• Published 1st Jan 2018
  • 642 Views, 17 Comments

Rex Unicornis - Magi Tail Welkin

Having noticed something wrong about Luna recently and getting little info out of Celestia other than a hit about the old Unicorn Royal Family, Twilight decides to investigate, and finds a book written by Clover the Clever.

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Chapter 4, Long live the King

A page turned.

Nightfall on the last day of the Festival of Light. Snowfall on the castle.

Reverend Listener and Sir Hold Fast sang praises. Hold Fast took a goblet “Here’s to victory in Canterlot for my son August!”

“Sir August.” The son said grandly “I’ve been knighted don’t forget.”, Hold Fast chuckled and slapped August on the back “Of course son, of course.”

Bullion sighed as he cleared the table for the eighth day in a row.

“Here’s to Sir August, and who knows? The future King of All Unicorns!” He hit the Reverend’s wineglass so hard it shattered. The wine spilt onto August, who blurted out “Watch it will you!”

The Reverend flinched “August, the King?” he sniffed “What a dreadful thought.”

Suddenly the cook came running up the stairs “Sir Hold Fast! Hobbs have come down with the mumps! He’s all puffed up like a toad!”

Sir Hold Fast paused and hummed “Then August will need another squire, hang it all.” He sniffed and turned to Bullion. The colt carried a big pile of plates and bowls.

“Wart,” the old knight announced, “you’re August’s squire now, you’re going to Canterlot.”

Bullion smiled as he turned to the stairs “Sir Hold Fast, thank you.” He missed his stepping and tumbled down the stairs.

The scene changed to Bullion, dress in a baggy red garment, presumably so he would grow into it, if he were to grow into a nineteen-legged elephant, as he ran to the Northwest Tower. He ran up the spiralled stairs to the door at the top, shouting to the occupants excitedly. He flung the door open and presented himself in his, overly large, finery “Star Swirl look! I’m a squire!”

Sitting in his large chair, at the large fire of the brick hearth, the Sorcerer glanced back and gasped, his expression darkened and he sniffed.

Clover preached just above the hotplate smiled, perhaps a little to jovially. “Oh, uh. Very nice boy.”

Star Swirl turned away and rubbed his hooves before the flames “Yes indeed. A fine monkey suit for polishing horseshoes.”

Bullion’s face and posture fell “It’s what all squires wear.”

Star Swirl’s face screwed even further “And I thought you were going to amount to something!” He banged his hooves on the sides as he got up “I thought you had a few brains!” He kicked the pile of books and instruments, including the globe. The pile toppled and scattered. “Great future.” The Sorcerer growled “Ha! I stooge for that big flunk August.” He finally turned to Bullion and spat “Congratulations boy!”

A tear fell from Bullion’s eye “What do you want me to be? I’m no-pony. You don’t know a thing about what’s going on today, in this time, it’s all the future with you. Well, it the present right now, and in the present, I’m lucky to be August’s squire.”

Star Swirl clutched his hat and pull it over his ear “Of all the idiotic things. Why I… Send me to Sagittarius!”, his magic reacted and he fired like a rocket, through the roof. Bullion and Clover rushed to the window and saw the Sorcerer flying away to the horizon and beyond.

The colt glanced to Clover “Where did he go?”

“To Sagittarius Island I suppose.”

“Where’s that?”

“Oh, some island way off to the west which hasn’t been discovered.”

“Will he ever come back?”

“Who knows? Maybe someday.”

Another page turned. New Year’s Day arrived and the tournament came.

Unicorns from all sides of the continent came. Most from the national boarders and a number from the Eastern Settlements. Bullion saw Sir Crash and White Enchantress in the crowds, she noticed him and waved.

Before the Castle gates sat the stands, with the most important ponies of the kingdom included. The Unicorn Magisters, members of the College of Heralds, the Archchancellor of Hogwash’s Arcane Academy, the Emperor of the East, an elected position in the Eastern Settlements.

The High Magister stepped onto the podium and made the announcement “For the Crown of all Unicorns, let the tournament begin!”

The first two knight trotted into the jousting field. One white in golden armour, not like the armour of Celestia’s Day Guard, this armour, covered more, making his knight far more anonymous. He carried at his side a round shield with a curved cross of equally sized arms.

The other a black pony in dark green armour, his shield more traditional and spilt into quarters.

They charged. Lances lowered. Eyes glared. Nostrils flared. Lances met. Both were knocked down at the same time.

Sir Hold Fast laughed. He grinned as he saw the two draw their blades “Now it’s up to the swords.”, the golden knight knocked the green’s shield away.

