• Published 30th Jan 2018
  • 796 Views, 6 Comments

Magical Shadowbolts - Clayton Harbaugh

The Shadowbolts get five of the Rainbooms geodes and get unique powers themselves, which they use for their own selfish purposes.

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Magical Shadowbolts

"Ten seconds left on the clock," the announcer yelled over the intercom, "it's currently a tie, one-to-one!"

"Come on, Rainbow," she told herself, "you can do this. Nine," she grabbed the ball, "Eight," she ran halfway down the field, "Seven," she passed it to another player, "Six," one of the Shadowbolts got it, "Five," she got to the center of the field, "Four," she got halfway to the Wondercolt's side, "Three," she kicked it, "Two," it got through the goal, and the scoreboard changed to two-to-one. "Nooooooo!" Rainbow yelled, as the buzzer went off, signifying the end of the game.

"The Wondercolts Win!" the announcer shouted, proudly, but Rainbow wasn't as happy.

Two hours earlier, at warm-up, Sour Sweet walked up to Rainbow Dash.

"Well, hello, there," Sour Sweet greeted, in her typical sarcastic voice.

"Hey, Sour Sweet," Rainbow responded, "here to see the team that'll beat you."

"O-o-oh no," Sour Sweet laughed, "I just thought I could do something to, raise the stakes, make things more interesting."

"Oh, yeah, what do you have in mind."

"How about me and my friends get the necklaces from your friends, except Sunset or Twilight, when we win."

"As if."

"But, in the off chance that you win, we may, make a video that praises you." Fluttershy, who was standing by waiting to cheer the Wondercolts on, overheard this.

"Um, I don't think this is the smartest-"

"DEAL!" Rainbow shouted, not giving Fluttershy the chance to finish.

"Oh, dear," Fluttershy whispered, worried.

In the present, Rainbow regretted that decision.

Later, the girls were walking through the streets of Canterlot City.

"Rainbow Dash, darling, how could you have betted our necklaces away?" Rarity asked.

"I knew I'd win," Rainbow defended. "I bet those dirty Shadowbolts cheated."

"O' Course they did," Applejack retorted, "because Lord knows ya' couldn't have possibly lost fair and square. The people goin' against ya' had to've been cheatin'."

"Exactly!" Rainbow interjected.

"Rainbow, you probably shouldn't have given our geodes away in a bet," Fluttershy whispered.

"I know, but don't worry, girls, I'll get our geodes back. Sunset, Twilight, and I will go to Crystal Prep Academy tomorrow to prove that they cheated. With that, they'll have to give us back our geodes," Rainbow explained.

"Until then, we should probably go home and get some sleep," Sunset ordered. Then, they all went their separate ways.

The next morning, Sour Sweet woke up, wearing the yellow necklace, as she heard someone banging on the door to wake her up.

"Sour Sweet, it's 8:00, first period starts in five minutes," Sugarcoat stated, in her usual monotone.

"Oh thank you, Sugarcoat, FOR WAKING ME UP THIS EARLY!" Sour Sweet yelled. All of a sudden, flames came off her hands and on her bed.

Meanwhile, at Rainbow's house, Rainbow woke up, and darted down the stairs to eat her breakfast, then got in her car and drove to school. Even without her super speed, she was able to get there fifteen minutes early. She then noticed Sunset and Twilight walking to the school, and Rainbow drove by them.

"Hey, girls, let's go to Crystal Prep now," Rainbow suggested.

"But what about class?" Twilight asked.

"Once we get there, we'll prove that the Shadowbolts cheated, then we'll get the geodes back, then I can superspeed us back before class even starts," Rainbow answered. Sunset and Twilight thought about it for a second, and then shrugged their shoulders.

"I don't see why not," Sunset responded, walking to Rainbow's vehicle.

"Sunset, don't you think this is a bad idea?" Twilight asked, nervously.

"Nonsense," Sunset assured her, "it's gonna work out. I promise."

"I wish I had your confidence in these situations," Twilight stated.

'Yuck,' Rainbow thought, hitting the gas and driving to Crystal Prep. Once they arrived, they noticed that one of the dorm rooms was on fire. "I'll race them out!" Rainbow yelled, before remembering, "except I can't, since I gave away my geode."

"Twilight and I didn't get rid of our's," Sunset responded, looking at Twilight. "Twilight, use you're telekinesis to lift us up to the room."

"I don't know if I can," Twilight doubted, "I've never carried myself and someone else to do something."

"Then just carry yourself," Sunset replied. "I believe in you." With that said, Twilight used her magic to fly herself to the dormitory. While up there, she noticed Sour Sweet, and reached out her hand.

"Grab on!" Twilight ordered.

"Yeah, right, like I'd ever accept help from you." Just then, a beam almost fell atop Sour Sweet's head, and she dodged it. "Okay, maybe just this once." Sour Sweet jumped out the window, and grabbed onto Twilight.

"Hang on, I have an idea." Twilight used her magic to cause the fire to die out, and then lowered herself to the ground, and Sour Sweet jumped down.

