• Published 24th Dec 2017
  • 14,197 Views, 9 Comments

Friendship Games: Another Story - ArcanaMaverick7

The Friendship Games between Canterlot High School and Crystal Prep Academy are almost ready when Fragment Hunter returns with a few guests. However, when Twilight Sparkle starts researching Canterlot High's recent magic, something else shows up too.

  • ...

Worlds of Remnant and Equestria

In the Canterlot High School gymnasium, Terracotta, Ivy, Aurora, Nocturne, and Fragment Hunter all gathered with the Rainbooms (minus Fluttershy) after Azalea called her team. "What happened earlier? I felt Azalea's fear, but it soon went away," Sunset Blaze questioned.

"Who knows, but she said that we were going tell Twilight about everything," Layla mentioned. "Does that include about Equestria and all the magic?"

"One way to find out," Rebecca said as she pointed to the doors. Soon, Azalea walked forward with Twilight and Spike following behind her. After they met up with the others, Rebecca spoke again. "Do you want to tell us what occurred after you went to find what you dropped," she asked Azalea.

Azalea nodded before she replied. "More Grimm showed up." Fragment Hunter was concerned before Azalea explained more. "Three types this time. A Beowolf, a Boarbatusk, and... a Lancer," she said with a gulp before saying the last Grimm's name.

Fragment Hunter and Azalea's parents were surprised to not only hear about the Grimm that came into this world, but also the last type of Grimm. "A Lancer?! That explains what I sensed," Sunset Blaze said as Layla, Ivy, and Slate all hugged Azalea. "How did you even get rid of it?"

"What's a Lancer," Rarity asked in concern as she saw the reactions of the others when Azalea explained.

"Big wasp Grimm about the same size as a regular human," Slate told the others. "They tend to swarm in groups near the floating islands of Lake Matsu in Anima and attack airships."

"If it was just one of them, then why was Lea so scared," Rainbow Dash asked.

"You try getting nearly stung to death by regular insects called 'Rapier Wasps' when you're four and not develop a fear of stinging bugs," Azalea stated. The Rainbooms all shuddered at the name of the insect and completely understood why a giant Grimm insect would freak Azalea out.

"But, how did you beat it," Silver asked.

"I didn't," Azalea said before placing her fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly. Soon, the doors burst open to reveal Fluttershy and a large shadow was soon seen covering Silver. He could only look up and process what was jumping at him before he had an expression that said 'Not again'. Everyone flinched as they saw a large dog land on Silver's back and force him to the ground. "Dante somehow showed up and fought the Lancer," Azalea said as she scratched her dog's back.

"And it seems that he's excited to see us as well," Silver said while muffled under the canine.

Twilight was confused as everyone talked about what Azalea told them. "Who are all of you," she asked the people in front of her.

Terracotta stepped forward and Twilight looked up at the man. "Vixen. Drop the illusions," Terra said to the Fox Faunus. With a snap of her fingers, her tail returned and Terracotta's horns appeared on his head. While Twilight saw the sudden appearance of the animal traits on Terracotta and Vixen, Silver revealed his own tail from under his jacket while Azalea and Ivy removed their bandannas to reveal their own smaller horns. "We are not from this world, Twilight Sparkle," Terra stated as he stepped back. "We come from a world that is similar to this one called 'Remnant'. Beings that exist in Remnant include humans, Faunus, and Grimm. If you wish to learn about anything involving Remnant, ask now and we will answer to the best of our abilities."

Twilight processed what she saw and what Terracotta said, but so many questions came rushing from her thoughts. "What's Remnant? What were those Grimm things? What are Faunus exactly? Why could that dog create barriers? How did Azalea fight those monsters?"

"Twilight, calm down. I'm sure that they need to answer things one at a time," Spike told Twilight and everyone was shocked to hear the smaller dog speaking.

"Oh, yeah. Spike can talk because of something that happened with Twilight's amulet," Azalea mentioned casually.

"I'm sure that we all have questions for each other," Sunset Shimmer stated.

"We'll start with what Remnant is like itself," Aurora said as Vixen used her Semblance to provide visual references for Twilight. "The world of Remnant has four Kingdoms that each have their own distinct cultures and religions. The Kingdoms of Vale and Vacuo are located on opposite ends of the largest continent, Sanus. Anima, the second largest continent of Remnant is the home of the Kingdom of Mistral. The Kingdom of Atlas is found at Remnant's northern-most continent, Solitas. The four used to be at war with Vacuo and Vale against Mistral and Atlas back when it was originally called 'Mantle'. Each Kingdom isn't perfect, but it's still home to whoever lives there."