Bullion flinched “Swords?” His hoof went to his forehead “Swords! Oh no!” He tugged at the red leather under August’s armour “August?”

“What?” he said annoyed as he turned from the fight “What?”

“I,” Bullion mumbled and fumbled August’s helmet in his magic “I forgot your sword.”

“Forgot my sword?” the elder exclaimed.

“I left it back at the inn.”

August grabbed a short pole with his magic and started swinging at the colt. Said colt nimbly dodged and ran off. August tried to follow but tripped over some discarded equipment. He shouted, “You’d better get it, or don’t dare come back!”

Bullion ran to the tavern. Clover flew with him. He grabbed the door and pulled “Let me in!” he banged the solid oak “Some-pony please.”, Clover wiped some ice off the window and looked it, she shook her head “It’s no use boy, they all gone to the tournament.”, the colt slumped at the door “Oh, what’ll I do? August’s got to have a sword.”

Clover looked away to pounder, then she paused, blinked and pointed “Look boy, look, there in the churchyard.”

Bullion turned. In the small area of land dedicated to the Silver Enlightenment. Fenced off by small iron railing sat a stone and anvil, in embedded in it… Bullion brightened up “A sword!”

The elderly Clover paused her writing and added “After the initial failure of the Sword in the Stone a few of the Silver Enlightened Priest of Canterlot had it moved to their yard to maintain it, since no-pony else would.”

Bullion jumped over the railings and ran up to it. Clover landed on a tree nearby and called “You’re going to have a time pulling it out.”

Ignoring her, the colt knelt on the stone and his hooves gripped the hilt. Magic spark from the sword.

Clover blinked, Bullion’s appearance, well, appeared, uncertain. One moment he looked as he always did, then she thought she saw a longer horn and, wings? Both there and not there. “Watch it boy!”

Bullion let go and jumped down. He appeared normal again. But his magically took hold of the sword, sparks burst again, and again his form, his nature fluctuated.

“Better leave it alone.” Clover advised.

Bullion broke the connection again. Looked at her. Then to the sword. This time he took hold with both magic and hooves “But August’s got have a sword!” He pulled and the blade slid out with ease.

Clover then looked down. Just visible under the squire’s robes an image, a Cutie Mark appeared. A crown below it in a refined font the letters B and RU, and again what Bullion looked like became a matter of confusion, it made her eye strain. ‘Does he have the soul of an Alicorn?’

Deciding not to question this she flew down and passed him ordering “Come on let’s get out of here.”, they rushed back to the tournament.

Sir Hold Fast turned to August “You’re up next son. Better get ready.”

“August!” Bullion called rushing in “Here’s a sword.”, August snatched the hilt and gave a brief look at it “This is not my sword.”

As August turned to glare at Bullion, Hold Fast noticed something “Hold no August, wait a minute…” He took it in his magic and examined it closer, he read out the letter of gold “Whoso pulleth out this sword…” he blinked in astonishment “Good Lord, it’s, it’s the Sword in the Stone!”

Sir Crash came quickly and took the blade as well “The Sword in the Stone? It can’t be.”

“But Crash,” Hold Fast said, turning the sword and pointing at the text “look, it is.”

Reverend Listener appeared beside Hold Fast and nodded “It’s the marvellous sword!”

Sir Crash made a volume spell and called to the populous “Hold everything! Some-pony has pulled the Sword from the Stone!”

As the murmurs raced through the crowd, and the Magisters, Royal Heralds and the Faculty of Hogwash’s converged on the corner, Sir Hold Fast glared down at Bullion “Where did you get it Wart?”

Bullion stammered “I, I, I pulled it out anvil,” he pointed down the way he came “that was on a stone in, in a churchyard.”

Around them the other knights and their parties began to laugh.

Sir Hold Fast scowled “You’re making a fool of us boy! Now tell the truth!”

“But I did sir.”, Hold Fast magically tugged at the colt’s scarf “Well come on, prove it. Back to the stone with you.”

August trailed behind his father, as did Reverend Listener, followed by Sir Crash and White Enchantress. Closely followed the Magisters, the Royal Heralds, the Faculty of Hogwash’s and practically every-pony in Canterlot. Perched on one of the banner Clover sighed.

At the stone, with the authorities, with the Vicar of the Church, atop the entrance steps, watching, Sir Hold Fast returned the Sword to the Stone and anvil. He laughed nasally and stepped aside for Bullion “Alright boy, let’s have the miracle.”

