• Published 10th Mar 2018
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Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

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Chapter 32 - Arcadian Explanations

Twilight snores after sex, Madun thought when he woke up the next morning. His eyes cracked open to stare up at the Sun's rays coming in through the reflective skylight built into their room. Last night had been wonderful. The two had managed to advance their relationship. They both wanted to start a family. And he was definitely shooting for one. Even right now, he could still feel himself inside. Even if he wasn't.

Twilight was still snoring logs. Last night had worn them both out. And since it was Twilight's first time, she had bled a little. These sheets would need to be changed. Even if there wasn't any blood on it.

Twilight's snoring stopped, directing Madun's eyes from the skylight that shone on the top of their bed to on top of him where Twilight was sleeping, head on his chest. She hummed and slid her hooves around his neck, nuzzling his chest. "Mmm, good morning Firehead," she whispered.

Madun chuckled and nuzzled her mane. "Good morning," he replied. She yawned and sat up, kissing his muzzle. "Was I good?"

"You are amazing," she corrected. Then nuzzled him. "Nopony could do... Hmmm?"

Madun cracked his eyes open and looked at her confused face, staring at the wall behind their bed. "What? What is it?"

"Ugghh...I feel—" Twilight's cheeks bulged out and her hoof flew up to her mouth to cover it.

"Whoa! Okay!" Madun shouted. If she didn't cover her mouth, whatever came up would have just flew out all over him. He had to a take a deep breath. Ignoring him, Twilight jumped off the bed and briskly moved to the open door. Then straight into the bathroom to expel her guts. "Twilight!" Extremely worried, Madun moved to follow her.

He saw Twilight bent over the toilet, puking. He didn't really know what to do, so he instead rubbed her back lovingly as it happened. After a few more minutes, Twilight stopped and took a few deep breaths. "That... Was sudden," she whispered. "I need some water." She felt Madun's hoof leave her back for a few seconds. Then a bottle appeared in front of her. Grasping it in her magic, she ripped off the top and washed out her mouth.

"We're going to the doctor," Madun ordered. "Right now."

A sink was in the corner, the room was white, the bed was cushioned and rail-less. Madun sat beside it with one wing on Twilight's back, and his eyes on the mare doing her thing. Twilight watched the light blue Pseratep mare in front of her wearing a lab coat move a stethoscope on and around her chest, listening to her heartbeat. She hummed and took off the earpieces to write down the results. With a pen in her mouth, she assessed, "Well besides an increased heart rate, not much has changed. Can I get a history of what may have happened during the night?"

Twilight looked to Madun from the examination table, who was beside her holding her hoof. "Well, she came home and I had the home ready for her. Then we went into the bedroom, had sex, and—" Realization dawned on the three ponies in the room, leaving Twilight and Madun frozen.

The doctor cleared her throat and quickly stated, "I know what you're both thinking. And I am actually hoping for it. However, you should wait at least a week before we do any tests. If you'd like, I'd be honored to do a home visit. Not to mention keep this secret." She added the last bit with a smile and wink.

Arcadia eagerly nodded. "Yes! Yes, please!" A few minutes later, she and Madun walked out of the medical wing of the castle, an appointment scheduled for next week. Arcadia literally burst out the doors and grabbed Madun's cheeks, spooking the guards a little. "Oh my faust, oh my gosh, oh my STARS! Madun, what if it's positive? I've never raised a foal before, I don't know what to do! I'm about to become a Wife, a Queen, now a—"

Madun pressed his lips against his fiancee's for a moment, silencing her. Then pulled back and said lovingly, "We don't know if it's positive yet. And we still have plenty of time until we do find out. S3 is still in Equestria getting test results that we have yet to hear about. And Merry may, or may not be pregnant too. Until we get test results back, you are still on vacation and the tryouts for the wedding are still on for tomorrow. This is just a you and me thing. Nopony else will know about this."

Twilight smirked and asked, "Not even your twin?"

"Especially her." Twilight rolled her eyes and giggled. Then they calmly made their way back to the main housing unit in the castle with their guards. "She talks too loud and can be heard around the whole castle."

"King Butt!! Arcadia!!" Merry's voice resounded around the castle. Madun turned to his fiancee with a look that read, "See?" The two witnessed Merry slide to a stop at the entrance of their hall. Then turn and run over to them anxiously. "There you are!!" She pulled Arcadia into a tight hug. Nearly choking her. "I have great news!!"

Once she let Arcadia go, Merry opened her wing, revealing a Pregnancy test. Arcadia glanced at it and gasped in surprise. "Oh my gosh, you're pregnant!!" She squealed. Then pulled Merry into a tight hug. Madun meanwhile was just smiling pleasantly at his sister.

