• Published 10th Mar 2018
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Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

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Chapter 42 - Wedding Arc Part 2

After that bit of news, Gardeen led them away from the Hive and into the castle halls flanked by two Elite Guards. Gardeen, ahead of them all looked over her shoulder with news on her tongue.

"Her highness is on the throne for most of the day today," she informed them. "Then in her office later. So I'm in charge of the Eventa trip. Just so you know, you're being intensely watched by any guard out here. Nothing personal, you're just foreigners. No flying without authorization, no fanfare..." She looked directly to Pinkie, who smiled sheepishly. "And if you need to go somewhere, let me or the guard know. Lady Arcadia may have authorized your participation but everypony knows that all of you are on tense hooves. Still. So to not cause Arcadia any stress during her pregnancy, we're taking over visitation rights, procedures, and more."

Rarity decided this conversation was meant to be pushed along. "So, darling. Where were you born?"

Gardeen sighed and answered sadly, "I'm from Snow. Lived there most of my life until the Ursa landed and destroyed everything I ever knew. Including where I lived, my treasured items, and... My parents."

Rarity grimaced with the idea she crossed another line. "...oh, I'm very sorry."

"Yeah, it... Killed me that day," Gardeen admitted. "That's why I look up to and look out for Lady Arcadia. Because if she never showed up, we would all be dead. A week after she arrived would be the week Psera was vacated because it was uninhabitable. We were all saved the second she did. And the love we give to her is what keeps her going. Those standard five foot wings grew to eleven—"

"Eleven feet?!" Rainbow interrupted.

"Which just grew to thirteen a few days ago. She's working on a solution. After Snow was taken over I moved here to the camp in Cop. Bad thing about all of this... I grew up an orphan. An accident claimed the lives of my birth parents so I lost my adopted family to those monsters called Changelings. So Arcadia, when we first met... She treated me like family. So everyone else did too."

Gardeen stopped and turned to face them, pausing their movements. "I know I may be out of line to say this, but lying to Lady Arcadia about her being a princess and leading her on for four years was the worst thing anyone could ever do, apart from murder."

Pinkie raised a hoof and asked, "Uhh... What's murder?" The rest of them clearly didn't know what that was either.

Gardeen was a little taken back that they didn't know what that was but didn't lose track. "That's beside the point. Arcadia was really generous in organizing everything to help your land, please don't make her regret it."

Applejack stepped forward and stated, "We're doing everything we can to do just that. Startin' with her weddin'."

"Well let's get started." Gardeen turned around and continued forward. Under her breath she added, "She deserves this."

The cool wind brushed quickly along Blueblood's coat. The ride to Eventa via the top of this big block of steel relaxed his muscles. A massage under his body. Yesterday evening, he had finally located the Radwood Station. Apparently, a Radwood was a pretty big hunk of metal that carried a bunch of Pserateps inside at once on six wheels. They were really long and big. And there were twenty on this so called "highway", all moving for Eventa. It's already ten o'clock, they left at around seven. And apparently, they were nearing the city. Blueblood glanced over to his left at a sign reading, "Welcome to Eventa, Home To Events at Eventa, the City in a City."

"That's a mouthful," he muttered. Then trained his sights on the black bar coming over the horizon upon entering the city. Besides the color, which was gray, the wall of steel that kept getting bigger and taller stuck out because of the obvious. All the other buildings around them were big and colorful while this wall was just gray, really tall and big, and made out of steel.

All were preparing for the wedding. The mass of balloons, party fare, and what might be the Crest of Psera, or what it's so commonly called hung on lamp posts. It seemed they already had a theme set up. Red and blue roses with daffodils. There were scores of them all over the city. It sickened Blueblood since he knew what they were for. Twilight's favorite snack and flower.

Before they proceeded further, the Radwood Pod slowed and made a left turn, directing his attention to the side on a different street overshadowed by colorful skyscrapers. They were approaching a station secured by Eventa's police, speaking and gesturing in different directions. Now would be a great time to jump off, Blueblood thought. He grabbed his Crossbow, quiver of arrows, and pictures.

Once the Radwood stopped, Blueblood quickly stood up, wiggled his flank and jumped off the top of the vehicle for the concrete sidewalk below. Invisible, he landed and quickly ran away from the station. His hooves passed the hooves of other Pserateps who were relaxing, heading to work, school, and other places.

