• Published 22nd Jan 2018
  • 2,112 Views, 25 Comments

Twilight and the Princesses - PrincessCadenza

Twilight is now a princess, and that means one exclusive thing. She can spend time with the other Princesses in a way that nopony else can.

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Chapter 1 - Twilight and Celestia's first dinner

Princess Twilight Sparkle. It certainly had a nice ring to it. After the events of the Royal Summit Twilight was much more comfortable with both her title and her crown, which now sat on her head at all times she was in public. She was still unsure about her leadership skills though. Leading a group of five ponies into danger was mostly easy for her, as long as Discord wasn't hypnotising them, but leading a town was proving to be a challenge. While Mayor Mare was only bringing her small issues for now it seemed like her decisions carried far more weight now than if she was still a unicorn. Twilight's skills in organisation had lead to the Mayor coming to her before with small issues she needed help with but now it all just seemed like the eyes of Ponyville were on her for every choice. "Is this what the others feel every day?" she thought to herself.

Twilight shook the thoughts out of her head and looked down at the table. It was a small table set in Celestia's private audience chamber. This room was where she entertained more private meetings that weren't to be public or scribed down. Twilight had thought it strange that her first royal visit to Canterlot was to be such an informal manner. Twilight had put in the effort of wearing a wonderful dress made by Rarity and yet nopony would get to see it. She had arrived via teleportation to avoid both her wings and the train, which would undoubtedly be swarmed with ponies trying to get a look at the newest princess. Twilight had arrived extra early to give herself time for a nap. The teleportation was a vast distance and it took a lot out of her. A quick power nap would have her ready for dinner with Celestia.

Twilight jumped slightly as the door opened, nearly falling off her cushion in the process. Princess Celestia walked in, wearing a very worn out look that indicated she had been in a meeting with the noble ponies about another pointless issue that didn't really need her attention. Celestia's face instantly lit up as soon as she saw Twilight sitting at the table.

"Oh, hello Twilight. I wasn't expecting you for another six minutes." Celestia toyed with Twilight, enjoying the slight panic it elicited from the little alicorn as Twilight jumped out of her place at the table.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't realise you wanted me to be on time!" Twilight began blurting out in her usual quick panicking voice. "I can come back at 7pm exactly if you want!" Twilight quickly made to leave until Celestia's wing moved into her path.

"Now, Twilight, I'm only teasing. I'm glad your already here." Celestia's warm smile instantly calmed Twilight, as it always did. Celestia removed her wing from in front of Twilight and moved over to a pedestal by the window. "If you weren't here already I would just be sitting alone waiting for you.

Twilight let out a nervous laugh "Hehehe, sorry. I'm just nervous."

Celestia cast a curious gaze over her shoulder as she removed her crown onto the pedestal. "Oh? And why would you be nervous? This isn't the first time we have had dinner together, my former most faithful student." Celestia removed her shoes and necklace. Twilight had never seen the princess without any of her regalia before and the sight of it made her realise that this was not actually a formal event. Celestia clearly just wanted to have dinner with Twilight.

"Is something wrong, Twilight? You look a little lost for words."

Twilight let out a little cough. "Oh, um...Its just that I realised I might be...a little overdressed..." Twilight scratched the back of her head and moved back over to the table.

"Actually I was just about to say how lovely your dress is." Celestia moved over to the table and sat on the large red cushion, her smile still kept very warm on her face. "I assume it is another of Rarity's wonderful designs. I'm touched that you both would put in all that effort for me." Celestia leaned over and placed a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "It is always nice at the end of a long day to know that somepony has put in effort for you."

Twilight was taken aback by the comment a little. "Of course I'd put in the effort! You are my teacher! Why wouldn't I want to?"

Celestia sighed a weary sigh. "Oh Twilight, after a thousand years it is that sort of small thing that I miss most." Celestia gazed out of the window, letting a few memories fill her mind. "Before I banished her, Luna would always greet me in a lovely dress before her duties to the night. It was never the same one twice." A small laugh escaped Celestia before she realised. "I had always wondered about a certain set of expenses that would turn up every month. It was only after she was gone that I realised what the payments were. Luna was commissioning dresses just to make me smile." Celestia turned back to Twilight with watery eyes but still with a warm smile.

