• Published 22nd Jan 2018
  • 2,112 Views, 25 Comments

Twilight and the Princesses - PrincessCadenza

Twilight is now a princess, and that means one exclusive thing. She can spend time with the other Princesses in a way that nopony else can.

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Chapter 2 - Do Princesses dream of Princesses?

Twilight sat alone in the midst of the great library. The shelves of books stacked impossibly high contained every piece of knowledge in Equestria and Twilight was determined to read it all one day. There were books on history, languages, home cooking and everything in between. The brilliant white of the marble floor shone with a reflective glow from all the magic candles throughout the maze of bookshelves, made only brighter by the magnificent chandelier that hung in the centre of the library itself.

Twilight was at the only desk in the library. It was a desk just for her. There were no other desks because nopony else ever entered her library. The desk was a beautiful piece of hoof-carved mahogany that was varnished a soft shade of burgundy. Twilight's chair was also mahogany. It also had a super soft pillow to stop her bottom falling asleep from not moving, not that it ever did. The desk was stacked full of books on various subjects and Twilight was reading three at once. All was silent in Twilight's library.

Her library of dreams.

Yes, Twilight was asleep. How else could she be in such a wonderful place, completely uninterrupted by anypony? This was Twilights favourite dream because it allowed her to re-learn everything from that day. Each book she read was a compendium of knowledge on her day to day life. Everything she saw, everypony she met, and everything she learnt. In her schoolfilly days, some of the other fillys would tease her for being so clever while others would want to know how she did it. How did she remember everything so well? Twilight would always tell them of her library. Her place of learning and safety where her mind could focus even as she slept. They would never understand what she meant and Twilight knew that they never would. She was smarter than them and she knew it. Twilight had never had any visitors in her library until this day. The day a voice called out to her.

"So this is what you do while you sleep?"

Twilight looked up quickly, certain she must have been imagining it. She gazed at the area around her but found nopony. She took to the air and looked further. There was nopony. The purple alicorn shook her head and landed back at her desk. It must have been her imagination, which considering where she was wasn't too much of a stretch.

"It's rude to ignore somepony , you know!"

Twilight span around in her chair. She looked up and saw a cloud, perfectly white in stark contrast to the pony who sat upon it. She had dark blue fur and an eternally flowing mane of the pure night sky. A crescent moon was emblazoned upon her flank and a black crown sat upon her head. She wore an expression of pure curiosity.

"Princess Luna?" Twilight almost fell back out of her chair at the sudden intrusion into her library. "How in Celestia's name did you get in here?!"

Luna looked down at Twilight, wearing a simple smile. "This is a dream, Twilight. I can enter any dream I wish remember?"

"O-oh. Right." Twilight apologised, not for a need to, just because she forgot Luna's most revered ability. "I'm sorry, Princess! It's just nopony has ever been inside my library before. I was just shocked, that's all."

Luna jumped off her cloud, landing gracefully on the floor. "It is quite alright, dear one. Everyone has a favourite dream that is theirs alone. I must admit that a library is definitely what I expected of you." Luna let out a small giggle.

"So what brings you here?" Twilight asked.

Luna conjured a small pillow and took a seat in front of Twilight's desk, eyeing her carefully. "It has come to my attention that my Sister told you a certain story earlier this night. While it was certainly not a fully detailed recollection of what happened I felt I must ask you a question."

Twilight shifted nervously on her chair. "A question? What question is that?"

Luna stayed silent for a few moments, trying to find the best way to phrase what she wanted to know. Eventually she found no other way than to just ask.

"Do you think any less of me?"

Twilight sat wide eyed at the princess. She had no response to such a question. It was completely out of the blue and caught her off guard. It didn't take long for Twilight's brain to restart but she found giving a straight answer difficult. She got up off her chair, levitating the books from her desk back onto their shelves one at a time. Luna simply sat on her pillow, waiting for a reply from the purple princess.

Once the last book was in it's place, Twilight turned to Luna. "Do you mind if we have a quick change of scenery?"

Luna simply nodded.

Twilight walked past her to a door that Luna was sure wasn't there before. After stepping through it, Luna found herself in a field. A short way from them was a long, winding path leading back up to Canterlot. Twilight walked over to a large tree and laid down in the grass. Luna followed and laid next to her, still unsure of why Twilight brought them here. She noticed, however, that in the middle of the field was a blanket with a picnic spread out on it. The picnic was being enjoyed by four ponies. A mare of light grey, a stallion of deep blue, a colt of pure white and a filly of violet hue.

Twilight sat and watched them for a moment before turning her head to face Luna. "Princess Celestia told me once that she felt every pony in Equestria was her family. I imagine that it is the same for you too?"

"Of course. Even before my fall I shared my sisters love for Our ponies."