Not that they mattered. He soon reached the street they took to enter the city. After glancing up and down Eventa's lively streets, he locked his sights on the wall of steel in the distance. He had no idea what it was, but it was really long. And high. He had to check it out.

With a goal in mind, Blueblood eagerly trotted down the street for the wall of steel, constantly weaving his way in and out of sidewalk traffic. Finally after ten minutes, he reached an overhead arc with the term Events at Eventa made out of Gold and steel. Behind it were two roads divided by a median that had tall palm trees, leading up to another road that ran horizontally in front of large guarded steps. Just like everywhere else, there were roses. On the ground and on flags that led up to a bunch of glass doors, leading into Events at Eventa.

Blueblood hummed and anxiously made his way down, thinking about how much longer his magic would allow him to stay invisible. His limit was six hours. It's been three. Is this Eventa? It sure seems like it based off the Security presence. He walked underneath the arch and made his way up the road, heading for the guarded steps. Whether someone saw him would be recognized later. It didn't seem like they did though. Especially when he jumped right over them and landed on the other side of their line, brooding on their stupidity.

He cautiously tipped over towards the door as quietly as possible. Even though the city was noisy, this Eventa was silent. He had to admit, even though these Elite Guards were stupid, they really took this job seriously. He would have laughed at how ridiculous they looked if he wasn't trying to sneak past those dangerous wings.

Quietly, he grabbed the handle and pulled the door open, striding inside while it slowly shut back. Satisfied, Blueblood walked across the marble floors and stared in awe at his surroundings. Yeah, this was Eventa. The area ahead of him looked about as big as a farm. Marble desks in front of him were lined with flowers and the Crest of Psera. More than plenty. A long ways up, Blueblood spotted glass stairs that apparently went high and low. This place had a lower floor? Seriously?! This is too much.

Before he could complain further, the door behind him opened. He gasped and ran to the side as fast as possible. He reminded himself to be a lot more careful. He wasn't the only one here. Gardeen and the Elements of Harmony moved past with two more Elite Guards, rendering Blueblood undetected.

Rainbow looked around and commented, "Psera enjoys a lot of big stuff."

With a chuckle, Gardeen led them across the atrium-like lobby towards the glass stairs Blueblood was ogling a moment ago. "Yes, we have a lot of ponies here on this continent. Big is required. Now, you know the wedding is being held in the Grand Stadium on the Grand Main Stage. We're taking the stairs and moving through Section One. Section One is the Housing side for ponies that can afford it."

Pinkie fawned and bounced along, unknowingly followed by Blueblood who overheard their conversation. Whatever this Grand Stadium was, that's where the wedding is being held. So lead the way. From the front Rarity asked, "Section One is for the rich and famous I take it."

Gardeen stopped on the stairs and nodded before walking down them. Blueblood grinned and followed right behind them. On quiet and timid hooves. "Unfortunately, all the pods are being inspected by security and engineering at this hour. They'll be back up at the next hour. Until then, we have to walk. The only ones who can fly in here are Royalty, their assistants, and the Guard. So Her Majesty, Princess Merry, Lady Arcadia, and King Madun all are qualified to fly through here. Other than that, no. The ceiling may be high, but our kind likes to go higher than the ceiling. It would be chaos if something were to happen."

Fluttershy gulped and whispered, "I hope nothing does happen."

"As long as the Guard are ready, we're ready." Gardeen led them into a much higher point in a lower level of the building, Applejack gulped when she took a chance and looked over the glass staircase. Heights were more Rainbow Dash's thing. Earth Ponies would rather stay on the ground.

She was the first one on the the underground floor after a few more minutes of walking down stairs. Taking deep breaths after jumping over everyone else that actually made Rainbow laugh from behind.

She trotted up to her and poked Applejack's side, clearly amused with that domineering smile. "Hey, you okay, Applejack?"

Taking a final deep breath, Applejack responded, "I'm... I-I'm alright, just... I just can't do heights." She shook her head to backup her point. "Not if I can see the ground wayyy underneath my hooves."

Gardeen seethed through her teeth and whispered in an upper tone, "Well... This building was made for Pserateps in mind. All of the stairs in here are primarily for ascension but also for enjoyment. If you can't do glass, you're going to have a hard time."

Rainbow shimmied up to Applejack's side with a teasing grin and whispered, "Sorry, Applejack. You're flying today."

Applejack shivered and nudged off Rainbow's hoof. "I-It's for Twilight, so... Let's continue."