"I know!!" Merry responded into her mane. They pulled back as she continued happily. "Blazing's in shock, I'm pregnant, mom doesn't know yet, and I broke your fiance!" Arcadia looked over at Madun who had a strange unreadable expression on his face. It was like he was forcing a smile.

Arcadia rolled her eyes and nudged him, shocking him out of his surprised state of mind. He jumped up and yelled, "HUH?! WHAT?!"

"Hey, why are you guys at the doctor?" Merry inquired, noticing the familiar wooden door behind the two. Not letting them answer, Merry leaned in and whispered to Arcadia, "He didn't hurt you too bad, did he your highness?"

Arcadia blushed and pushed Merry away. "No, we were just...doing something."

"Uh huh."

Arcadia rolled her eyes and lit her horn, teleporting the three of them back inside of the Royal Suite on the far side of the castle. Madun looked around to familiarize himself for a moment then walked back to the bedroom, leaving Arcadia with her friend, slash twin-stepsister. "So... How was it?" Merry asked teasingly.

Arcadia blushed and muttered, "It was my first time."

"With Madun?"

"With anypony."

"Ahhhh, so you have a Pink thing going on." Based off of Arcadia's expression, she didn't understand. Merry waved to the air and whispered, "Light Pink is saving herself for the right mare. She's only dated once... Nearly a decade ago in high school. Hasn't even kissed anypony since."

"Oh, wow. Maybe you can help her out of her shell. Want juice?" Arcadia turned around and headed into the kitchen with Merry, who sat on the far end of the glass table and watched patiently as Twilight used her magic to float things around, fixing the drinks.

"Nah, not to Pink," Merry responded. She leaned her head on a hoof and added with a sigh, "She's too fragile. Might freak out if I even directed her attention to a mare and run away." Arcadia slid her a cup across the table and into Merry's hooves. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. She seems comfortable around Gardeen." Arcadia turned around as Madun walked towards the washroom with the bed sheets on his back. "I could have taken the sheets off."

Madun chuckled and continued walking. "Let me be me, Twilight," he replied playfully.

Arcadia turned back to Merry and took a sip of her drink. Merry motioned towards the living room and informed, "Your book is ringing." Arcadia instantly grabbed the book in her magic from the living room and brought it to the kitchen, balancing both the cup and the journal without even looking. Merry sighed and stated, "Buck, I wish I could do that."

Arcadia set the book down in front of her and chuckled. "Not many ponies are on my skill level," she replied. "It took me awhile to get where I am now."

"I know. But I still want magic."

"Grow a horn and we'll talk." Merry scoffed and looked away, amusing Arcadia before she opened the book. Her eyes scanned the words before she suddenly spat out her drink all on the table, looking at the words aghast.

Madun poked his head into the room and asked loudly, "What? What happened?"

Merry sighed and muttered, "I hope you don't do spit takes on diplomats."

"I have a good reason!" Arcadia replied in worry. She scanned the text again. Then once more.

"What is it?" Madun inquired. He walked over and read over Twilight's shoulder. "Okay, Equestria is requesting an audience."

"Yeah! With Prince Blueblood, the pony I yelled at!" Arcadia loudly clarified. "He's the pony that has an over-massive crush on me!"

"Oh! Bluebird," Madun groaned. Then rolled his eyes and added, "I didn't like him touching you. Let alone kissing your hoof. I was tempted to push the guards aside and bash him into the dirt."

Arcadia chuckled and kissed his cheek. "You don't have to do that, I protect myself quite fine," she responded.

"You're right. But I want to." He leaned in and planted a kiss on her lips. After he pulled back, he motioned at the book and asked, "Now what do we do about him?"

"Well..." Arcadia tapped a hoof against her chin. "I would very much like to apologize for how I yelled at him. I could have said it in another way and not have lashed out. That was unlike me, and I wish to apologize."

Madun sighed and said, "Well ask what's the nature of his visit." Arcadia picked up her pen and wrote down the request. Then shut the book and slid it a few inches forward away from her to stare at it menacingly.

After a few moments of tense silence, Merry whispered, "What do you think is his reason?"

Madun groaned and muttered, "To kiss my fiancee's hoof again."

She chuckled and said, "Don't buck him into a wall if you see him, King Butt."

"No promises." The book vibrated again, getting their attention. They watched it shake and vibrate, skidding across the table with every movement for five full seconds until Arcadia grabbed it in her magic and slowly pulled it towards her. Once it was within hoof's reach, she begrudgingly opened it and read the answer.

Madun leaned in and read aloud, "'Prince Blueblood would like an explanation as to why you said you hate him.' Oh jeez. Sounds tense. I'm going to be right beside you, sweetheart." He leaned in and nuzzled Arcadia's cheek, cooing a giggle out of her as she returned the gesture.

