• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 689 Views, 21 Comments

The New Adventures of Carrot Top. - Capitola

Carrot Top leaves for Ponyville to start a life while keeping a journal about her many adventures.

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June 25th

June 25th

The day of the move went about as smoothly as it could have possibly gone. Mom cried and Pop gave me some of his advice on what to be careful for ("Now you watch out for any pickpockets and you make sure to watch out for any of those ... strange ponies."). Little Sis squirmed about and hugged Mom's legs and then Pop's and then mine, sobbing the whole time. Once the wagon was all hooked up Hay Seed (That's our family friend ... wait, I know that, why'd I write it down?) gave me a gentle nudge and told me he'd finished. I gave them all a big hug and then took my first step onto the road to a new life.

I'll miss the big fields and the way the sun bounced off of them just right and I'll miss the smell of the rotten old barns (Okay, maybe I won't miss those), but the feeling in my heart told me that at the end of the road there were even better things waiting just for me! Mom and Pop don't really understand why I wanted to move. It never occurred to them that maybe that education I got changed some of the views I had on home life. I didn't want to live at home anymore. I wanted more; I wanted to start my own life. Make my own way in life, find a job and maybe settle down with some kind and exceptionally handsome stallion. Staying on the farm would have meant taking up all the duties when it came time for Mom and Pop to retire. I can't explain it fully, but I ... I guess I just wanted a change of scenery is what it really boils down to. I can still hear them trying to convince me to stay, telling me that a pony such as myself has no need to move (any other person would of gotten a face full of hoof for saying that) and that I have everything I could want right at home on the family farm. They couldn't understand what I could see in moving away, but I guess that's why I'm leaving home and they aren't.

I guess I should introduce myself now, though why I feel like I should is beyond me. My name is Carrot Top, but seeing as you're my (new) diary, shouldn't you already know that? As a final goodbye present Sis gave you to me to write in. She's always been emotional and she's always kept one of you around so I imagine she just wants me to have some connection with her. I hope she doesn't think that just because I'm moving away means that things will be different between us. She's such a worrier, but I wouldn't have her any other way.

But you're not here to read about my sister, (or maybe you are. You are MY diary, remember) you would probably like to know where I'm moving. Well, I've decided to leave and move to Ponyville. I know, I know, before you get yourself all confused let me explain. I know I said I wanted to move somewhere with more hustle and bustle and more ponies and I know Ponyville is almost the exact opposite of that, but the city is just ... well I don't like it. That's all. On the farm we used to hear all sorts of horror stories about ponies living in cities. Ponies who'd get mugged, mocked, get drunk and all sorts of other things. That and all the snooty, high-end, good for nothing diva's and their pompous boyfriends made the cities a ... less than pleasant place to stay. I'd heard that Ponyville was nice, so I decided to try my luck there. Saw some pictures of it on a brochure we got a couple years back in a load of apple sauce from a place called Sweet Apple Acres. The place looked so beautiful and serene that there wasn't a doubt in my mind that it was the kind of place I could live in for the rest of my life.

You're kind of a pain to write in diary (no offense, but with no magic or anything, writing by hoof or mouth can be trying at best) so I'm going to stop now. Maybe I'll write some more in you tomorrow ...