• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 3,104 Views, 10 Comments

A Simple Moment With Maud - Dellinger

Anon and Maud share a simple moment of understanding.

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It can be difficult

Being the only human in Equestria can be interesting, being in a world full of things that you only thought were possible in fiction made for some fun, and more often strange, experiences. It can be annoying too, doors usually being too small, obtaining any kind of meat other than fish can be extremely difficult and looked down upon by the herbivorous ponies. Then, it can be lonely. No one understanding your humour, most ponies being prudes, ninety percent of ponies not being able to meet you at eye level and the classic burden of being of a predator species.

Anon sat on a hill overlooking a lake as he mulled over these things, as he did every day when the sun began to set. The sounds of nature and the darkening orange sky soothed his mind after a busy day of being among the noisy equines of Ponyville. Days filled with cautious stares, poking and prodding from the foals, Twilight and Fluttershy, pains in his pack from having to bend down just to fit through doors and making sure Pinkie didn’t jump out of nowhere and give him a heart attack from either the sudden shock or the sugar filled treats she’d usually offer him in an effort to cheer him up.

He needed this at the end of the day, time where he actually appreciated being alone, a chance through his thoughts without interruption. That is until he noticed that Ponyville’s newest resident must have had the same idea.

Maud Pie stopped at the top of the hill as she saw Anon sitting there, holding her usual blank expression.

“I didn’t realise somepony was up here, I’ll just leave.” She muttered before turning around.

“Hey, you’re Maud right? Pinkie’s sister?” Anon asked before she could walk off.

Maud turned her attention to the human once again. “Yes.” She answered simply.

“What are you doing out here all by yourself?” Anon asked with a raised brow, he had been coming to this spot every day since he found it, and in the time Maud had moved near the town, he had never seen her up on the hill at any point.

“I’m not by myself, I have Boulder.” Maud replied while she reached into her dress pocket and pulled out her pet rock. “I always keep him with me because he gets concerned when I’m alone. He’s a good friend that way.” She explained while she held out the rock for Anon to see.

Anon let out one low chuckle as he saw the rock in her hoof. “Well, that’s one way to keep loneliness at bay I guess. Maybe I should get a pet rock.”

“You seem like the chatty type, a pet rock could be good for you, they’re great listeners.” Maud spoke with just the tiniest bit of fondness for her pet in her voice as she placed it back in her pocket. “But, I have a feeling that you wouldn’t just like a listener.” She added as she sat down near the human.

“What makes you say that?”

“When I turned to leave you to your silence, you almost immediately asked me a question you already knew the answer to just to keep me here longer, it’s obvious that you are lonely and don’t want just a listener, but somepony or something to have meaningful conversations with.” Maud answered with her usual tone as she looked out at the view.

Anon turned his attention back to the setting sun as he let her words sink in. He did kind of rush out a question just in an effort to keep her there, but why? He would have been content with just letting her go so he could enjoy his alone time, or maybe, unconsciously, he wouldn’t have been content with that.

“You didn’t answer my other question though, not fully anyway.” Anon spoke again, breaking the brief silence between the two. “Why are you out here?”

Maud took in a breath and kept her focus on the Suns reflections on the water below. “Lately I have been around other ponies other than my sisters far more often in an effort to gain more friends, after my success in befriending Starlight Glimmer, I had a slight boost in confidence that I could try to fit in with the others in Ponyville.”

“Let me guess, it hasn’t been working out well?”

Maud gently shook her head and closed her eyes. “My personality doesn’t work well with most ponies, my general lack of expression outside of monotone responses makes it hard to form a connection with others that are used to having more emotion put into replies and reactions to whatever it is they’re interested in. They often interpreted my dry tones for a lack of interest or feel as if I don’t care enough to show emotion towards what they hold dear. It’s not a new problem, but it does make me feel like...”

“An alien?” Anon suggested with a more sympathetic tone.

Maud turned her head slightly towards him before looking back at the water. “I suppose that’s one way to describe it. While I usually find it comfortable to be alone, I do get lonely, but the negative responses I get to my blank expressions hurt me deeply. I don’t mean to give dull commentary or reactions, it’s just how I am. I don’t seem to fit in with anypony other than my family or Starlight.”

“I know your struggle there. Even before I was sent here it was hard for me to make friends, it’s kind of hard when you’re as introverted as I was when I was younger. Then any connections I made with people were short lived or not on a personal basis. It was a really lonely time, having my sense of humour didn’t help either, not many people want to be friends with the guy who makes tasteless jokes about things considered taboo. Now that I’m here...I’m more alone than ever, literally alienated from everyone else, finding it even harder to make some form of meaningful connection that doesn’t fall apart within two weeks.” Anon responded with a saddened tone, the two staring out at the half set sun. Another brief silence washed over the scene as they both processed what they had just said and heard.

“I’m sorry you feel so alone.” Maud spoke with a softer, sympathetic voice as she placed a hoof on Anon’s arm.

“I’m sorry ponies misunderstand you.” Anon replied as he gently pet Maud’s head before pulling his arm back and resting his hand against the grass. “I’m glad you decided to come up here, it’s...nice to talk to someone who can understand how I feel about things like this.”

Maud gave a small smile as they both watch the last of the sun disappear below the horizon. “Anon, do you suppose this makes us friends?”

“Yeah...I suppose it does.”

Author's Note:

Not used to writing this kinda stuff but thought I’d give it a go anyway.

Comments ( 10 )

Simple, but effective. Nice work.

feels have been hit. Man down, I repeat MAN DOWN

That was a nice read. I ship it

It was nice and I like it, but a common problem with these kind of oneshots, they are to short. Would you continue this in a sequel?

This... this was really sweet. I didn’t know you could make non shitpost stories, but you did it. Good show.

Well gotta try different things every now and again, stop myself from being repetitive

True. Sequel please?

Cool story, bro!:twilightsmile:

This is cozy.

This is a great story,Is there going to be a sequel?

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