• Published 1st Jan 2018
  • 644 Views, 17 Comments

Rex Unicornis - Magi Tail Welkin

Having noticed something wrong about Luna recently and getting little info out of Celestia other than a hit about the old Unicorn Royal Family, Twilight decides to investigate, and finds a book written by Clover the Clever.

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Chapter 1, Dropping in for tea

Clover wrote “This was a dark age. Without law, and without harmony, ponies lived in fear of one another, for the strong preyed upon the weak. Every-pony forget the Lord and the commandments, and the words of Silver Light and the country grew unhappy because of it.”

The vision of her blurred and in its place a dark forest, and to Twilight a very familiar one. “The Everfree Forest?”

Star Swirl nodded.

In the gloom a wolf stood, not a Timberwolf, but still a dark and fierce creature.

A squeaking caught all attention. A young squirrel ventured out onto a branch. A brush of air alerted it. It scurried away. Just out of the talons of hawk.

The vision moved onward to a small clearing. No stumps or seedling tree of any kind stood in the round clearing. The trees just didn’t seem to want to grow any further in. In the middle stood a cottage, consisting of so many extensions and small refurbishments no-pony could tell where the original building stood in the architectural jumble. One thing stood out, the top half looked far more lived in then the ground floor.

Chains rattled, and every-pony turned to the well sitting a short distance away. Star Swirl chuckled.

At the well stood a young grey Unicorn, not any older than Sunburst, but the long white and grey streaked beard, lanky build and overly long horn told every-pony just who dragged the chain with his magic. Although, he didn’t have the elaborate stars and crescent covered cloak and pointy hat with bells on, he did wear a blue pointy hat, but with no brim. And without a cloak his hourglass cutie mark stood out. He put his hoof on the chain, slipping a couple of times.

Magnus glanced to Star Swirl “Even as a young stallion you had a floor length beard?”

“A sorcerer must have a long beard, at least back in my era it was part of the image.”

Twilight frowned confused “The Journal of the Two Sisters said your beard was brown when they met you?”

“I experimented with hair dyes.”

Deciding not to ask further she glanced at his cutie mark “I know your section of the library had a large hourglass on the central desk, but I didn’t think that was your cutie mark.”

“I’m very gifted in the manipulation of space-time.”

She turned to him “But, your time travel spell only allowed a pony to go back once and for a short amount of time, until Starlight improved it using the Map.”

Star Swirl looked away to the section with his name “Those are just the spells I wrote down, I have many more in my head.” His said head then darted to her “And no Sparkle, I’m not going to teach you them. Somethings in this world, are better left where they lie.”

Flash Sentry raised an eyebrow “If that were true you and the Pillars would still be in Limbo, the space between spaces.”

The sorcerer looked off slightly “The trouble is trying to figure out what should and should not be meddled with.”

Young Star Swirl of the vision slipped again and quickly gabbed the chain. His moustache frowned in annoyance “A dark age indeed!” He grumbled “An age of inconvenience,” the chain slipped again “No plumbing, no electricity.” He pulled the bucket up to the pulley and leaned forward to hook it with his horn “No nothing.” He slipped and fell went face first into the well. Thankfully he stood so close his body jammed on the stone ring.

“Oh, hang it all!” His shout echoed. He recovered and wiped the water from his face “Hang it all!” He put the bucket on his back and took a step forward, then he felt his hoof get tugged at “Now what?”, he looked back to find the chain looped around his hoof “Leave off! Leave off!” He wriggled his hoof and stumbled back and growled “You, you, you, fiendish chain you!” he kicked it and trudged to the stairs built on the outside of the hut mumbling to himself “Everything complicated, one big medieval mess!” He slammed the door.

Flash Magnus glanced to Star Swirl “I always wanted to ask, what is it with Unicorns and high places?”

Twilight waved her hoof “That’s just Steeplejack Arcology Syndrome.”

Sentry blinked and turned to her “Arco-what? I know about Steeplejack, he was the most famous church architect, he gave his name to the perilous profession of repairing high buildings with a lot of lightning strikes and scaffold collapses, but I didn’t know he had a syndrome named after him.”

Star Swirl nodded “It’s a nesting instinct, particularly those more magically inclined. Find a place to perform magic, preferably already with a strong background magic field to draw on, fortify it and build vertically, the higher the better. Think of wizard towers.”

Prince Flash nodded “Or tree shaped castles?”