"She had dresses made each week just for you?" Twilight couldn't help but catch a few tears in her eyes at the thought. "That's so sweet. I never imagined Princess Luna as the type to wear dresses so often."

Celestia let out a bark of laughter that was most in-ladylike. "Oh no, she hated every second of it! Luna hated wearing dresses, or anything outside her regalia for that matter. She spent most of her time in the Dreamscape so she didn't think it was worth the hassle. But it made me smile after every hard day so she kept doing it." Celestia used her magic to ring a small bell by the door. "Now Twilight, I don't know about you but I am famished so I think we can eat now."

"Of course, Princess. I'm pretty hungry myself!" Twilight wiped her eye with her hoof and looked to the meal that was being brought to the table. It was a glorious sesame seed salad, with a side of oat bread and assorted vegetables. it was a classic dinner, Twilight thought, probably why Celestia kept sneaking cakes when she thought nopony was watching. Or maybe it was because she sneaked the cakes that they brought her the salad. Twilight had spent some time in the kitchens when she was younger. It was always fascinating watching the castle chefs at work. They all knew of Celestia's habits and she supposed they all wanted to help make sure the Princess didn't get too round.

Celestia gazed down at the spread and licked her lips. "I do love the salads. They are always surprisingly filling. Though I do wish I didn't have them so often. They don't leave much room for desserts."

Twilight let out a soft giggle to herself, but the twitch in Celestia's ears instantly silenced her. Celestia had undoubtedly good hearing and was incredibly perceptive. The last thing Twilight wanted to do was grass in the chefs to Celestia but luckily the Princess decided to leave the issue.


The rest of the meal passed with mostly silence and the occasional banter about the food. The desserts were mind blowing, as usual, and Celestia had eaten most of the gorgeous chocolate fondant herself. It suited Twilight fine as she could feel her dress tighten around her belly as she ate. Next time she would avoid the "happy dinner with the Princess" party that Pinkie Pie threw. That mare always put out food that was too good to resist and Twilight always found herself eating too much of it.

Celestia leaned back on her cushion and let out a slow breath. "Ahhh, now that was a nice meal. I especially enjoyed the dessert." Celestia's horn glowed dimly and a bottle of wine appeared along with two glasses. "Tell me Twilight, do you drink wine?" Celestia's gaze turned inquisitive. "I understand if you don't but I always like to enjoy a glass after a meal, maybe several if its been a particularly hard day."

Twilight had had several different types of wine over the past year or two. While she initially didn't like the thought of it, Rarity had been pressing her every time she was over for dinner. She kept calling it something a "refined lady" should do. Having only been old enough to drink for the past two years Twilight was definitely lacking any of the refinement Rarity talked about in regards to wine, but she did enjoy the taste of the fruitier flavours. Also the light-headedness that came with drinking just a little too much.

"If you are having one, Princess, then I would gladly have one too." Twilight put on her best smile. After pouring out two glasses, Celestia simply stared at Twilight with a deadpan face. "Princess? What's wrong? Did-Did I do something wrong?!"

Celestia let out a small sigh of exasperation and took a swig out of her glass. "Twilight, your being too formal! Ever since this dinner started I have been trying to get you to relax and unwind but you haven't. You still treat me like your princess instead of your equal!"

Twilight was lost for words. She simply stared back at Celestia with her mouth slightly open.

Celestia simply stared back. Neither of them spoke for several seconds until Celestia grew a smirk. "Ok, I have an idea."

"Wha-What is it?" Twilight managed a reply.

"I want you to ask me a question. A question you wouldn't dare ask yourself. A question that only another princess could ask me!"

Twilight's ears fell flat against her head and she felt her heart beat three times faster. "You want me to a-ask a q-question? But, Princess, I couldn't possibly-"

"Twilight, YOU are a princess now too!" Celestia continued to argue the point, determined to get Twilight to understand. "I know its hard for you but please try to understand that." After downing the rest of the glass Celestia poured herself another. "I want you to realise that you are no longer my student. You are my equal as a fellow princess and I am asking you to ask me a question!"