Bullion hesitantly stepped up once more. He looked at the crowd and gulped. He reached with one hoof. His hoof just touched the hilt. Then August took hold of the colt’s fetlock “Now wait a minute.” He pulled Bullion off his other hooves and put him aside, he then turned to the Sword “Any-pony can pull it once it’s been,” he put his hoof on the hilt and “pulled…” his word strained as the sword failed to budge. He put his other hoof on it as well and heaved.

Hold Fast nodded “Go to August! Give it all you got!” then joined his son’s side and tried to pull the sword out as well, even with two the Sword remained steadfast “Put your back into it.” He charged his magic. Still nothing.

Protests abounded, other knights jumped the railings and joined. Three joined August and Hold Fast arguing about who’s turn would be next.

Sir Crash pulled two of the other knights off and stopped Hold Fast “This isn’t fair Hold Fast.”

Reverend Listener nodded “I say we let the boy try it.”, Sir Crash nodded “That’s what I say give the boy a chance.” He glanced up at the authorities “Do their Excellencies agree.”

The High Magister glanced to the other Magister, they nodded, well, most shrugged. The High Magister rolled his eyes “If we have no more interruptions, I would like there to be a King by the time we set the Sun. I agree with the Archchancellor.”

Archchancellor Churn, who by this point fell asleep, got stirred by the Bursar. He blinked and glanced at the High Magister “Agree with me, about what?”

“About giving the young colt a go at pulling out the Sword.”

“Oh, oh yes.” Churn nodded “That’s why we’re here. Can we hurry this along? It’s close to lunchtime.” And promptly fell asleep again.

Chuckling slightly Reverend Listener geniality nudged Bullion “Go ahead son.”

Nervously the colt looked to the Sword. His face steeled. He marched to it. Reared up. Put one back hoof on the stone and a forehoof on the hilt. Gave a look to the crowd. Pulled. The Sword slid out. So fast Bullion nearly fell back into the snow. He recovered and place the Sword on his back.

Every-pony stared.

The Vicar looked to the sky and put his hooves together “It’s a miracle. Ordained by Heaven. This colt is our King.”

Hold Fast gulped “Well, by God.”

A Royal Herald decided the steps and asked, “What’s the lad’s name?”

“Wart.” Hold Fast said automatically. Then he blustered and shook his head “No, sorry, I mean, Bullion.”

The Herald nodded and with his magic materialised a few objects. A writing desk with inkwell and quill. Several thick books. A ruler and pair of callipers. “Hold still sire.” He said to Bullion and proceeded to measure parts of Bullion. Ears, nose, eye, height, horn length, etc. He glanced at the Cutie Mark, which Bullion only just noticed, the Herald muttered “Bullion, Rex Unicornis.”

He then opened the book and noted these down. Filed through pages in each book and studied them, compared a couple of pages to others. He nodded and shut the book. From his belt he pulled a trumpet a gave a tuneful blast “I Sable Vert Barry Rayonny, Royal College of Herald do acknowledge Bullion, through meticulous examination, to be the lost son of His Late Majesty King Pendragon.” He bowed to Bullion.

The Chief Herald, Or Vert Saltire raised an eyebrow and called down “You say by comparing the measurements of the late King and Queen, and their relative and ancestors?”

Sable nodded “Yes sir. He shares features of the House of Rare Metals and the family of Queen Mercia. He is their son.” The Royal Herald walked back to the gather authorities and showed them the books.

Sir Hold Fast’s hoof went to his heart. August and the Reverend kept him upright “You mean to say I foster the Crown Prince, and I made him a Pageboy?”

Sir Crash nodded “It appears to be.” He shook his head “Well no-pony ever said.” He glanced back to White Enchantress, she blushed.

The High Magister shut the last book with his magic and announced to the crowd “Hail King Bullion!”

The crowd responded “Hail King Bullion! Long live the King!”

Hold Fast knelt before the colt and took his hat off “Forgive me son.” He lowered his head in shame “Forgive me.”

Bullion shook his head “Oh please don’t sir, you did nothing wrong.”

Hold Fast smiled, then glanced to his son “August, bow down to your King!”, August at first knelt grumbling, he glanced up at Bullion, his expression changed, and he bowed his head in reverence.

The elderly Clover grinned “So at last the miracle had come to pass in that seemingly far off time on New Year’s Day. And the glorious reign of Bullion, the Unicorn King began. Though at first he seemed so very unsure of himself.”

The younger, owl Clover sat on an arm of the throne.

Bullion sat upon the throne, his back legs dangling off, too far from the ground to touch, the great hall empty save for himself and Clover. He rested the Sword between his legs, leaning against the seat. The regal cape of his status enveloped the boy, almost causing him to disappear within it. No better the crown upon his brow, inset with jewels and quite regal, and still too big, and as such kept slipping down over his head, forcing him to readjust it constantly.

