• Published 6th Feb 2018
  • 429 Views, 4 Comments

The Monster Under My Bed - SSPeanutButter

When the sun goes down over Canterlot City, something goes bump in Lyra's bedroom.

  • ...


“-and if we are able to harness this technology-”

“Miss Heartstrings-”

“Ms. Harshwhinny will you please let me finish my presentation? This is like the fifth time.” Lyra cleared her throat.” Right so if we could harness this technology, it could change how we do everything!

“Low space railway systems, ultra reinforced space shuttles and submarines, bulk storage the size of a watermelon! The possibilities are endless!”

She took a bow, signalling the end of her speech.

The teacher behind her started clapping, it seemed halfway genuine but there was a hint of pity in it.

“Well done Lyra, that was a very interesting presentation. I could feel the effort you put into making it the best it could be.”

“Thank you Ms Harshwhinny, I think that's the first-”

“Unfortunately, as I tried to tell you earlier, I think you might be in the wrong classroom. Ms Harshwhinny’s class is down the hall.”

Lyra whirled around, and sure enough, she wasn't greeted by Ms Harshwhinny’s furrowed brow and stern glare. Instead, it was the gentle and warm smile of Miss High Note, the music teacher.

“Ohhhhh, I was wondering why the class suddenly had a piano in it.” She said as she slapped her forehead. “Silly Lyra. Sorry to interrupt your class Miss High Note.”

Despite the intrusion into her classroom, miss High Note did not seem concerned.

“Nonsense, you stood up there with such passion and confidence, I didn't even understand what you were talking about and yet I was still paying close attention to every word.

“I think we can all take something from how you presented yourself. When it comes to performing in front of an audience, the important thing is to do so with confidence, and let our passion speak for itself.

“we need to let go of our fears and worries, so that we can get out there and-”

“That's great and all, but I need to go present this to the right class. Sooooo can I just…” The finger guns aimed towards the door indicated what Lyra was asking to do.

“Oh! Of course dear, I didn't mean to hold you up.” High note exclaimed. “You go follow your passion!”

“Thanks Miss High Note!” Lyra yelled as she ran out of the room.

“Ahhh, such an enthusiastic girl,” Miss High Note sighed. “it's a shame she isn't in this class, I imagine she would do quite well.”

One of the students raised their hand.

“Umm, Miss High Note? I think Lyra is supposed to be in this class.”

“Really?” Sifting through the papers on her desk, Miss High Note found the class roll. True to the students words, Lyra Heartstrings was on it. “So she is. Hmm, I don't want to stop her presenting that assignment she worked so hard on, but if she is supposed to be here then I need one of you to go get her…”

“I wouldn't worry about it, Miss. Bon-Bon is in that class. She'll bring Lyra back pretty quickly.”

The students in 4201 were silently taking note as Ms Harshwhinny droned on.

“Now the barycenter of the Jupiter-Sun orbit is actually just outside of…”

Ms Harshwhinny enjoyed a silent classroom. It was amazing for her to look out over her students and see them all taking notes, absorbing every word she said, and never interrupting the lesson.

This was education.

“...the surface of the sun, this means that…”

Ms Harshwhinny did not like loud students. They ruined the flow of her lessons and could even throw them off schedule. If that happened then they would have to rush over something else later on to have them ready for their exams.

“...when observed, there is a noticeable wobble in the…

Bon-Bon was the perfect example of a good student. She sat there quietly, never speaking unless spoken to. She set out all of her notes neatly, and always got perfect marks on quizzes, tests and exams.

She was a teacher’s dream.

“orbit of the sun. This isn't noticeable from Earth because…”

Now, Ms Harshwhinny didn't have any bad students, but if she had to pick an example of one, it would have to be…


The door to 4201 crashed open, and standing in the doorway panting in exhaustion was Ms Harshwhinny’s living example of a bad student.

Lyra Heartstrings.


Ms Harshwhinny just sighed.


Before Lyra could react a cream colored hand pinched her ear and started dragging her out of the room.

“What? Bonnie! I need to do my presentation!” Lyra whined as she struggled to get free.

Bon-Bon didn't even turn around to respond to the objections. It was clear this was not an uncommon occurrence.

“If you want you can show it to me at lunch, but for now you need to go back to class.” She said as she dragged the girl down the hall.

Ms Harshwhinny rubbed her temples and sighed. Yet another reason Bon-Bon was the perfect student.

After school ended, Lyra and Bon-Bon went back to Lyra’s house where they just relaxed and watched some TV.

It was a bizarre sight to see, as Bon-Bon sat with her legs side by side, her hands on her knees and her back straight like she was taking a school photo.

Meanwhile, Lyra was lying stomach down on the top of the couch, like a sloth who decided the top of the branch was more comfortable.

“Uuuuuuhhhhhggg.” Lyra groaned into the couch cushion “I can't believe Ms Harshwhinny wouldn't let me present. It's like she hates me or something.”

“Maybe it's because you aren't in her class. ” Bon-Bon sighed. “Really Lyra, how often do I have to tell you you don't take science?”

Lyra laughed.

“Yeah, that's what… Excuse me one moment.”

Suddenly Lyra jumped off the couch and sprinted out of the room. Bon-Bon could hear her running up the stairs, and she could definitely hear her when she tripped halfway up.

Bon-Bon just shook her head.

That girl is going to be the death of me.

Suddenly she heard Lyra scream in excitement, followed by more running and another trip down the staircase.

“BON-BON!” Lyra shouted as she burst into the room breathing heavily.