Forty-Six Minutes Later

How deep does this place go?! Blueblood screamed in his mind. They've been walking for forty-six minutes and were still on the same hallway. High ceilings with flowers, the Crest of Psera on the walls, the same marble floors, and signs that were directing them where to go. It was never-ending. The guards and the pony known as Gardeen seemed to know their way around this place while Twilight's friends were completely lost. Just like him. How much land does this place cover?!! He thought.

Apparently Rainbow was getting that vibe too because she walked up beside Gardeen and asked annoyed, "Are we there yet?"

"We just arrived," she answered. Then lifted her hoof and pointed ahead towards a busy lobby packed with loud ponies, boxes, and security. From what Rarity could tell, the boxes held even more flowers. An apparent assembly line that had the ponies with the boxes lift them up, set them on the back of the Pseratep in front of them who then made their way inside of the Grand Stadium up ahead. "They're setting everything up inside. It's a five mile long trip for the stage and I think there may be a pod inside somewhere. Not sure."

Rainbow waved it off and shook her head. "Don't worry, Applejack," she teased. "You'll be fine."

Everyone turned to Applejack who had possibly fell over from walking so much because she was on her side. Rarity felt a little bad for her. Unlike Pinkie who was practically bouncing in enthusiasm, Applejack was over here cradling her hooves.

Her current physical state provided Blueblood the perfect time to walk past and towards the open glass doors, propped by more boxes of flowers and a few other design items. Glancing over his invisible shoulder, he walked through the threshold and onto the negative fifth floor of the insanely large Events at Eventa Grand Stadium. His heart stopped pumping when he eyed the giant display screens lit up with the Crest of Psera, the giant lights above shining on the glossy and shimmering black empty floor below.

"This... Is Five miles long?!" He whispered in awe. There was so much space here. So much in fact he wondered where the actually stage was. Because that's where he needed to be. The areas on the left and right seemed to have no end.

According to all the Pserateps he's heard so far, the Grand Stage was where the wedding was going to take place. He needed to be by it. But looking over the railing to the ground below currently being set up with chairs reminded him of two or possibly three other dilemmas: How the buck was he going to get down, how was he going to get to the stage that was five miles away, and how was he going to get a clear sight to the stage on the wedding day?!! Blueblood took a deep breath to rid his mind of the future issues and focusing on the current:

Getting down. He looked around and rolled his eyes at what he found after a second behind him. An elevator, of course. There was one a little ways down from these doors. He remembered seeing one in the Castle that the tall dark blue older Pseratep was using to get to the ground. What was her name? Molten-something. He actually hopped in with her since she was alone before the doors could shut and watched how it worked. It made him realize how easy it was to get along with life without magic. Apparently science and more were involved in it. But magic of any kind wasn't. Strange.

Blueblood made his way to the door and pressed the down key. He was really hoping that no more ponies were walking in right now while he waited for it. When the door opened, Blueblood darted in, pressed the last floor, then the button to close the doors at the exact moment Twilight's friends walked in, fawning at the sight like he was a little over a minute ago. It was incredible, he couldn't deny it.

While the elevator descended, Blueblood checked the walls, ceilings, even the lights for any of those black balls. Somepony upstairs were talking about cameras recording everything everyone did, making this place even more unbelievable. He wasn't taking any chances.

The elevator stopped and slowly opened for the Grand stadium's black glossy floor. He poked his invisible head out first, checking for anyone. The only ones visible were a few ponies on the right taking care of a large platform by the glass doors. Decorated with flowers and gems, and a rising platform with a railing.

Assuming he was in the clear, Blueblood stalked out the elevator and flopped down on his flank just to rest his legs. Over forty minutes of straight walking. It nearly killed him. This place just looked like a wall from outside. A giant steel wall! But it didn't matter now. He was in.

After a few minutes of ignoring those thoughts, Blueblood stretched his hooves and stood back up, eyes trained on the distance that went on for five miles. He knew that the same second he started walking, he risked the chance of being spotted because his invisibility may fail.

"Then let's get started," he snarled. Weapons on his back, he reared up and ran ahead, heading for the distance across the marble floors. One thing was for certain. This was going to be a wedding no creature would ever forget.


Wedding Morning

A hint of blue shone off the horizon in Equestria, not even ridding the sky of its stars that shone down on Canterlot, reflecting off the many buildings under construction and those already finished. Not many were awake at this hour except the police walking through the mildly warm camps, the Guards outside, and the night shift guards inside the castle watching four Princesses including Flurry Heart, two stallions, and a single mare walk past in dresses and suits.

