• Published 16th Feb 2018
  • 2,234 Views, 26 Comments

Harry Potter: Equestria - Tailspin333

Harry Potter in Equestria by non-magica means

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Chapter 8

It has been the morning after the wedding and the Princesses had decided to wait till the next day after it had ended. Harry didn't mind for he knew he would have to explain anyway even if he ran which he didn't. He heard the sound of someone knocking on the door and opened it. "Princesses Celestia and Luna would like it if you joined them and the others in the dining room." One of the two guards in front of the door tells him. Harry nods and followed them.

The guards stopped at a door at was opened by another when they got close and waved Harry inside. He stepped inside the room to see the Princesses Celestia and Luna along with Twilight and the other girls along with Spike, Princess Cadance, and Shining Armor the last two wanting to know more of the one who helped them and their wedding. Harry moved to a seat and sat down. There was food on the table so Harry took some on the plate but didn't start eating yet. Princess Celestia looks at him. "Twilight told us of your answer to her question she had asked you before about magic users so you won't have to answer why you didn't show yourself but it doesn't explain everything." She tells him.

Harry looked around before answering. "There's more to it. The government's for magic users or wizards and witches as we call ourselves for men and women respectively has a whole put up a law known as the Statute of Secrecy in 1689 and was fully put into effect in 1692, only the top members of no-majs or non-magic users of each government and those who are family members of those born from no-majs can know of magic and if you married a no-maj then you can tell them but only after you are married with them and only them and those of direct family links, father, mother, brother, sister, those are the only ones allowed to know if you believe them to be trustworthy of the knowledge. Anyone else has it wiped from their memories. They lived by warding off areas making sure that no-majs can enter and that they don't know of the areas being there." He explained to them which he could tell they didn't like at all. "But that's not the main reason why I never told or showed you." He said looking at Twilight and the others as he sighed.

"Why?" The question came from the most unexpected one of all which was Fluttershy.
Harry looked at her before answering. "Because of my past. I'm no criminal but I'm hunted for nevertheless by those who want me to be what they think I should be and to use me." He replied. "This starts in the 1970s. In the magical side of the country of Great Britain. A Dark Lord raise to power. He was known as Voldemort and he made promises to the pureblood dark families, those who favor the dark arts of magic that he would cleanse the magical world of muggleborn, half-bloods, and blood traitors. Purebloods are those whose family can trace their family lineage by at least several generations of only magic users and marry only magic user. Muggleborn is the term used in Britain for those born of non-magic users who are called muggles. Blood traitors are those who willingly interact with muggleborns and muggles and push for equality for muggleborns or protection for muggles, I believe you can figure out what half-bloods means." He tells them. They weren't too pleased with what they are hearing but none of it was at him and let him continue. "Voldemort and his followers terrorized the whole of magical Britain killing those they deemed impure, those who didn't join them, and even attacked muggles causing a high death toll. The Ministry of Magic was barely able to do anything but cover up the attacks on muggles due to the Death Eaters as they call themselves had infiltrated as well as keeping their faces covered as well during the attacks, so they almost had free reign with their actions." He explained.

"They were only a fought against by one group known as the Order of Phoenix. They were lead by a man known as Albus Dumbledore." Harry continued. "He fight in the last major war the Magical world had which happened at the same time as World War 2. He fought a Dark Wizard known as Grindelwald who was the leader of the enemy they fought at the time and became renowned for it. Dumbledore lead the Order of the Phoenix against the Death Eaters but due to the Ministry being under partial control of of the Death Eaters and Dumbledore's orders to only stun or knock out those they fought only to kill if it wasn't intended due to the man's beliefs that all can be redeemed. The Death Eaters didn't so they were slowly winning and would had if it wasn't for one thing which brought down Voldemort." Harry told them.

