• Published 19th Feb 2018
  • 500 Views, 3 Comments

The legend of Jun - Jhonn

When the pillars defeated the pony of shadows, no pony asked what is was the place who he went, and who was Jun and his legend.

  • ...

Prologue: The legend of Jun

"And here we are" Starswirl announced.

"But...where is this place? I never heard about this...castle? Is it a castle?" Sunburst asked..

"In all my travels, I have never seen or heard of this place, certainly in very particular." Starswirl noted as he scratched his beard and examined the strange paintings on the ceiling.

"We should explore, we can return here later." Starlight said, looking at everypony.

"The structure is unusual...if the Pony of Shadows made this place his barracks, there must be something he wanted". Twilight hummed..

"Indeed, but what?" Starswirl wondered.

"Well, why you don't ask to someone who knows about the story?" Discord asked.

"This is an ancient and historical place Discord. If it were not for the support of the Princesses and the Elements, I would have banished you to limbo too!!" Starswirl growled.

"But because that distrust, professor? I fulfilled all my tasks and duties, have an apple sample of my good will." Discord said while throwing a red apple to Starswirl, which he dodged.

"Enlighten us, Discord. Do you know this place?" Sunburst asked..

"Well, not exactly, but I can recognize this symbol" Discord remembered while pointing to a painting on the other side of the castle.

"That's the cutie of Jun, a legendary being of immeasurable magic and unimaginable power. I do not remember the legend well. It was very old even before my reign, very few know it, I am honored to be the only (possibly) to know the story. Do not you get excited Starswirl? - Discord said while he had a petulant smile.

"Save us from your verbiage and explain Discord. You have a point where I do not know the legend, but a story so disappeared even in books and ponies is weird." Starswirl said with an accusing look.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it was not me. The story was already half dead since before my arrival, that mare was already bigger than Grandma Smith, and that's being gentle".

"Could we continue Discord?" Sunburst interrupted.

"Of course, oh, silly of me, well, the story says this, i think ..."

Before time, before magic, the darkness was ravaging, but in a multicolored flash, light, magic, and life were born, all because of its awakening, it helped to initiate what we know, it helped us to grow, to live, and to love, but one day, he had to go to rest, but with the box and the flute, he will wake up.

"....yep, that is all." Discord finished.

"Interesting, I had never heard that legend, something poetic if you ask me." Starswirl said while memorizing the symbol.

"Indeed. But what could a box and a flute mean?" Starlight asked in wonder.

"Box, it could be...?" Twilight whispered.

"Bingo bongo, Twilight." Discord said while applauding

"Yes Twilight?" Starswirl asked.

"Well...when we cure the tree, a box was born, similar to a flower. At first I did not know what it was, but when we beat Tirek, the box gave us more power and built my castle. Could it be that they are related? "Twilight wondered..

"Good guess, Twilight. We can find the box when we return, but first we finish documenting the place." Starswirl said. They went deeper into the temple. Just then, they stopped to analyze a mural, or what was left.

"Interesting."Starswirl hummed in interest.

"It is amazing! I've never see this geoglyphs in others places. But why? So much history lost. You think that the Princess know this?" Twilight asked.

"I don´t know, but it is a chance..., here. It said that this Jun did so much for us, but this is exaggerated. He created all worlds, all universes, and etc. Why had I never listened something like this?" Starswirl wondered to himself.

"Well, let me response that, my old bearded friend. It is a legend between legends. I know this land and far away. I´ve been a member of the council, and I´ve never known this legend. But one day, certain old mare said me this ´prophecy´, and for the mystery of the story, it was an apple, in that town up above us. It was when I was looking for......well, emotions!" Discord explained.

"But it is not explaining why she told only one who know the story, and this place. Did you know something more?" Sunburst asked..

"Well, no. But maybe your friend, my Princess? Daring Do may know something. I mean, she is a explorer and all."

"Yes! Great idea! But I don´t know where she is now..."

"Let me help."Discord snapped his fingers and they all were teleported to where Daring Do was.

"Wait!" cried Twilight, afraid that Daring Do had been doing something important.

"What the?" Daring Do yelped in shock, surprised at their appearance.

A sigh. "Sorry Daring. But we need your help with something."Twilight told her.

"Well, there is more ways to ask, you know." Daring said with an angry expression on her face.

"I´m sorry. I never think that Disco-" Twilight was interrupted.

"Wait....this is what I think it is?" Daring began, changing her face to someone very excited.

"Well, that´s why we need your help". Starwirl started.

"...Well, this day is officially the best, first this place, and now Starswirl. What now?" Daring asked without emotions.

"Did you know something or not?" Discord asked, with exasperation, earning an intrigued look from Twilight. He never showed interest in something of this kind.

"Yes, in my adventures, sometimes, I listened to this name, or reference, Jun, that three words is, in my opinion, the most mystery in equus, and i suppose that even Discord and Starwirl didn´t know more than that name and the prophecy." Daring explained a bit while she was looking and walking around.

"Congratulations! And next? You do? You know something more?"- Discord asked, glee in his eyes.

"Yes" Daring ignored his exasperating state

"Please, ignoring this intent of creature and continue ms Daring" Starwirl

"My pleasure, well, as is said, the leyend and the geoglyphs said that he is, basically, the god, but we don´t know more of that part. But certainly we know that he exist, or at least, he was. Look at this. Daring putted something of her hat.

"Why you save this in your hat?" Starlight asked in confusion.

"Because, I never know when I need it. The clues are very subtle and I need to hold more information to put the puzzle together." Daring replied.

"Would you explain this to us, Daring?"Twilight asked in wonder.

"As you see, in every temple where I visit, I always see this cutie mark. Sometimes it´s subtle. In a small part of a room, or in a big rock in the entrance, but it was hidden. I don´t know if it is for the time, of it was intentionally"

"Every temple?" Starwirl had skepticism in his voice.

"Yes. But, the most interesting is what in that places is not where I can find more information. in the temples, it said that all mystical artifacts was made by ponykind, but it is a bad translation. All artifacts was made by a mystical pony. I know that it was a mistake of translation because the artifact have the same magical residue, that includes..." Daring began.

"The Crystal Heart..." Starlight finished.

"But that is not possible! The Princess, Amore, did the crystal heart!" Sunburst interrupted..

"Or maybe something helped her. I verificated the Crystal Heart, and that have the same residue." Daring finished.

Author's Note:

This chapter has been edited by Dawn Darkness.