Today was the day. The time was now.

Twilight Velvet was absolutely giddy that her daughter was getting married today. Buzzing around Canterlot Castle's like a little bee before shimmying up to her husband.

"Remember our wedding, Nighty?" She asked. "You were wearing such a handsome blue suit."

Night Light snorted and nodded. "Yes, I do. Remember Cadance and Shining Armor's?"

Cadance groaned from afar, "How could anypony possibly forget that?"

Confused, Luna stated, "I have never witnessed your wedding."

Celestia guided them around a corner and towards the doors for the throne room. "Where exactly were you that day?" She asked.

"I cannot recall. But I was not there." Luna turned to Cadance and told her sadly, "I am very sorry I did not make it—"

"Don't be, it was awful," Cadance interrupted.

Before Luna could question it, Celestia pushed the doors open. Twilight's friends were already there in front of the throne, dressed up and looking grand. Rarity had gone all out with makeup and her own theme with Spike. White and purple. The rest had concocted a similar makeup, matching their dresses with their coat colors and manes. Pinkie's was a little too colorful, but she stayed excited. It was no surprise. Starlight, Trixie, and Twilight's friends from Canterlot High were there too. It started to make Twilight Velvet a little confused just looking at them.

The Princesses and Twilight's family walked in on the excited party at five in the morning. "Good morning, everypony," Celestia greeted.

"Good morning," Sunset greeted. She picked up the journal in her hoof and held it out towards Celestia at a certain page to read. "The wedding is supposed to start at eleven. Lady Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle just let me know that she was at Merry's getting ready."

Night Light laughed and asked, "Her fiance probably didn't even know she left. Poor stallion."

Sunset shrugged and added, "Probably left him a gift or something. She said we're going straight to Eventa, but that her parents can stay and wait with her at the castle."

Celestia read over the message for a few seconds then magically hoofed it back to Sunset's hoof. "Very well. So when do we—" A violet portal exploded in front of the doors of the throne room, blowing back a few of their manes, terrifying the Rarity from both worlds.

Without turning around, Celestia sighed and blandly stated, "It is like she reads my mind."

The morning in Psera was different. As if there was a clock in her head, Twilight's eyes opened at the first crack of dawn, focusing on Madun's peaceful face as he slept. Today was the day. The day they were going to be married. Not to mention witness her pregnant stomach in a wedding dress.

She looked down at the foal hidden in her body underneath the sheets. There was definitely a bump going on there. Her belly was beginning to grow outwards, something her staff had been taking very seriously. No gender yet, but she had a feeling it was going to be a filly. A filly. Her very own filly.

Twilight recalled thinking about having her own foal when she first arrived here on Psera in her old room, staring outside at the stars and moon thinking of the future. Spike was her child too, but not hers. This foal was. Either way, she loves them both. Even before they were both born.

Twilight focused on the task at hoof. Getting out of bed without waking her fiance. Lighting her horn, she slowly lifted the darkened sheets. So slow she didn't even feel them. Then sat up at the same speed. The bed creaked for a second, freezing her movements. She quickly swiveled her head to Madun. Madun didn't even stir. He's always been a heavy sleeper. Continuing, Acadia shimmied out of the comforter and quietly walked out of the room. Her long wings dragged the floor behind her. Just like they planned, Merry, Gardeen, her parents, and her friends here in Psera were supposed to meet her outside the suite.

The Royal Suite was dark, lit only by a subtle ball of light in the kitchen that brightened the carpeted floor a little. Arcadia made a mental note of having a much larger light installed in here. They were about to have a foal, they needed to be able to watch them. Finally making it to the front door, Arcadia gripped the handle and pulled it open. She had already created a note last night on the fridge before she went to sleep. Madun would find it there when he woke up and goes haywire when he finally realizes she wasn't in bed with him.

Just as expected Gardeen and Merry were already there, between the door and the garden. Gardeen probably needed her coffee. Something Light Pink was more than likely out and about for. When she stepped out and approached with a grin, the guards were by her side in a second. "Good morning your highness," one whispered.

"Good morning, gentlecolt," she happily whispered back. Then focused on Merry and the others. "Where's Light Pink?"

Biting her bottom lip with a knowing grin, Fast Right gestured with her head to Gardeen who looked as if she were going to pass out in a few seconds. "To grab her girlfriend's coffee. It's too cute. She said she'd meet us at Merry's apartment."

