• Published 21st Jan 2018
  • 708 Views, 21 Comments

*Batteries Not Included - The worst at everything

A recently widowed Rainbow Dash discovers a near-perfect replica of her late wife, Fluttershy. Why is it here, where did it come from, and why does everypony think it's the real Fluttershy?

  • ...

One package for Rainbow Dash

Something isn't right.

That's how I started every morning. I'd kick a hind leg, stretch, roll over, bundle up, or do anything else I could think of. The feeling never went away. It was a pain. Not a jabbing, pinching pain, like I slept on one side for too long or laid on a wing. It was the sensation of feeling something, somepony, who was always supposed to be there, just gone. It was like missing part of me.

The chin resting on my shoulder, the muzzle nuzzling into my cheek. The legs draped over my body. The slow, warm breaths of the body tucked next to mine. The heartbeat of its owner. The lips that kissed my forehead when I stirred.

I would panic. I would tumble out of bed, calling her name. I would get ready to race all over my house to find her. Then I would remember.

This went on for countless days. It didn't end until the funeral. My parents were there to wake me that day. I didn't want to go. I didn't want to see the coffin. That would mean it was real. That would mean that this wasn't a nightmare. That would mean that she really wasn't coming back.

That would mean that I truly am alone.

All my friends were there. Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Spike, and Discord, too. Everypony was there. The Crusaders, the Wonderbolts, the Princesses, the Pillars, and probably the entirety of Ponyville. Anypony that ever met Fluttershy was there.

I didn't want to be.

Her casket was small, and plain. I couldn't imagine her inside it. She had been alive and well just two weeks ago. We had spoken to each other. I had felt her, living and breathing and not cold and dead inside a wooden box.

I didn't listen to the service. I didn't listen to the speeches. I didn't budge every time Twilight asked if anypony had any memories to share, even though I knew all eyes fell on me whenever she did. I absently accepted hugs when it was over. I absently nodded at the endless offerings of condolences.

I didn't wait for them to finish lowering the casket before I went home. I awoke the next day, the same as I had before. Something isn't right. Only now I knew what wasn't right. And I knew it was real.

The first day I got a visit from Twilight. She asked if I wanted to go with her and the others on a picnic together where we could have peace and quiet. I declined.

The second day Soarin stopped by to see if I was ready to return to training. I said no. Then Zephyr came. Then my parents. Then Pinkie Pie, through one of her contraptions. Eventually, I stopped answering the door.

I stopped showering. I stopped exercising. I stayed in bed. I only ate and drank when it became unbearable. My life was already over. Is. My life is over.

My legs tingle. I feel hollowed out like a log. I have to go to the bathroom, but I don't want to get up. Well... I haven't reached the point of soiling my bed yet.

I sigh. I roll off my bed, and flop onto the floor. I shakily stand up, and hear several bones pop. I fold my ears back in irritation. The sheet slips off my body as I walk to the bathroom. I pause when I pass the mirror.

The pony looking back at me glared sharply with dark bags under her eyes. Her coarse, untrimmed coat and unpreened feathers complemented her long, unkempt mane, no doubt greasy from her lack of bathing. She slouched down miserably, jaw locked tight. She was a mess.

She couldn't be Rainbow Dash.

My ear twitches as I do my business. I heard... something, downstairs. I groan and finish up. A huge thud echoes throughout the house.

"What the heck?"

I gallop out, not even bothering to rinse. I am not expecting visitors, as most have given up. Whoever is in my house is not supposed to be. I go down the stairs as fast as I can. I don't care for much these days, but I know for sure that I refuse to be burglarized.

I turn the corner into the living room where the sounds came from. I get ready to pounce, and... there's nopony here. I look around.


A door slams, nearly causing me to jump out of my hide. Taking a moment to steady myself, I check out the front door. Whipping it open, I examine the surroundings. Nopony is on the porch. The sky is clear. There's no indication anypony was here.

I see a note taped to my door when I move to close it. Almost no indication, then. I exhale, and grab the note between my teeth. After I shut the door, I balance the note on one hoof. It's some sort of mail order.

One package for Rainbow Dash is scribbled on it. I frown. I didn't order anything. I pace back to the living room. If I had a package delivered here, then where is-

I yelp as I trip. My face slams into the side of a box. I shake the little tweety birds out of my eyes and sit up.

"Oh. There it is."

The box is large and wide. It's a rectangular thing, and I think it must be some kind of device. But I have no idea what it's doing here. It must be a mistake. But... it was sent to me. There aren't many Rainbow Dashes in Equestria that I know of.

I consider leaving it there. I don't particularly want any fancy gadget or home decoration or whatever it might be. I could just send it back to whoever thought they'd gift poor little Rainbow Dash a mystery box.

I furrow my brow in thought. Mystery box. I strain to lift the box up on its side. I hear something solid slide around inside it when I do. I examine it from every angle. There's no logo on it. No markings, no lettering, no stamp. Just one big cardboard box.


I tap a hoof, lips pursed. I've made myself curious, despite myself. I roll my eyes. Well, there's something I can use to open it with somewhere around here. I fetch a knife from the kitchen. I wonder to myself what it could possibly be.

Probably one of Pinkie's pranks. She'll pop out and spook me and tell me what fun I'm missing, and-

I stop. With the picture in my head, I let the knife drop from my mouth and resume searching. In just a few more minutes, I finally find a corkscrew. Opening the box with it proves to be quite a nuisance.

I clench it between my teeth and stab at the tape running along the center. It's difficult to shear through it all. After I spend ten minutes struggling to cut my way in, I cave and start biting at the tape. At last, I finally manage to rip it off.

