• Published 9th Jan 2022
  • 1,935 Views, 170 Comments

My Little Pony the Movie 2: Secret of the Magic Pearl - Italibaso

Twilight and her friends head to Mount Aris to celebrate the freedom of the Hippogriffs, but they quickly find out someone's missing as soon as they arrive.

  • ...

6. The pearl's true power

Grey pushed the tall gate open and walked out of the Hippogriff Kingdom. His claw reached into his cloak and pulled the magic pearl out to give it another look. He stared at the shiny thing with a gleeful smile for a few seconds. He then heard something loud coming his way and quickly hid the pearl back in his cloak. Far away high up in the sky he could see a giant airship heading towards the mountain. Grey urgently started looking for a place to hide until he found a tall, thick rock close to his right. He ran towards the rock and hid himself behind it before the airship got too close.

''Huh?'' Spike said to himself when he noticed something moving behind a tall rock close to the entrance of the Hippogriff Kingdom.

''What is it, Spikey Wikey?'' Rarity asked when walking next to the small purple dragon.

''I thought I saw something moving over there,'' Spike answered while pointing at the tall rock close to the wall on the left, ''Probably just a rat.''

''Ugh! Then let's hope it stays behind that rock and never comes out,'' Rarity responded in disgust, ''Cause I do NOT want to get a disease from those horrible, filthy things. They're almost as bad as vampire fruit bats.''

''Rarity!'' Fluttershy said sternly, ''How could you say that?!''

''How you ask?!'' Rarity responded in an overlydramatic manner, ''Haven't you ever had a rat infestation inside your own kitchen because your little sister would leave cheese out of the fridge for them just because she thought they looked kinda 'cute'?!''

Fluttershy could see Rarity's right eye twitching after she finished talking.

''Well, no,'' Fluttershy relied in her usual calm voice, ''But that's still no reason to insult them like that.''

''Well as long as those rats learn to stay out of my kitchen, then maybe I'll-''

''Enough about the rats! Let's get to Queen Novo already!'' Rainbow Dash interrupted in an annoyed manner.

The rainbow pegasus threw the anchor against the mountain, preventing the wind from blowing the airship away. Twilight used her magic to levitate a wooden plank from the ship and made a small bridge out of it that led onto the mountain. Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Spike and Applejack crossed the wooden plank while Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew across along with Twilight. When the purple alicorn landed on the ground, she looked behind her and noticed a small air boat hovering in the air close under their airship.

''What's that air boat doing there?'' Twilight asked her friends while raising an eyebrow.

''The hippogriffs are probably having a visitor.'' Fluttershy responded.

''Guess we'll soon find out who that will be.'' Applejack said before she and her friends trotted to the giant gate of the Hippogriff Kingdom.

''Wait a minute,'' Spike said as he looked around, ''Where's Fizzy?''

''I'm right here!'' Tempest said, still on board the airship. She ran across the wooden plank and stepped onto the stone ground of the mountain.

''There she is!'' Pinkie Pie asked with a happy smile.

''You alright, sugarcube?'' Applejack asked, noticing Tempest's urgent behavior.

''There's....'' Tempest said while looking conflicted, ''There's something I need to tell you.....''

''What is it?'' Fluttershy asked curiously.

''I....Well you see....'' Tempest tried her best to explain, but kept on stuttering as sweat drops started to appear on her forehead.

''Ooohh, I get it,'' Pinkie Pie said, ''You're feeling hot because of the cloak you're wearing. Just take it off.''

''NO!!'' Tempest immediately responded, resulting in a shocked look from everypony, ''I mean, no. That's not what I wanted to say.''

''Then what is it, darling?'' Rarity asked.

Tempest still couldn't find it in her to respond. She stood completely still while looking doubtful and nervous.

''Just be honest with us, Fizzy. We promise we won't get mad at ya.'' Applejack said in a friendly tone.

''Yeah! We're your friends now, Remember?'' Pinkie added.

''I know, but.....'' Tempest said before she took a deep breath, ''The thing is.....I can't go in there with you.''