"Okay. I'm so excited for today, you have no idea." Arcadia began the movement for the connected hallway, rapidly walking across the garden for it. Her friends and Guards were struggling to catch up to that pep in her step. "I need to create a portal for the others once we get to the home."

Merry, a little concerned asked, "Have you heard from the Guard about—"

"I don't even want to think about him," Arcadia interrupted. She was a little irked that he was the only issue having a wedding could pose. "As long as my babies are safe, he's safe."

"And as long as you're safe, he's safe," Merry added. "Because if I see him, everyone is going to know why I do not need guards."

Arcadia shot her head towards her and whispered, "I've been meaning to ask you. Everypony in the family has guards except you. Why is that?"

Merry grinned proudly and turned her muzzle up to the sky. "I'm just too strong."

Fast Right rolled her eyes and inputted, "Yeah right, she attacked three of her own guards." Merry's eyes popped open, then glared at Fast Right. "She was nineteen. Something about her not leaving the castle—" Merry's hoof suddenly found it's way into Fast Right's mouth, stuffing it full of feathers while Merry herself held an innocent look with Arcadia.

"Eh, heh heh," she chuckled nervously. "Enough about me, let's talk about the wedding. Let's get you all goosed up and looking absolutely gorgeous for my twin brother, yay! Who's with me, you're with me right? Great, let's go." She reared up and began to push Arcadia quickly down the hall.

Gasping, Arcadia chided, "Merry, I'm pregnant!"

"Yeah, me too! Glad you noticed, Queeny. Remember, I'm carrying twins." Arcadia rolled her eyes and allowed herself to be pushed past an entry to another hallway, bearing a nonchalant expression. After her wings finally left the sight of some of the guards as well as her friends, Merry stopped her in front of her suite at the same time Light Pink opened it from the other side holding a cup of coffee.

Out of surprise, she jumped and squeaked. Thankfully, the cup had a lid on it. Fast Right was sure it would pour out onto the floor if it didn't. "Oh jeez," she whispered timidly. "You scared me."

"Sorry, Pink, on a mission!" Merry continued pushing the Lady in Waiting inside with her friends. Gardeen stopped for a moment though to deliver Light Pink a peck on the cheek and take her coffee before following after.

Finally, Merry stopped pushing Twilight once they were in the middle of the home facing what seemed to be ten more mares in front of a large makeup desk she's never seen. Merry decided to come to her rescue by introducing them. "Lady Arcadia? The ponies who will make you pretty." The mares all bowed briefly, then rose with comforting smiles. "They're going to help me get you in your dress. And get you ready for eleven."

Arcadia greeted, "Nice to meet you all. I still need to take a shower, Merry."

Right when Equestria was through the portal—like usual—they were checked. Patted down, brushed through, and more before they were allowed to progress out The Hive and into the halls. It may be six o'clock, but Royal Weddings seemed to be a kick in the flank because Pserateps that weren't guards were hectically putting on dress clothes and hightailing it for the doors. Even a few Aqua Guard. It was only six, the wedding didn't start until eleven.

Rainbow observed, then turned to Fluttershy with a confused shrug. She quickly returned it, along with the rest of the group who knew the procedure. Most of the time, someone would escort them. "Here! Over here!"

Gardeen's huffing and puffing down the hall ceased their confusion and brought slight joy when she stopped in front of them with two Royal Guards, taking deep breaths to stop her racing heart. "I ran here all the way from the fifth floor. Good morning everyone. Lady Arcadia Nova is already awake. She would like for you—" She pointed to her friends and their counterparts. "To oversee any final adjustments in Eventa while the rest come with me to Merry's suite to help her. Those going to Eventa will be escorted securely. Any questions?"

Celestia smirked and asked, "Does King Madun know?"

"Her Majesty Molten Ice and Prince Consort Blazing Fire should actually be helping him out by now."

Shining took a step forward and requested, "Is it possible if I could help as well?"

Gardeen hummed to herself for a moment. Then reached behind her to grab a clipboard. That wasn't on the plan or agenda, but it shouldn't impact it in any way either. It was just the Lady in Waiting's brother meeting with her fiance. Coming to a conclusion, Gardeen answered, "As long as it's okay with the King." She nudged one of the Guards who shuffled back for a second to talk on his Comm Block while she let Shining Armor know. "If he says no, then you are free to help your sister out. If he says yes, then... Yes."

