• Published 21st Mar 2018
  • 1,647 Views, 7 Comments

Think Discordingly - thatonecoffeemachine

Fluttershy was getting ready for her weekly Tuesday tea parties. While getting ready, a question slips into her mind.

  • ...

A Regular Old Tea Party

Fluttershy was boiling some water over the stove. She was humming softly, excited for the day.

It was Tuesday. After a few weeks of the reformation of Discord, it had become her most favourite day of the week. Why you ask? Well, it was the day that she holds hers and Discord's weekly Tuesday tea parties!

Every week, they would have a little get-together and have a tea party to make sure that their bond in friendship never breaks. And mostly to make sure Discord is still 'reformed'. If that is still the case.

After the 'Tirek' incident, she was told to keep an extra eye on him just in case he would turn back to his old ways. Like how he betrayed them and joined forces with Tirek. But when somepony told Fluttershy to keep an 'extra' eye on him, she was scared half to death when she realised that she grew an extra eye. And by grew an extra eye, I actually meant that she woke up, went to her bathroom to take a shower, looked into the mirror and realised that a paper with a gruesome drawing of an eye taped to the side of her head. It then took her bear, Harry, half a day to get her to calm down. After that situation, they now put buckets all around the cottage like under her bed, under the couches, in the garden just in case she flooded the house with her tears again. She still has nightmares from that day.

But, she knew in her heart that he was not going to revert back again. No matter how many times he would do pranks or tricks that go too far, such as the 'flu' thing he did with Twilight and Cadence, which harmed their safety but ended up backfiring and getting him really sick, but he didn't mean to do that. He did explain to her that it was supposed to be a so-called "friendship test" to test the bond of friendship he and Twilight has. If they even have a bond of friendship.

His pranks and tricks were usually harmless, unless if he went too far. But she didn't feel like telling him to stop. To her, that's like telling her not to care for animals anymore. It won't happen. It is in her nature. It is her cutie mark. He was the embodiment of chaos. It's in his nature to make chaos. She felt that it was quite rude of other ponies to judge him with how he's behaving. She-

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of knocking on her door. It was then followed by a faint voice. "Fluttershy~ It's your friendly neighborhood draconequus, Discord~ Open up~"

She smiled, hearing the voice of her friend. Even without opening the door to see who it is, she already knew who it is. Half of why she knew is because the voice did say 'friendly neighborhood draconequus' and she only knew one friendly neighborhood draconequus. And because there is only on-

"Are you going to open up or let me freeze to death out here?" said the voice once more. She sighed and went to the door. She opened the door.

"Discord, it's the middle of...... " she looked out and met with nothing. She looked around. No one.

"......summer." she said as she slowly closed the door.

"We draconequui have a different kind of heat sense. Hot is cold and cold is hot to us. Or maybe that's just me..... " said Discord, now standing behind Fluttershy. She jumped up.

"Discord!" she shrieked. Discord gave her a smirk in return.

"What? You told me to knock before going in, didn't you?" he asked. She sighed.

"Wait until I give you permission to go in. Then you can go in." she said. Discord rolled his eyes.

"Why would I need to ask for your permission if I was going to be allowed in anyway?" he asked.

"Because it's the polite thing to do." she answered. He sighed.

"Fine." he walked out and closed the door behind him. He then knocked the door once more. "Fluttershy, I'm here." he said, with no emotion whatsoever. She opened the door. "Can I come in now?"

"Ask politely, please." she said, her tone was serious.

He mumbled a little, annoyed with the pegasus' stupid request. "Can I please come in?" he asked.

Fluttershy smiled warmly. "Sure you can, Discord." She let him in and he walked in, annoyed.

"See? You still let me in. What's the point of saying all those 'extra stuff'?" he asked.

"Because it's polite, Discord. Oh wait! Make yourself comfortable, Discord. I need to go check on the tea." she said as she rushed into the kitchen.

Discord snapped his talon and disappeared. He then reappeared on the soft green couch that was in front of the fireplace. He laid on the couch, making himself comfortable like how the pegasus told him to.

Fluttershy came in, holding a tray of two teacups, a teapot, some cream and a bowl of sugercubes with her mouth. She walked slowly. Discord got off the couch and walked to Fluttershy. He then took the tray from the pegasus.

"Oh thank you, Discord." she said, smiling to the draconequus. Because of his two hands (or talon and paw, whichever sounds better), it was easier for him to carry.

"Oh don't mention it, Flutters." he said as he placed the tray on top of the coffee table that was in between two couches. He then laid back into his previous couch.

