• Published 9th Mar 2018
  • 288 Views, 1 Comments

Fae Touched - DedWards

A comet passes close by Camelot and the whole town stays up to watch it pass. Next day, some teens find they're developed supernatural powers.

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1 Prologue

Magic exists. Or at least it did until it was sealed away. At first, Magic was missed. Then it was told as a thing of myth. Then it was all but forgotten… Until now.


A studious girl sat at the end of her bed, double checking the contents of her bag while listening to the news reporter talk about the comet “…and I hope all in Camelot are ready to view Comet Fae pass by tonight. Scientists claim the comet will pass our town at about eleven tonight and the skys are expected to be clear all night…” with as small click the girl switched off the television in her room, closed her bag and got up to leave her room.

On her way to the kitchen she noticed her brother sitting on the couch in the living room watching a movie. She was about to call out to him when she saw a woman she knew all too well sitting close to him. So, with a smile, she decided to not disturb their viewing of the latest romance they were watching. She was happy her brother found happiness with such a good and loving woman, so she opted to just leave a note on the fridge door telling him and anyone else that might read it where she was, then left out the back door.

Walking through the streets to her destination, she began running the facts on Comet Fae through her mind for the umpteenth time. She often ran facts through her head, or mentally worked on complicate calculations far too advanced for her grade at school, and in most cases she managed to remain alert enough to not walk into anything or anyone. Not tonight though, she was too engrossed recalling in the facts on comets, and comet Fae in particular, that she didn’t see the hulking slab of muscle in front of her.

The wall of muscle, shaped like a man, turned to see what had just walked into him. The girl barely saw the words ‘Big Mac’ on the back of his jacket as he turned. “You okay miss?” he said in an unmistakably southern accent.

“Sor… sorry.” She replied while readjusting her glasses that almost fell off in the collision. “I was deep in thought. Sorry to bother you.” And with a short bow and continued towards her destination.

“Someone ya know?” Big Mac said to his smaller companion, who was looking at the girl hurrying away.

“Just recognise ‘er from school” came his sister’s reply.


It wasn’t long before the girl reached her destination, the school extracurricular building. Specifically the Astronomy Club room. Vice Principal Selené was kind enough to let her use the club room tonight as viewing this particular comet was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Unlocking the clubroom door and turning on the lights, she went straight to the cupboard containing the equipment she would need tonight.

She signed out all the equipment she would need, which wasn’t necessary as she was the one in charge of it, but rules are rules. Once she had the equipment, she left a note for her ‘student’, who was late again, she left to set up the telescope on the roof.

It didn’t take long for her to set up the telescope and the other equipment she brought with her. Noting the time, and starting to get annoyed that her ‘student’ had not arrived yet, she set about finding Comet Fae. Once the comet was found, she took out her cellphone, but just as she was dialling the door to the rood opened to reveal the one she was about to call… and one other.

“Haya Twilight.” Said the girl wearing her track jacked with the name ‘Rainbow Dash’.

“I told you not to call me that IRL.” ‘Twilight’ responded.

“Why not? It’s just us here.” Rainbow gestured to herself and the oddly, quiet pink clad, chubby ball of energy that liked to be known as Pinkie.

Sighing Twilight stated for the umpteenth time “Because it’s not my name. You’re the only person that finds it so difficult to say Yugure. And I’ve told you before, if you don’t want to call me by my full name, you can call me Yugu.” Yugu suddenly found herself face to face with the track athlete, having moved closer as she angrily ranted on. The athlete merely wore a grin as Yugu took a breath to calm herself. “And what brings you along with this one, Dianne?” She said to the Pink haired girl while pointing to the rainbow haired jock “You being this quiet is starting to freak me out.”

With a smile, Dianne picked up the basket she was holding and said only one word “Picnic!” before rushing off next to the telescope to set up her picnic. Yugu rubbed her temples as she turned to her ‘student’.

“What? She followed me here. You know what she’s like.”

“Ye, I know. She can stay as long as she doesn’t hinder your lesson.” she replied.

“I won’t interrupt the teacher, promise.” The bubbly girl called from her blanket.

Noticing the relatively small bag on the other girl’s back, Yugu asked “René, did remember to bring those astrology books?”

“Um, about that…”

“I knew you would ‘forget’, so I brought my own copies. I hope you at least brought your notepad. You know you need these extra credits and I can’t take the test for you.”

René pulled out a notepad and pencil bag with a smile “Thanks Twi. I owe you for this.”


About an hour after Yugu started tutoring René, they took a break to watch Comet Fae pass by and enjoy Dianne’s delicious cupcakes and other snacks she prepared for her picnic. All three girls felt a strange tingling sensation in their left hands as the comet. René shook it off, guessing it was from writing too much. Dianne barely noticed it as she was enthusiastically licking icing off that hand at the exact same time. Yugu noticed it, but wrote it off as a minor cramp from holding the text book for too long.

“Well, as enjoyable as that was, it’s getting late.” Yugu said as she got to her feet. “René, help me pack up. Dianne, you should leave too. I have to lock up.” Both girls yawned their acknowledgment and set about packing everything up.

It wasn’t long until the girls went their separate ways. Unbeknownst to them, there was a fourth on the roof that night. This extra muttered to itself “So, this is how it starts here.”

Comments ( 1 )

Seems like a promising start! I'd love to see more.

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