“Yes, Lyra?” She replied, her eyebrow raised quizzically.


Once more Lyra sprinted out of the room, this time with Bon-Bon following behind calmly.

When Bon-Bon got up the stairs, she found Lyra poking her head out of her mostly closed bedroom door.

“Okay Bonnie, before I let you in, I need you to promise two things.”

Bon-Bon just sighed and nodded.

“Great! First, you have to promise not to tell anyone! I wasn't even supposed to find out, so just me telling you is to much. Deal?”

Again, Bon-Bon nodded.

“Even better than great! Okay second I need you to not freak out. That's…” Lyra's eyes shifted back inside her room. “...kind of a big one.”

Bon-Bon rolled her eyes.

“Lyra, I promise I won't freak out. What’s going on?”

Lyra let out a sigh of relief.

“Good, great, super. You can come in now.”

She opened the door revealing… her bedroom.

Bon-Bon stepped inside.

“Lyra, if it's the mess, I've seen your room before, this is normal.” She looked around. “It might even be a little cleaner.”

“Wait, I have to turn the lights off first.

Suddenly the room was dark. The heavy curtains cut out the light of the late-afternoon sun, and with no lights turned on, the darkness was unyielding.


“Lyra, calm down.” Bon-Bon said soothingly as she found her in the dark. She began rubbing her shoulders in an attempt to calm her down. “Breeeaaaath. Are you ready? Try again.”

“Okay,okay, I'm good.” Lyra took a deep breath and reached back for the light switch. “Bonnie, meet Clyde.”

The lights clicked on, shining their light on the large black monster, who for a creature of it’s size was looking at Bon-Bon with an unexpected timidity.

The shade’s bright green eyes were locked on the newcomer’s face, searching for a reaction, but her cold blue eyes revealed nothing.

“Lyra…” Bon-Bon began slowly, not moving her eyes.

There was a brief silence as both Lyra and Clyde awaited her reaction.

“I don't see anything.” She finished.

“WHAT?!” The other two yelled on unison.

“But… I swear it's true! I found it on Saturday! It's the whole reason I did the hypo-dimensional compression as my research project! Clyde is real I swe-”

Bon-Bon wrapped Lyra in a tight hug.

“Ssshhhh, relax Lyra. Even if I don't see it I believe you.”

Lyra sniffed.

“Y-you do?”

Bon-Bon nodded.

“of course I do, you never hide anything from me, I can't even think of the last time you lied.”

“Yeah, even if I tried you could probably tell, apparently my face scrunches up when I lie.” Lyra laughed, still with a hint of sadness.

Bon-Bon laughed too.

“besides, your my friend. I trust you.”

“Best friend?” Lyra asked, her voice audibly happier.

“Yes Lyra, you are my best friend.”

“Super-amazing-special best friend?”

Bon-Bon rolled her eyes and sighed.

“Super-amazing-special best friend.”

She slowly released her grip on Lyra.

“I'm going to go home. I'm sure you and…” Her eyes glanced towards where the monster was supposed to be. “... Clyde, have a lot to talk about.”

She stepped out into the hallway, when she got halfway down the stairs she turned back towards the room.

“See you later, Lyra.”

Lyra smiled.

“See ya, Bonnie.”

Clyde shuffled awkwardly.

“I'm.. Sorry Lyra, I can't think of a reason why she couldn't see me.”

Lyra shook her head.

“No, it's fine.” She turned to face Clyde.” Lyra believes in you, and that's all that matters.”

She sat down on her bed and reached for the lights.

“I think I'll take a nap. Could you wake me up when mom gets home?”

“I'm not an alarm clock, Lyra.” Clyde said, then her eyes met Lyra’s and she sighed. “But yes, I can wake you up.”

Lyra clicked off the lights and lay down.

“Thanks Clyde, you're my favorite monster.”
“You're welcome Lyra, you're my favorite human.”

Later that night, when Lyra had fallen to sleep for the night, Clyde came out once more. To the surprise of no one at this point Lyra woke up.

“Heeeey Clyde.” Lyra mumbled, still half asleep.

“Hello, Lyra.”

“You're not annoyed that I found out about you right?” Lyra asked.

Clyde sighed.

“I'll admit, I, nor the Coremistress, were particularly thrilled that you managed to catch me… But, so far it hasn't really been an issue.”

“Do you have a mental link with this Coremistress?”

Clyde blinked.


“Like, does she see what you see? Does she know what you think? Can she control you remotely like a big robot?”

Clyde thought about this.

“She can do all those things, yes, but it isn't constant. There is a connection, but most of the time I'm acting independent of her.”

“Well… could you ask her if we’re friends? I know you and I are friends, but I've never met the Coremistress.”

Clyde chuckled quietly.

“The Coremistress told me to say ‘Yes, we're friends.’”

“Good, good. I like having friends.” she shuffled around under her covers, finding a comfortable spot to go back to sleep.

“Goodnight Clyde. ”

Just a few doors down, a pair of shining blue eyes flashed green.

“Goodnight, Lyra.”

Author's Note:

Ta daaaaaaa

Seriously, though. Big thanks to Rainbowhitter for the cover art. It's perfect and she got it done incredibly fast.

Comments ( 4 )

Woah, is Bon-Bon the Coremistress? First theory I can think of. Or maybe she's just connected? My mind is racing, lol. :derpytongue2:

Awww... Just noticed that this is complete

There might be plans for a sequel. Might. :scootangel:

I can certainly hope for a sequel! :pinkiehappy:

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