''Why not?'' Rainbow Dash asked, sounding confused.

''Because I helped the Storm King destroy the Hippogriff Kingdom many days ago!'' Tempest exclaimed. Twilight's friends looked at her in surprise for a few seconds.

''So?'' Rainbow Dash replied, ''But you've changed since then, right?''

''It's not that simple,'' Tempest explained while glancing back at the side of her flank for a moment, ''I may have changed, but the hippogriffs don't know that. If I walk in there right now, they'll just send me away the moment they see me.''

''What makes ya think that?'' Applejack asked while looking concerned.

''I've seen what Queen Novo is like when I was here with the Storm King all those days ago,'' Tempest explained further, ''She's not as welcoming and open minded as you may think. Trust me, it's best for me to stay here outside.''

''What do you mean?'' Fluttershy asked worriedly.

Tempest came dangerously close to confessing to the others about the cutie mark on her flank. But after remembering what Twilight had said earlier about cutie marks, she ultimately couldn't bring herself to fully confess and tried to think of another way to explain what she meant.

''Sometimes, when you make a terrible mistake in your life, it can leave a mark,'' Tempest explained, her head hung low as she glanced back at the side of her flank again for a second, ''And that mark will never go away. It will always be there as a reminder of who you are and what you've done.''

''Are you talking about the scar on your eye?'' Spike asked while looking worried.

A sense of shock and trauma rushed through the mind of Tempest when she heard those words coming out of Spike's mouth.

''No! That's not what I.....'' Tempest said to Spike, starting to sound more frustrated and angry.

''I'm sorry, Tempest,'' Spike quickly said when he noticed the tone in the purple unicorn's voice, ''I just want to help.''

The only thing on her mind at the moment was the image of her horn getting broken as a filly, inside the dark cave by the ursa minor many years ago. The image of the giant blue bear raising his claw and slashing against her face flashed before her eyes. She suddenly let out a gasp as if she was expecting to be attacked by something.

''Fizzy? What's wrong?'' Pinkie Pie said worriedly.

''Just tell us. We can only truly help ya if you're honest with us.'' Applejack asked in a caring manner.

Tempest groaned as she turned around and walked away from her friends, ''Forget it! Just go in without me.''

''No way, Tempest,'' Rainbow Dash exclaimed, ''We never leave our friends behind! Not on our watch!''

Tempest ignored the rainbow maned pegasus before sitting down at the edge of the mountain with her back turned.

''Leave me alone.'' Tempest responded coldly.

Spike walked over to the purple unicorn and was about to place his claw on Tempest's back, ''Fizzy. We're just trying to help you. Now, just start from the beginning and-''

''I said LEAVE ME ALONE!'' Tempest shouted as she turned around while small sparks came out of her broken horn.

In a split second, a small lightning bolt come out of Tempest's broken horn and hit Spike on the chest. The purple dragon flew back and fell on the ground close to Twilight and the others. He was laying unconscious as small sparks moved around his body for a moment.

There was a full minute of silence as Twilight and his friends all looked at Tempest in shock and horror. Tempest's angry look slowly disappeared from her face to make way for an expression of guilt and sorrow. She turned around again and sat down close to the stairs of the mountain with her head hung low.

''You coming, Twi?'' Applejack asked when she and the others looked at the purple alicorn.

A huge wave of conflicting emotions when through Twilight's mind as she saw the anticipated looks of her friends. Everything Tempest had just said made her doubtful again about the situation. Eventually Twilight slowly stepped away from her friends and towards Spike while looking doubtful. That reaction was all it took for Applejack to know what Twilight's answer was. The orange earth pony sighed and gave Twilight a stern and disappointed look, the likes of which Twilight had never seen from her before.

''Have it your way then,'' Applejack said to Twilight in a disappointed manner, ''Take care of Spike until we come back.''

Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash all looked unsure for a moment, but eventually followed Applejack to the tall gate. Together they pushed it open and entered the Hippogriff Kingdom without looking back.

