My Little Pony the Movie 2: Secret of the Magic Pearl

by Italibaso

First published

Twilight and her friends head to Mount Aris to celebrate the freedom of the Hippogriffs, but they quickly find out someone's missing as soon as they arrive.

A few days have passed since the defeat of the Storm King. And to celebrate the occasion, Queen Novo invites Twilight Sparkle, her friends and the princesses to a party at their kingdom on Mount Aris. Despite Twilight's hesitation, she agrees to come along after hearing some encouraging words from her friends.

After arriving at Mount Aris however, they quickly learn that Queen Novo's daughter, Princess Skystar, has gone missing. Twilight promises Queen Novo that she, the princesses and the rest of her friends will find Princess Skystar at all cost, but they'll slowly discover that something far bigger might be at stake.

(This story will mostly take place in the movie's universe, but will also include some things from the show as well)

Prologue: Betrayal?

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I have heard many stories throughout my life. But the one that always intrigued me the most was a story about the existance of a mysterious magical pearl. It was said to contain an incredible amount of power, enough for any creature to rule the world with. Many had knowledge about this magical artifact. Some thought of it as just a myth while others believed that it was real. The pearl's abilities are unknown, and it's whereabouts had remained a complete mystery for a very long time. Many had journeyed across the world in search for this legendary pearl, but none had ever succeeded.

One day I decided to sail across the seas, hoping to find this magic pearl for my kingdom. It was a long journey, but I eventually stumbled upon a small island on the east part of the world. That's where I found a gigantic cave, shaped like a black skull that looked as if it used to belong to a giant crocodile. Out of curiosity, I entered the cave and walked through a long dark tunnel. Many minutes later I found a small stone pillar in front of a giant stone door at the end of the tunnel. On the pillar laid what seemed like a rock, shaped like a perfect circle. The moment I touched it with my claw, the center of the rock started glowing brighter than anything I had ever seen. The light dimmed down after a few seconds and revealed a pink glowing ball on the stone pillar. I soon realized that I had found the magic pearl that I've been hearing about all my life. I took it with me out of the cave, realizing that leaving it there for the taking could put the world at great risk.

I arrived back home in my kingdom and showed the pearl to the other hippogriffs. I explained how I found it and my reasoning for taking the pearl. Everygriff on Mount Aris was moved and astonished by my act of bravery and selflessness. The hippogriffs decided to crown me as the new ruler of their kingdom, for my noble efforts of keeping the pearl safe with our kind.

The pearl has remained safely with the hippogriffs ever since. And I, Queen Novo, have ruled over my kingdom with kindness, compassion and loyalty for many years.

''The end.'' Queen Novo said before closing the large book. She looked down to her right, where a light yellow hippogriff with a baby blue mane and a small pink flower close to her ear sat next to her. A white hippogriff with a dark pink mane wearing silver armor stood close by their side.

''That was a great story, mom,'' Skystar said with a bright smile, ''You should become a writer one day.''

''Why thank you, sweetheart,'' Queen Novo said with a playful giggle, ''But you must know that I only wrote this book for you as a reminder of what it truly takes to be a queen.''

''An adventurer who travels the world going on epic quests?!'' Skystar asked eagerly.

Queen Novo giggled, ''Not exactly.''

''Then what is it?'' Skystar asked while tilting her head to the side.

''It's about being brave, loyal and kind for your kingdom,'' Queen Novo explained, ''And most importantly, you must be willing to put the lives of others before your own.''

''Wow. Sounds like this whole ''being a queen'' thing is a really big responsibility.'' Skystar said.

''Well, it's like my mother used to tell me,'' Queen Novo said, ''A queen is always given a great power. And with that great power, comes great responsibility.'' She explained in a very regal voice.

Skystar gave a mom a slightly hesitant look.

''Something wrong, sweetie?'' Queen Novo asked her.

''Well, I'm just not sure if I'm ready for that yet.'' Skystar explained hesitantly.

''Awww, Don't worry. There's still plenty of time before that day comes,'' Queen Novo explained reassuringly, ''I understand that it's a lot to take in right now, but I know that eventually you'll grow up into the queen everygriff needs you to be.''

A small smile appeared on Skystar's face, ''Thanks, mom.'' She and Queen Novo both gave each other a warm hug.

Their moment was interrupted when they heard hoofsteps inside the room. Skystar and Queen Novo looked over at the door, where they saw a blue hippogriff walking in. He had a white mane and wore golden armor from around his neck up to his head.

''Sky Beak, what's wrong?'' Queen Novo asked when she noticed the unusual look on blue hippogriff's face.

''Your highness,'' Sky Beak said as he saluted his queen, ''There's a wounded creature at the gate, asking if he may come in. What are your orders?''

''What kind of creature?'' Queen Novo asked.

''I don't know, I've never seen it before.'' Sky Beak answered while still saluting.

Queen Novo got up from the stone bench and looked over to the white hippogriff next to Skystar, ''Feather Wing, watch Skystar for me.''

''Yes, your highness.'' Feather Wing replied while saluting Queen Novo.

''Why can't I come too?'' Skystar asked curiously.

''We don't know if this creature might be dangerous, sweetheart,'' Queen Novo responded, ''Until we do, you must stay here.''

Skystar watched her mom leave the house along with Sky Beak and sighed to herself, ''Okay.''

Queen Novo and Sky Beak reached the entrance to their kingdom. That's where they saw a tall grey bird looking creature standing behind the bars of the gate. He wore a torn blue coat with golden buttons and had a long tail with a big grey feather at the end. His beak was grey, his eyes dark yellow with pupils that were black and grey.

''Are you okay?'' Queen Novo asked the bird.

''No....I'm not....'' The grey bird responded in a huskey, yet weak sounding voice. He struggled to stand on his legs, forcing him to grab a hold of the bars of the gate in order not to fall to the ground.

"What happened to you?" Queen Novo asked again worriedly.

"I....don't know..." The grey bird answered, sounding slightly weaker than before. He tried to remember, but suddenly groaned and placed his claw against his forehead.

''What's wrong?'' Queen Novo asked.

''My head.....It hurts.'' The grey bird responded as he held his claw against his forehead.

''My goodness,'' Queen Novo said before turning her head to the guards close to her, ''We must help this poor creature. Open the gate.''

Two hippogriff guards grabbed the bars on the left side of the gate and pulled with all their might. Queen Novo went over to the grey bird as soon as she was able to walk through the small opening of gate. She grabbed the wounded creature by the arm, placed it over her shoulders and helped him stand up. All the hippogriffs stared at Queen Novo and the grey bird as they both walked into the Hippogriff Kingdom.

''Thank you.'' The grey parrot said as he held onto Queen Novo's shoulder.

''Don't mention it,'' Queen Novo responded with a friendly smile, ''I couldn't just leave you there like that.'' The grey bird gave her a little smile as a response.

''Where exactly am I?'' The grey bird asked when he took a good look at his surroundings.

''You're on Mount Aris,'' Queen Novo answered, ''And this is our kingdom.''

''Kingdom?'' The grey bird asked.

''That's right,'' Queen Novo said in a friendly manner, ''And I am Queen Novo, queen of the hippogriffs.''

''It's a real honor to meet you,'' The grey bird responded, ''And I must say that you live in quite a beautiful place. As far as I remember, I don't think I've seen anything like it.''

''Why thank you,'' Queen Novo responded, ''And what's your name?''

''I.....don't know,'' The grey bird answered, ''I'm not even sure if I remember anything about myself. Something must have caused me to lose my memory.''

''I see,'' Queen Novo said, ''I think I have just the solution for that.''

''You do?'' The grey bird asked curiously.

Queen Novo nodded to the grey bird with a friendly smile, ''I'll show you what I mean.''

Queen Novo led the grey bird to a house made of rocks close to the cave of the mountain. Once inside, she gently placed the wounded bird on a bed, also made out of rocks. Queen Novo walked to a tall shelf inside the house and grabbed a small wooden chest. She opened it, reached her claw inside and revealed a magic pearl.

The grey bird looked surpised as soon as he saw the magic pearl in Queen Novo's claws, ''What is that?''

''That's not important,'' Queen Novo answered while looking hesitant, ''Now, hold still. This will only take a moment.''

The guards stood back and watched Queen Novo rub her claw over the pearl. A bright light began to shine from the center and soon a series of magical strings emerged from the glowing ball. The pearl's magic made it's way over to the bird's body and started circling around him, eventually forming into a bright orb that consumed the wounded creature.

While inside the orb, the grey bird began to see many moving images of armored creatures, a tall, white haired baboon looking thing carrying a wooden staff with a weird crown on his head, and a small purple pony with a broken horn. They all seemed to be conquering a big town located in the middle of a desert, which was inhabited by all sorts of different creatures. The town's inhabitants got overwhelemed by the armored creatures in seconds. Soon he saw himself being confronted by the tall baboon and the small purple pony. He could see the fear in his own eyes and saw himself cowardly running away from the two creatures and out of the town. He reached an airdeck and made his escape via a small flying boat. Right before he could watch himself get away, the small purple pony showed up at the air deck. She shot lightning from her horn and against the small boat, causing it to get electrocuted along with himself. He lost conciousness and fell down on the small boat as it flew towards a big mountain far away in the distance.

The glowing orb that surrounded the grey bird slowly disappeared right in front of their eyes. The hipporgriff guards inside the house all looked surprised at what they saw. The scars had been healed, the torn blue coat with golden buttons was fixed and the burn marks had also completely vanished from the grey bird's body. He opened his eyes, got up from the bed and looked around in a panicky manner.

''It's okay,'' Queen Novo said to him, ''I have healed all of your wounds and restored your memory back to normal.''

The grey bird quickly jumped out of the bed and looked at Queen Novo, ''I need your help!'' He said, suddenly talking in a more huskey voice than before.

''Calm down, my friend,'' Queen Novo asked, taken back by his sudden reaction, ''What's the matter?''

''My name is Callidus,'' The grey bird explained urgently, ''I'm the mayor of Klugetown. And there's a big baboon along with his army trying to-!''

Before Callidus could finish explaining, they heard a loud explosion coming from outside.

''What was that?'' Queen Novo asked. Suddenly another hippogriff guard bursted into the house.

''Your highness, our kingdom is under attack!'' The guard shouted.

''What?!'' Queen Novo said in shock.

''A whole army of strange creatures and a small purple pony with a scar have blown up the gate,'' The guard answered, ''It seems they're following the orders of a giant white baboon with a weird crown and wooden staff!''

''Got it,'' Queen Novo said before looking over to Callidus, ''You stay here where it's safe, I need to go help the others protect our kingdom from this baboon and his army!''

Callidus watched Queen Novo and Sky Beak leave the home in less than a second. He quickly ran after them without a second thought.

A horde of grey creatures with white fur over their faces stormed into the kingdom through the blown up gate. All of them wore the same black armor, marked with a light blue symbol on the shoulders. Their faces were covered with the same pointy masks while blue lights glowed through the small holes where the eyes would be. They had armed themselves with black spears and shields. Every hippogriff guard immediately sprung into action and tried to stop the creatures from entering their kingdom. The spears of the hippogriffs began to clash with the tall grey spears of the armored creatures. Queen Novo and Sky Beak arrived to witness the battle.

''ENOUGH!!'' A female voice suddenly shouted out loud. Many lightning bolts got shot out into the sky from behind the horde of grey creatures. Everyone was immediately silenced and stopped fighting each other to see where the lightning was coming from.

A dark purple unicorn squeezed through the horde of armored creatures. She wore the same kind of armor as the other creatures, a big scar could be seen on her right eye and half of her horn was missing. Following behind her was a tall, white baboon looking creature, also wearing the same armor as the purple unicorn and the grey hairy creatures. He had a small black crown on his head and carried a long wooden staff with a light blue crystal at the tip. Both the unicorn and the tall baboon creature stopped in the middle of the battlefield.

''Callidus went this way, your excellency. I'm sure of it.'' The purple unicorn said to the tall baboon.

''Well well, this is quite a unique looking place,'' The tall baboon said in a suprisingly goofy voice as he observed his surroundings, ''I should keep this in mind if I decide to move somewhere else. Nice work, Tempest.''

''Who are you?!'' Queen Novo asked sternly.

''My my, Is that how you greet your guests?'' The tall baboon asked casually, ''For your information, I am the Storm King. And soon, I will rule this world with an iron fist.''

''And what do you want from us?!'' Queen Novo asked.

''I'm looking for something to power up this staff right here,'' The Storm King answered before noticing the magic pearl in Queen Novo's claws, ''And once I do, I will be the awesome king that this world deserves.''

''Then why did you come here?!'' Queen Novo said after she quickly hid the pearl under her wing, ''We don't have anything you want.''

''Why?'' The Storm king said, he showed a sinister smile and pointed his right finger at Callidus, ''Why, I just followed the lead of that grey bird over there, of course.''

''What?!'' Queen novo said before immediately turning her attention over to Callidus, who was already sweating nervously.

''That's right, your new 'friend' led me straight to your kingdom.'' The Storm King explained.

''Don't listen to him!'' Callidus quickly said, ''That ridiculous creature is just trying to-''

''SILENCE!!'' Tempest shouted as she shot lightning from her horn and towards Callidus and Queen Novo. The lightning only barely missed Queen Novo and hit Callidus instead, causing him to fly a few feet away. He hit the ground and instanly lost conciousness.

''Thank you.'' The Storm King said to Tempest.

''He was helping you this whole time?!'' Queen Novo asked, still in denial about the revelation.

''I guess you could say that,'' The Storm King said while a sinister grin could be seen on his face, ''Now, hand over that magic little pearl you're hiding under your wing and no one will get hurt. But if you refuse.....Well, then I'll still take it from you anyway. So technically, you don't have a choice.''

''I see how this is,'' Queen Novo said, talking with a more serious tone in her voice, ''You and him are just like the ones I've heard about, greedy souls who want to use the pearl's power for themselves!''

''My my, what a rude accusation,'' The Storm King said, pretending to be offended, ''.......But you're right. Storm guards, ATTACK!!'' The storm guards all immediately rushed into the kingdom.

''Defend our kingdom at all cost!'' Queen Novo commanded to all the hippogriff guards.

A chaotic battle between the hippogriffs and the storm guards ensued on Mount Aris. Spears clashed against each other, pieces of armor were getting knocked around and rocks from the houses began to litter the whole kingdom.

Queen Novo gasped when she thought about Skystar still being inside her home. She quickly rushed over to Sky Beak, who just managed to fight off one of the storm guards.

''Sky Beak, take the pearl with you to the cave of the mountain!'' Queen Novo said before handing over the pearl to the armored hippogriff, ''I need to get Skystar, meet us at the pond inside the cave!''

''Yes, your highness!'' Sky Beak shouted. He hid the pearl under his wing and rushed to the cave of the mountain while Queen Novo flew to her home as fast as she could.

''Skystar!'' Queen Novo said out loud when she entered her home.

''I'm here, mom,'' Skystar said, looking suprised at her mom's panicky face, ''Is something wrong?''

''We've gotta go, sweetie.'' Queen Novo said. She quickly grabbed Skystar by her arm and ran out of the house with her and Feather Wing

''Go to where?'' Skystar asked as Queen Novo led both her and Feather Wing to the cave of the mountain.

''To Seaquestria, where you'll be safe!'' Queen Novo answered.

''Safe from what?'' Skystar asked.

''I'll explain everything later,'' Queen Novo quickly answered as they both entered the cave, ''Just go with Sky Beak to Seaquestria and do as he says. Understand?'' Skystar nodded nervously.

Queen Novo, Skystar and Feather Wing ran further into the cave until they ended up at a big pond. On each side was a statue, shaped like the head of a hippogriff. Water flowed down from their heads as if it were a mane. A small water fall streamed down from the wall behind the pond. Queen Novo saw Sky beak waiting for them with the pearl still in his claw.

''Sky Beak, take my daughter down to Seaquestria and keep her safe!'' She commanded. Sky Beak saluted her without saying a word.

''Uh, question. How exactly are going to get to Seaquestria?'' Skystar asked curiously, ''None of us can breathe underwater.....I think.''

''Don't worry, sweetheart,'' Queen Novo said, trying to sound reassuring, ''We got that part under control. Now, get into the pond with Sky Beak.''

Skystar and Sky Beak did as they were told and jumped into the pond. Queen Novo rubbed her claw over the pearl as a series of magical lines emerged from the center, which headed over to the two hippogriffs in the water. The pearl's magic circled around them through the water. Their claws turned into fins, the wings shrinked and became see through. Their back legs merged together and turned into a tail of a fish.

''Wow! I didn't know the pearl could do that!'' Skystar said excitedly while checking out her new fins and tail. She swam around in the water, jumping up and down like a dolphin while giggling playfully.

Queen Novo smiled a bit at her daughter's enthusiasm before looking at Sky Beak, ''Sky Beak, lead my daughter down to Seaquestria, she'll be safe inside the underwater castle. Then come back here to the surface as soon as you can.''

''Understood,'' Sky Beak responded before looking at Skystar, ''Stay close to me, Princess.'' He commanded before he swam down into the water.

''Good luck, mom!'' Skystar said before going after Sky Beak.

''Thanks.'' Queen Novo said with a slightly worried look. She quickly turned around and headed back to the kingdom with Feather Wing.

Queen Novo looked shocked when she exited the cave and saw the violence happening before her eyes. The weapons of the storm guards and the hippogriffs still clashed against each other, their bodies full of scratches and wounds. The hippogriffs seemed to have put up a good fight against the large number of storm guards, but it was clear to her that they were completely outmatched, especially by Tempest, who seemed to be capable of holding her own against at least three of her guards at once.

''Everygriff retreat to the cave! That's an order!'' Queen Novo shouted out loud. Her voice echoed throughout the kingdom.

All the hippogriffs on Mount Aris immediately did as their queen commanded and retreated to the cave of the mountain, all while still trying to fend off some of the storm guards that pursued them. The Storm King watched everything happening with a gleeful smile on his face.

While the hippogriffs were retreating back into the cave, no one noticed Callidus slowly regaining his consciousness. He opened his eyes, stood up and watched the storm guards running towards the cave. He quickly fled to the exit of the hippogriff kingdom without anyone noticing. Outside of the kingdom he was met with a big air ship hovering in front of the mountain. The ship looked noticeably like the ones he remembered from Kludgetown, only this one had the same symbol carved on top as the one on the Storm King's chest armor. With just enough energy to spare, Callidus made a jump to one of the spare boats that hung on a thick rope under the ship. He clinched his claws onto the wooden boat and held onto it with all his might. The wounded bird climbed aboard, untied the rope and held on tight as he fell down on the spare boat. The boat hit the water of the ocean with a big splash. Callidus noticed a small island with something black on it far in the distance. He grabbed the wooden oars inside the boat and rowed in the direction of the island as fast as the big waves of the water would allow.

Tempest shot lightning from her horn at one of the hippogriff guards that was trying to get away. He only barely managed to dodge the attack as the lightning struck above the cave's entrance instead, causing multiple rocks to fall from the tip of the mountain. The rocks crashed in front of the cave, forming a big pile that blocked the entrance and caused the mountain itself to shake uncontrollably for a few seconds.

The Storm King gave Tempest a disappointed look and shook his head, ''You have trained so hard. And yet, you disappoint me at the very last moment.''

''Forgive me, your excellency,'' Tempest responded as she bowed to the Storm King, ''I promise I'll make it up to you.''

''Tempest Tempest Tempest,'' The Storm King said in a disappointing manner, ''It's almost as if you don't want me to restore your horn or something.''

''But I do, your excellency,'' Tempest begged him, still in a bowing position, ''More than anything.''

''Then you're seriously gonna have to step up your game and find something that can power up my staff,'' The Storm King explained while pointing the crystal of the staff at the dark purple unicorn.

Tempest stood back up and looked doubtful for a second, ''I.....I believe there's another way.'' She said hesitantly.

''This better be good.'' The Storm King said as he crossed his arms.

''There are alicorn princesses who live in a city called Canterlot,'' Tempest explained, ''They hold more power than any creature in the world. If we can absorb their magic into your staff, you'll be unstoppable.''

''Ooohhh, I like the sound of that,'' The Storm King said while looking intrigued, ''Very well. If you capture these princesses for me and give me their magic for my staff, then I'll fix that little horn of yours.''

''Thank you, your excellency.'' Tempest responded.

''But I warn you, Tempest,'' The Storm King said as his face got really close to Tempest's, ''If you fail me again, you'll end up with more than just a broken horn.''

''I won't let you down.'' Tempest said, trying to sound tougher than she felt.

''Great! Now, back to the ship,'' The Storm King said before he started walking back to their airship, ''I need to do some stretching back at my castle. Taking part in such an exhausting fight really takes it out of me.''

''Right. Watching a battle, how exhausting.'' Tempest whispered to herself sarcastically.

''What was that?'' The Storm king asked sternly.

''N-Nothing, your excellency.'' Tempest quickly responded. She followed the Storm King and the storm guards back to the airship.

Sky Beak used the magic pearl to turn the last few hippogriffs into seaponies as they sprang into the water of the pond. Together they swam into the depths of Seaquestria and made their way through a series of dark tunnels until they ended up at a big underwater castle, which hung on the ceiling in the middle of an open area.

''I think that's everyone, your majesty.'' Sky beak said as he and the last hippogriffs entered the main room of the castle.

''Thanks.'' Queen Novo responded as Sky Beak handed the pearl over to her.

''Are you okay, your majesty?'' Sky Beak asked, noticing the cold tone in the queen's voice.

''I can't believe I was foolish enough to trust that traitorous bird,'' Queen Novo responded, ''I let you all down.''

''Don't blame yourself,'' Sky Beak said, ''None of us could have known what he was up to.''

''I guess that's true.'' Queen Novo said. She looked down at the pearl in her fins, watching it shine underwater. She couldn't help but ponder about what just happend, how one naive act of kindness could have led to such a disaster.

''But hey, at least we're safe now, right?'' Sky Beak reassured her.

''Yeah,'' Queen Novo responded, still clearly lost in thought, ''I guess you can never know who to trust, besides your own kind.''

Sky Beak looked concerned, ''So, what do we do now?''

''We will stay down here........forever.'' Queen Novo answered strictly.

''Forever?!'' Sky Beak said out loud, ''But what about our kingdom? We can't just-''

''I KNOW!'' Queen Novo shouted before he could finish, ''But it's the only way to keep everyone and the pearl safe from the outside world. From now on, we must only look out for ourselves.''

1. The celebration

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A few days later

Twilight flew for what felt like an hour over Equestria and beyond. During that time, all she could think about was the invitation she had received from Queen Novo. She reached for her saddle bag, grabbed the invitation and read the text to herself one more time:

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

Because of the noble efforts of you and your friends, Equestria has finally been freed from the wrath of the mighty Storm King. Me and the rest of my subjects couldn't be anymore thankful. And to show our gratitude, we would like to celebrate our freedom with you and your friends inside our kingdom at the top of Mount Aris. And I also have a very special reward just for you, Princess Twilight. It's a reward that only a pony like you deserves.

See you soon,
Queen Novo

That last sentence in particular was still floating around in her head. What could that special reward be? And why only for her? If she remembered correctly, her friends were just as responsible for saving Equestria as she was. And there was also the fact that she tried to take their magic pearl once. Why would Queen Novo still want to reward her after that? Whatever the reason, Twilight decided to stop thinking about it and continued flying to Mount Aris.

Before she knew it, Twilight was only mere inches away from Mount Aris. She slowed down, descended to the peak of the mountain and landed in front of a gate that was placed between two giant hippogriff statues. A surprised look appeared on her face when she saw what was beyond the gate. The entire kingdom seemed a little bit foggy, all of the trees were almost bare, the houses had cracks in them and most of the ground was littered with piles of rocks. There was no single hippogriff in sight, not even a few guarding the gate. The mountain looked just like it did when she and her friends had arrived there for the first time. Twilight stepped close to the gate, raised her hoof and started knocking on the bars. The sound of her hoof hitting the metal bars echoed throughout the kingdom.

''Hello! Anypony there?!'' Twilight shouted, ''Or anygriff in this case!'' She waited for a few seconds without getting any response. All she heard was her own voice echoing through the mountain.

Suddenly the purple alicorn heard the sound of hoofsteps coming from beyond the gate. She stared into the fog, trying to see where the sound was coming from. A moment later she saw a giant sillouette in the fog. It got bigger and bigger until the sillouette revealed itself to be a blue hippogriff dressed in gold and yellow armor. He carried a giant metal spear with him and walked closer into Twilight's direction. The armored hippogriff eventually reached her and immediatley pointed his giant spear at the alicorn's face through the bars of the gate. He stared at her with a stern look.

''State your business.'' The hippogriff said, keeping the sharp tip of his spear only mere inches away from Twilight's nose.

Twilight gulped nervously and slowy backed away from the tip of the spear, clearly not expecting this kind of welcome.

''I-I am Princess Twilight Sparkle,'' Twilight answered, ''Me and my friends were invited by Queen Novo for your freedom celebration. Remember?'' She reached for her saddle bag and showed the invitation to him.

The hippogriff guard stayed quiet for a moment and looked closer at the piece of paper, ''I see....Very well, you may come in.'' He moved the spear away from Twilight's face and slowly opened the gate for her.

''So um, where is everypo- Uh, everygriff?'' Twilight asked nervously as she walked closer to the hippogriff guard.

''As orders from the queen, you are not allow to ask me any questions.'' The hippogriff guard responded.

''Why not?'' Twilight asked while raising an eyebrow.

''That was a question." The hippogriff responded sternly.

''But why can't I-''

''Stop it.''

''But can't I just-''


''I just wanna know why-''

''ENOUGH!'' The hippogriff shouted, causing Twilight to silence herself immediately, ''Now follow me.''

The hippogriff guard walked into the kingdom without looking back. Twilight eventually followed him, choosing not to say another word despite the amount of questions that were going through her head.

The two continued making their way deeper into the eerie and empty kingdom before eventually reaching the entrance of a cave. Twilight recognized the cave almost instantly. She became even more eager to ask questions about what was going on. The word 'why' almost came out of her right before she covered her mouth with her hoof. The hippogriff guard gave her another stern look for a second before walking into the cave. Twilight quickly followed him.

They eventually saw a light at the end of the small dark tunnel after what felt like a full minute of walking. Soon both of them got out and Twilight finally had a chance to see where the hippogriff had taking her. In front of her was the same pond she remembered Pinkie Pie jumping into. The flowing water that came from the hippogriff heads on the left and right side of the pond looked as beautiful as ever.

''She's here!'' The hippogriff guard suddenly announced. He stepped aside so that Twilight could see who he was talking to.

On the other side of the pond, Twilight could see a group of hippogriffs standing around the water. Among them were her friends, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Spike, all of whom looked rather upset and angry at Twilight. It began to remind her of a certain unpleasant memory during their last adventure.

''So, you finally came?!''

Twilight knew that voice all too well. She turned her head to the left and there she was, Queen Novo herself, staring at her with anger and resentment filled in her eyes. Twilight began to feel a light sense of fear.

''Queen Novo? What's going on?'' Twilight asked.

''Oh, I think you know exactly what's going on.'' Queen Novo responded.

Twilight suddenly felt her legs being forced together by something. She looked down and saw that her hooves were being chained up by two hippogriff guards who had appeared next to her out of nowhere. Then she felt something heavy above her head. Her pupils looked up at her horn to see it being chained up as well. She tried to use her magic to get them off, but the chains seemed to be completely immune to it for some reason.

''I'm about to give you your special reward.'' Queen Novo said in a cold voice.

''I-I don't understand.'' Twilight said to Queen Novo with panic in her eyes.

''Did you really think I would forget about what you tried to do the last time you showed up?!'' Queen Novo said, looking even angrier than she did the last time when Twilight committed theft, ''You are a thief, Princess Twilight. And thus you shall be punished for it. Guards!''

It took Twilight a second to figure out what that meant, but when she did, she started struggling harder than she's ever done. No matter how much she tried, the chains remained stuck around her hooves while the guards began to carry her to the pond.

''I'm sorry! I only wanted to save Equestria! Please, don't do this!'' Twilight begged to Queen Novo.

Twilight's attention quickly turned to her friends, who were still standing among the other hippogriffs while looking very upset.

''Applejack! Rainbow Dash! Pinkie Pie! Rarity! Fluttershy! Spike! Help me!'' Twilight shouted. Applejack looked down, shook her head and then looked back at Twilight again.

''What were you thinking?! Using us as a distraction just so you could steal their pearl?!'' Applejack exclaimed.

''We were just about to get the hippogriffs on our side, Twilight!'' Pinkie Pie said while looking very hurt, ''Why didn't you just trust us?!''

''I-I was just trying to-''

Before Twilight could finish her sentence, a metal muzzle was put around her mouth, stopping her from saying another word. The next moment her entire body was put in chains by the guards. They picked her up and threw the chained up alicorn in the water. A powerful maelstrom sucked Twilight deep down into the depths of Seaquestria.

The maelstrom stopped as soon as Twilight ended up in an underwater cave. The purple alicorn tried as hard as she could to break free from the chains, but it was no use. She slowly could feel herself drowning while keeping her mouth closed under the muzzle. Her eyes were shut as she tried to hold her breath for as long as her lungs would allow. But it took her less than ten seconds to realize that she just couldn't hold it any longer and was about to accept her fate.

Suddenly Twilight felt a big splash of water hitting her face. Her eyes and mouth opened wide, but instead of water, her lungs were met with fresh air. Twilight quickly catched her breath, having no longer a muzzle around her mouth for some reason, and looked at her surroundings. Much to her surprise, the environment around her had completely changed. All the water around her was gone, the place was completely lit and the cave suddenly seemed to be made out of crystal instead of rocks. Something soft was pressing against her backside. Twilight looked down to see a white mattress under her. It was eventually clear to her that she was back home inside her castle.

''Morning, Twilight.''

Twilight looked next to her and saw Spike standing close to the bed with a wooden bucket in his claws.

''Uhehe, sorry,'' Spike said nervously, ''Too much water?''

''Spike?'' Twilight said, still trying to figure out what was going on, ''W-What happened?''

''You kept shouting 'water water water' over and over again in your sleep,'' Spike explained, ''So I thought you were really really really thirsty. So then I went to get some and....Well, I didn't exactly know how to make you drink it in your sleep. So, I just kinda poured water over you and hoped for the best.'' He ended his sentence with an awkward little smile while a squeeing noise could be heard.

Twilight let out a soft sigh of relief, ''Thank Celestia. It was only a dream.'' She used her magic to dry her mane in a second.

''What exactly were you dreaming about?'' Spike asked her curiously as he placed the wooden bucket next to him, ''Were you stuck with us in a desert again or something?''

''It was nothing, Spike.'' Twilight quickly said, hoping it would make Spike forget about the subject manner.

''Twilight. You can always be honest with me,'' Spike reassured her as he could tell that Twilight was trying to hide something, ''You and I are practically family, right?''

''I know,'' Twilight said before sighing, ''Let's just say that I'm not ready to go to Mount Aris again for the Hippogriff Freedom Celebration.''

''Why not?'' Spike asked.

''Well, last time we were there, Queen Novo and I didn't exactly end on good terms with each other,'' Twilight explained, ''So she probably won't be very happy to see me again.''

''Aw, come on, Twilight,'' Spike said, once again in a reassuring manner, ''You and your friends are the reason Queen novo and the other hippogriffs are allowed to roam free again. She's probably already forgotten about the whole ordeal with the magic pearl.''

''But what if she hasn't?'' Twilight asked.

''Then we'll just explain everything to her,'' Spike answered, ''I'm sure she'll understand.''

''I hope so,'' Twilight said, still sounding a bit unsure, ''Let's just go pack our things before we head to......oh no.'' She turned her attention to the clock that was hanging against the wall on her right. Her eyes widened in shock.

''What is it?'' Spike asked.

''I FORGOT TO PACK MY THINGS YESTERDAY!'' Twilight shouted in a panicky manner before jumping out of bed.

''Twilight, calm down. I already-''

''Oh, what do I do?! What do I do?!'' Twilight said to herself while her hooves were tapping on the floor, ''How am I gonna pack all my things in such a short amount of time?! I haven't even made a list yet! My friends will-''

''Twilight,'' Spike said with a proud smile while covering her mouth with his claw, ''Easy. All that stuff is already taking care of.''

''Wait, really?'' Twilight said, sounding surprised after gently pushing the claw from her mouth.

Spike nodded, ''I was gonna wake you up sooner, but since you were sleeping so peacefully, I thought I might as well just pack everything myself.''

Twilight smiled and embraced the little dragon into a warm hug, ''Spike. You are too kind.''

Spike hugged Twilight back for a few seconds before letting go, ''Hehe, I guess you could say I'm one of a KIND. Get it? Because it's the same word, but with a different meaning.........that was a bad joke.''

Twilight giggled a bit, ''You really are one of a kind, Spike.''

''Aw, shucks.'' Spike said as he rubbed the back of his head.

''I think we better go, our friends are probably already waiting for us in Canterlot.'' Twilight said when checking the clock again.

Twilight exited the bedroom right after Spike jumped on her back. They grabbed their fully packed bags, headed out of the castle and flew to Canterlot.

A group of royal guards had already strapped themselves to the golden carriages and were waiting patiently for the arrival of the Princess of Friendship in front of the Canterlot Castle. Behind the armored ponies, Twilight's friends were all waiting for her as well.

''I hope that Twilight will get here soon,'' Pinkie said eagerly while bouncing around her friends, ''Those seashell necklaces for Princess Skystar aren't gonna make themselves, you know! Eeee, it's gonna be so much fun!''

''I can't wait to finally see the Hippogriff Kingdom in all of its real glory, now that the Storm King is gone,'' Rarity said, ''I bet their houses are going to look simply divine.''

''And I can't wait to meet those adorable little babygriffs again. They're just so cute.'' Fluttershy said.

''Has anypony seen Twilight yet?'' Rainbow Dash said as she was looking around the sky.

''It certainly is not like Twilight to be late for such an important occasion.'' Rarity said worriedly.

''Rarity, she's only a few minutes late.'' Applejack said.

''And that's already way too long by Twilight Sparkle standards.'' Rarity said back.

''No kidding,'' Rainbow Dash added, ''Being thirty seconds too late is enough to freak her out.''

''Oh dear,'' Fluttershy said, shuddering at the thought of it, ''I hope she's doing alright''

''Come on, Rainbow Dash. That's an exaggeration.'' Applejack said to the rainbow maned pegasus.

''Well, it's true,'' Rainbow Dash responded with a shrug, ''Remember how she reacted when she couldn't write a friendship letter to Princess Celestia on time?''

''Of course I remember. But that was years ago, I'm pretty sure she's past that.'' Applejack explained.

''And if she's not?'' Rainbow Dash asked.

''Then we'll just have to reassure that everything's fine, like we always do!'' Pinkie answered while still bouncing all over the place.

''Hi, everypony!''

Spike's voice was coming from behind them. They turned around, looked up and saw Twilight, along with Spike riding on her back, descending down to the ground.

''Hello Twilight!'' Her friends all said at the same time.

''Wow, you actually managed to keep your cool about being a few minutes late. I'm impressed.'' Rainbow Dash said.

''Told ya it was an exaggeration.'' Applejack said quietly while giving Rainbow Dash a smug look.

Rainbow gave Applejack a playful eye roll, ''Point taken.''

''Sorry that we're a bit late.'' Twilight said nervously after she had landed close to her friends, ''I kinda overslept.''

''You overslept?'' Rainbow Dash said to Twilight, ''That's new.''

''Hey, that's okay,'' Pinkie Pie said after she finally stopped bouncing all over the place, ''Sometimes I oversleep too. I mean, how could I not when all my dreams are about sweets, and chocolate rain, and spicy cupcakes, and party string monsters, and even-''

Applejack rolled her eyes at Pinkie as she kept going on and on about the many more absurd things in her dreams.

''I think she gets it, Pinkie.'' Rainbow Dash said with a playful grin while she covered Pinkie's mouth with her hoof. The pink pony muffled the rest of her words through the light blue hoof.

''Twilight, darling,'' Rarity said when she noticed a familiar expression on the purple pony's face, ''I can see something's bothering you. What is it?''

''Just tell them, Twilight.'' Spike said to her with a reassuring look.

Twilight sighed deeply, ''.....I'm nervous about going to the Hippogriff Freedom Celebration.''

''Aw, that's okay,'' Fluttershy said, ''Sometimes parties make me nervous too. Trust me, it can be very chaotic.''

''That's not exactly what I meant.'' Twilight responded.

''Then what is it?'' Rainbow Dash asked, still covering Pinkie's mouth with her hoof.

''Last time we were at Mount Aris, I tried to steal Queen Novo's magic pearl,'' Twilight explained with a desperate look, ''How is she going to react if she sees me again?''

''Aw, come now, Twi,'' Applejack said, ''It's been a few days since then, I'm sure she's already forgiving ya for that.''

''And besides, we helped them get rid of the Storm King,'' Rarity added, ''She's probably already forgotten about the whole ordeal.''

''Told ya.'' Spike said to Twilight with a playful smirk.

''How do you all know for sure?!'' Twilight suddenly shouted, sounding a bit frustrated, ''Did you forget what she said to us right before we got banished from their underwater home?!''

''Whoa whoa, Twilight. Cool your jets.'' Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight quickly calmed herself down and sighed again, ''I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just....''

Applejack slowly walked up to Twilight, ''Twi, ya really gotta quit being so hard on yourself,'' She talked to her in a calm and comforting tone, ''We all make mistakes sometimes. Ya just gotta learn to stop looking back, and learn to look at what's ahead.''

''Like me!'' Pinkie Pie said after Rainbow Dash had finally moved her hoof away from the pink pony's mouth.

''I see what you mean, but...'' Twilight said.

''No buts, Twilight!'' Rainbow Dash exclaimed, ''If she for whatever reason still hasn't forgiven you, then we'll just have to help her understand.''

''We know that you had good intentions, Twilight. And I believe that's what matters most.'' Fluttershy explained in her usual calm and friendly tone.

"Thank you." Twilight said, finally showing a little smile on her face. The words from her friends made her feel a lot less worried. Although, she still was feeling a level of uncertainy about the situation.

Suddenly the sound of the royal trumpets could be heard. Twilight and her friends all looked over to the castle's entrance at the same time and saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, walking over a long red carpet while two lines of royal guards kept playing on their trumpets for a few more seconds.

''Is everypony ready to go to Mount Aris?'' Celestia asked as she and Luna approached Twilight and her friends.

''Ready as a pony can be, your highnesses.'' Applejack answered proudly.

''Me too!'' Pinkie Pie shouted, ''Skystar's gonna LOOOOVE the seashell necklaces I'm gonna make for her! And then we'll become besties forever!''

Celestia showed a warm smile on her face, ''It's good to see that you're all excited for this wonderous event. Now, anypony without wings, step onto your golden carriages. It's gonna be a long flight.''

''And this time we'll make sure to bring some royal guards along,'' Luna added, ''Turns out that giving them all a vacation during the Friendship Festival a few days ago wasn't exactly a good idea.''

''I know, sister,'' Celestia said, ''But you know what they say, you can always learn and improve from your mistakes.''

''Hey, girls,'' Spike said right before everypony was about to step onto their carriage, ''Something just occurred to me......Where's Tempest? Or Fizzlepop Berrytwist to be exact.''

''I'm not sure,'' Twilight answered, ''I haven't seen her since the Friendship Festival.''

''And what about Captain Celaeno and her pirate crew?'' Rainbow Dash asked.

''Or Capper?'' Rarity added.

''Or those poor missguided storm creatures.'' Fluttershy said.

''Missguided?'' Applejack said to Fluttershy with a confused look.

''During our fight in Canterlot, I managed to get through to one of them,'' Fluttershy explaind, ''They're actually not so bad once you get to know them.''

''Well, that would have been nice to know beforehoof.'' Rainbow Dash said in a sarcastic manner.

''Oh oh oh, I know where they all are!'' Pinkie Pie suddenly said, ''Well, only most of them to be exact.''

''Really?! Then by all means, let's hear it.'' Spike said.

''I'll let you hear SONG!'' Pinkie Pie shouted happily as music equipment appeared out of nowhere. Music boxes stood behind her, she had put on her sunglasses, a cool looking cap and held a microphone with her mane as the finishing touch.

''Uh, Pinkie. You really don't have to-''

Before Twilight could even finish her sentence, the music was already coming out of the music boxes at max volume. Pinkie Pie already started dancing to the beat while holding a microphone with part of her mane. The music boxes started playing what sounded like rap music.

🎵Do you wish to know where Capper, Tempest and the Storm Guards could be?!🎵
🎵Then sit back and listen to the pink super duper uber party pony named Pinkie!🎵

Pinkie started spinning around like a tornado for a quick second and was suddenly dressed in a pirate outfit. She soon started rapping with a pirate like accent.

🎵Captain Celaeno, most heroic pirate of the land🎵
🎵What she and her crew are doing, you'll quickly understand🎵
🎵After the Festival had ended, Celaeno and her friends were about to flee🎵
🎵But before that she told me: 'Yo ho yo ho, it's a pirate's life for me'🎵
🎵Off she went with her crew on her new ship over the seas🎵
🎵Sailing from the docks as she turned the steering wheel a three hundred and sixty degrees🎵

Pinkie did another spin and this time dressed into a cat suit that made her look just like Capper.

🎵Now the sneaky cool cat Capper, he's quite a mystery🎵
🎵He headed back to Klugetown, where he wanted to make history🎵
🎵He took with him nothing more than a fabulous magician suit🎵
🎵One made by a generous Rarity, with a purple feather on his hat to boot🎵

Pinkie spun around once again and suddenly wore the exact same mask as the Storm King's guards on her face.

🎵Now where those storm guards went, even Pinkie doesn't really know🎵
🎵The poor missguided creatures seemed like they had nowhere to go🎵
🎵Suddenly they left before I even had the chance to help them out🎵
🎵I tried everything to stop them, even giving them a SHOUT!🎵
🎵The storm guards just ignored me, no matter what I did🎵
🎵It broke my poor little heart and made me cry like a little kid🎵

After her fourth spin, Pinkie made dark armor appear around her body and suddenly had a scar on her right eye.

🎵Now on to Tempest, or Fizzlepop to be exact🎵
🎵Her actions here in Canterlot had left quite the impact🎵
🎵Her final words to me were about finding her own way🎵
🎵Then she left by herself and said: 'I'm gonna be okay'🎵

One final spin made everything around the pink pony disappear, except for the microphone she was still holding with her mane.

