• Published 5th Feb 2018
  • 4,442 Views, 112 Comments

Daimon and Ornstein in Equestria. - Sindenovah

Two kids are turned into their favorite Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls Bosses, Daimon and Ornstein, What could go wrong.

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Conflict and shifting loyalty (Edited)


Rainbow Dash charged first at the Daimon and aimed for his head. To her it would be an easy hit but to her surprise Daimon just moved his head to the side causing her to miss and crash into a tree. Twilight struck next with a bolt of magic fired at Ornstein. Ornstein dodged it and dashed over to Twilight very quickly due to her size. Before she could react Ornstein launched a powerful roundhouse kick which sent her into a tree.

Ornstein didn’t want to kill the pony so she downed the strength of her kick by A LOT. Good thing to since Twilight went through the tree. Before she could recover she was hit in the leg by a large boulder, causing her to collapse. When she picked herself up she saw Rarity with an angry look and a large boulder over her head covered in an azure aura. “Take that you brute.” Rarity said as she launched the boulder at Ornstein but she rolled to the side, successfully dodging it. Ornstein then charged at Rarity while unsheathing her spear.

Over by Daimon, he had just thrown Rainbow Dash off of him but now he had a rope wrapped around him. He looked over and saw applejack with her rope in her mouth and a smirk on her face. “Got ya, ya varmint” she said proudly. Her smirk was quickly replaced by a scared look as Daimon easily snapped her rope with his strength alone. Before Applejack could react, she was picked up and thrown into a tree. Daimon, just like Ornstein, made sure to use minimal strength. He also wasn’t gonna use magic because that would probably kill them.

He then was blinded by a bunch of confetti. Once he regained his eyesight, he saw that Pinkie Pie was the one that fired it. He lunged at her but she dove into a bush while shouting “Bye!”. He looked in their and saw she disappeared. He ignored it for now when he felt a impact on his back. He turned and saw Rainbow Dash on the ground rubbing her head. “Ow, what are you made of?” asked the cyan pegasus. Daimon just picked her up and tossed her into a tree. He then saw Ornstein placing an unconscious Rarity over by a tree. Daimon and Ornstein were then both struck by a very strong magic blast that actually hurt. They looked back to find all the pony’s except Rarity glaring at them and Twilight with steam coming of her horn. Daimon and Ornstein just got back into a fighting stance and both sides were about to charge but surprisingly, Fluttershy flew and blocked both sides.

“Guy’s stop!” She shouted with her front hooves stretched out to block both sides from each other. Everyone stopped in their tracks.

“Why, those monsters attacked you. Who knows what they could do to everypony else. I mean look at them.” Rainbow Dash said as she pointed accusingly at Daimon and Ornstein. Both said other worlders were really sick of these ponies.

“Yeah. They were being big meanie pants and even knocked out Rarity. Look.” Pinkie said as she pointed over at Rarity unconscious by the tree. Fluttershy was shocked and scared for her friend. She went over and saw a large bump on Rarity’s head. She was now upset with Daimon and Ornstein. She then flew up to them and gave them the STARE.

“How dare you hurt her. I know you were defending yourself but that was too far!” She shouted at them. Daimon and Ornstein were now hurt that she was yelling at them for just defending themselves. Hurt turned into anger quickly. Ornstein was the first to speak.

“Are you kidding me. We were just coming to have you take us to this “Castle of the two sisters” until YOUR friends attacked us without thinking. We tried to explain to them what happened but they wouldn’t listen. Now your mad at us for defending ourselves when they attacked us first. For peat sake the one i knocked out threw a boulder at me. I may be wearing armor but it still hurt!” Ornstein shouted back. Fluttershy was now shocked as well. Daimon spoke next.

“Yeah. and the purple one shot me in the back thrice and it actually hurt!” He shouted as well. Fluttershy was now really shocked. Now her friends spoke up next.

“Hey, you were the ones that were attacking her and Zecora. We were just defending our friends.” Applejack spoke with a glare which was easily beaten down by Daimon’s.

“We were just trying to shake hands with them, and if i was attacking her I would have balled my hand into a fist and swung much faster you idiot’s!” He shouted back louder. All the ponies except Rainbow had a look of realization come over their faces. Rainbow instead flew up in Ornstein’s face.