Twilight picked up Spike and placed him on her back before looking at Tempest, who was still sitting close to the long stair case of Mount Aris. She seemed to be staring out into the sky in silence. Twilight walked over to Tempest and finally saw the look on her face. Her eyes were looking up in the sky, her expression was that of sadness in a way Twilight had never seen from Tempest before. A few small tears appeared under Tempest's eyes, which she quickly rubbed away with her hoof when she noticed Twilight next to her.

''It's okay,'' Twilight said to her in a calm tone as she placed her hoof on Tempest's shoulder, ''I know how you feel.''

''It's my stupid broken horn,'' Tempest responded, sounding frustrated and like she was trying to hold back her tears, ''Whenever I get angry or upset about anything, it just does whatever it wants. Another good reason why I shouldn't go to the hippogriffs.''

''I'm really sorry about your horn, Fizzy,'' Twilight said in a calm and understanding manner, ''If there was any way I could fix it, I would. But fixing a horn is something that nopony has ever been able to do before.''

''Then perhaps I can help you.''

The huskey voice had interrupted their silence. Tempest, Spike and Twilight all started looking around to see where it was coming from until they heard footsteps coming from behind them. The three of them stood up, turned around and saw a tall dark cloaked figure slowly walking up to them. His face completely hidden under his hood and a grey beak was the only thing that could be seen sticking out.

Twilight's eyes widened, ''Wait a minute......'' She said as she thought back to when she met a similar looking cloaked figure in Kludgetown, ''You're......Grey, right?''

''No. Really?'' Tempest said with an unamused look, thinking she was referring to the cloak.

''What? No, I mean that his name is Grey.'' Twilight explained to Tempest.

''Oh, right,'' Tempest said, ''....Wait, how do you know that?''

''He's the cloaked figure I told you about back in Klugetown.'' Twilight explained.

''Don't worry, I mean no harm to either of you.'' Grey said calmly to Tempest, who he could tell was pretty on edge.

''Then what do you want?'' Tempest said, still not sounding fully convinced.

Grey noticed the behaviour of the purple unicorn before looking over to Spike, who was still laying unconscious on Twilight's back.

''I'm here to help you.'' Grey asked as he looked over at Spike.

''With what?'' Twilight asked curiously.

Grey didn't say anything, instead his claw reached inside the right side of his cloak. Suddenly a small white light started glowing under it. Eventually he removed his claw out from the cloak and showed a small wave of magic flowing around his fingers. Within a second, the magic moved from his claw over to Spike. Twilight watched how the white magic started circling around Spike's body, going faster with each passing second until it started glowing a blinding bright light. Tempest and Twilight were both forced to close their eyes for a moment.

Twilight and Tempest opened their eyes again and looked over at Spike. They were suprised when they noticed the absence of the wound on his chest. The small dragon slowly opened his eyes and tried to get back up.

''Spike,'' Twilight said in surprise, ''Are you okay?''

Spike rubbed the palm of his claws over his eyes, ''Yeah. Never better, actually.''

A little smile showed up on Twilight's face before she embraced the baby dragon into a big hug.

''Thank you, Mister Grey.'' Twilight replied to the cloaked figure.

''Don't mention it.'' Grey replied.

''What exactly are you doing here if I may ask?'' Tempest asked.

''I just went in there myself to tell Queen Novo what I found out about Skystar on Black Skull Island,'' Grey answered as his head looked over to the tall gate behind him, ''But she refused to listen and instead told me to leave without even giving me a chance to speak.''

''What?!'' Twilight asked while sounding a bit shocked, ''Why would she do that?''

Grey didn't say anything for a moment. Instead he moved his right claw to his hood and slowly pulled it back to reveal his true face to Twilight, Spike and Tempest. The purple unicorn let out a small gasp as soon as she saw the grey feathered face and the yellow eyes.

''It's.... It's you....'' Tempest said with a look of shock in her eyes. She quickly started to remember the battle in Klugetown and on Mount Aris from many days ago.

