whole night's travel away. We've got a saying here on the farm, if you're not working you ain't staying."

"Apologies, I'll be- Wait..." I stopped to ponder for a moment, which seemed to annoy her. "Would I be allowed to stay in the area if I were to work?"


"Would I get paid?"

"As long as you're eating on your own, and aren't sleeping in the house, yep." She seemed to have calmed down a bit, perhaps the prospect of having an extra set of hooves on the... 'field' was enough to calm her down. It certainly pleased my lighter saddlebags to hear about possible replenishment, even if it's very little.

"I'd... Like to stay for a day or two, when do I start help-"

"Now. Cmon, I'll show you the basics but that's all." She walked off, looking quite grim as she did so. I followed closely, wondering just what one did on a 'rock farm'.

Turns out it's a bit more complicated than one might initially imagine... Or perhaps, simply just as physically demanding as you'd expect if something involves moving around rocks and boulders. It wasn't exactly what I'd call an enjoyable job and I suppose I was distracted by the work to bother asking exactly why one would spend their days pushing rocks about into certain spots.

The mare finally gave me a name to work with after she explained where to move each size and shape. Limestone Pie, certainly a fitting name if I've ever heard one, more than my own I'd say. Perhaps it's just sheer luck but I happen upon one incredibly interesting personality no matter where I travel, and Limestone is certainly no exception. She's probably one of the rougher mares I've met, constantly miserable, but seems to care deeply for her work. At least that's what I gained from her attitude, you can never say for certain.

By the end of the day I was utterly exhausted, sure I had my horn to help but you can only do so much before you get a headache and have to do it the Earth pony way! I certainly didn't envy Limestone, her anger seemed to make a little more sense... At least it would if she wasn't so particular about how everything was done on the farm! I set up my cart by the edge of their house, prepping to sleep before I was approached by a third mare I hadn't seen before.

"There's a room in the house you know." The mare said, in perhaps the most deadpan manner I could ever imagine.

I tilted my head, I wasn't quite sure how I should take the statement, her tone was very... Neutral. "Erh... Right. I heard if I took a bed inside, I'd not get paid for the work."

"That's only partially true, it's just slightly cut. We're always open to strangers who are willing to pull their weight."

I took a moment to look over the mare, dark purple mane, and a dark grey coat that was only slightly different to the other two mares I had spoken to already... I silently wondered if they would let me eat instead of some of the pay, though the few apples in my saddlebags would be wasted if I didn't eat them soon. My mind had wandered a bit too long and I caught the mare staring at me. "O-Oh ah, That's quite lovely, I just was passing through and was simply hoping to find a place to settle down for a bit! I shouldn't be here long Miss...?"

"Maud... That's fine. Though it's been quite awhile since we've had anyone stop here." She said, seemingly pondering the statement for a moment before continuing, "Have a nice night." I watched her walk away, with a host of curious thoughts churning through my head.

As I sit in my cart, I can't help but wonder why these mares are out here still, surely they don't run this place by themselves... Maybe they have family I haven't seen, or a reason to not leave?

I am currently writing this from the lovely comforts of the Pie Family Household, with a fresh meal graciously given to me. I found myself sore in many ways after today's events. While physical exhaustion is the most obvious, it certainly isn't the most intense one I am feeling currently. Emotion is powerful, personality is powerful... I don't know what let me find such lovely ponies in such a short time, but I can say that I've found more than just places to see, but ponies to meet... I'm rambling. Where do I begin?

I woke up to a nice stack of bits piled neatly on the window sill of my cart, with a crudely written note tacked onto my cart that simply read, "One day's work -Limestone". I would cautiously slide the stack into my saddlebags, after all I wasn't exactly certain of them, the work was hard sure, but I didn't exactly see their operation producing much to afford paying me.

Doubts aside, I had figured I might as well spend another day here. Sure the work made the rest a bit less satisfying to consider moving onward, but at the very least it would barter me a bit more coin to make the journey onward easier. After all I wasn't sure the next time I would even be able to find an odd job to support it! I made my way over to the household only to hear shouting coming from the fields of rocks, a sudden cacophony of anger and... laughter? Needless to say, I wasn't exactly considering just standing around while something was going on, heading outward to the field is when I saw that odd pack of dogs!

Limestone and Maud were chasing off these odd dog looking creatures in a bit of seeming desperation! Lanky and certainly lacking in manner, they'd have several of the stones that were being shifted around clutched in their hands and were running off with them in a howl of grating laughter, certainly not pleasant to the ears in the slightest! I'd watch them disappear into swiftly dug holes right as I approached! "What were those...?!" I'd asked right as I approached.

"Diamond Dogs! I swear, I'm going to move this whole farm if they keep showing their faces!" Limestone would seethe! She already seemed the angry type, and now she had a reason to be furious, and I wasn't particularly eager to see that in full force!

"Well they're gone for now, but we should probably keep watch for the rest of the day." Maud would calmly reply, only to have Limestone shuffle up to her and shout!

"And lose another day of work to them?! Some of these aren't going to turn out right if we keep having to drop everything." I'd watch her stamp her hoof on one of those dull boring stones, it'd crack into a fantastic display of color! It'd become quite clear at this point, and I'd glance about at the livelihood I'd helped with the other day.

"Maybe I can help?" I would offer, catching the gaze of both mares in an instant! I'd smile nervously as I simply cleared my throat. "I'm not exactly keen on just, watching."

