• Published 3rd Feb 2018
  • 2,408 Views, 24 Comments

Caribou Raiders: First Contact - BrightDawn

A reboot of the Fall of Equestria series staring the new and improved Caribou's first victim

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Comments ( 18 )

Actually, it's good to see some more of their culture. Some religious fanatism can evolve into something more, which can explain the caribou's later misoginy. Nice touch to that. Although, you have gotten yourself into some difficult, seeing as you will have to explain who this "double faced god" is and what are his laws.
This is actually rather good, and I'd like to see more. The third Fall of Equestria has a start with this.

Well, I liked it. I do like the idea that the cows may not be empty-headed bimbos but still completely immersed into a culture which regards them as sex slaves, complete with the potential conflicts therein. The religious angle is interesting too, though I'm wondering if that's also in there to give their enemies a "simple" way to topple them one way or another. Then again, if this deity does exist, changing the Caribous' culture may be flat-out impossible.

I thought of giving the Caribou a Total War style faction info, but after looking up some writing tips, I decided against it. The Caribou religion, culture, laws and mythology will instead be revealed organically. I have made sure everything that happens has an explanation and I have been working with another user to make sure to sniff out any logical inconsistencies. It's only that these explanations won't be fully revealed immediately or will be revealed garbled by the Caribou's use of oral tradition.

Let's say that the Caribou religion has a few tricks up its sleeves that'll make it quite convincing to many Equestrian residents

Very interesting. Ponies as a whole don't seem religious, so whatever is convincing to them should be something indeed.

so, the caribou just simply couldn't possibly have a culture of misogyny made from the fact there is something mentally (and physically?) wrong with their cows and lived in assumed isolation, so the most logical conclusion was that gosh darn religion?

i smell (slightly) lazy writing, as anything questions asked to and actions done by the caribou would be "cuz god said so!" (not like FOE was ever really competently to begin with but..)

ALSO- i feel like this Two-faced God and its ways was something recent for the caribou (like it happened 2-3 generations ago or something.) i almost feel like it has something to do with discord........prob not.

there was once a pony-priest shown in an episode (i think it was in that CMC valentine ep with big mac and cheerlie?). so religion exists in pony society. I mean if Tartarus and purgatory officially exist in mlp canon, some "god" aint to farfetched?

That's perfectly true. The priest appeared during a funeral:
A very morbid joke for this kind of show!

Some fans argue the Alicorns are religious figures, but I'm not sure about that. They are revered, but not enough so to make it a question of divinity. If anything, I would think the ponies worship the concept of Harmony. Equestria's creation myth is all about coming together as ponies and overcoming tribal tensions.

In either case, how the pony traitors will square that with what the Caribou offer... that'll be interesting to see. Cows and stags/bulls are raised with those beliefs (and 8710065 implies an actual divine entity might have their thumbs on them), which have not yet be remotely fully revealed by the way, while ponies have not yet been.

I agree about the potential issues in this explanation. By not making it a hard fact of Caribou reality, the foundation for how they treat their (adult) cows becomes much more shaky. On the other hand, it gives them more impetus to expand their paradigm to other species, since in regular FoE, mares are clearly nowhere near as empty-headed sluts as the Caribou cows are.

Hmm. Interesting idea. Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with Discord himself, but another Draconequus? Or a related spirit creature?

yea, one of the main things i didn;t like about FOE was the Caribou's motive.

"Canon-wise", their females were basically mentally challenged while living in an isolated land. but then they come across intelligent females in equestria.
Here, its the "Two-faced God" . but they hear about ruling females and a "strong male" that didn't take them down cuz friendship.

no matter what, they're immediately proven wrong about females. but the caribou just....don't notice somehow??

the problem here is the Caribou love to make people (females specifically) to submit and hurt because they are a toxic, warrior race. And it seems every FOE writer doesn't want to say this fact. We keep making these flimsy, shaky excuses instead of the truth: the Caribou race are assholes who don't care how strong, dumb, or smart anything is, they just wanna make it submit.

Actually, just slapping them with the reason of doing it For the Evulz is much more lazy than trying to give them an actual motivation. However, I should note I've at times compared the Caribou to the Drow (particularly of Pathfinder) or Dark Eldar, who are both sadistic, evil peoples by nature. I do get where you are coming from.

Can I ask you something? If you take your description of them:

the problem here is the Caribou love to make people (females specifically) to submit and hurt because they are a toxic, warrior race. And it seems every FOE writer doesn't want to say this fact. We keep making these flimsy, shaky excuses instead of the truth: the Caribou race are assholes who don't care how strong, dumb, or smart anything is, they just wanna make it submit.

How would you write a scene with a stag and a cow? Dainn and his sister, let's say. If you take away the biological thing from most FoE and the religious trappings here, how should what scene play out? Would Engla still submit? Why? Or why not? What would her reason be?

