• Published 21st Jan 2018
  • 708 Views, 21 Comments

*Batteries Not Included - The worst at everything

A recently widowed Rainbow Dash discovers a near-perfect replica of her late wife, Fluttershy. Why is it here, where did it come from, and why does everypony think it's the real Fluttershy?

  • ...

Begin Task

Something isn't right. And I don't know what it is.

I open my eyes. I'm lying on my back. What's wrong with me? It's not the cyber-pony next to me, shockingly. I don't feel cold, or tired, or sick, or even lonely.

Something just feels... off.

"Fluttershy?" I rub my eyes, then nudge the RoboPony still laying in place. That ugly static-y hum sounds off, and she blinks to life.

"Well, good morning, little angel." She greets.

I nod in greeting, my throat suddenly feeling dry. Fluttershy, I finally cave and decide to just call her that, lowers her head.

"That was meant to be endearing."

"I know," I rub the back of my neck. "It's just... It feels like I haven't been called that in forever."

"...Do you want me to avoid calling you that from now on?"

"No, no, it's fine," I let out a large breath of air. "I'm just still trying to get used to this."

"Of course," Fluttershy nods in understanding. "Well, shall we begin?"

I think for a minute. "Um, sure. I don't really know how we're gonna do this, though. Should I... explain what happened, or-"

"I examined your memory ahead of time to calculate the appropriate simulation."

I... what?

"You can do that?" She nods. I level a hoof at her. "Okay, Command: never do that without my permission."

"Oh, of course," Fluttershy plays with her mane, the way she always did when she was nervous. "I'm sorry, I just thought seeing what happened for myself would allow me to understand better than if you had tried to tell me."

"Well just... don't do it again."

"Of course," Fluttershy rubs my belly, and I can't help it. I crumble. "So, are you ready to begin the simulation?"

I scrunch my nose. I'm not ready. Not really. But I have to do this.

"Yeah. Let's do it."

Fluttershy smiles encouragingly at me. "Alright. It will be 7 A.M. in exactly 67 minutes. Do you give consent for me to act in accordance to the data supplied prior to running the simulation?"

I scowl, not quite sure what she means.

"Why do I need to give consent?"

"Just to acknowledge that you know that what I'm about to do is just to simulate an experience with you," Fluttershy says reassuringly. "I know it may seem disorienting, but it would be easier for you to play into the act right from the start. If it eases your mind, you may command me to end task at any point, if you ever feel like it's not serving the purpose you want."

I force myself not to roll my eyes. "Okay, fine. Yes. I give consent."

"Wonderful," Fluttershy beams. "Now, lay back down."

Fluttershy gently pushes my head back down onto the pillow. I can't help but feel a little odd.

"Can't we just start right away?"

"Sorry," Fluttershy smiles apologetically. "I'm going to make the simulation as accurate as possible. And to do that, I have to do just one tiny little thing."

I jump up in pain. Something just pricked my right flank!

"Hey! What was that?" I demand.

"Don't worry, I just have to put you to sleep for just a teeny bit," Fluttershy shushes me with a kiss. "When you wake up, everything will be ready for you."

I groan. I'm already sluggish. What the hell else can this machine do? I open my mouth to speak, and my tongue feels all cottony.

"Command: Nevber... doo yat... aghinn..."

The light swirls away, and the last thing I see is Fluttershy's face, still smiling on, and on, and on, and on.

Until she stops.