"And what would that be?" Princess Luna asked him.
"A prophecy." He replied much to their shock of one happening, mostly Celestia and Luna who understood how prophecies can change things for all. "I still remember what it said when I heard it years later. "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...." Dumbledore was one of the two to hear it when it happened, and he heard all of it. The other was a Death Eater who heard only half of it before Dumbledore forced him to run away after he was noticed and told Voldemort. Upon hearing it Voldemort searched and found two families who had children that were born has the seventh month, July was just about to end." Harry explained.

"What does that hav-" Rainbow was saying before she was cut off by Twilight. "Your were one of them weren't you?" She asked before she recalled what Harry had said on Nightmare Night. "He chose your family." She said making all who knew of it look at her before remembering as well.

"Yes. I was born on July 31 1980 to James and Lily Potter. My family was put into hiding as well as the second one for it wasn't known at the time which family it meant. However they were betrayed by one of their closest friends." Harry continued. "Part of the protections we were under was a spell known as the Fidelius charm. It's a very difficult spell that makes it so unless you are told by the Secret keeper, the only person to know where the location and those inside of it after the spell is casted and the Secret Keeper is the only one who can tell others for it's literally hidden in their soul, others can know but not tell the secret until the Secret Keeper dies or the spell is undone. As far as Magical Britain knew it was my godfather Sirius Black who was the secret keeper when in truth it was Peter Pettigrew, who unknown to the rest had joined the Death Eaters out of fear when he was threatened by them and the idea that Voldemort was going to win. Voldemort entered my family's home Halloween night on 1981. I still remember that night, the only memory I have of my parents. My father tried to hold him off but was killed quickly before he could do much. My mother ran into my room and had grabbed me when he come up and blew out the door. She died trying to beg for my life." Harry stopped for even with Occlumency it still affected him as tears came it his eyes. "I would had died that day if it wasn't for something my mother did. No one knew how but I survived the Killing Curse that night, a spell were one touch anywhere on your body even a strand of hair it would kill you. It backfired and hit Voldemort after being reflected, but it didn't truly kill him due to some things he had done which I'll explain later." Harry continued tell them to their horror that a spell liked that existed.

"Pettigrew framed my godfather for what happened a few days afterwards when Sirius found him after hunting him down and made everyone think he was killed by Sirius along with a dozen muggles as well by a blasting curse/spell which he used the smoke to cut a finger off and transformed into a rat which he stayed as for the next few years while Sirius was sent to prison without a trial leaving him unable to tell the truth." Harry tells them making all of them not pleased.

"Imprisoned without a trial! If I ever meet those who did so I will send them straight to the moon!" Luna says with anger as the others tried to calm themselves down that and man was set to prison without a trial. They asked how Pettigrew turned into a rat and did it involved how he was able to turn into a Dragon and back. Harry nods and tells them of Animagi, about how hard it was to become one and as far has he knew he was the first to be able to turn into a magical animal.

Harry give them a small smile but lost it when he speak again to continue the story. "It didn't help when they found him he laughing and blaming himself loudly due to having snapped for even though Pettigrew was the one who betrayed them it was his idea for Pettigrew to be the secret keeper after the first idea of having him as the secret keeper. Even Dumbledore who was the chief judge as well as the headmaster for the only magical school for Magical Britain didn't know of the change of keepers. Because of that I was sent to my aunt's home for my safely for whatever my mother did made a set of blood wards that kept me safe, but only if I lived with family. However I don't think he fully understood the hate my aunt had for her sister for my mother was born with magic and she wasn't while her husband wasn't fond with the idea of magic." Harry said stopping for a minute to collect his thoughts. After he learned Occlumency and sorted his mind going through his memories he still disliked his relatives but it was better the the hate he had for them before.

The rest looked at him with some tripation before a thought came to Applejack making her get a bad feeling wishing it wasn't so. "They didn't treat you well did they?" She asked him causing the rest of the ponies to look at her with shock before quickly turning back to Harry when he sighed.