"O-o-oh, um, ok..." Twilight took a moment to calm herself down. Celestia was right. Twilight was her equal now. She was equal to all three of them. Celestia, Cadance and Luna were the only other alicorns in existence and Twilight needed to embrace herself as the fourth. Twilight sat in silence, trying to think of a question. Celestia merely sat staring back at her in anticipation, like she was waiting for Twilight to ace one of her tests. Finally, Twilight thought of a question she had always wanted an answer to.

"Ok, here goes." Twilight took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to keep as calm as she could. "Celestia, I have always wanted to know if your mane was naturally multi-coloured!" Twilight realised she had practically shouted the question at Celestia, who went wide eyed at her. Twilight nervously kept her eyes on the other alicorn, waiting for a reaction.

Celestia merely laughed.

"Oh my, Twilight! Out of all the questions you could have asked you choose the one about my mane?!" Celestia wiped a small tear of joy from her eye. "Oh dear, I was not expecting that!"

Twilight cocked her head to the side slightly, trying to understand what was so funny. "Why not?

Celestia brought her gaze back to Twilight, returning her usual warm smile. "Because that's the exact same question that Cadance first asked me after she ascended! I thought she would have already told you by this point. Don't get me wrong, Cadance is top notch at keeping secrets but she could never resist your adorable face!"

Twilight felt her cheeks flush. "Adorable?"

Celestia leaned forward slightly. "Adorable. She always thought you were adorable. It's why she enjoyed foalsitting you all the time." Celestia let out a small snort. "That and of course so she could learn more about your brother."

Twilight felt herself relax, then she remembered something. "You know, that does explain how in the run up to their fall formal she kept pestering me about Shining Armor. She wanted to know his likes and dislikes. We even made compatibility pie charts for the two of them. They had a rating of 98.7%."

Celestia got up off her cushion and made her way over to the futon. "Hmm, that explains why she was so excited when she came home. Now come and join me, Twilight, and I shall fill you in on a secret that only two other ponies know."

Twilight felt a rush of excitement and practically ran over to the futon and took a seat next to Celestia, who herself had taken a large amount of space by lying on her belly. She folded her legs in and swished her tail to curl up to her side.

"Now, this story takes place just over a thousand years ago, during the rise of Nightmare Moon." Celestia closed her eyes, took a breath and began the story. Twilight sat bolt upright, intent on not missing any part of a first hand recounting of history from the only pony to have been alive back then.

"As you already know, Luna's jealousy towards me fuelled her into becoming Nightmare Moon. She declared that she alone would rule and that I would know her pain and suffering. Luna stood in front of our thrones in our old castle and was bathed in the dark light of the eclipse she summoned, and when she was, her body was wrapped in dark magic and the Nightmare was born.

"I tried to reason with her but it was too late. Luna was gone and she couldn't hear my voice anymore. The creature that took her place wanted only my destruction and the subjugation of all pony-kind. Our battle was fierce, we tore through the castle, through the gardens and through the skies. We brought ruin and destruction to our home, casting blows against each other. Mine were to subdue, hers were to kill."

Twilight leaned in a little closer, compelled to pull Celestia into a hug. She refrained from doing so, instead letting the princess continue her tale.

Celestia opened her eyes and wrapped a wing around Twilight, pulling her in closer. "After a long and gruelling battle Nightmare Moon managed to strike me with a powerful blast of magic. It sent me falling through the air until I crashed through the window of the Harmony Vault. I struck the podium that the Elements were on and they fell onto the floor. As I opened my eyes I could see Nightmare Moon charging down towards me, the Elements at my feet, and no way to stop her on my own. I knew full well I didn't have the power to wield the Elements completely as half of them were attuned to Luna, but I didn't care. I needed them to stop her or else I would lose everything. My sister, My home and my precious ponys.