Comment posted by Aristagtle deleted Feb 7th, 2018

without biology or religion, its still basically the same as canon FOE! thats the point im trying to make here. the caribou weren;t made for story telling, FOE was made only so these manly furies can win and fuck everything. every. single. time!

this "reboot" doesn't really anything from canon (for me). its just exchanging one flimsy excuse or another flimsy excuse and the only reason any of it works is because everyone in these stories suffer from stupid.

NOW that being said, i am STILL a little optimistic about this story:
i like how the Engle's personally isn't "smiling and tripping".
i like Dainn's first thoughts isn't about getting his dick wet,
i like how other caribou (males, like ivanger) can be "considered dumb".
I even like how they were in battle where they didn;t know they would win. any old FOE fic would simply have the enemy lose because they could only hit the caribou's chest area...which had literal plot amour...and not, like, hit their crotch....which was always unclothed because u know why.

while i don't like the "twoface god" thing it can still win me over with competent writing....


What would her reason be?

Upbringing? Hell, human women aren't aren't any less intelligent than men, and yet there have been and still are cultures that see women as below men, and where the women also see themselves that way. (Incidentally, if you were raised to believe you're a dumb shit, you subequently never got any education, nor any chance to train your mind or your will, of course you'd end up being a dumb shit, at least on average - rare exceptions notwithstanding.)

So, what I get out of this is... you want them to be just evil and stupid cartoon villains without any motivation outside of being evil? But then you praise the things that don't fit into that same box?

Are you sure you know what you want?

Is that enough in this case, though? There would be massive internal conflicts at some point, moreso if the mistreatment of the cows is close to what canon FoE has. But perhaps those are the conflicts they had with other tribes. Maybe I'm too much of an idealist and the thought of such a society working for long and not tearing itself apart without a special mechanism of some kind is just... difficult to swallow. Even here, there's a hint that it's more than simple tradition.

I really want to know more about this Caribou society. I don't agree with lovelessasuka that furbishing ones interpretation with a deeper motive is bad or lazy.


Maybe I'm too much of an idealist and the thought of such a society working for long and not tearing itself apart without a special mechanism of some kind is just... difficult to swallow.

Well, I'm kind of assuming that they only had an actual centralized government until relatively recently. If you think of them as living under fairly primitive conditions, like we see in Schorl's Story of Estra, it makes a bit more sense.

I don't think ppl are understanding what I'm saying here:

The caribou race are ALREADY evil and stupid cartoon villains. FOE caribou are always made to be Gary Stus and everytime someone tries to add of change FOE the caribou still stay Gary Stus. I have my personal gripes with this fandom/series, but I see some potential with this particular story. The end. This is my Opinion. This is not That complicated.

know that i think about. was the Christmas/snowfall frost tale real or just a story? because if it was real, pony ghosts are actually real (therefore there is a mlp afterlife.)

I think, in the end, all Caribou issues come down to what you might call "The Blitzø Reification Subversion." Per season two, episode two. "My dick is good, but it isn't that good." A penis is only a material object and doesn't represent anything abstract like forced will or control. The Caribou can't win, because Nothing Works That Way. Sex doesn't work like that, people don't actually break. Even under heavy torture it's a statistical line, not an exact science. And frankly, works even less than expected because if you're not trying to (futilely) extract usable information, then you mostly create resentment and PTSD which vitiates any capacity. And really, nothing in war works like they think, especially against a modern welfare state with advanced medical and communication and transport technologies. That means a long-lived, very large, very healthy population. I doubt mud-screwing savages advanced past the fired moldboard plough, or got to the blast furnace. They're limping out cold iron plates and forever-dulling unbalanced swords while the industrial might of a continent-spanning nation can mechanically pump out carbon steel, titanium alloys, and really, anything. ... They have a space program. One large crew, one good mathematician, two rockets of boulders, and unicorn magic create a first strike orbital mass driver. They could have precision non-nuclear mass destruction capability while the caribou are arranging battle lines and dancing with their swords. Do savages even know what logistics are? Have they even heard of a supply line? I imagine a confused head tilt if you ask about teeth to tail ratios. Or strategy. Like, warbeasts cannot move in stealth, and have to have normalized routes. Metal brace plates, all-steel pikes, and a decoy to make them run, theyre just cavalry with a fantasy spin. Then more pikemen to lead them in one direction to a giant, grass-concealed mantrap, too deep to jump out of, lined with steel spikes. Leave no survivors and no indication of engagement location and the trick keeps working. Penises don't break people like they think, wars don't work like they think, not enough people want to die while every one else dies with them to be a traitor of that kind. Money works best, but Equestria has an economy, and I don't think the Allfather's rejects have banks or stable currency. And no matter what, they'll hit a sea. The culture built on perpetual conquest has nothing left when nothing remains to take over. With their sloppy governance and corrupt ministers they'll rot and fall, eating themselves alive as the army can't claim fresh slaves and plunder. They make no sense without a single word being written. Writing it down makes it all the worse, because then someone has to say the words out loud, and stand beside them as they do.

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