I severe the additional pieces keeping the ends closed, and fold them back. The two center folds give out, spilling a sea of packing peanuts onto my floor.

"Great," I mutter to myself. I freeze when I see what's poking out of the foam bits. "What the?"

I brush away the closest packing peanuts. When they keep falling in the way, I growl. I flap once, blowing them everywhere. They no longer hide what was inside the box. My stomach churns violently at the sight.

On my living room floor sits a limp Fluttershy.

I feel dizzy. What-What is this? I poke Fluttershy with a hoof. She doesn't move. She felt cold to the touch. I don't think. I vomit.

Bile dribbles from my lips as I hunch over. I cough, feeling a tightness in my chest. When I open my eyes, I try to look at her again. As soon as I see her butter-yellow coat, I immediately look away again. Just as I do, something else catches my attention. A little white booklet tumbled free from the box as well.

I snatch it up. The corner has a little bit of my puke on it. I examine the cover.

RoboPony: The Very Best of Custom Animatronic Pony Companions!

I blink.

You have to be kidding me.

I look over at Fluttershy again. Somepony bought me a robot Fluttershy? Who-Who would be so sick? Who in their right mind-

I snort and stamp, burning with anger. I resolve to hunt down whoever sent me this package and beat the snot out of them. I return my attention to the book. It has a cartoony illustration of a happy-looking little pony hugging a robot counterpart.

Celestia, do actual ponies buy these?

I shake my head and begin reading the first page.

Congratulations on purchasing your very own RoboPony! We know you must be excited to boot up your new friend and see what they can do, but first, let's go over some basics you need to know!

I scoff.

Firstly, be aware that RoboPonies are not living, thinking beings. We take pride in our lifelike models, but RoboPonies are not built to serve as day-to-day partners.
With that being said, please do not allow foals to play with or operate the RoboPony. Always deposit two (2) liters of cold, clean water into the tank (steps included on page 3) to allow for peak simulation (wetness of eyes/mouth, realistic texture of skin, and additional simulations) before each use. And avoid using the RoboPony for longer than five (5) hours at a time. Allow at least a two (2) hour period for cool-down.

My jaw was on the floor. These psychos were dead-serious.

Flip to the next page for instructions on powering up your brand new RoboPony!

This. Is. Insanity. I hurl the booklet at the wall. I hastily scamper to where the fake Fluttershy lays. I tip the box on its side and grab the mechanical pony, ready to stuff it back in and chuck it out the window.


I freeze. She looks... perfect. Her eyes are shut, like she fell into a peaceful slumber in my hooves. If I didn't know otherwise, I wouldn't have known it was a machine. I swallow.

...She's beautiful.

I drop the fake Fluttershy. Fakershy. She lands back on the ground with a clunk.

No. No. I am not considering this.

I eye the booklet on the floor. It sits there, silently growing more and more inviting.

I'm not doing this.

I hesitantly approach it, and pick it back up.

Rainbow Dash, don't you do it.

I open it up.

Step 1: Locate the lid for the tank. The lid is placed on the head of your RoboPony, directly between the ears. It may be partially hidden by the mane. Apply light pressure to the area where you see a crease in the coat, and slide the lid to the right. Pour two (2) liters of cold water into the tank, and slide the lid back into place.

I grimace as I trot back over to the RoboPony. After a minute a of groping around aimlessly, I do find the lid. I shudder as the top of its skull practically comes right off. I have to prop it in an upright position while I pour water in from a jug I filled from the kitchen.

Well, that wasn't so hard. I slide the lid back into place, and the thing's mane falls back to its original position. What's next?

Step 2: Locate the removable panel on the back of the RoboPony. Again, you can find this by applying light pressure to the creased areas on the coat.

I obey the instructions, despite my better judgement. The panel is located between the wings, which are so soft and plush. They feel like real feathers.

Use the number and letter pad for the next twenty-three (23) steps in configuring your RoboPony.

I shake my head. This is beyond just a bad idea. With that in mind, I turn the page.

Congratulations, you are now ready to power on your RoboPony for the first time! Simply flip the red switch when you're ready. Remember to change the battery after approximately twenty (20) uses. Rechargeable batteries are not compatible. Batteries not included.

It's not too late, Rainbow Dash, I urgently remind myself. You can still cram it back in that box, throw it in the garbage and go back to your pathetic life.


I flip the switch. It instantly makes a humming noise. I put the panel back into place, and back up. For a couple minutes, nothing happens. Then the humming stops. I think to myself that it must not work, but then it moves.

I squeak in more shock than fear as it stands up. It stands still. I regard the machine apprehensively, waiting for it to explode or something.

"Configuring. Please stand by." It drones in a lifeless, monotone voice. I cautiously inch towards it. I stop when it's close enough to touch. It doesn't do anything. I wave a hoof in its face.

"Uh, hello? Terminator thingy?"

I maneuver around to face it. Its eyes are wide open now. They look so amazing. I have to remind myself that some twisted pony had to have gone to great lengths to design this thing with such freakish detail.

I flinch as it moves again. It makes a bunch of random, stiff movements, though they become gradually more fluid. At last its eyes land on me. It smiles pleasantly. And for the first time in what feels like a lifetime, I hear the most angelic voice in the world.

"Hello, Rainbow Dash."

...It works. It actually worked. My hind legs give out. I'm at a loss for words. The RoboPony's lips keep moving, but I am already on the floor, and my vision goes dark before I even register the words.