"The Elements responded to my desire to stop Nightmare Moon and allowed me to cast a sealing spell on her. With Nightmare Moon imprisoned in the moon, I collapsed from exhaustion. I woke up a few days later in a nearby town. It was that day that I learned my home was now hidden behind a magical forest grown from the leftover magic of our battle, and that my mane had become a wonderful pastel colour. It would forever be a reminder of what had happened. I would never see my lovely pink mane again..."

A tear fell down Celestia's face as she finished her story, and she looked down to find Twilight holding onto her chest. It was a hug that would have crushed the air out of any non-alicorn. Celestia mused on just how long her former pupil would take to control her newfound strength properly.

"I'm so sorry..." Twilight said, her eyes closed and tears streaming down her face, matting Celestia's fur. "I had no idea just what your fight with Nightmare Moon was really like!

"Now, Twilight, its ok." Celestia raised Twilights head with her hoof and brushed her mane out of her face. She gazed down into Twilight's violet eyes with a kind, motherly smile. "It's just a story now. You gave me back my sister. You have done more for me than I could ever have hoped for."

Twilight sniffed and wiped her eyes. "Ok." She looked back up to Celestia. "So your mane used to be pink?"

"Oh yes, it was a lovely shade of bubblegum pink. A little lighter and brighter than Pinkie Pie's if I recall." Celestia brought her hoof to her chin and looked up in contemplation. "Its been so long I can't really remember the exact shade anymore. I know Luna has an ancient painting of us in her room somewhere. It was enchanted to withstand the test of time but Luna doesn't want me to see it. She says she doesn't like the way she looks." Celestia giggled to herself.

Twilight smiled at the larger alicorn, before thinking of another question. "Princess, what Elements of Harmony did you wield?"

Celestia looked back down at Twilight. "Kindness, Generosity and Magic. It was quite ironic that the Elements Luna wielded were Honesty, Laughter and Loyalty. They were the three qualities that she betrayed when she became Nightmare Moon." Celestia's eyes moved to the door and she smiled. "Of course, now that she is returned to me she embodies them once more and spends every waking moment trying to live up to them. I was honestly surprised by how quickly she managed to readjust to modern Equestria, but she told me she had some wonderful friends to help her through it." Celestia winked to Twilight.

Outside the door, a pony got up from her seat on the floor and walked away. a small smile played across her lips and she whispered softly. "I love you too, sister..."

Twilight got up from the futon and walked to the window. "Thank you for the dinner, Princess, and the stories. It has been wonderful but I need to be getting back. Spike will be worried sick if I stay out too long without knowing where I am."

Celestia got up and moved over to Twilight, pulling her into a loving hug. "Of course, Twilight. It was wonderful to have you and I hope we can do this again soon." Celestia let go of Twilight and moved back slightly.

"I would certainly like to do this again, Princess." Twilight replied.


"Yes, Princess?"

"When were alone, or only with Cadance and Luna, could you do me a favour?"

"Of course, Princess."

"Could you call me Celestia? Without any titles?"

Twilight flashed a smile at Celestia. "I can. Good night, Celestia."

"Good night, Twilight." Celestia gave a little wave as Twilight charged her magic and disappeared with a loud POP! Celestia turned around and made her way to the small staircase leading to her bedroom. She had a fun evening but felt absolutely drained. "Next time I think I will move any meeting with the nobles to a different day..."

Celestia brushed her teeth in the sink and climbed into bed and snuggled herself into a comfortable position. It wasn't long before sleep overtook her, and she found herself in the familiar embrace of Luna's dreams. It was going to be a good night.

Author's Note:

This story takes place a few weeks after Twilight's Coronation, just after Twilight returns from the Crystal Empire for EQG1. This is also before the events of the Season 4 opening.

This is my first ever story and my first ever attempt at writing in general. i hope it was somewhat enjoyable to read and i promise i will work hard to improve any future chapters.

i am definatly planning to have a chapter between twilight and luna, twilight and cadance and possibly one with more than two. other ideas are floating in my head and i hope to put them into words one day.

anyhoos thank you so much for reading!!!