🎵And thus we've reached the end of Pinkie's exposition song🎵
🎵It's so catchy and so funky you might hum it all day long🎵

Pinkie put the microphone back inside her mane and started catching her breath after finishing the song.

''Well, that's one way to get exposition across, I guess.'' Applejack said to her friends in a joking manner.

''Is nopony gonna ask where she got all that equipment from?'' Rainbow Dash asked to Twilight.

''She's Pinkie Pie. It's best not to think about it.'' Twilight answered.

''Good point.'' Rainbow Dash replied.

''So in short: Captain Celaeno and her crew are off doing pirate stuff, Capper went back to Klugetown to be a magician, the Storm King's guards left to pony-knows-where, and Fizzlepop Berrytwist went on a journey of self discovery.'' Spike explained.

''Pretty much.'' Pinkie Pie said before showing a bright grin on her face.

''Anyway,'' Luna said, still a bit flabbergasted by Pinkie's song, ''We better leave to Mount Aris now, everypony. The hippogriffs are expecting us to arrive very soon.''

While Twilight's friends were stepping onto the golden carriages, Celestia looked over to the purple alicorn and calmly walked over to her.

"Hey, Twilight." Celestia said.

"Hm?" Twilight said before looking at Celestia, "What is it, Princess Celestia?"

Celestia sighed, ''I just wanted to say that I'm sorry.''

''Sorry for what?'' Twilight asked, suprised that such a sentence came from the royal princess's mouth.

''I'm sorry that I wasn't able to help you when Canterlot was being invaded by the Storm King.'' Celestia answered, looking guilty while her eyes were looking to her side.

''But that wasn't your fault, you were turned to stone. Remember?'' Twilight explained.

''I know, but still...'' Celestia said, still looking guilty, ''I just feel like I should have been there for you.''

Twilight smiled a bit and hugged Celestia's front right leg, ''It's alright, Princess Celestia.''

Celestia smiled back at the purple alicorn, "Thank you. But I just want you to remember that from now on, I'll always be here whenever you need me. Okay?" Twilight nodded in response.

Everypony stepped onto their golden carriages as the royal guards got ready to fly them to Mount Aris. A few seconds later, they all flew up into the air and began their journey to the Hippogriff Kingdom.

"Wow. You weren't joking, Celestia," Spike said as they flew over the outside lands of Equestria, "It really is a long flight.''

''A long and boring flight if you ask me! Can something exciting happen, please!'' Rainbow Dash shouted, loud enough for her voice to be heard through the rough winds in the sky.

''Like what?! Canterlot being taken over again by a big white baboon with a staff and a crown?!'' Applejack remarked from her golden carriage with a playful smirk.

''Well, no! But can it at least be something else besides seeing clouds, clouds and more clouds?!'' Rainbow Dash asked.

''Why not look at some cute little birdies, Rainbow Dash?'' Fluttershy suggested to the bored pegasus, ''That always helps me whenever I'm feeling bored. Oh, look. I see some.'' She pointed to a group of small blue birds a few meters to their left.

''Booooooring,'' Rainbow Dash said after observing the blue birds for a few seconds, ''Are we there yet?!''

"There it is!" Pinkie Pie shouted from her golden carriage. She pointed her hoof at some slow moving clouds in the distance, eventually revealing the tall mountain where the hippogriffs live.

''Finally.'' Rainbow Dash said with a sigh of relief.

Celestia and Luna landed on Mount Aris in front of the entrance to the Hippogriff Kingdom, soon followed by Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Twilight, Spike and the royal guards carrying the golden carriages.

''Hm, that's strange,'' Rarity said before hopping out of her carriage, ''Where are all the beautiful party decorations?''

''Maybe we're too early?'' Fluttershy said.

''Is that you, Princess?!'' A voice coming from the entrance shouted in an urgent manner, ''It's me, Sky Beak!''

Before they could make out who the voice belonged to, a hippogriff dressed in yellow armor appeared at the gate. His hopeful look disappeared as soon as he took notice of Pinkie Pie and the others.

''Yup, it is her,'' Pinkie Pie said, thinking that the hippogriff was referring to Twilight, ''The one and only Princess of Friendship!''

Sky Beak sighed in disappointment before looking back at the hippogriffs standing behind him, ''Nevermind, everygriff. It's not her.''

''What?! Yes she is!'' Pinkie Pie said before she suddenly grabbed Twilight with her hooves and placed her in front of the gate, ''Just look at her! Little crown thing, purple mane, wings, horn. What more proof could you possibly need?!''

''Calm down, Pinkie,'' Twilight said with a slightly worried look on her face, ''I don't think he was talking about me.''

''Forgive us for the misunderstanding,'' Sky Beak said, '' But it's pretty much chaos in our kingdom right now.''

"Why?'' Twilight asked.

"You see, it's about Princess Skystar.......she's missing." The hippogriff said somberly.

"Missing?!" Twilight and Pinkie Pie said at the same time.

"Yes, missing. And we cant find her anywhere," Sky Beak answered, "Someone or something must've taken her. There's no other explanation."

''Let us in,'' Celestia said, having heard everything, ''Maybe we can help you.''

''Oh thank you, your highness.'' Sky Beak said before opening the gate, ''Come in.'' Twilight and the others quickly ran into the Hippogriff Kingdom

They made it inside and it was just as Sky Beak had said. Hippogriffs ran and flew around everywhere in a stressed manner, checking every corner and every house in the Hippogriff Kingdom.

"I'm glad you could all come." A familiar regal voice said from behind Pinkie and her friends, ''I need your help.'' They turned around and saw a sad looking Queen Novo walking over to them.

''Queen Novo.'' Twilight said quietly. She watched the queen of the hippogriffs heading her way and could already feel her own heart beating like crazy.

''Can you tell us what happend?'' Celestia asked Queen Novo.

''I have no idea,'' Queen Novo answered in a defeated tone, ''We were just about to get ready for the celebration, then suddenly I couldn't find my daughter anywhere. We've been searching the whole kingdom, including Seaquestria. And found nothing.''

''Did you notice someone or something sneaking into your kingdom?'' Luna asked.

''No. At least not to my knowledge.'' Queen Novo answered.

''You don't suppose the Storm King has something to do with this?'' Fluttershy asked worriedly.

''No way. He got smashed into tiny pieces.'' Spike answered.

''But what about the Storm King's guards?'' Rarity asked, ''Pinkie did say that she has no idea where they went. Do you think maybe they're behind this?''

''I say we go pay those masked hairy monkeys a visit!'' Rainbow Dash said.

''Yeah,'' Applejack said with an unamused look, ''And uh, where do you suppose they are, exactly?''

''Well....Uh, I don't know,'' Rainbow Dash responded with an awkward smile, ''But it shouldn't be too hard, right?''

''I'll order every guard in Canterlot to search for Princess Skystar,'' Celestia explained to Queen Novo, ''We will search every corner of the world if we have to.''

''Oh, thank you,'' Queen Novo said with a relieved smile, ''I can't believe I ever used to think that you ponies were untrustworthy.''

The last sentence from Queen Novo caused Twilight to have a slightly worried look on her face.

''Wait a minute, untrustworthy? What do you mean by that?'' Celestia asked with a surprised look on her face.

Queen Novo glanced over at Twilight for a few seconds, ''It's not important right now, I just want my dear daughter Princess Skystar to come home safe and sound.''

''Never fear! Your friendly neighborhood Pinkie Pie and her friends are here!'' Pinkie Pie said in an overly proud manner as she saluted to the worried looking Queen Novo.

''Hey, that's my line!'' Rainbow Dash said.

''We'll do whatever we can, your majesty Queen Novo,'' Twilight suddenly said determinedly before giving the royal hippogriff a bow, ''And we will not return until we find her. You have my word.''

A genuine smile appeared on Queen Novo's face, ''Thank you, Princess Twilight. You truly have a good heart.''

Queen Novo's words helped ease Twilight's fears about her, but it still wasn't enough to completely convince her that her actions towards the queen of the hippogriffs was repayed. She slowly stood back up again and looked at her friends.

''You heard her, girls. We've gotta find Princess Skystar.'' Twilight announced to her friends.

''Where should we look first?'' Fluttershy asked.

Twilight rubbed her chin for a few seconds and thought to herself before eventually coming up with an idea of where to go.

''Klugetown,'' Twilight answered, ''Maybe we can find Tempest there.''

''Klugetown?! You want us to go back to that horrid and filthy place they dare to call a town?!'' Rarity said with a shocked look.

''You really think Tempest has something to do with this, Twilight?'' Spike asked curiously.

''That's not what I meant, Spike,'' Twilight explained, ''Tempest used to work with the Storm King and his guards. If they are behind this, then maybe she can help us find Skystar.''

''I guess that's our best bet so far.'' Applejack said.

''Then it's settled. Me and my friends will go to Klugetown.'' Twilight announced.

Luna looked over at Celestia, ''It would probably be easier if you, me and the royal guards looked elsewhere, just in case. Princess Skystar could be anywhere.''

Celestia glanced over at Twilight for a second before nodding, ''I suppose you're right.''

''Sounds like it's time for another adventure, everypony!'' Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

''Another adventure?! Count me in!'' Rainbow Dash said excitedly.

''Let's do this, y'all!'' Applejack added.

''We will find Princess Skystar,'' Rarity exclaimed, ''Even if it's the last thing we do!''

''The last thing we do?'' Fluttershy said, looking slightly scared.

''Oh. I don't mean it like that, darling,'' Rarity explained to the yellow pegasus, ''I was just trying to sound heroic.''

''Oh, thank goodness.'' Fluttershy said with a sigh of relief.

''Alright, everypony. Next stop: Klugetown!'' Twilight said determinedly as she spread out her wings, ready to leave Mount Aris.

Celestia walked over to Twilight and placed her hoof on the purple alicorn's shoulder, which got her attention.

'' careful.'' Celestia said with a slightly worried look.

''I will,'' Twilight said before looking over at Queen Novo, ''And I promise you that we won't come back until we find Skystar.'' Queen Novo gave the purple alicorn a hopeful look.

''Good luck, my little ponies!'' Celestia said before she and Luna flew off to Canterlot.

''We're gonna get Princess Skystar back safe and sound, your majesty Queen Novo!'' Pinkie Pie said as she saluted Queen Novo one more time.

''Thank you. I'll stay here with my subjects, perhaps Princess Skystar might come back by herself. You never know.'' Queen Novo explained

Twilight and the rest headed back to the stairs of the mountain, where Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity stepped onto their golden carriage. The royal guards carried the carriages into the air and flew away from the mountain. Spike jumped on Twilight's back and together with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy they left Mount Aris to begin their search for the missing Princess Skystar. Queen Novo watched the ponies leave from the entrance of her kingdom.

''Please be safe, Skystar.'' Queen Novo said to herself right before a small tear rolled down her left cheek.

2. Who is Callidus?

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Having been dropped off in the desert and close to Klugetown by Celestia and Luna, Twilight and her friends walked across a stone path leading to the deserted looking town. The outside of the place hadn't changed a bit. Smoke still ascended into the sky from the many towers located in Klugetown and the place still looked as if it hadn't been cleaned for a very long time.

Once Twilight and her friends entered Klugetown, memories of their previous visit came right back to them. The dreary atmosphere of the place was still as present as ever, although this time not as many creatures seemed to be walking around. They saw at least two market stands that were selling all sorts of disturbing things. Fluttershy was forced to see all the birds and small animals locked up in little cages once again, giving her a feeling of disgust to whoever could be responsible for this. Rarity couldn't look away for two seconds without seeing another filthy looking spot, making her wish she had brought a fainting couch with her.

Behind one of the many market stands in the town, a grey cloaked figure, who's face was completely covered under his hood, was secretly watching the six ponies from afar as they further explored the place. The hood of the cloaked figure seemed to be mostly following Twilight.

''Goodness gracious,'' Rarity said while witnessing the sights of Klugetown, ''How did this dreadful looking town even became the way it is in the first place?''

''Ya reckon it had something to do with that Storm King guy?'' Applejack asked.

''I don't know,'' Twilight said, ''But that's not important right now. We have to find Tempest and ask her what she knows.''

''But what about all those poor little critters?'' Fluttershy said, still having her eyes on the small animals locked up in the cages, ''Can't we do something to free them, Twilight?''

''Maybe later, Fluttershy,'' Twilight responded while her eyes were searching every corner of the place, ''We have to stay focused on finding Tempest first.''

''Okay.'' Fluttershy said, having a slight look of disappointment on her face.

''Um actually, Twilight. Her real name is Fizzlepop Berrytwist. Remember?'' Pinkie Pie whispered to her in an over exaggerated manner.

Twilight rolled her eyes and sighed, ''We've gotta focus on finding Fizzlepop Berrytwist first,'' She said with an unamused tone in her voice, ''Happy now?''

''Very.'' Pinkie Pie replied with a satisfied smile.

''It shouldn't be too hard to find Fizzlepop here, right? We ponies stick out here like sore hooves.'' Applejack said.

''Maybe we can just ask someone here for information again?'' Pinkie Pie suggested.

Suddenly a giant piece of paper flew into Twilight's face. She immediately removed the paper from her face using her magic and looked at what was written on it. Her eyes widened a few seconds later when she saw the awkwardly drawn faces of Tempest, herself and her friends with the word 'wanted' written above them.

''I don't think that's a very good idea, Pinkie Pie. Look.'' Twilight said before showing her friends the wanted poster.

''Uh oh. That ain't good.'' Applejack commented.

Pinkie stretched her neck out long enough for her to take a look at the wanted poster right beside Applejack's head. Her face looked utterly confused at how the faces were drawn. From the oversized noses to their overly messy looking manes.

''Wow, no kidding. They can't even get our noses right.'' Pinkie Pie said after taking a look at the wanted poster herself.

''Forget the noses! Look at my mane,'' Rarity said, looking disgusted at her own drawn face on the wanted poster, ''It looks like a rat's nest! It's hideous!''

''Y'all might wanna pay more attention to the word 'wanted' that's written above our faces.'' Applejack said to Pinkie Pie and Rarity while looking unamused.

''Oh, right.'' Rarity said while letting out a nervous giggle.

''Why are we even wanted? We just got here.'' Rainbow asked.

''Look! I see them!''

Twilight and her friends all froze in place and tried to find out where the voice came from. It didn't take long before they saw a big crowd of different creatures in the distance, all of whom seemed to have taken notice of the six candy colored ponies and the small purple dragon.

''Verko's gonna pay me a fortune if I capture them for him!'' A shark creature among the crowd said.

''Not if I get them first!'' Another creature in the crowd shouted.

In a split second, every creature rushed at Twilight and her friends, weaponed with all sorts of tools in their hands. There seemed to be at least twice as many creatures compared to the last time they were confronted.

''There's your answer,'' Spike remarked with a scared look on his face, ''RUN!!''

Within a few seconds, Twilight and her friends ran away from the oncoming danger as fast as they could. The creatures started throwing axes, shovels, sickles and many other things in their direction. Luckily most of them missed the little ponies only by a hair. As they kept getting chased throughout the town, Rarity saw the many wanted posters hanging on the walls of almost every house they passed by.

''I know I once sang a song about wanting to become popular,'' Rarity said in a panicky manner, ''BUT NOT LIKE THIS!!''

Applejack eventually noticed a stack of barrels in the distance, which gave her an idea.

''Rainbow Dash!'' Applejack shouted, ''We can use those barrels to get rid of these creatures!''

''I'm on it!'' Rainbow Dash, immediately understanding what Applejack had in mind. With her lightning fast flying speed, she knocked over the barrels, causing them to roll towards Twilight and her friends.

''Everypony, get close to me!'' Twilight shouted.

Her friends immediately did as they were told and closed in on Twilight. Right before the barrels were about to run them over, Twilight used her magic to teleport everypony a few meters further and dodged the barrels in the process. The creatures of Klugetown saw the incoming barrels heading their way and began to retreat immediately.

''Great thinking, Applejack!'' Rainbow Dash said to her.

''Yeah, we BARREL-y managed to escape!'' Pinkie said before giggling playfully at her own pun.

Twilight and her friends went around a corner, only to be met by a dead end. Before they knew it, more creatures showed up from behind and had them all surrounded.

''Or not.'' Fluttershy said to Pinkie Pie.

The creatures were about to gang up on the six little ponies and their purple dragon, when suddenly a tall cat jumped down from above, landing between the horde of creatures and the six ponies. He wore a red coat, a long black cape and a tall black hat with a purple feather on it.

''HALT!'' The tall cat shouted. The pursuing creatures all immediately stopped in their tracks right in front of him.

Rarity gasped and smiled at the sight of his fabulous costume that she had made for him during the Friendship Festival.

''It's him!'' Rarity said in pure delight with sparkling eyes.

''You again?!'' A big fish creature from the horde said, ''Get out of the way!''

''I will,'' Capper said with a sly smile, ''But first, how about a magic trick?''

The horde of creatures responded with confused looks and began to mumble to each other.

''I can make smoke appear out of thin air.'' Capper said while wiggling his fingers in an enchanting manner.

''Oh yeah?! Prove it!'' A grey pig shouted.

''With pleasure. Now watch and...'' Capper stayed silent for a second and widened his eyes, ''What's that behind you?!''

Capper's shocked reaction caused the horde of creatures to turn around and look behind themselves. Capper took his chance and reached for one of the several grey orbs he had hidden under his cape. In a split second he threw the orb on the ground right in front of the distracted creatures, causing it to explode as smoke started to cover the whole area.

''Quick, this way!'' Capper said to the six ponies and Spike before he made his escape through a small tunnel in the alley. Twilight and her friends quickly followed him and didn't look back.

It took a minute before they finally saw light at the end of the tunnel. One by one, Capper, Spike and Twilight's friends climbed out into Klugetown.

''Keep moving, more of those creatures could show up at anytime!'' Capper said before continuing on further into Klugetown. The five ponies and Spike quickly followed the tall cat.

Twilight climbed out of the tunnel one second later and was about to follow her friends, but stopped when she took notice of a cloaked figure that had appeared next to her out of nowhere. The cloaked creature threw some magical dust against Twilight's face before she had the chance to react, causing her to slowly fall asleep before collapsing on the ground.

Eventually Capper and the rest of the ponies reached his home. The stylish dressed cat opened the door that was at the bottom of his house, allowing Twilight's friends to head inside. He closed the door behind him and walked up the stairs leading to a large hatch on the ceiling. Capper pushed it open and climbed into the room, where a dark purple unicorn who wore a cloak and had a big scar on the left side of her face was waiting for him.

''Relax, Tempest,'' Capper said to the unicorn when he saw her standing in a defensive pose, ''I brought some of visitors who you may recognize.''

Tempest looked behind the tall cat and saw Twilight's friends all climbing out of the open hatch.

''You?! What are you doing here?'' Tempest asked while looking surprised, ''Didn't you see all the posters of you hanging around?''

''Fizzlepop Berrytwist!'' Pinkie Pie shouted happily before running over and giving the dark purple unicorn a hug.

''Please don't call me that.'' Tempest said while having a little blush on her face. Her eyes then started searching for a certain light purple alicorn.

''Something wrong?'' Applejack asked the curious looking Tempest.

''Where's Twilight?'' Tempest asked.

''What?!'' Rainbow Dash said before she and her friends looked around the room.

''Oh no. Somepony must've taken her while we were escaping.'' Fluttershy said worriedly.

''We gotta go back and find her!'' Spike said.

''Let's go!'' Rainbow Dash said determinedly.

"No!'' Tempest exclaimed, causing everypony to look at her in surprise.

''Why not?'' Spike asked.

"I'll go find Twilight,'' Tempest suggested, ''You all stay here, where it's safe."

''Oh no, we're coming too.'' Rainbow Dash said.

''No, it's too dangerous,'' Tempest replied, ''You show up again in town and every creature will come after you. I don't want you to take that risk. Besides, I know my way around town better than any of you.''

''She does have a fair point.'' Applejack said.

''But aren't you wanted too?'' Rarity asked, ''We saw your face on the posters.''

''The only reason I'm wanted is because I was a servant of the Storm King, so that's my own fault.'' Tempest explained.

''Hey! If that's the case, then why exactly are we wanted around here?'' Rainbow Dash asked Capper.

''Someone has been stealing food around Klugetown for the past few days,'' Capper explained, ''And Verko has been spreading the lie that you ponies were the ones behind it.''

''The mole guy?'' Applejack asked, to which Capper nodded.

''But why would he frame us?'' Fluttershy asked.

''It doesn't matter,'' Tempest said, ''I have to do this on my own, it's the least I can do after everything I put you through.''

''But that's all in the past, right?'' Fluttershy said.

''Maybe for you ponies. But some creatures, like the ones here, will always remember me for my past actions and nothing else.'' Tempest said.

''Fizzlepop, darling. I truly appreciate what you're trying to do,'' Rarity complimented, ''But are you absolutely sure about this?''

''Yes,'' Tempest answered bluntly, ''I promise I'll bring back Twilight safe and sound. You have my word.''

''Well, I'm still coming,'' Spike said as he stepped towards Tempest, ''Poster or not, Twilight is like family to me. And if she needs help, I'll always be there for her.''

''Well, I didn't see your face on the wanted posters. So I guess I can make an exception for you.'' Tempest explained.

''Thank you, Fizzlepop.'' Spike said before giving Tempest a hug, to which she blushed while showing an awkward smile.

''Is this a thing you ponies do or something?'' Tempest asked Twilight's friends.

''You could say that.'' Fluttershy answered with a friendly smile.

''Especially when it comes to Pinkie Pie.'' Rarity added, followed by the pink party pony giving her a warm but slightly tight hug.

''Right,'' Tempest responded, not sure how to feel about it, ''We better get going, Spike. Try to stay close to me.''

''You got it, Fizzlepop BerryTwist.'' Spike said determinedly while saluting her.

''Can we please stop using my full name? It sounds embarrassing.'' Tempest suggested.

''Then how about Fizzy?'' Pinkie Pie suggested.

''......That at least sounds better than my real name, so sure. Let's go with that.'' Tempest said reluctantly.

''Alright! Let's go, Fizzy.'' Spike said as he opened the hatch for Tempest.

''Be careful, you two.'' Fluttershy said.

Tempest showed her a little smile and nodded before jumping down into the hatch with Spike on her back.

''I'm still curious as to why Verko would frame us for stealing food.'' Rarity said.

''Because he still thinks that he technically owns you six after the deal I made with him last time.'' Capper explained. He sighed to himself while looking slightly guilty.

''Oh, right. Selling us.'' Rarity said to Capper with a pout on her face.

''I'm really sorry about that,'' Capper said to Rarity and the others, ''I just did what I thought I had to do in order to survive in this town.''

''What do ya mean?'' Applejack asked.

''Look over there.'' Capper said as he pointed his right paw to the large paintng of a grey bird with his own face plasterd on it.

''Oohh, nice painting! Are you an artist?'' Pinkie asked eagerly.

Capper rolled his eyes playfully and walked over to the painting. His paw reached for the plastered on face and ripped it off, revealing the true face of the giant grey bird. He had a proud look on his face, the beak was all black, his eyes dark yellow with black and grey pupils.

''Who is that?'' Rarity asked when she and her friends could finally get a good look of the grey bird's face.

''That is Callidus. He used to be the mayor of Klugetown many days ago,'' Capper explained, ''But everything changed when the Storm King and his army attacked.''

''Oh my. What happened to him?'' Fluttershy asked.

''Y'all might wanna sit down for that one, little ponies. Cause it's quite a long story.'' Capper said as he himself sat down on a wooden chair next to his bed.

Twilight slowly regained her conciousness. As her eyes opened, she saw a tall cloaked figure standing in front of her. She looked up to see the creature's face, but it was completely hidden under the darkness of his hood. The only things she could make out were a grey beak sticking out of the hood and bird like claws coming out of his sleeves. The cloaked creature raised his finger in front of his grey beak, signaling her to be quiet. He then pointed to the searching creatures of Klugetown outside the alley.

''Listen, me and my friends did not steal any of your food.'' Twilight whispered.

''I know.'' The cloaked figure responded in a huskey male voice.

''You do?'' Twilight said while sounding surprised.

The cloaked figure nodded, ''You should never listen to a single thing those stupid town folk tell you, it's all nothing but lies.''

''I see.'' Twilight responded, still a bit skeptical.

''What's your name?"' The cloaked creature asked.

''I'm Twilight Sparkle,'' Twilight answered, looking a bit confused while still talking in a quiet voice, ''Who are you?''

''.......Call me Grey,'' The cloaked figure answered after staying silent for a few seconds , ''I'm not going to hurt you if that's what you're thinking. All I want is your help.''

''My help?'' Twilight said curiously.

''There is a door in a certain place I need to enter. And you are the only one who can open it.'' Grey explained.

''Sorry, but I don't have time for that right now,'' Twilight said after she remembered why she was in Klugetown in the first place, ''Me and my friends are looking for someone.''

''Who?'' Grey asked calmly.

''Her name is Princess Skystar,'' Twilight answered, ''She's the daughter of the queen of the hippogriffs, Queen Novo. Have you seen her?''

Grey stayed eerily silent for a few seconds as his hood slowly turned to his side. Just as he was about to answer Twilight's question, a familiar female voice calling Twilight's name could be heard outside of the alley. The cloaked creature gasped in shock and quickly backed away from Twilight.

''Who said that?'' Twilight said when looking behind her out of the alley to see who was calling out to her.

''I must go, but first I need you to listen,'' Grey said to Twilight, ''I know where this Princess Skystar you're looking for is.''

''You do?! Where?!'' Twilight asked hopefully.

Grey looked up as he heard another voice, this time sounding like a small kid, calling Twilight's name as well.

''I'll tell you some other time.'' Grey said urgently. He quickly turned around and ran further into the alley without saying another word to Twilight.

''Hey, wait!'' Twilight said as she saw Grey dissapear into the dark alley.


Twilight was startled by the familiar voice coming from behind her. She quickly turned around and was completely relieved when she saw Spike riding on the back of a pony wearing a black cloak from the body to the head.

''Spike?!'' Twilight said in a suprised but happy tone. She ran over to the small purple dragon and embraced him into a hug.

''How did you find me here?'' Twilight asked, ''And who is this?''

''An old friend of yours.'' Spike answered proudly.

The black cloaked pony pulled her hood back with her right purple hoof, revealing her face. Twilight immediately recognized the broken horn and the large scar on the purple unicorn's face.

''Fizzlepop Berrytwist?'' Twilight said. A small blush appeared on Tempest's face.

''We better get out of here. Your friends are waiting you at Capper's house and-''

Tempest got embraced into a tight warm hug by Twilight before she could finish her sentence.

''It's good to see you again.'' Twilight said after she stopped hugging the blushing unicorn.

''Same to you,'' Tempest said, showing little smile.

''Is everything okay, Twilight?'' Spike asked worriedly.

''I'm okay, Spike.'' Twilight answered reassuringly.

''How did you get here?'' Tempest asked.

''There was this strange cloaked creature who dragged me into this alley. He said that he might know where Princess Skystar is.'' Twilight said.

''Really?! What did he say?'' Spike asked curiously.

''He left right before he had the chance to tell me.'' Twilight explained.

''It was probably just a scammer who was trying to convince you to buy his stuff. Trust me, I've seen creatures like that everywhere in this town,'' Tempest explained, ''Now, let's get out of here before another creature shows up. I know a safe route that leads back to Capper's house.''

Tempest placed her hood back over her head and made her way out of the alley. Twilight looked back into the alley one more time, still thinking about what Grey had said to her about the creatures of Klugetown.

''What's wrong, Twilight?'' Spike asked when she noticed her looking into the alley.

Twilight snapped out of her thoughts and looked back at Spike, ''Oh uh, it's nothing.''

''Come on, let's go. This place is giving me the creeps.'' Spike said before jumping on Twilight's back. The purple alicorn exited the alley and continued following Tempest to Capper's place.

A few seconds after Twilight and Spike had left the alley, The dark hood of the cloaked firgure from before peeked out from behind a barrel inside the alley.

''So long story short: Callidus used to be the mayor of the once peaceful and harmony filled Klugetown, but then the Storm King and his army showed up and ruined everything. And instead of doing something about it, Callidus ran away and abandoned everyone. And he never returned and even decided to side with the Storm King according to the hippogriffs, which caused Klugetown to become the way it is now thanks to Callidus disappearing.''

Pinkie starts breathing in and out heavily after she was finished talking.

''Yup. That pretty much sums it up,'' Capper said, ''And ever since then, I've been forced to mostly survive on the streets.''

''Oh dear, that must have been dreadful.'' Rarity said with a concerned look.

''That wasn't exactly short, Pinkie.'' Applejack said to her.

''Really?'' Pinkie Pie asked while raising an eyebrow, ''And here I thought it was too short.''

Applejack looked over at Rainbow Dash, who seemed to be reading a book while laying on Capper's bed.

''What's that ya reading, Rainbow Dash?'' Applejack asked as she walked over to the rainbow maned pegasus

''Just some book called 'The Myth of Black Skull Island'.'' Rainbow Dash answered.

''Myth of Black Skull Island?'' Applejack said, which got the attention of Capper and the others.

''The myth of what now?'' Pinkie pie asked.

''It's a very mysterious island that lays somewhere on the east side of the ocean,'' Capper explained, ''Legend has it that the book was written by some creature who was the only one to have ever visited the island and gotten away alive.''

''Oh really? What does it say?'' Rarity asked Rainbow Dash.

''A great power, enough to rule the world with, lies within a cave. One that can only be entered by those who are brave,'' Rainbow said, reading the words to the others out loud, ''Turn creatures of six kinds into stone, and the path to power shall be free. But don't lose control, or else all life will cease to be. Should thou lose control, then the magic pearl is the only key. Once touched by a pure and kind soul, then peace and harmony shall return to the world as is meant to be.''

''Oh my. That sounds scary.'' Fluttershy said while looking a bit frightened.

''Relax, sugarcube. It's just a myth.'' Applejack said while patting the shoulder of the yellow pegasus.

''That sounds like something straight out of a Daring Do adventure if you ask me.'' Pinkie Pie said.

''Who's Daring Do?'' Capper asked her.

Before his question could be answered, the sound of the hatch opening could be heard from the back of the room. As their attention turned to the open hatch, Twilight and Tempest climbed out into the room together.

''TWILIGHT!!' Twilight's friends shouted before running over and embracing her and Tempest into a big group hug.

''Ya sure had us worried, Twi.'' Applejack said after she and her friends stopped hugging them.

''I know, but I'm fine.'' Twilight responded before looking over at Capper.

''Glad to see you're alright,'' Capper said, ''Now, care to explain what you all are doing here in the first place?''

''We're looking for Princess Skystar.'' Pinkie Pie answered.

''The hippogriff princess? Ain't she at Mount Aris?'' Capper asked curiously.

''Not anymore.'' Twilight responded.

''What happened to her?'' Tempest asked Twilight somewhat concernedly.

''We don't know. She's disappeared for some reason. But I think the Storm King's guards might have something to do with it, that's why we came here to look for you. Do you know where they are?'' Twilight explained to Tempest.

''I haven't seen those guys since I left Canterlot,'' Tempest answered, ''But my guess is that they've returned to the Storm King's Castle.''

''The Storm King's castle?'' Fluttershy said with a hint of fear in her voice.

''Then that's where we're going!'' Twilight said determinedly.

''And where exactly is this castle?'' Rainbow Dash asked.

''Somewhere on an big island in the south west from here. We'll need an airship to get there.'' Tempest explained.

''There's plenty of those at the air dock of Klugetown if you need one,'' Capper mentioned, ''But ya might wanna be careful there, the docks might be heavily guarded.''

''Pff, big deal. We've managed to take an airship once before, we can do it again.'' Rainbow Dash said.

''If you say so,'' Capper said with a playful smirk, ''But don't say I didn't warn you.''

''I'm coming too,'' Tempest said to Twilight, ''If there is a chance that those Storm Guards are behind this, then I'll do whatever I can to help.''

''Thank you, Tempest,'' Twilight said with a hopeful smile, ''You're a very good friend for somepony who says she only just discovered the magic of friendship.''

''T-Thanks,'' Tempest said while she gave the purple alicorn a little shy smile, ''But just uh, call me Fizzy from now on.'' She looked over at Pinkie and gave her a little wink.

Twilight gave her a playful giggle, ''Very well, Fizzy.''

''So, is everypony ready?'' Applejack asked her friends determinedly.

''I hope so,'' Fluttershy said, ''The Storm King's castle sounds like it could be very dangerous.''

''Dangerous?'' Rainbow Dash said with a confident smirk, ''Ha! I laugh in the face of danger!''

''Wow! I thought I was the only one!'' Pinkie Pie said with an excited smile.

''Well, I am ready,'' Rarity responded confidently, ''We got a princess to save!''

''Let's do this,'' Twilight said before reaching out her hoof, ''Together!'' Her friends all placed their hooves on Twilight's. Tempest looked a bit confused at first, but eventually shrugged it off and joined in with her hoof.

''Good luck, little ponies,'' Capper said, ''Oh, I almost forgot.'' He walked over to the big shelf and grabbed a folded piece of paper that was hidden between two books.

''What's that?'' Applejack asked curiously.

''It's a map of the world beyond Equestria,'' Capper said before handing the piece of paper over to Applejack, ''Might come in handy in case you get lost out there.''

''Why thank ya, Capper.'' Applejack said. She hid the folded map under her hat.

''Let me know how it went once you get back.'' Capper said.

''You can count on that, you big ol charmer.'' Rarity said to Capper with a flirtly smile. She gave the tall cat a small wink.

''Yeah yeah yeah, big ol charmer,'' Spike said with an annoyed look on his face, ''Can we go now?''

''Off to the air docks, y'all.'' Applejack said to her friends before she jumped down into the hatch. Spike, Tempest and the other ponies all followed suit.

A few minutes passed before Capper heard a knock on his front door. He walked over to the wooden door, opened it and was met with a cloaked figure standing right in front of him.

''What can I do for you, sir?'' Capper asked with a slightly confused look.

''Be unconscious.'' The cloaked figure answered in a huskey voice.

Before Capper could respond, the cloaked figure pulled a metal pipe from under his cloak and hit the tall cat on the head. Stars circled around Capper's head before falling down on the wooden ground. The cloaked figure showed a sinister smile on his grey beak that was sticking out of his hood and picked up the body.

3. The new king

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Celestia stood on the balcony of the Canterlot castle all by herself, looking up in the sky at the sun. She soon heard a couple of hoofsteps on the balcony. The tall white alicorn turned around to see Princess Luna walking over to her. The look on her face said it all.

Celestia sighed, ''Still no sign of her?''

''I'm sorry, sister. We're doing whatever we can, but we still haven't found any clues.'' Luna explained to Celestia with a disappointed look.

Suddenly Celestia got a burning feeling inside her body. Her face showed a slightly angry look as she grinded her teeth. Luna could see her sister's eyes slowly turning blood red, along with her teeth getting a bit sharper.

''Sister?'' Luna asked as she placed her hoof on Celestia's shoulder, ''Are you okay?''

The tall white alicorn calmed down as her eyes and teeth slowly turned back to normal.

''I-I'm fine.'' Celestia quickly said with a worried look.

''What was that?'' Luna asked concernedly.

''I don't know. I felt something strange in my heart,'' Celestia explained worriedly, ''Something like......''

Luna widened her eyes when she realized what her sister was talking about.

''I know that feeling all too well, sister,'' Luna said in a calm and understanding manner, ''And I know how tempting it can be, but you must NEVER give in. Do not let what happened to me all those years ago happen to you.''

''I'm sorry,'' Celestia said while still looking worried, ''I don't know what's gotten into me lately.''

''It's okay, you just had me worried,'' Luna explained, ''I may have learned to control my darker half, but that took me a very long time.''

''I see,'' Celestia said, ''I just hope we'll find Skystar soon.''

''I'm sure we will, sister,'' Luna reassured her, ''And even if we won't succeed, Twilight and her friends certainly will, just like they always have.''

''That's exactly what I'm afraid of.'' Celestia responded.

Luna looked suprised, ''What do you mean by that?''

''It's not like that,'' Celestia quickly said, ''I just wish I could do something for Twilight and her friends for once. It was my fault when she and her friends had to go get help when the Storm King attacked Canterlot.''

''Don't blame yourself for that, sister,'' Luna reassured her again, ''It all happened pretty fast, remember?''

''Even so, as princess of Equestria, it's my responsibility to keep everypony safe,'' Celestia said, ''But as of late, Twilight and her friends have done more to keep Equestria safe than I ever have.''

''You shouldn't think like that,'' Luna explained, ''Princess or not, Twilight and her friends have taught me that there's nothing wrong with asking for help from other ponies.''

''I guess you're right.'' Celestia said before letting out a small sigh, ''But if something were ever to happen to Twilight or any of her friends, I'll never forgive myself.''

''I'm sure it will never come to that.'' Luna said with a comforting smile.

''Your highnesses!''

Luna and Celestia looked up to see a royal guard pegasus flying their way in an urgent manner. The armored pony landed right in front of them on the balcony.

''What's wrong?'' Celestia asked.

''I've just received some bad news.'' The royal guard answered as he got ready to explain what happened.

Thanks to Tempest, Twilight and her friends were able to make it to the air docks with little to no problem. They quickly hid themselves behind a big wooden crate when they noticed a group of grey pigs at a long wooden air dock. They all seemed to be carrying cages onto an airship, all of which contained frightened looking birds. Fluttershy could feel the anger boiling inside her with each passing second of looking at the poor little birds locked up in their tiny cages.

"We've gotta find a way to distract them and take that airship. It's the only one here." Rainbow Dash whispered.

"Perhaps I can charm them with my dazzling good looks." Rarity suggested while her hoof when through her mane.

''I don't think your looks are the kind that these pigs are attracted to, Rarity.'' Tempest explained quietly.

''Excuse me?'' Rarity said, sounding flabbergasted.

''Did you see how your face was drawn on those wanted posters?'' Tempest asked, ''That's basically how they see us.''

Rarity showed an irritated look on her face, ''Well, clearly these ruffians have never looked in a mirror before.''

''The point is, we need to come up with a different distraction.'' Tempest explained.

''I'll distract them.'' Fluttershy suddenly suggested.

''You?'' Tempest said while raising an eyebrow, ''No offense, Fluttershy. But you don't really seem like the type.''

''Oh, believe me. I am exactly what these bird snatching pigs need.'' Fluttershy said determinedtly.

''Okay. Fluttershy will be the distraction. The rest of us will climb aboard and take their airship,'' Twilight explained to her friends, ''If things go south, let us know.''

''Got it.'' Fluttershy responded.

''But what do we do if things go north-east-south-west?'' Pinkie asked the others quietly.

The pink earth pony got confused and puzzled looks from her friends.

''That means if things go nowhere.'' Pinkie explained in a quiet whisper.

Tempest rolled her eyes, ''They won't. Just stick to the plan.''

''I'll stay here and watch, just in case these pigs become too much for you.'' Rainbow Dash suggested to Fluttershy.

''Alright. Good luck, y'all.'' Applejack said as she and the others snuck to the other side of the airship.

''Let's do it. Be careful, Fluttershy.'' Rainbow Dash said.

''Don't worry, I got this.'' Fluttershy whispered while watching the grey pigs carry the cages onto the airship with a stern look.

Fluttershy jumped out from behind the barrels and aimed her attention at the two grey pigs that were just about to step on board via a wooden plank. One of them carried a giant bird cage on his back while the other wore a light green vest.

''STOP RIGHT THERE!'' Fluttershy shouted. Her voice could be heard all over the multiple air docks.

Twilight and the others were all shocked for a second when they heard the sudden outburst of the yellow pegasus, but quickly decided to keep moving. Fluttershy managed to get the attention of all the grey pigs on the long wooden air dock almost immediately. The grey pigs on board of the airship shrugged and just got back to work a few seconds later. The two pigs on the dock however, approached the yellow pegasus curiously.

''I was NOT expecting that from her.'' Tempest whispered as she and the others reached the other side of the airship.

''We don't blame ya.'' Applejack responded quietly.

With the help of Twilight's levitating magic, they managed to sneak onboard via a small window on the side of the ship.

''Hey, Timbur. Does that yellow pony look familiar to you?'' The grey pig with the large bird cage said to the green vest wearing pig.

''You're right, Tober,'' The grey pig with the light green vest responded as he took a better look at the yellow pegasus, ''Wait a minute. She's one of the ponies from the wanted posters! They're worth far more than all of these birds combined!''

''How dare you lock up those poor innocent birds in small cages and then sell them like some piece of property?!'' Fluttershy said sternly as Tober and Timbur both looked surprised at the seemingly innocent pony's unexpected attitude, ''You outta be ashamed of yourselves! How would you feel if you were locked up in a small cage against your will?!''

''Sheesh, pony. What's your problem? They're just some small birds.'' Tober responded.

''They are not just some small birds!'' Fluttershy said back, still talking in a stern manner, ''They are living, breathing creatures, just like any of us! And if you know what's best for you, you'll release those birds from the cages and go home this instant.''

''Are you threatening us, little pony?'' Timbur said, showing a little smirk before dropping the bird cage on the ground and grabbing a small axe that he carried on the back of his belt, ''Well, are you?!''

Every grey pig on board, all of whom carried some form of weapon with them, walked from the airship and onto the dock via a long wooden plank.

Fluttershy began to look a bit frightened and slowly stepped back from the oncoming pigs.

''Any last words?'' Timbur asked threateningly as he raised his axe in the air and towards Fluttershy.

Fluttershy gulped, ''Things have just gone south.'' She said as her eyes turned to the big wooden crate behind her.

Before Timbur could strike the yellow pegasus, Rainbow Dash jumped out from behind the big crate and used her back legs to kick Timbur in the stomach with full force, causing him to fly past the other pigs before falling off the air dock. The other grey pigs began to charge towards the two pegasi.

Suddenly they heard a loud sound from the airship close to their air dock. Inside the airship, Twilight had turned on the engine, causing smoke to come out from the back of the ship as it slowly started moving. The group of grey pigs stopped charging and looked behind to see their airship leaving the air dock. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash quickly used the distraction as an opportunity to fly to the airship.

''They're stealing our airship!'' One of the grey pigs shouted.

The airship began to fly away from the air dock, going faster and faster with each passing second. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash landed on board the airship just in time before it reached its full speed.

''Get back here, you thieves!'' Tober shouted from the air dock.