The guard stayed back for a few seconds, talking to the crystal on his wrist. Then trotted forward again o relay in a deep baritone voice, "The king said it was okay to escort you to the Royal Quarters. He also wants to let Lady Arcadia know that she could have at least 'left him a kiss on the cheek or something.'"

The mares around giggled before they began the trip to their required locations. The older adults with Gardeen, Twilight's brother to King Madun, and her friends outside. After a little while of walking through grand hallways, everyone noticed one very important thing about their surroundings. Silence. A few seconds ago The Hive was noisy. Pserateps rushing left and right.

But the rest of the castle was completely silent, save for their calm trots echoing around the castle's huge foyer. The display screens by the door were displaying some form of instruction with the Crest of Psera as a background. There were no Windows here, but It was going to be dawn in a few minutes.

The guards escorting them pushed the doors open to let them all out. The girls who have never seen it were in awe of the tall glowing violet obelisk. Its glow reflected off the glass skyscrapers and the clouds above. The stage setup beside the castle was bright with the Crest of Psera and a text underneath it reading, "Saviour of Psera, Lady in Waiting Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle and Selfless King Shimmering Madun First Royal Wedding. We Love You, Your Majesties!" The streets of Cop were completely silent. Lit only by the street lights on the side and a few much larger display screens. Guards and police were walking around keeping an eye on things while—of course—a mass of Press stood at the foot of the stairs setting up equipment trained at the front of the castle. Trixie didn't notice until just now, but there were a lot of Guards right by the doors they just walked out of.

After staring in surprise, the Guard escorted them down to one of the many chariots at the foot of the stairs in front of the mass of inactive cameras. There was a very big one decorated with stars, the color violet, and shapes. That must've been Twilight's chariot. Along the way, Rainbow Dash from Equestria turned to her counterpart and said, "Eventa is big. Really big."

"That's an understatement," Sunset Shimmer corrected. "It's huge."

The guards opened the doors for them and gestured them in while keeping an eye out on the dark but still festive castle. Once they were inside, Trixie turned to one of the guards and asked, "Are we going really fast again?"

The Guard shook his head and answered, "That is only when Royalty is around to assure safety. We'll be going at a standard Pseratep speed today. Still fast, but not too fast that you can't handle it."

Concerned, EQG Applejack asked, "So how fast is too fast?"

The Guard walked away and quickly made his way towards an Elite Guard, saluted, then moved for the straps connected to the chariot to hook up and take off. EQG Applejack gulped and directed her attention to the sky. The orange clouds thanks to the rising sun were much more interesting and appreciated than Rainbow Dash laughing on the side.

On the more happier side of things, Twilight's mother was absolutely more giddy than she was back in Cop just walking to Merry's apartment. Only she and Cadance had ever seen Twilight in her dress. So Celestia, Luna, Shining Armor, Spike, and Night Light were completely oblivious. The anticipation just to witness the little filly Cadance used to babysit in a wedding dress were going to bring them all to tears.

Light hooves clopping against marble floor bounced off the walls, the pictures, the statues, and the suits of the guard standing at attention beside the double-doored entrance to Princess Merry's suite. Still stoic as always with weapons primed and ready.

While they approached, one of the guards banged lightly on the door. "The family of Lady Arcadia has arrived," he bellowed.

They heard movement on the other side before the door was swiftly pulled open by a dark blue Pseratep. Fast Right grinned wide and stepped to the side. "Come in, come in!" She cheered. "We have so much to do and so little time to do it!"

Gardeen rushed in first before everyone else followed along. Once they were mixed in with the chaos, Fast Right shut the door back and walked towards the Pserateps going through the large mobile makeup kit.

Twilight was sitting in front of it, more specifically a mirror with her back to the door, staring into it with lights flanked on the left and right and mares around her applying makeup. Merry Fire was doing something to her wings spread out on each side while Light Pink was doing her mane, combing through it with a brush she was holding in her mouth.

When the door was opened, Twilight's eyes moved from her own reflection to the door's and smiled on recognition. "Hey, everypony," she greeted.

Grinning, Twilight Velvet trotted right over and nuzzled her cheek. "Ooohhh, it's my filly's wedding day~! How are you coming along dear? Any trouble moving yet?"

Arcadia blushed and looked down at her stomach that Flurry was poking. Confused, she looked up and asked, "Is she in here?" Now Twilight couldn't let that cuteness go. Flurry was enveloped in Twilight's magical aura and lifted up into her hooves.