Twilight blushed in embarrassment “All Unicorns have to an extent, I mean look at Carousel Boutique, Rarity’s living quarters are on the top floor. The current theory is the ancestors of the Unicorns got tired of the other tribal ancestors sneaking up and playing pranks on them.” As both Flashes glanced at their wings Twilight rolled her eyes “This was before Pegasi started living on clouds.”

Meanwhile the Young Star Swirl grumbled into this living space. Within the half-timbered and thatched attic, eclectically collected object, magical and not, sat scatter about and made it look like a Renaissance Man dropped all his models in a foundry and then got into a fight with a mad glassblower. Lamps and ring lay about looking to be rubbed, mirrors affording a second glance, a pair of pointed horseshoes stirred in a cage. A library’s worth of books in shelf or stacked like pillars, and most likely they all sat in the Star Swirl Section of the Archives in the present day. Scales and planetariums waiting to be used.

Young Star Swirl ignored them all and went to the brick hearth over the burning fire and poured the water into the kettle. Sighing with relief he brushed the fringe of his man under his hat. His magic pulled up his beard and from the inside he pulled out a pocket watch.

Princess and Prince blinked, and Twilight turned to the senior Star Swirl “I thought only Pinkie Pie did that?”, the sorcerer shrugged “It’s a useful place, most ponies don’t think of looking in it.”

The Young Star Swirl looked at the time “He should be here in, I’d say half-an-hour.”

From a birdhouse an owl jumped out onto the small branch perch. An owl with light blue and dark blue feather “Who?” it asked revealing a young, country accent, “Who?” She repeated “I’d like to know who?”

Young Star Swirl looked up at her “You’d better watch what you say Clover. And as I told you, I am not sure.” He walked around the table, cloth and tea set ready. He stood under a square section of thatch and lined his horn straight underneath it. Then with his magic he pulled a chair to sit under his chin “All I know is some-pony is coming, some-pony very important.”

Clover tutted and shook her head “Pony-feather.”

Star Swirl sat in the chair and pulled the table towards him. “Fate will direct him to me, so I may intern guide him to his rightful place in the world.”

Clover huffed and flew to the perch sitting on the table “And you say he will arrive in half-an-hour?” She crossed her wing and a smug grin crossed her face “We’ll just see.”

The vision paused and the elderly pony Clover at the desk faded in again as she continued to write “Now I imagine any-pony reading this will be questioning how come one of the six Founders of Equestria is an owl in this story, to answer that I’ll have to tell a bit of myself and about Witchcraft.”

Twilight blinked “Clover really was a Witch?”

She explained so. Clover as a Filly aspired to be a Witch, not the dark cackling type, she always saw the Craft in a different light.

She came from a mountain village tucked in a narrow valley between steep woods. Not a large village either, so it wouldn’t appear on a map of the mountain range, indeed it barely showed up on a map of the village itself. It seemed to be one of those places merely existing, so ponies can have come from there.

Early in her own self-taught lesson of the Witchcraft, she did Borrowing. A technique of placing your mind within another animal’s, not replacing its mind, nor are you controlling it, you are merely a passenger in the creature’s head, observing the world through its eyes and making thoughts to it, suggestion on what to do.

But, as a method of the Craft, it has a price. Usually this means waking up with animal like thoughts, such as, having Borrowed a bird, you think about not climbing out of bed, or walking down the stair, but flying out and down. Clover’s parents often needed to cover up her scabs.

There is a bigger price too. A body is like a jelly mould, the content forms to meet its shape. Spend too long in the animal’s mind and you begin to forget being separate, you forget ever being a pony. Too far gone, your mind evaporates, and you simply become a bunch of pony thoughts in the animal’s mind, and ones the animal tends to ignore. No-pony knows what happens after that.

Transfiguration spells work likewise, loose concentration, start thinking you are the animal you’ve turned your physical body into, your mind starts to become one of said animal, then you’re stuck as say an owl with the occasional pony thought and memories, but with the behaviour and dominated by owl thoughts. Clover got her cognomen of “the Clever” primarily out of her smarts to keep thinking of herself as pony but with her body transformed into an owl for so long after mucking up a spell, and eventually managing to reverse her mistake.