Discord sighed. "If only the others would see how great I am at friendship. I wonder how the ponies would think if they knew." he said.

Fluttershy sat beside Discord on the couch. She then poured both of them a cup of tea. 'I don't really think you should know how they think of you....' she thought.

"Would you like one or two cubes, Discord?" she asked, gesturing to the sugarcubes. He gave it a thought before answering.

"I would like four, please. And could you add some hot sauce? For that spicy kick." he said. She giggled but she wasn't the one to judge his funny tastes.

She went to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of hot sauce. His tastes were weird, but she didn't want to judge since she knew another pink cotton candy loving friend who loves hot sauce in their cupcakes.

She put some hot sauce into his teacup, mixed it and passed it over to him. "Thank you, Fluttershy." he said as he took the now spicy beverage. They sat on the couch in silence, sipping on their tea.

Fluttershy was thinking back to her thoughts from earlier. Since Discord was here, she felt like she wanted to ask him about the topic. She looked up at Discord, who was sitting silently on the couch, sipping on his weird beverage, not making a sound. She was now questioning herself about if it is a good idea to ask him.

"I thought you said that staring was rude?" said Discord as his expression turned into a grin.

"Oh. Sorry about that, Discord. I was just..... " she thought for a while before continuing "...thinking about something."

"Judging from your long stare at me just now, I'm assuming it's about me." he said. Fluttershy blushed, feeling shameful from staring at him. "I mean, I know I'm dashing and I don't mind ponies staring at my beauty but even they don't stare at me that way."

"Sorry. And yes, i-it does have something to do with you." She started frowning. Is this a good idea?

Discord noticed the sudden change in her mood. "Is it..... Is it bothering you? Is it about what happened with that mare carrot hop or whatever her name was yesterday? I said I was sorry. And I did change the carrots back, by the way."

"N-no. It's not about that. Well, it is kinda like that but, it is a little different situation a-and....." Fluttershy stopped as she realised that she was now babbling. "..... i-it's about something else."

Discord was curious as to what she was thinking about. And it was quite rare to see the Lord Of Chaos curious. "Mind sharing your thoughts?"

Fluttershy didn't really wanted to, but it felt rude for her if she declined sharing her thoughts. Especially the thoughts having to do with him. "......not at all, Discord." She took a deep breath. She then thought about what she was going to say. Once she got it all organized in her mind of what she wanted to say, she continued. "Do ponies ever bother you?"

Discord chuckled a little. "Why would you think ponies are bothering me? Wasn't it always the other way around?"

"N-no, that's not what I meant. I meant that, you...... you do know that some ponies judge you behind your back, right?"

Discord put his teacup down. He suddenly teleported himself behind the couch. He began to look around the back of the couch. When he saw nothing, he raised his head and looked at Fluttershy with the look of great confusion. "......I don't follow. Where are those ponies? Why do they only follow me from the back? Whoever those ponies are, they must be creeps for just following me around like that and judging me." He then paused. ".....how do you know that there are ponies following me from behind?" He then let out a small gasp. "Are you one of them?"

Now it was Fluttershy's turn to look confused. "Wait, what? N-no, Discord......." She then let out a loud sigh. "......Discord, you know what I mean."

Discord gave out a long sigh. "Yeah yeah. I know what you're talking about." He then teleported himself back onto the couch. "And besides, you said yourself that they were bothering me. Why would you feel bothered?"

She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She didn't know what to say. "I-I don't know." She then thought of something. She took a deep breath. "It's because you're my friend, Discord."

Discord sighed. "I know. And that's exactly why it shouldn't bother you." he said. Suddenly, Fluttershy stomped her coffee table hard with frustration. Her tea cup shook.

"And that's exactly why it bothers me!" she shouted in frustration, well her version of shouting anyway. "You're my friend, and I don't tolerate others talking about you that way!" This surprised Discord, since he had never seen the most shyest pony he had ever met shout. Well, her version of shouting.

Silence took over for about 5 minutes. During this period, she calmed down a little. Discord looked at his friend worriedly. But before he could say anything, Fluttershy began to speak once more. "Discord, please. I am your friend. It's should be obvious that it bothered me."

"I know but, it's still doesn't make much sense. And I always don't make sense. But, why does it bother you? I am your friend, yes but shouldn't it just bother me?" he asked.

Fluttershy tried to think of a way to explain. After a few seconds, she got it. "How would you feel if ponies started talking about me behind my back?"

"But they don't-"

"But if they do, how would you feel?" interrupted Fluttershy. This made Discord think for a while.

"Well, I don't know. Angry? Upset?"