''Bye bye!'' Pinkie Pie shouted while happily waving to the angry creatures.

''Storm King's castle, here we come!'' Applejack announced from behind the steering wheel. She turned the wheel to the right with all her might, heading west where the island of the Storm King's castle would be. The grey pigs look on as the airship leeavs their sight.

The first thing Fluttershy did when they were away from Klugetown was head below deck, where the rest of the scared looking birds were still locked up in their little cages. One by one she opened the doors of the small cages, allowing them to get out of their small imprisonment.

''It's okay, you're all free now. Those meanies won't bother you anymore.'' Fluttershy reassured to the birds.

They all gave the yellow pegasus a happy smile, some of them even flew over to her and gave the yellow pegasus a friendly nuzzle.

Fluttershy giggled, ''You're all welcome. Now fly. Fly, my pretties!''

All of the birds started squawking happily and flew out of the small windows inside the ship. Everyone on deck watched the birds fly away to their new found freedom. Once they were gone, Twilight used her magic on the ship's engine below deck, lowering its speed in the process.

''That. Was. AWESOME!'' Rainbow Dash exclaimed to everypony on board, ''We just hijacked an entire airship!''

''Let's just hope they're not gonna raise our bounty for this!'' Applejack said while holding the wheel steady.

''Who cares?! Once we find Skystar and visit Capper one more time, there's no need for us to go back to that place anyway!'' Rainbow Dash explained.

''Don't count your victories before they happen, Rainbow Dash,'' Rarity said, ''We have no idea what's even waiting for us at the Storm King's castle.''

''I do,'' Tempest mentioned whille looking somewhat gloomy, ''You know, being that I spend most of my life there.'' She sighed, walked over to the starboard side of the ship and looked down at the sea they were flying over.

''Hey, Fizzy,'' Rainbow Dash said as she went over to the gloomy looking unicorn, ''I hope you don't mind me asking, but why did you join the Storm King in the first place?''

''Why do you wanna know?'' Tempest asked while looking a bit puzzled.

''I'm just curious how somepony like you ended up with that big Storm King lunatic.'' Rainbow Dash answered.

''We all are.'' Spike said as he and the others joined Tempest and Rainbow Dash.

''Of course, if it's too painful to talk about, we understand.'' Fluttershy reassured Tempest.

''It's alright. After everything I put you all through, you deserve to know.'' Tempest said.

''So, what happened?'' Spike asked curiously.

Tempest sighed deeply, "It all happened when I was just a filly," She began to explain, "One day while playing with my old friends, I lost my horn to an ursa minor. I struggled fitting in because of my broken horn and decided to leave my home town. That's when the Storm King found me in the middle of nowhere. He told me he could get me my horn back if I helped him out with something. And so, for many years I've been training with his guards at his castle until I was old enough to fight along side them, hoping that one day he'd restore my horn. But you all already know how that turned out."

''So what you're saying is that the Storm King practically raised you?'' Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes," Tempest answered with a small sigh, "And I also owe all of you an apology, for the attack on Canterlot."

"Aww, there's no need for that, Fizzy," Pinkie said reassuringly, ''You were just following the Storm King's orders, right?''

"Actually," Tempest said while having a look of regret on her face, "Stealing the magic from the princesses......was my idea."

"WHAT?!" The four ponies and Spike all shouted at the same time.

"I know. It was a horrible and stupid thing to do," Tempest said as a look of guilt already appeared on her face, "But after I kept failing the Storm King over and over, I became so desperate on getting my horn back that I didn't know what else to do.''

Everypony on board stared at Tempest, causing her to look down with a slightly sad expression on her face.

''I'm not asking you to forgive me,'' Tempest said in a weak voice as she looked back down at the sea, ''I just want you to understand.''

Fluttershy walked up to the sad looking unicorn, placed her hoof under the purple unicorn's chin and lifted her head up. Tempest saw the warm, comforting smile on Fluttershy's face and couldn't help but feel a little fuzzy on the inside.

''It's okay, Fizzy. We forgive you.'' Fluttershy responded in a soft voice.

''What? Just like that?'' Tempest responded while looking sad and slighty confused at the same time.

''Of course,'' Pinkie Pie responded with a friendly smile, ''After all, you saved us from that scary green ball that the Storm King threw at us on the balcony in Canterlot. Remember?''

''I guess,'' Tempest said while looking doubtful, ''But does that excuse everything I did?''

''I say it does,'' Fluttershy answered, ''You may have made mistakes in the past, but you've changed for the better. And I think that's what is most important.''

A little smile appeared on Tempest's face, ''Thank you.''

''Sorry for interrupting,'' Applejack said, who was still holding the steering weel, ''But does that big island with lots of stormy clouds and a big black castle in the distance happen to be the place we're looking for by any chance?!''

''That's the one!'' Tempest said when she saw the giant black castle on a mountain filled island far in the distance, ''Head over there!'' Applejack steered the airship towards the island.

''Twilight, slow down the engine to lower the ship!'' Tempest commanded through the hatch leading below deck.

''Aye aye, captain!'' Twilight said. She used her magic on the engine, causing the airship to descend down towards the island.

''So that's the Storm King's home?'' Rarity asked as they got closer to the island, ''Not exactly what I would call a pleasant place to live.''

''Seems right up his alley to me,'' Rainbow Dash said, ''Just look at all those dark clouds. This place has 'Mr. evil dark overlord' written all over it.''

''Be careful, everypony. We're almost there.'' Tempest said as she noticed that they were approaching some of the storm clouds hanging above the island.

Eventually their airship flew between a huge gap between two mountains, barely fitting through as Applejack had to use every ounce of her strentgh to keep the airship steady. Once they made it through the gap, everypony onboard was greeted by a very strong wind, forcing them to hold onto something near them to keep themselves from getting blown off the ship.

''Rainbow Dash! Throw the anchor!'' Tempest shouted to the rainbow maned pegasus.

''I'm on it!'' Rainbow Dash responded before flying to the back of the ship, where she found the anchor. She lifted the piece of metal up with all her might and threw it off the ship.

The anchor hit the ground a few seconds later. It didn't take long before the long chain reached its end and forced the airship to stop moving any further. Everything on board started shaking wildely. Twilight immediately shut off the engine, causing the shaking of the airship to stop. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and headed back to the others above.

''Phew, that was quite a wild ride.'' Twilight said as she joined her friends, who were all standing at the port side of the ship to get a closer look at the Storm King's castle.

A giant symbol of the Storm King was carved above the drawbridge of the castle, the rooves contained almost nothing but large black spikes. Blue light was shining through the tall windows. And of course, many dark storm clouds that struck lightning every few seconds floated above the gloomy architecture.

''Eeyup. That's definitely the Storm King's home, alright.'' Applejack said. She grabbed a rope ladder from the ground, tied one end to a wooden pole and threw the other end overboard.

Applejack and Tempest carefully climbed down via the rope ladder. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Twilight, with Spike on her back, flew down from the airship while Pinkie Pie jumped off the ship and used her own tail as a parachute. Tempest looked surprised as she watched the pink pony float down to the ground.

''Trust me, that's nothing compared to some of the other things we've seen her do.'' Rainbow Dash said to Tempest when noticing the look on the purple unicorn's face.

''Ooookay.'' Tempest responded.

''Come on, y'all. The castle's not too far from here.'' Applejack said.

Tempest's eyes were darting around, looking for anything suspicious happning at the Storm King's castle.

''I got a bad feeling about this. Be on your guard.'' Tempest said.

''I always am.'' Rainbow Dash responded confidently. Tempest already went ahead as she and the others followed the purple unicorn.

Thunder kept coming from the dark clouds above the castle. The entire sky about the island was blocked with slightly less darker clouds, hardly allowing any light to shine through. Fluttershy looked around nervously, frightened by the thought that something dangerous could jump out from the corner of a mountain. The only thing she could hear that didn't scare her was the sound of Pinkie Pie bouncing close to her friends.

Right as Twilight and her friends were about to enter the castle through the open drawbridge, a group of storm guards appeared from behind the castle and ambushed them from both sides. They all aimed their weapons at the ponies, with their light blue glowing eyes entirely focused on them.

''Don't worry, we mean no harm.'' Tempest said to the storm guards.

''Tempest Shadow?!'' One of the storm guards said in a deep, growly voice when he took notice of her, ''What are you doing here?''

''They can talk?'' Twilight asked with a surprised tone in her voice.

''Silence, you!'' Another storm guard demanded as he aimed the tip of his spear close to Twilight's nose.

Before Twilight or her friends could explain any further about why they were there, one of the storm guards, who didn't wear a mask unlike the others, saw the scared looking Fluttershy standing among the seven ponies.

''Hey! I know you.'' The maskless storm creature who was looking at the yellow pegasus said. The rest of the storm guards all turned their attention to Fluttershy as well.

''Who, me?'' Fluttershy asked nervously, still assuming the storm guards wanted to hurt them.

''It's alright, everyone. Tempest is right. These other ponies mean us no harm.'' The maskless storm guard said.

The other guards looked confused at each other, but eventually backed away from the candy colored ponies.

''Care to explain what's going on?'' Tempest asked Fluttershy while looking confused.

''It's good to see you again, little therapist pony.'' The maskless storm creature said jokingly to Fluttershy with a friendly smile.

''Say what now?'' Applejack said as she and her friends all looked over at the yellow pegasus.

''Your yellow pegasus pony friend gave me a little peptalk during the battle in Canterlot,'' The maskless storm creature explained while looking at the yellow pegasus, ''It has really helped us open our eyes on life. We would really like to thank you for that, miss uh....what's your name again?''

''It's Fluttershy, Mister storm guard,'' Fluttershy answered with an endearing little smile, ''And I'm very happy that I was able to help you and the others.''

''These storm creatures sure are easy to persuade, aren't they?'' Rainbow Dash whispered to Rarity.

''Considering the lunatic they used to work for, I'm not surprised.'' Rarity whispered back.

''Why are you all still trying to defend this place?'' Tempest asked to the storm guards, ''You do know that the Storm King is gone now, right?''

''Of course we know,'' One of the storm creatures answered, ''But we now have a new king to serve.''

''A new king?!'' Twilight and her friends all said out loud at the same time.

''That's right. He ordered us to bring as much food to him as possible. We just got plenty from Kludgetown.'' The storm creature further explained.

''Kludgetown?!'' Twilight said in surprise.

''Food?!'' Pinkie Pie said with an excited smile.

''So you guys are the real food thieves!'' Spike exclaimed.

''Why do you care?" A storm guard asked.

''Because we are now wanted criminals in Klugetown thanks to you ruffians!'' Rarity responded in an irritated manner.

''Hey! Don't blame us, marshmallow pony!'' One of the storm guards said mockingly, ''We were just doing as we were ordered.''

''Even so, a beautiful lady such as myself should NEVER be associated with a life of crime! It is despicable!'' Rarity explained in a pompous manner.

''Calm down, everypony. If what they're saying is true, then it's not their fault.'' Fluttershy said to her friends.

''Thanks, Fluttershy.'' The maskless storm guard said.

''No problem,'' Fluttershy responded with a friendly smile, ''But um, could you maybe take me and my friends to this new king of yours? We would like to ask him a few questions.''

''I don't know,'' The maskless storm guard said, ''The king might not approve.''

''Pleeaaase?'' Fluttershy begged to the maskless storm guard in a soft, innocent voice while giving him the puppy dog eyes.

''Okay, okay. We'll bring you to him.'' The maskless guard quickly replied.

''Oohhh, she's good.'' Pinkie Pie said to the others with a playful smirk.

''But I warn you, I don't know how the king will react when he sees you.'' The maskless guard explained.

''We understand,'' Twilight responded, ''Just please let us see him, it's very important.''

The storm guards all made their way over the drawbridge. Twilight and the rest of her friends followed the storm creatures and headed inside the Storm King's castle.

The dark hallways were only lit by a few small candles hanging on the walls, making it hard to see where they were going. The storm creatures on the other hoof seemed to have almost no trouble navigating the place.

''Um, are we there yet?'' Fluttershy asked nervously, looking around the hallway as if she was expecting a ghost to jump out at any moment.

''Almost. The door to the throne room is at the end of this hall.'' The maskless storm creature responded.

Eventually the storm guards arrived at a tall black door at the end of the long hallway, which was illuminated by two yellow fire candles hanging on each side of the door. The light blue symbol, which everypony could immediately tell belonged to the Storm King, was carved in the middle.

''Here we are.'' One of the storm guards said.

The rest of the storm guards slowly pushed the two sides of the door open for Twilight and her friends, revealing a bright light shining from the other side. Tempest was the first one to enter through the small opening of the door with her eyes half shut. Twilight and the others soon followed her inside.

What Tempest saw at the other side of the room caused her to look flabbergasted with her mouth hanging open. On a tall throne, which looked like it used to belong to the Storm King, sat a dark grey hedgehog wearing a small crown on his head. She recognized the white mowhawk and the little black vest on his small body almost immediately and could not believe her eyes. The two storm creatures that were standing next to the throne fed him some grapes as if he was some kind of royalty. On both sides of the throne layed mountains of food.

''No way.'' Tempest said to herself, still in denial about what she was seeing. Twilight and her friends soon joined her and all began to stare at what they saw with the same flabbergasted look as Tempest.

''Seriously?!'' Rainbow Dash said.

''This has got to be a dream.'' Spike added.

''Let me check.'' Pinkie Pie said before she pinched the purple dragon on the cheek.

''Ow! What was that for?!'' Spike said in an irritated manner while rubbing his claw over the pinched cheek.

''Nope. It's not a dream.'' Pinkie Pie responded. Spike rolled his eyes at the pink earth pony.

The small hedgehog took notice of the seven ponies and the small purple dragon. He made a gesture to the storm creatures that were feeding him grapes, telling them to leave him be before turning his attention back to Twilight and the rest on the other side of the throne room.

''Tempest?! Well well, I never expected to see you here,'' Grubber said, showing a smug look as he stood up on his throne, ''But I bet you're pretty impressed by what you're seeing right now, aren't ya?''

"Actually, her real name is-"

Tempest quickly pushed her hoof against Pinkie's mouth before the pink earth pony could finish her sentence.

"He doesn’t need to know my real name." Tempest whispered to Pinkie while her cheeks were blushing slightly.

''Say, aren't ya that little hedghog who gave that weird speech in Canterlot before the Storm King's invasion?'' Applejack asked.

''Yes! And no,'' Grubber answered confidently, ''Because you see, back then I was just a mere little HENCH-hog. Hehehe, see what I did there?''

Pinkie Pie couldn't help but giggle at Grubber's little pun.

''But now I am the KING, baby!'' Grubber exclaimed proudly.

"How in tarnation did that fella become their king?" Applejack asked Rainbow Dash quietly.

''Beats me.'' Rainbow Dash responded.

''Grubber, listen to me. This is really important.'' Twilight said as she walked towards Grubber's throne. She was quickly stopped by a pair of storm guards, who blocked her path with their giant spears.

''That's King Grubber to you, little pony!'' Grubber said in a overly regal tone.

Twilight groaned and rolled her eyes, "KING Grubber. I need to ask you something."

"That's better," Grubber responded as he sat back on his throne, "Alright, ask away."

''You see, Princess Skystar has disappeared," Twilight explained, ''Do you know anything about that?''

''Princess who?''

Tempest lightly slapped her hoof against her own forehead, ''Princess Skystar!'' She shouted in frustration, ''She's the daughter of the hippogriff queen on Mount Aris. Did you forget that time when we went there with the Storm King?!'' Tempest explained to the small hedgehog.

''Ooohh, her,'' Grubber said, finally understanding who she was talking about, ''Nope, I haven't seen her.''

''What?!'' Twilight said with a desperate tone in her voice, ''But you must have to at least heard something about where she could be, right?!''

''Nuh uh,'' Grubber said casually, ''Why do you care so much anyway?''

''Because she's missing!'' Twilight said in a louder and sterner, ''Don't you understand that she might be in danger?!'' She had stomped her hoof on the ground while small sparks of came out of her horn.

All the storm guards in the throne room took notice of this and kept their eyes on the purple alicorn.

''Of course I do. But here's the thing,'' Grubber responded as he laid back, ''I really don't care. Now if you'll excuse me.'' He ate another grape that was offered by the storm guard next to him.

Tempest groaned in frustration and walked over to the throne with an intimidating look on her face. Some of the storm creatures tried to stop the purple unicorn, but stepped back after she gave them a glare while lightning sparks came out of her horn. Tempest reached Grubber's throne and moved her head close to his, looking him directly in the eyes.

''Was it something I said?'' Grubber said while looking confused.

Suddenly Spike felt something trying to come out inside his stomach. Not even a few seconds later, he burped green fire out of his mouth, which immediately turned into a rolled up paper scroll. Tempest and Grubber both looked at the purple dragon right after he caught the letter in his claw.

''Wait, did he just......spit out paper?'' Tempest said with a confused look.

''Wow. Even my appetite is not that desperate.'' Grubber commented.

''It's called magical dragon breath, darlings,'' Rarity explained to both of them, ''That's how we receive messages from the princesses.''

''Makes sense, I guess.'' Tempest replied, still not sure what to think about that.

''It's a letter from Princess Celestia.'' Twilight said before she unwrapped the piece of paper with her magic. She began to read the words to herself for a few seconds. A shocked look appeared on her face when the words 'creatures have gone missing' showed up.

''What's it say, sugarcube?'' Applejack asked.

''Oh no.'' Twilight said, who's expression switched from shocked to desperate as she continued to read the letter.

''What's wrong, Twilight?'' Spike asked worriedly.

''We must go,'' Twilight exclaimed while still keeping her eyes on the letter, ''Now.''

Applejack moved her head next to Twilight's and looked at the letter, ''Uh oh, that's not good. We better get back to the airship and rethink our next move.''

''I'll catch up with you later,'' Tempest said before looking back at Grubber, ''I got some unfinished business with him.''

''Okay. We'll be waiting for ya at the airship. Let's go, y'all!'' Applejack said before she and her friends walked out of the throne room.

Tempest, Grubber and the storm guards all watched how Twilight was the last one to leave the throne room with her head hung low.

''You truly are unbelievable!'' Tempest said furiously when she turned her attention back to Grubber.

''Excuse me?'' Grubber said, looking surprised by Tempest's reaction.

''Listen, I don't care why or how you managed to convince these buffoons that you are their new king.'' Tempest began to explain.

''Oh, that's easy. You see, after the Storm King's defeat, and since you decided to join those ponies, these guys just didn't know what to do anymore. So I took it upon myself to take the Storm King's place and become their new king.'' Grubber explained before looking at the storm guards next to him.

''Seriously?'' Tempest said with an unamused look.

Tempest looked at the storm guards close to her. They shrugged at her in response, causing the purple unicorn to smack her hoof against her face.

''I'm surrounded by idiots.'' Tempest whispered to herself quietly.

''What did you say?'' Grubber asked.

''Doesn't matter,'' Tempest said, ''The point is that my friends need our help, and yet all you care about is food.''

''Who cares? I'm the king now, I can do whatever I want.'' Grubber explained confidently.

Tempest gave the small hedgehog a stern look for a few seconds, ''You're pathetic.''

Those words, coming from her, were all it took to shatter every ounce of self confidence Grubber had in him. Tempest eventually turned around and headed to the door leading out of the room while the storm guards watched her walk past them.

''Wait, where are you going?'' Grubber asked while looking slightly confused.

''To help my friends!'' Tempest answered without looking back.

''But I thought you hated friends. You told me so yourself when you-''

''Stop living in the past, Grubber!'' Tempest as she stopped and looked back at the small hedgehog, ''That pony you used to look up to all those years ago is gone!''

Grubber's look of confidence and ego slowly melted away from his little face, ''What do you mean?''

Tempest sighed and calmed herself down, ''I've changed now. And I was hoping that deep down you would've done the same. But I was clearly wrong.'' She turned around and walked out of the throne room as the door closed behind her.

Grubber sat back down on the throne as his small crown fell off his head, completely lost in thought and looking conflicted. A storm guard tried to cheer him up with some grapes, with little success as the little hedgehog completely ignored him.

4. Black Skull Island

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''Well, this is just great!'' Twilight said out loud to herself as they were getting closer to their airship, ''First we come all this way here just to find nothing, and now creatures all across Equestria have been disappearing right under our noses! Can't I do anything right?!''

''Calm down, Twilight. This isn't your fault.'' Fluttershy said worriedly as they all reached their airship.

''So?!'' Twilight said agressively, ''We have no idea what's going on and we still don't know where Princess Skystar could be!''

''Well maybe we will if ya would just calm down for a moment, Twi!'' Applejack said sternly to Twilight, ''Ya really wanna find Skystar and those other creatures?! Then you gotta stop putting yourself down like this! Understand?!''

Everyone could see the conflicted look on Twilight's face as Applejack's words slowly started to sink into the purple alicorn's mind.

Applejack sighed and showed a worried look, ''Sorry about that, Sugarcube. But I just hate seeing ya act like this.''

''We all do.'' Spike added.

Twilight sighed deeply, ''I'm sorry. But it's just......I promised Queen Novo that we will bring Princess Skystar back. What will she think of us if we fail?''

''Relax, Twilight,'' Rainbow Dash reassured, ''We've faced far bigger dangers than this."

''Yeah! We just gotta keep doing what we always do and everything will be fine.'' Pinkie Pie said with a positive attitude.

''And remember that you always have your friends to help you out.'' Spike said determinedly.

Twilight's somber expression disappeared from her face, ''You're right. Thanks, everypony,'' She said as her face slowly became more determined looking, ''We're going to find Skystar and those other creatures. Together.''

''That's the spirit!'' Rainbow Dash said with an overjoyed smile.

''But still, finding Skystar and those creatures will be like trying to find needles in a planet-sized haystack,'' Twilight said to her friends while rubbing her chin, ''Anypony got an idea on where we should look next?''

Suddenly Applejack rememberd the world map that Capper had given her. She lifted up her hat with one hoof and grabbed the folded map from her mane with the other hoof. The orange earth pony looked on the map until she found the marking of a black skull.

"What is it, darling?" Rarity asked Applejack curiously.

''Hold on.'' Applejack said as she thought back to their visit at Capper's house.

''Hold on to what?'' Pinkie Pie asked while tilting her head to the side.

''I think I might have an idea of where Skystar could be.'' Applejack answered.

''You do?!'' Twilight said. She immediately got next to Applejack and started looking at the map.

''Where?'' Rarity asked curiously.

Applejack answered the question by pointing her hoof on the black skull marked on the south-east side on the map.

''Right here on Black Skull Island,'' Applejack said, ''I have a feeling that's where we should look.''

''Black Skull Island?'' Fluttershy said, looking a bit frightened at the scary looking black skull on the map.

''Why do you think she would be there?'' Rarity asked.

''Rainbow Dash. Remember that book you read back at Capper's house?'' Applejack asked the rainbow pegasus.

''You mean the one called 'The Myth of Black Skull Island'?'' Rainbow Dash responded.

''That's the one!'' Applejack said confidently.

''What about it?'' Fluttershy asked.

''I think that book just might hold the information we need to know what happened to Princess Skystar.'' Applejack explained.

''That seems a little bit far-fetched if you ask me.'' Rarity said, ''I mean, it's just a book based on some myth.''

''I guess we'll know once we get back to Capper's house and read that book,'' Applejack replied before placing the map back under her hat, ''Let's go on board and wait for Tempest.''

''I'm back!''

They all turned around to see Tempest heading their way, who was looking rather annoyed.

''Talk about good timing.'' Spike said.

''Why the long face, Fizzy?'' Pinkie Pie asked the purple unicorn.

''How did things go with Grubber?'' Fluttershy asked.

Tempest reached the others and sighed, ''Not well. I don't think I'll ever be able to get through to that little rascal.''

''What is the deal between you two anyway?'' Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

''Every since I was taken in by the Storm King, he's always tried very hard to be like me,'' Tempest explained, ''Or at least, the 'me' that existed before I got betrayed by the Storm King.''

''Awwww, so he's like a big fan of yours.'' Pinkie Pie said.

''I guess you could put it that way,'' Tempest replied as she glanced back at the Storm King's castle, ''Anyway, what's our next move?''

''We're going back to Capper's house,'' Twilight replied, ''Applejack says she might have an idea on where Skystar could be.''

''Then let's go.'' Tempest said before she boarded the ship via the rope ladder that was still hanging from the deck. Twilight and her friends quickly followed suit and went on board the airship.

Queen Novo stood right in front of the gate of her kingdom, watching the sun rise from behind the bars with a somber look on her face. Many hours had passed since the disappearance of Skystar, but to her it felt like it's been days. She kept on pondering about who could've taken her away and why, but she just couldn't think of any logical answer.

''Are you okay, your majesty?''

Queen Novo looked to her right and saw that Skybeak stood a few meters away from him.

''Forgive me if I'm disturbing you,'' Sky Beak said when noticing the queen's somber look, ''I just wanted to see how you were doing. You've been standing there ever since Twilight Sparkle and the others left.''

Queen Novo sighed, ''I appreciate your concern, Sky Beak. But I don't think I'll ever feel okay until I see my dear Skystar again.''

''You're not the only one who feels that way, your majesty.'' Sky Beak replied. He looked back into the kingdom and saw the many somber looking Hippogriffs going about their day. Some of them being so lost in thought that a few even kept bumping into each other by accident.

''Do you suppose that it's all my fault?'' Queen Novo asked while still looking through the bars of the gate, ''That maybe I'm just not a good queen anymore.''

''What?! Why would you think that?'' Skybeak asked in a somewhat surprised manner.

''I've just been thinking about a few things I've done lately,'' Queen Novo explained, ''Some things I wish I could take back and fix.''

''I see,'' Skybeak said. He went over to the queen and placed his claw on her shoulder, ''Well, I think you are a great queen, your majesty. And I know that everygriff here would agree with that.''

''Are you sure?'' Queen Novo asked.

''Of course,'' Sky Beak responded in a friendly manner, ''Not everygriff here can say that they traveled across the world when they were young. And then found a magic pearl that has helped to protect our kingdom ever since. Am I right?''

Queen Novo finally turned her head away from the gate and looked Sky beak in the eye. He was relieved when he saw the little smile on the queen's face.

''Thank you.'' Queen Novo replied.

Their conversation got interrupted when Queen Novo heard footsteps coming from the stairs of the mountain. Her head turned back to the gate. Through the bars she saw a dark cloaked creature slowly walking up the last few steps of the stairs. The cloak covered his whole body, with the only thing visible being a small grey beak that stuck out of the hood and his claws coming out of his sleeves. The two hippogriffs watched cautiously as he made his way towards the gate. An uneasy feeling went through Queen Novo as the cloaked figure got closer. Skybeak quickly pointed his spear at the mysterious figure the moment he reached the gate.

''Who are you?'' Sky Beak asked in a somewhat threatening manner.

''I'm just a mere traveler. You can call me Grey,'' The cloaked creature answered in a huskey voice, ''I've been hearing words going around lately about your missing daughter, Princess Skystar.''

''Have you found her?!'' Queen Novo said with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

Grey nodded slowly, ''I have.''

''Where?! Please, tell me!'' Queen Novo said in a desperate manner before Grey has the chance to explain further.

''Don't worry, I will,'' Grey responded calmly, ''But first, I hope you won't mind if I stay here for a while. It's been a long and exhausthing journey getting up on this mountain.''

''Of course, you can rest here for as long as you need to,'' Queen Novo immediately suggested, ''Just promise that you'll tell me where my daughter is.''

Grey stayed quiet for a few seconds before making a small bow, ''You have my word, your majesty.''

Queen Novo was about to open the gate, but stopped when she began to remember a familiar situation many days ago. Something about the cloaked creature still gave her an uneasy and familiar feeling. Her thoughts quickly shifted back to her missing daughter and realized that this could be her only chance. The queen had a doubtful look on her face, but eventually she reached her claw to one side of the gate while Sky Beak held on to the other. Together they slowly pulled the gate open, allowing Grey to enter their kingdom.

With the help of Tempest, Twilight and the others finally reached Capper's home after making their way through the grim streets of Klugetown. Tempest was the first one to enter through the front door and climbed up the ladder that led to his main room. The purple unicorn slowly opened the hatch and peeked into the room. Much to her suprise, Capper was nowhere to be seen.

''Hello?'' Tempest said quietly. After not getting a response for a few seconds, she decided to climb into the room and have a look around.

She found nothing inside the room besides unusual emptiness and silence. Tempest searched every corner for the tall cat, but all she could find were a few golden buttons laying in front of the door.

''Strange.'' Tempest said to herself.

''What's strange?'' Twilight asked as she climbed through the hatch along with her friends.

''No one is here.'' Tempest answered.

''Say what?!'' Rarity said out loud.

The rest of Twilight's friends all climbed into the room as well and started to have a look around.

''Maybe he went out to go shopping,'' Pinkie Pie said, to which she immediately got confused looks from her friends, ''What? Just a thought.''

''Something tells me that's not the case,'' Tempest said as she showed Capper's buttons to everypony, ''Look at this.''

Rarity looked surprised, ''Capper's buttons?! Where did you find those?''

''Over at the door.'' Tempest answered.

''I gave those to him for his red vest when we first met,'' Rarity explained, ''After we defeated the Storm King, the big ol charmer told me that he sees them as a sign of our friendship.''

''So what? He probably just dropped them by accident.'' Spike said, rolling his eyes after hearing Rarity calling Capper a big ol charmer.

''Perish the thought, Spikey Wikey!'' Rarity exclaimed to the small purple dragon, ''Capper would NEVER drop these buttons without him noticing it. He told me so himself.''

''Okay okay, I get it. But if that's the case, then someone or something really must've taken him away.'' Spike explained.

''So I guess the book's myth being real wasn't that far-fetched after all, huh?'' Applejack remarked to Rarity with a playful smirk.

Rarity giggled a bit, ''Point taken.''

Applejack then walked over to the large book shelf in the back of the room, filled with at least a hundred books.

''Rainbow Dash, think ya can find that book for me?'' Applejack asked.

''You got it.'' Rainbow Dash responded.

Rainbow Dash flew over to the shelf and searched every book until she found the one with the right cover. The blue pegasus flew back to Applejack and handed her the book. The orange earth pony open the piece of literature and searched for the same words Rainbow Dash read during their last visit in Capper's home.

''What does it say?'' Fluttershy asked curiously.

''Aha, here it is,'' Applejack said as she began to read the words from the book out loud, ''Turn creatures of six kinds into stone, and the path to power shall be free. But don't lose control, or else all life will cease to be.''

''Creatures of six into stone,'' Twilight said to herself as she slowly started to figure out what Applejack was implying, ''Wait a minute, are you saying that...''

Applejack nodded, ''Think about it. We had just received a letter from the princesses that many different creatures have been disappearing across Equestria. And now Capper is suddenly gone too. Don't y'all think that maybe it all could have something to do with this myth?''

''She does make a good point.'' Tempest said.

''But if that were true, who would be the one doing such a thing?'' Fluttershy asked, ''It can't be the Storm King, right?''

''No way. That lunatic is resting in pieces.'' Rainbow Dash responded with a smirk.

''But wait, that would mean.....'' Twilight said to herself as she thought about a certain sentence from the book.

''Mean what, Twilight?'' Spike asked when he noticed the abrupt pause in Twilight's sentence.

Twilight's eyes widened, ''We have to get to Black Skull Island. Now!'' She was the first one to run over to the hatch and exit the room without saying another word.

''Hey! Wait for us!'' Rainbow Dash exclaimed right before flying through the open hatch. Applejack and the others immediately followed the two ponies.

Queen Novo led Grey through her kingdom. Many of the hippogriffs they walked past looked over at the mysterious cloaked figure walking with their queen and Sky Beak. A few of the guards took notice of them and cautiously kept their eyes on Grey.

''Is it okay if you can show us your face? It might stop everygriff around here from staring at us, they still have to get used to the idea of strangers visiting our kingdom.'' Queen Novo explained to Grey in a joking manner.

''I'd rather keep my hood on,'' Grey replied, ''I'm not really used to hanging around with strangers myself, I hope you understand.''

''Of course I do,'' Queen Novo said with a friendly smile, ''You do something for me, and I do something for you. So we're even.''

Grey stayed quiet for a moment, ''May I ask you something, your majesty?''

''What is it?'' Queen Novo asked curiously.

''Have you ever done something you regret?'' Grey asked.

Queen Novo stopped walking for a moment and looked suprised for a bit after she heard his question.

''Yes.....I have.'' Queen Novo replied while her eyes were looking down at the ground.

''Can you tell me what it is?'' Grey asked as he stopped walking as well.

Queen Novo sighed to herself, ''Well, a few days ago, there was someone who needed our help. But I refused to listen.''

Grey turned around and looked at Queen Novo, ''Who was it?''

''Princess Twilight Sparkle.'' Queen Novo answered while looking guilty.

Grey stayed quiet again for a moment and looked away from the hippogriff queen, ''Take me to your home.'' He replied, sounding a bit annoyed as he continued walking throgugh the kingdom.

Queen Novo was surprised by the tone in Grey's voice, but chose to not pay much attention to it. All that was on her mind at the moment was that Grey would tell her where Princess Skystar is. They walked through the kingdom for another minute before finally reaching the queen's home. Queen Novo gave Sky Beak a little nod. He understood her immediately and positioned himself close to the doorway of her home, staying on guard as Grey entered along with Queen Novo.

Once they were inside, Queen Novo had showed Grey a stone bench in the middle of the house. The tall hippogriff sat down on the bench before Grey joined her.

''I'm surprised,'' Grey said as his head looked around the house, ''I was expecting your home to be a little know, royal looking.''

''We're working on that,'' Queen Novo explained, ''Cleaning up our kingdom has been quite a lot of hard work ever since the Storm King's defeat.''

''I see.'' Grey responded.

''Alright. Now, tell me everything.'' Queen Novo said eagerly.

Grey looked around the room for a moment, ''I found her on Black Skull Island.'' He replied calmly.

''Black Skull Island?'' Queen Novo said with a surprised look, ''But if you know that, then why didn't you bring her here?''

''Because.....'' Grey said before staying silent for a moment, ''She's been turned to stone.''

''WHAT?!'' Queen Novo said out loud.

''But fear not, I already know how to change her back to normal.'' Grey reassured the queen.

''How?!'' Queen Novo asked urgently.

''We're gonna need something that holds a lot of power,'' Grey explained to her, ''Some kind of magical object, perhaps.''

Queen Novo thought about the words he just said for a few seconds before she rememberd something that would fit his description.

''Well, we do have something that might help.'' Queen Novo said.

''What is it?'' Grey asked, sounding a bit intrigued.

Queen Novo showed a conflicted look on her face before she got up from the bench, ''Stay here, I'll go get it for us.''

Grey's hood watched Queen Novo walking out of the house. A sly little smirk began to form on his beak after she was gone.

While riding the airship, a particular little island in the middle of the ocean came into their sight. On the island was a gigantic black skull, shaped like as if it used to belong to a crocodile. Its empty eye holes were glowing red like fire, black smoke was coming out of the nostrils and its mouth looking like the entrance to a cave.

''Over there!'' Rainbow Dash shouted as she stood at the top of the mast. Twilight and the others ran to the side of the ship and looked at the big black skull on the island.

''That has to be it!'' Twilight Sparkle announced, ''Applejack, lower the airship!''

''Aye aye, Captain Sparkle!'' Applejack said before steering the airship down towards the island.

Once the airship was close enough to Black Skull Island, Rainbow Dash threw the anchor off the airship. The heavy piece of metal fell down until it crashed on the beach of the island. Fluttershy, Twilight and Rainbow Dash flew down from the ship. The rest climbed down via the long chain of the anchor while Tempest stayed on the ship.

''I'll stay here and guard the airship!'' Tempest exclaimed to the others.

''Okay! We'll be back as soon as we can!'' Applejack said, loud enough for Tempest to be able to hear her all the way down on the island.

Everypony walked closer towards the giant black skull on the other side of the island. Fluttershy gulped when they finally got up close enough to see the entrance of the cave.

''Do we have to go in there?'' Fluttershy asked with a scared look on her face.

''I'm afraid so, darling.'' Rarity replied, standing next to Fluttershy while taking it the size of the skull.

The upper half of its mouth looked even larger up close than they had anticipated. It was about ten times wider than a single pony. Underneath it were many black spikes sticking out of the sand, most likely to represent its teeth. Inside the mouth was an entrance to a cave that was heading underground. The path into the cave was shrouded in almost complete darkness.

Spike gulped at the sight of the big black skull, ''I got a bad feeling about this.''

''Come on. We're not gonna let some spooky looking skull stop us, are we?'' Rainbow Dash said confidently.

''Certainly not me. Let's go.'' Tempest added as she was about to walk into the cave.

Pinkie Pie's eyes widened in shock when she saw something familiar looking laying right in front of the cave's entrance. The pink pony rushed towards it, reached her hoof down and pulled a necklace with multiple colored seashells out of the sand.

''Look, everypony!'' Pinkie Pie said to her friends. She showed the necklace to everypony as soon as she got their attention.

''Pinkie. This is not the time to be collecting seashells.'' Tempest said while looking unamused, thinking the pink pony was just being silly again.

''What? No, I mean this is Princess Skystar's seashell necklace,'' Pinkie Pie explained, talking in a more serious tone than usual, ''I made it for her as a token of our friendship when we first arrived in Seaquestria.''

''Then there's no doubt about it. She must be in there,'' Twilight said as before running to the entrance of the black skulll, ''Come on, everypony!'' The purple alicorn slowly disappeared into the cave's darkness.

''Twilight, wait for us!'' Spike said as he ran after her. The other ponies immediately gave chase.

Twilight tried to make her way through the seemingly endless ongoing tunnel, ignoring all the unnerving things that she came across. Not even the creepy skulls carved on the walls, which could only be seen thanks to the illumination by some torches hanging on the walls, weren't enough to stop her from venturing further into the cave.

''If something bad happened to her, I'll never forgive myself.'' Twilight said to herself.

Eventually Twilight could see a brighter light shining at the end of the tunnel. After a few seconds of running towards the light, she finally got out of the dark tunnel and stepped into a large round area. The first thing that caught her attention shocked her to the core and made her heart sink. All Twilight could do at the moment was continue to stare in denial.

Twilight's friends had finally caught up to Twilight and immediately noticed the look of terror on her face.

''You alright, Twi?'' Applejack asked worriedly. Her question was almost immediately answered when she turned her head over to where Twilight was looking.

There she stood, on top of a symbol carved on the floor amongst three other statues of different creatures that were all positioned next to each other. Her body was completely made of stone, her face looking scared and confused. It was the last thing that Twilight would've ever wanted to see. Her friends all looked just as horrified at what they were seeing in front of them.

''No.....this can't be....'' Twilight said to herself.

Neither Twilight or any of her friends wanted to believe what they were seeing, but there was no denying it. The statue that they were looking at was indeed......Princess Skystar.

5. Facing your fears

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Half a minute had passed since Queen Novo had left Grey inside her house. He was still sitting on the stone bench, waiting for her return with the magical object. He decided to get up and take a look over at a small bookshelf in the back, where only a handful of books were stacked together on the highest shelf. One particular book that caught his interest had the title 'Queen Novo's quest for the magic pearl' written on the side. Grey reached his claw out to the book. Before he could touch it, he heard footsteps coming from outside getting closer and closer. His head looked over at the open door, where he saw Queen Novo entering the house while carrying a small chest in her right arm.

''What were you doing?'' Queen novo asked him curiously.

''Just reading a bit. You took quite a while to get here.'' Grey explained.

''Yeah, sorry about that. We must keep our most priced possession in a very safe and secure place.'' Queen Novo explained as she walked closer to the cloaked figure.

''Understandable,'' Grey said before getting a good look at the chest, ''So, what's in there?''

Queen Novo presented him the chest, slowly opened it and revealed a small shining pearl inside. Grey watched the glowing pearl while showing a little smile on his beak.

''Do you think this will be enough to save my daughter?'' Queen Novo asked.

''Absolutely.'' Grey answered while still keeping his eyes on the pearl.

Grey raised his right leg and immediately kicked the hippogriff queen right in her stomach. Queen Novo let out a scream of pain. Grey then quickly snatched the pearl out of the chest, rubbed his claw over the glowing ball and used its magic to create a wave that pushed Queen Novo away from him. The hippogriff hit her back against the wall next to the open door and fell on the ground as she dropped the empty chest. Grey let out a sinister chuckle while holding the shiny pearl in his claw.

"I must say that I'm suprised at how easy it was to fool you, your majesty." Grey said, suddenly talking in a conniving manner.

Sky beak immediately entered the room and saw Queen Novo laying on the ground, looking weak and coughing lightly while having her claw on the wound she had received from Grey's kick.

''What did you do?!'' Sky beak asked in a threatening manner. He raised his spear and charged towards Grey.

''Stay out of this, you fool!'' Grey exclaimed threateningly while rubbing his claw over the pearl. A wave of magic emerged from it and pushed Sky Beak back out of the house through the open door.

"W-What is the meaning of this?" Queen Novo asked, struggling to stand up thanks to her wound.

Grey let out a sinister chuckle as his other claw reached for his hood, ''You will understand soon enough.....Queen Novo.'' He pulled it back, slowly revealing his face to the queen.

Queen Novo's eyes widened in shock and gasped when she finally saw the cloaked creature's face, ''You again?!''

''Princess Skystar.'' Pinkie Pie said, looking horrified at the sight she saw before her.

''No. No no no NO!!'' Twilight said in frustration before running over to the Princess Skystar statue.

The purple alicorn began casting a spell on Skystar, but it had no effect.

''Come on, COME ON!!'' Twilight said as she tried again over and over, casting more magic into the spell with every try. The look on her face became more desperate with each passing second.

''What are you trying to do, Twilight?'' Rainbow asked while looking concerned.

''I'm trying to save Skystar!'' Twilight shouted to her friends as she was still casting magic on the statue, ''WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M DOING?!''

They watched on as Twiligt's attempts were clearly draining her with each spell that she casted. Spike went over to the purple alicorn and stepped in front of her right before she was about to cast another spell. Twilight immediately stopped when she saw the purple dragon.

''Twilight, calm yourself down! Please.'' Spike said, sounding stern while also having a worried look on his face.

''Don't you all realize what this means?!'' Twilight asked urgently, ''This is exactly what I was afraid of! If Queen Novo finds out about this-''

Rainbow Dash gasped out loud, interrupting Twilight's sentence, ''Oh no!'' All of her friends immediately looked over to her.