"I wouldn't expect anything less," she whispered. She heard Merry whisper, "Way too much sugary sweetness going on here."

Ignoring her, Madun pulled away and added, "I'm also going to have a large squad of Guards in the room as well. We'll have him meet with us in the throne room."

Arcadia sighed and nodded. Then wrote down the message, relaying it to Sunset, who will then relay it to Celestia or Blueblood directly.

At the same time, Blueblood was standing beside Celestia, Luna, and Cadance back in the Canterlot Castle throne room, watching Sunset Shimmer standing in front of the thrones send messages back and forth to Arcadia in wherever she is. Sunset sighed and shut the book. Then looked up at Celestia and Blueblood. "She said she'd meet with you in the Castle's throne room. Give her a few minutes to get settled in." Celestia nodded in approval. "She's also bringing Madun and a squad of Guards too."

Blueblood grunted, catching Celestia's ear. It was obvious he didn't like the King of an advanced race of ponies that were far better than Equestria. Apparently, he didn't like him even more now that he was courting his extreme crush that he's been trying to ask for her hoof in courtship for years now. Madun barely knew Twilight for a year and they were already about to get married while Blueblood knew of Twilight for years and couldn't even get her on a date. It was worrying Celestia that Blueblood didn't seem to see the fault in his personality. In a way, Celestia was grateful that Twilight's outburst seemed to have opened his eyes up. Even just a little bit.

"Portal!" A violet glow shimmered in front of them before it burst, creating a large violet portal in front of the throne. Sunset motioned towards the portal and warned, "I'd be careful if I were you, Blueblood. Arcadia may seem nice, but during her duties, she's about as serious as Celestia when somepony takes her cake." Celestia blushed and looked away in surprise. How did she know about her cake addiction?!

Blueblood took a deep breath and bravely walked forward, stepping through the portal. Cadance, Luna, and Celestia followed along, just to see how this would go. Luna glanced at Celestia beside her with an obvious question on their minds. Who's going to upset who first?

Arcadia took a deep breath and sat down on the single large throne in the castle Royal Throne Room, next to Madun, who of which was staring at the blank space in front of them that was outlined with twenty Pseratopian Royal Guard standing at attention, facing each other. Gardeen was sitting at the foot of Arcadia's side, watching the space expectantly while Merry was at the foot of her brother's. "Okay," Arcadia whispered. "Here we go." She lit her horn and started building the portal for the castle in Equestria, once again in the throne room. It used to be really strenuous to be able to build these portals. But now it was like she was drinking water. Simple.

Once it was built, she extinguished her horn and sat high and proud on her throne, eyeing the portal and waiting for movement. "I'll be right here," Madun stated from her left. Arcadia shot him a smile before the portal shimmered. Then out walked the pompous prince of the hour. Prince Blueblood looked around the large golden throne room first, then dropped his mouth open in awe and envy. He slowly walked forward, staring at all the shiny and ornate objects that were enhanced by the sunlight raining into the room from the giant stained glass windows, hitting and bouncing off the gold. The Princesses and Sunset Shimmer walked out behind him, slowly making their way towards the two on the thrones, staring at them expectantly. The Pseratep Guards, Gardeen, and Merry watched them walk forward, then stop and bow at the foot of Madun's throne

"Lady Arcadia and King Madun," Princess Celestia greeted. "Thank you for seeing us last minute."

"Hello, Princess Celestia," King Madun replied. "We are both still on vacation and it is still morning. So we have yet to go out and do anything. Even though this morning's wake-up call was... Surprising to say the least—" Twilight blushed and glanced at the sky, grabbing Cadance's eye. What was that about? "—we still managed to make time for you. I understand there was a bit of an altercation that happened in Equestria in the past few days regarding my fiancee, Lady Arcadia, and your nephew, Prince Blueblood." The Equestrians rose up on their hooves and faced the royals.

"You would be correct," Luna responded. "Prince Blueblood has been trying to court Lady Arcadia for a very long time when she was back in Equestria, only to be turned down every single time. We believe Lady Arcadia had enough when he tried another attempt a few days ago, and was yelled at by Lady Arcadia herself, obviously out of frustration. Let alone annoyance. Any mare would have done the same thing were they in her position."

"Completely understandable. However, I would like to know why the Prince would want to court the love of my life knowing full well that she is engaged." Every eye turned to Prince Blueblood who shied away and looked at the marble flooring when that question arose. He really didn't have a good explanation prepared for that. "But that is besides the point. I know that this summons is not about that. I believe they would like to have a word with each other. No matter how much of that question I want answered."