Twilight looked back to the memory playing out in front of them. "I always knew one day my brother would leave to join the Royal Guard. It had been his dream for so long that I cant remember a time when he wasn't training for it. This memory was a few days after he made the decision to try to become one." Twilight's voice trailed off slightly as she spoke. Luna simply watched the scene, remembering a picnic of her own with Celestia many ages past.

"The day he left for the Canterlot barracks was one of the hardest things I had endured at the time. To know he was going to a place I couldn't follow and that I would barely ever get to see him again for the years he would be in training..." Twilight broke off to wipe a tear from her eye but continued on. "It hurt for a very long time. It's a pale comparison but I imagine that Celestia felt this pain when she banished you." Twilight leaned onto her side to look at Luna fully. "I know that Celestia didn't tell me the full details and honestly I'm glad she didn't. I don't need to know what Nightmare Moon did to your subjects."

Luna tensed up at the mention of her name. "The Nightmare's actions were as my own. She was born from me and my jealousy. Any action she took was and is fully my responsibility."

Twilight tilted her head to the side. "But I don't think that's true."

Luna looked over to Twilight with a look of wide eyed confusion. "How can you say that?"

Twilight let out a small sigh and looked back to her family in the distance. "Luna, I don't deny that it was your feelings that caused Nightmare Moon to appear. I do however deny that it is entirely your fault for her actions. I have seen truly evil beings in the form of Sombra and Chrysalis but never once have I thought that about you."

Luna was taken aback by Twilight's response.

"I believe that Nightmare Moon was a being comprised of dark magic that latched onto your negative feelings and used you to create a form that spread misery and suffering. I do not believe for one second that you yourself are responsible. I have known you since your return and as your friend I am telling you that I don't not hold you responsible for what Nightmare Moon has done. You have been trying every day to atone for what happened." Luna's gaze drifted to the grass at her hooves, and Twilight continued. "It's hard for me to put exactly how I feel about it into words, which is unusual for me, but I think just as highly of you now as I did on Nightmare Night when a lonely alicorn came to Ponyville seeking friends."

Luna looked up at Twilight. "Thank you, Twilight Sparkle. I must admit you have helped me see my past in a different light...if only a little."

Twilight unfurled her wing and wrapped it around Luna's back. "It's ok, its what friends do. And I know that if you ever felt that way again, you have a wonderful sister, a loving niece and a group of amazing friends to help you through it."

Luna returned her gaze to Twilight's family. "This truly is an amazing sight, your all so full of joy."

Twilight simply smiled. "That's why its one of my favourite memories, although I hope I can make some good ones as a princess too."

Luna smiled at Twilight. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, you will be one of the best princesses Equestria has ever seen."


Twilight awoke shortly after saying goodbye to Princess Luna. As she looked out of the window she could see it was still dark. Celestia was likely awake by now but it was a little to early to raise the sun just yet. Twilight yawned and played the dream back in her mind, letting a smile spread on her face as she did so. She wanted to get up early today to begin reorganising the Golden Oaks Library again. There was always room for a new categorisation for the library. Instead she found herself drawn to writing a letter. Once it was finished and sealed, Twilight made her way over to Spike's basket.

"Spike, can you send this letter for me?" Twilight whispered to the baby dragon.

Spike simply grumbled as he rolled over, taking the letter in his claw and sending it in a flash of flame before falling straight back to sleep.

"Thank you." Twilight rubbed his forehead lightly before heading downstairs to begin the planning phase of her book sorting.


Princess Celestia was surprised to see a scroll appear at this time of morning. When she took note of the seal on the wax she gave a quick eye roll. "Oh Twilight, do you ever sleep?" Celestia unfurled the scroll and gave it a quick read.

Dear Princess Celestia

Last night I was visited by your Sister. She must have overheard our conversation yesterday, or at least a part of it. It seems she still harbours a great amount of self doubt in herself for her actions as Nightmare Moon. Could you do me a really big favour? The next time you see her could you give her a really big hug from me? I would do it myself but I think it would help her a lot more if it came from you.

Your friend,
Twilight Sparkle

Celestia smiled and placed the letter on her desk. As she moved to her balcony to begin raising the sun, she glanced over to Ponyville in the distance and felt her heart grow warmer.

"Twilight, I will give her the best big sister hug in the world, and then I'm going to teleport you up here so you can give her the biggest best friend hug too."

Author's Note:

and heres chapter 2. i decided i wanted to get Luna out of the way as i found her very hard to write for. i dont know why. maybe i need to watch more luna episodes lol. anyway i hope you all like it, and if not then fair enough. i expect the next one will either be dealing with Celestia and Sunset, or a nice sisterly day for Twilight and Cadance....or maybe Luna and Celestia. we shall see. if you see any typos then feel free to tell me, preferably by pm and ill change it to actual English lol.

anyhoos thanks for reading and i shall catch you all soon.