"There are also villages and other settlements that can appear as quickly as they are lost because of bandits and Grimm, but we'll get to them later," Nocturne added. "For now, we should focus on what you would like to inquire us about," she said to Twilight.

Twilight was awestruck by what she was seeing as a large display of a map showed four spots highlighting certain points. A green symbol in the center, a blue one to the right, a white emblem on the top of the map, and an orange mark to the left of the center area. With so many questions, Twilight decided to focus on the most important one that was in her thoughts. "Those monsters... Grimm? What are they?"

Vixen used her illusions to create a false Beowolf in the center of the gymnasium while Terracotta began to explain the Creatures of Grimm to Twilight. "As long as humanity has walked Remnant, they remember the destructive and ravenous Creatures of Grimm. They are dark and soulless abominations that are said to have been created by a God of Darkness in an attempt to upstage his older brother, the God of Light. At least, that's only the story and religion of the Deity Brothers," Terra explained. "However, we do know that Grimm take on multiple types of forms. From Beowolves and Lancers, to more sinister and enormous forms like dragons and elephant-like Goliaths. No matter what they look like, Grimm are attracted to negative emotions and will destroy anything."

"When killed, the bodies of dead Grimm will evaporate. That makes it hard for scientists to study them," Lapis mentioned. "Anyways, younger Grimm start out reckless and just rush into battle. This makes them easy to read and are perfect for beginning Huntsmen who are training to fight them. But when they get older, they get smarter, grow armor, and develop a sense of self-preservation. That just makes them harder to fight, but we can handle them."

"Huntsmen," Twilight asked as she adjusted her glasses.

"Huntsmen and Huntresses are the best warriors in Remnant that are ranked higher than police and even the military in terms of strength and skill," Terracotta said. "The occupation was formed after the Great War in hopes of helping to train elite fighters to battle against Grimm and protect civilians. Each Kingdom has a special school to train Huntsmen with Shade Academy in Vacuo, Atlas Academy in Atlas, Haven Academy in Mistral, and Beacon Academy in Vale where we all came from."

"Huntsmen and Huntresses have access to a manifestation of their souls called 'Aura' that allows them to last through intense battles by blocking attacks and healing wounds," Sunset Blaze continued. "With enough training or certain situations, a Huntsman's Aura can unlock into a unique ability called a 'Semblance'. Even animals have Aura and can be trained to use a Semblance like Dante's force fields," Blaze stated as she gestured to the dog being pet by Fluttershy. "However, Aura defenses have their limits and using a Semblance can use up your Aura as well."

"Everyone of us has a unique Semblance," Rua explained as she teleported around the gym with her own Semblance. "I can teleport, Azalea can turn invisible, our Sunset can read minds and a bunch of other cool stuff, Slate can manipulate luck, Lapis has a sonic scream, you're seeing Vixen's illusions, and we have friends that can move at super speed and increase their strength."

"Wow," Twilight said as she heard everything the others told her. "What about... 'Faunus', was it?"

"You see, Faunus are like humans except that they have a single animal trait such as monkey tails, cat ears, bull horns, or even a few different ones like lizard scales, fins on their arms and legs, or even wings," Ivy explained. "Biologically speaking, humans and Faunus are compatible together, meaning that children from Faunus relationships have some unique instances. If two Bovine Faunus such as me and my husband were to have children, they would be like us," Ivy said as she slunk next to Terracotta and place her hand on his chest while looking at Azalea. "If a human and a Faunus were to give birth, there's a chance that the baby might have traits similar to the Faunus parent. But two different Faunus types starting a family means that its all up to chance. A child born from Wolf Faunus and a Dove Faunus could have either be one of their parents are even some other type like a Chameleon Faunus."

"That's very confusing in terms of genetics," Twilight commented.

"So would naturally purple hair," Rua mentioned. "But we have several examples of that right in this room."

"Anyway, the main thing about the Faunus species in Remnant is that humanity doesn't really get along with them much," Terracotta said as he crossed his arms. "If you were walking through a dark forest and encountered somebody that looked like a regular person with fangs or claws, I'm pretty sure you would be as scared of anybody else. Faunus were and still are discriminated in Remnant, just not to the same extent as in the past. While Grimm attacks on villages that Faunus helped humans with and efforts during the Great War helped mankind see that the Faunus weren't all bad, people who were still wary continued to treat them like second-class citizens."

"Eventually, a civil rights group called the White Fang was formed and they tried to bring a new age of peace among Faunus and humanity," Silver explained to Twilight. "Not only that, but after the Faunus were given a new place to call home in Menagerie, they decided to turn the small areas that they could live into safe havens for any Faunus to live a peaceful life."

