• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 690 Views, 21 Comments

The New Adventures of Carrot Top. - Capitola

Carrot Top leaves for Ponyville to start a life while keeping a journal about her many adventures.

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June 28th

June 28th

So now I'm willing to bet Celestia hates me now. Either that or she enjoys my screams of terror. After last nights horrifying experience I just wanted a nice and quiet morning. Just me, a cup of coffee (far away from you, diary) with cream and sugar, and of course, a nice carrot breakfast muffin. As I came out of my room I noticed the first sign that something was horribly wrong. I remember sniffing the air and smelling the scent of coffee and baked goods. I shrugged it off and continued into the kitchen where I found a plate of pancakes and some other breakfast supplies ...


Carrot Top's eyes narrowed as she entered her kitchen. A ray of sunshine shone through her kitchen window and rested upon a plate of pancakes and a small empty glass. Next to the glass was one of the blue napkins her Mother had given her as a gift. Hesitantly she poked the napkin and it unrolled, exposing a fork and spoon. Carrot's eyes widened and she stepped back from the suspicious meal as she went over the facts as she saw them.

There appeared to be a meal that had been freshly cooked, but not by her. The meal was piping hot, meaning that the mysterious cook could not be to far away. Finally the knife was missing, meaning that the cook had forgotten to lay it out or there was some pony loose in her house with a knife.

Carrot walked slowly backwards into her living room when she heard a small click.

BOOM! The explosion of confetti and streamers sent her flying to the floor, rolling and screaming as she grasped at the rug underneath her to pull her towards the safety of the kitchen and away from the terror. A pink figure loomed above her and she gazed up at it, her fear being replaced with confusion.


Many expressions passed along the face of Carrot Top. Fear to confusion to fear again and then to rage. Carrot Top smacked her head against the wooden floor and gave out a muffled scream.

"You can't eat breakfast from down there, silly!" Pinkie told her cheerfully, picking her up and dragging her into the kitchen. Carrot was flopped onto a kitchen chair and Pinkie scooted her in towards the table. Carrot's mouth was still open in a silent scream.

Smiling the whole time Pinkie went to the sink and filled the empty cup with water. Once done she returned and splashed it at Carrot Top's face.

"Better now?"

"No, I am not better." Carrot growled. "How did you even get in to-"

"I went through the cellar~!"

"Of course you did" Carrot Top said, sighing and massaging her temples.

"I just felt sooooooo so so so bad for scaring you last night that I just had to come and make you breakfast!" Pinkie grinned after she had finished and trotted over to the refrigerator.

Carrot Top sat there for a moment and then smiled. Perhaps this mare was a little insane, but at least her heart was in the right place. Carrot Top felt the anger at being surprised leave her body. She smiled again and started to cut through the massive pile of pancakes with her fork. Carrot took a bite of pancake and was shocked to find she had to hold back tears at how delicious they were. Each bite felt like a beautiful fluffy dream. Perhaps she had misjudged this pony. She wasn't that creepy, she was just strange.

'To think I thought she was suspicious,' Carrot thought to herself. "I can't believe I thought she would try and eat me ..."

"Hey Carrot Top, do you want something to drink?" Pinkie said, turning from the fridge and holding something long and gleaming in her hoof. "How about some nice, lovely Carrot Juice?"

Carrot gasped and choked, falling from her chair and squirming on the floor in spasms of fear. Pinkie ran over, dropping the gleaming item and picking up Carrot to perform the Heimlich maneuver. When the lodged piece of food was out Pinkie scolded Carrot Top.

"Geeze, you should know better than to eat that fast. Aren't you older than a filly?" Pinkie walked back to the gleaming item and picked it up. Carrot's eyes fell on the long item and felt her headache come back as she realized what it was. A normal, average, produce peeler. She had almost choked to death on a pancake all because she got scared of a produce peeler.

Carrot groaned and pressed her hoof into her forehead. Judging by the throbbing headache and and the mountain of confetti in her front room, it was going to be a very long day.


... So yeah. Great. Peachy. Day 2 and I've been broken into twice and almost died three times. Maybe if I try real hard I can make it to ten near death experiences before the end of the week.

I still can't believe I thought Pinkie was going to try and juice me to death (sounds like a B-horror movie). I'm not sure my heart can take living near that natural disaster. I mean, she seems nice, and her cooking (I've never tasted anything better. I'm almost suspicious she sold her soul for such good cooking skills! That's the only possible way!) is fairly amazing, and her heart seems to be in the right place. If she could just get over scaring the bejeezus out of me that would be great. Or perhaps that is too much to ask?

After breakfast I asked her about my shifty neighbors. She laughed at my use of shifty (what can I say? They totally are!) and told me that they were actually pretty nice ponies. Turns out she knows every single pony in town (not surprised one bit) by name and is friends with all of them.

The neighbor to my left is a doctor or something like that. I can't really remember what his name is, but he and his room mate live in that big blue house, the one with the horrible screeching sounds coming from it.

To the right is ... well I still don't know. Pinkie refuses to tell me who lives in that house. She just shook her head when I asked and quickly changed the subject, telling me I should stop by Sugar Cube Corner next time I came into town...


Pinkie got up from her chair and with grabbed the tablecloth. With one swoop she gathered all the dishes into the tablecloth and dumped them into the sink. Satisfied, she turned back to Carrot.

"I'm sure every pony is just super duper excited to meet you! If you see any of my friends be sure and say hi to them, they'll be especially happy to see you!"

"Didn't you say that all the ponies in town were your friends?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Then wouldn't ... never mind," Carrot sighed, rolling her eyes. She looked down at her kitchen table to see a small pink envelope addressed to her. Curious, she picked it up and tore of the top with her teeth. A small little explosion of confetti caused her to drop her parcel in surprise. Another pink piece of paper was stuck inside the envelope. The paper read:


I hope to see you there!

"Pinkie, I really don't want a-," Carrot looked up to find Pinkie Pie missing. Grumbling, Carrot went back to her bedroom to put the reminder by her bed and gather her coat. It was time she went and explored more of the town she would be calling home.