“And why should we trust you. For all we know you could be an evil monster trying to gain our trust!”, she shouted with an accusing glare. This was really getting to Ornstein so she grabbed Rainbow by the mane and forced her closer.

“If we were evil, I would have started trying to kill you and so would he.”, she said while pointing to Daimon who responded with a nod. Rainbow was scared and was about to retort until she was thrown back by Ornstein.

“You know what. Were done here. Well just find the Castle of the two sisters on our own. And incase you want to know. The only reason we were even looking for it is because we just want a place to live. Now I hope it’s far away from you stupid ponies!”, she shouted again. Fluttershy now felt bad for what happened. Everyone else was still suspicious but were surprised when Ornstein and Daimon turned and started leaving.

“Hey where are you going?”, Rainbow and Applejack asked at the same time. Ornstein and Daimon turned back and as loud as the royal canterlot voice shouted.

“AWAY FROM YOU!”, and with that, Daimon took of flying and Ornstein leaped after him. Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie, and Twilight were shaken from the shout while Fluttershy was devastated at how she might have just lost two new friends. Fluttershy was now collapsed on the ground for the first time, regretting how she defended her friends. Said friends walked over and tried to comfort her along with a awake Rarity who woke backup without anypony noticing, right when the shouting started.

“Hey don’t be sad, those monsters won’t harm you again”, Applejack said but all that caused was for Fluttershy to stand back up and glare at all of them.

“They aren’t monsters. They were my new friends. Now I might never see them again!” She shouted surprisingly loudly and stormed off back to her cottage, leaving a stunned group of friends behind. On her way she met up with Zecora and told her everything that happened. To say the Zebra was shocked would be an understatement.

“I am sad to hear. Of your friends feat. But Daimon and Ornstein, i’m glad they didn’t defeat.” the Zebra answered. Fluttershy smiled but also told Zecora about what Ornstein did to Rarity. The Zebra wasn’t fazed in the slightest however.

“I understand, for they were most humble. To not harm your friends, must have been a great deal of trouble.” she answered again. Fluttershy’s smile widened but then got sad.

“I just hope they aren’t to mad at me. And i hope Twilight and the others don’t do anything.” Fluttershy said with worry. Zecora just put a comforting hoof on the timid pegasus’s shoulder. This made Fluttershy feel much better. So both pegasus and Zebra discussed what they should do and decided tomorrow they would find Daimon and Ornstein and try to earn their trust back. Only if it were that easy.

Twilight’s POV

I had just got back to the castle and felt bad for what me and the girls did to those two creatures. I’m still suspicious of them though and would definitely some questions for them later. Before I could think anymore spike walked in and saw me in my state.

“Twilight. Are you alright?” He asked with a worried expression. Knowing he would find out anyway I told him what we did and everything that happened after. His reaction was not what I expected.

“So you just attacked them without finding out more. Twilight that wasn’t smart. Now they might hate ponies now because of you guys. Even Fluttershy said they were innocent” He said with annoyance. I was shocked that he would care this much. But his tone was not pleasing.

“Spike, watch your tone. I know we made a mistake but were gonna fix it, okay. I’m gonna send a letter to the princesses and they can help sort this mess out.” I explained, but that didn’t seem to help.

“That’s just going to make it worse. You guys should try to apologize yourselves first.” he responded without changing his tone at all.

“Spike that’s enough. I’ll handle it the way I see fit. You weren’t even there so how would you know. Now please finish the rest of you shores.” I said, getting frustrated. This just made steam come out of Spike’s nose as he stomped off to finish his work.

I then went and wrote a letter to Princess Celestia telling them about what happened and describing how dangerous those two were. Unfortunately I forgot where they were going but i doubt it mattered. I went and chased down spike and had him send the letter. He just walked off again and I just shook my head thinking he was just overreacting. Boy was I wrong.

Spike’s POV

Twilight was being ridiculous. Bringing the princesses will just make things worse. Well i’m not gonna stand by and let innocent creatures get in trouble for just defending themselves. Well not on my watch. I went into the library section and found a map to the Castle of the two Sisters, packed some supplies, snuck past Twilight, and got outside the Castle.

“Well, let’s go.” I said as I set off for the old abandoned castle. It’s weird that i’ve gone their twice but I need a map to get their. I am glad Twilight made one though.

Author's Note:

And another chapter done. Sorry i haven't updated lately but i'm back. And again, please comment and answer my question's please. :)