He sighed. The motion caused the crown to fall over his eyes once more. He pushed it up again and glanced at the transformed which “I can’t be a king Clover. I don’t know anything about ruling a country.”

Twilight nodded “Join the club.” She muttered.

Clover sighed “I told you to leave thing in the stone boy.”

A half-formed idea appeared in his head “I’ll, I’ll run away. That’s what I’ll do.” He set the Sword to the side, and hoisted himself down off the throne, the cape billowing about him, and the crown again fell over his eyes. Raising it from his head, he carefully set it upon the throne, “They’ll just have to get some-pony else! I mean the Magister held a tournament for it.” With this he turned, looking wistfully about himself, not really having a plan of how to get out of the castle, save, “out”.

Clover whispered and pointed “Better take the side door Wart. Out the side door.”

Bullion rushed to it and pulled. The moment it became ajar voice shouted “Hail King Bullion! Long live the King!”, said King shut it. Clover fluttered and pointed again “There’s another door over there.”

This time the pair hurried to the main entrance. Upon opening it, “Long Live King Bullion! Long live…” the colt slammed the door shut.

The shouts and the cold wind blew Clover back into a pillar. She regained herself and sighed “Looks like we’re surrounded boy!”

Bullion started pacing about quickly and haphazardly “Oh Clover, I wish Star Swirl was here!” he strode slowly back towards the throne, silently resolving to once more sit upon it and wait for something to happen, when he stopped in the very middle of the hall, a faint sound hit his ears, head turning from side to side, trying to capture the source of a mysterious sound.

With a great crunching of broken glass, a window high up in the hall burst inward with a bright ball of a yellow tinged comet. It swept and juked its way around the pillars lining the hall, and then dived down towards the colt Before he could even give out a frightened gasp, it collided with the floor, and skidded to a stop before him.

Star Swirl stood before him.

Bullion blinked, he wanted to smile, but he couldn’t “Star Swirl your back from, from…”

“Sagittarius Island. What a monotonous lark! I had more fun on a narrowboat holiday.”

Bullion started to spill his troubles “I’m in an awful pickle. I’m King!”

Clover groaned “He pulled the Sword from the Stone!”

Star Swirl laughed “Of course! Of course! Why didn’t I see it?” He took the colt and escorted him back to the throne “King Bullion and the Royal Knights of Equestria.”

Climbing on the seat Bullion looked at him puzzled “Equestria?”

“Oh,” he placed the crown back onto the colt’s head “well, in about thirty or forty years’ time, your daughter will help unite the Three Tribes into a continent spanning nation!”

Bullion blinked “I’ll have a daughter?”

Star Swirl laughed, he opened his mouth, but Clover flapped in and spoke up “Star Swirl, you can’t go tell the boy about his own future. Time-loops and self-fulfilling prophecies remember!”

The Sorcerer sighed “Alright Clover, I won’t spoil too much.” He turned to Bullion “But now my boy, we have a long journey ahead of us. You’ve been crowned King, now we have to figure out what kind of king you’ll be.”

Bullion tapped his hoof on his chin “This Royal Knights idea? Do you think I should have Sir Hold Fast, August and Sir Crash in them?”

Star Swirl chuckled “It’s your decision Bullion,” he chuckled “but it good of you to ask.”

The vision faded away to the elderly Clover she smiled and put the quill down. Yawed. Bolted the last page and went to bed.

Finally, the images disappeared into the book. The last page turned. Twilight got up and walked to the book. Picked it up and read it “Clover the Clever died in her sleep after finishing this section. This book is dedicated to her, to Star Swirl, and to King Bullion.”

“He was such a fine gentle-stallion.” Said another voice.

Flash and Twilight turned around.

Princess Luna stood behind them “I had no idea Mistress Clover wrote a book about him.” She looked at Twilight specifically “Celestia said you wished to know about Ruthenium?”, the Princess of Friendship nodded.

Luna closed her eyes and sighed “Prince Ruthenium, we were, involved, courting, one of the few ponies I knew who like the night. Then one day, something happened to him. He, some demon took control of him and he…” she grimaced “He become Sombra.”

Twilight gasped.

Luna nodded and rubbed her eyes “We were force to fight our own colt-friend. We destroyed his body and forced the demon’s spirit into banishment. When the Crystal Empire, a side goal of mine was to find a way of restoring Ruthenium.”

“Thou would have found it difficult.” A familiar voice to Twilight’s memory spoke. Luna flinched and looked about “Ru?”