"No they didn't." He said confirming the idea before continuing and showing that they underestimated how bad the abuse was. "They kept me locked in the cupboard under the stairs for the next ten years, barely fed me stunting my growth, and if I did better than their son or did anything that could be caused by me using magic or by being a 'freak' my uncle would beat me to 'beat the freakness out' as well if anything that could be done by me using magic in the form of accidental magic were it happens without the child meaning in one was or another as calling me freak the whole time making me think it was my name till I started going to school. My cousin also did as well along with his friends when they played a 'game' called Harry hunting when not doing it at home." He said cutting it short causing an uproar he knew was going to happen.

None of the ponies were pleased with what he had told them. "Why didn't anyone remove you from them!" Celestia in a rare form lost her calm with what she had just heard. That there would be those who would treat a foal like that because of what they were born with! Needless to say if she ever met them she would be hard pressed not to turn them into ash, as well as this Dumbledore Harry is speaking about. The rest of the ponies in the room were of similar mind and anger even Fluttershy to those who would had noticed shocked at the sight, while Applejack was the angriest due to how close her family is with each other.

"I'm not fully sure about others but I know Dumbledore didn't because of the blood wards like how I said were formed and they couldn't be moved or powered any other way. The rest of the Magical World had no idea where I was thanks to Dumbledore not telling anyone but one, though she never came to check on me and would had mostly likely tried to have me moved and the watcher he had set to keep and eye on me never saw it for they kept it in house for the most part. As for the no-majs in the early days of me going to school a couple of teachers tried to help but within a few days would stop for no apparent reason, Dumbledore likely stopped them without understanding why by removing their memories, only that they were going to get me removed the the Dursleys, their last name. Vernon Dursley, Petunia, and their son Dudley." Harry tells them. "Also didn't help when they started telling lies about me saying I'm a criminal in the making and making up somethings that they claimed I did or in the cause of Dudley put the blame for whatever he did that was bad on my head." He continued to explain which only increased the anger those listening at the Dursleys as well has making the two Princesses mentally make a note for the guards to arrest any one with those names and them claiming to come from Great Britain out of sight of other humans and having Harry check to see if they are the ones and if so toss them into the dungeons for what they had done to him and losing the key.

Harry waited for all of them to calm down before continuing his story. "As you and imagine things changed for me when I was given a letter for Hogwarts, though the Dursleys didn't make it easier when they saw there were letters for me. They kept destroying them no matter how many were delivered in different ways during the two weeks before my 11th birthday. It ended with it being personally delivered to me after my uncle had all of us temporary moved to a lighthouse in the middle of a lake in the midst of a storm." Harry said dryly. "The one who did was Rubeus Hagrid groundskeeper for the school and a half-giant." Harry tells them giving them a quick summary about giants making them shake their heads at the man's father for being with one. He tells them of how it went making a few other them laugh at what happened to Dudley and what Hagrid said about what he had meant to do, and then the shopping trip he was taken on by Hagrid and Hedwig being gifted to him before the others' anger increased on how the Dursleys lied to Harry on how his parents died. He told them of how the Dursleys give him the smallest bedroom if only not to bring more wrath on them from other magical due to how his letter was addressed and how Hogwarts worked.

He told them of his trip to the train station and the platform 93/4 and how he met Ron and Hermione and how the train ride went and seeing Hogwarts for the first time as well as the warning of the third-floor corridor. He explained the early days of the year how it went the flight class he had and his first game and then came upon Halloween night. He explained how Quirrell ran into the main hall shouting of a troll in the dungeons of the castle. He stopped to tell them of trolls and then continued on with the story of the students being sent to their dorm rooms how he and Ron left the rest to warn Hermione and why she wasn't at the main hall. The encounter and fight with the troll was stopped by the sound of displeasure of the at they had to fight it and the lateness of the teachers coming after the fight. He continued to Christmas touching on how he and his 'friends' without meaning to and why they enter the third-floor corridor and meeting Fluffy, the gifts he was given and showing them the invisibility cloak though he did see Celestia and Luna looked worried for a second before they hid it. He explained his encounter with the Mirror of Erised and he return to it for the next couple of days before Dumbledore put a stop to it and explained how it worked and how people had wasted away in front of it. He continued with how the rest of the year went including the detention were they were sent to the forbidden forest and what happened, how they found out about the Philosopher's Stone and how it worked. He tells them what happened at the end of the year. How they got through the defenses of the third-floor corridor, their idea that it was Snape who wanted it and the truth that it was Quirrell and how he was possessed by Voldemort as a Wraith how he killed Quirrell and the talk he had with Dumbledore and then being sent back to the Dursleys for the summer.