"Good morning, Flurry," she whispered. Then lovingly nuzzled her cheek. "How's my niece? You look tired."

Flurry's mouth opened in a slow yawn. Then she smacked her lips and nodded while her mother came to her rescue. Cadance walked over and rubbed Twilight's back. "She doesn't typically wake up this early. How are you feeling? Nervous?"

Twilight gulped and quickly nodded. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't a least a little jumpy this morning. Giggling, Cadance appeased her with, "It happens to the best of us. I promise you'll get through it."

Twilight sighed and nodded but was nearly spooked out of her coat when Celestia and Luna flanked her on both sides wearing grins identical to a filly's. Celestia asked excitedly, "So where's this dress I keep hearing about? Have you eaten breakfast yet?"

Luna popped in before she could answer and stated in the exact same form, "Madun said that you could have at least pecked him this morning before you left." Twilight's blush made the mares in the room laugh. Flurry Heart was too tired to do that.

Nervously, Arcadia stammered, "I-I was in a hurry. Where's Spike?" She looked around the room and hoofed Flurry over to Cadance.

Spike walked into view and looked Twilight over. "This is a major difference than when we last saw you, Twilight," he stated. She rolled her eyes and pulled Spike into a loving hug. One that he gladly reciprocated.

Before she let him go, Merry let go of Arcadia's right wing and stepped back. "Alright, Queen Butt. Lift them up." Arcadia shot Merry a scowl that she playfully stuck her tongue out at. "Don't give me that, you know I love you. Let's see how these designs look on your wings."

Arcadia lifted her right wing over the heads of her family. They were designed with small adornments of gems, gold, and other shapes. There even seemed to be a shimmer of light to them.

Merry pointed to what everyone believed was glitter and clarified, "That's Diamond dust. We just crushed a hoof full of diamonds and sprinkled them on her wings after applying a gel."

Night Light walked over with a proud smile and nuzzled his daughter's cheek. "You look so beautiful, sweetheart. I'm so happy you're getting married today, although the reasons you even met King Madun were... Dramatic to say the least. I am sorry that we had hurt you in the past, but I'm happy you're happy now."

Twilight's smile graduated into a loving grin. Then leaned over to nuzzle her father's cheek. "Thanks daddy," she whispered.

"You're welcome, Twilight."

Twilight pulled back and looked around. Somepony was missing. She could feel it. Mom, dad, Cadance... That's who. "So... Where's Shining?" She asked.

Gardeen stepped in and answered, "Helping your fiance."

Twilight rolled her eyes and turned back to the mirror. "Madun's harmless, he would never hurt me."

"Speaking of hurting..." Celestia stared Twilight in the eyes, implanting a question she really didn't want to answer. But Twilight knew what she was asking.

The mares that were applying Twilight's makeup stepped back and let her look herself in the mirror when she answered, "No. He has not been found. He knows he is being searched for, that much is obvious because he keeps teleporting away after each time he uses a mass amount of magic. He knows I can sense him. He knows he is being searched. I fear for my family's safety because of him. The guard presence has been booted up to a level four. That means all the military deploys four squads in one area. He poses a great threat and Secretary Manny is not taking any chances. All eyes are peeled inside Eventa."

Luna could tell that Blueblood was getting Twilight worked up. So she quickly asked, "What's going to happen after the wedding?"

Twilight instantly blushed and moved her mane around. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Merry brushed up to her with a knowing grin and asked, "Are you sure? We were just talking about it. You said that you and him were going to Psera Skies North at the luxurious Hotel Defellon and were going to test out how it feels to have sex while—mmm!"

After successfully turning Merry's mouth into a zipper, Twilight cleared her throat awkwardly and asked, "Where's my dress? We need to get ready to go in a few minutes!"


After Shining was given the green light, he was escorted by two Elite Guards through the quiet halls. They didn't actually speak to each other, thus making Shining feel a little out of place. After a while, he got a little tired of the silence. "So... Where is everypony?" He asked.

The guard on the right answered, "They left early. All parties were up at two and out by three. The traffic to Eventa is going to be really intense."

"Immensely," the one on the left added. "This is the first Royal Wedding Psera has ever had. History in the making once more." After a few more minutes of trekking fancy but silent halls and stairs, they arrived at the Royal Suite where four guards were waiting outside the door.