The rainbow maned pegasus flew over to the other statues next to Skystar to get a better look and could not believe her eyes. The statue that Rainbow Dash was staring at looked like a familiar tall parrot. She had small round ear rings, wore a big pirate hat with a feather hanging on the side and had a seemingly wooden right leg. The statue was looking angry and held a sword in her claw, looking like she was ready to strike someone fiercely.

''That's Captain Celaeno!'' Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

''And there's Capper!'' Rarity said when she saw his statue standing next to Captain Celaeno's.

''And one of the storm guards!'' Fluttershy added, pointing to the confused looking statue of the storm guard.

''And look at that!'' Spike said to the other ponies as he pointed to the other side of the area.

Everypony expect for Twilight looked in surprise when they saw the gigantic stone door, located a few meters away behind the statues. Six symbols were carved in a circle on the door, with a small round object in the middle.

''Who would do all this?'' Fluttershy asked, trying to take in what she was seeing inside the round area.

''No idea.'' Spike replied. He looked around, seeing the same strange symbols carved underneath the statue.

''This is bad. This is the absolute, worst of the worst kind of bad!'' Twilight said with great panic in her voice as she was still focused on Princess Skystar.

''Twi, look at me,'' Applejack said while looking the panicked alicorn into the eye, ''Remember what I said earlier on the Storm King's island? Panicking won't solve anything.''

''I know! But how are we going to reverse THIS?! None of my magic is working!'' Twilight said.

''I don't know yet,'' Applejack replied, ''But that's exactly what we're gonna figure out.''

''We must go back to Mount Aris and tell Queen Novo, maybe she knows how to-''

''WHAT?! Are you crazy?!'' Twilight shouted before Pinkie Pie could finish her sentence.

Everypony's attention turned to Twilight as her shout echoed further into the dark tunnel.

''We cannot let Queen Novo know about any of this!'' Twilight explained.

''But you promised her that we'd return to Mount Aris as soon as we found Skystar!'' Rainbow Dash said.

''Not as a hunk of rock!'' Twilight said back.

''But don't you want to save Skystar, Twilight?!'' Pinkie Pie said to Twilight while looking slightly desperate.

''Or Capper?! Or Celaeno?!'' Rainbow Dash added.

''Of course I do! But if she sees what's happened to her, then-!''

''Then maybe she'll just wanna help us in any way she can!'' Applejack said before Twilight could finish.

Twilight stared down at the ground while having a slightly frustrated look on her face.

Applejack sighed, ''Look, Twi. I know that telling the truth is hard. And it can really hurt sometimes. Believe me, I've been there myself. But I promise that you'll feel MUCH better after you just let it out. Do you understand?''

A half a minute passed before Twilight was able to take in everything Applejack had told her. She sighed deeply as the magic around her horn disappeared.

''You're right,'' Twilight said, looking more determined, ''Let's head back to the airship.''

Twilight walked past her friends and headed into the dark tunnel without looking back. Her friends watched on for a few seconds and looked slightly worried before going after her.

It only took them a few minutes before they found the way out of the cave. Their airship was still floating in the sky with the anchor stuck on the beach.

''Did you find Skystar?!'' Tempest asked, who had already noticed the ponies walking out of the cave

''She's been turned to stone!'' Applejack said loud enough so that Tempest could hear her, ''We gotta get back to Mount Aris and tell Queen Novo!''

Tempest looked slightly hesitant for a momemt when she heard Applejack say that name. She tied a rope ladder to a wooden balk of the ship and threw it down to the beach where her friends stood. Applejack, Spike, Rarity and Pinkie Pie climbed onto the airship via the rope ladder while the others flew up to the ship and landed on deck.

''Oh, almost forgot!'' Rainbow Dash said.

The rainbow maned pegasus flew back down to the beach, where the anchor was still laying in the sand. She lifted the piece of metal up with all her might, panting steadily while raising herself and the anchor up to the airship. Half a minute later, she finally got the heavy thing on board and gently layed it on the ground. Rainbow Dash then layed down on the deck while catching her breath.

''That thing's.....heavier than.....any type of Wonderbolt training I've ever had to do.'' Rainbow Dash said, still catching her breath.

''Wonderbolt training?'' Tempest said with a confused look.

''I'll tell you.....about it some other time,'' Rainbow Dash said, stil laying on the wooden floor.

''So, what happend in there?'' Tempest asked the others.

''We went into the cave and found Princess Skystar as a statue. It's just awful.'' Rarity explained somberly.

''Turned to stone?'' Tempest repeated, ''Did the statue have any spikes on them by any chance?''

''No. Why?'' Rarity asked curiously.

''I thought maybe it could have been the cause of one of those green orbs that the Storm King used to have, but I guess not.'' Tempest explained.

''Someone else must be doing this. But who?'' Fluttershy asked.

''I don't know,'' Pinkie Pie said, starting to sound slightly more sinister, ''But once I find out who really did it, I'll turn him or her into cotton candy, swallow it whole and then laugh as I taste the sweet, souring taste of VICTORY!!''

The pink pony started laughing maniacally while creepy piano music started playing over the sound of thunder.

Tempest stared at Pinkie with a disturbed look, ''Is she always that creepy?'' She asked Fluttershy.

''Only sometimes.'' Fluttershy replied.

''Trust me, darling. We've seen MUCH worse from her.'' Rarity added.

''Just make sure to never break a promise with her, and ya should be good,'' Applejack explained with a slightly nervous look, ''Trust me, I'm telling ya from experience.''

''Ooookay.'' Tempest said, not sure what to think about it.

''But we'll have to figure out who did it later,'' Applejack suggested as she was already heading to the ship's steering wheel, ''First we must go back to Queen Novo and tell her what we know.''

Tempest looked a bit uneasy after hearing Applejack say that name again. She turned her attention over to Twilight, who had already walked off to the hatch leading below deck. She used her magic to open it and heading down to start up the ship's engine.

''Is Twilight okay?'' Tempest asked Fluttershy.

''She was very devastated when we found Skystar inside the cave.'' Fluttershy explained with a worried look.

''And she's afraid about what Queen Novo will say once we tell her about what we found.'' Pinkie Pie added.

Tempest looked a bit doubtful for a second, ''I don't blame her.''

''Awww, don't be like that,'' Pinkie Pie said with a bright smile, ''I'm sure that Queen Novo will understand. Right?''

''Yeah.'' Tempest said hesitantly. She then walked off to the hatch leading below deck. She opened it and headed down to where Twilight was.

Twilight used her magic to press some buttons and pull a few levers to speed up the engine in ten seconds flat. She could already feel the airship moving faster and faster with each passing second.

''Hey, Twilight.'' Tempest said as she walked up to the purple alicorn.

Twilight turned around, ''Oh, hi Tempest.''

''Your friends told me about what happened in the cave,'' Tempest explained, ''And I just wanted to see how you were doing, now that we're going to Mount Aris and all.''

''Oh. That,'' Twilight replied while looking nervous for a moment, ''Don't worry, I'll be fine. I just hope Queen Novo will understand.''

''I'm not so sure about that.'' Tempest replied after glancing down at her flank for a second.

''What do you mean?'' Twilight asked while looking a bit surprised.

Tempest looked a bit hesitant and stayed silent for a moment as she thought back to an unfortunate past event. It was back when she helped the Storm King to attack Moutn Aris. Tempest started to remember when she saw how quickly Queen Novo turned on Callidus as soon as the hippogriff thought he had betrayed her.

''Is something wrong?'' Twilight asked after a few seconds of silence had passed.

''It's nothing,'' Tempest quickly said, ''But I just want to warn you. Queen Novo may not be as open minded as your friends think.''

''Why not?'' Twilight asked.

Tempest noticed that Twilight was starting to look both scared and confused after what she said.

''N-Nevermind. I guess I'm also just a bit nervous about going back to Mount Aris, that's all.'' Tempest said.

''Okay,'' Twilight said, still looking a bit uneasy, ''I better get back to running the engine.'' She turned around to the engine and was about to get back to work.

''Can I ask you one more thing?'' Tempest asked.

''Sure. What is it?'' Twilight asked after turning around again.

Tempest looked at Twilight's cutie mark, ''That thing on, backside. What is that exactly?''

''You don't know what a cutie mark is?'' Twilight asked while souding a bit surprised.

''No. Ever since I had left my hometown when I was a filly, I've never had anypony actually tell me what it's supposed to mean. I've been wondering it for a very long time now.'' Tempest said, glancing back at her flank which was covered by her cloak.

''Oh, that's quite simple,'' Twilight explained, ''A cutie mark is meant to represent your special talent.''

Tempest widened her eyes, ''Say what?''

''Your special talent. You know, like something you're really good at doing or just really love to do.'' Twilight explained again.

''Are you absolutely sure that's what it means?'' Tempest asked, sounding slightly concerned.

''Well, yes,'' Twilight replied, who starting to look a little confused, ''Why? Is there something wrong?''

''N-No. I was just curious, that's all.'' Tempest said in a bit of a nervous manner.

''Oh, I see,'' Twilight said as she began to look relieved, ''Hey. Now that you mention, what is your cutie mark? I've never actually seen it before.''

''Oh. Well, the thing about that is I......I don't have one.'' Tempest replied while stuttering a bit.

''Aww, that's too bad,'' Twilight replied, ''But I'm sure you'll get it someday. You just gotta be patient.''

''Y-Yeah, you're probably right.'' Tempest said with a nervous looking smile.

''Mountain in sight!'' Twilight and Tempest heard Pinkie Pie's voice coming from the upper deck.

Twilight let out a small sigh, ''Well, I guess it's time.''

''You go on ahead. I uh, gotta do something first.'' Tempest quickly explained.

''Okay. I'll see you later.'' Twilight said.

Tempest watched Twilight walk away from her and saw the purple alicorn walking up the stairs leading to the upper deck of the ship.

Once Twilight had closed the hatch, Tempest sighed in relief and started looking over at her flank once again, which was still covered by her long dark cloak. She placed her hoof down to her right, moved it to where the cloak was laying on the floor and pulled it up. Her flank eventually became bare and that's when she saw it again. Right there on the side of her flank was the Storm King's symbol as her cutie mark. Tempest looked at the symbol with distraught, now that she finally understood what a cutie mark is.

Tempest's heart started racing when she heard the hatch going open again. Her eyes widened in shock as she quickly covered up her flank again with her cloak. She looked up and saw Pinkie's neck stretching through the opening of the hatch.

''Didn't you hear me? I said mountain in sight! Come on, let's go!'' Pinkie Pie exclaimed before moving her head back to her body.

Tempest glanced back at the side of her flank once again while looking somber. After hearing what Twilight had to say about what a cutie mark is, she couldn't help but think about how Queen Novo would react if she found out, especially after she had seen what happened with Callidus many days ago. An unusual sense of fear and panic started going through her mind. She tried her best to pull herself together and hesitantly walked up the stairs, exiting through the hatch before closing it behind her.

6. The pearl's true power

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Grey pushed the tall gate open and walked out of the Hippogriff Kingdom. His claw reached into his cloak and pulled the magic pearl out to give it another look. He stared at the shiny thing with a gleeful smile for a few seconds. He then heard something loud coming his way and quickly hid the pearl back in his cloak. Far away high up in the sky he could see a giant airship heading towards the mountain. Grey urgently started looking for a place to hide until he found a tall, thick rock close to his right. He ran towards the rock and hid himself behind it before the airship got too close.

''Huh?'' Spike said to himself when he noticed something moving behind a tall rock close to the entrance of the Hippogriff Kingdom.

''What is it, Spikey Wikey?'' Rarity asked when walking next to the small purple dragon.

''I thought I saw something moving over there,'' Spike answered while pointing at the tall rock close to the wall on the left, ''Probably just a rat.''

''Ugh! Then let's hope it stays behind that rock and never comes out,'' Rarity responded in disgust, ''Cause I do NOT want to get a disease from those horrible, filthy things. They're almost as bad as vampire fruit bats.''

''Rarity!'' Fluttershy said sternly, ''How could you say that?!''

''How you ask?!'' Rarity responded in an overlydramatic manner, ''Haven't you ever had a rat infestation inside your own kitchen because your little sister would leave cheese out of the fridge for them just because she thought they looked kinda 'cute'?!''

Fluttershy could see Rarity's right eye twitching after she finished talking.

''Well, no,'' Fluttershy relied in her usual calm voice, ''But that's still no reason to insult them like that.''

''Well as long as those rats learn to stay out of my kitchen, then maybe I'll-''

''Enough about the rats! Let's get to Queen Novo already!'' Rainbow Dash interrupted in an annoyed manner.

The rainbow pegasus threw the anchor against the mountain, preventing the wind from blowing the airship away. Twilight used her magic to levitate a wooden plank from the ship and made a small bridge out of it that led onto the mountain. Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Spike and Applejack crossed the wooden plank while Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew across along with Twilight. When the purple alicorn landed on the ground, she looked behind her and noticed a small air boat hovering in the air close under their airship.

''What's that air boat doing there?'' Twilight asked her friends while raising an eyebrow.

''The hippogriffs are probably having a visitor.'' Fluttershy responded.

''Guess we'll soon find out who that will be.'' Applejack said before she and her friends trotted to the giant gate of the Hippogriff Kingdom.

''Wait a minute,'' Spike said as he looked around, ''Where's Fizzy?''

''I'm right here!'' Tempest said, still on board the airship. She ran across the wooden plank and stepped onto the stone ground of the mountain.

''There she is!'' Pinkie Pie asked with a happy smile.

''You alright, sugarcube?'' Applejack asked, noticing Tempest's urgent behavior.

''There's....'' Tempest said while looking conflicted, ''There's something I need to tell you.....''

''What is it?'' Fluttershy asked curiously.

''I....Well you see....'' Tempest tried her best to explain, but kept on stuttering as sweat drops started to appear on her forehead.

''Ooohh, I get it,'' Pinkie Pie said, ''You're feeling hot because of the cloak you're wearing. Just take it off.''

''NO!!'' Tempest immediately responded, resulting in a shocked look from everypony, ''I mean, no. That's not what I wanted to say.''

''Then what is it, darling?'' Rarity asked.

Tempest still couldn't find it in her to respond. She stood completely still while looking doubtful and nervous.

''Just be honest with us, Fizzy. We promise we won't get mad at ya.'' Applejack said in a friendly tone.

''Yeah! We're your friends now, Remember?'' Pinkie added.

''I know, but.....'' Tempest said before she took a deep breath, ''The thing is.....I can't go in there with you.''

''Why not?'' Rainbow Dash asked, sounding confused.

''Because I helped the Storm King destroy the Hippogriff Kingdom many days ago!'' Tempest exclaimed. Twilight's friends looked at her in surprise for a few seconds.

''So?'' Rainbow Dash replied, ''But you've changed since then, right?''

''It's not that simple,'' Tempest explained while glancing back at the side of her flank for a moment, ''I may have changed, but the hippogriffs don't know that. If I walk in there right now, they'll just send me away the moment they see me.''

''What makes ya think that?'' Applejack asked while looking concerned.

''I've seen what Queen Novo is like when I was here with the Storm King all those days ago,'' Tempest explained further, ''She's not as welcoming and open minded as you may think. Trust me, it's best for me to stay here outside.''

''What do you mean?'' Fluttershy asked worriedly.

Tempest came dangerously close to confessing to the others about the cutie mark on her flank. But after remembering what Twilight had said earlier about cutie marks, she ultimately couldn't bring herself to fully confess and tried to think of another way to explain what she meant.

''Sometimes, when you make a terrible mistake in your life, it can leave a mark,'' Tempest explained, her head hung low as she glanced back at the side of her flank again for a second, ''And that mark will never go away. It will always be there as a reminder of who you are and what you've done.''

''Are you talking about the scar on your eye?'' Spike asked while looking worried.

A sense of shock and trauma rushed through the mind of Tempest when she heard those words coming out of Spike's mouth.

''No! That's not what I.....'' Tempest said to Spike, starting to sound more frustrated and angry.

''I'm sorry, Tempest,'' Spike quickly said when he noticed the tone in the purple unicorn's voice, ''I just want to help.''

The only thing on her mind at the moment was the image of her horn getting broken as a filly, inside the dark cave by the ursa minor many years ago. The image of the giant blue bear raising his claw and slashing against her face flashed before her eyes. She suddenly let out a gasp as if she was expecting to be attacked by something.

''Fizzy? What's wrong?'' Pinkie Pie said worriedly.

''Just tell us. We can only truly help ya if you're honest with us.'' Applejack asked in a caring manner.

Tempest groaned as she turned around and walked away from her friends, ''Forget it! Just go in without me.''

''No way, Tempest,'' Rainbow Dash exclaimed, ''We never leave our friends behind! Not on our watch!''

Tempest ignored the rainbow maned pegasus before sitting down at the edge of the mountain with her back turned.

''Leave me alone.'' Tempest responded coldly.

Spike walked over to the purple unicorn and was about to place his claw on Tempest's back, ''Fizzy. We're just trying to help you. Now, just start from the beginning and-''

''I said LEAVE ME ALONE!'' Tempest shouted as she turned around while small sparks came out of her broken horn.

In a split second, a small lightning bolt come out of Tempest's broken horn and hit Spike on the chest. The purple dragon flew back and fell on the ground close to Twilight and the others. He was laying unconscious as small sparks moved around his body for a moment.

There was a full minute of silence as Twilight and his friends all looked at Tempest in shock and horror. Tempest's angry look slowly disappeared from her face to make way for an expression of guilt and sorrow. She turned around again and sat down close to the stairs of the mountain with her head hung low.

''You coming, Twi?'' Applejack asked when she and the others looked at the purple alicorn.

A huge wave of conflicting emotions when through Twilight's mind as she saw the anticipated looks of her friends. Everything Tempest had just said made her doubtful again about the situation. Eventually Twilight slowly stepped away from her friends and towards Spike while looking doubtful. That reaction was all it took for Applejack to know what Twilight's answer was. The orange earth pony sighed and gave Twilight a stern and disappointed look, the likes of which Twilight had never seen from her before.

''Have it your way then,'' Applejack said to Twilight in a disappointed manner, ''Take care of Spike until we come back.''

Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash all looked unsure for a moment, but eventually followed Applejack to the tall gate. Together they pushed it open and entered the Hippogriff Kingdom without looking back.

Twilight picked up Spike and placed him on her back before looking at Tempest, who was still sitting close to the long stair case of Mount Aris. She seemed to be staring out into the sky in silence. Twilight walked over to Tempest and finally saw the look on her face. Her eyes were looking up in the sky, her expression was that of sadness in a way Twilight had never seen from Tempest before. A few small tears appeared under Tempest's eyes, which she quickly rubbed away with her hoof when she noticed Twilight next to her.

''It's okay,'' Twilight said to her in a calm tone as she placed her hoof on Tempest's shoulder, ''I know how you feel.''

''It's my stupid broken horn,'' Tempest responded, sounding frustrated and like she was trying to hold back her tears, ''Whenever I get angry or upset about anything, it just does whatever it wants. Another good reason why I shouldn't go to the hippogriffs.''

''I'm really sorry about your horn, Fizzy,'' Twilight said in a calm and understanding manner, ''If there was any way I could fix it, I would. But fixing a horn is something that nopony has ever been able to do before.''

''Then perhaps I can help you.''

The huskey voice had interrupted their silence. Tempest, Spike and Twilight all started looking around to see where it was coming from until they heard footsteps coming from behind them. The three of them stood up, turned around and saw a tall dark cloaked figure slowly walking up to them. His face completely hidden under his hood and a grey beak was the only thing that could be seen sticking out.

Twilight's eyes widened, ''Wait a minute......'' She said as she thought back to when she met a similar looking cloaked figure in Kludgetown, ''You're......Grey, right?''

''No. Really?'' Tempest said with an unamused look, thinking she was referring to the cloak.

''What? No, I mean that his name is Grey.'' Twilight explained to Tempest.

''Oh, right,'' Tempest said, ''....Wait, how do you know that?''

''He's the cloaked figure I told you about back in Klugetown.'' Twilight explained.

''Don't worry, I mean no harm to either of you.'' Grey said calmly to Tempest, who he could tell was pretty on edge.

''Then what do you want?'' Tempest said, still not sounding fully convinced.

Grey noticed the behaviour of the purple unicorn before looking over to Spike, who was still laying unconscious on Twilight's back.

''I'm here to help you.'' Grey asked as he looked over at Spike.

''With what?'' Twilight asked curiously.

Grey didn't say anything, instead his claw reached inside the right side of his cloak. Suddenly a small white light started glowing under it. Eventually he removed his claw out from the cloak and showed a small wave of magic flowing around his fingers. Within a second, the magic moved from his claw over to Spike. Twilight watched how the white magic started circling around Spike's body, going faster with each passing second until it started glowing a blinding bright light. Tempest and Twilight were both forced to close their eyes for a moment.

Twilight and Tempest opened their eyes again and looked over at Spike. They were suprised when they noticed the absence of the wound on his chest. The small dragon slowly opened his eyes and tried to get back up.

''Spike,'' Twilight said in surprise, ''Are you okay?''

Spike rubbed the palm of his claws over his eyes, ''Yeah. Never better, actually.''

A little smile showed up on Twilight's face before she embraced the baby dragon into a big hug.

''Thank you, Mister Grey.'' Twilight replied to the cloaked figure.

''Don't mention it.'' Grey replied.

''What exactly are you doing here if I may ask?'' Tempest asked.

''I just went in there myself to tell Queen Novo what I found out about Skystar on Black Skull Island,'' Grey answered as his head looked over to the tall gate behind him, ''But she refused to listen and instead told me to leave without even giving me a chance to speak.''

''What?!'' Twilight asked while sounding a bit shocked, ''Why would she do that?''

Grey didn't say anything for a moment. Instead he moved his right claw to his hood and slowly pulled it back to reveal his true face to Twilight, Spike and Tempest. The purple unicorn let out a small gasp as soon as she saw the grey feathered face and the yellow eyes.

''It's.... It's you....'' Tempest said with a look of shock in her eyes. She quickly started to remember the battle in Klugetown and on Mount Aris from many days ago.

''My real name is Callidus,'' Grey began to explain, ''I'm the mayor of Klugetown. Or at least I used to be until that day the Storm King came along many days ago.''

''What happened?'' Twilight asked curiously.

''He and his army tried to take over my town, so I headed to Mount Aris to get help,'' Callidus continued to explain with a seemingly somber look, ''But instead of helping me, Queen Novo accused me of siding with the Storm King and turned everyone in Klugetown against me.''

''What?!'' Twilight said out loud.

''Are you sure?'' Spike asked, still somewhat suspicious.

''He's telling the truth, Spike,'' Tempest answered with her head hung low, ''I was there with the Storm King when it all happened.''

Callidus looked somewhat suprised when he noticed the way Tempest reacted.

''Callidus,'' Tempest said to him, ''I just want you to know that I regret everything I've ever done to you. And I hope that one day, I can make it up to you and-''

Callidus extended his arm out in front of Tempest's face, signaling her to stop talking.

''It's alright, I understand.'' Callidus said in a calmer and friendlier tone.

''You do?'' Tempest asked while looking a bit surprised.

''Yes. I've heard everything from behind that rock,'' Callidus explained, ''And since you seemed to have learned to own up to your own mistakes, I want to give you something in return.''

Callidus slowly reached his claw back under his cloak. His arm started moving around again before the same white magic started glowing under his cloak. Soon his arm got out and white lines of magic went from his claw over to Tempest's broken horn. The magic started circling until everyone was forced to close their eyes again from the bright shining light. The pain she usually felt from the scar on her right eye seemed to be slowly going away. Tempest's eyes looked up at her forehead after the light had faded. She was in complete shock and surprise at what she saw.

Tempest could not believe her eyes. There it was, right above on her forehead. A fully restored horn, just like how she remembered it when she was just a small filly. The purple unicorn rubbed her hoof over the right eye where her scar was supposed to be and didn't feel any pain, proofing that it was indeed completely gone. Tempest could not take her eyes off the horn for a good ten seconds. She felt like she was about to cry tears of joy at the sight of her restored horn.

''I....I can't believe it,'' Tempest said, looking at her horn in awe as a little smile appeared on her face, ''My horn........after all these years.....''

''Where did you learn to do magic like that?'' Twilight asked in amazement.

Callidus eyes widened for a second, ''There's no time for me to explain, we must go now.''

''What are you talking about?'' Spike asked.

''I know a way to save Princess Skystar, but I'm gonna need your help,'' Callidus explained hastily, ''And we must hurry. If we wait here any longer, Skystar and the other creatures could be trapped in their stone prison forever.''

''Then let's go!'' Twilight immediately said as she was about to head to the airship.

''Wait! What about our friends?!'' Spike quickly asked.

''There's no time! Now get on the air boat!'' Callidus said back.

Twilight could see a few of Callidus's feathers falling on the ground from under his cloak when he ran to the air boat that was still floating close to the airship.


''We can tell everything to our friends later, Spike! Come on!'' Tempest replied before Spike could finish talking. She then followed Callidus to the air boat.

''So that's why that small air boat was there.'' Twilight said to herself. She went over to Callidus and Tempest, who had already boarded the small air boat.

Spike looked back at the gate of the Hippogriff Kingdom for a moment before eventually going with Twilight, Callidus and Tempest to Black Skull Island.

Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were all in complete shock when they had set hoof inside the Hippogriff Kingdom. Everywhere they looked there were wounded and beat up bodies of hippogriffs laying on the ground. The armor of the guards were completely shattered, their wings heavily crippled and many feathers missing from their bodies. Rainbow Dash and the others quickly ran over to a hippogriff who seemed to have enough strength to still form a sentence.

''Are you okay?'' Fluttershy asked concernedly.

''Grey bird in cloak.......stole pearl.....used it to........'' The hippogriff uttered, coughing a few times between words.

''Grey bird in cloak?'' Rarity repeated.

The hippogriff nodded slowly, ''Queen Novo....She.......''

''Is she alright?!'' Pinkie Pie asked worriedly.

''Where is she?!'' Rainbow Dash asked urgently.

The hippogriff struggled to raise his arm, but still managed to lift it from the ground and pointed it to a particular stone made house further away.

''Come on!'' Rainbow Dash said before she flew towards the house.

''Don't worry, we're going to help all of you.'' Fluttershy said to the wounded hippogriff. She and the rest of her friends quickly went after Rainbow Dash

As soon as they entered through the open door, their eyes immediately started searching for Queen Novo. It took them less than a second to find the tall hippogriff queen laying against a shelf in the back of the house. She was looking just as wounded as the other hippogriffs, her eyes only barely staying open. Everypony quickly went to check on her.

''Queen Novo! Are you okay?!'' Pinkie Pie said with great concern.

The queen eyes slowly opened a bit wider and made eye contact with Pinkie pie as well as the other ponies.

''Tell us what happened.'' Applejack said concernedly.

''He came back......for revenge....'' Queen Novo said, sounding very weak.

''Who did?'' Rainbow Dash asked worriedly.

''His'' Queen Novo answered.

''CALLIDUS?!!'' The five ponies all said out loud at the same time.

''Isn't he the ex mayor of Klugetown Capper told us about?'' Rarity mentioned.

''The one who joined the Storm King and helped him to destroy your home as well as Klugetown?!'' Pinkie Pie added urgently. Queen Novo nodded slowly in response.

''He has stolen the magic pearl and is taking it to Black Skull Island.'' Queen Novo explained, still talking in a weak voice.

''What for?'' Rarity asked.

''He has already turned Skystar and three other creatures into stone inside the Black Skull cave,'' Queen Novo explained, ''And he's going to use the pearl and two other creatures in order to open the door that leads to unlimited power. If he obtains it, then nothing will be able to stop him.''

''So he was the one behind it all along!'' Rainbow Dash said.

''But I thought all the pearl could do was transform you into different creatures.'' Rarity said.

''The pearl is capable of a lot more than that,'' Queen Novo explained further, ''Its powers can be terrifying when in the wrong claws. That's why I never wanted anyone to know about it, to keep creatures like Callidus from using it for themselves. You must stop him before it's too late.''

''You got it, your majesty!'' Pinkie Pie said determinedly, ''That bird is gonna get what's coming to him!''

''We gotta go tell Twilight and the others about this!'' Applejack said.

''But what about the hippogriffs?'' Fluttershy asked worriedly.

''Don't worry about us,'' Queen Novo reassured them, ''You ponies must focus on stopping Callidus first and save Princess Skystar.''

''We're on it, your majesty!'' Rainbow Dash exclaimed, ''You heard her, everypony! Let's go!'' She flew out of the house through the open door at the speed of light.

''We won't let that ruffian get away with this, Queen Novo. We promise.'' Rarity reassured her.

''And we will save Princess Skystar and bring her back home,'' Pinkie Pie added with an confident smile, ''Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!''

''Thank you,'' Queen Novo muttered quietly, ''You ponies are the most sincere creatures I've ever met. Now go.''

Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie soon went after Rainbow Dash and exited the house.

''Good luck.'' Queen Novo muttered to herself.

Applejack kicked her back legs against the giant gate of the hippogriff kingdom with full force, causing it to fly open in an instant. They ran out of the kingdom and started looking for Twilight, Tempest and Spike. Much to their shock however, they were nowhere to be found.

''Twilight! Where are you?!'' Rainbow said out loud.

''Fizzy?!'' Pinkie Pie added.

''Spike?!'' Fluttershy said worriedly.

''Where in tarnation did they go?'' Applejack asked herself.

Rarity then noticed a few dark grey feathers laying on the ground close to a rock on the right side of the mountain.

''Everypony, look!'' Rarity said to the others, getting their attention before pointing at the feathers.

''Grey feathers?'' Fluttershy said as she and the others went to take a closer look.

''And look, that cute little air boat is gone too!'' Pinkie Pie pointed out when noticing the air boat was missing.

''Remember what that one hippogriff guard said earlier?'' Rarity asked.

''A grey bird stole their pearl.'' Rainbow Dash said, repeating what she remembered the hippogriff guard saying.

Rarity nodded, ''These feathers must have been his.''

''Oh no,'' Applejack said when she realized something, ''He must have been the one to come here on that air boat. And then used it to ponynap Twilight, Spike and Tempest with him.''

''Are you sure?'' Rarity asked.

''Remember what Queen Novo said about Callidus needing two other creatures and the pearl?'' Applejack explained.

Fluttershy gasped as she came to realize what Applejack was implying, ''Do you think he needs them to....''

''We must hurry!'' Rainbow said urgently. Everypony rushed to the large airship that was still floating close to the mountain.

''There it is.'' Callidus said to Twilight, Tempest and Spike when the giant black skull was finally in their sight.

The small air boat landed close above the beach. Spike, Callidus and Twilight jumped out and stepped onto the beach of Black Skull Island. Spike noticed that Callidus was already walking to the giant cave's entrance without saying another word or looking back.

''This time, I'm coming with you.'' Tempest said after being the last one to get out of the air boat.

Twilight and Tempest made their way towards the cave, but stopped when they noticed that Spike wasn't walking next to them. They turned around and saw the small purple dragon still standing close to the air boat. He had a look of uncertainty on his face.

''Why aren't you coming, Spike?'' Twilight asked when approaching the purple dragon along with Tempest.

''Something about this just doesn't seem right,'' Spike replied while looking unsure, ''I can't explain it.''

''What are you talking about?'' Tempest said while raising her eyebrow, ''He's gonna help us save Skystar and the others. What's not right about that?''

''I don't know,'' Spike replied, ''It's just how I feel.''

''We can talk about it later, Spike,'' Twilight said to the purple dragon, ''But right now we must stay focused on saving Skystar and the others before it's too late. Understand?''

Spike nodded, ''I'm sorry.''

''It's alright, now let's go.'' Twilight said back.

Spike watched for a few seconds as Twilight and Tempest ran to the cave's entrance without looking back. He sighed to himself and went after the two ponies while still having a doubtful look on his face.

Tempest used her magic with her fully restored horn to illuminate the tunnel along with Twilight. Spike followed close behind them. Eventually they caught up with Callidus, who was calmly walking through the dark, long tunnel without looking back at the two ponies or Spike. Tempest looked around and saw the many creepy skulls carved on the walls. She quickly ignored it as her attention went back to her restored horn.

''It sure feels good to finally be able to cast normal spells again. I can't thank you enough, Callidus.'' Tempest said while smiling a bit.

''Don't mention it.'' Callidus said calmly without looking at her.

''Why exactly do you wanna help us?'' Spike asked Callidus with a look of suspicion.

''Because I understand how your friends feel,'' Callidus answered, still not giving any of the three a single glance, ''Let's leave it at that.''

They finally saw light at the end of the dark tunnel after a few minutes of walking. When they entered the four statues were still standing on the exact same spot, as well as the giant stone door on the other side with the carved symbols on it.

''Alright, so what exactly is your plan?'' Spike asked Callidus.

''Someone else has already turned four creatures into stone,'' Callidus explained, ''And the only magic that can undo it is behind that giant door.''

''Can't we just combine our own magic to do it?'' Twilight suggested to Callidus.

''That's not gonna work,'' Callidus explained, ''I've read about this place in a book some time ago. Believe me, we've gotta get what's behind that door if we want to succeed. Any other options could end in disaster.''

''But how do we open the door?'' Tempest asked.

''I know this is gonna sound strange, but you're gonna have to trust me if you wanna save Skystar and the others,'' Callidus explained before he pointed to a dragon symbol carved on the floor next to the other statues, ''I'm gonna need your little dragon friend to-''

''Um, hello. My name is Spike, you know.'' Spike remarked while raising his eyebrow.

Callidus rolled his eyes, ''I'm gonna need SPIKE to stand on that dragon symbol over there. And Twilight's gonna need to stand on the alicorn symbol next to it.''

''And then what?'' Spike asked.

''You'll both become statues like the others.'' Callidus explained calmly.

''Say WHAT?!'' Spike said out loud.

''Fear not,'' Callidus quickly reassured them, ''Once you and Twilight turn to stone like the other four, the giant door will open. And then we can use the power that's inside to turn you all back to normal.''

''Are you absolutely sure?'' Spike asked Callidus, still not sounding fully convinced.

''Why are you so doubtful of him, Spike?'' Tempest said to the small purple dragon, ''He fixed my horn as well as my scar, he's even forgiven me for what I've done and now he's going to help us free Princess Skystar and the others. What more do you need?''

Spike took a deep breath, ''I guess you got a point.''

''It's gonna be okay, Spike. I promise.'' Twilight reassured him.

Spike looked at the statues of Skystar and the others for a moment, realizing that he truly didn't have any other choice.

''Alright, then let's do it.'' Spike said with a determined look.

Spike and Twilight walked over to the two symbols on the ground next to the other statues. They both stepped on the one that matched their own species. Within a second, they immediately felt something tightening around their feet and hooves on the ground. As they had expected, both their feet and hooves slowly turned into stone. Spike and Twilight tried to stay as calm as possible while their bodies became more imprisoned with each passing second. Eventually they turned into statues just like the others.

A bright light started appearing from the symbols underneath the statues, forming a glowing single circle around each of them. A thick line of light emerged from each of the statues and headed to the stone door in front of them. The lines crawled over to the carved symbols on the door, similar looking to the ones under the statues. The cave started shaking when the symbols on the door started glowing as bright as the ones on the ground. The door started rising itself up, causing a few small rocks to fall from the ceiling. The shaking stopped when the door had finally disappeared into the ceiling.

On the other side was another small pillar with her large dark grey skull on it. Its teeth were all black and the eye holes looked huge. The skull looked like as if it was about to bite on something big.

''What now?'' Tempest asked Callidus curiously.

''According to what I've read, one of us needs to put their claw or hoof in the mouth of that skull. The one who does will be able to absorb its power.'' Calllidus explained calmly as a gleeful smile appeared on his face without Tempest noticing.

''I see.'' Tempest said as she looked at the skull on the pillar.

''But we must be careful. It could still be dangerous.'' Callidus explained.

''Then I'll do it,'' Tempest replied as she was about to walk to the pillar, ''It's the least I can do after everthing you've done for me and-''

''NO!'' Callidus shouted, placing his arm right in front of Tempest.

''Why not?'' Tempest asked in surprise.

''I can't ask you to risk your life for me. I'll do it.'' Callidus explained in a seemingly worried manner.

''But I-''

''Just trust me!'' Callidus demanded before Tempest could finish the sentence, ''If anything does go wrong, then you can step in.''

Tempest looked at Callidus for a few seconds, ''Okay. Be careful.''

Callidus nodded to the purple unicorn and calmly walked over to the pillar on the other side. Tempest watched him cautiously as the grey bird reached the large skull on the pillar. A little grin appeared on his face while he reached his arm under the right side of his cloak.

''STOP RIGHT THERE!!'' The loud raspy voice that began to echoe throughout the area seemed to be coming from the tunnel behind Tempest.

''Rainbow dash?'' Tempest said before looking behind her.

Callidus quickly removed his arm from the cloak and looked behind him to see who was shouting. A rainbow maned pegasus and four other ponies soon came out of the dark tunnel, all of them looking angry and furious when they set their eyes on the grey bird.

''We got you now, bird brain!'' Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

''Tempest?'' Fluttershy said when she noticed the fixed horn on her forehead, ''Your horn. It's-''

''I know, Callidus fixed it. And he-''

''Are you okay, Fizzy?!'' Pinkie Pie asked her as she got up close to Tempest, ''Did that meanie hurt you?!''

''What?! No, of course not. He's gonna-''

''Then we got here just in time to teach him a lesson!'' Rarity exclaimed as she punched her front hooves against each other.

''What are you all talking about?'' Tempest asked in confusion.

''Callidus is EVIL!'' Pinkie Pie answered her.

''What?'' Tempest said in a clueless manner.

''He stole the magic pearl from Queen Novo and used it to hurt every hippogriff on Mount Aris!'' Applejack explained with an earnest look.

''And who told you that?'' Callidus asked.

''Queen Novo did!'' Rainbow Dash answered.

Callidus looked down with a stern look on his face while shaking his head, ''I pity you ponies, so easily persuaded by Queen Novo's pathetic lies.''

''We're not gonna fall for your tricks!'' Rainbow Dash answered, ''Now hand over the pearl!''

''Everypony, STOP!!'' Tempest shouted as she got in front of Twilight's friends, ''You got this all wrong! Callidus is trying to help us save Skystar and the others! Whatever Queen Novo told you about him is a lie!''

''That's not true!'' Applejack exclaimed agressively, ''All he wants is to get the power inside this place to rule the world. He's the one who turned Skystar and the others into stone in the first place!''

''Do you have any proof of that?!'' Tempest asked back sternly.

''Are you blind?!'' Rainbow Dash exclaimed, ''Look at Twilight and Spike, you idiot! Who do you think turned them into stone?!''

''Now now, Rainbow Dash. There's no need to-''

''We had to! It's the only way to free everyone from their stone prison!'' Tempest explained before Fluttershy could finish, ''Now if you just let him-''

''He's LYING to you, Tempest!'' Applejack responded furiously, ''Why can't ya see that?!''

''The only liar here is Queen Novo!'' Tempest shouted in anger.

''What do you mean?'' Fluttershy asked with a concerned look.

''Callidus NEVER joined the Storm King in his conquest, nor did he ever had any intention to help him destroy the hippogriff kingdom!'' Tempest began to explain.

''What?'' Rainbow Dash said with a confused look.

''I was there on the day when the Storm King and his army attacked Klugetown,'' Tempest began to explain in a desperate manner, ''Callidus ran away to get help from the Hippogriffs! But when he had arrived, Queen Novo jumped to the conclusion that he was helping the Storm King to take over Mount Aris! After the Storm king's defeat, she and the other hippogriffs had spread word around Klugetown that Callidus had betrayed them!''

Twilight's friends all looked in shock and disbelief as Tempest continued her speech.

''It was because of me that Callidus ended up the way he did! And the same goes to what happened to the hippogriffs! I'm sorry I never told you this before, but I can't just let other creatures be blamed for things that are my fault!''

Tempest caught her breath after she was finished. A few small tears could be seen under her eyes.

''Tempest.....'' Applejack said, looking unsure while trying to take in everything she and her friends had just heard from her.

Suddenly they could hear the sound of someone clapping. Tempest and the other ponies looked over to Callidus and saw that he was the one slowly clapping with his claws, all while having a satisfied grin on his face.

''Well done, Tempest.'' Callidus said confidently.

''What?'' Tempest said, surprised by his sudden change of attitude.

''You've been a great help to me,'' Callidus said before suddenly showing a serious look on his face, ''But I'm afraid that our little alliance has to come to an end.'' He quickly grabbed the magic pearl from under his cloak, turned around and placed it inside the skull without letting go.

Tempest looked shocked when her eyes had noticed the magic pearl, ''Wait! That's the-''

Before Tempest and the rest of the ponies had a chance to react, a giant burst of magic around the black skull as it sunk its teeth into the pearl. The pearl started to shine a darker color, which started to glow bigger and bigger as Callidus kept his claws on the pearl into the skull. Six lines came from the glowing pillar and made their way across the floor towards the six statues.

''What's happening?!" Fluttershy said out loud.

An unnerving, screeching sound came from the skull as a large magic beam shot out of it. The magic hit the ceiling and caused the whole cave to shine so bright that everyone was forced to close their eyes against the blinding light.

7. The rise of an unexpected threat

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The empty eye holes of the cave on Black Skull Island started glowing. Within a few seconds a pair of dark yellow magic beams shot out through the holes high up into the sky. Callidus's loud scream escaped out of the cave's entrance as the bright blue sky above the island turned grey from the magic beam. The sky above became covered with dark clouds that slowly spread itself around all over the island.

Back inside the cave, Tempest and the other ponies still kept their eyes shut and held their arm in front of their faces to protect themselves against the bright light. Once the light had dimmed down, everypony finally opened their eyes again. Their attention quickly turned over to the statues and could not believe what they were seeing.

The bodies of Skystar, Captain Celaeno, Capper, Twilight, Spike and the storm guard were no longer made of stone. Instead they had returned back to their normal selves and were laying on the floor unconscious. Princess Skystar was the first one to get up. She rubbed the side of her head and started looking around in confusion.

''What just happened?'' Skystar said in a weak voice before looking behind her.

''SKYSTAR!!'' Pinkie Pie shouted with a bright smile on her face. The pink pony immediately jumped over to the small hippogriff and gave her a big hug.

''Pinkie Pie?!'' Skystar responded in delight before hugging the pink pony back, ''How did you find me here?!''