''My real name is Callidus,'' Grey began to explain, ''I'm the mayor of Klugetown. Or at least I used to be until that day the Storm King came along many days ago.''

''What happened?'' Twilight asked curiously.

''He and his army tried to take over my town, so I headed to Mount Aris to get help,'' Callidus continued to explain with a seemingly somber look, ''But instead of helping me, Queen Novo accused me of siding with the Storm King and turned everyone in Klugetown against me.''

''What?!'' Twilight said out loud.

''Are you sure?'' Spike asked, still somewhat suspicious.

''He's telling the truth, Spike,'' Tempest answered with her head hung low, ''I was there with the Storm King when it all happened.''

Callidus looked somewhat suprised when he noticed the way Tempest reacted.

''Callidus,'' Tempest said to him, ''I just want you to know that I regret everything I've ever done to you. And I hope that one day, I can make it up to you and-''

Callidus extended his arm out in front of Tempest's face, signaling her to stop talking.

''It's alright, I understand.'' Callidus said in a calmer and friendlier tone.

''You do?'' Tempest asked while looking a bit surprised.

''Yes. I've heard everything from behind that rock,'' Callidus explained, ''And since you seemed to have learned to own up to your own mistakes, I want to give you something in return.''

Callidus slowly reached his claw back under his cloak. His arm started moving around again before the same white magic started glowing under his cloak. Soon his arm got out and white lines of magic went from his claw over to Tempest's broken horn. The magic started circling until everyone was forced to close their eyes again from the bright shining light. The pain she usually felt from the scar on her right eye seemed to be slowly going away. Tempest's eyes looked up at her forehead after the light had faded. She was in complete shock and surprise at what she saw.

Tempest could not believe her eyes. There it was, right above on her forehead. A fully restored horn, just like how she remembered it when she was just a small filly. The purple unicorn rubbed her hoof over the right eye where her scar was supposed to be and didn't feel any pain, proofing that it was indeed completely gone. Tempest could not take her eyes off the horn for a good ten seconds. She felt like she was about to cry tears of joy at the sight of her restored horn.

''I....I can't believe it,'' Tempest said, looking at her horn in awe as a little smile appeared on her face, ''My horn........after all these years.....''

''Where did you learn to do magic like that?'' Twilight asked in amazement.

Callidus eyes widened for a second, ''There's no time for me to explain, we must go now.''

''What are you talking about?'' Spike asked.

''I know a way to save Princess Skystar, but I'm gonna need your help,'' Callidus explained hastily, ''And we must hurry. If we wait here any longer, Skystar and the other creatures could be trapped in their stone prison forever.''

''Then let's go!'' Twilight immediately said as she was about to head to the airship.

''Wait! What about our friends?!'' Spike quickly asked.

''There's no time! Now get on the air boat!'' Callidus said back.

Twilight could see a few of Callidus's feathers falling on the ground from under his cloak when he ran to the air boat that was still floating close to the airship.


''We can tell everything to our friends later, Spike! Come on!'' Tempest replied before Spike could finish talking. She then followed Callidus to the air boat.

''So that's why that small air boat was there.'' Twilight said to herself. She went over to Callidus and Tempest, who had already boarded the small air boat.

Spike looked back at the gate of the Hippogriff Kingdom for a moment before eventually going with Twilight, Callidus and Tempest to Black Skull Island.

Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were all in complete shock when they had set hoof inside the Hippogriff Kingdom. Everywhere they looked there were wounded and beat up bodies of hippogriffs laying on the ground. The armor of the guards were completely shattered, their wings heavily crippled and many feathers missing from their bodies. Rainbow Dash and the others quickly ran over to a hippogriff who seemed to have enough strength to still form a sentence.

''Are you okay?'' Fluttershy asked concernedly.

''Grey bird in cloak.......stole pearl.....used it to........'' The hippogriff uttered, coughing a few times between words.

''Grey bird in cloak?'' Rarity repeated.

The hippogriff nodded slowly, ''Queen Novo....She.......''

''Is she alright?!'' Pinkie Pie asked worriedly.