It was opened, letting Shining's eyes witness Shimmering Madun adjusting a tie in front of a mirror that Blazing was holding for him in the living room. Her Majesty was doing something with his suit. The presentation looked really good. It had a deep black buttoned up suit with golden stars on the black shoulder pads, along with medals and more on the right chest. There was a white shirt underneath topped off with a black tie and his mane was groomed smoothly.

The king turned his head left and right with his eyes on the mirror. "Am I okay? Does this look good? Is Twilight going to fawn over this? I want her to fawn over this."

"My sister is going to absolutely love it." The three inside turned towards the doorway Shining was smiling from. He bowed and greeted, "Your majesties."

Madun smiled and replied, "Prince Consort Shining Armor. There's no need for such formalities, we're pretty much family at this point. Come in." Shining stood back up and calmly walked into the cozy home. This entire house seemed like Twilight would love it. There was even a large library set up around a fireplace where the King was standing. But it was still small enough that Twilight could easily find anything. "Pretty snug place."

Molten giggled and said, "Madun and Twilight are both comfortable with simple lives while my daughter is more on the elegance, drama, and parties."

"Yeah, I got that vibe when I first met her," Shining joked. Then turned to Madun who was smoothening out his suit. "Nervous?"

"I went through ten water bottles of water, that is an understatement." He turned to Shining while Blazing pulled the mirror aside. "What made it even worse was when I woke up and Twilight wasn't around. I'm a worrier, believe it or not. So when Twilight, who is pregnant with our child isn't around, sort of makes me concerned."

Shining laughed and walked closer to pluck an orange feather off Madun's suit with his magic. "Oh I know that feeling all too well. But trust me, Twilight is way more than responsible. She would let you know first before anypony else if something happened."

Madun sighed and nodded his head. "Yes, you may be correct. Pre-marriage jitters going on here."

"Definitely," Blazing agreed. Then asked Shining, "You're married, right? How was your wedding day?"

Shining laughed and answered, "Honestly? The worst day of my life." The Pserateps all tilted their heads in confusion.

Molten Ice raised a hoof and asked, "But according to Lady Twilight you married you foalhood sweetheart. Was that not great?"

"Oh, absolutely. But let me tell you why." Shining took a seat while a guard closed their door since this sounded like a private conversation. "According to my sister, Chrysalis made an appearance here, correct?"

Molten Ice nodded and answered, "From what we were told, yes. The Queen of the Changelings."

"Yes, Chrysalis is the Queen of the Unreformed Changelings. There's another kind—wayyy nicer by the way—but before them they were all the same. Sucking the love out of ponies and storing it for food. Technically they're like parasites, it's really complicated. The first time Psera met them were years ago. But the first time Equestria met them was on my wedding day."

"No," Blazing Fire gasped. The other two were just as surprised.

Shining nodded and added, "The Changelings have the power of hypnosis. And I was unfortunately the target of Chrysalis. She kidnapped my fiancee and stuffed her underground, then hypnotized me when I found out. So I was forced against my will to act like nothing was going on while Chrysalis took on the form of Cadance. Long story short, our wedding was botched. But, once again, Equestria prevailed by love. We had our wedding, and had a filly a few months later. Let's just make sure this wedding is perfect."

Madun sighed and suggested, "It would be if you-know-who had been caught. Twilight is able to feel his magical pulses. I alert the Guard in that area, but he's gone when they arrive. Are you sure there is nothing you can do to help?"

Shining closed his eyes and sadly shook his head. "If this were happening in Equestria, we would be able to find him in a day. We would know where to look and have magic on our side. But he is hiding on a continent ten times the size of our own, that doesn't have magic and no known obvious fallback points. A place he would go to just to plan out something. An obvious location would be Ghastly Gorge in Equestria, which is the only uninhabited area at this moment. But Equestria knows absolutely nothing about Psera. It would be like searching for a small feather in a mile long pool of soapy water."

"You don't know where to look, I see. I just don't want Twilight in danger because of Blueballs."

Shining had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. "W-Well, I can be certain of this. Blueblood is desperate for my sister. Not to mention jealous. He's an absolutely crazy pony and sadly, my family member. He's my wife's cousin."

"Eesh," Blazing mumbled. He stood up and made his way to the kitchen. "Must be some awkward family reunions."

Shining shrugged and clarified, "Twilight would actually back out if Blueblood was around. So she was safe. I'm happy to say that she finally found somepony that isn't a pompous prince but a selfless king."

"Yes, love on first sight. How do I look? Be honest." Madun faced shining and offered a dopey smile.

"Twilight may find it cute. So do it at the altar."

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