"Thank you or whatever," Sour Sweet thanked.

"You're welcome," Twilight responded.

"I can't believe that actually worked," Rainbow stated, bluntly, "I thought she'd slip up and they'd both die." Sunset hit Rainbow in the stomach. "Ow!"

"You did it!" Sunset congratulated. "I knew you could." Sunset then gave Twilight a hug, then she walked over to Sour Sweet.

"Did you cheat at yesterday's game?" Sunset asked.

"No," Sour Sweet retorted. "Not that Crystal Prep would need to cheat to beat you."

"We'll see about that." Sunset grabbed Sour Sweet's arm and let go. "Well, she's telling the truth. They won fair and square."

"Um, how did you know?" Sour Sweet asked.

"Oh, well, the geodes we gave you gives us special powers," Sunset explained.

"Uh, girls," Twilight responded.

"Yeah," they both said in unison.

"Maybe we should get back to class."

"Holy shit you're right." The three girls got in the car and drove back to school.

Later, after school, Rainbow Dash was outside of the soccer field, contemplating her mistake, and Fluttershy walked out to talk to her.

"Rainbow, are you okay?" she asked, sweetly.

"No," Rainbow answered, angrily, "I couldn't save the Crystal Prep girl from the fire, so Twilight had to, I was late to school today, and I may have given away the best thing that happened to this group all because of my stupid ego. Can you ever forgive me?"

"What's there to forgive? I mean, sure, you gave away priceless magical artifacts to other people, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. We managed to get by pretty well without magic, we can do it again."

Meanwhile, at Canterlot City First National Bank, the Shadowbolts were causing a muck, and they were using there newfound powers to rob it.

"Hurry up, Sugarcoat," Sunny Flare complained, "I can't keep these cameras and alarms from working much longer."

"I'm trying to hurry, but Titanium takes a while to freeze," Sugarcoat responded.

All of a sudden, Sunset and Twilight walked in.

"You two, what are you doing here?" Sour Sweet asked, angrily.

"We heard about a bank robbery and we decided to stop it," Sunset confidently answered.

"And what do you expect to do?" Sour Sweet retorted, then, she gestured to Indigo, who shot a lightning bolt at Twilight. Then, several cop cars came in, and attempted to arrest the Shadowbolts.

"Freeze," the cops shouted.

"As you wish," Sugarcoat retorted, freezing the cops in there tracks. Then, the Shadowbolts ran off.

Later, at a nearby warehouse, the Shadowbolts were experimenting with there powers.

"Aren't my powers so cool," Lemon Zest shouted. "I can listen to my music as loud as I want from anywhere without anyone else hearing!"

"Cool, now all we have to listen to is you're big mouth!" Sour Sweet retorted.

"You are rather annoying," Sugarcoat continued.

"Well it's not like my mistake got us caught by the police, Sunny Flare," Lemon defended.

"I tried," Sunny Flare argued. "You try controlling cameras and silent alarms all simultaneously!"

"Listen!" Sour Sweet interrupted. "The bank robbery was just to try out our powers and learn our limits, because now, we can get what we really want, revenge."

"On who, Twilight, Sunset," Lemon Zest started listing.

"On Abacus Cinch!" Sour Sweet exclaimed.

Meanwhile, at Canterlot City Hospital, Sunset was following Twilight, making sure she was okay.

"Please, help her, I don't know what I'll do without her, she's my best friend, I need her to be alive. Please, save her," Sunset begged the nurse.

"It's okay, deary, we'll take good care of her," the nurse assured Sunset, but she was still worried. Out of all of her friends, Twilight was really the only one who understood Sunset. They could study together, play chess, lament about past mistakes, bring each other up, stuff that Sunset simply couldn't do with the other girls. Sunset couldn't explain it, but she cared more deeply for Twilight than her other friends. Then, Rainbow Dash ran over.

"Is Twilight okay?" Rainbow asked.

"Is she okay?" Sunset repeated. "Let's think long and hard about this, since that is what it takes for you to know something. No! She's not okay! She just got electrocuted, you wanna know by who. Indigo Zap, one of the Crystal Prep girls you were stupid enough to give our geodes to. Why? Because you had to prove that you're so great at everything, because that's all you care about. Just go! I'm sure you have a class to fail or something."

"I-I'm sorry," Rainbow apologized. She than ran off, and Fluttershy walked over to Sunset.

"I hope that little rant made you feel better, so allow me to rant on you. Rainbow Dash knows she made a mistake, and I personally think you should be the last one to criticize others for making mistakes. I'm sorry for Twilight, and I truly hope she gets out alright, but this isn't Rainbow's fault. Should she have given up the geodes? No, but it's not her fault what the Shadowbolts use them for. Now you better go down and apologize, or you could say goodbye to me, Rainbow Dash, and all of your other friends who have been so nice to forgive you for you're mistakes, because you clearly aren't intent on returning the favor." Fluttershy walked away, and Sunset, having realized what she has done, went downstairs to apologize to Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash, wait up!" Sunset called out, and Rainbow turned around.