"Why? Why does it make you upset? Why does it upset you even if they are just bothering me?" she asked.

"Well, uh, your my friend and-"

"So why doesn't it makes sense to you that others talking about you in such ways bothers me?" interrupted Fluttershy once more.

"Because I really find it hard to believe that ponies would talk about you in such ways." he said. His expression became a frown. "If you had ever been talked about that way, you don't deserve it. You had never done anything to deserve hate from others."

"Have you ever tried to conquer Equestria and turn it into Chaos Capital of the world? Have you ever made chaos that would affect others for the sake of your own entertainment?" he asked, his tone and expression serious. "Have you ever betrayed friendship for the sake of your own greed? Your own dumb selfishness? Have you ever done anything I've listed down? If you haven't, then I don't see the big fuss about others talking about me that way."

"I brought all those hate upon myself. It was my own greed that brought hate towards myself." Silence echoed throughout the room once more. After a few minutes, he continued. "I ask you again, why does it bother you?"

Fluttershy covered her mouth, her eyes watery. It pains to hear all these things coming from her friend. But now, she has to answer his question again. Why does it bother her?

Before answering, she wiped her eyes dry. Discord didn't notice her tears however. She took a deep breath before answering. "The past is in the past, Discord. What you did in the past does not define who you are today. Others should know, I know it, and so should you."

"You have changed so much over the past few months. Maybe the others don't see it, but I do. You should believe you have too." she said. A thought came up suddenly. "So, you did know about ponies talking about you that way?"

Discord huffed. "I can't even pass a few ponies without any of them bringing up my past, being terrified, spitting rude insults or just...... laugh." he said.

This made Fluttershy's heart break. He knew all along. "Why haven't you brought it up? You could at least bring it up to Twilight or the princesses. I know you meet with the princesses every week. They could help you sort this out. Maybe tell the ponies to be nicer to you."

"And why would I? The princesses can't do anything. And even if they did tell their fellow subjects to be nicer to me, it wouldn't work anyhow. Do you really think that'll make ponies stop? Of course no!" he said. "And I don't really want anyone else to be a part of it. I can handle it myself."

"How do you handle it? It must be hard to hear those vulgar things that ponies say about you." she said. Discord chuckled.

"I've been hearing those kinds of things ever since I was little. It was different when I was little, maybe the most common words that was used against me was freak or abomination. And as I grew up, the words became from mocks to truths such as monster or beast."

"I have been hearing these words ever since I was little, I can handle them fine. I just have to deal with them. Like that one quote, eh, how does it go again? Ah yes! Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words could never hurt you. I don't understand how sticks could break your bones tho. And the stones thing, do you just pass by a few stones and then suddenly break your bones? It didn't say 'sticks and stones get thrown on you may break your bones'."

Fluttershy felt like she was gonna well up again. Her eyes began to fill with tears again. Now this time, Discord noticed.

"H-hey, why are you crying?" he asked worriedly but confused. He snapped his talon. Fluttershy realised he disappeared as he snapped his talon. Her not yet asked question of where he is was answered immediately as a flash flashed beside her and there appeared, the draconequus. The worried expression of his stared straight into the eyes of the pegasus.

"Did I say something offensive? Why are you crying? I'm pretty sure that there's nothing I can say that won't sound offensive." he asked.

"N-nothing." she replied. "It's just that, you had to go through so much hearthache throughout your life. I don't think I could even last an hour knowing ponies are taking about me behind their backs."

"Well, as I said, it won't hurt you. It's just words."

"It won't hurt you but it'll break your heart to hear words like that." She then started hugging the draconequus.

Discord was definitely surprised by the sudden hug. "W-what are you doing?"

"Just reminding you that, i'll always be there for you. I'll always help you during any tough times. And most importantly, I'll always be your friend." she said.

'If only I knew how well friendship felt before.' he thought. The pegasus, although how he had complicated this pegasus's life with his chaos, sometimes mess with her friends, and betrayed her for the sake of his greediness, the pegasus still thought of him as a friend.

He felt warmth from the pegasus. How could something so timid and shy be so friendly and kind? He smiled. He then returned the warmth by hugging her back tightly.

He sighed as he hugged her. Friendship truly is magic.

Author's Note:

fluttercord. as always, I have an obsession with discord :pinkiesad2:

Comments ( 7 )

I thought that she and Discord had tea every week, not every year

Indeed they do. Did I mis-write something? Or do I just not get something? If so, please tell.

Awwww... Think my heart just melted a little.

Annual is once a year. Regular or weekly is the word you're looking for.

Oh......... this is what happens when you slack off in English class. Don't be like me.

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