''Where is she?!'' Rainbow Dash asked urgently.

The hippogriff struggled to raise his arm, but still managed to lift it from the ground and pointed it to a particular stone made house further away.

''Come on!'' Rainbow Dash said before she flew towards the house.

''Don't worry, we're going to help all of you.'' Fluttershy said to the wounded hippogriff. She and the rest of her friends quickly went after Rainbow Dash

As soon as they entered through the open door, their eyes immediately started searching for Queen Novo. It took them less than a second to find the tall hippogriff queen laying against a shelf in the back of the house. She was looking just as wounded as the other hippogriffs, her eyes only barely staying open. Everypony quickly went to check on her.

''Queen Novo! Are you okay?!'' Pinkie Pie said with great concern.

The queen eyes slowly opened a bit wider and made eye contact with Pinkie pie as well as the other ponies.

''Tell us what happened.'' Applejack said concernedly.

''He came back......for revenge....'' Queen Novo said, sounding very weak.

''Who did?'' Rainbow Dash asked worriedly.

''His name......is......Callidus.'' Queen Novo answered.

''CALLIDUS?!!'' The five ponies all said out loud at the same time.

''Isn't he the ex mayor of Klugetown Capper told us about?'' Rarity mentioned.

''The one who joined the Storm King and helped him to destroy your home as well as Klugetown?!'' Pinkie Pie added urgently. Queen Novo nodded slowly in response.

''He has stolen the magic pearl and is taking it to Black Skull Island.'' Queen Novo explained, still talking in a weak voice.

''What for?'' Rarity asked.

''He has already turned Skystar and three other creatures into stone inside the Black Skull cave,'' Queen Novo explained, ''And he's going to use the pearl and two other creatures in order to open the door that leads to unlimited power. If he obtains it, then nothing will be able to stop him.''

''So he was the one behind it all along!'' Rainbow Dash said.

''But I thought all the pearl could do was transform you into different creatures.'' Rarity said.

''The pearl is capable of a lot more than that,'' Queen Novo explained further, ''Its powers can be terrifying when in the wrong claws. That's why I never wanted anyone to know about it, to keep creatures like Callidus from using it for themselves. You must stop him before it's too late.''

''You got it, your majesty!'' Pinkie Pie said determinedly, ''That bird is gonna get what's coming to him!''

''We gotta go tell Twilight and the others about this!'' Applejack said.

''But what about the hippogriffs?'' Fluttershy asked worriedly.

''Don't worry about us,'' Queen Novo reassured them, ''You ponies must focus on stopping Callidus first and save Princess Skystar.''

''We're on it, your majesty!'' Rainbow Dash exclaimed, ''You heard her, everypony! Let's go!'' She flew out of the house through the open door at the speed of light.

''We won't let that ruffian get away with this, Queen Novo. We promise.'' Rarity reassured her.

''And we will save Princess Skystar and bring her back home,'' Pinkie Pie added with an confident smile, ''Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!''

''Thank you,'' Queen Novo muttered quietly, ''You ponies are the most sincere creatures I've ever met. Now go.''

Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie soon went after Rainbow Dash and exited the house.

''Good luck.'' Queen Novo muttered to herself.

Applejack kicked her back legs against the giant gate of the hippogriff kingdom with full force, causing it to fly open in an instant. They ran out of the kingdom and started looking for Twilight, Tempest and Spike. Much to their shock however, they were nowhere to be found.

''Twilight! Where are you?!'' Rainbow said out loud.

''Fizzy?!'' Pinkie Pie added.

''Spike?!'' Fluttershy said worriedly.

''Where in tarnation did they go?'' Applejack asked herself.

Rarity then noticed a few dark grey feathers laying on the ground close to a rock on the right side of the mountain.

''Everypony, look!'' Rarity said to the others, getting their attention before pointing at the feathers.

''Grey feathers?'' Fluttershy said as she and the others went to take a closer look.

''And look, that cute little air boat is gone too!'' Pinkie Pie pointed out when noticing the air boat was missing.