Eventually Twilight and Spike regained their consciousness as well. The first thing they did was checking on the statues. Much to their delight, all of them had turned back to normal just as Callidus had promised them.

''It worked!'' Twilight said with a bright smile, ''Spike, it actually worked!''

Spike shook his head back and forth wildely for a second, still a little dizzy from just awakening from his stone imprisonment and turned his attention to Skystar, Capper, Captain Celaeno and the Storm Guard.

''Heh, I guess Callidus really was just trying to help us after all.'' Spike said with a relieved smile.

Applejack, Fluttershy and the others immediately went to check on Twilight and Spike.

''Are you okay, Twi?!'' Applejack asked.

''Don't worry, I'm fine,'' Twilight said reassuringly, ''Skystar and the others have been freed, everything's okay now.''

''I wouldn't say that just yet,'' Rainbow Dash replied to the optimistic alicorn, ''Look!'' She pointed over to the small pillar on the other side.

Callidus, who still had his back turned on the others, was holding on to the magic pearl inside the black skull while breathing steadily. He saw that the pearl lost its magic glowing appearance and had turned black instead of white. A dark aura was moving around it and inside there was a creepy looking skull flashing every few seconds. A dark yellow glow soon appeared around Callidus's body with every menacing sounding breath he took.

''Power....'' Callidus said to himself menacingly before slowly letting go of the magic pearl.

Captain Celaeno, Capper and the storm guard slowly regained their consciousness as Callidus's yellow glow around his body got more and more intense. All three of them looked over to where the glowing was coming from and saw the grey bird in a dark cloak. He slowly turned around and he revealed his face to everyone. They could see the yellow part of his eyes glowing, staring at them with a menacing smile that struck fear into most of them.

The magic aura started glowing even brighter around Callidus's body, ''Unlimited.....POWER!!''

Many small lighting bolts came out of Callidus's finger tips that started flying all over the place. Some of them hit the ceiling and caused multiple rocks to fall down. The impact made the whole cave shake wildely for a few seconds as if it was an earthquake.

''Callidus, what are you doing?!'' Tempest asked after dodging some of the falling rocks.

''You still haven't figured it out yet?'' Callidus asked the purple unicorn confidently.

''What?'' Tempest said, still trying to process what was going on.

''I used you!'' Callidus exclaimed.

Those words were like a stab to the heart, one that she hadn't felt since her last betrayal. Tempest looked horrified and confused as she came to realize the truth, no matter how much she wanted to deny it.

''Did you honestly think I meant it when I said that I had forgiven you?!'' Callidus said sternly, ''What happened to me all those days ago is just as much your fault as it is Queen Novo's!''

''No....'' Tempest said to herself as her shocked expression soon got replaced by one of guilt and sadness, ''Not again.....not again...''

''And now, thanks to you and those other creatures,'' Callidus said as a magic aura glowed around his claws, ''I finally have the power to take back what is mine!''

A shocked look appeared on Twilight's face as she began to realize what was going on. She slowly started to look angry as small sparks came out of her horn.

''You monster! I trusted you!'' Twilight shouted before shooting a purple laser.

''Don't make it sound like I'm the villain here, Twilight Sparkle!'' Callidus exclaimed, using his claw to send the laser right back at Twilight, forcing her and her friends to dodge it as the laser went into the dark tunnel, ''I lost everything because of Tempest and Queen Novo! My home, my respect for the creatures of Klugetown, everything! I need these powers if I ever wish to take it all back!''

''What?!'' Captain Celaeno said in anger, ''You lying pig, I'll show you!'' She quickly drew her sword and charged towards Callidus.

Captain Celaeno swung her sword at Callidus, who immediately blocked the metal part of her weapon between his two fingers with little to no effort. The metal started melting when a red glow appeared around Callidus's fingers. Celaeno watched in shock before Callidus raised his other claw and attacked back with a magical force push, sending Celaeno flying back to the others.

''I really don't want to fight,'' Callidus said with a stern look as his claws started glowing intensely with magic, ''But if any of you decide to stand in my way, then so be it.''

Twilight looked up at the ceiling right above where Callidus stood. She got an idea when she saw more small rocks falling from the ceiling as he was charging his next attack.

''Callidus, wait!'' Twilight said urgently before Callidus could launch his attack, ''I wanna help you with your revenge!''

All of Twilight's friends and the other creatures looked in shock at the purple alicorn's suggestion. But much to everyone surprise, Callidus calmed down as the magic from his claw faded away along with the aura around his body.

''Help me?'' Callidus responded as he gave Twilight a suspicious look, ''Whatever happened to calling me a monster?''

Twilight sighed to herself before approaching the grey parrot, ''I'm sorry. I was wrong to call you that.''

''Twilight?!'' Spike said out loud, but the purple alicorn completely ignored him.

''You're right. You're not the villain here. And that's why I wanna help you take back your place in Kludgetown.'' Twilight explained.

''Have you lost your mind, Twilight?!'' Rainbow Dash shouted.

Twilight kept ignoring her friends and continued walking towards Callidus until she stopped close in front of him.

''I know what it feels like to be betrayed by someone who you thought could help you. I've been in that kind of situation, back when I first arrived at Mount Aris,'' Twilight explained to Callidus, ''And that's why I wanna help you in any way I can.''

''Twilight, How could you-!''

Callidus quickly raised his claw, trapping Twilight's friends and the others inside a force field before a desperate looking Pinkie could finish her sentence. They immediately started attacking the force field, with no results.

''Glad to hear that you've finally come to understand me,'' Callidus said, ''Once I reclaim my position as mayor in Klugetown, I will promise something very special for you and your friends.''

''Don't listen to him, Twilight! It's a trap!'' Spike shouted while banging his fists against the force field. Twilight still decided to ignore the purple dragon and didn't even glance back at him.

''Thank you,'' Twilight said to Callidus before extending her hoof out to him, ''Do we have a deal?''

Callidus looked at Twilight's hoof as he thought about his decision. He eventually lowered his body to Twilight's level and started to move his claw towards the alicorn's hoof. A sly smile appeared on Callidus's face as small sparks started moving around his claw. Her friends and the other creatures could not believe what was happening.

But just as Callidus was about to shake his claw with Twilight's hoof, her horn started to glow. Twilight quickly casted a magic spell to blind Callidus for a moment with a bright, burning light. She then quickly followed it up by shooting a purple laser into Callidus's stomach, launching him into the air. His body smacked against the rock hard ceiling before falling down. The force field around Twilight's friends disappeared in a flash the moment Callidus's body hit the ground.

Twilight immediately ran over to her friends when the whole cave started shaking even more wildely than before. Some larger rocks began to fall from the ceiling, nearly hitting her friends in the process.

''RUN!!'' Twilight shouted as she ran past her friends and the other creatures. They didn't give it a second thought and immediately ran after Twilight into the dark tunnel.

Twilight and her friends looked back as they made their way through the tunnel. Callidus was still laying on the ground unconscious. Just as he was about to get up, the entire area around him started to collapse. His body got crushed by the rocks falling from the ceiling, hitting every part of his body multiple times until he was completely buried under a big pile of rocks.

Eventually Twilight, her friends and the other creatures managed to make it out of the cave. The entrance collapsed behind them right after they got out. The up side of the cave's mouth fell down, blocking the cave as a small sandstorm spread itself over the beach for a few seconds. All of them sat down and caught their breath after escaping the tense situation.

''Nice thinking, Twilight.'' Pinkie Pie complimented the purple alicorn.

''Thanks, Pinkie.'' Twilight replied while panting steadily.

''For a moment there I thought you were serious about siding with that bird brain.'' Rainbow Dash said.

''Of course I wouldn't,'' Twilight said, ''Everything Callidus had told me and Tempest back on Mount Aris was a lie. He was only using me and Tempest to gain that power for himself. He never actually cared about freeing our friends.''

''But is it really true what Queen Novo did to him?'' Fluttershy asked curiously.

''Who cares?!'' Rainbow Dash exclaimed, ''Even if it is true, that doesn't excuse him for hurting all those other hippogriffs, does it?!''

''I suppose not.'' Fluttershy replied.

''Speaking of Callidus, Is he...'' Rarity said nervously, afraid to finish her sentence when she thought back to what happened in the cave.

''I doubt even he could survive a big pile of rocks crushing his entire body,'' Rainbow Dash explained, ''We're safe now.''

''Thank hoofness. So it's finally over?'' Pinkie asked.

''It sure seems that way, Pinkie.'' Applejack replied.

Twilight sighed as she stood back up, ''I'm really sorry, everypony,'' She said with a disappointed look, ''I should have listened to you back on Mount Aris, then none of it would've happened.''

''Don't blame yourself,'' Tempest replied in a somber tone, ''I was the one who defended him when you and Spike were turned to stone.''

''What do you mean?'' Twilight asked.

Tempest sighed deeply and repeated the same story about the day she and the Storm King's army attacked Klugetown and Mount Aris. It pained her to tell Twilight, but she knew deep down that hiding the truth would only cause even more problems in the future. The purple unicorn looked down somberly when she was done telling the story.

''I'm sorry I never told you this before.'' Tempest said.

Twilight gave Tempest a sympathetic look and walked over to her, ''It's alright, Tempest. I forgive you.'' She said to the purple unicorn with a genuine smile.

''Really?'' Tempest said, sounding a bit surprised.

Twilight nodded in response, ''Of course.''

''Why do you always forgive me so easily?'' Tempest asked.

Twilight responded by giving Tempest a warm hug, ''Because that is what friends do.''

Tempest felt a warm fuzzy feeling inside and slowly hugged Twilight back, despite still feeling a bit guilty about something.

''Awwwww,'' Pinkie Pie said while smiling warmly, ''All's well that ends well. Am I right?''

''So, what do we do now?'' Spike asked the other ponies.

''Now we take Skystar back to Mount Aris, of course!'' Pinkie Pie answered as she got next to Princess Skystar, ''Then she can reunite with Queen Novo! And we'll have a super duper unbelievably funtacular awesome amazing emotional and breathtaking 'Mother and daughter reunion' party!''

While her friends gave the pink pony a playful smile and an eyeroll, Princess Skystar began to look somber as soon as Pinkie had finished her sentence.

''Well, I'll just go start up the engine of our airship then, I guess.'' Tempest suggested, talking in a somewhat somber tone. She trotted to the edge of the island where there ship was still floating above the ocean.

''What's wrong, Fizzy?'' Pinkie Pie asked Tempest, who appeared next to her out of nowhere

Tempest glanced at her horn for a moment and sighed, ''Just leave me be.''

Applejack watched with a worried look as Tempest continued to make her way to the airship, ''Why? Everything's fine now, right? You can-''

''I know!'' Tempest said before Applejack could finish, ''But I just need to be alone right now, okay?'' She then continued walking to the airship and climbed aboard.

''She must still be feeling guilty.'' Twilight explained to her friends, who were all looking worried.

''Why?'' Rainbow Dash asked.

''Because something like this had happened to her before. With the Storm King.'' Twilight answered.

''Oh, right,'' Rainbow Dash said, looking somber when she realized what Twilight meant, ''Sorry, I forgot about that.''

''Well, then let's go cheer her up!'' Pinkie Pie said in a cheerful manner.

''No, Pinkie,'' Applejack replied calmly, ''Sometimes it's best to leave somepnoy alone for awhile before you go talk to them. Some wounds take time to heal. You understand, right?''

Pinkie thought about what Applejack said for a bit before a slightly somber look appeared on her face.

''Yeah, I guess you're right.'' Pinkie Pie said.

''Um, sorry for interrupting. But can someone PLEASE tell me what in the storm is going on here?!'' The storm guard asked when he finally got enough rest.

''It's okay, mister storm guard,'' Fluttershy said, trying to calm him down with her soothing voice, ''We'll explain everything to you once we get you home.''

''You sure are being kind to an evil creature who previously tried to take over your home,'' Captain Celaeno said, giving the storm guard a suspicious look, ''Or did I miss something?''

''Oh no, Captain Celaeno. Storm guards aren't evil creatures, they only did what they were ordered to do from the Storm King.'' Fluttershy explained.

''It's true. Personally, I always wanted to start my own bakery after my time in Canterlot. Their cakes are simply the best!'' The storm guard explained with a happy smile in his eyes.

''Awww, shucks.'' Pinkie Pie replied playfully.

''Seriously?'' Captain Celaeno responded, giving the storm guard a confused look, ''Then what were you doing here?''

''After the Storm King created that huge tornado in Canterlot, me and many of the other storm guards got blown away. Literally,'' The storm guard explained, ''I ended up on this island somehow and went into the cave out of curiousity. When I reached the end, there was a strange symbol on the ground that looked a lot like me. So I stepped on it and then I got stoned.''

Everyone around the storm guard widened their eyes in shock and kept staring at him for a few seconds.

''What?'' The storm guard said while looking confused.

''Uh, don't ya mean TURNED to stone?'' Applejack asked.

''Um, yeah. Isn't that the same thing?'' The storm guard replied.

''Nevermind. Forget I asked.'' Applejack quickly said.

''Don't worry, all of your friends are safe at the Storm King's castle.'' Fluttershy explained to the big creature in a friendly manner, ''Or I guess right now it's called Grubber's castle, since he's their king now.'' She giggled a bit.

''Say what?'' Captain Celaeno and the storm guard both said in perfect unison.

''That little hedgehog guy?'' Captain Celaeno said while looking flabbergasted, ''Is that supposed to be some kind of pony joke?''

''Trust me, I WISH it was.'' Rainbow Dash said as she walked up next to Captain Celaeno.

Capper finally stood up again after getting enough rest and stretched his body from the whole ordeal inside the skull cave.

''You ponies truly are something else, you know that?'' Capper mentioned, whiping some of the dust from his red coat as he joined the others, ''And to think I was going to sell you all to a mole guy in order to repay my debt.''

Rarity gave Capper an unamused look, ''You just HAD to bring that up.''

''What's he talking about?'' Captain Celaeno asked Rarity while raising an eyebrow.

''The less said about that, the better.'' Rarity answered in an irritated manner.

''Okay. If you say so.'' Captaine Celaeno replied, still looking a bit confused.

''Yeah, not exactly one of my better moments,'' Capper responded while rubbing the back of his head, ''Anyway.....Um, Celaeno was it?''

''There should be a captain in there somewhere.'' Captain Celaeno replied with a playful smirk.

Capper rolled his eyes, ''Fine then, CAPTAIN Celaeno. Mind explaining to us how you got involved with that Callidus freak in the first place?''

''Well, it all started when me and my crew found this island while we were searching for some treasures,'' Captain Celaeno explained, ''I went into the cave to take a look while the others stayed outside to guard our new airship. Inside I found this cloaked figure. When he saw me, he said that there was some kind of treasure on the other side. So he tricked me to stand on a symbol and then I got turned into stone as well.''

''You got tricked?'' Capper remarked, ''Aren't you supposed to be a pirate?''

''Actually me and my crew prefer to be known as swashbuckling treasure hunters.'' Captain Celaeno remarked back, ''Actual pirate stuff isn't really our style.''

''Speaking of your crew,'' Rainbow Dash said to Celaeno as she looked around, ''Where are they?''

''I have no idea,'' Captain Celaeno answered, ''But I'm gonna do whatever I can to find them.''

''Then count us in, Captain!'' Rainbow Dash said confidently.

''We'd love to help, Captain Celaeno,'' Twilight suggested, ''But I think we should probably bring Skystar home first. I can't imagine how worried Queen Novo must be right now.''

''Fair enough,'' Captain Celaeno said to Twilight, ''After all, I still owe you one for saving my life.''

''Don't worry. As soon as we bring her home, then we'll help you to find the other pira.....Uh, swashbucklers.'' Twilight explained, ''I promise.''

''And then we can have the super duper unbelievably funtacular awesome....'' Pinkie stopped talking when she noticed the unamused looks from her friends, ''....Hehe, well you know the rest.'' She said with a nervous smile.

Captain Celaeno reached out her claw to Twilight, ''You got yourself a deal, princess.''

Twilight smiled and shook her hoof with Celaeno's claw.

Pinkie Pie then began to notice the unusual somber look on Skystar's face and walked over to her. The others noticed as well and went over to the sad looking hippogriff.

''Why the long frown, Skystar?'' Pinkie Pie asked cheerfully, ''It's over now, we're gonna get you home and you're going to see your mom again! Isn't that great?!''

''No....'' Skystar answered, still sitting on the ground with a somber look.

''What?!'' Pinkie Pie said in shock.

''Don't you want to see your mom again?! Spike asked in surprise.

''It's not like that,'' Skystar said a tears started rolling down her cheeks her eyes, ''It's just.....if mom finds out what I did, she will never wanna talk to me again.''

''What are you talking about? Your mom misses you more than anything.'' Rainbow Dash said.

Skystar turned her attention to the rainbow pegasus, ''She does?'' She asked while looking surprised.

''Of course! That's why she asked us to go look for you, she's worried sick.'' Rarity explained.

''Whatever it is you did, I'm sure your mom will forgive you.'' Fluttershy said to Skystar in a friendly and understanding manner.

Skystar sighed, ''I don't know.....''

''What exactly did ya do, sugarcube?'' Applejack asked worriedly.

''Well, you see.......I wasn't kidnapped,'' Skystar confessed as the tears started to come back, ''I.....I ran away from home.''

''WHAT?!!'' Twilight and the others said at the same time.

''Why would you do that?!'' Rainbow Dash asked Skystar.

Skystar sighed again and dried her tears a bit as she started to explain, ''After I helped you ponies defeat the Storm King, my mom was so impressed with my bravery that she wanted to crown me as the new queen of the hippogriffs during the Hippogriff Freedom Celebration.''

''That's why you ran away?'' Rainbow Dash asked, slightly confused by Skystar's explanation. The small hippogriff nodded.

''But why, darling?'' Rarity asked worriedly.

''Because I didn't feel like I was ready yet. I tried to explain it to my mom, but she wouldn't listen,'' Skystar continued, ''I tried again and again, until I got so frustrated that I ran away from home before the celebration. And that's when I met Callidus, who said he could help me with my problems. So I went with him into that cave and then I got turned into stone after he told me to stand on a certain symbol.''

After Skystar had finished her story, Twilight couldn't help but feel a strong sense of relatability with what the hippogriff princess was going through. The purple alicorn slowly walked in front of the somber looking Skystar.

''I know how you feel.'' Twilight said in a calm and understanding manner

''You do?'' Skystar asked, looking a bit less somber.

Twilight nodded before she began to explain, ''When Princess Celestia first made me a princess, I wasn't sure if I was up to the task either. So I would usually try to avoid my princess responsibilities as much as I could.''

''Really?'' Skysatr asked.

Twilight nodded in reponse, ''But overtime, I started to get more comfortable with my position and eventually grew into the princess I am now. It's never going to be easy when you first start out, but I can tell you from experience that things will only become easier the more you try.''

''But what will my mom think once I tell her that I ran away?'' Skystar asked in a worried tone.

''I know it's hard, believe me,'' Twilight said while placing her hoof on Skystar's shoulder, ''But sooner or later you're gonna have to tell the truth. And even if it hurts, you'll feel MUCH better after you let it out.'' She glanced over to Applejack and gave her a small wink.

Applejack gave the purple alicorn a proud smile and winked back at her.

Skystar thought about what Twilight had said for a moment. Eventually a genuine smile started to appear on her face.

''Yes, you're right,'' Skystar said while wiping her tears with her claw, ''Thank you, Princess Twilight. Your friends are lucky to have somepony as amazing as you.''

''Well, she's not the Princess of Friendship for nothing.'' Pinkie Pie said with a playful tone in her voice.

''What do ya say, sugarcube?'' Applejack asked Skystar with a confident smile, ''Ya ready to go home and reunite with your mother?''

Skystar nodded and stood up, ''I am.''

''This is all very sweet, but can we-'' The storm guard stopped talking when he felt the ground shaking below him.

A small yellow laser appeared through a small gap of the blocked entrance of the big skull cave and headed towards the storm guard. The yellow laser hit him in the back as he let out a painful shriek. His whole body started flickering as the flesh of his body got turned to ash. Within a few seconds the storm guard had turned into a skeleton that collapsed on the beach, leaving only the armor behind. Everyone looked over to the dead storm guard and gasped at the horrifying sight. Suddenly they heard a big explosion coming from the entrance of the cave. The rocks that once blocked the entrance flew all over the place, missing everyone on the beach just by a hair. Once the smoke from the explosion had cleared, none of them could believe their eyes.

Right there, in front of the unblocked entrance of the cave, stood Callidus. His glowing claw stretched out towards them, his eyes filled with rage and his body full of wounds. He lowered his arm back down to his side and slowly walked to them with a look of intimidation, seemingly having little to no problem with moving despite all the wounds on his body.

''You are one clever pony, Twilight Sparkle,'' Callidus said intimidatingly, ''That I cannot deny.''

''What?! B-But how are you-''

''Still alive?'' Callidus said, finishing Twilight's sentence for him, ''Did you really think that some puny rocks could kill the most powerful being in the world?!''

Callidus raised his claw into the air. Immediately a magic glow fell down over him like a shower. Everypony watched the magic flowing through him, recovering all the wounds on his body within a few seconds.

Fluttershy was looking over the remaining ashes of the storm guard as tears started to appear in her eyes.

''Get over it. He got what he deserved.'' Callidus said to her, not showing any sympathy for the yellow pegasus.

Twilight began to charge up her horn while giving Callidus a serious look, ''And now you're gonna get what YOU deserve!'' Her friends all rallied up behind her.

Callidus responded with an intimidating glare, ''Have it your way.'' He then quickly snapped his fingers.

Spike, Capper, Skystar, Captain Celaeno and the rest of the ponies on the island all got trapped inside grey magical bubbles that appeared out of thin air within a matter of seconds. They all started smashing away at their bubble to try and escape, but none of it seemed to have any effect.

Callidus's eyes glanced back for a moment when he heard footsteps a few meters behind him. A little smile appeared on his beak as dark blue aura appeared around his claw, one that made it look as if it belonged to a ursa minor.

''Nice try.'' Callidus said to himself quietly.

An angry looking Tempest had landed on the island and was charging towards Callidus's back. But right before Tempest could attack him in the back, Callidus turned himself around at the speed of light and slashed his blue claw against the right side of Tempest's face.

It was as if time was slowing down as Twilight and everyone else inside the magic bubbles were forced to watch in horror. Tempest flew back from Callidus's attack, which had left behind a familiar scar on Tempest's right eye. Half of her horn had been broken off and ended up in the ocean. She lost her conciousness as her body fell on the beach. The cloak that she was wearing got loose and flew away with the strong winds on the island.

Everyone inside the bubbles gasped in shock when they saw the storm king's symbol on Tempest's flank.

''Well well, would you look at that,'' Callidus said when he saw the Storm King's symbol on the side of Tempest's flank, ''And she actually had the nerve to tell me that she had changed.''

Callidus looked back at the others, who were still trapped inside their bubbles. His attention quickly turned to Twilight again. His eyes glowed dark yellow for a second, causing Twilight's bubble to immediately teleport in front of him. Callidus snapped his fingers and released Twilight from her bubble, much to her surprise. But she hadn't forgotten about what he did and immediately was about to blast him with magic while having a vengeful look on her face.

Callidus quickly extended his claw out at Twilight. Her body instantly got locked into place and it stopped her from using her magic.

''Listen to me, Twilight,'' Callidus said, talking in a surprisingly calm manner as he placed his claw back next to him, ''I know you must be thinking that I'm the bad guy here. That I'm just some....villain.''

''I don't think you are! I KNOW you are!'' Twilight exclaimed in anger, trying to fight against Callidus's magic.

Callidus sighed deeply, ''I'm only doing this to take back what I've lost. I was forced to suffer for days, surviving the harshness of nature, the pain of hunger. I wanted nothing more than to be accepted back into Klugetown and become the mayor I'm supposed to be. But the moment I arrived back, Queen Novo had already turned everyone against me, so I was forced to leave my home and survive on my own.''

''And why should I believe you?!'' Twilight shouted at the grey bird, ''You lied to us, just killed that storm guard and attacked my friend RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!''

''Because they both deserved it!'' Callidus responded back, ''They were allies to the Storm King and therefore had to suffer the consequences.''

Tempest slowly regained her conciousness just in time to witness what Callidus was about to do.

''I'm sorry, Twilight. But you've left me with no other choice,'' Callidus said as he clenched his fist while grey magic started glowing around it,'' Farewell.'' He then extended his arm out to Twilight, opened his claw and fired a giant magic beam that started to engulf the purple alicorn.

Everyone was forced to watch Twilight getting blasted off by the magic beam, sending her all the way to the other side of the world. Spike screamed Twilight's name at the top of his lungs, punching and bashing away at the magic bubble in anger as tears started rolling down his cheeks. He soon collapsed and started crying once Twilight had disappeard in the sky.

Tempest grinded her teeth in anger and tried to shoot a magic laser at Callidus's back. But instead of magic, all that came out were a few puny little lightning bolts. Her heart immediately sank when she looked up and saw her broken horn.

Callidus noticed the few lightning bolts moving past him and quickly turned around, where he saw Tempest looking at her broken horn in shock and disbelief.

''You brought that on yourself.'' Callidus said to her.

Tempest tried to pull herself together, ''Callidus. Please, just let my friends go,'' She pleaded, ''None of this is their fault, I'm the one you want. Release them and I promise I'll do anything for you.''

That last sentence suddenly gave Callidus an idea.

''Very well,'' Callidus responded confidently, ''If you do this one thing for me, I will let your friends go.''

''Just tell me what it is and I'll do it,'' Tempest said, trying to stay calm, ''You have my word.''

''Go to Mount Aris,'' Callidus began to explain, ''And tell Queen Novo to meet me in Klugetown.''

''What?'' Tempest said with a shocked look, ''B-But what for?''

''That doesn't concern you,'' Callidus replied, ''Just do as I say, and I will keep my end of the bargain. Do we have a deal?''

Tempest's heart started beating incredibly fast. Going back to Mount Aris and talking to Queen Novo is the last thing she wanted to do. But she quickly realized what was at stake and knew that she had no choice. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

''Deal.'' Tempest answered, trying best to hide her fear.

''Wise choice,'' Callidus said, ''And don't even think about taking other hippogriffs with you. Or it will be the last time you'll ever see your friends again......alive.''

''I understand.'' Tempest replied, looking slightly angry while trying to keep her cool.

''Good,'' Callidus said, ''Oh, and make sure to tell Queen Novo that if she doesn't show up, her daughter will suffer the same fate as your friends.''

Callidus's eyes glowed yellow as he let out an evil sounding laugh. Tempest watched a giant tornado of sand engulfing Twilight's friends, Callidus and the others inside the magic bubbles. A few seconds later, the sand tornado faded away, slowly revealing that Callidus and the others had disappeared. Tempest looked over to the air ship that was still floating close to the island, getting blow from side to side by the harsh winds coming from the storm in the sky.

No matter how afraid Tempest felt at the moment, knowing what would happen to her friends if she failed was enough to motivate her. She took a deep breath and ran towards the air ship, ready to finally face her biggest fear and save her friends.

8. Callidus strikes back

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Luna stood on the balcony of the tallest tower in Canterlot with her sister, watching over their giant city. She looked up when some dark grey clouds started to fill up a small portion of the sky far away in the distance. The clouds started to spread out wider and wider while thunder struck down on a few occasions.

''Sister, look.'' Luna said to Celestia to get her attention.

Celestia looked over to Luna, who was pointing her hoof to somewhere far away. Her eyes then turned to where her younger sister was pointing and saw the dark grey clouds.

''Clouds?'' Celestia replied, not understanding what Luna was trying to say

''Yes, clouds. But notice how the clouds are getting bigger on their own somehow,'' Luna explained, ''Isn't that a little strange?''

''You're right,'' Celestia asked while looking worried, ''You don't suppose it has something to do with Twilight Sparkle and her friends, do you?''

Before Luna could give an answer to that question, a grey line of magic appeared below the dark clouds and was heading in the direction of Canterlot. It looked almost like a grey colored shooting star.

''What is that?'' Luna asked curiously.

Celestia placed her eye on the telescope that was placed right next to her to get a better look.

''Hold on....'' Celestia said as she started to make out something purple inside the grey line of magic.

''What do you see?'' Luna asked.

''That's.....'' Celestia said before letting out a small gasp, ''THAT'S TWILIGHT!!!'' She exclaimed out loud when she saw an unconscious purple alicorn inside the grey line of magic.

''What?!'' Luna said, pushing her sister out of the way before looking through the telescope. She saw Twilight inside the grey line of magic as it disappeared into the mountains of the frozen north.

''Watch over Canterlot until we come back.'' Celestia commanded to the royal guard behind her.

The royal guard saluted the white alicorn, ''Yes, your highness!''

''Let's hurry, Luna!'' Celestia said urgently. She flew off the balcony and immediately went after Twilight.

Luna didn't give it a second thought and followed her sister to the frozen north

Every creature in Klugetown looked up when grey clouds started filling the sky above the town, slowly moving in front of the sun and darkening the whole place. Some lightning bolts struck from the clouds on a few occasions while the sound of thunder boomed through the town. One particular looking lightning bolt came down at a slower rate than a normal one would and was about to strike the middle part of Klugetown. Everyone started screaming in panic and ran away from where the bolt was about to strike as fast as they could. The lightning struck the middle of the streets with a loud booming noise, leaving a cloud of smoke behind.

''Nature is trying to kill us!'' One of the creatures shouted.

The smoke eventually disappeared and revealed a grey looking bird dressed in a dark blue, regal looking coat. He wore a big hat of the same color with a red feather on top. A menacing dark yellow glow could be seen in his eyes for a moment while small sparks moved around his body.

''Wait, is that....No. That can't be.'' A shark creature said when he slowly recognized the sinister looking figure.

''It's Callidus!!'' Another fish creature said in shock.

''Back from the dead?!'' The shark creature said out loud whille looking surprised.

''Fear not, my dear citizens,'' The grey bird annouced proudly, ''Whatever that hippogriff queen told you about me is all a lie. I've always had my best interest at heart. Allow me to prove it to you.''

Callidus confidently snapped his fingers, which caused nine floating grey bubbles containing five distraught looking ponies, a sad purple dragon with his face hanging down, a furious looking pirate bird and a small hippogriff to appear above him in a circle.

''He caught the food thieves for us!'' A pig looking creature commented.

Every other creature saw the ponies and started cheering amongst each other. Callidus looked on with a satisfied grin on his face, enjoying every moment of it.

''Thank you all,'' Callidus said out loud before showing a sly smile on his face, ''Now, gather everyone here! The truth of what really happened on the day of the Storm King's attack is about to come to light!''

The heavy winds in the sky made it hard for Tempest to keep the wheel straight. She had to use every ounce of her strength to prevent the ship from capsizing. Luckily Mount Aris came into the unicorn's sight just a few seconds later. The place was still many meters away from her, but thankfully the storm helped move the airship through the sky faster than normal. Tempest began to panic however, when she realized that the ship was approaching the mountain at such great speed that it would crash before she could have the chance to reach the anker on deck and stop the airship. In the heat of the moment and with no other options left, the purple unicorn removed her hooves from the wheel and ran to the anker as fast as she could.

The wheel already started turning to the left uncontrollably fast as the airship was almost in close range of the mountain. Tempest ran over to the anchor as the entire ship slowly started turning ninety degrees to the left. The purple unicorn was just about to reach the anchor at the front deck. But before she knew it, the airship crashed into the side of the mountain. The impact caused the anker to fall overboard and the ship started to fall apart. Tempest was forced to make a leap of faith. She jumped off the deck, floating in the air for a good five seconds before making a hard landing close to the gate of the hippogriff kingdom. The remains of the airship fell down into the ocean behind her.

Tempest sat down to catch her breath, relieved that she was able to make it. But the moment was cut short when she heard hoofsteps coming from the other side of the tall gate.

"Who goes there?!"

The purple unicorn's heart started beating faster as soon as she heard that voice, one that she hadn't heard in a long time. Within a few seconds, Queen Novo herself appeared behind the bars of the gate. The hippogriff queen looked shocked at first when she saw the purple unicorn with the broken horn. The shocked look soon got replaced by that of disgust and anger.

''How DARE you show your face here?!' Queen Novo exclaimed, ''Guards!!'' A group of armored hippogriffs immediately appeared close to her, all of them looking slightly wounded.

''Your majesty, wait!'' Tempest quickly said, ''You must hear me out!''

Queen Novo looked surprised for a moment when she heard Tempest refer to her as 'your majesty'. But she soon stared at the concerned looking unicorn again with anger in her eyes.

''Give me ONE good reason why I should!'' Queen Novo replied.

''Because Princess Skystar's life is in danger!'' Tempest answered. Much to her relief, the Queen's look of anger slowly disappeared.

''How so?'' Queen Novo asked, still looking a bit doubtful.

''Callidus has captured her, as well as Twilight and her friends,'' Tempest began to explain, ''And he wants you and me to come to Klugetown. Alone, or else he'll execute them.''

Queen Novo thought about it for a bit. But one look at the Storm King's symbol on the unicorn's flank was all it took for her to completely dismiss the purple unicorn's story.

''Nice try. But I will no longer fall for any more of you or any other creature's pathetic lies!'' Queen Novo said with a vengeful look in her eyes, ''I've already lost everything because of you!''

A sad and regretful look appeared on Tempest's face, ''I know that you're upset with me. And I completely understand, you have ever right to be.'' She said in a sympathetic sounding tone

Queen Novo looked surprised again when she heard the tone in Tempest's voice and her change in behaviour. It felt as if she was talking to a completely different pony from all those days ago.

''And I'm not asking you to forgive me for what I did,'' Tempest continued, ''But please, you have to believe me. Just this once. Princess Skystar needs you, and my friends need me. And only together can we save them. After that, I'll take whatever punishment you give me. I promise.''

Queen Novo stayed completely silent. Her eyes looked down as she took in what the purple unicorn said to her. It took a moment, but soon her attention went back to Tempest with determined looking eyes.

''Alright,'' Queen Novo replied before looking back at the guards behind her, ''Open the gate.''

Queen Novo and the hippogriff guards behind her placed their claws on the bars and pushed the gate open with all their might. She then approached Tempest with slight hesitation and looked down at her.

''Don't make me regret this.'' Queen Novo said in a somewhat cold sounding voice.

''I won't let you down, your majesty,'' Tempest said while giving Queen Novo a royal bow, ''You have my word.''

Queen Novo looked back at the hippogriff guards one more time. They all saluted her while looking worried.

''Be careful, your highness.'' One of the guards said. The queen replied to them with a simple nod before turning her looking back at Tempest.

''Jump on my back. It will be a long flight.'' Queen Novo requested. Tempest responded by hopping on the hippogriff's back.

Within a few seconds, the two of them flew off the mountain and began to head to Klugetown. The hippogriff guards all watched worriedly, praying that their queen and Princess Skystar would come back home safe and sound.

Callidus watched from the side of the street as every creature was heading to the middle part of Klugetown. They all formed a giant crowd in front of a big wooden stage. On the stage was a guillotine, which caused everyone in the crowd to look curious but also slighty horrified at each other, wondering why such a thing would be there and for whom.

''Soon, I'll have my revenge,'' Callidus whispered to himself menacingly with an evil glow in his eyes, ''After that, everything will be as it once was.''

Capper, still stuck inside his bubble along with Skystar, Captain Celaeno, Spike and the other ponies, got an idea when he noticed Verko in the distance, standing behind the giant crowd of creatures. He started smashing his fists against the bubble, which got Callidus's attention. The grey bird started to look more annoyed with every punch Capper threw at his bubble prison. He then saw Capper using sign language to try and tell him something. He finally decided to release the big cat with the snap of his fingers.

''What?'' Callidus asked in an irritated manner.

''Lord Callidus,'' Capper said as he calmly made a royal bow, ''May I suggest to you an alternative fate for these ponies? One that will definitely make the citizens of this town love you even more.''

''What is he up to?'' Rarity asked herself curiously while watching their conversation inside the bubble.

''Why would you care?'' Callidus asked suspiciously.

''Didn't ya notice the giant portrait of yourself in my home when you captured me?'' Capper asked in a charming manner.

''The one with your face on it?'' Callidus said in an unamused tone.

''...Um, yes,'' Capper replied nervously, ''That was done as a way to.....honor you, because we all thought you were dead. But the point is, I really look up to you. And I completely sympathize with what you've been through. That's why I want to help you become the amazing mayor you used to be.''

''I'm listening.'' Callidus said, looking slightly intrigued.

''So you already know that these ponies have been wanted criminals here for awhile, right? Minus their little dragon of course,'' Capper explained calmly, maintaining the same grin on his face before he pointed over to Verko, ''Now, If you were to give them to Verko over there, then he would most definitely spread the word on just how much you truly care about this town and its citizens.''

''I see. But what's in it for you?'' Callidus asked him, still not one hundred percent convinced.

''I'm glad you asked'' Capper answered confidently, ''I actually own the mole guy some debt. And I promised him those ponies as a way to repay it. Besides, you already got Princess Skystar as a bargaining chip, don't you? No need to keep those ponies anymore.''

''We'll see soon enough if you're telling the truth.'' Callidus said suspiciously. He snapped his fingers, causing Verko teleport right in front of him in an instant.

The tuxedo wearing mole with a tall hat was looking around in confusion for a few seconds before he finally saw Callidus in front of him. A giant carriage with a large cage on it that was being driven by a unsual looking white creature on four legs hastily showed up behind him.

''Mister Callidus?!'' Verko said in awe, ''I can't believe you're actually still alive. And I see you've caught those little ponies I've been searching for.''

''It was my pleasure,'' Callidus replied, ''Now tell me, does Capper owe you some debt?''

''Oh, he most certainly does.'' Verko responded, ''He promised me those little ponies many days ago.''

''What did I tell ya?'' Capper said to Callidus with a sly smirk.

''Mister Callidus. If you were to give me those little ponies, I'd definitely appreciate it.'' Verko explained.

''And you'll spread the word to everyone about me not being an evil traitor?'' Callidus said.

Verko nodded, ''As long as you give me those ponies.''

''Then it's a deal.'' Callidus said while having a satisfied grin on his face.

With one snap of his fingers, Callidus teleported Twilight's friends into the large cage one by one. They all immediately started kicking, punching and tackling against the bars of the cage. A surprised look appeared on Verko's face when he saw how the ponies appeared inside his cage in an instant.

''How did you do that? Are you some kind of magician?'' Verko asked Callidus.

''I suppose that's one way to put it.'' Callidus replied.

''What is the meaning of this?!'' Rarity shouted at Capper with a distraught look.

''I'm sorry, ponies,'' Capper said with a sly smile, ''But I'm afraid our little friendship ends here.''

''WHAT?!'' Applejack replied in shock.

''Turns out I was never the friend you needed after all.'' Capper said while maintaining the same sly smile.

''HOW COULD YOU?!'' Rarity shouted, still looking distraught as she started punching even harder against the bars of the cage, ''We all trusted you!!

''I'm a con artist. What did you expect?'' Capper replied.

''Well done, Capper,'' Verko said to the sly smiling cat, ''Your debt has finally been repayed.''

''A sentence I've been waiting to hear for a looooong time.'' Capper responded.

Rarity's distraught look disappeared to make place for a look of anger, ''Why I outta buck you upside the head, you son of a-!''

Suddenly a glowing muzzle appeared around the mouths of Rarity and the other ponies inside the cage when Callidus snapped his fingers, silencing them immediately. The white unicorn started growling under her magical muzzle with a furious look on her face and continued tackling against the bars along with her friends. Callidus rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers again. Within a second, The limbs of the six ponies got tied together by a rope that appeared out of thin air.

''Hey, Callidus.'' Capper quickly said before Callidus could walk away.

''What is it now?!'' Callidus asked in an irritated manner.

''I was just wondering, what are you planning on doing with the pirate bird and the little dragon?'' Capper asked curiously.

''That's none of your business.'' Callidus replied impatiently, ''Now leave.''

''I will, I will. But can I at least say goodbye to those two first?'' Capper requested nicely, ''Just let them out for a moment and I'll be on my way. What do you got to lose?''

Callidus stared at Capper. He rubbed his chin a bit while his eyes were looking down at the ground.

''Alright, but make it quick.'' Callidus said with a look of suspicion. He then snapped his fingers, causing both the bubbles of Spike and Celaeno to fade away. The two fell down and made a hard landing on the ground.

Capper turned around and showed a sly smile to Spike and Captain Celaeno, both of whom looked slightly confused after he gave them a small wink.

''That I will do.'' Capper said in a sly voice.

Before any of them could realize was he was doing, Capper reached inside his cloak and grabbed a smoke bomb from one of his many pockets. He quickly turned around and threw it against the ground in front of Callidus as hard as he could. The smoke escaped from the small ball, but Callidus acted quickly and surrounded himself and Verko inside a force field, protecting them from the smoke. While both of them were distracted, Capper grabbed a hold of Spike and Captain Celaeno's claws and led both into an alley on the other side of the street.

Callidus sighed when the smoke cleared and the three creatures where nowhere to be seen. He snapped his fingers as the force field around them disappeared.

''They're gone!'' Verko exclaimed.

''I had a feeling he would do something like that.'' Callidus said to himself.

Capper peaked from around a corner of an alley with Spike and Captain Celaeno and listen to their conversation.

''Who cares? They're no threat to me,'' Callidus said, ''And it doesn't matter what they do, my power is now greater than any living creature in this world.''

''Judging by your STRIKING entrance into Klugetown, I can certainly agree with that.'' Verko said before letting out a chuckle.

Callidus looked unamused, ''I need to go. Do whatever you want with those ponies.''

''Thank you, Mister Callidus,'' Verko replied, ''I will definitely spread the word on how Queen Novo was clearly wrong about you.''

''That's what I like to hear,'' Callidus said, ''And don't worry, she'll get what's coming to her.''

''What did you have in mind?'' Verko asked curiously.

Callidus placed his thumb under his chin on the left side of his neck. He slowly moved it over his neck while making an unnerving sound.

Capper, Spike and Celaeno all knew what that meant and let out a quiet gasp while widening their eyes.

Verko looked confused, ''I'm not sure what that means.''

''You'll see soon enough. Now if you'll excuse me.'' Callidus said before walking off to the center of Klugetown. The magic bubble that Princess Skystar was still stuck in began to float after the grey bird.

Verko laughed to himself as he looked at the tied up ponies in the cage, ''I can't wait to finally show off you rainbow laser shooting ponies to everyone here. Now, time to go and get you all ready for your first performance.''

