• Published 24th Feb 2018
  • 393 Views, 1 Comments

In This Cat and Mouse Game - GoldSpringFox

Fluttershy must go into hiding, assume a new identity, and to protect a source of dangerous information from the Changelings. Discord has agreed to round up the Elements to see which mare has said information.

  • ...

There is a Problem?

Celestia sat in the throne room, one golden-shoed hoof tapping the stone step in front of her. Luna sat by her, glancing over on occasion. Her sister's worry was contagious it seemed, as many of the palace staff had similarly been on edge throughout the day. Luna took note of the more rigid stances the guards had, due to their mere proximity to Celestia.
She nudged her sister, causing Celestia to turn her attention to the Night Princess.
"You'll poke a hole in the tiles, Sister." She said lightly, a teasing smirk on her lips. Softer, so that the guards wouldn't hear, "They just got off the train. They'll arrive soon."
Celestia composed herself. "Thank you, Sister. But I cannot help my worrying. I swore to him..." the last part petered off, Celestia lost to her thoughts. When she spoke again, Luna had to strain her ears as she whispered, "Faust, help the one who found it."


As the Mane Six made their way through the streets of Canterlot, they chattered amongst themselves, expressing a light concern. What was the reason Celestia wanted to see them? Hopefully, it was nothing too serious.
As the group walked, Fluttershy felt a growing unease settle like a rock in her stomach. Like someone was watching her closely, their eyes burning a hole in the back of her head. She wanted to turn, at least to confirm whether or not someone was staring at her, but the words from her dream came back to her, ringing around her head like alarm bells.
The bugs will be coming soon.
The yellow pegasus gave a start as she looked up to see Applejack, her pace slowed to match her friend's. Fluttershy hadn't realized that she'd begun to walk slower. Her head felt fuzzy.
"Are you alright, sugarcube?" AJ asked, her voice low. Mild worry was etched into her face.
"Oh, I'm fine," Fluttershy mumbled. There was a buzzing now, and the world seemed slower than her line of sight. They were almost to the gates of Canterlot Castle, when AJ said,
It's time again.
"Time again for what?" Fluttershy asked.
"What do you mean?"
Fluttershy frowned. Wasn't it AJ who made the comment tho-
Don't keep me waiting, Miss Fluttershy.
The buzzing suddenly intensified, the sound digging into her brain as the world around her was lost in a blur of piercing light and colors.
She gave a small gasp and fainted.
As the world around her faded, she heard AJ call out her name. She could hear the girls panic as they realize what's happened. And that strange voice, saying:
Time is almost up.


When Fluttershy woke, she was lying in her usual room in Canterlot. Looking around, she found herself alone, confused, and a little scared. Clutching her comforter in her hooves, she tried to remember how she got here, but all she remembers is fainting.
The girls must have brought me up, she concluded, embarrassed. Just what was happening? Could she be coming down with something?
Fluttershy rested her hoof on her forehead a moment, checking for fever, before thinking that that probably wouldn't help if she did have one. A fever can only be confirmed by another individual or a thermometer, neither of which were in sight.
She sighs, settling back onto her pillow. If she was coming down with something, then she should stay put. No use risking other ponies' health.
Turning onto her side, she spots her saddlebag on the nightstand. She reaches out to grab it when she stops. Remembering the conversation on the train. This was somepony else's book, their property.
Although, if it was just a textbook, a tool for learning, then it wouldn't matter, right?
Right, and....
What was she getting all worked up about? It's only a textbook. And besides, all books are made to be read. Why write a book if no pony was going to read it?
Shrugging off the weird mood she'd been entertaining, Fluttershy grabs her bag, takes out the book, and begins from where she left off.


Meanwhile, in the throne room...

Luna watched her sister from over the lip of her teacup. She'd ordered some refreshments, in the hopes it would quell some of Celestia's worry. The normally poised ruler barely nibbled on the small snacks, and her cup was only brought to her lips, no tea actually being sipped.
Luna was beginning to catch her sister's anxiety, it seemed, as she began fidgeting in her seat and glancing every so often at the door.
She was just about to open her mouth to ask Celestia something, possibly along the lines of, "What do you suppose is stalling them?" when the door flew open, and the Mane six dashed into the throne room in a clamor. The sudden entrance made everypony in the room startle, and only slightly relax when they realize who it was.
"Celestia, you have-"
"-in tarnation-"
"-just disappeared!"
The two rulers sat there, dumbstruck. What had happened on the group's way here?

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