"Harry, please tell me the rest of your years there were better." Twilight asked him hoping it was true.
Harry shook his head. "I'm afraid not. They got worse each year." He replied causing her to slump down in dismay as well as the others to different degrees.

He tells them of his summer at the Dursleys and their treatment of him, how it got worse after Dobby tried to 'keep him safe'. How the Twins and Ron with their father's flying car got him out even if it got them in trouble with their mother and then the rest of the summer he had at the Weasley home and the shopping trip and the meeting with Lockhart. The barrier to the train platform not working likely due to Dobby and the trip they did with the Weasley family flying car and the encounter with the Whomping Willow. He tell them how thing when till Halloween night and once again things went downhill from there. He explained the duel he had with Draco Malfoy and the how the fact of Harry being a Parselmouth caused many to fear him even with him protesting the idea they had of him and then the first attack of a student. He told them of the game he played the cursed buller and the lost of the bones of his right arm thanks to Lockhart's fuck up. The second meeting with Dobby and the next attack. He told them of how things continued to go downhill and the arrest of Hagrid even with no proof, just that they had to be seen to have done something. He told them of the attack on Hermione before then and of the night they went into the forbidden forest once more and met Hagrid's former pet spider, the thought of something like that and being able to breed so many of themselves only being held back by their leader from attacking the school due to Hagrid. He told them of how they figured out were the Chamber of Secrets was just after Ron's younger sister was taken and how Lockhart was poney and what happened afterward when they forced him to help them and what he had tried and how it backfired on him. After he explained what Basilisks are when seeing again it was something they hadn't encountered before, the talk he had with Riddle being learning who's soul it truly was fight he had against the Basilisk getting wounded by it in the process before being healed by Fawkes and destroying the Horcrux to save Ginny from death by it's action of using her soul and lifeforce to bring Riddle back to life. He told them how the rest of the year went before being sent back to the Dursley once more.

"Harry, that diary. That was how Voldemort was turned into a Wraith after being hit by that curse wasn't it?" Celestia asked him not saying the name of the spell for it sickened her of one made only for killing, for the thought of an artifact that could do something like what the diary had done worried her.

"One of them and I mean yes he made more than one. They are called Horcruxes, the hold a part of the soul of the maker of the damn things. After I left during my run from them I looked into how they were made if only to be able to know if someone else was making them and I wish I hadn't." Harry said as he rubbed his head.

"How?" Luna asks him. "If you tell us, at the very least we can know to stop them or something similar from being made here if it hadn't already been done." She asked him.

Harry looked at her before looking at the rest before sighing. "Very well but you'll soon wish you hadn't." He warned them. "To make a Horcrux you need an item and as part of the ruital kill a true innocent, very young children or babies. After which you must force the part of your soul that broke off from the act into the item." He said giving a very brief summary of it. Everyone else in the room promly were shocked and dismayed with the information piling to the best of their ability, Luna was wishing she had never asked him to tell them. Harry didn't say a world as all of them recovered from what they were just told.

Once they had he explained how the rest of the years he had went. How his Godfather got free from prison upon seeing Pettigrew in the newspaper and then how the year went with dementors stationed around the school and how he reacted to them explaining what they do. The fact there are soul sucking monsters wasn't a good feeling to them and how they feed on humans. How things went for him during the school year once again things started going downhill again on halloween night, Harry told them then was went he got the feeling that day of the year was one to be worried about afterwards. They were told of how things went for the rest of the year coming up to went it was shown that Peter Pettigrew was alive and how he got away and of how Rumus turned into a werewolf, (and what a werewolf was which worried Luna making her write a note to plan for any werewolves that may come to Equestria) and of Sirius fighting his transformed friend to protect them and then the dementors coming only to be driven away by an unknown figure. The aftermath once again got them angry at the Ministry and Fudge but glad Sirius was freed even with how they did it by going back in time and Harry's action of driving away a hundred or more dementors by himself saving Sirius and himself.