The white creature pulling the carriage started walking foward, carrying the ponies away with Verko following close behind.

''They're getting away!'' Spike whispered quietly as he had seen everything.

The purple dragon was about to run after them. His feet started taking steps, but for some reason the small dragon wasn't going foward. Spike stubbornly kept walking before looking back at Capper and saw that he had grabbed his tail with his claws.

''Where do you think you're going?'' Capper whispered.

''Rescuing my friends, of course!'' Spike whispered back determinedly as he pulled his tail out of Capper's grasp, ''What does it look like?!''

''It's more than just your friends who's gonna need rescuing at this point, little dragon,'' Capper explained, ''Didn't you listen to what Callidus just said?''

''I know, but....'' Spike responded in a slightly frustated tone before showing a sad look, ''Now that Twilight already is....I...I just don't want to lose anymore of my friends!''

Captain Celaeno gave Spike a sympathetic look when she saw the few tears appearing under his eyes. She thought back to her own crew, wondering where they could be right now.

''Spike, look at me.'' Captain Celaeno said in a calm manner.

Spike looked up at Celaeno, ''What is it?'' He replied in a somber tone.

''Me and my friends, we're been on many adventures,'' Celaeno began to tell in an understanding manner, ''And there have been many times were we would get separated from each other. Every time that would happen, I was scared that I would never see them again. It made me feel helpless and frustrated.''

Spike and Capper kept on listening to Captain Celaeno's speech.

''But those moments have taught me to always stay strong during tough times. Because no matter how hopeless a situation may seem, it's only over when you yourself say it's over. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?''

Spike sniffed, dried his eyes and nodded calmly, ''I-I think so.''

Captain Celaeno gave the purple dragon a little smile, ''That's the spirit.''

A confident little smile eventually appeared on Spike's face as he raised his fist in front of Captain Celaeno. She knew what it meant and bumped her own fist against Spike's.

''Nice speech, Celly.'' Capper replied with a smirk.

''I am captain for a reason, Cappy.'' Celaeno said back with a playful wink

''Heh, I think I'm gonna remember that one,'' Capper said, ''Anyway, what's the plan?''

''You don't have a plan?'' Captain Celaeno asked.

''Sorry, I wasn't really thinking THAT far ahead.'' Capper responded with a nervous smile.

Spike stroked his chin for a few seconds. He suddenly widened his eyes when he remembered two certain ponies who just might be able to help to stand a chance against Callidus.

''I got it!'' Spike said before looking at Capper, ''Do you have a piece of paper and a pencil?''

Capper raised his eyebrow for a moment. He then reached into his jacket and revealed a small rolled up white paper from one of his pockets.

''What's your plan?'' Captain Celaeno asked curiously.

Spike grabbed the paper from Capper, unfolded it and immediately started writing, ''You'll see.'' The small dragon responded confidently.

The royal guards quickly opened the door to Celestia's bedroom when they saw the white alicorn heading their way. Behind her, Princess Luna was carrying a cold looking and unconcious Twilight Sparkle on her back. The two tall alicorns galloped past the guards and rushed to the fireplace. Celestia quickly used her magic to increase the flames on the wood under the chimney.

''Place her close to the fire. Gently.'' Celestia said worriedly.

Princess Luna did just that and placed Twilight's body close enough to the fire to keep her warm. Celestia then placed a warm blanket over the pony's body, with only her head sticking out. The two princesses sat down close to Twilight and watched over her, hoping for the best.

''Whatever that magic was that send her all the way over here, it certainly wasn't something I've ever seen before,'' Luna explained to her sister, ''It took a lot of our own magic to heal her wounds back in the mountains. I have a feeling somepony or something dangerously powerful is behind this.''

Princess Celestia watched Twilight breathing steadily with the blanket covering everything except her head. Never before had she seen her own pupil in such bad shape. A frustrated look appeared on her face as her eyes glowed red for a split second.

''What was I thinking?'' Celestia said to herself with a slightly more threatning tone in her voice.

''Hm?'' Luna said as she looked over to Celestia.

''This is our fault, Luna,'' Celestia said, suddenly talking normally again, ''We never should've let Twilight and her friends do this by themselves.''

''This is no time to blame ourselves, sister,'' Luna replied in an understanding manner, ''Blaming yourself for things you can't change or control will only bring you nothing but harm. I had to learn that the hard way with the Tantabus.''

''I know.....I'm sorry.'' Celestia said, looking a bit disappointed in herself.

''It's alright. Once Twilight wakes up, she can tell us everything that happened.'' Luna reassured her sister.

''I hope so.'' Celestia responded.

A full minute passed of them sitting close to the fireplace watching over the purple alicorn. Suddenly Twilight's closed eyelids slowly moved upwards, followed by her trying to stand up.

''Twilight?'' Celestia said with a hopeful smile.

''Princess Celestia?'' Twilight said in a weak sounding voice. She slowly lifted her head up and looked at the two alicorn princesses watching over her.

''How are you feeling?'' Luna asked concernedly.

Twilight didn't answer her question and instead stood up on her four legs. Suddenly a slightly panicked look appeared on her face.

''Where am I?! What happened to my friends?!'' Twilight asked urgently. She looked around while struggling to stand on her four legs.

''Twilight, calm down.'' Luna said to the purple alicorn.

''CALM DOWN?! My friends are in the cluthes of Callidus right now!'' Twilight exclaimed, ''And it's all my fault! If only I had listen to Spike when he said that-''

''Callidus?'' Luna said, interruping Twilight.

''Yes! Callidus!'' Twilight continued in an exaggerated manner, ''He has gained some kind of power on Black Skull Island and now he's going to do pony knows what to my friends!''

''Twilight,'' Celestia said to her in a calm and motherly tone while placing her hoof on Twilight's shoulder, ''Take a deep breath.''

The motherly smile on Celestia's face helped to calm down the purple alicorn. Twilight took a deep breath and slowly let it out, finally calming her down.

''Feeling better?'' Celestia asked. Twilight responded with a calm nod.

''Now, Just start from the beginning and tell us everything.'' Luna said.

Twilight took another deep breath, sat down close to the fire and began telling everything that had happened. She told the princesses about Callidus, the powers he got from Black Skull Island and how he managed to gain them thanks to the six other creatures, including Princess Skystar. She finished the story with Callidus sending her all the way back to Canterlot with his magic.

''So Callidus was the one behind the disappearance of those creatures and Princess Skystar all along.'' Luna repeated.

''Yes,'' Twilight said, ''And now he's got my friends trapped on Black Skull Island.''

''Then we've got to do something.'' Celestia said as she stood up with a determined look on her face, ''Let's go, sister.''

Luna looked surprised at Celestia's response. She watched her standing up before seeing the white alicorn making her way to the door.

''Wait, what about me?'' Twilight asked right before Celestia could leave the room.

''You're staying here,'' Celestia responded after looking back at Twilight and Luna, ''Where it's safe.''

''What?!'' Twilight and Luna exclaimed at the same time.

''We'll take care of it from here, don't worry.'' Celestia reassured her.

''B-But my friends!'' Twilight said, ''They need m-''

''TWILIGHT SPARKLE!'' Celestia interrupted, talking slightly demanding tone in her voice while her eyes glowed red for a split second.

The white alicorn stern look slowly disappeared from her face when she noticed Twilight's slightly scared expression. She sighed.

Celestia sighed, ''I'm sorry. But you can't come with us.''

''Why not?'' Twilight asked, still taken back by Celestia's response.

''I don't want you to risk your life again, I've let you do that too many times already.'' Celestia explained with a worried expression on her face.

''But you have no idea how powerful Callidus is,'' Twilight explained, ''I've seen what he can do. We're gonna need all the help we can get.''

''She's got a point, sister.'' Luna added, ''I understand that you want to protect her, but if Callidus is as dangerous as Twilight claims he is, then we might have no choice.''

Before Celestia could say anything back, a small piece of paper sprang out of the fire under the chimney.

''A letter from Spike?'' Celestia said after she caught the piece of paper with her magic.

Celestia quickly unfolded the piece of paper. She, Luna and Twilight immediately started reading the letter to themselves.

Celestia, Luna! Me and Twilight's friends had been captured by an dangerous grey bird named Callidus. Capper, Celaeno and I have managed to escape, but the others are still being held captive somewhere in Klugetown by a mole creature named Verko. We're going to set them free, but after that we're gonna need your help to defeat Callidus. He's going to execute Queen Novo in front of everyone. Also,

They stopped reading for a second when they noticed a few tear drops on the letter before continuing.

Callidus blasted Twilight off somewhere to the other side of Equestria. I don't know where she is right now or what happened to her, but if by any chance you do happen to find her, tell her that we're doing okay.

Twilight's loyal assistant and little brother,

''You can't tell me to stay here now,'' Twilight said after they all finished reading the letter, ''I'm coming with you! Spike is my family, and so are the rest of my friends!''

Celestia stared at the letter as she took in the words of Twilight. The purple alicorn's eyes widened for a bit, realizing that she just spoke to Princess Celestia in such a bold manner.

''I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lash out.'' Twilight quickly while looking worried.

'''re right,'' Celestia eventually replied, ''The situation is worse than I thought. We're going together.''

''That's what I like to hear,'' Luna said, ''And besides, Twilight is the only one of us who knows where Klugetown is.''

''Indeed,'' Celestia said before looking at Twilight, ''But we have to be careful. And you must promise to do everything we say, understand?''

Twilight nodded before showing a determined smile on her face, ''Let's do this.''

The three princesses stood up and headed out of the bedroom. The two royal guards keeping watch saw the three alicorns walking past them.

''Watch over Canterlot until we come back.'' Celestia said as she looked back at the two armored ponies.

''Good luck, your highnesses.'' The two pony guards said while saluting the three alicorns. Both of them kept looking at the alicorns worriedly until they were finally out of their sight.

9. The magic pearl's secret revealed

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A dark grey aura was glowing around the magic pearl, still laying inside the cave of Black Skull Island. Many hours had passed by since Callidus took a hold of its power and the dark aura glowing around the black skull had only gotten more intense. Eventually the aura formed into a black, menacing looking skull floating above the magic pearl.

''I...shall.....destroy..........'' The skull whispered in a chill inducing demonic voice. The words echoed through the tunnel up ahead.

''Magical fire breath? Wow, I never knew you had it in you.'' Capper said to Spike with a playful smirk, ''See what I did there?''

Spike rolled his eyes, ''This isn't the time for jokes, Capper. We need to find my friends before Queen Novo arrives in Klugetown.''

''Relax, buddy. We've almost reached Verko's home,'' Capper said as he continued leading him and Celaeno through the quiet streets of Klugetown, ''And soon we'll have the help of those two princesses as well, so we ain't got nothing to worry about.''

''And you're absolutely sure that Celestia and Luna will be able to defeat Callidus?'' Captain Celaeno asked Spike.

''I wouldn't say 'absolutely' sure, but right now they're the only ones who might be powerful enough to stand a chance.'' Spike answered.

Luckily every creature living in Klugetown was already gone, knowing that Callidus had called all of them to the middle part of the town. It took them a few minutes, but eventually Capper and the others made it out of an alley. The first thing the tall cat saw when they got out was Verko's home, located a few meters away from them in an open area. It was a big wooden mansion that was at least five times bigger compared to any of the other houses they came across. It was also noticably more clean than the rest of the town. Not a single window was dirty or had any cracks in them. The mansion had one big door at the bottom, which was being guarded by hoofful of small round creatures. They all seemed to have big round eyes and were dressed in small coats, just like the one that was riding Verko's carriage earlier.

''Looks like we're gonna deal with those little guys first.'' Spike explained.

''Leave them to me.'' Captain Celaeno replied.

The pirate bird was about to reach for her sword. But when her claw was trying to grab the handle, all she grabbed was some empty air. Celaeno looked down at her waist and saw the empty sword holder on the side of her waist. She then remebered what happened to her sword back in the cave and groaned to herself.

''Darn it.'' Captain Celaeno said to herself in frustration.

''Capper, you've worked with Verko before,'' Spike mentioned, ''Do you have any idea on how to lure those guys away? We don't have much time.''

As Capper was thinking on how to distract the little creatures away from the mansion, he suddenly remembered something very important.

''Well?'' Spike asked when he saw the surprised expression on Capper's face.

''Fear not, little dragon. I already thought of something.'' Capper said.

''Then let's hear it.'' Spike said eagerly.

''I'll lead those little fellas away from here,'' Capper began to explain, ''Once they're gone, you two will head inside and save those ponies. But don't wait for me to come back.''

''Why not?'' Spike asked in a surprised tone.

''Hear me out,'' Capper mentioned, ''Remember that book I showed you and your friends awhile ago?''

''What book?'' Celaeno asked dumbfounded.

''Oh, right. You weren't there,'' Capper said before he began to explain, ''You see, it's a book about a certain myth on Black Skull Island. It might hold some more information on how to stop Callidus. I need to get that book, in case things don't work out with the princesses.''

''Sounds like a good plan.'' Celaeno replied confidently.

''Then it's settled,'' Capper said with a grin, ''And besides, I don't think the ponies would be very happy to see me again after that stunt I pulled.''

''Hey, don't worry about that,'' Spike reassured Capper, ''I'll just explain to them that you're still on our side and that you were just trying to help. They've forgiven you before, so why not now?''

''Thanks,'' Capper said while showing a little smile, ''Sometimes I forget how nice it can be to have others to rely on.''

Celaeno looked a bit somber for a moment as she thought back to her pirate crew, wondering were they could possibly be.

''Now remember, Verko's office should be somewhere on the ground floor, that's where he'll most likely be keeping your friends. Are you ready?'' Capper explained.

''Ready.'' Spike replied with a confident smile.

''Captain?'' Capper said to Celaeno when he didn't hear a response from her.

''Huh?'' Captain Celaeno said as she snapped out of her thoughts, ''Oh uh, yeah. I'm ready.''

''Good. I'll see you two again at the middle part of town where Callidus is.'' Capper said. He stepped out of the alley and started sneaking to the giant mansion.

Celaeno and Spike stayed in the alley and watched from afar as Capper walked up to the main entrance of the mansion. The tall cat stopped in front of the small creatures guarding the door in the middle. He soon seemed to be getting into a conversation with them. Spike and Celaeno couldn't quite make out what he was saying to them, but whatever it was, it seemed to make the small creatures angrier the longer he kept talking. Suddenly Capper started running away from the small creatures, who immediately gave chase to the fleeing feline and left main entrance completely unguarded.

''What do you think he said to them?'' Spike asked Celaeno curiously.

''Beats me,'' Celaeno replied with a shrug, ''Let's just enter the mansion before they come back.'' She started running towards the mansion along with Spike.

With almost every creature in Klugetown being absent, Capper was able to make it to his home with ease. Once inside the house, he quickly went for the shelf in the back and found the book he was looking for in ten seconds flat. The tall cat quickly opened the piece of literature and searched through the pages until he found the part he was looking for.

''Turn creatures of six kinds into stone, and the path to power shall be free,'' Capper read to himself, ''But don't lose control, or else all life will cease to be. Should thou lose control, then the magic pearl is the only key. Once touched by a pure and kind soul, then peace and harmony shall return to the world as is meant to be.''

Cappe kept flipping through the pages of the book to see what else was written in it, hoping to find something else that could explain Callidus's new found powers. One thing the book mentioned was something about an evil spirit so powerful and dangerous that it was imprisoned inside a magic pearl. Capper looked shocked, instantly knowing which pearl it was talking about and kept on reading. He read that the pearl was hidden and turned to stone on Black Skull Island by an unknown creature in order to keep it away from the world. Capper could not put the book down and kept going until he finally reached a sentence that shocked him to the bone.

''It is said that this evil spirit can corrupt any creature who will keep using the pearl's powers,'' Capper continued reading to himself as the suspense kept on building inside him, ''Should they abuse it for too long and not stop, than the spirit will take them over in a matter of hours. The longer it will, the more dangerous and-''

The last sentence sent shivers down Capper's spine out of fear and was too horrifying to finish. If what was written in the book really were to happen, the fate of the entire world will be in grave danger.

''I have to hurry!'' Capper said out loud to himself. He closed the book, carried it with him and pushed the front door open. He then ran out of his house a state of panic.

Callidus saw the last few creatures of Klugetown joining the crowd in front of the stage. Realizing that every creature had gathered, he moved around the giant crowd and made his way up the stage via the stairs on the left side. The grey bird positioned himself in the middle of the stage and looked down upon his citizens.

''Where are those ponies?!'' One of the creatures in the crowd asked out loud.

Callidus calmly raised his claw, ''Rest assured, my dear citizens,'' He said in a calm and collected manner, ''Those ponies have been captured for their crimes here in Klugetown. And in a few minutes, the true culprit of this town's demise all those days ago will arrive. And everything shall be restored back to its former glory!''

Every creature started cheering and applauded after hearing Callidus's speech. The grey bird enjoyed every moment of it and couldn't wait for Queen Novo's arrival.

Many minutes passed and there was still no sign of either the hippogriff queen or Tempest Shadow. Callidus's patience had reached his limit when he started noticing the looks of doubt and uncertainty from the crowd.

''Looks like you've made your choice.'' Callidus said to himself.

The confident looking grey bird snapped his fingers, using his powers to teleport and trap Princess Skystar in the guillotine. The small hippogriff looked around in confusion and fear, having never seen a guillotine before in her entire life.

''Sorry, little princess,'' Callidus said to the fearful looking Skystar, ''But it seems that your 'precious' mother doesn't care enough about you to-''


Callidus, Skystar and all the creatures in front of the stage immediately looked up to their left. In the sky they saw a giant white hippogriff descending down to the ground. On her back was a purple unicorn with half of her horn broken off.

''Mother!!'' Skystar cried out.

''Finally.'' Callidus said to himself with a menacing grin.

Queen Novo landed close to the stage as Tempest jumped off her back. Both of them stared at Callidus in anger.

''I did what I promised. Now let Princess Skystar go!'' Tempest exclaimed.

The creatures all looked at Tempest in disgust, still remebering who she used to work with and what she had done. The purple unicorn wanted to rebel, but she knew what was at stake and decided to stay calm for the sake of Princess Skystar.

''Now now, no need to haste ourselves,'' Callidus said calmly, ''Queen Novo and I have some unfinished business to take care of first.''

''I'm not gonna tell you anything until you let my daughter go, you monster!'' Queen Novo replied.

''I would drop that attitude of yours if I were you,'' Callidus said confidenly as he raised his left claw, looking like he was about to snap his fingers, ''I will release her, but only if you do one little thing for me. Should you refuse, then one snap with my fingers is all it will take to drop that blade on your daughter's neck.''

Queen Novo's eyes were still filled with anger. That is until she looked over at Skystar and saw the fear in her eyes. The rage in the queen's eyes quickly vanished and looked back at Callidus with an expression of desperation.

''I'll promise to do whatever you want,'' Queen Novo begged, ''Just please, let Skystar go. None of this is on her and you know it.''

''That's more like it,'' Callidus said while showing a sinister smile, ''Now get up here, nice and slow.''

Queen Novo took a deep breath and walked up to the wooden stage with a stern look on her face. As Callidus watched the hippogriff approaching the steps, he suddenly looked over at Tempest when he noticed the purple unicorn charging up her broken horn. The grey bird acted quickly and shot a small beam with his claw towards the purple unicorn. The beam circled around Tempest for a moment before spreading out and locking itself around her horn, mouth and hooves, keeping her in place.

''Just in case you thought of trying to interfere!'' Callidus explained to the purple unicorn.

Queen Novo set hoof on the stage and slowly walked up to Callidus. But all her eyes could focus on was Princess Skystar. Never before had she seen her own daughter so scared. She wanted nothing more than to free her from that guillotine.

''Don't misunderstand me, Novo,'' Callidus said to the tall hippogriff, ''I never wanted it to come to this, I truly didn't. But after all the lies you spread to my citizens about me and everything I had to go through because of you, I was left with no choice.''

Queen Novo eventually stopped right in front of Callidus, ''Get to it.'' She responded in a calm, but still somewhat cold manner.

''First, why don't you start by telling everyone here what REALLY happened all those days ago on Mount Aris?'' Callidus said as his face started to look angrier, ''When I, a mayor in desperate need, came to you for help. And how you decided to falsely accuse me of helping the Storm King with NO evidence whatsoever?!!''

The creatures in front of the stage gasped in unison and started whispering amongst each other. They all started talking over each other about the sudden revelation.

''Silence!'' Callidus commanded to the creatures. His voice sounded distorted while his eyes glowed yellow for a second. Every creature silenced themselves instantly.

Queen Novo thought back to that day, a day that she had never forgotten about for the rest of her life. Looking back to that moment, she eventually started to see the truth. Her ignorance, the unwillingness to even want to hear the other side of the story. It was just like what once happened with Twilight Sparkle, and what most likely let her to try and steal the pearl all those days ago. Queen Novo slowly started to realize what had to be done. For the first time in her life, she knew that she had to stop being in denial and face her mistake head on.

''Well, go on. Tell them,'' Callidus said to Queen Novo in an impatient manner, ''Unless your precious daughter's life is not important to you, of course.''

Queen Novo gave Callidus a furious look before taking a deep breath. She then looked down at the crowd of creatures and started her speech.

''Many days ago,'' Queen Novo said, talking in a calm manner, ''Callidus showed up at our kingdom on Mount Aris, weak and wounded. I decided to take him in and heal his wounds.''

''And then?'' Callidus said in a demanding tone.

''Then the Storm King showed up and he attacked our home,'' Queen Novo continued, ''He said that Callidus had led him to our kingdom. I chose to believe him, thinking that he and Callidus were both working together.''

Every creature in the crowd started berating Queen Novo while she continued her speech. A little smile appeared on Callidus's face. He couldn't get enough of seeing the creatures from Klugetown finally showing resentment towards Queen Novo. It was like a dream come true.

''And why did you think that?'' Callidus asked calmly while maintaining is little smile.

''Because.....I was afraid to trust other creatures,'' Queen Novo continued, ''It's how I was raised. And that's why I choice to do what I did, I thought that I was protecting my kind. But now, I finally see how foolish I've been, trying to convince myself that we could not trust any kind of creature besides our own.''

Callidus looked a bit suprised while listening to Queen Novo's words of regret, ''Go on.''

''I could see in your eyes that you needed help,'' Queen Novo continued while holding back her tears, ''But when the Storm King showed up, my fear of trusting others came back to me. I became close minded, stubborn and ignorant.''

All the rage and anger coming from the crowd slowly started to disappear as Queen Novo continued to confess.

''Good. Now then, time to-''

''But today, I'd like for that to change,'' Queen Novo continued, interrupting Callidus, ''I want to take back everything I've ever done to you, Callidus. As well as everyone else I've turned my back on in the past.''

''Right. But I'm afraid that-''

''I want to move on from who I used to be,'' Queen Novo said, interrupting Callidus a second time, much to his annoyance, ''Me and everygriff on Mount Aris will make amends with every one of you. I will help you rebuild this place back to what it used to be.''

The crowd of creatures started to show faces of curiousity. They all took in what Queen Novo had said and soon some creatures started smiling. Others even started cheering a bit. Queen Novo looked over at Princess Skystar, who showed a genuine and heartfelt smile on her face after having listened to her mother's speech.

Callidus couldn't believe what he was happening, seeing his own citizens admiring Queen Novo instead of him. He started grinding his teeth while growling quietly to himself. One of his claws started glowing a bit.

''We shall build a brighter future for you all!'' Queen Novo announced proudly, ''Because a true queen puts the well being of others before her ow-''

Suddenly Queen Novo stopped mid sentence and let out a loud shriek of pain.

Princess Skystar saw what was happening, but refused to believe that it was real. No way would something like this ever happen right in front of her. She was forced to watch the long, sharp laser piercing right through her own mother's body. The pupils in her eyes slowly faded away as her eye lids closed. Her legs went limp soon after before her body hit the ground.

''MOTHER!!!'' Skystar cried out loud. The hippogriff tried to use every ounce of her strentgh to break free from the guillotine.

The creatures all gasped in shock. Tempest also saw what had happened and couldn't hold it back anymore. She grinded her teeth, angrily and furiously trying to fight against the magic that was keeping her in place. But none of it seemed to have any effect.

''Sorry, your highness,'' Callidus said coldly as he walked over to Queen Novo's body, ''But I'm afraid your purpose here has been fulfilled.''

The crowd watched on, still looking shocked at what Callidus just did. The grey bird no longer pay any attention to them as he stopped right above Queen Novo's motionless body. He aimed his claw at her as a menacing glowing orb appeared between his fingers.

''Please, don't do this!'' Skystar begged.

''Farewell....'' Callidus said to himsel.

Suddenly a rainbow stream appeared out of nowhere and headed straight towards Callidus. Before he had the chance to turn around, the rainbow stream hit the grey bird right in the back. He flew off into the distance at great speed before his body smashed right through a wooden house. The impact caused the whole architecture to fall apart in a matter of seconds.

Every creature's attention along with Skystar's quickly turned to the rainbow stream, which soon revealed itself to be a light blue pegasus with a rainbow mane.

''How's that, bird brain?!'' The rainbow maned pegasus shouted to Callidus.

''Rainbow Dash!'' Skystar exclaimed while looking surprised.

A few seconds later, four other ponies and a bird dressed as a pirate also showed up. All of them immediately rushed to the stage when they saw the unconcious body of a tall hippogriff.

''Oh no.'' Fluttershy said when she noticed the wound on the side of Queen Novo's body.

Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Spike and Captain Celaeno went to check on Queen Novo's body. Pinkie Pie ran past them as her attention was on the trapped Princess Skystar. The pink pony pulled a crowbar out of her mane and used it to break Skystar free from the guillotine.

''Pinkie Pie!'' Skystar said. The first thing she did was give the pink pony the tightest hug she's ever given anyone in her entire life.

''Is she...'' Spike said as he looked at Queen Novo's wound.

Captain Celaeno took a closer look and began to notice Queen Novo's steady breathing, ''She's still alive. But the wound looks pretty severe. We're gonna need something to heal her, and fast.''

Before any of them could think of a solution, a loud explosion could be heard from the big rubble of the house Callidus was buried under, leaving behind a cloud of smoke as pieces of wood and shards of glass scattered all over the place. Everyone looked over to where the explosion came from. Within a few seconds, the smoke disappeared and revealed a furious and threatning looking Callidus, his blue coat torn open and filthy. Every part of his eyes was glowing with a menacing yellow light. He growled while grinding his teeth together.

''I should have known Verko couldn't keep the likes of you occupied for even an hour.'' Callidus said in a slightly deep and demonic sounding voice

''He may wear a luxury suit, but the guy's got no grace when it comes to fighting I'm afraid!'' Captain Celaeno remarked.

In response, Callidus raised his claw out and immediately trapped the ponies, Skystar, Spike and Captain Celaeno inside grey magic bubbles once again. The intense yellow glow in Callidus's eyes soon disappeaered, along with the threatning look on his face. He shook his head a bit before looking slightly confused, feeling a bit dizzy for some reason. The grey bird decided to ignore it and teleported himself on the stage, where Queen Novo was still laying unconcious and his newly captured victims were floating above inside the bubbles. His blue coat had magically been restored after his teleportation.

All Skystar could focus on was her own mother's body laying on the stage. She tried to convince herself that it was all just a dream, a nightmare that she would soon wake up from.

''I'll deal with you all later. But first,'' Callidus said before looking back at the crowd, ''I think it's time for us to bring this town back to its former glory. A place where I rule, where I make the decisions.''

Instead of the uproaring applause that Callidus expected, the creatures in the crowd looked unsure and stayed mostly quiet. Their attention was mostly on Queen Novo's unconcious body and the creatures inside the bubbles floating above the stage.

''What is the matter with you?'' Callidus asked them in an threatning manner, ''These ponies and hippogriffs are our enemies! Everything in Klugetown was ruined because of them!''

The creatures were too afraid to respond and instead remained silent, becoming more and more doubtful of Callidus. The grey bird groaned in frustration as his eyes glowed yellow for a second again. He then turned his attention back to the unconcious Queen Novo.

''Useless idiots,'' Callidus said to himself before he walked up to the hippogriff's body, ''No more stalling. Time to finish you, once and for all!'' He raised his claw and got ready to finish the job.


Every creature in the crowd reacted surprised at what sounded like two booming voices coming out of nowhere. They turned to their right where the voices were coming from.

Callidus groaned again, ''Now what?!'' He turned around and could not believe his eyes.

Skystar, Captain Celaeno, Tempest and the others trapped inside their bubbles all had the same surprised expressions on their faces when they saw the three alicorns a few meters in the distance. One was tall and white with a rainbow flowing mane, the second one was dark blue with a long flowing mane that looked like the night sky. And finally between them was the third one, who was purple and a lot smaller compared to the other two.

''That's not possible!'' Callidus said when he took notice of Twilight Sparkle.

''Now, sister!'' Luna said to Celestia. Both of their horns started glowing at the same time.

Before Callidus realized what they were doing, four magical rings appeared around him and tightened themselves around his four limbs. The grey bird tried using his powers to break free, but it was as if the rings were restraining his magic somehow. The magical rings hovered Callidus into the air as he kept struggling. Twilight noticed Queen Novo's body and immediately flew to the stage to check on her. After trapping Callidus, Celestia and Luna fired a series of magic lasers at the bubbles hovering above the stage. The magic engulfed the bubbles and freed Twilight's friends, Skystar and Celaeno. The small hippogriff quickly went over to Twilight and Queen Novo's body.

''What happened?!'' Twilight asked Skystar worriedly.

''Callidus did this.'' Skystar replied, not taking her teary eyes off Queen Novo's body.

"Callidus?!'' Twilight repeated before looking up at the trapped grey bird.

Celestia and luna soon joined them and saw the severe wound on Queen Novo's body.

''Don't worry, Twilight. My sister and I can heal her. But it might take a while.'' Celestia explained reasurringly.

''Let's hurry, she might not have much time.'' Luna said.

The two tall alicorns both closed their eyes as their horns started to glow. A magic aura appeared on Queen Novo's wound and slowly began to heal itself. Skystar stood up and backed away a little while looking at her mother's wound being healed.

Meanwhile, Twilight noticed a trapped Tempest a few meters away from the stage. She quickly flew over to her and used her magic to free the purple unicorn.

''You're alive.'' Tempest said with a relieved smile before giving twilight a small hug.

''Why can't you understand, Twilight Sparkle?!'' Callidus said, still attempting to break free from the rings with no success, ''Everything that happend to this town, every creature here that had to suffer at the wrath of the Storm King. All of that is on her and Queen Novo!''

Twilight looked back at Callidus, ''But that's not who they are anymore!'' She began to explain while looking furious, ''I know they've both made mistakes, including myself. But it's all in the past now! You have to stop looking back and learn to look at what's ahead!''

''Have you forgotten what Queen Novo did to you?! How she refused to offer you help when you needed it the most?!'' Callidus asked the purple alicorn in disgust, "How could you still feel sympathy for that monster after that?"

"She's not a monster, Callidus,'' Twilight replied back, ''You are!"

''I am the reason this town exist!'' Callidus retaliated, ''I brought all these creatures together, I gave this town peace and harmony! They're all worthless without me!''

The entire crowd gasped in shock. They couldn't believe what they just heard their once honorable mayor say about them. A few of them started to look angry, shouting in disgust and scolding the creature they once used to look up to.

''How dare you call us worthless?!''

''You don't deserve to be our mayor!''

''Queen Novo was right about you!''

Something inside Callidus snapped as soon as he heard that sentence being uttered.

''SILEEEEENCE!!'' Callidus shouted against the angry mob.

His booming sounding voice echoed through Klugetown, his menacing glowing eyes staring down at the crowd. Everyone stopped talking and watched in fear the moment they saw the intense glare in Callidus's eyes.

Suddenly Capper appeared out of an alley, still carrying the book with him in his left arm. It didn't take long for him to see Callidus hovering in the air, his arms and legs trapped by the magical rings. The tall cat looked frightened when he saw the anger in his yellow glowing eyes.

''Callidus!'' Capper shouted.

Callidus's attention immediately went to Capper, ''You again?!'' He said, talking with a distortion in his voice as his eyes were still glowing menacingly.

''Callidus, listen to me!'' Capper quickly said, ''This power you possess right now is dangerous! If you keep using it, an evil spirit inside the magic pearl will take you over and destroy the world!''

''I'm not falling for your lies again, you miserable little creature!'' Callidus retaliated.

''It says so in this book! This has to stop now!'' Capper continued in desperation.

Instead of giving a response, a dark yellow aura started glowing around Callidus's body with such intense pressure that it caused everything around him to shake widely.

''If you will not bow before a mayor.....'' Callidus whispered in a chill inducing demonic voice.

It all happened so fast. Celestia and Luna had just finished healing Queen Novo's wound before they looked up at the menacing looking Callidus. Captain Celaeno, Twilight and her friends were still trying to process what Capper was talking about and had no time to decide their next course of action. Skystar's attention was still on Queen Novo's who seemed to be slowy regaining her consciousness, much to her relief. She ran over to her mother and was about to give the hippogriff queen the biggest hug of her life, but was quickly distracted when she noticed every creature's attention pointed at the sky. When everyone was looking up, they saw a large black beam coming down towards them.

''.....Then you shall cower before one.'' Callidus finshed in the same chill inducing voice.

The black beam struck down right on Callidus and freed him from his magic rings. A giant wave of magic emerged from him that nearly blew away every creature around him. Callidus crashed down on the stage, obliterating it in an instant. The dark beam started circling around him, going faster and faster with each passing second. Dark holes appeared in Callidus's eyes. A horrifying sounding screech came out of his mouth as a dark magical wave began to spread itself around all over Klugetown.

10. The battle for Klugetown

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A few minutes earlier

''Yesss.....It is time.....'' The skull inside the cave of Black Skull Island whispered, once again in a demonic voice.

The dark grey aura that had been present around it eventually formed into a giant orb above the small skull. An evil smiling face appeared in the center of the orb. It started laughing evily, echoeing through the tunnel ahead of it. A thick beam soon emerged from within the orb and shot through the roof of the cave.

Black magic rotated around Callidus, creating a strong wind that spread itself over Klugetown. It got so strong that some creatures struggled to stay on the ground. A few of them failed to do so and got blown away to the other side of the town. The rotating magic around Callidus spread itself all over the town along with the wind. A few creatures barely got a glimpse of Callidus through the remaining black magic that was still rotating around him. Eventually most of the magic around him went away, revealing his new form. Everyone was in shock by what they saw.

Callidus's body was still intact, but what frightened everyone the most was the skeleton inside his body that had somehow gotten visible. It was as if Callidus's body had become see-through. A dark aura was still flowing around his whole body, his pupils had a dark yellow glow in them.

Luckily Twilight had placed a magic shield around herself and her friends right before Callidus's wave of magic was able to hit them. They saw what had become of Callidus and stared in horror along with the other creatures. Celestia and Luna, who had also defended themselves with a powerful shield created by their own magic, saw what Callidus had turned into and gasped. Skystar and Queen Novo were still close to Twilight and her friends, thanks to the protection of Twilight's shield. Both hippogriffs turned their attention to Callidus and were just as horrified as the others. Capper, Captain Celaeno and Tempest got up from the ground after being knocked down, looked over to Callidus and witnessed his new form. None of them had never seen anything like it. Callidus's head started moving around curiously for a moment, all while creating a unnerving noise that sounded like someone's neck getting broken.

''So much power....'' Callidus said in a sinister tone while looking at both of his claws, ''And it's mine. All mine.'' His voice sounded nothing like it did before. Instead it had changed into something monstrous, a voice that sounded so otherworldly that it send shivers down everyone's spine.

''Oh no.'' Capper said, already knowing what had happened.

''Callidus?'' Twilight said with a hint of fear in his voice.

''That's EMPEROR Callidus to you, little pony!'' Callidus exclaimed before letting out an evil laugh.

''What in tarnation happened to him?'' Applejack said, staring with fear in her eyes.

''It's the evil spirit that was trapped inside the pearl for many years,'' Capper began to explain to Twilight and her friends, ''It's corrupting his mind. If we don't stop it fast, the spirit will eventually take him over and become its own entity.''

''I must thank you.....Queen Novo,'' Callidus continued before glancing over to Queen Novo, ''None of this would have been possible without you.''

''What?'' Queen Novo said to herself while looking shocked.

''You found that magic pearl when no one else could for many years,'' Callidus explained confidently, ''You then brought it back to your own kingdom and showed it to me when we first met. And luckily, it was just the thing I needed to gain this power. And with it, I'll now be able to change this town into whatever I desire. No, I'll be able to change the entire WORLD into whatever I desire!''

''Think again!'' Luna exclaimed. She immediately took action and fired a magic blast at Callidus.

Callidus showed a conniving smile on his face as he got ready to take Luna's magic blast head on. He got hit by the blast with full force, but it didn't even make him flinch. The dark aura created a shield around his body, protecting him from Luna's attack. He kept smiling, almost as if he was enjoying it. Luna's blast continued for a few more seconds before stopping, realizing she was just wasting her energy when it clearly wasn't having any effect.

''That's how you wanna play it, hm?'' Callidus said in a cocky manner, ''Very well. But there's only one of me, and several of you. So let's turn it into more of a fair fight, shall we?''

Callidus streched his arms down and into the dirt below him. Everyone looked a bit confused when nothing seemed to happen. Suddenly small eruptions made out of black magic appeared around all the citizens of Klugetown. Before they could react, the black magic made its way into their bodies, causing them to let out menacing screeches. All their eyes turned into nothing more than emtpy black holes, dark aura glowed around them and their arms fell next to their bodies. They all turned their attention to Twilight and the rest of her friends, marching towards them with their arms hanging down and eventually surrounding them into a circle.

''He's turned them all into zombies!'' Spike said in an over the top manner.

''What have I done?'' Queen Novo whispered to herself.

''That's better! Wouldn't you say?!'' Callidus exclaimed.

''Pfft! They don't scare me!'' Rainbow Dash said, showing no fear.

The rainbow pegasus raised her hoof behind her back, jumped herself toward a pig creature that was about to attack and punched him right in the face with all her might. The impact of Rainbow's punch launched the pig away from her. His body hit the side of a wooden building before landing face-first on the ground. Callidus reacted to the situation with a confident smirk.

''What is he smiling about?'' Rainbow Dash asked.

Her question was immediately answered when she saw the pig creature get back up again, completely unharmed as if none of it ever happened. Soon more creatures that had been blown away by Callidus's wave before showed up, all of whom were also clearly under his control and surrounded Twilight and the others even more.

''Foolish little pony,'' Callidus said, ''You can't defeat them, they're all invincible now.''

The mind controled creatures began to close in on Twilight and the others. Celestia and Luna took action and shot a single beam from their horn into the air. The beams collided, combining with each other to create a giant force field that protected themselves and their friends. The creatures bumped into the force field and got blown back by the magic wave emerging from it. The magic force field from Celestia and Luna disappeared when they were no longer surrounded.

''We don't care how powerful you are,'' Celestia said sternly to Callidus, ''You're no still match for the two of us.''

''You know what, Princess....'' Callidus said calmly, ''...You're right.'' He snapped his fingers, stopping all the creatures from further attacking Twilight and the others.

Princess Luna looked suprised, ''What is he doing?'' She asked, still a little on edge.

''It's true. I've clearly underestimated you,'' Mortus said, talking with a calm and sincere tone in his voice as he placed both claws behind his back, ''There's no point in me fighting you, so I might as well just let you finish me off. So go ahead, give it your all.''

''Don't listen to him!'' Tempest said to Celestia and Luna, ''It's a trick, I can tell you from experience.''

''That makes two of us!'' Queen Novo said.

''Make that three!'' Captain Celaeno added.

Callidus simply smiled confidently, ''Well then, why don't you come over here and try to stop me from whatever it is you think I'm going to do?''

Twilight began to notice something dark red glowing behind Callidus's back.

''We're not falling for that any longer.'' Tempest said sternly.

''See?'' Callidus said mockingly, still keeping his hands behind his back while staying on the same spot, ''I can't even outsmart you with words any longer, I'm clearly powerless against you right now. So what are you waiting for? Finish me off.''

As he was talking, the dark red glow that was in his claws slid down over the back side of his legs. The glow reached his feet and disappeared into the ground. Twilight looked slightly confused when the red glow behind him seemed to just disappear out of nowhere.

''It doesn't have to be this way, Callidus.'' Luna explained, ''Let's just put all of this behind us. We can help you.''

Callidus chuckled, ''Oh, you're already being a big help.''

A red circle appeared on the ground under Princess Celestia. Twilight saw it happening and quickly noticed it having the same color as the glow that was behind Callidus's back. The red circle started glowing under Celestia's hooves. Twilight put two and two together and gasped in shock.

''WATCH OUT!!'' Twilight said out loud as she pushed Princess Celestia out of the way.

A large red beam emerged out of the red cirlce. Twilight was only barely able to place a magic shield in front of her to protect herself. The clash between her magic and that of the red beam created a small magical explosion, causing everyone that stood near it to fall to the ground. Everyone looked up and gasped when Twilight's unconcious body got launched away, eventually leaving Klugetown.

''TWILIGHT!!'' Celestia and Spike exclaimed at the same time.

Callidus's face showed an angry expression as he too saw Twilight's body getting away. Celestia's eyes were filled with rage, glowing red for a moment as her attention turned back to Callidus.

''Why that little...'' Callidus said before turning his attention to the still mind controled creatures of Klugetown, ''Destroy her friends once and for all!''

Spike didn't want to waste another second and tried to run after Twilight. But the creatures of Klugetown surrounded him and his friends before he had the chance to leave. Pigs with axes, sharks carrying wooden spears and giant mice creatures holding hammers all started to close in on them.

Meanwhile, Celestia's attention was still focused on Callidus as she saw him going after Twilight.

''I won't let you get away with this.'' Celestia said in a cold tone.

Luna noticed the frightening glare in Celestia's eyes, one that she had seen from her before a while back in Canterlot. She wacthed her sister taking off and going after Callidus.

''I know that look....'' Luna said while looking scared. She quickly went after her sister.

''Get out of the way!'' Spike shouted. He angrily spewed fire at some of the creatures. The fire stayed on their bodies for a bit before disappearing, all while suffering no injuries.

''Looks like we gotta deal with them first.'' Rainbow Dash said while punching her hooves together.

''Um, earth to Rainbow Dash! They're all invincible, remember?!'' Capper explained.