"Don't worry about it, we've dealt with them before, and as many times as it takes it seems... Go to the east Maud, I'll keep my eyes here." Limestone would give a sigh, starting to turn her gaze back towards the tunnels left behind by the dogs.

Maud would look at me and simply gesture towards the home, and started to saunter off, I'd follow and start to speak before she simply said, "Shh." So, I did, and followed... Once we were out of earshot of Limestone, she would stop and stare at me seemingly blankly before speaking again. "What'd you have in mind?" I'd give her a nice bright smile, and the gears in my head started to turn!

Me and Maud had taken watch over the eastern fields, and Marble to the west. No sense in leaving the farm unprotected while I thought of my solution. We had spotted the tunnels outside the eastern fields, seemingly in prep for if the girls faltered in any bit of their watch... It seems the dogs were familiar with the mare's tactics as well. I would be curious however and ask "Why don't the dogs just... well, dig straight into the farm?"

"I'm not completely sure. It's either they don't want us to stop making the rocks, or they know the ground is perfect condition for them, wont disturb them." She'd reply, keeping her gaze affixed towards those planted tunnels... I'd look about and something about that didn't seem quite right to me! "I'm going to do some work, at least that will make Limestone a bit happier." Maud would nod as I sauntered away and looked about for a reason as to why.

It seems like none of the girls had ever really known why they didn't! I would slowly make my way about the farm doing the work I was taught once I was close enough, I went to ask Limestone, and she responded similarly... "I don't know. As long as they don't it makes our job easier doesn't it?" I did the same for Marble, all I could get out of her was a simple hum, similar to one saying 'I don't know'. The day was nearly at an end, I couldn't help but feel defeated at my lack of an answer... but ears would flick as I approached the center of the farm, my gaze falling on the windmill by the farmhouse.

It seems silly, but the sudden connection came like a pure eureka moment! They were 'dogs'! I'd listen close again, the shrill turn of the windmill, it wasn't necessarily grating... but one with much more sensitive ears, I'd grit my teeth as my magic coated my ears, the windmill turned deafening, and even moreso was the sound of running water beneath the home, and even the heating fixture beneath it! I'd shake my head and end the spell, but one last test of course.

I galloped my way back to Maud, past her and towards the tunnels! "Hey, where are you going?" She'd ask, with the same tone, yet somehow seeming concerned! I'd clear my throat once again, facing the tunnel, and using my horn to shift my pitch... and then I screamed! It was beyond shrill, and certainly hurt my own ears... and seemingly Maud's! But more satisfyingly, was the howl that came out of the tunnel! I'd fix my gaze upward and rubbed my head right as I saw the dogs rise from the ground covering their ears! Showtime!

I'd breathe in deep, galloping towards the trio without a second thought, once again loosing a shrill magic induced cry! The effect was clear, their heads clutched as they ran off! I could scarcely hear Maud raising her voice behind me! "Wait! There's a ravine that way!" It didn't matter to me, as long as I drove them off for the day, I knew exactly how to keep them away.

I felt like I was running for a long time, constantly loosing those cries to keep them on the run! Soon enough we came to the ravine, and I watched them tunnel away! Down the wall and across! "Scream all you like! We'll be back!" They dissapeared, seemingly heading towards Ponyville, it wasn't too far from the farm after all. I'd make my way back... and with an unfortunately sore throat.

When I came back, the girls were all gathered up, talking amongst eachother! "What do you mean she ran off screaming, they're just dogs it's not like-" I heard Limestone before she turned her gaze to me, "Hey! What was that all about, I thought they'd attacked you or something!" She'd frown, seemingly annoyed.

"No need to worry! Ack, sore throat... Turns out, they're like dogs." I'd answer to a trio of blank faces, before I coughed and cleared up my answer a bit! "I mean ah, they're sensitive to high pitched noises. I think a dog whistle would work nicely. The sound of your windmill, and your house kept them away from your inner farm." They'd keep staring, Limestone simply seeming to glow red before shouting again!

"That's it?! Agh, whatever... Thank you." She seemed annoyed, but pleasantly relieved to hear their dog problem wasn't going to be occurring quite as heavily with a single purchase. "I guess I'll head to town." She'd saunter off, Marble would give a soft smile and shuffle off as well! Maud would still be blank faced, but she nodded.

"Thanks. I know it doesn't seem like it, but she appreciates it." Maud would say flatly, I would give a smile and shake my head.

"I know, I had a feeling she cared deeply from the way she was yesterday... Oh uhm... I wouldn't mind that room tonight however! I think I'll need a good rest before I leave tomorrow..." I'd rub my head! It wasn't exactly a calm day, the excess of rock moving, and running, and screaming. Maud would give a small nod, and head back to the farmhouse.

I couldn't really ever imagine myself being the reason why someone's life improved... All I have ever really done was write little things, and sing little tunes to brighten a day! And more importantly, that attitude doesn't necessarily determine one's feelings, the Pie sisters may all have a stony exterior, but each of them shined as brightly as their life's work on the inside! I think I'll head for the hills tomorrow, Limestone spoke of a patch of desert south of Ponyville that was being turned into a settlement! It reminded me of Brooks, he did say he helped settle new places for ponies to live.

Comments ( 2 )

This story isn't going to go on forever, is it? I won't read it if it does.

Depends on what you mean! I've been on a drought due to college ect, so yes it did take ages for an update. If you mean the actual length. I do have plans for it, albeit it is planned to be exceptionally long.

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