Somepony's weird chuckling bounced around the room. Probably Merry, Arcadia thought to herself. She ignore it, cleared her throat and said, "Prince Blueblood. While I do apologize greatly for my outburst back in Equestria, I hope you have learned your lesson about learning what the word 'no' means." Merry had to bite her lip to contain her laughter. Gardeen was no better. Repeating in their minds to 'Stay professional' over and over. "I don't hate you. But I also don't like you. You're merely a pony that I glance at back in Equestria. Just like when I walk around in Psera, and walked around in Equestria. You were just another pony."

Blueblood raised his hoof and inquired, "So... You do not like me." Celestia facehoofed. Arcadia and Madun held the most deadpan expressions. Merry and Gardeen had to bite their tongues to keep from groaning. Merry more so to keep from guffawing and falling on her back.

"...no," Arcadia deadpanned. "I do not like you. Nor do I hate you. I... Tolerate you. That's a very good word to describe it."

"Can I ask why?"

Arcadia sighed and stroked her face. "Can I be honest with you?" Blueblood slowly nodded. "You're very stuck up your own flank." Merry lowered her head and bit into her hoof, trying her hardest. It was extremely difficult to hold it in. Cadance was no better. "Blueblood, when we arrived to assess Equestria, your... Mansion was the only building standing—save for the castles—on the ground. We know that Cloudsdale would be fine and any other airborne city. You claim to be a Prince of Equestria, yet have not done a noble thing for Equestria to even be called a noble, which is a turn-off for anypony that has ever lived there. You believe you deserve the best of everything that Equestria has to offer because of your lineage and your House of Nobility. Hay, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are better. Even though they made trouble, they at least try most of the time and succeed at others. I was also a noble in Equestria, believe it or not. The second I became Princess Celestia's personal student, and personal Protege, I was claimed as a noble of Equestria under the House of Canterlot. Is that correct Celestia?"

Celestia nodded and answered, "Yes, it is." Your family became sort of 'sealed in' after your brother married my niece, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza."

"Right. Now, I am not of any Royal descent. At all. I have no royal family background. Believe me, one day on my free time, I researched my family roots, my known family roots." Merry muttered something that sounded like, 'I believe that'. "There is absolutely no royalty in there," Twilight continued. "But I have done many duties that have saved Equestria more than once. Yet, you can't even break down your mansion to help archive Equestria's steel for a reservoir. And you are a descendant of Royalty, claim to be Royalty, act as if you are Royalty, but can't exactly play the role of Royalty."

Prince Blueblood bit his lip as some of the guards stared at him in interest. "I know I was not a Princess in Equestria. And I am glad we moved on from that altercation and onto much greater things, where I, along with the great minds of the Pseratep race are helping save your country from going back into the dark ages where metal never existed, let alone knew they existed. I really am. However, it is because of ponies like you that make me shout and yell in frustration. Because even though I am not Equestrian Royalty, I have done far more Royal things than you have ever done in your entire life.

"I stayed humble, kind, fair, smart, intelligent, brave, and was willing to give up my life for the benefit of others. Yet, a descendant of a real Princess, a real royal of Equestria before Celestia and Luna's time cannot even greet a regular pony in a kind and equal way. Treat them as an equal. We are all ponies right? Common class, nobility, or Royalty, we are all ponies. We live, we get sick, we have foals, we have a life, we are all ponies. Yet, you don't even treat them that way! You treat them as if they are beneath you and hold no value! Now WHY in Psera would I want to date a pony like THAT?!"

The room got eerily quiet at her little outburst and explanation. She didn't even realize she had stood up. Arcadia cleared her throat and sat back down to mutter, "I apologize for my outburst. Gardeen, could you please—"

"Be back in a few seconds, your highness!" Merry yelled. Then turned and quickly ran away behind the thrones, heading to Arcadia's office in the back to grab her a glass of water. As well as to let loose the laughter she's trying her hardest to hold back. There were literally tears falling from her eyes.

After sharing a look with Gardeen, Arcadia took a deep breath and added, "Now I guess you are wondering why I chose Madun to be my special somepony. Let alone my fiance. I'll be happy to tell you. Even when his people were down, this King practically begged for me to help his people. Threw all of those royal morals to the wind and asked me what did they have to do to get me to help them? Of course I answered nothing, I would help them regardless of whether or not I got anything in return. It's not in me to allow innocent ponies to suffer and not do anything about it. But if I didn't, I had a feeling Madun would bow in front of me and the hundred of Pserateps behind me on that fateful day we met in Merōl, and ask desperately for me to help them. And would still hold no shame. Why? Because that is what a King would do. Even a Queen. He is kind, faithful, loving, and a family pony who I would, and will never trade the world for. I love him, and he loves me. I'm sorry, Blueblood. But my heart is with Shimmering Madun. Not yours."

Author's Note:

Wow, Arcadia! Harsh! But...true! Stay tuned, the wedding tryouts are next!

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