The narrative restarted as Star Swirl sat in a large armchair and took a pipe and matchbox from his beard. Lighting it he replied to her protegee’s bravado “And you will Clover, you will.” The match brunt him and he waved it out. As his hoof cooled from the singe he collapsed into the chair and focused on his second sight and third thoughts “He’ll be a, a colt, small Unicorn colt, eleven, twelve years old.”

The smoke covered the scene and greyscale images of the open fields materialised within the wisps. Star Swirl continued as a figure walked out “And a, scrawny little feller.” He started chuckling, but stopped as the figure can nearer, tall, thickly muscle with a short horn.

“Oh no, no, no, that can’t be the one. Surely not, why that big lad must be close onto twenty, near to my age.” He said as the stallion casually climbed over a drystone wall.

As soon as he left the vision another pony appeared. A smaller and thin colt with a longer than average horn.

Star Swirl started laughing “Ah ha, there he his, ha, ha.” The colt started playfully leaping about the fallen rock and hurdle jumped over the wall “He’s a regular little grasshopper, ha, look at him go.”

Clover fanned the smoke out of the way and coughed her irritation “And where, where oh where, would you guess he is this very moment?”

Huffing Star Swirl snapped back “I am not guessing Clover, I know where he is!” He slammed his hooves on the rests, before place one on his forehead and shutting his eyes “Less than a mile from here, just beyond the forest, and right on schedule.” Before hastily adding “If all goes well.”

Clover huffed herself “It that uncertainty that got you kicked out of Hogwash’s.”

The cottage workshop disappeared and got replaced by the crest of a hillock. The young adult stallion stood under and aged tree scouting the area. His coat a murky brown with an equally murky green mane.

Behind him the youthful colt started climbing the old tree. Brown coated with a two-tone mane of yellow and strawberry blond. The tree creaked under his weight.

The elder glanced up “Quiet Wart.” He whispered.

“I’m trying to be.”

“No-pony asked you to come along in the first place.”

“I’m not even moving.”

“Shut up.” He looked to the left and smiled “Ah, here we go.”

A deer walked out of the forest.

With his magic, the older stallion pulled out a bow and arrow “What a set up. Right smack through the old gizzard!”

Wart looked up. The tree groaned. Bow went tight. Arrow shook.


Wart wailed. Fell onto the stallion. Arrow flew high over the canopy. The deer ran off.

The elder stallion threw Wart off “Why you, clumsy little fool!” he swung his bow like a sword. Wart jumped out the way. Ran ahead of the swipes “August, please, I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it!” he jumped over a log.

August came running “If I ever…” he tripped over the log.

Wart ran to the forest.

August called getting up “If I ever get my hooves on you, I’ll wring your scrawny little neck! So, help me I will!”

The young colt ran in deeper and hide behind an old tree inside “I’ll get the arrow August,” he called back “I’m sure I can find it.”

August stopped just before the entrance and splutter a laugh “Don’t tell me you going in there? Everfree? Why it’s swarming with wolves. Flesh and Timber.”

Wart stood up as tall as possible “I’m not afraid.”

August scoffed “Well go ahead, it’s you skin not mine. Go on, go on!” He walked off.

Wart ran further into the woods.

Observing the visions, Flash Sentry gritted his teeth “He’d get a lot of years for that.”

Magnus looked ready to pounce “I’d knock a few teeth out first.”

Star Swirl glanced at Magnus “I’d expect better behaviour from a Pillar Magnus. But yes, August’s behaviour gave me a dim view of him throughout these events.”

Twilight remained quiet as she watch Wart, ‘Surely he must have different name.’ she thought, galloped along the root riddled pathway. He jumped over a little stream. The noise of his shuffling alerted a lone Timberwolf drawing water from the stream. It looked up and, purely curious, observed the newcomer stumbled on a tree root.

He gave a huff and returned to the water. When a, something, no-pony could quite tell, but they knew it to be there, brought the wooden canine’s attention back to the colt, and low, and persuasive voice spoke from all directions “If, they, think this child is the one, well, let’s play their game.” The voice addressed the wolf “It’s been ages since your last hunt, don’t you want to enjoy it, take you time, even if he makes it to the sorcerer, he still has a long way to go.”

The Timberwolf thought about it. It agreed, this strange newcomer looked like fun. It jumped the stream and stalked up.

Watching the vision Twilight shivered, she inched to her husband “Flash?” she whispered, “I haven’t felt like that since you told me about Lucifer.”, he nodded “I felt it too.”

Wart pushed a branch away. It knocked into the Timber, a few twigs flew off.