''Leave them to us!'' Tempest said, getting ready to fight along with Captain Celaeno, ''We'll distract them while you ponies-''

Suddenly the sound of a ship horn could be heard coming from the sky. Everyone, even the mind controled creatures, looked up in surprise and turned their attention to the multiple airships heading their way. All of them were tagged with the Storm King's symbol.

''Oh no.'' Tempest said to herself.

Twilight's body descended down and landed on the sands of the desert outside of Klugetown with full force, creating a small sand cloud. Callidus had followed her and saw the cloud of sand in the desert. Within a few seconds the sand cleared away and revealed the purple alicorn. Callidus's beak showed an evil smile as he flew down towards her. Twilight was barely able to stand back up again right before Callidus landed in a few meters away of her.

"You sure are full of surprises, Twilight Sparkle.'' Callidus said.

''There's more where that came from!'' Twilight responded angrily.

Twilight's horn began to charge up. She fired a gigantic magic beam that headed straight towards Callidus. The grey bird simply raised his right arm, blocking the magic with ease and absorbing it into his claw. He immediately fired Twilight's attack right back at her. The purple alicorn's eyes widened and quickly teleported out of the way.

Callidus let out a sinister chuckle, ''Face it, Twilight Sparkle. You can't defeat me, no matter what you do!''

''I know....'' Twilight said before her eyes looked up over Callidus's head, ''....But they can.''

The sand under Callidus's feet started shaking, eventually circling around him like a rough tornado. He tried to escape, but soon got trapped inside a magical sand orb before he could get away.

''What is this?!'' Callidus said as he tried to break free from the sand orb. He punched and shot magic against the sand, none of which seemed to have any effect.

Celestia and Luna showed up in the desert. Both their horns were glowing while keeping their eyes on the sand orb.

''Twilight, get over here! Quick!'' Celestia commanded ergently. Twilight did as she was told, flew towards the two alicorns and got behind them.

Callidus placed both his claws against the sand orb. Heat came from his nails and began to spread fire over the sand around him. His fire combined with the sand turned it into glass. Callidus gave the glass orb a heavy punch, breaking it into tiny pieces. His attention turned to the three alicorns after he landed back on the ground.

''Go help your friends! We'll take care of Callidus!'' Luna said to Twilight.

''But I-''

''Do what my sister says, Twilight!'' Celestia said before Twilight could finish, ''Your friends need you!''

Twilight stayed silent for a second before nodding to Celestia, ''Be careful.'' She flew herself off the ground and headed back to Klugetown.

Callidus set his sights on the escaping purple alicorn, ''I don't think so.'' He aimed his glowing claw at Twilight, ready to fire his magic.

Luna and Celestia used their own magic to trap his claw inside a black and white glowing orb.

''You're not gonna lay a single finger on her!'' Celestia said, speaking in a determined manner.

Luna noticed Celestia's eyes glowing red for a second again as soon as she had finished her sentence.

''Not bad.'' Callidus replied with a sadistic smile, ''But I'm just getting started.''

Callidus stared at the orb around his claw. His eyes turned pitch black, which made the orb around his claw disappear in an instant. The aura around his transparant body got more intense with each passing second, eventually creating a small earthquake around him.

Applejack, Spike and the others backed away against each other from the mind controled citizens of Klugetown. Up in the sky behind them, the airships with the Storm King's symbol on them got closer and closer to the ground.

''This ain't good, ponies.'' Capper said as he saw the airships getting really close.

''I may not have my sword anymore, but that doesn't mean I'll back away from a fight.'' Captain Celeaeno said as she got ready to take them head on.

''I'll take care of those Storm Guards,'' Tempest said stepping in front of Twilight's friends, ''They're my problem.''

Suddenly multiple storm guards jumped out of the airships and landed in front of the ponies, shielding them from the opposing creatures. A few of the storm guards got right in front of Fluttershy.

''No one messes with best pony as long as we're around!'' One of the guards said determinedly.

Before Twilight's friends could ask themselves what was going on, the storm guards and the opposing creatures engaged into a fight, much to their surprise. Captain Celaeno widened her eyes for a moment when she saw four familiar green birds jumping out one of the airships as well.

''What in the....'' Queen Novo said to herself, ''They're....helping us?'' She watched on with a suprised look on her face as the storm guards started driving the creatures away.

''That's it, guys!'' A loud voice shouted, sounding like as if it came from a megaphone, ''Don't let them get near her friends!''

Tempest was the first one to recognize that voice. Her eyes widened when she saw who was shouting up in one of the airships. It was a familiar looking little hedgehog, this time not wearing a crown, standing behind the steering wheel while holding a megaphone in front of him.

''Grubber?!'' Tempest said in surprise.

Tempest's moment was interrupted when a couple of mind controled pigs carrying axes approached her. The dark purple unicorn dodged when one of them tried to slash her with his weapon. She followed it up with a kick in the stomach, pushing the pig away from her. Tempest maneuvered her way past the other mind controled creatures. She ran to one of the buildings closest to her, jumped up onto a balcony and ran across the sidewalk roof that lead up to Grubber's airship.

Captain Celaeno's attention was still focused on the couple of familiar looking birds fighting amongst the other storm guards. A look of pure joy appeared on Celaeno's face when she got a more clear view of their faces.

''No way.'' Captain Celaeno said to herself

Captain Celaeno didn't waste another second and began to make her way through the battlefield, dodging and maneuvering past any creature that tried to stop her. It didn't take long for one of the birds to notice her.

''Boyle! Look at what I spy with my one eye!'' One of the pirate birds said. He wore a black eyepatch over his right eye and a small black cloth covered his head.

Boyle, the pirate bird with a golden hook on his right arm, looked in the same direction as him and was overjoyed when he saw the captain running towards them.

''Well seen, Mullet!'' Boyle responded to the eyepatch wearing pirate, ''Squabble, look! It's our captain!''

Squabble, the pirate with derpy eyes and wearing a lifebelt around his neck, squawked in joy at the sight of his captain.

''You said it, Squabble!'' The small pink bird said to the depry eyed pirate.

''How do you know what he said, Lix Spittle?'' Mullet asked her.

''I don't,'' Lix Spittle answered casually, ''But he sounded happy, so I'm sure it was something positive!''

''I can't believe it!'' Captain Celaeno said, sounding overjoyed when she finally reuniting with her friends, ''What happened?! How did you get here?!''

''It's a long story, Captain,'' Boyle responded, ''But let's just say some cloaked figure tricked us into going to another deserted island and then took off with our airship. We were stuck there for hours until these storm guards rescued us.''

Captain Celaeno stared in confusion for a few seconds.

''Like I said, it's a long story.'' Boyle replied

''Nevermind. Right now we gotta deal with these creatures first.'' Captain Celaeno replied when she saw some shark like creatures heading their way.

''What happened to them?!'' Lix Spittle asked, noticing the empty black eyes of the mind controlled creatures.

''Their all under the control of Callidus,'' Celaeno explained, ''We must not let them hurt our friends!''

''Aye aye!'' Mullet replied before he and the other pirates drew their swords.

Boyle noticed Captain Celaeno's lack of a weapon and tossed his own sword towards her.

''Don't worry, I can use my hook,'' Boyle replied, ''It's good to fight by your side once again, Celaeno!''

''There should be a captain in there somewhere, Boyle.'' Captain Celaeno said teasingly.

''Right, of course. CAPTAIN Celaeno.'' Boyle said with a chuckle.

''Alright, guys. It's time to kick some booty!'' Mullet said determinedly.

Back on one of the Storm King's airships, Grubber noticed something in the corner of his eye. He turned his head towards the closest building and looked surprised when he saw Tempest making a giant leap towards his airship. The purple unicorn made a hard landing on deck, causing the floor to shake a bit as Grubber's megaphone nearly fell out of his paws.

''Tempest! L-Long time no see,'' Grubber said, looking slightly nervous when he saw the stern look on Tempest's face, ''Well, actually not really, it's only been a couple of hours since I last saw you.''

Tempest didn't say anything back and stepped closer to the little hedgehog, keeping the same stern look on her face.

''L-Listen, just hear me out, please.'' Grubber said, slowly backing away from the steering wheel.

''Why are you here?'' Tempest suddenly asked in a curious manner, much to Grubber's surprise.

''Well, I've been really thinking about what you said to me before,'' Grubber explained, ''And you're right, I do need to stop living the past. I guess it's just a lot to take in sometimes when someone you look up to changes in a way you don't expect.''

''You have NO idea,'' Tempest said, rolling her eyes as a betrayel from a certain 'king' came to mind, ''But no more time to talk, Callidus has mind controled every creature in Klugetown and they're now attacking my friends.''

''Calli-who?'' Grubber asked.

Tempest rolled her eyes in irritation, ''I'll explain it later. Just help me protect my friends, okay?''

''You got it, Tempest Shadow,'' Grubber said back while saluting her, ''From now on, your friends are my friends too!''

Tempest couldn't help but smile a little, ''Thanks. And by the way, call me Fizzy for now on.''

''As you wish, Tem- uh Fizzy.'' Grubber said.

Tempest shook her head playfully. Suddenly she remembered what happened to Twilight and looked down from the airship, where Twilight's friends and the others were still fighitng off the mind controled creatures.

''Grubber, jump on my back!'' Tempest commanded.

Grubber grabbed a small spear and shield that layed close to the steering wheel of the airship before jumping on the unicorn's back.

''I got your back, Fizzy!'' Grubber remarked with a confident smirk, ''Hehe, see what I did there?''

Tempest let out a sarcastic laugh. She jumped from the airship onto the sidewalk of a building and made her way down.

Luna fired a giant beam of magic from her horn towards Callidus. It was dark blue and had little stars inside, almost as if she was shooting part of the night sky at him. Callidus was prepared to block and deflect Luna's magic right back at her, but instead it started circling around him. The magic soon formed into a giant black orb, trapping Callidus inside as everything around him turned completely dark.

Everything was pitch black, there was no sound coming from anywhere. Callidus tried to illuminate his surroudings, casting any type of magic he could think of. But no matter what he did, everything still remained dark and silent.

''Now's your chance, sister!'' Luna exclaimed, using her magic to maintain the giant black orb.

With one strong move from her wings, Celestia launched herself towards the black orb. She closed her eyes right before entering. Once inside the orb, the white alicorn opened her eyes again. A bright white light glowed in her eyes, allowing her to see through the darkness. She quickly spotted Callidus hovering a few meters in front of her. He seemed to be in a panicked state while trying to figure out how to escape. Celestia surrounded herself with a magical aura and rushed towards him, hitting the grey bird with full force. Callidus let out a grunt as Celestia hit him full on in the chest. He got launched out of the orb and descended down towards the ground along with Celestia, who pulled herself back right before Callidus's body made a hard landing on the sands of the desert. The black orb disappeared as soon as Celestia rejoined her sister.

''You got him!'' Luna complimented.

Callidus got back up and blew away the sand around him with a magical wave. He had his claw placed on his chest while panting steadily.

''Not bad. Your powers combined could even match my own,'' Callidus said, loud enough for the two princesses to hear him from a distance, ''But now it's time for me to show you my full power!''

An intense black aura started flowing around Callidus. A dark yellow glow appeared in his eyes as he flew towards the two alicorn princesses. Celestia and Luna did the same with their magic and rushed towards him. The three of them created a small explosion of magic the moment they clashed.

Captain Celaeno and her pirate friends tried their best to fight off the horde of mind controled creatures. Luckily with the help Twilight's friends, Tempest, Grubber and the other storm guards they were able to hold their own against most of them. But no matter how hard they fought, eventually they all felt themselves getting more and more exhausted, while their opponents didn't seem to grow any more tired from all the fighting.

''We can't fight them off like this forever!'' Captain Celaeno said to Capper and the others, ''Anyone got another plan?!''

Capper remembered the book from before that he still had with him, ''I got one!'' He said before quickly grabbing it from under his cloak.

''What is that, Capper?'' Skystar asked Capper curiously.

''Something that might tell us on how to stop all this madness.'' Capper replied as he opened the book and started looking through the pages, ''I think they're was a sentence about it somewhere in here....''

''Wait, you know him?'' Queen Novo asked Skystar.

''That's Capper, mother,'' Skystar replied, ''He helped me and my friends get into Canterlot to defeat the Storm King.''

''I owe you a big thank you, Mister Capper.'' Queen Novo said.

''It was my pleasure, your royal majesty.'' Capper replied while he kept searching for the right page.

''Find anything?'' Skystar eventually asked.

''Aha! Here it is,'' Capper said out loud before he started reading the sentence, ''Should thou lose control, then the magic pearl is the only key. Once touched by a pure and kind soul, then peace and harmony shall return to the world as is meant to be.''

''Touched by a pure soul?'' Queen Novo repeated.

''Wait a minute...'' Skystar said as she realized something, ''...It must be talking about you, mother!''

''Me?'' Queen Novo replied in a suprised tone, ''Why would you think that?''

''Don't you remember the story you read to me?'' Skystar explained eagerly, ''When you touched that stone on the pillar all those years ago, you said that it started to glow and then turned into the magic pearl. That must have been because you are the one with the pure and kind soul.''

''I suppose that's a good point. But...'' Queen Novo said as she started remembering all the things she did in the past.

''Just do it!'' Tempest said, having heard their conversation along with the others, ''It's our only chance!''

''What she said!'' Grubber added while helping Tempest fight off a tall shark.

''.....But that was a long time ago,'' Queen novo explained, ''I'm not sure if the same thing will happen again this time.''

''We have to try it, mother!'' Skystar said determinedly, ''Twilight Sparkle and all of her friends saved us from the Storm King, now it's our turn to save them!''

Queen Novo looked at Skystar for a moment, suprised by the way she was talking with such dedication. She then thought about her plan for a moment before finally nodding in agreement.

''Okay. Let's do it.'' Queen Novo said determinedly before turning to Capper with a grateful smile., ''Thanks again, Mister Cap-''

''Save world first, thank me later!'' Capper said as he saw some more creatures getting closer.

''Skystar, follow me!'' Queen Novo said before flying away from the battlefield.

''Right behind you, mother!'' Skystar said. Together with Queen Novo she flew off and left Klugetown.

Capper watched the two hippogriffs leave, ''Good luck.''

Applejack had equipped herself with a lasso, one that had a big rock tied around it inside a loop, to defened herself against a grey mole with a hammer. Spike used his green dragon fire against a group of fish creatures to scare them off, but none of them seemed to be the least bit fazed by it. Even when some of his fire landed on one of them, a magic glow shielded them from it.

Capper quickly ran over to Twilight's friends and explained the whole plan.

''They better hurry! I don't know how much longer I can keep this up before my make-up gets ruined!'' Rarity said, talking an overdramatic manner while defending herself with a piece of wood.

''That's your biggest concern right now?!'' Applejack said, still using a lasso with a rock tied in a loop to defend herself.

''If we are going to save the world, I want to look fabulous while doing so!'' Rarity replied.

Suddenly many of the creatures got blown back by a purple colored wave that seemed to appear out of nowhere. The wave caused Applejack's hat to almost fall off while everypony else's manes got turned into a hairy mess.

''Oh, COME ON!!'' Rarity shouted when she saw what had become of her mane.

The ponies and the others looked up behind them to see who or what caused that magical wave. All their faces smiled in relief when they saw Twilight flying their way, mostly unharmed.

''Twilight!'' Spike exclaimed happily. He ran up to the purple alicorn, jumped up and gave her a hug as soon as she landed on the ground. The other ponies joined in on the hug.

''Now's not the time!'' Twilight quickly said, ''The princesses need our help! They can't take on Callidus by themselves!''

''But what about them?'' Fluttershy asked as she looked over to the mind controled creatures, all of whom had already gotten up and were heading their way.

''Fluttershy's got a point, I don't think they're just gonna let us leave.'' Rainbow Dash explained.

''We'll take care of them!'' Tempest answered.

''Aw yeah! They ain't gonna know what hit 'em!'' Grubber added.

''We got your back!'' Captain Celaeno said as she and her pirate friends got ready to keep fighting.

''For Fluttershy!'' One of the storm guards exclaimed.

''But we-''

''We got this!'' Captain Celaeno exclaimed to Rainbow Dash before to could finish, ''Now go!''

The ponies eventually followed her command and headed out of Klugetown, leaving their friends to deal with the creatures.

Twilight and her friends arrived in the desert, just in time to witness something that shocked them to the bone.

Princess Celestia and Luna both layed on the sands of the desert, looking weak and wounded. They were breathing steadily and could barely move. Callidus was standing above their bodies, getting ready to finish them off with a magic attack from his claw. Twilight's heart started racing like crazy and immediately flew to them at great speed without looking back.

''STOP!!!'' Twilight shouted at the top of her lungs.

''Twilight!'' Rainbow Dash said before chasing after her.

The purple alicorn's scream reached Callidus's ears. He looked up in front of him and saw Twilight flying towards him with a rageful look in her eyes. Callidus moved his body out of the way just as Twilight was about to ram herself into him. Celestia and Luna both opened their eyes just as Callidus was about to shoot dark magic at the purple alicorn.

Celestia, Luna and the rest of Twilight's friends looked on in horror as Twilight got hit by Callidus's attack. His beam had struck right through Twilight's chest. The light in her eyes were slowly fading away.

''NO!!'' Rainbow Dash shouted. She reached Callidus and punched him right in the face.

The grey bird screeched in pain, pushing Twilight away with his claw and releasing her from his magic beam. The purple alicorn's body went limb and fell on the ground. Her eyes slowly closed while breathing her last breath.

''Twilight....'' Spike whimpered to himself, struggling to hold back his tears,

Rainbow Dash was about to land another punch, but Callidus acted quickly and send her flying back with a small blast of magic from his claw.

''You irritating, foolish little mule!'' Callidus exclaimed in anger. He kept a claw on his scar that Rainbow's punch had left behind on his face. He quickly used his magic to heal the wound in an instant.

It wasn't happening, it could not be happening. Celestia did not want to believe it, watching Twilight's motionless body laying on the ground. She grinded her teeth and stared at Callidus with pure hatred in her eyes. She gathered the last of her strentgh and stood back up.

''You.....You monster.....'' Celestia with a vengeful tone in her voice.

Twilight's friends all looked at Callidus with the same anger in their eyes. Meanwhile, Luna's attention was focused on Celestia, never before had she seen this much rage and hatred coming from her own sister.

Suddenly the sun appeared from behind the clouds and started to shine brighter than anypony had ever seen before. It eventually started to cover the whole sky, forcing everypony to shield their eyes. An unrelenting heat came to be on the desert, causing Spike and everypony to sweat within a matter of seconds. Multiple lines of fire emerged from the sun and descended down while spinning around each other in a circle. The fire headed down towards Princess Celestia, who was still focused on Callidus with rage filled in her eyes. The lines of fire reached the white alicorn and started circling around her, eventually trapping her inside an orb made out of intense fire.

''What's happening?!'' Callidus exclaimed as even he started to become slightly scared.

The sound of a crazy and maniacal laugh came out of the fire orb. A silhouette of Princess Celestia appeared inside, only looking slightly different from what they remember. Her mane and tail seemed more pointy than normal, something sharp was sticking out from the back of her head. As Celestia's manical laughing continued, the fire slowly started to faded away and eventually revealed to everyone what she had become.

Twilight's friends didn't know what was going, but Princess Luna instantly recognized it the moment she layed her eyes on Celestia's mane made of fire. The orange armor that had appeared on her chest was glowing hot, almost as if it could turn anyone who touched it into ash.

''Daybreaker....'' Luna said to herself quietly.

''What's going on here?'' Callidus asked out loud ''How did she suddenly manage to gain so much power?!''

''What's the matter, Callidus?!'' Daybreaker asked the grey bird in a mocking tone, ''Can't take the heat?!'' She started laughing maniacally again.

Callidus grinded his teeth in anger, ''You don't scare me!'' He fired a magic blast from the palm of his claws, aiming it straight towards Daybreaker.

Daybreaker shielded herself with the fire from her mane and blocked the magic blast with ease. This shocked Callidus to the core, never did he expect that there would exist a creature who's power could match his own.

''What are you?!'' Callidus shouted.

''Me?! '' Daybreaker responded, ''I am Daybreaker! The better, prettier and more powerful version of Princess Celestia. And now, I'm going to DESTROY you!!''

Daybreaker spewed a huge fire blast out of her mouth that headed towards Callidus, who was only barely able to shield himself before the fire could hit him. Although his efforts protected him for a moment, Daybreaker's blast proved to be far more powerful than he thought. The fire eventually made its way through small cracks of his shield. Callidus started to scream as the fire slowly consumed him, eliminating the magic shield and turning his body into nothing more than a pile of ash. The dark aura that used to be around Callidus seemed to disappeared without any trace.

Daybreaker let out another maniacal laugh, ''That's more like it!''

''Sister, that's enough!" Luna shouted before getting in front of Daybreaker, ''If you keep going like this, you'll lose yourself!''

''And what are you gonna do about it, Luna?!'' Daybreaker said, ''Send me to the sun?!''

Luna quickly flew out of the way when Daybreaker attacked her with another fire blast.

''Sister, you need to listen to me!'' Luna said desperately, ''You're not yourself right now! If you just-''

''Listen? To you?!'' Daybreaker said in a menacing tone, ''Ha! Don't make me laugh, Luna! I've ruled over Equestria for a thousand years without your help! I never needed you, everything was fine until you came back!''

''That's not true!'' Luna retaliated, ''You needed my help many times, but I saw that deep down you never had the courage to ask for it! Because you care too much about everypony but yourself! But that's in the past, we're all here to help you now! To save Twilight and-''

''Save me your pathetic nonsense, Luna!'' Daybreaker said, ''If you really want to help me that badly, then hold still so I can BURN you into a crisp!''

Celestia spewed another large fire blast at the princess of the night, who teleport out of the way to avoid the same fate as Callidus. Daybreaker gave chase as soon as she saw Luna trying to get away, giving her no chance to regroup with Twilight's friends.

''TAKE CARE OF TWILIGHT!!'' Luna shouted to Twilight's friends as she and Celestia both left the desert.

Spike and the others's attention turned back to Twilight's motionless body laying on the ground. Together they walked over to her, still trying to take in what had just happened. On Twilight's chest they saw the wound that Callidus's attack had left behind. It showed round, small black hole at the spot where they were sure her heart would be.

Spike kneeled down over Twilight and started shaking her gently, ''Twilight?'' He said, trying to stay strong and holding back tears, ''Please, Twilight....Don't leave me...''

The little dragon shook Twilight's body a bit longer before giving up. Tears started rolling down his cheeks before embracing Twilight's body into a tight hug.

''This is all my fault,'' Rainbow Dash said, trying to hold back her tears, ''If only I could've gotten to her sooner, then maybe.....''

''It all happened so fast....'' Fluttershy said as she was already crying.

''B....But there has to be something we can do,'' Rarity said tears appeared under her eyes as well, ''W.....We can't just let it end like this.''

''Without Celestia and Luna, I don't know what we can do.'' Applejack said with a sad look on her face.

Everypony and Spike started mourning the loss of their best friend. Meanwhile, a black shadow was moving across the sand a few meters away from them. It started slithering towards Twilight's body like a snake and eventually made contact without the others noticing.

''What now?'' Pinkie Pie asked somberly.

Everypony widened their eyes when a dark aura, one that looked just like the one from Callidus, start flowing around the Twilight's body. Spike didn't notice however, as he was still clinging to Twilight, not wanting to ever let go.

''Spike....'' Applejack said in a worried tone.

''NO!!'' Spike retaliated, ''I won't leave her!''

The wound on Twilight's chest slowly disappeared. Her eyes opened up, revealing dark yellow pupils in the center while the white part of her eyes had turned black. Her face turned to Spike as creepy smile appeared on her face. A black orb of magic starts glowing around her horn.

''Spike, get back!'' Rainbow Dash shouted.

The rainbow pegaus grabbed the small dragon and was able to pull him back just in time before a dark energy blast escaped from Twilight's horn. Her blast hit the spot where Spike would've been hit and left behind a huge hole in the sand. Everypony else slowly backed away from Twilight, who slowly stood back up in an unnatural way, as if her body had no bones for a moment. Her attention turned to her friends, still showing the same creepy smile. She then let out a menacing laugh that sounded nothing like her normal voice.

''Twilight?'' Spike said while looking horrified along with the other ponies.

11. One last chance

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Skystar heard Queen Novo's voice in her head. She sounded very proud and was talking about the upcoming coronation that would happen after the Hippogriff Freedom Celebration. Everything Queen Novo had told her on that day was still fresh in Skystar's mind. About how proud she was of her for saving Equestria, as well as complimenting her bravery. It was enough prove for Queen Novo that her daughter was ready to become the new queen of the hippogriffs, but unfortunately Skystar thought otherwise. She remembered protesting against her mother, but she simply kept insisting to her daughter that she was more than ready. Just thinking about it again gave Skystar anxiety, the same kind she felt before the celebration. Her heart was beating fast, it was as if she was back on Mount Aris again. She saw herself opening the gate of the Hippogriff Kingdom in a panicked state and then flew away to-


Skystar gasped quietly when she heard her mother's voice out loud next to her. The small hippogriff's head turned to her right where she saw Queen Novo, flying high up in the sky above the great ocean. She had a concerned look on her face. Skystar sighed and stared down at the small waves of the ocean.

''You seem anxious, sweetheart. What's the matter?'' Queen Novo asked worriedly.

''Mom....'' Skystar said while not making any eye contact, ''....There's something I have to tell you.....''

''About what?'' Queen Novo asked.

''....Back on Mount Aris....before the Hippogriff Freedom Celebration....'' Skystar said with much hesitation in her voice, ''I....I wasn't kidnapped by Callidus....''

''What?'' Queen Novo asked while looking a bit surprised, ''Then by who?''

''...No one.....'' Skystar eventually answered, her heart beating while having a somber look on her face, ''I...... I ran away from home....''

''What?!'' Queen Novo responded out loud, ''B...But why?!''

''.....Because I didn't feel like I was ready to become queen yet....'' Skystar finished.

Queen Novo didn't say another word, instead she stared at Skystar with her mouth hanging open. It took her a full minute to take in what her daughter just said to her. All that time, she had accepted that it was Callidus who kidnapped her. But that reality had been completely shattered by just those few sentences from her daughter.

''I'm so sorry....'' Skystar said, sounding like she was on the verge of crying.

Queen Novo stayed silent again for a moment and sighed, ''No.....I should be the one who's sorry.'' She said with her head hung low.

''What do you mean?'' Skystar asked as she finally decided to make eye contact with her mom.

''You're weren't ready yet,'' Queen Novo explained, ''And I should never have forced that position upon you so soon. I guess I was just so proud of you that I didn't take your feelings into account. I promise you, once we restore the pearl and Equestria is saved, I won't force you to become queen. Okay?''

Skystar stayed quiet for a moment before showing a little smile, ''Thank you, Mother. You really are the most pure and kind hippogriff in the whole wide world.'' She finished her sentence with a playful wink.

Queen Novo looked at Skystar with a smile and struggled to hold back a small tear in her eye. It warmed her heart seeing her own daughter talk to her in such an endearing manner.

Eventually Skystar looked back down somewhere at the ocean and noticed something familiar.

''Mother, look!'' Skystar said while pointing down to a small part of the ocean.

Many memories of her first visit came back to haunt her as soon as Queen Novo set her eyes on the big black skull. Its empty eye holes were glowing menacingly.

''Never thought I'd ever see this place again.'' Queen Novo said to herself.

Skystar was the first the set hoof on the beach of the island, with Queen Novo joining her a few seconds after. Unfortunately, the big pile of rocks from before was still blocking the way into the cave. Queen Novo groaned in frustration.

''Just our luck.'' Queen Novo said sarcastically.

''We're not just gonna let a bunch of rocks stop us from saving Equestria, are we mother?!'' Skystar said, her eyes filled with determination, ''Come on! No time to lose!'' She quickly flew over to the big pile of rocks blocking their way.

Queen Novo looked suprised and watched for a moment as Skystar started removing many of the rocks in front of the cave one by one. A proud smile eventually appeared on the tall hippogriff's face. She ran over to her daughter and began removing the rocks along with her.

Spike and the other ponies backed away from Twilight. Her evil smile and maniacal laugh sent shivers down their spines. An intense aura moved around her body, her eyes were glowing dark yellow and small bolts of lightning flickered from her horn.

''Finally....'' Twilight eventually said.

''Twilight?'' Spike said with a scared look on his face.

''Twilight?'' Twilight replied before letting out a sinister laugh, ''Hate to break it to you, little dragon. But Twilight is gone. I am Cladis, the spirit of destruction.''

''Spirit of destruction?'' Fluttershy repeated as she started to become more afraid by the second.

''Did you honestly think I was defeated just because that stupid Daybreaker had turned Callidus into a pile of ash?!'' Twilight responded, ''No. She may have weakened my powers greatly, but I can still take control over any creature I desire. And the magic of your purple alicorn friend is more than enough to perish every single one of you.''

Spike backed away, looking beyond terrified at what the evil spirit Cladis had done to the pony who had raised him ever since he was first hatched from his egg.

Twilight saw the fear in the little dragon's eyes. Suddenly she started to flinch, shutting her eyes and looking like she was in some kind of pain. The aura around her body disappeared and reappeared again every few seconds, the yellow glow in her eyes was also gone.

''No....get out....'' Twilight said to herself.

''What's going on?'' Rainbow Dash asked.

''She's trying to resist Cladis's control over her!'' Spike answered with a hopeful look on his face..

Twilight shook her head, causing the aura and her yellow glowing eyes to return. She growled fiercely and stared back at her friends.

''My my. You're a stubborn one, Twilight Sparkle,'' Twilight said to herself, ''But try as you might, you are under my total control now. And once I'm finished with your friends, the rest of Klugetown will be next.''

Twilight's horn glowed with a dark aura as she stared at Spike with an evil grin. Soon a magic blast emerged from her horn. The beam headed towards Spike. Rainbow Dash gasped, quickly grabbed the little dragon and dodged the magic blast just in time.

''Twilight, stop it!'' Spike shouted after Rainbow Dash had put him down, ''This isn't you!''

Twilight responded with another laugh, ''Are you deaf, little dragon?! I just told you, Twilight is gone! Cladis is all that remains.''

''That's not true!'' Spike replied, ''The real Twilight is still in there!''

''And we're going to do whatever it takes to get her back!'' Rainbow Dash added as she and the other ponies got ready to face Twilight.

''And how exactly do you plan on doing that?'' Twilight asked confidently.

''You'll see.'' Applejack said, thinking back to Queen Novo and Skystar's plan that Capper had told them about earlier.

''Oh, I'd LOVE to see you try.'' Twilight said as small bolts of lightning moved around her horn.

No matter where or how far away she flew, Daybreaker followed Luna everywhere she went, attacking her with large blasts of fire that destroyed everything it touched. Forests got turned into ash, grass fields became waste lands. Luna looked down behind her and saw the destruction her sister was causing. She turned around, stopped flying away and quickly fired a magic blast of her own towards Daybreaker. The blast hit the fire alicorn on the chest with full force. She shrieked and got pushed back a bit, but quickly shrugged it off.

''Was that really your best?!'' Daybreaker exclaimed, ''Ha! Pathetic. Just like you always have been.''

Luna started panting steadily. She had just barely enough energy in her wings to be able to fly.

''Sister,'' Luna said in an exhausted tone, ''Everything you're saying right now isn't coming from you. I know the real you is still in there somewhere, tormented and consumed by your own guilt. What happened to Twilight back there isn't your fault. And we could still find a way to fix it, but you have to forgive yourself first.''

Daybreaker stayed quiet, looking conflicted while having no idea how to respond to what her sister was telling her.

''Twilight and her friends helped me overcome my darkness,'' Luna continued, ''Now let me help you overcome yours.''

Daybreaker still said nothing back and looked at Luna as if her words were slowly getting through to her. But it was short-lived as an evil glare came back in Daybreaker's eyes. She fired another fire blast at Luna, who quickly dodged it just in time.

''Did you really think that little speech would do anything?'' Daybreaker said after her same evil smile from before had returned, ''Just give up already, Luna! If you do, I will promise to let you live......ON THE MOON!!''

Daybreaker let out another maniacal laugh as the flames of her mane grew larger.

Luna never thought she'd have to do this again, but it was clear that Celestia's new transformation had completely consumed her. Luna closed her eyes and sighed deeply. She knew that it was a big risk, and she had no idea how long she'd be able to control herself. But she couldn't think of any other way.

''I didn't want to do this....'' Luna said to Daybreaker, ''But if I can't get through to you with words, then I have no other choice....''

Luna used her magic to surround herself in a black orb. It started spinning, going faster and faster with each passing second. The spinning orb slowed down and eventually disappeared, revealing that Luna had transformed herself into Nightmare Moon once again. Luna still felt in control, and hoped deep inside she'd be able to keep it that way for as long as she could.

''I'll do what I have to in order to protect Equestria, and to save you!'' Nightmare Moon said, ''Even if it means fighting my own sister!''

Luna shot her own magic beam towards Daybreaker. She blocked the magic using her firey mane as a shield. Luna could tell from Daybreaker's expression that she was having trouble protecting herself from the attack. Eventually she managed to send Luna's magic blast back at her. Luna only barely managed to dodge the attack.

''Not bad,'' Daybreaker complimented, ''But I'm afraid it's gonna take alot more than that!''

Daybreaker surrounded herself with fire magic and made her way towards Luna with great speed. Luna quickly did the same with her own magic and flew straight at Daybreaker. The two collided with each other and immediately their magic created an intense pressure around them. It eventually caused the ground below them to shake as if it was a small earthquake.

Everything in Klugetown had turned into a mess. Market stands had been turned into piles of wood, numerous holes in the walls of every building and shattered glass from windows littered every corner of the streets. The fight had caused so much damage that it became almost unrecognizable. Spears and axes were being thrown around all over the place within the battlefield. The storm guards did their best to stand up against the oncoming horde of creatures, all still under the influence of Callidus's dark magic spell from before. But no matter how long the fight went on or how many times the storm guards managed to land a hit, the oppossing creatures shrugged off every wound and didn't even seem to get any more tired. Capper, Captain Celaeno and the other pirates quickly joined in to help before the storm guards got overwhelmed.

''Never thought we'd ever be fighting side by side with you guys!'' Capper said to the storm guards in a joking manner.

A shark creature wearing a dark purple scarf appeared out of the horde of other creatures and got ready to strike Celaeno with a sledgehammer. She ducked out of the way right as the shark swung his weapon as hard as he could in a horizontal motion. He was about to follow it up with another swing, but just as his hammer was about to hit Celaeno, one of the storm guards blocked the attack with his shield. Celaeno took her chance and kicked the shark in his stomach, hard enough for her to push the sharp toothed creature back a few feet.

''Thanks for the assist!'' Captain Celaeno complimented.

''Glad to see we still got it, boys!'' Boyle said to the other pirates while parrying the attacks from the opposing creatures with his hook.

''Squabble, behind you!'' Mullet exclaimed as he looked over to the cross-eyed bird.

Squabble turned around and saw four angry looking pigs heading his way, all of them carrying sharp axes with them. The four pigs charged towards him while letting out a battle cry. Squabble squeaked loudly and got into a very particular looking fighting pose. The cross eyed bird punched and kicked the weapons out of their hands within a few seconds. He then quickly grabbed one of the pigs by the arm with both his claws, swung him around and threw the creature into the other three pigs. The group of pigs all flew back many meters futher into Klugetown. Squabble let out another squeaking sound and got into the same fighting pose as before to celebrate his victory.

''That bird is a whole new level of crazy.'' A storm guard commented, staring with raised eye brows after having witnessed the full fight.

''Good thing he's on our side.'' Another storm guard responded.

In another part of the battlefield, Tempest held her own against a small group of fish creatures. The purple unicorn used her quick and effective fighting skills to make quick work of them. She then looked back over at Grubber, who was caught in a battle with a giant mouse creature carrying a machete as a weapon. It didn't take long for her to notice that the little hedgehog was starting to struggle a bit. Tempest quickly ran over to Grubber just as the mouse got ready to slice the little hedgehog in two. She kicked the weapon out of the mouse's claw and knocked the creature to the ground with another kick.

''You got some decent skills!'' Tempest said, loud enough to be heard through all the fighting happening around them, ''Where did you learn them from?!''

''From you, of course!'' Grubber answered.

''How?! I don't remember ever training you!'' Tempest said.

''I used to spy on you during your training sessions!'' Grubber responded.

Tempest blinked a few times as she looked at Grubber with widened eyes.

Grubber's eyes widened as well, ''It's not as creepy as I made that sound, I promise.''

Tempest's attention turned back to the mouse creature, who had brought a bigger group of different creatures with him while her and Grubber had been talking.

''Well, time to see if all that spying was worth it!'' Tempest said to Grubber before the group of opposing creatures charged towards them.

Before Spike and the other ponies had the chance to fight back, Twilight simply fired a magic wave towards all of her friends. Spike was the only one who managed to jump out of the way as the magic launched the other ponies further into the desert. Twilight's horn glowed intensely as her attention turned to her right, where Spike was looking at her with a frightened look on his face.

''No more pony friends to save you this time, little dragon.'' Twilight said, slowly approaching Spike with an evil smile on her face.

Spike stepped back before tripping and falling on the sand. His heart was beating fast, unable to utter any words as he started crawling back. Spike eventually reached a small sand hill behind him that forced him to stop in his tracks.

Spike placed his arms over his eyes and started shaking in fear, ''Twilight, please....''

Twilight's evil smile disappeared as soon as she heard the vulnerability in Spike's voice. The dark aura around her body started flinching again like before. She groaned in agony and tried to turn her horn away from the helpless little dragon. The yellow glow in her eyes also had dimmed down a bit.

''No....I can't.....'' Twilight said, sounding like she was struggling to utter the words.

Spike removed his arms from his face. Spike looked hopeful again when he saw Twilight struggling against Cladis's control, but it was short-lived. Only a few seconds later, the dark aura around Twilight returned completely and the yellow glow in her eyes became even brighter than before. Twilight's head turned back to Spike with a stern look in her eyes.

''You annoying little pest,'' Twilight said in frustation as small bolts of lighting moved around her horn, ''I don't know how you're doing that, but it's not gonna work. It's time that I put an end to-''

Suddenly a big rainbow stream zoomed right past Spike and hit Twilight with full force. The purple alicorn shrieked and got knocked back. The rainbow stream quickly revealed itself to be a pissed off looking Rainbow Dash. The other ponies eventually showed up as well, ready to defend Spike and themselves against Twilight the moment she stood back up.

''You will NOT harm little Spikey Wikey!'' Rarity said.

''Why not pick on somepony your own size, Cladis?!'' Rainbow Dash added.

Twilight's annoyed look soon got replaced by a look of confidence, ''Very well. If you really want me to end you that badly, I'll be more than happy to oblige.''

''Remember, we don't have to hurt her,'' Applejack explained to her friends, ''We just gotta hold her off and buy Queen Novo enough time.''

''Then everything will finally return back to normal.'' Fluttershy said.

Twilight laughed, ''You five?! Against an alicorn?! I'd be impressed if you would last more than thirty seconds against me when I get serious.''

''Sounds like a challenge,'' Pinkie Pie replied in a cocky manner, ''One that I happily accept!''

Twilight got ready to use her magic once again. Pinkie Pie quickly turned her mane into a drill and dug it into the desert, creating a small wave of sand that headed straight towards Twilight. The sand hit the alicorn in her eyes and blinded her vision.

''Now's our chance!'' Rainbow Dash said out loud.

Applejack reached her hoof under her hat and pulled a long lasso from it. She ran over to Twilight and started tying her up while she was still blinded by the sand in her eyes. Rainbow Dash joined in and tried to restrain her, giving Applejack enough time to tie up the purple alicorn with ease.

''Hold her down!'' Applejack said as she tied the rope around Twilight's body.

Fluttershy, Spike, Rarity and Pinkie Pie all came over, helping Applejack and Rainbow Dash to restrain Twilight with all their might.

''Impressed yet?!'' Pinkie Pie remarked to the struggling Twilight.

Eventually Twilight made the sand in her eyes disappear with her magic. She then teleported herself out of the rope and reappeared behind Applejack and the others.

''I would be, except I haven't even gotten serious yet. But now....'' Twilight said as a menacing look showed up on her face, ''Now I'll show you the true terror of an alicorn's power!''

The dark aura around Twilight's body got more and more intense. Her friends stood their ground and got ready to face her head-on without trying to show any fear.

Even though they were running, it still felt like a really long way through the dark tunnel. But eventually they stumbled upon a small beam of light in the distance. Skystar and Queen Novo saw the small flickering light and instantly knew what it meant.

''We made it! Let's go!'' Skystar said.

Queen Novo and Skystar rushed to the flickering light together as fast as they could.

The two hippogriffs finally stepped out of the dark tunnel. Queen Novo saw the pearl inside the mouth of the skull on the pillar. Knowing what was at stake, she didn't waste another second and headed over to the pillar. She reached out and placed her claw on the pearl. A familiar bright dot slowly appeared in the center of the pearl.

''It's working! It's working!'' Skystar said excitedly when the light in the center of the pearl slowly began to shine brighter.

Queen Novo was relieved to see the pearl starting to return to its normal state, but it didn't last long. A small group of black magical vines began to emerge from the pearl and tied themselves around Queen Novo's arm. She immediately pulled herself away from the pearl before the vines had a chance to consume the rest of her body. The black vines released Queen Novo's arms, but still remained around the pearl, moving around like a group of limbs without any bones. The tall hippogriff tried to get closer to the pearl again, but the vines tried to wrap around her claws again the moment she got too close to the pillar. Skystar gasped and quickly pulled Queen Novo away before the vines could catch her again.

''I....I don't understand,'' Skystar said in disbelief, ''Why didn't it work?''

''I don't know......'' Queen Novo said before she looked back at Skystar, ''Perhaps I'm not the one who......''

''The one who what?'' Skystar asked curiously.

Queen Novo stayed quiet. Skystar could tell by the look her mother's face that she was pondering about something.

''the one who what, mother?!'' Skystar asked again worriedly.

''.....Nothing,'' Queen Novo said, ''Just stay back and let me handle this.'' Her attention turned back to the pearl. She took a deep breath and took another step closer without saying a word.

''Mother?'' Skystar said in suprise. She quickly flew in front of the tall hippogriff before she got too close to the pillar again.

''Skystar, move aside.'' Queen Novo said calmly.