“Princess,” Flash said and pointed with his wing. They all looked down, a second shadow stretched from Luna. The Princess of the Night’s eyes widened. Her horn flared.

The shadow grew. The darkness fell away. In the place stood a fuzzy and fade ghost of a stallion. A male Unicorn. Dark coat, his neat mane and tail, black with cobalt blue streaks. His eyes, while mainly a greyish sap green carried the glowing amber around the edges. His cloak also looked refined, a rich red with ermine around the edges. He smiled “Lulu.”

Luna reached out. Ruthenium backed away “Thou cannot. This Ruthenium cannot interact with the living. This one is but a shadow of one’s former self.”

“Ru,” Luna whispered, “what happened?”

“This one has already explained, she may believe it a dream, but thou should speak with one Lyra Heartstrings. This one will simply say, Ruthenium was tricked and corrupted by the darkest of evil. After Sombra’s defeat this one can only exist in places of powerful magic.”

Twilight nodded “Like the Star Swirl Section of the Archives.”

“Thou are correct. The range of the magic allows me great access to this place. One has spent much time reading, between prayer of redemption.”

Flash blinked “Prayer? You’re Silver Enlightened?”

“This one chose to convert at a young age.” He looked to Luna “To be better suited to one’s love.”

Luna gave a sad smile “And we appreciated it greatly.” She sighed “Ru, I wish I could hold your hoof, to kiss you, even for one last time.”

He nodded, the ghost of a tear trickled down his cheek “This one too would nothing else. But fate says otherwise.”

“What will you do?”

“This Ruthenium has considered reincarnation.”

Flash blinked “Wait? You can choose?”

“This one has considered it, it does not it will happen.” He studied Flash “Thou has some resemblance to Sir Defender Warden.”

“He’s an ancestor on my Dad’s side.”

“Ah, this one understands.”

“Ru,” Luna said taking his attention “I have looked at one or two spells in my time. I might be able to send you into the reincarnation cycle, only once, it is a powerful spell.”

“Thou would do that, for this Ruthenium?”

“To let you live, of course I would.”, he smiled and reached as far as he dared “Thank you Luna.” He shut his eyes and took a deep breath “This one is ready.”

“Right now?” Twilight asked.

“This Ruthenium has been ready for a long time.”

Luna sighed “Then forgive me for not coming sooner.”

He shook his head “Thou are blameless, this one is guilty for not revealing one’s self sooner. This, I, I feared you would still hate me as Sombra.”

“Ru,” Luna stepped closer, her nose almost, well it couldn’t touch his nose, but she looked deep into his blurred eyes and smiled sweetly “I never hated you Ruthenium. I feared for you yes. I love you.” A tear fell “Hate you? I can see why you would think that. But you must know me better.”

Ruthenium sighed “I wish I did, I wish I knew every-pony better. I wish I knew myself better, then maybe.” He sighed “That is in the past.” He stood up straight and proud “It is the future this one looks forward to.” He faulted and looked at her with a blush “I hope.”

She chuckled. With one last stare into his eyes she nodded. Charged her horn. A symbol. A triple spiral formed out of the magic. It twirled and spun towards the ghostly stallion. He shut his eyes. The symbol attached to his forehead. He eyes shot open and he took a gasping breath.

Luna took a step forward “Ru?”, he held up a hoof and took some more breaths “It’s fine Lulu, this one, is just, I just felt, the weight of, I think my life, fall away. It felt as if one was in deep water, only now have I reach the surface.” He shut his eyes again and basked “Now we will see where the waves carry us.” He looked once more to Luna. “Before I go, Luna, may I say, you were always my favourite Princess.”

Luna blinked and blushed. Ruthenium chuckled and faded, a ball of light took his place. It danced in the air. Twirled around Flash, then Twilight, and then prolonged around Luna. Up to her face, pecked her on the cheek. Again, a light chuckle and it flew out the nearest window.

Luna stood frozen. Her hoof went to her cheek “Favourite Princess.” She murmured, before she walked away in silence.

Flash turned to Twilight “What’s gotten into her?”

“I’m not sure,” her hoof went to her chin and her eyes narrowed “I may have an idea though.”

Flash raised and eyebrow and grinned “An idea?” He looked out the window “It’s getting late. We’d better go. You sure your parents are fine with us staying?”

“Of course, they are, they’re my parents. I haven’t spent time with them in private, or tried to anyway since that Zeppelin trip.” Her eyes narrowed “We still haven’t found Iron Will though.”

Flash shrugged “We’ll get him, eventually.”