His fourth year was listened to weary and the fact he was forced into the triwizard tournament with no way out once again set them off, a foal(child) forced into something he wasn't ready before by the fact of only an age line to stop people from putting in names and the fact he would had lost his magic for good if he didn't do it. The challenges he had to go through and the explanation how the unforgivables worked before he was forced to face Voldemort and was used to bring him back after the death of one of his schoolmates by Peter's hand. The ritual he was used for to bring back Voldemort and then the duel he was forced in and his escape after the brother wand effect that happened seeing the shades of those killed by Voldemort as well as his parents' shades. He told them how his summer went and the dementor attack and the trial afterwards along with the yellow journalism ordered by the Ministry of Magic due to Fudge not believing the warning he give at the end of the triwizard tournament.

He told them of Dolores Umbridge and what she did to the students and showed them the faded scar on his right hand 'I must tell no lies'. Everyone nearly went ballistic with the sight of it, after they had been forced to calm down by Harry casting calming charms. He told them of the group he brought together to teach them how to fight and what happened to Umbridge, or Umbitch as he called her, the vision sent to him by Voldemort earlier that day and how Kreacher acted causing them to head to the Ministry and the fight that broke out for the orb holding the prophecy and Sirius's death at the hands of his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange. The confrontation with Voldemort and the appearance of those who worked at the Ministry including Fudge much to their shock at the sight of him.

He told them of how his sixth year went starting with the summer, How he was picked up by members of the order and the attack as they made there was to safely with losses including Hedwig, whose death made Fluttershy cry softly for harry having to lose her like that and then be forced to removed the sidecar holding her body. Harry stopped for her to be calmed by her friends and then continued with Dumbledore telling him of the Horcruxes and trying to 'show' him Voldemort's weakness by showing him his life story and the hunt for one of the Horcruxes only for it to be fake due to the actions of a former death eater which he later explained to be Sirius's younger brother for the treatment of the house elf Kreacher and how he was used and left to die. The attack on Hogwarts and Dumbledore's death at the hands of Snape.

He told them how his final year went, having never gone to Hogwarts after the attack on the wedding, and the Ministry have taken over by Death Eaters before the attack. The hunt they went on for the rest of the Horcruxes after finding the one replaced with the fake that was in the Black family home of Sirius's due to his brother's last actions before being taken and then sold to Umbitch and how they got it back. How they were forced to run across the country hunted by Death Eaters afterwards as they hunted for the rest of the Horcruxes. He told them of the split of Ron leaving them before coming back at a later time and warning them of the Taboo spell, as well explained how they collected each one and Dobby's last act to protect him taking a spell meant for him.

He told them of the final battle of the war, the treatment of the students at the school and how they freed Hogwarts and then the battle that happened. Harry told them of the Horcrux in his head and how it was removed from him when he confronted Voldemort alone and was killed much to heir shock, his talk with Dumbledore and how he came back from death and fought Voldemort one last time after telling him how he had gotten it wrong on who was the true owner of the Elder Wand and how Voldemort died after the final Horcrux was destroyed.

Harry stopped for a minute before tell them of the talk he overheard his former friends and allies had. Needless to say none of the ponies were pleased with what he had told them. Princess Cadance nearly went into a rant for they were told how Voldemort was born and how love potions were used by his mother on his father, the fact his former friends tried to use them on him pushed her over the edge but she was calmed by Shining Armor before she did anything that would had caused damage. The rest were not pleased with the betrayal of the friendships they had with Harry, Twilight and her friends the least for it was a act that went against what friendship meant to them. He gave a short explanation of the time he spent running and hiding as well how close they were to finding him before coming to Equestria.