''....It's me, isn't it?'' Skystar said, ''I'm the one who has to touch the pearl.''

''No!'' Queen Novo responded sternly, ''It's too dangerous!''

''But then what's the other option?!'' Skystar asked.

''I just have to try again! Perhaps it just takes awhile before the pearl turns back to normal!'' Queen Novo explained.

''How do you know for sure?!'' Skystar asked again.

''I don't!!'' Queen Novo retaliated.

Skystar stayed silent, taken back by Queen Novo's response.

Queen Novo sighed, ''Skystar, I'm sorry. I truly am. But I just.....I don't want to lose my little girl again.''

Skystar pondered for a bit before speaking up, ''....But I'm not a little girl anymore.'' Skystar said calmly with a serious look on her face.

The tone in Skystar's voice caused Queen Novo to look surprised. She could not believe those words were coming out of her daughter's mouth.

Skystar let out a small sigh, ''I can't run from it any longer, mother. That's the only thing I've been doing today, running away from all my problems and responsibilities. And you've seen how that turned out.''

''Skystar, don't say that,'' Queen Novo said with a concerned look on her face, ''Not of this is on you. Now if you just listen-''

''No, you listen!'' Skystar said before her mother could finish, ''Ever since you read me that book on Mount Aris you've always been telling me what it takes to be a queen, right? Well....I'm ready now. You have to let me do this, for our friends and all of Equestria.''

Queen Novo was speechless. She could hear the determination in Skystar's voice.

''It's only gonna get worse if I don't do something right now,'' Skystar continued, ''Please, mother. This could be our one last chance.''

Queen Novo looked at her daughter and saw the determination in her eyes. No matter how much she was trying to argue with herself, it seemed like there was truly no other option left. She pulled Skystar close to her and embraced the small hippogriff in what could be their last hug. Skystar hugged back as a small tear ran down her cheek.

''There's no one in this world more pure and kind than you, sweetheart....'' Queen Novo said, trying her best to keep it together, ''Never forget that.''

''.....I won't.'' Skystar responded, trying to sound as brave as she could. Eventually she decided to let go and look her mother in the eyes for what could be her last time.

Suddenly the black magic vines around the pearl grew larger and started heading straight towards Skystar. Queen Novo noticed it just in time.

''Look out!'' Queen Novo said out loud.

The tall hippogriff pushed Skystar away from herself and the pearl. The vines missed the small hippogriff and latched onto Queen Novo instead. Skystar looked at her mother and saw how big the black vines around the pearl had become. They slowly started wrapping themselves around Queen Novo's body.

''MOTHER!!'' Skystar shouted in horror.

''Skystar, the pearl!'' Queen Novo replied as she was struggling. The black magic from the vines slowly started to consume her.

Skystar knew what she was trying to tell her and looked back at the dark pearl inside the small skull. It was now or never, she ran to the small pillar as fast as she could. Another group of vines emerged from the pearl and tried to catch Skystar. She was able to just barely dodge them and eventually reached the pillar. As she was about to touch the pearl however, the vines managed to catch her by the arms and legs. Skystar felt how the things tried to stop her from moving, but she didn't give up. With every ounce of her strength in her body she managed to move her arms towards the skull, getting an inch closer to the pearl with each passing second. Just before the black magic from the vines was about to consume her head, Skystar finally felt her claws touching the corrupted pearl.

12. Harmony returns

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Thirty minutes earlier

The two mighty alicorns were locked in battle, using the full extent of their abilities against each other. Their fight took them all across Equestria and beyond. Daybreaker's many fire blasts caused destruction everywhere she went. Luna had to use every ounce of her magic to stop Daybreaker's fire from destroying places in Equestria any further. Their battle eventually took them back to the desert again.

''Impressive, sister! I didn't expect you to last this long!'' Daybreaker shouted to Luna in a mocking tone, ''But now let's see if you can try and stop THIS!!''

Daybreaker used her magic to unleash giant parts from the sun. They turned into big balls of fire that swooped down past the clouds and headed straight towards Luna. She tried to outfly the balls of fire, but they kept following her everywhere she went. Luna stopped in mid-air and quickly encased herself inside a orb that looked like it was made from the night sky. The balls of fire crashed into her with full force, slowly pushing the orb back from the pressure. Even with the protection from the orb, Luna could still feel the heat from the fire. She eventually felt sweat drops rolling down her face. Luna knew for sure that Daybreaker's attack would soon penetrate through the orb. She had no other choice, but it was life or death in that moment. Luna decided to give in and began to transform. Within a matter of seconds, she was no longer herself. Nightmare Moon was back once again.

Nightmare Moon's orb was finally strong enough to withstand Daybreaker's attack. She pushed it back with a dark night beam from her horn as the orb around her disappeared. Daybreaker looked suprised as soon as she saw Nightmare Moon's beam pushing back her fire attack. The fire alicorn quickly flew out of the way as Nightmare Moon's magic and the fire disappeared into the desert.

Nightmare moon unleashed an evil laugh, one that she had only let out many years ago, ''Ooohh, you really turned up the heat with that one, sister!'' She said out loud.

The princess of the night struck back with another magic blast that looked like the night sky. Daybreaker quickly fired a big blast of fire back at her sister. Their two attacks collided with each other and caused a magical explosion between both of the alicorns.

''Ah, so you've finally decided to show me your true power,'' Daybreaker commented, ''I like it!''

Daybreaker created a giant orb of fire above her horn. The fire orb became twice as big as herself before it detached into five blasts of fire that surrounded Nightmare Moon from all sides. The black armored alicorn summoned five portals around her as soon as Daybreaker's fire blasts headed her way. The fire blasts went right through the portals, which disappeared into thin air immediately after.

''Is that the best you can do, sister?!'' Nightmare Moon said, talking back in a mocking tone.

''Oh, I am just getting started!'' Daybreaker retaliated before she decided to attack Nightmare Moon with more fire blasts.

Nightmare Moon dodged the rest of Daybreakers's attacks as they both flew further into the desert without them realizing it. The dark blue alicorn's eyes darted down when she noticed something that shocked her to the core.

Down at the desert there was what looked like another pony firing purple magic. Nightmare Moon let out a small gasp as soon as she could make out who that pony was.

''Twilight.'' Nightmare Moon said to herself as her evil eyes turned back to normal for a moment.

Twilight was there, alive and well, attacking her own friends with her magic for some reason. They all looked exhausted, barely able to move another muscle.

Daybreaker took notice of her sister slowing down in mid-air as she was still getting distracted by what she saw below her.

''Now I got you.'' Daybreaker said to herself with an evil smile.

The firey maned alicorn used the opportunity to attack her sister with another one of her fire blasts. It resulted in a direct hit in the back that caused Nightmare Moon to shriek in pain. The fire of Daybreaker's attack completely destroyed Nightmare Moon's armor, reducing it to ash and causing Luna to turn back to her normal self. She then fell down to the part of the desert where Twilight was still fighting her friends. Her body hit the sand hard as the remaining ash from her armor fell next to her. Daybreaker didn't waste another moment and went down after her sister to finish the job.

''Princess Luna!'' Spike uttered when he saw the dark blue alicorn's unconcious body a few meters further away. The rest of Twilight's friends also took notice and gasped at the sight.

Twilight stopped in the middle of her attack and looked behind her at Luna's body with her glowing eyes. She then looked up as soon as the corner of her eye saw a tall pony with a mane made of fire heading her way.

Daybreaker looked shocked the moment Twilight's eyes and hers met. The overwhelming flow of emotions of the situation caused the fire alicorn to stop in mid-air.

''Twilight? You're.....alive?'' Daybreaker said to herself. The tone in her face had completely changed. The evil glow in her yellow pupils was gone for a moment.

Twilight Sparkle's yellow glowing eyes widened at the sight of the fire alicorn, who was still looking at her in surprise.

''You again?!'' Twilight shouted with a furious look on her face.

The evil glare stayed on Twilight's face for a moment, but soon got replaced with a sinister smile as the purple alicorn got an idea.

After letting out an evil chuckle, the dark aura went out of Twilight's body and headed into the sky, causing her eyes to return back to normal. The purple alicorn quickly shook her head and looked at her surroundings. The first thing that caught her attention was seeing her own friends laying on the ground, looking wounded and exhausted.

''W-What happened?'' Twilight asked herself in a panicky manner.

The dark aura formed into the shape of a menacing smiling skull that immediately headed towards Daybreaker. The fire alicorn tried to eliminate it with another fire blast from her mouth, but the evil aura simply opened its mouth and swallowed the fire like it was nothing. For the first time a look of fear appeared in Daybreaker's eyes as she was faced against something she couldn't harm. Before she could get away, the dark aura shrank down into a black line and went inside Daybreaker's body straight through the chest.

Twilight eventually looked up behind her and saw the alicorn with a big mane of fire in the sky. It didn't take long for her to realize who it was. She widened her eyes in shock and slowly stepped back.

''Princess Celestia?!'' Twilight said out loud. But there was something else about her that took her by surprise.

The same dark aura that Twilight remembered seeing around Callidus was flowing around Daybreaker's body. The fire alicorn was visibly struggling against Cladis's control, but it only took less than a minute before the spirit of destruction managed to take control of her. A dark red glow appeared in Daybreaker's eyes. The fire of her mane grew bigger, the heat around it becoming as hot as lava. The color had changed from bright orange to dark grey along with her armor.

''Yes,'' Daybreaker said to herself, having a slight distortion in her voice, ''With your power at my command, there'll no one creature left to stop me!''

The sound of Daybreaker's loud evil laugh started booming across the desert. Luna regained her conciousness and looked up where Daybreaker was.

''And now, I will erase this entire world out of its pathetic existance!'' Daybreaker announced. A small orb made of black fire started forming high above her horn, growing larger with each passing second.

Luna gasped in shock and immediately flew over next to Twilight.

''With me, Twilight!'' Luna said urgently.

The dark blue alicorn shot a magic beam from her horn towards Daybreaker. Just as the beam was about to hit her however, the dark aura around Daybreaker's body seemed to block the magic beam, preventing it from reaching her. Twilight quickly shot her own magic beam at Daybreaker as well. But even their magic combined wasn't enough to break through. They tried powering up their magic as much as they could, but it only managed to push the dark aura back a few inches. Eventually Twilight and Luna were forced to stop shooting their magic to prevent themselves from using up all their energy.

The black fire orb continued to grow larger and larger. Its size became almost as great as half of Equestria.

Twilight's friends eventually joined in and tried to do whatever they could to stop Daybreaker's attack. Applejack and Rarity threw rocks that layed about in the desert. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash tried to fly closer, but the pressure coming from Daybreaker's power alone was preventing them from even getting within a few meters of reach. Neither of them gave up, but eventually the dark aura from Daybreaker pushed them back down towards the desert. Their bodies crashed into the sand. Luna, Twilight and her friends were forced to watch helplessly as the possessed Daybreaker let out another evil laugh. None of them had ever seen such terrifying power before.

''It's no use!'' Twilight said to Luna, ''Nothing's working! What are we gonna do?!''

''I...don't know....'' Luna answered to Twilight with a look of despair.

''So that's it then? We're doomed?'' Applejack said to herself. The increasingly large orb above Daybreaker's head was reflecting inside her eyes.

''SAY GOODBYE!!'' Daybreaker shouted. She looked like she was finally ready to descend the orb down at Twilight and the others.

Suddenly a bright light appeared in the clouds floating right above Daybreaker's black orb. The possessed fire alicorn was still too caught up in readying her attack to notice it. Just as Daybreaker was about to launch the black orb down at Twilight and friends, a white beam emerged from the bright spot in the clouds and struck down. The beam went right through the black orb until it hit Daybreaker with full force.

Spike, Luna and the other ponies all saw how the giant light beam had struck Daybreaker. The black orb vanished slowly thanks to the bright light that had spread through it. Daybreaker let out a loud shriek as the bright light consumed her inside a white sphere, sounding like that from a suffering monster. Cladis got forced out of the fire alicorn's body and destroyed Daybreaker's dark armor in the process. The evil spirit's shriek still continued as his form became that of a big black skull. A white beam escaped from the sphere that Daybreaker was still in. It started circling around and completely consumed Cladis into an orb, silencing his shriek and shrinking him down before dissolving into nothingness. Cladis was no more.

A few seconds later, The white sphere shrunk into itself before exploding. Its bright light spread all over the desert, forcing Twilight and the others to shield their eyes as the light when right through them.

Everyone seemed to be reaching their limit, just barely able to fend off any creature standing in their way. Capper, using one of the spears dropped by one of the storm guards, could barely fight back and was eventually forced to dodge any incoming attacks. Captain Celaeno and her pirate friends wanted nothing more than just lay down and rest, but the mind controled creatures of Klugetown didn't give them any chance. Most of the storm guards had already been knocked unconcious, with only a few of them still having the energy left to keep on fighting. Tempest was the only one who was still able to keep going. Grubber on the other hand, was all out of energy, laying on the ground and panting steadily with his weapons dropped to his side. Tempest gave it her all to protect the little hedgehog for as long as she could. But even she felt that sooner or later she would be reaching her limit as well.

''Guess I should've......eaten less cake....and more fruits....back at the castle.'' Grubber said while still panting steadily.

''I don't much longer.....I can keep this up....'' Captain Celaeno said, sounding out of breath.

The pirate birds still attempted to fight with their weapons against some of the oncoming creatures, despite being almost completely exhausted. They finally couldn't take it anymore and collapsed on the ground together. More creatures began to surround them, all of them with weapons at the ready. The pirate birds crawled away until their backs were against each other. They had nowhere left to go.

''Thanks for everything, y'all....'' Captain Celaeno said to her pirate friends one last time, ''You'll always be the best friends a Captain could ever have....''

Eventually even Capper couldn't fight anymore and collapsed next to the pirate birds.

Tempest couldn't feel her hooves anymore, her forehead was sweating and her legs were trembling. The opposing creatures started closing in on her and Grubber. She collapsed next to the little hedgehog once any of her energy left to fight was gone.

''Never thought this is how it would all end....'' Grubber said before closing his eyes while breathing steadily.

All Tempest could do was place her own body over Grubber's to protect him. She closed her eyes and clenched onto him, ready to face whatever the creatures were about to do to them.

As everyone accepted their fate, something bright and white appeared on the far end of Klugetown. Within a few seconds, a large magic wave spread itself across the town, eventually reaching every single creature possessed by Callidus's spell. It went right through everyone and continued to spread itself further across Equestria.

Luna, Twilight and her friends opened their eyes again once the light had finally disappeared. Everyone's eyes turned to the sky with looks of relief.

The dark clouds were gone, replaced with a beautiful blue sky and a sun shining bright all over the desert. There was no more sign of Cladis's spirit anywhere. The one thing they did see was a pillar of light far away in the east, the same area where Black Skull Island would most likely be. It was then that they all realized, It was finally over. Queen Novo and Princess Skystar had succeeded.

''They did it, y'all.'' Applejack said to her friends with a relieved smile on her face.

''So that means it's finally over?'' Twilight asked.

''For real this time?'' Pinkie Pie added.

''Eeyup,'' Applejack responded with a little nod, ''Peace and Harmony has returned to the world.''

''As is meant to be.'' Fluttershy added.

They all started laughing together, knowing that Applejack and Fluttershy were copying the words from the book at Capper's house. The six ponies and Spike all embraced each other into another big group hug. Twilight felt a familiar feeling of warmth and comfort, something she remembered feeling the last time they saved Canterlot from the Storm King.

Luna watched on with a smile, but widened her eyes when she thought back to her sister. The dark blue alicorn flew up as her eyes searched through the desert. She gasped when she spotted Celestia, back to her normal form again, laying unconcious on the desert while breathing steadily. Luna immediately flew down to her sister.

''Sister?'' Luna said worriedly, placing her hoof on Celestia's shoulder while shaking her gently.

Celestia opened her eyes and slowly stood back up on her hooves.

''I'm alright.'' Celestia responded.

Luna could see a slightly somber expression appearing on Celestia's face.

''Are you sure?'' Luna asked with a concerned look.

''Luna...I....'' Celestia said, ''I'm so sorry....when I saw what happened to Twilight, I just couldn't control myself....''

''Don't worry about that, sister.'' Luna said before giving the white alicorn a comforting hug, ''It's over now. Daybreaker is gone. That's what matters.''

''How do you know for sure?'' Celestia asked.

Luna smiled, ''Because I was taught the same thing once by a group of very special ponies.'' She said before glancing back at Twilight and her friends with a little smile.

''Where's Callidus?'' Twilight asked her friends.

Luna and Celestia's eyes turned to the big pile of ash that layed about in the desert a few meters away. Twilight saw the pile of ash and slowly began to realize what had happened to Callidus.

Twilight looked back at Celestia, ''Did you...''

''I didn't mean to......'' Celestia said with a guilty look before Twilight could say anything else.

''None of that is your fault, sister,'' Luna reassured her, ''Remember what Twilight told us about him? About everything he did? There was nothing we could do for him.''

''She's right,'' Twilight added as she walked over to Celestia, ''We've tried to get through to him many times, but he just wouldn't listen to reason.''

Celestia let out a small sigh, ''I suppose that is true.''

Suddenly Rainbow Dash gasped and widened her eyes, ''Klugetown!'' She said out loud.

''You're right, we almost forgot!'' Rarity added.

''Come on, everypony!'' The purple alicorn said before they all headed back to Klugetown in a hurry.

Every creature from Klugetown looked around in confusion, seeing the many weapons laying about on the ground as well as all the destroyed houses surrounding them. Their eyes had returned back to normal and the dark aura from Callidus's spell had completely vanished.

''What in the world happened here?'' A shark creature asked. Every creature simply shrugged in response.

One of the grey pig creatures spotted a group of familiar enemies standing just a little furhter in the distance.

''Look over there!'' The pig creature said.

Every creature's attention turned to Tempest, Grubber and the storm guards.

''They must be the ones behind this!'' The shark creature said.

''Let's get them!'' A rat creature shouted.

Everyone grabbed a weapon from the ground and got ready to fight.

''No no no, stop!'' Grubber said urgently as he got in front of Tempest, ''It's wasn't us! Callidus put you all under an evil spell and caused you to act crazy!''

''.....What?!'' Another creature amongst the crowd exclaimed while raising his eye brow.

''He's telling the truth!'' Capper added, ''You probably don't remember much, but we've witnessed everything! Nothing that happened here was their fault, it was all because of Callidus!''

''And why should we believe that after everything they've done to us?!'' One of the creatures asked.

''Because we fought along side them,'' Captain Celaeno replied as she and the other pirates stood by the side of Tempest, ''Me and all of my friends would've been goners if it weren't for them!''

Tempest looked on with a little smile on her face.

''Then what about that tattoo on her flank, huh?!'' One of the creatures pointed out, ''Why does she have that?!''

''That doesn't matter anymore!'' Tempest explained desperately, ''It merely a symbol of who I used to be, but not who I am right now. Please, you have to believe me.''

Before anyone could say anything about the sudden revelation, one of the grey pigs noticed a small group of ponies and a small dragon in the far distance. They seemed to be entering the town in a hurry.

The grey pig widened his eyes, ''Hey, Tober!'' He said to another pig while tapping his shoulder, ''Aren't those the ponies who took our airship?!''

Everyone turned there attention to where the grey pigs were looking. That's where they saw Spike, Luna, Celestia, Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her friends getting closer. Tempest, Capper and the pirates looked overjoyed, seeing their friends alive and unharmed.

''You're right, Timbur! That's them!'' Tober responded. The other grey pigs gathered around them.

''Oh, great. Them again.'' Rainbow Dash said to the other ponies when she saw the group of grey pigs.

''You ponies still owe us an airship!'' Timbur exclaimed.

''Don't worry, Rainbow Dash. Leave this to me.'' Fluttershy said to the blue pegasus.

Timbur and Tober stepped closer to the ponies with small axes in their hands.

''Long time no see.'' Timbur said with an angry expression.

''We're awfully sorry about your airship. We truly are.'' Fluttershy said to him in a calm and understanding tone.

''You stole it from us!'' Tober retaliated.

''Borrowed, actually.'' Pinkie Pie said.

''Without permission!'' Tober responded.

''We wanted to bring it back to you bu-''

''But you didn't!'' Timbur said before Twilight could finish her sentence.

''Don't worry, we can give you another one.'' Fluttershy suggested with a friendly smile.

''A better one!'' Pinkie Pie added.

''A better one.'' Fluttershy repeated to Timbur.

''That one!'' Pinkie Pie said. Her mane was pointing to Tempest's airship that was still floating above Klugetown.

''THAT ONE?!'' Grubber said out loud with an angry expression.

Timbur and Tober gave Grubber a stern look, causing his angry expression to disappear and make way for a nervous smile.

''Uh I mean, yeah that one. We got plenty of those anyway.'' Grubber explained while rubbing the back of his head.

''But you can only have it on one condition.'' Fluttershy said.

''And what may that be, little pony?'' Timbur asked.

Suddenly Fluttershy flew up close to Timbur and Tober.

''Promise me that you'll never EVER abduct any more innocent animals again....or else!'' Fluttershy explained to them with a stern look.

Tober and Timbur were about to say something back, that was until the yellow pegasus gave them a very intimidating stare. It caused the two to silence themselves immediately out of fear.

''W-W-We promise. No more imprisoning cute, innocent little baby animals. R-Right Tober?'' Tober eventually responded in a frightened voice.

''Yup.'' Tober replied in a overly squeaky voice.

''Good.'' Fluttershy replied. Her stern face vanished in an instant and got replaced with a gentle smile.

''Kind, understanding and very stern at the same time,'' One of the storm guards said to the other storm guards with a little smile in his eyes, ''Told ya she was the best pony.'' The others storm guards all smiled and nodded in agreement.

A shark creature looked up in the sky when he noticed two birds flying in the corner of his eye. One of them seemed bigger than the other. The smaller one was carrying something shiny in her right arm.

''Are those birds?!'' The shark creature said while pointing at the sky.

''Are those planes?!'' A mouse creature asked in curiosity.

''No, those are.....'' Tober said as he slowly started to make out who was coming their way.

Every creature in Klugetown looked up and saw Princess Skystar and Queen Novo descending down from the sky. They all made room for them as the two hippogriffs landed on the ground. The first thing that stood out was the bright shining pearl that Skystar was keeping under her right arm.

''The hippogriff queen and her daughter!'' Timbur said, finishing Tober's sentence.

''It really worked, mother!' Skystar said to Queen Novo in an overjoyed tone, ''Everyone here is back to normal again!''

''What's she talkin' about?'' A shark creature asked.

''Callidus had put you all under an evil magic spell and turned you into his zombie army!'' Pinkie Pie began to explain in her usual quick manner, ''And then there was a big battle in Klugetown, and axes were flying everywhere breaking through windows! And also-''

Pinkie Pie kept rambling on about the events for at least five minutes, all while every creature gave the pink earth pony looks of confusion. Her friends on the other hoof, just playfully rolled their eyes at her, since they all were used to it at this point.

Once she was finished talking, there existed a moment of pure silence from everyone of Klugetown. Every creature looked flabbergasted at Pinkie Pie, trying to process everything she just told them.

''Did that all really happen?'' Tober eventually said, finally breaking the silence.

''Well, maybe not the part about evil chimi cherry changas coming to life,'' Pinkie Pie replied while rubbing her chin, ''But the rest is all true.''

A big grin appeared on Pinkie's face as a squeaking noise could be heard.

''So that little hedgehog Grubber really was telling the truth.'' Tober said.

''I literally JUST told them that.'' Capper said himself with an unamused look.

''I guess that would explain all this mess.'' Timbur said while looking at all the destruction around him.

''So Callidus basically turned us into his zombie slaves? A fish creature asked.

''Pretty much.'' Rainbow Dash responded.

''And he even called us all worhtless too,'' Another fish creature replied, ''I still can't believe that.''

''Why not?'' Spike asked.

''Because Callidus was the one who brought us all together here many years ago,'' Capper began to explain, ''Including me. He told us he wanted to create peace and unity amongst many different creatures. And for a long time, we all believed him. But it's clear now that all he truly cared about was gaining respect and having power over us.''

''Oh....'' Spike replied with a somber look.

''And to think I actually used to look up to that guy.....'' Capper said, which Tempest took notice of.

Tempest sighed, ''I know that feeling all too well....''

''Speaking of Callidus,'' A mouse creature suddenly, ''Where is he now?''

''...He's gone...'' Celestia answered calmly.

''You mean gone is in....'' The mouse creature said. Celestia nodded.

''There was nothing we could do for him,'' Luna said before any of the creatures could say something about it, ''We all tried to get through to him, one way or another. But he always refused to listen. In the end, he brought it on himself.''

Grubber sighed, ''I guess not everyone always changes for the better, huh?''

Queen Novo and Princess Skystar eventually stepped forward in the center of the square, making it so that everyone in Klugetown could see them.

''Listen, everyone,'' Queen Novo said to the creatures of Klugetown, ''You've all suffered for a long time. And I know I'm partly responsible for that. But I promise you all that's gonna change. We're gonna help you rebuild your town back to it's former glory.''

''And so will we,'' Tempest added before the storm guards all started nodding in agreement, ''But we can only do that if you give us the chance.''

It took a good minute or two for every creature of Klugetown to think about and discuss what they've been told by Pinkie, Queen Novo and Tempest. As much as they wanted to trust Tempest and the storm guards, the recent events of Callidus's betrayel had still left them a bit doubtful.

''Alright, we'll give you another chance,'' The shark creature answered, ''Don't make us regret this.''

''She won't,'' Queen Novo said as she glanced over to Tempest with a gentle smile, ''I can tell you that from experience.''

''But with Callidus gone, who's gonna be our leader now?'' A fish creature asked.

Tempest glanced over at Capper for a moment, ''I think I already have an idea.''

''Me?!'' Grubber said with a hopeful look in his eyes.

Tempest rolled her eyes, ''No, not you. And besides, you still gonna have to return all that food you stole from them, right?''

Grubber let out a nervous chuckle while rubbing the back of his head, ''You got me there. But then who did you have in mind?''

Tempest looked over to Capper and walked over to him. She stopped right in front of the tall cat with a confident smile on her face.

''Me?!'' Capper replied in surprise.

''Him?!'' Grubber added.

''HIM?!!'' Every creature of Klugetown said in perfect unison.

''I mean, I'm flattered of course. But still, why me specifically?'' Capper asked.

''You just said yourself that you looked up to Callidus, didn't you?'' Tempest asked.

Capper nodded, ''Your point?''

''Maybe now's the time for you to become the leader of Klugetown that Callidus couldn't be.'' Tempest explained.

Every creature of Klugetown, Celestia, Luna, Twilight and the rest of her friends all awaited Capper's answer.

''Well, okay then. I guess I can try,'' Capper eventually answered, ''But I don't know anything about being a leader.''

''We can help you with that.'' A voice said from behind Capper.

Capper turned around saw that the voice belonged to Twilight Sparkle, who was standing between Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

''Thanks,'' Capper said, still sounding unsure, ''But I still don't know if I....''

''Come on, what happened to all that charisma of yours?'' Twilight said in a joking manner.

''There's big difference between con-artist charisma and leader charisma, you know.'' Capper said to Twilight.

''I know it's not going to be easy when you first start out,'' Skystar explained to Capper, ''but things will only become much easier the more you try.''

Skystar gave a small wink to Twilight. The purple alicorn responded with a cheerful smile.

''Twilight, me and my sister will give you all the help you need until you are ready.'' Celestia explained to Capper.

Capper thought about his decision for a moment. He looked around and saw the looks of everyone's faces, eagerly awaiting in anticipation for his response.

''I vote for him!'' Captain Celeano suddenly shouted.

''Me too!'' Rarity added.

''ME THREE!!'' Pinkie Pie shouted through a megaphone that she had pulled out of her mane.

Soon everyone else joined in and started hooraying Capper as loud as they could. The tall cat couldn't believe his eyes, seeing everyone was adoring him. It was a feeling that could not be put into words. Never would he have imagined a day like this ever happening. He showed a little smile on his face while a little tear was hanging under his eyes.


Everyone looked behind them to see who was talking. Further in the distance they saw Verko, who was all tied up with a rope and hopping towards them.

"Forgot about me, didn't ya?!" Verko exclaimed angrily. He kept hopping a bit more until he tripped and fell on the ground.

Capper's eyes turned to Captain Celaeno and Spike, who both let out a nervous chuckle.

"Sorry, we kinda didn't know what to do with him." Captain Celaeno said.

Capper smiled, "Don't worry about it. Once I explain everything to him, he should be good. I have a way with words.''

Meanwhile, Queen Novo headed over to Twilight. The purple alicorn took notice of the tall hippogriff's shadow hanging over her and turned around.

''You and your friends are still invited to the Hippogriff Freedom Celebration, just to let you know.'' Queen Novo said before giving Twilight a little wink.

Twilight responded with a little smile, ''We'll be there. That's a promise.''

''Thank you.'' Queen Novo said with a warm smile.

Queen Novo and Twilight's attention turned back to Capper, who was being surrounded by the many creatures of Klugetown, all welcoming him as their new leader. They both got lost in the moment and looked on with heart warming smiles along with Twilight's friends.

Epilogue: The Hippogriff freedom celebration

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After the intense confrontation against Callidus had finally come to an end, Twilight and the rest of her friends stayed in Klugetown for a few more days, helping the citizens to rebuild the town after all the damaged that had been caused. The rest of their time was spend befriending and getting along with the creatures that lived there. During their stay, Twilight, Celestia and Luna had also helped Capper with his new role as the leader of Klugetown, teaching the charismatic cat everything they knew. The process took some trail and error, but luckily Capper was getting the hang of it a lot faster than the princesses had anticipated. While that was happening, Tempest, Grubber and the storm guards slowly became accepted again by everyone in Klugetown. Their past actions slowly became forgotten. Tempest also suggested that Grubber and the Storm guards should stay in Klugetown as their new protectors. Much to their relief, everyone in Klugetown happily accepted the offer, knowing that it was the storm guards who helped them save Klugetown from Callidus.

''You really mean it?!'' Grubber asked Tempest with a look of amazement.

Tempest nodded to the little hedgehog, ''It's thanks to you that we're all still alive, I think that's enough proof to show that you are ready to protect this town.''

A gitty smile appeared on Grubber's face. He jumped high up in the air multiple times, shouting happily before he started singing to himself.

🎶''Aw yeah! You go, Grubber! You rock, and you're awesome! Uh huh, oh yeah! You rule!''🎶

Tempest playfully rolled her eyes at Grubber's excitement.

Soon it was finally for Twilight and the her friends time to go home again. Tempest decided to stay in Klugetown for a little longer, letting Twilight and her friends know that she'll meet them again at Mount Aris for the Hippogriff Celebration tomorrow. Captain Celaeno and the other pirates said their goodbyes to everyone and left Klugetown to continue on with their adventures. They took off with a new airship given to them by Capper. After they had left, Celestia, Luna, Twilight and the rest of her friends began to make their long journey back home. Capper and the rest of Klugetown waved them goodbye, knowing that their actions for Klugetown won't be forgotten for years to come.

The sun rose slowly after a long flight above Equestria and beyond. The light from the sun revealed a tall, pointy mountain in the distance with a long flight of stairs going from the bottom to the top. At last, they had arrived at Mount Aris. Celestia, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Luna flew towards the mountain while the rest traveled via multiple golden carriages, all of which were being pulled by royal pegasus guards. Tempest and Grubber traveled with them on their own small air boat that they had borrowed from Klugetown.

''Finally,'' Grubber said before munching on his cupcake, ''If it weren't for these delicious cupcakes, this flight would've bored me to tears.''

''I know how you feel, Groper.'' Rainbow Dash replied.

''Grubber!'' Grubber said back in an irritated manner, ''My name is GRUBBER, rainbow pony!''

''Alright alright, chillax.'' Rainbow Dash said.

''Don't worry, Grubber,'' Applejack said, ''Rainbow Dash has a knack for mispronouncing names the first time she meets anypony.''

''I do not!'' Rainbow Dash replied, sounding annoyed.

''Oh, really?'' Rarity said, ''Did you forget that one time when you called me Rawrity?''

''Or when you used to call me Fluttershee....'' Fluttershy said before letting out a soft giggle.

''That one was from when we were just fillies!'' Rainbow Dash replied in a bashful manner.

''....Um, not that I minded it.'' Fluttershy said with a little blush.

Rainbow Dash sighed and rolled her eyes, ''Alright, maybe I have done it a few times.''

The three alicorns were the first to land on Mount Aris. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and the golden carriages followed soon after and landed on the mountain in front of the gate. Tempest parked the air boat closed to the stone stairs of the mountain and stepped out along with Grubber.

''How wonderful it is to finally see all of those beautifully stunning hippogriff decorations.'' Rarity said, admiring the multiple ribbons and streamers that covered the bars of the tall gate.

''I'm just happy I'm finally able to come back here again without the fate of the world being at stake.'' Tempest commented.

They were soon greeted by a group of hippogriff guards, who had been waiting for them in front of the tall gate. One of them had light blue feathers and was wearing familair looking golden armor.

''Welcome to Mount Aris, your highnesses.'' Sky Beak said while bowing to the three alicorns, ''The celebration is about to commence. Me and the other guards will lead you and your friends inside.''

The other hippogriff guards grabbed hold of the bars from each side of the gate and started pushing. Twilight and the others followed Sky Beak into the kingdom once the gap of the gate was wide enough for everyone to enter.

For the first time ever, everyone got a good look at the decorations for the Hippogriff Hreedom Celebration. It was unlike anything that they had ever seen. Long lines of pretty paper lanterns on strings hung above them, each of which were glowing in a different color. Party strings and seashells covered almost every home they walked past.

Pinkie Pie let out a little whistle, ''These hippogriffs sure have good taste when it comes to party decorations.''

''And it seems somegriff must've taken some inspiration from you, Pinkie.'' Twilight said while looking at a couple of balloons with strings tied to some of the newly grown trees.

Applejack laughed, ''Ah think I can already guess who.'' She said while looking at Skystar's seashell necklace around Pinkie's neck.

Tempest and Grubber looked around at many of the hippogriffs, expecting to get suspicious looks from most of them. Some did eventually take notice of the two. However, none of the hippogriffes seemed to look shocked or even surprised at their arrival. In fact, most of them greeted the little hedgehog and purple unicorn with warm smiles.

After many minutes of taking in the sights of the celebration, Twilight and her friends saw Queen Novo herself stepping out of a house. A big smile appeared on the tall hippogriff's face the moment she layed eyes on the ponies. As Queen Novo walked over to them, Twilight was the first to notice that a certain small golden crown was missing from her head.

''Queen Novo,'' Twilight said as her eyebrow raised up, ''Where's your....''

Queen Novo giggled before Twilight finished her sentence, ''You can just call me Novo from now on.''

''So wait. Does that mean....'' Rarity said, to which Novo simply nodded with a little smile.

''She should be here very soon,'' Novo reassured her, ''Now, follow me.''

Novo led Twilight and her friends to a large group of hippogriffs. They had all gathered together in front of a rock shaped like a tree trunk that stood close to the cave of the mountain. From the looks on their faces, they seemed to be eagerly waiting for someone to come out. Novo, Twilight and her friends walked through the crowd of hippogriffs until they stood in the front row. After a minute of waiting, a group of hippogriff guards came out of the cave and formed lines on each side. They played on their trumpets as a small hippogriff wearing Novo's crown walked out of the cave. Twilight Sparkle and her friends recognized the small hippogriff almost immediately. The sound of the trumpets stopped as soon as Skystar stepped onto the rock, making her visible to everyone in the crowd.

''Welcome, everyone,'' Skystar said, trying to talk in a regal sounding voice, ''To the Hippogriff Freedom Celebration!''

Everygriff started cheering in unison. Pinkie suddenly pulled a party cannon from her mane out of excitement. Before Twilight could stop her, the pink party pony fired tons of confetti out of the cannon and into the air. Twilight looked back at Novo, expecting an unpleasant reaction from the tall hippogriff after the confetti fell all over her body. But instead, an infectious laughter came out of the tall hippogriff's mouth, one that Twilight didn't even know she could pull off. Skystar smiled as she saw the excitement unfold right in front of her. It almost brought a tear to her eye.

''And I would like to dedicate this day not just to our new-found freedom,'' Skystar continued, ''But also to a group of very special friends. Had it not been for them, we would still be hiding under water from the Storm King's evil reign. They're kindness, bravery and courage shall forever be remembered here on Mount Aris. Sky Beak, unveil the banner!''

Sky Beak saluted his new queen and flew up to the banner that hung above Skystar. He used his spear to cut the small ribbon that was keeping the banner folded up in half. The banner unveiled and revealed the faces of Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Grubber, Tempest and the rest of their friends painted on it. There was a text under the banner that said: 'To our new friends and heroes of Mount Aris!'.

''Let's give Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her amazing friends the most fun and amazing celebration anygriff has ever seen!'' Skystar said out loud.

Even louder cheering than before erupted throughout the mountain. Other hippogriffs showed up out of the cave, all of whom were carrying saxophones with them. Together they started to play a jazzy tune, which was followed by even more hippogriffs appearing out of the cave. They wore festive looking outfits and started dancing to the music. The other hippogriffs in the crowd immediately joined it.

As the hippogriffs were dancing, Skystar stepped off the rock and headed over to Twilight and her friends.

''You were right, Twilight,'' Skystar said to the purple alicorn with a smile, ''So far, being a princess isn't nearly as hard once you give it a chance. I have a feeling everything's gonna be just fine.''

''From what I just saw, I know it will.'' Twilight replied with a small wink.

''That's the spirit!'' Pinkie Pie said to Skystar before firing more confetti from her party cannon.

''Alright, everypony and hippogriff!'' Rainbow Dash said out loud to get the attention of the other hippogriffs, ''Who's ready to get their party on?!''

''I certainly am!'' Pinkie Pie shouted as she magically pulled a whole bunch of music equipment out of her mane.

Every hipprogriff stared at Pinkie Pie with widened eyes.

''What?'' Pinkie Pie replied with a surprised look.

''It's alright, y'all! We don't know how she does it either!'' Applejack said to the confused looking hippogriffs. They shrugged it off and continued dancing.

Novo looked at the party going on in front of her. A little smile formed on her beak while a small tear rolled down her cheek. Her head turned over to Skystar.

''I knew you had it in you, sweetheart.'' Novo said to herself as a second tear rolled down the other cheek.

Skystar couldn't help but smile as she watched everyone having a good time. It was the best day of her life. Despite all the doubts she remembered having before, everything turned out better than she could've ever imagined. This was a celebration she would never forget for the rest of her life.

The party lasted all day before it finally ended. The sun was almost down, which was a sign for Twilight and her friends that it was time to go home. Together they all walked out of the Hippogriff Kingdom and to the edge of the mountain, where the royal guards were waiting for them. All of them were ready to pull the golden carriages into the sky.

''That was....The Best. Party. EVER!!'' Pinkie said out loud.

''Honestly, Pinkie Pie. You've said that about EVERY single party you've ever been to.'' Rarity commented.

''Did ya forget who you're talking to, Rarity?'' Applejack asked with a playful smirk.

Rarity rolled her eyes, ''Point taken.''

Rarity and Applejack both laughed at each other along with their friends. Spike and every pony without wings stepped onto one of the golden carriages. Twilight looked over to Tempest and Grubber, both of whom were staring at the sunset.

''What are you two going to do now, Tempest?'' Twilight asked as she approached her and Grubber.

''Traveling around Equestria, I suppose.'' Tempest answered while still looking at the sunset disappearing more and more behind a mountain.

''Why not just come back to Canterlot?'' Twilight asked, ''I'm sure we can find a place for you there.''

''I don't know....'' Tempest replied, ''I think I need to be away from that place for a few days after everything I've been through there.''

''Is that why you wanted to stay in Klugetown yesterday?'' Twilight asked.

Tempest nodded, ''But don't worry. I'll come back once I feel ready. That's a promise.''

''A Pinkie Promise?!'' Pinkie asked Tempest, who had suddenly appeared right next to her.

Tempest raised her eyebrow at the pink pony, ''Um, sure.''

''Okidoki Loki!'' Pinkie Pie responded with a big grin on her face. She hopped back onto her golden carriage next to Applejack.

''What's a 'Pinkie Promise'?'' Tempest asked Applejack.

''Oh, it's nothin' special. Just make sure you keep that promise,'' Applejack said with a nervous smile, ''Seriously. You do NOT wanna break a Pinkie Promise.''

''Oookay then....'' Tempest said, not sure how she was supposed to respond to that.

''But there will be lots of cake when we return, right?!'' Grubber asked eagerly while licking his lips.

''Plenty!'' Pinkie Pie answered with a little wink.

Twilight gave Tempest a little smile, ''I understand. But just so you know, me and my friends will happily await your return when the time comes.''

''....Thank you.'' Tempest replied, smiling back before giving Twilight a hug.

''Well, I guess it's finally time for you to head home, huh?'' Novo said as she, Skystar and the other hippogriffs showed up.

''That's right, your high- I mean Novo,'' Twilight said to the tall hippogriff, ''But we hope to see you all again soon.''

''I hope so too.'' Novo replied as she bowed before the purple alicorn.

''Just remember, You and your friends are always welcome here on Mount Aris, Princess Twilight Sparkle.'' Queen Skystar said, talking in a regal tone while bowing to her as well.

Twilight giggled, ''Just because you're a queen now doesn't mean you always have to talk so regally, you know.''

''I know that,'' Skystar said with a playful smile, ''But it's just really fun to do.''

''Thou hast a very good point, Queen Skystar.'' Princess Luna said, also speaking in the same regal tone.

Princess Celestia and the others couldn't help but laugh after hearing Luna talk in that manner again.

''Now then, I think it's time for us to go,'' Celestia said, ''The sun will be down soon.''

''Goodbye, Queen Skystar.'' Pinkie Pie said while waving with a warm smile on her face.

Skystar smiled back with a small tear in her eye, ''Goodbye, Pinkie.''

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Celestia and Luna flew off into the sunset. The golden carriages containing Spike, Grubber and the rest of the wingless ponies got carried up into the air thanks to the royal guards. Most of them looked back at the Hippogriffs one more time and waved them goodbye as they left the mountain. The hippogriffs waved back and watched the ponies fly away towards the sunset. Most of them were smiling while others got a little teary eyed. Skystar and Novo saw the ponies and carriages slowly disappearing into the sunset. They didn't know where or when they would meet again. But no matter what, the memories of everything the ponies had done for them would never be forgotten.