''Remember what that one hippogriff guard said earlier?'' Rarity asked.

''A grey bird stole their pearl.'' Rainbow Dash said, repeating what she remembered the hippogriff guard saying.

Rarity nodded, ''These feathers must have been his.''

''Oh no,'' Applejack said when she realized something, ''He must have been the one to come here on that air boat. And then used it to ponynap Twilight, Spike and Tempest with him.''

''Are you sure?'' Rarity asked.

''Remember what Queen Novo said about Callidus needing two other creatures and the pearl?'' Applejack explained.

Fluttershy gasped as she came to realize what Applejack was implying, ''Do you think he needs them to....''

''We must hurry!'' Rainbow said urgently. Everypony rushed to the large airship that was still floating close to the mountain.

''There it is.'' Callidus said to Twilight, Tempest and Spike when the giant black skull was finally in their sight.

The small air boat landed close above the beach. Spike, Callidus and Twilight jumped out and stepped onto the beach of Black Skull Island. Spike noticed that Callidus was already walking to the giant cave's entrance without saying another word or looking back.

''This time, I'm coming with you.'' Tempest said after being the last one to get out of the air boat.

Twilight and Tempest made their way towards the cave, but stopped when they noticed that Spike wasn't walking next to them. They turned around and saw the small purple dragon still standing close to the air boat. He had a look of uncertainty on his face.

''Why aren't you coming, Spike?'' Twilight asked when approaching the purple dragon along with Tempest.

''Something about this just doesn't seem right,'' Spike replied while looking unsure, ''I can't explain it.''

''What are you talking about?'' Tempest said while raising her eyebrow, ''He's gonna help us save Skystar and the others. What's not right about that?''

''I don't know,'' Spike replied, ''It's just how I feel.''

''We can talk about it later, Spike,'' Twilight said to the purple dragon, ''But right now we must stay focused on saving Skystar and the others before it's too late. Understand?''

Spike nodded, ''I'm sorry.''

''It's alright, now let's go.'' Twilight said back.

Spike watched for a few seconds as Twilight and Tempest ran to the cave's entrance without looking back. He sighed to himself and went after the two ponies while still having a doubtful look on his face.

Tempest used her magic with her fully restored horn to illuminate the tunnel along with Twilight. Spike followed close behind them. Eventually they caught up with Callidus, who was calmly walking through the dark, long tunnel without looking back at the two ponies or Spike. Tempest looked around and saw the many creepy skulls carved on the walls. She quickly ignored it as her attention went back to her restored horn.

''It sure feels good to finally be able to cast normal spells again. I can't thank you enough, Callidus.'' Tempest said while smiling a bit.

''Don't mention it.'' Callidus said calmly without looking at her.

''Why exactly do you wanna help us?'' Spike asked Callidus with a look of suspicion.

''Because I understand how your friends feel,'' Callidus answered, still not giving any of the three a single glance, ''Let's leave it at that.''

They finally saw light at the end of the dark tunnel after a few minutes of walking. When they entered the four statues were still standing on the exact same spot, as well as the giant stone door on the other side with the carved symbols on it.

''Alright, so what exactly is your plan?'' Spike asked Callidus.

''Someone else has already turned four creatures into stone,'' Callidus explained, ''And the only magic that can undo it is behind that giant door.''

''Can't we just combine our own magic to do it?'' Twilight suggested to Callidus.

''That's not gonna work,'' Callidus explained, ''I've read about this place in a book some time ago. Believe me, we've gotta get what's behind that door if we want to succeed. Any other options could end in disaster.''

''But how do we open the door?'' Tempest asked.

''I know this is gonna sound strange, but you're gonna have to trust me if you wanna save Skystar and the others,'' Callidus explained before he pointed to a dragon symbol carved on the floor next to the other statues, ''I'm gonna need your little dragon friend to-''

''Um, hello. My name is Spike, you know.'' Spike remarked while raising his eyebrow.