The colt entered a clearing and looked about, noticing a house and a well. Then up to a tree, and smiled, he spied the arrow embedded in a branch. He trotted up to the tree closest tree and start climbing it.

Timberwolf entered the clearing and winced at the magic. He kept to the edge and follow around to the tree the colt climbed. The stepped on a branch. It snapped. He grabbed the one above him and hung. The branch bounced onto Timberwolf and merged with him.

Oblivious to the predator Wart shimmed along a branch, slowly moving closer to the cottage. The Timberwolf growled having to stay back, something prevented him. Wart reached the ended and leaned out to the arrow. Hoof inching closer.

SNAP! Went the branch under him. Down went the colt. He hit something, but crashed through it, getting grazed. His plot landed on something wooden. Dust filled the air.

Young Star Swirl made a small wind spell and chuckled “Well, so you did drop in for tea after all.” He magically pulled out his watch and checked it “Oh,” he frowned “you are a bit late, you know.” He got up to get the kettle.

The colt looked about a bit confused and embarrassed “Oh? I am?” he looked about the house he ended up in. Noticing the set table. He to the intricate and repetitively fascinating series of glass pipes and beakers contorting in a complex labyrinth. A green bubbling liquid forever swirled around as if trying to find a way out. Unfortunately for the desired effect of awe and wonderment, the colt’s familiarity with the castle kitchen meant he identified the liquid as merely green dye with some added soap.

Star Swirl meanwhile took the teapot in his magic “Yes, but that’s no real problem. Now, my name is Star Swirl.” As he poured the hot water he glanced back “Now come, come, who are you my lad?”

“Oh, my name’s Bullion, but every-pony calls my Wart.”

The Young Star Swirl, Princess Twilight and Prince Flash noticed the nonchalant way the colt said it.

The now identified Bullion glanced to Clover and smiled fascinated “What prefect stuffed owl.”

Clover’s feathers fluffed as she shouted and flapped in disapproval “Stuffed! I beg your pardon!”

Bullion blinked and smiled openly “She’s alive, and she talks!”

Clover scowled “And certainly a great better deal than you do.” She took off from the perch to her birdhouse.

Star Swirl sighed “Oh, come Clover, come, come. I want you to meet Master Bullion.” He motioned the colt over and gave him a cup and saucer. Patting him on the back, Star Swirl continued “You must forgive him, he’s only a colt.”

Clover’s head appear out of the hole and looked in every direction, expect Bullion’s “Colt?” She sarcastically said, “I see no colt.” Her talon grabbed the handle and dragged it into her little private space.

Bullion put the saucer on the table and sighed “I’m sorry that I…”

Star Swirl patted him on the shoulder and said under his breath “That’s alright,” he chuckled “after her accident with a transfiguration spell she’s become much too sensitive.”

“Sensitive?” Clover called over “Me?”

Star Swirl merely chuckled. He poured the tea on Bullion’s side as the colt sat back down, the young pony asked, “How did you know that I was…”

“Oh? That you would be dropping in?” He stood on his hind legs and pointed to himself “I happen to be a wizard.” Then he noticed he spilled tea down his beard and put the pot down, before failing his forelegs out wide “A soothsayer! A prognosticator! I have the power to see into the future, centuries into future!” He calmed down with a chuckle “I’ve even been there lad.”

Twilight turned to the elderly Star Swirl “Only briefly here and there. Much of what Equestria is today came as a real shock.”

His younger self pointed to several models and drawings collected a table “And I’ve seen all these things. These things here are only plans and models of the real things of course.” With his magic he levitated one and poured hot water from the kettle into it “This for instance is a Steam Locomotive.” He put it down on the table pushed it. The model started to move by itself ejecting steam.

Bullion observed Star Swirl’s performance and the presentation of the model with wonder. Presently the model hit the cup and stopped. He picked it up and turned it around to watch it retreat and slowly run out of steam.

Star Swirl then put it back in it place “That won’t be invented for hundreds of years!”

“Wow! You mean you can see everything before it happens?”

“Yes!” He smiled with a large nod “Everything!”

Clover called over “Really? Everything Star Swirl?”

Star Swirl grumbled and shook his head “No, not everything.” He blurted out indigently, he glanced back to a stunned Bullion, “I admit I didn’t know whom to expect for tea.” He smiled and look up at the hole in the roof “But as you can see,” he chuckled “I figured the exact place.” Pointing his horn downwards he hit Bullion on the head.