"This is all amazing," Twilight said as she listened to the lessons about Remnant she was told. "But, why are you all here then? How did you get here," she asked.

"To explain that, we need to talk about these girls," Azalea said as she pointed to the Rainbooms. "Most of them are from here, but Sunset Shimmer comes from another world separate from Remnant."

"What do you mean," Twilight asked as Sunset Shimmer stepped forward.

"You see, I'm not originally human," Shimmer explained. "I come from a realm called 'Equestria' that's inhabited by magical ponies."

Twilight just stared at Sunset like she was crazy and raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Really?"

"Trust us. She's not lying," Celadon stated. "One, our Sunset's abilities allowed her to see her memories and confirm it. Two, we cannot make this up. And we come from a world where there are giant ravens that can shoot their feathers like darts at you."

Twilight decided to let Sunset Shimmer continue explaining despite her skepticism about it. "There are four different types of ponies that inhabit the main territories of Equestria. Earth Ponies that have magic that gives them increased strength and a connection to the land, Pegasus Ponies that can fly and manipulate the weather by moving clouds around physically, Unicorns that can use their magic in a variety of ways by casting spells from their horns, and Alicorns have traits of all three of the other ponies along with their own unique magic," Sunset Shimmer explained.

"If we were to go to Equestria, what kind of pony would we become," Lapis asked. "I bet that I would be a Unicorn."

"Same here," Celadon, Vinyl, Layla, and Cereza commented.

"I'd probably be a Unicorn or Pegasus," Sunset Blaze thought aloud.

"How would it affect Faunus," Rebecca asked as she looked at the the Holstein Family, Silver, and Vixen. The Faunus all just shrugged their shoulders in confusion as they couldn't answer.

Sunset Shimmer cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. "I was a Unicorn back in Equestria who studied under one of the Princesses as her personal student. During my lessons, I was getting impatient that I wasn't getting what I wanted and soon ran away through a magic mirror that acted as a portal to this world," Sunset explained. "After getting used to this world, I soon returned to Equestria to bring a powerful magic artifact here and ended up bringing magic to this world. However, it didn't work the way I wanted and everything went out of control. After another Princess from Equestria came here to retrieve the artifact, the six of us gained magic from Equestria that lets us transform."

"A while after that, the portal that brought the Princess here ended up doing the same for us and we had to help the Rainbooms deal with a magical threat that was banished to this world," Sunset Blaze explained. "When we helped battle them, we ended up getting enough magic from the fight to transport ourselves to and from this world. We came here for a visit when we heard about the Friendship Games and wanted to compete. However, the magic that lets the Rainbooms transform is acting up in ways that we don't understand yet."

"All I did was let Twilight hold Angel and then I ponied up," Fluttershy told her friends.

"This doesn't make sense," Sunset Shimmer said as she heard about Fluttershy's transformation. "Rarity's magic came out when she made us outfits. Pinkie's when she fixed the party and now Fluttershy," Shimmer listed as she was continuing to get stressed out over the answers she couldn't find.

"And then Twilight's pendant thingy just pulled the magic right out of me. I could barely stand up when those Grimm appeared," Fluttershy explained. "Good thing that Azalea and Dante were able to help."

"I felt weaker after I ponied up at the party," Pinkie Pie said as she recalled earlier.

"So did I just before we met with Twilight in the band room," Rarity mentioned as everyone turned to Twilight and her amulet.

"So, you're stealing magic," Sunset Shimmer asked Twilight as she looked at the pendant.

"I don't think so," Azalea said. "It kind of acted on its own when Fluttershy's magic was being drained. Sci-Twi didn't even touch it before it opened up."

"I have no clue why it's doing these things," Twilight said to everyone.

"This is just getting confusing," Silver stated as he scratched the back of his head. "Maybe if we take a break from it and come back later? Always helps with Oobleck's history class homework."

"Good idea," Terracotta voiced. "Besides, the next event is in a few minutes and you'll all need to get ready."

"What is it anyway," Rainbow Dash asked as she looked at Terracotta.

"I'm not going to give it away that easily," Terra said as Vixen used her illusions her to hide her tail and Terracotta's horns while the other Faunus hid their traits under their clothes. "I will tell you one thing though," Terracotta said as he opened the doors to the gym. "You'll be in here for it. So don't go. Come on, Dante," Terra said and the dog obeyed, following his master out of the gym.

Author's Note:

Now just because Twilight now knows about the magic, it doesn't mean I'm not going to include Sunset Shimmer's outburst about Twilight's device nearly putting her friends in danger. That will still be added, but we're not at the Tri-Cross Relay yet. That will be Event 3 in the story while this one is something that I struggled to come up with before, but eventually came up with another idea. Hope you'll like it.