Callidus rolled his eyes, ''I'm gonna need SPIKE to stand on that dragon symbol over there. And Twilight's gonna need to stand on the alicorn symbol next to it.''

''And then what?'' Spike asked.

''You'll both become statues like the others.'' Callidus explained calmly.

''Say WHAT?!'' Spike said out loud.

''Fear not,'' Callidus quickly reassured them, ''Once you and Twilight turn to stone like the other four, the giant door will open. And then we can use the power that's inside to turn you all back to normal.''

''Are you absolutely sure?'' Spike asked Callidus, still not sounding fully convinced.

''Why are you so doubtful of him, Spike?'' Tempest said to the small purple dragon, ''He fixed my horn as well as my scar, he's even forgiven me for what I've done and now he's going to help us free Princess Skystar and the others. What more do you need?''

Spike took a deep breath, ''I guess you got a point.''

''It's gonna be okay, Spike. I promise.'' Twilight reassured him.

Spike looked at the statues of Skystar and the others for a moment, realizing that he truly didn't have any other choice.

''Alright, then let's do it.'' Spike said with a determined look.

Spike and Twilight walked over to the two symbols on the ground next to the other statues. They both stepped on the one that matched their own species. Within a second, they immediately felt something tightening around their feet and hooves on the ground. As they had expected, both their feet and hooves slowly turned into stone. Spike and Twilight tried to stay as calm as possible while their bodies became more imprisoned with each passing second. Eventually they turned into statues just like the others.

A bright light started appearing from the symbols underneath the statues, forming a glowing single circle around each of them. A thick line of light emerged from each of the statues and headed to the stone door in front of them. The lines crawled over to the carved symbols on the door, similar looking to the ones under the statues. The cave started shaking when the symbols on the door started glowing as bright as the ones on the ground. The door started rising itself up, causing a few small rocks to fall from the ceiling. The shaking stopped when the door had finally disappeared into the ceiling.

On the other side was another small pillar with her large dark grey skull on it. Its teeth were all black and the eye holes looked huge. The skull looked like as if it was about to bite on something big.

''What now?'' Tempest asked Callidus curiously.

''According to what I've read, one of us needs to put their claw or hoof in the mouth of that skull. The one who does will be able to absorb its power.'' Calllidus explained calmly as a gleeful smile appeared on his face without Tempest noticing.

''I see.'' Tempest said as she looked at the skull on the pillar.

''But we must be careful. It could still be dangerous.'' Callidus explained.

''Then I'll do it,'' Tempest replied as she was about to walk to the pillar, ''It's the least I can do after everthing you've done for me and-''

''NO!'' Callidus shouted, placing his arm right in front of Tempest.

''Why not?'' Tempest asked in surprise.

''I can't ask you to risk your life for me. I'll do it.'' Callidus explained in a seemingly worried manner.

''But I-''

''Just trust me!'' Callidus demanded before Tempest could finish the sentence, ''If anything does go wrong, then you can step in.''

Tempest looked at Callidus for a few seconds, ''Okay. Be careful.''

Callidus nodded to the purple unicorn and calmly walked over to the pillar on the other side. Tempest watched him cautiously as the grey bird reached the large skull on the pillar. A little grin appeared on his face while he reached his arm under the right side of his cloak.

''STOP RIGHT THERE!!'' The loud raspy voice that began to echoe throughout the area seemed to be coming from the tunnel behind Tempest.

''Rainbow dash?'' Tempest said before looking behind her.

Callidus quickly removed his arm from the cloak and looked behind him to see who was shouting. A rainbow maned pegasus and four other ponies soon came out of the dark tunnel, all of them looking angry and furious when they set their eyes on the grey bird.

''We got you now, bird brain!'' Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

''Tempest?'' Fluttershy said when she noticed the fixed horn on her forehead, ''Your horn. It's-''

''I know, Callidus fixed it. And he-''

''Are you okay, Fizzy?!'' Pinkie Pie asked her as she got up close to Tempest, ''Did that meanie hurt you?!''