Rubbing his hoof on the sore spot he smiled up at the wizard “You’re very clever sir.”

“Yes,” Star Swirl beamed before blinking and shaking his head “well, never mind the sir, just plain Star Swirl will do. Would you care for sugar?”

“Oh yes I would, please.”

Star Swirl smiled at the magic word and clapped his hoof “Alright, sugar! Sugar?”

The sugar bowl jumped, one of its handles detached and grabbed to nearby teaspoon.

Twilight suddenly got flashback to the tea with Discord soon after they freed him.

It then hopped to Star Swirl, but the wizard reprimanded it “Manners, manners, guests first, you know that!”

With a flip of its lid the pot quickly skipped the length of the table and quickly scooped the grains into the colt’s cup.

“Say when.” Star Swirl said.

After the fifth spoonful, Bullion said “When.”, the bowl jump and returned to Star Swirl.

Meanwhile the wizard went to one of the many bookcases and picked out a few books “Have you had any schooling?”

Half-way through a biscuit Bullion nodded “Oh yes,” he jammed the other half into his already full mouth “I’m training to be a squire. I’m learning the rules of combat, and swordsmanship, and jousting and the Xenophon Art.”

Taking out another book Star Swirl nodded “Oh yes, I see, very good.” Then he blinked and realised what the colt meant “Oh no! No,” he trudged back to the table and began lecturing “I mean a real education, mathematics, history, biology, physics, chemistry, the languages.” He glanced down to the sugar bowl, which during this time, scooped a small mountain of sugar into the cup.

Star Swirl stopped his listing and blustered to piece “No, when! When! When! Blast it all WHEN!”

The sugar bowl jumped and scurried back to hide behind the teapot.

Star Swirl wiped the sugar away with his beard “Impudent piece of crockery.” He took a breath and address Bullion calmly “Lad,” he put the books down and lowered himself “you can’t…” he paused to look at empty space. Glancing up he charged his horn and the armchair waddled up behind him. He sat down and continued “You can’t grow up without a descent education.”

Bullion listened while experimenting with sugar bowl, and getting wacked with a spoon. “Oh, I suppose not sir, uh, Star Swirl.”

“So,” Star Swirl said opening one of the large tomes “I am going to be your tutor.”

Bullion blinked and jumped out of his chair “But I’ve got to get back to the castle!” he grabbed another biscuit “They’ll want me in the kitchen!”

Star Swirl got up and grabbed a nearby carpet bag “Very well, we’ll pack and be on our way.” He glanced back as Bullion reached the door “You watch this lad, you’ll like this.”

He opened the bag and scaled a stool. He took a breath and charged his horn, he spiralling his head around chanting “Higitus Figitus Zumbabazing.” He pushed his bread out of the way before rearing up and looking around the room “I want your attention everything!”, suddenly as commanded every object in the room turned to look at him. Bullion jumped at the skull of, something, right by his head.

“We’re packing to leave,” Star Swirl explained “come let’s go.”, on the sugar pot eagerly started hoping across the table toward the carpet bag, Swirl glared it “No, no not you. Book are always first you know.”

This made Twilight giggle.

Star Swirl start to sway his horn about and the books, on the shelf or staked in piles started flying and formed a line towards the bag as the wizard performed his spell “Hockety pockety wockety wack. Abracabra dabra nack. Shrink in size very small. We’ve got to save enough room for all. Higitus Figitus migitus mum. Prestidigitonium.”

Clover stood on a pile which start collapsing under her talons.

When the last of the books finished joining the line the crockery started flying off the table. The teapot knocked the lid off the sugar bowl. Bullion took it interested, then the pot came back and yanked it from his hooves. Speeding to the front the sugar pot wacked it spoon into the saucers and the teapot. Star Swirl caught this and paused the spell, causing a mid-air traffic jam. He galloped over and glared at the pot “See here sugar bowl you’re getting rough. That poor old tea set is crack enough.” He huffed and trotted back to the bag “Now alright let’s start again, uh let’s start a… oh, uh where was I lad?”

“Um, Hockety pockety?”

“Oh yes, yes, that’s right.” He charged his horn again and started become more animated despite his old age, thus making the spell work at a faster pace “Hockety pockety wockety wack. Odds and ends and bric-a-brac. Be with you in a moment son, packing’s almost done!”