"What, just gonna yell at me again?" Rainbow asked viciously.

"I'm sorry," Sunset apologized. "I was angry about what happened to Twilight, and I blamed you. The truth is, it wasn't you're fault that she got electrocuted, it was Indigo's."

"But you were right," Rainbow replied. "I gave them away. It's not my fault that they hurt people, but it's my fault they had the power to."

"Then let's go," Sunset responded. "Let's go and get the geodes back."

"But I'm not any good without my super speed. I'm not smart, I'm not strong, I'm just, Rainbow."

"I'm gonna need you. I don't know how to fight, I just know how to manipulate people. I'll need you're help. At the very least, you could drive me." Then, the girls noticed police sirens going off outside. When they looked, they noticed they were headed for Crystal Prep Academy.

"Let's go." The girls said in unison.

Meanwhile, at CPA, Abacus Cinch was running from the Shadowbolts, who were chasing her down, trying to knock her out. They had managed to kidnap her, but she got out of their grips while they were at the school, thanks to Lemon Zest, and was trying to get away.

"I can't believe you let her get out," Sour Sweet yelled.

"I'm sorry, my favorite song was on, what was I supposed to do?" Lemon Zest asked.

"Actually do you're job," Sugarcoat retorted. Then, the girls stopped. In front of them, was Sunset Shimmer.

"What are you doing here?" Sour Sweet inquired.

"I'm here to make sure you don't hurt anyone anymore," Sunset Shimmer answered.

"Oh, you mean like your girlfriend," Sour Sweet teased. Sunset Shimmer got angry at the mention of Twilight Sparkle's condition.

"You'll pay for that in due time," Sunset replied.

"You sound like a cheesy cartoon superhero," Sour Sweet taunted. "Now if you excuse me, I have some vengeance to enact."

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that," Sunset Shimmer responded.

"Oh, and what, pray tell, are you going to do about it?" Sour Sweet asked.

"Oh, me, nothing, but my friend might have something to do," Sunset explained. Then, Rainbow jumped out, and fought the three girls. Afterwards, she took the necklaces from the girls.

"So that covers Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy, now just need to get my geode and Rarity's back," Rainbow exclaimed.

"Not to mention save Cinch from a possibly horrible demise," Sunset reminded her.

"Oh, yeah, that too," Rainbow responded, going off.

After everything was done, the Shadowbolts were arrested by the Canterlot City Police, and Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie all ran up.

"Oh, darlings, is everything alright?" Rarity asked, sympathetically.

"Yeah," Sunset answered.

"We got the geodes back," Rainbow exclaimed, giving the girls their respective geodes. "Thank God I have my super speed back, I don't know what I would've done without it."

"It seems to me it's pretty obvious what you would've done," Sunset responded.

"What are you talking about?" Rainbow wondered.

"You saved a woman's life, and put five super villains behind bars without any powers, and all I did to help was distract them, that was all you," Sunset answered.

"Speaking of which, who wants to celebrate with an awesome party at my house?" Pinkie asked.

"Sure thing, I just need to visit someone first," Sunset answered, walking off.

She arrived at the hospital, holding a bouquet of roses, and walked into Twilight's room, knocking on the door.

"Can I come in?" Sunset asked, as Twilight looked up.

"Yeah, Sunset, come in," Twilight answered, and Sunset walked in, handing her the bouquet.

"I brought you some flowers," Sunset stated, as Twilight just laughed, but Sunset sighed.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"It's just, I was legitimately worried about you. I thought something bad was going to happen to you. I just, realized that I don't like seeing you hurt," Sunset explained.

"It's okay, I'm fine, really." Twilight reassured her. "Were you really worried about me?"

"Yeah, I actually took it out on Rainbow, very harshly, but I made amends, and we even got the geodes back from the CPA girls."

"Sounds like you didn't need me."

"Of course I need you. If there's anything I learned from this whole ordeal, it's that I need you more than anything."

"You need me."

"I meant 'we', the girls, you know what I meant." Sunset then got up, and walked for the door.

"Wait, I didn't thank you for the flowers, or the support you gave me back during the fire."

"It was nothing," Sunset finished, walking off, before stopping, looking back, and running over to kiss Twilight.

The end

Comments ( 6 )

Way too short and rushed and Fluttershy a hypcrite!

She conveintly forgot all the times theyr eminded Sunset of ehr mistakes and say No Offense!

Thank you for you're feedback.

That was pretty weird...
Like diablo4000 said, it was very short and thus, very rushed. Which is a shame because the concept could have become a whole story with multiple chapters and I would have loved to read that.

But I actually liked it! It's weird in a good way.
I could have done without the drama though. It clashed with the obvious comedic, not so serious tone.
And it could use a clear line break, some ... or a horisontal line to signify when there's jumps in time. It'll be easer to read that way.

I wonder what would actually happen if someone else put the geodes on?

I feel like both fluttershy and sunset were hypocrites.

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