''What?! No, of course not. He's gonna-''

''Then we got here just in time to teach him a lesson!'' Rarity exclaimed as she punched her front hooves against each other.

''What are you all talking about?'' Tempest asked in confusion.

''Callidus is EVIL!'' Pinkie Pie answered her.

''What?'' Tempest said in a clueless manner.

''He stole the magic pearl from Queen Novo and used it to hurt every hippogriff on Mount Aris!'' Applejack explained with an earnest look.

''And who told you that?'' Callidus asked.

''Queen Novo did!'' Rainbow Dash answered.

Callidus looked down with a stern look on his face while shaking his head, ''I pity you ponies, so easily persuaded by Queen Novo's pathetic lies.''

''We're not gonna fall for your tricks!'' Rainbow Dash answered, ''Now hand over the pearl!''

''Everypony, STOP!!'' Tempest shouted as she got in front of Twilight's friends, ''You got this all wrong! Callidus is trying to help us save Skystar and the others! Whatever Queen Novo told you about him is a lie!''

''That's not true!'' Applejack exclaimed agressively, ''All he wants is to get the power inside this place to rule the world. He's the one who turned Skystar and the others into stone in the first place!''

''Do you have any proof of that?!'' Tempest asked back sternly.

''Are you blind?!'' Rainbow Dash exclaimed, ''Look at Twilight and Spike, you idiot! Who do you think turned them into stone?!''

''Now now, Rainbow Dash. There's no need to-''

''We had to! It's the only way to free everyone from their stone prison!'' Tempest explained before Fluttershy could finish, ''Now if you just let him-''

''He's LYING to you, Tempest!'' Applejack responded furiously, ''Why can't ya see that?!''

''The only liar here is Queen Novo!'' Tempest shouted in anger.

''What do you mean?'' Fluttershy asked with a concerned look.

''Callidus NEVER joined the Storm King in his conquest, nor did he ever had any intention to help him destroy the hippogriff kingdom!'' Tempest began to explain.

''What?'' Rainbow Dash said with a confused look.

''I was there on the day when the Storm King and his army attacked Klugetown,'' Tempest began to explain in a desperate manner, ''Callidus ran away to get help from the Hippogriffs! But when he had arrived, Queen Novo jumped to the conclusion that he was helping the Storm King to take over Mount Aris! After the Storm king's defeat, she and the other hippogriffs had spread word around Klugetown that Callidus had betrayed them!''

Twilight's friends all looked in shock and disbelief as Tempest continued her speech.

''It was because of me that Callidus ended up the way he did! And the same goes to what happened to the hippogriffs! I'm sorry I never told you this before, but I can't just let other creatures be blamed for things that are my fault!''

Tempest caught her breath after she was finished. A few small tears could be seen under her eyes.

''Tempest.....'' Applejack said, looking unsure while trying to take in everything she and her friends had just heard from her.

Suddenly they could hear the sound of someone clapping. Tempest and the other ponies looked over to Callidus and saw that he was the one slowly clapping with his claws, all while having a satisfied grin on his face.

''Well done, Tempest.'' Callidus said confidently.

''What?'' Tempest said, surprised by his sudden change of attitude.

''You've been a great help to me,'' Callidus said before suddenly showing a serious look on his face, ''But I'm afraid that our little alliance has to come to an end.'' He quickly grabbed the magic pearl from under his cloak, turned around and placed it inside the skull without letting go.

Tempest looked shocked when her eyes had noticed the magic pearl, ''Wait! That's the-''

Before Tempest and the rest of the ponies had a chance to react, a giant burst of magic around the black skull as it sunk its teeth into the pearl. The pearl started to shine a darker color, which started to glow bigger and bigger as Callidus kept his claws on the pearl into the skull. Six lines came from the glowing pillar and made their way across the floor towards the six statues.

''What's happening?!" Fluttershy said out loud.

An unnerving, screeching sound came from the skull as a large magic beam shot out of it. The magic hit the ceiling and caused the whole cave to shine so bright that everyone was forced to close their eyes against the blinding light.