Clover found it hard to flying with so many obstacles in her flight path. She went into her birdhouse to wait it out, until it joined the flow and began shrinking, she got out just in time and yelled at Star Swirl “You, bungling blockhead!”

Some of the large things in the room like the table, chairs, bed and even the fireplace start crowding around the wizards “Hey! Easy there! Yes you, go ahead. This is the best part now. Higitus Figitus migitus mum. Prestidigitonium. Higitus Figitus migitus mum. Prestidigitonium!” He almost shrieked the last part as the stool he stood on flew out from under his hooves cause him to fall over as the carpet bag snapped shut. Packing, done. He got up laughing triumphantly, which now echoed in the empty and cavernous room.

Bullion stared “What a way to pack!”

Star Swirl floated the bag onto his back “Well, now just a minute lad, how else would you get all this stuff into one suitcase? I’d like to know.”

On one of the attic beams Clover rolled her eyes.

Bullion then surprised her by proclaiming “I think it’s wonderful!”

Twilight smirked and turned to the beaming Senior Star Swirl “Unorthodox method I admit, but it would definitely if Rarity brings two dozen suitcases with her when we go somewhere. Hopefully Moonlight’s helped her further with losing that habit. Though I think Sunburst needs to learn it to.”

Flash Sentry nodded “That spell could also revolutionise the trade industries, tons of goods could be transported in a single crate or barrel.”, Twilight turned to him with a wide grin “Aw, you’re thinking smart Flash, I knew you had it in you.”, her husband blushed while Flash Magnus laughed.

The vision meanwhile played on.

As they clambered down the outside stairs Star Swirl turned to Bullion and addressed him sternly and pointed at the colt’s horn “Don’t you get any foolish ideas that magic will solve all your problems, because it won’t.”

“But sir, I don’t have any problems.”

“Oh par,” Star Swirl said reaching for the door “every-pony’s got problems, the world is full of problems.” He shut the door and locked it. As he turned his head jerks back and he found his beard stuck. “Oh, blast it all.” He put a hoof to the wall and levered himself out “There! You see what I mean.” His beard came out and wrapped around his head. He unwound himself and brushed the beard down, he glanced at a sniggering Bullion, “See, that’s the trouble with the world today.” He started trotting off and the other two followed the ranting wizard “Every-pony butting their heads against a brick wall, all muscle and no mentality!” He didn’t turn back but spoke to Bullion “Do you want to be all muscle and no brain?”

“I don’t have any muscle.”

Star Swirl stopped and glared at him “You don’t? Then how do you move about?”

“Well, I suppose I do have a little.”

The wizard nodded “There you see. That’s enough, now develop your brain, knowledge, wisdom, there’s the real power. Higher learning! That’s the thing.” They jumped a very narrow gorge and scrambled down a short cliff to a river, Star Swirl continuing as they went “So, first thing tomorrow morning we’ll start a full schedule. Eight hours a day.” He started jumping skipping stones “We’ll have six hours from schoolroom, a two for study period.”

Bullion stumbled behind him “But I don’t have the time! I have Page duties.”

“Page duties? Ha!” He started trudging up a hill “We’ll change all that. There’s got to be a shake up!”

Unsure Bullion simply agreed.

Star Swirl glanced back at him “How do you expect to amount to anything without an education? I’d like to know. Even in these bungling backward Medieval times you have got to know where you are going. Don’t you?” They reached the top.

“Yes sir.”

“Yes, so you must plan for the future lad. You’ve got to find a direction. And you…” he paused and glanced at the colt “Now by the by, what direction is that castle of yours?”

Bullion looked to the setting sun “I think it’s north.” He pointed back “The other way.”

“Oh!” he grumbled as Clover, perched on the tip of his hat started snickering. “Right we’d better get a move on, come on.”

As the two ran around the crest and started back down. The Timberwolf, crawled up to the top. Then saw them leaving. He fainted.

The ominous voice spoke again “It’s alright. I can think of other ways of changing the direction of things.”

The visions turned black as Twilight shivered again.

Star Swirl and Flash Magnus stood up. The wizard spoke first “I won’t fault Clover on accuracy, maybe she embellished somethings here and there. But, seeing that again jogged my memory. However, I don’t feel it necessary to relive these events.”

Magnus nodded “And I’m getting bored sitting in one place. I’ll see you later.” And the pair walked away.