Celestia and Luna looked at each other before coming to agreement. "Harry." Celestia spoke up making him look at her. "Luna and I would like it if you were to give us the names and descriptions of those people who had been chasing you. We'll give them to the guards and workers at the portals as well as keep an eye out on those who already came through and will come though. We'll make sure they won't find you before we can throw them into the dungeons and if they do, know we will do everything in our power to help you. We won't let them take you back." She tells him with many of the others agreeing with her.

"Thank you." Harry says with a small smile, glad to find those he could finally trust once more.
She then spoke up again. "Harry, when you told us of you thunting Voldemort about the Elder Wand, what is this wand and why was it so important for Riddle?" Celestia asked him not using the name Voldemort chose for himself.

Harry thought on it and recalled the looks Celestia and Luna had when the saw the cloak which he figured they may had sensed something on it likely what it was. He tells them the story of the three Peverell brothers. How Death spoke to them and offer gifts for getting away from him. The gifts each brother picked, a powerful wand for the oldest, a stone given power to bring back shades of the dead for the middle brother, and a cloak that would hide him even from death itself for the youngest. He explained how the two older brothers died, the oldest by a rival after boasting about the Wand and the Middle killing himself after looking at his love be never able to touch her and her being paining being forced to be on the world of the living for long amounts of time. He told how Death looked for the brother last but never found him till he took it off and give it to his son before meeting Death as a old friend after living a long life. Harry explained that the Cloak he showed them was the one from the story and how he had unknowingly collected the Resurrection Stone and then took the Elder Wand from Riddle, as well that legend that collecting all three would make you the Master of Death. He explained how he lost the Stone in the Forbidden Forest after using it once and broke the Wand after the battle, but found both of them on his Cloak the Wand repaired. He put them aside and brought a new wand custom made for him before he started running for he only used the Cloak never the other two. "I'm willing to vow on my magic never to use them if you wish." Harry told them and explained to them what he meant when asked.

The knowledge calmed Celestia and Luna. "No. You won't have to, besides there may be a time you have to use them, however unlikely we hope that it be, we would hate for you to be able to use them at a time of need without losing your magic." Celestia tells him with Luna agreeing with her sister. The knowledge that he was willing to do something like that told them he could be trusted never to use them without a good reason.

Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six along with Spike crowded around him after they ate, with Twilight asking some questions about his people's magic during breakfasts. The squeal she let out when he told her he would give her the school books he still had along with the others he had brought before he started to hid himself away from Magical Britain deafen him as the three Princesses and Twilight's friends chuckling at the sight before the Princesses left the room to make plans as Shining Armor waited for Harry tell him what he needed to know to tell the guards who to look out for from those coming from the gate to earth. Harry quickly tells him who and what they looked like along with how wizards then to try to dress to "blend in with the muggles" usually out of date by those from Magical Britain. The Captain left afterwards leaving him with his friends, ones he knew he could trust, not blindly but still trust and check their reasons for anything that may happen to cause trouble between him and them before doing something.

Comments ( 6 )

Great new Chapter!
So Harry has told them now, Interesting!
It will be funny wehn wizzards and witches from the UK will try to Enter Equestria....

Thanks for the new chapter, I've almost given up hope you will come back. As for couples, I'd see Harry x Luna pairings - that's all I ask for :twilightsmile:

He told them of how his sixth year went starting with the summer, How he was picked up by members of the order and the attack as they made there was to safely with losses including Hedwig, whose death made Fluttershy cry softly for harry having to lose her like that and then be forced to removed the sidecar holding her body.

That happened before what would have been his seventh year not before his sixth.

can't wait for more

Hi I am newly logged on FimFiction but I had read the story Harry Potter: Equestria several times.
I wonder why this story was not updated, it is very interesting and would wish to read more. Why it has not been updated for this long, it is a very good read. When would it be possible for it to be updated.
It will be very interesting to read more and see the relationship between Luna and Harry as well as Harry and the others. I could give some ideas to help you in this story, if you would be interested.

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